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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2005-6
Foreword by Gerry Sutcliffe MP

Making our communities safer undertaken by the probation, lay advisers, and will report around
and reducing re-offending is our police and prison services, as well the end of the year.
highest priority and one of our as by those other agencies that
Finally, in commending this
biggest challenges. That is why contribute to the assessment and
report to you, I want to take the
the work undertaken through these management of offenders. The
opportunity to thank all those
multi-agency public protection publication of MAPPA Business
involved locally in working with
arrangements (MAPPA) is so Plans by each Area in this year’s
sexual and violent offenders, or in
important. The supervision and annual reports offers a helpful and
ensuring that these arrangements
management of sexual and violent necessary programme of local
are fit for purpose. Where MAPPA
offenders who pose the highest development and review and must
is working well it is based on
risk of serious harm, whether in lead to enhanced practice. It will
maintaining high professional
the community or in custody, is be essential that this progress is
standards and effective multi-
complex and challenging; and is transparent and shared with local
agency collaboration in the delivery
an aspect of public service where communities.
of robust risk management plans.
the public rightly expects all
In addition to this, however, it is While it is not possible to eliminate
reasonable action to be taken.
important that no opportunity risk entirely, where all reasonable
Although we have made significant is missed to consider other action is taken the risk of further
progress in the last five years measures that will further enhance serious harm can be reduced to a
with the development of MAPPA public safety. That is why we minimum and fewer victims will be
across England and Wales, the are undertaking the Child Sex exposed to repeat offending.
review this year of a number of Offender Review, to look at how
tragic incidents where people have a particular group of offenders,
been murdered or seriously injured who provoke anxiety for many, are Gerry Sutcliffe MP
reminded us of the importance of best managed in the community. Parliamentary Under Secretary
reviewing performance, improving The review is consulting a wide of State for Criminal Justice and
practice and learning lessons. range of practitioners and key Offender Management
It is vital that these tasks are stakeholders including the MAPPA
We are pleased to present the fifth social services, health, housing and for a glimpse at the otherwise
Annual Report about the work of the Youth Offending Service. un-publicised side of MAPPA. An
Devon & Cornwall’s Multi-Agency immense amount of co-operative
Public Protection remains an
Public Protection Arrangements work is undertaken by the agencies
immensely challenging area of
(MAPPA). This report offers our local involved, in order to reduce risk to
work and we acknowledge the
communities a unique insight into the public. We hope that this report
enthusiasm and commitment of
how the management of dangerous will enlighten as well as reassure.
professionals and volunteers across
offenders is carried out to ensure
a wide range of disciplines who work We commend this report to you
their safety.
together in ensuring public safety. with our continued commitment
It reflects the combined activities of to further strengthening the public
There is increasing public and media
the ‘Responsible Authority’ – Police, protection arrangements that
scrutiny of Public Protection issues
Probation and the Prison Service, safeguard the public of Devon and
and this report offers an opportunity
and our partners such as education, Cornwall.

Nigel Arnold Mary Anne McFarlane

Chief Constable Chief Officer
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary Devon and Cornwall Probation Area

