MLE 500 Shadow Study Observation

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Rubric for Shadow Study: Attach to final study. Use 12pt. and APA format. Include a Resource List.

Required Components Standard 1. Young Adolescent Development Middle level teacher candidates understand the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to young adolescent development, and they provide opportunities that support student development and learning. Unacceptable The critical reflection lacks a connection with young adolescent concerns; candidates knowledge of young adolescent development is not shown; no commentary is present regarding implications on teaching and learning. The introduction describes the middle school for the observation using the following: mission, vision, team structure, advisory, core and encore classes, schedule and demographics. (See the school website and state report card.) Acceptable The critical reflection represents a clear understanding of young adolescent development; the reflection links observations to young adolescent developmental concerns and often connects to teaching and learning. Target The critical reflection shows an understanding of the major concepts, principles, theories and research related to adolescent development; candidate recognizes the range of individual differences which exists among all young adolescents and considers the implications for teaching and learning. The introduction describes the middle school for the observation using the following: mission, vision, team structure, advisory, core and encore classes, and schedule. The school evaluated as a middle school using Turning Points with specific references to practices seen. (See the school website and state report card.) The critical reflection shows a focus on observed diversity of young adolescents; the candidate demonstrates an understanding of the diversity in young adolescent needs. Includes at least 5 APA citations that connect to research. Comments

Standard 2. Middle Level Philosophy and School Organization Middle level teacher candidates understand the major concepts, principles, theories, and research underlying the philosophical foundations of developmentally responsive middle level programs and schools, and they work successfully within these organizational components. Standard 5. Middle Level Instruction and Assessment Middle level teacher candidates understand and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to effective instruction and assessment, and they employ a variety of strategies for a developmentally appropriate climate to meet the varying abilities and learning styles and needs of all young adolescents.

The introduction describes the middle school for the observation using the following: mission, vision, team structure, advisory, core and encore classes, and schedule. The school evaluated as a middle school using Turning Points. (See the school website and state report card.)

The critical reflection lacks a focus on observed diversity of young adolescents; the candidate does not demonstrate an understanding of the diversity in young adolescent needs. Includes no citations within the critical reflection.

The critical reflection shows some focus on observed diversity of young adolescents; the candidate demonstrates an understanding of the diversity in young adolescent needs. Includes at least 3 APA citations that connect to research.

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