Alan Scott
HMP Regional Manager
(South West)
What is MAPPA?
MAPPA stands for Multi Agency Who are MAPPA offenders? How are they managed?
Public Protection Arrangements.
Effective multi-agency public In Devon and Cornwall, all offenders
The MAPPA grew out of the closer protection needs efficient falling under the MAPPA are
working relationship between identification of relevant offenders. assessed to determine the levels
the police and probation (and of risk they pose to the public. This
increasingly other agencies) in the There are principally three assessment is carried out primarily
late 1990s. categories of offender who fall by staff from the probation area
within the MAPPA: and the police, sometimes jointly.
The Criminal Justice and Court Validated methods of assessment
Services Act 2000 placed a legal Category 1 are used alongside professional
requirement on all areas to establish judgement to determine those
Multi Agency Public Protection Registered sex offenders (RSOs),
offenders who form part of the
Panels (MAPPP’s) in order to that is those sexual offenders
‘critical few’ seen as posing a
assess and manage offenders who required to register under the terms
very high risk of harm and those
pose a high risk of serious harm to of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
who, although not in the highest
the public. Police and Probation (Which replaced the Sex Offender
category, still pose a high risk of
were defined as the Responsible Act 1997);
causing harm to the public
Authority required to lead on this.
Category 2 A three-tier system is used for
The Criminal Justice Act 2003 dealing with offenders. The purpose
has re-enacted and strengthened Violent offenders and those sexual
of the three tier system is to ensure
the MAPPA legislation, engaging offenders who are not required to
that the most high risk of harm
the Prison Service as part of the register; and,
offenders receive the greatest
Responsible Authority and placing degree of scrutiny and oversight.
a Duty to Co-operate with MAPPA Category 3
on a range of other agencies and The three tiers are:
Any other offender who, because
organisations. of the offences committed by • Level 1:
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 them (wherever they have been
Where the risks posed by offenders
overhauls the many antiquated committed) are considered to
can be managed primarily by one
sexual offences and plugs pose a risk of serious harm to the
agency (usually police, probation
loopholes in the law. In updating public. Offenders must have been
or Prison Service) without actively
sexual offences, it strengthens the convicted of an offence which
or significantly involving other
law on rape and on sex offences indicates a capability of causing
against children. The Sexual serious harm to the public AND
Offences Act also strengthens the the responsible authority must • Level 2:
sex offenders register, which has reasonably consider that he/she Local inter-agency risk management
proved a valuable means by which may cause serious harm to the – Where there is ‘active
the police can monitor convicted public. involvement’ of more than one
sex offenders within their area, also Offenders from category 1 and 2 agency in risk management plans,
introduced were new civil orders to who still pose a risk at the point either because of a higher level of
help prevent further offences from they leave the MAPPA (i.e. at the risk or because of the complexity of
being committed. end of registration), can be included managing the offender.
under category 3.
What is MAPPA?

• Level 3: Multi Agency The prison service, education, Do victims have direct
Public Protection Panel health and other professionals access to MAPPP’s?
(MAPPP): attend as appropriate to the
individual cases under discussion No - the meeting itself is confined to
Where offenders, assessed as representatives from agencies and
Very High risk, often referred to organisations involved in MAPPA.
as ‘the critical few’, are assessed,
What can a MAPPP do?
However, the views and concerns
managed and reviewed at a senior A panel can advise particular of victims are crucial in helping
level by all the agencies that play a agencies of action they might take the agencies decide on the most
part in MAPPA. to improve public protection and appropriate strategies for managing
effectively manage risk in individual individual offenders, and depending
What are MAPPP’s? cases. on the circumstances of the case,
A Multi Agency Public Protection one or more of the MAPPA agencies
Usually the agencies present will
Panel is a regular meeting of – eg; Social Services, NSPCC,
agree a range of measures, which
agencies concerned with the Probation, Police- will be able to
collectively form a public protection
management of registered sex represent the interests of victims
offenders, violent offenders, and and to make their views known.
other offenders who present the This might include, for example,
highest levels of risk. restrictions or controlling measures, Do offenders attend
accommodation, supervision or MAPPP’s?
The purpose of the meeting is to treatment requirements, sharing of
enable information to be shared No – again, the meeting itself
information, advice to the offender
between the agencies so that the involves only the MAPPA agencies.
or potential victims or co-ordination
best possible assessment of risk Offenders’ views will usually be
of contact arrangements.
can be made in respect of these known by police and/or probation.
offenders. In addition, the police will discuss They are informed that they are
applications for Sexual Offences being managed through a multi
An agreed risk management plan is Prevention Orders (SOPO’s) with agency process, and key decisions
then developed for each offender the panel. Panels are also the forum about managing the risk they pose
based on their risk assessment for considering any form of public will usually be passed on to them
disclosure. by their probation officer or the
Who sits on MAPPP’s? police offender manager, unless this

MAPPPs in this area are chaired

What about confidentiality? information is sensitive and needs
to be kept confidential in order to
by the MAPPA Manager, who is Information shared at MAPPPs protect known victims or the public
a Senior Probation Officer. The is confidential to the agencies at large.
MAPPA co-ordinator assists the represented and will only be used
MAPPP, recording the actions that as agreed for the protection of the
form part of the public protection public.
plan. The core members of the
panel are the police, probation Each agency represented is
service, social services and responsible for ensuring the
housing. information and documentation are
handled and stored securely.
Local developments in 2005 – 06

• MAPPA Business Plan police stations register their to the Head Teachers of schools in
addresses, and for recording details the locality of the hostels, to ensure
Following guidance received from
of home visits undertaken by police. that they are aware of the aims and
the Responsible Authority National
objectives of the hostels, should
Steering Group a local MAPPA The database is a vital tool for
they receive any concerns from
Business plan is being developed by protecting the public. All core users
the Strategic Management Board. of the system have been trained in
This is covered in more detail within its use and a dedicated Systems Andy Cookson, Hostels
the SMB section of this report. Administrator is in post. Two further manager said, “An
posts within the Public Protection approved premise (hostel) is
• Violent and Sex Offender
Unit have been filled to assist in the not just somewhere to live. It
Register (ViSOR)
development of this important area is a structured and supportive
The computer application of work, and the efficient use of environment where residents
ViSOR (Violent and Sex Offender ViSOR as a research and pro-active have the opportunity to rebuild
Register), developed by PITO tool in the management of violent their lives whilst under close
(Police Information Technology and sexual offenders. supervision.”
Organisation) to assist in the
monitoring and management • Approved Premises
of sexual and violent offenders
• HM Prison Service
There are two Home Office
went fully operational in Devon Approved Probation Hostels in In April 2004 the Prison Service
& Cornwall Constabulary on 3rd the Devon and Cornwall Probation joined the Police and Probation
October 2005. Area, Lawson House in Plymouth as the third member of the
and Meneghy House in Camborne. Responsible Authority. The Prison
Once fully implemented ViSOR Service contribute to the MAPPA
Hostels help Probation and other
will allow all information regarding at two key levels, joining the
criminal. justice agencies to protect
dangerous and sexual offenders Strategic Management Board but
the public and reduce re-offending.
to be shared nationally between also providing important continuity
The Hostels are staffed at all times
Police, Probation and the Prison between the management of
and Hostel residents must abide
Service. This information will be offenders in prison and the
by a strict set of rules. Failure to
available 24 hours a day, 365 days a community. The Prison Service will
comply results in enforcement
year. It is anticipated that ViSOR will ensure that prisoners subject to
action being taken.
begin to be rolled out to Probation MAPPA are identified as early as
and the Prison Service this year. Information about the Hostels has possible within their sentence and
been made available in leaflet form referred to the MAPPA co-ordination
ViSOR is now fully populated with
to people who live in the vicinity of process. A risk assessment tool
details of all the Registered Sex
the Hostels and copies have been is used to assess initial and
Offenders in Devon & Cornwall
sent to local Libraries. In addition subsequent assessments of risk
together with all MAPPA level
community stakeholder groups of harm to others. Prisons will also
3 offenders. All records are
exist around the Hostels, and provide information about release
maintained to a corporate standard
meetings involving representatives dates and, where relevant, about
and the database has already
from the local communities are held an offender’s behaviour in prison
proven itself as an effective means
on a regular basis. Following these to ensure that the MAPPA risk
to transfer information on these
meetings Press briefings are issued, assessment process is informed
individuals between police forces.
to further inform the general public about factors relating to risk.
ViSOR is now being used as a about the work of the Hostels. Officers of appropriate grades will
recording medium through which also contribute to the development
Information about the Hostels has
Registered Sex Offenders, via of risk management plans and
also been communicated directly
personal attendance at prescribed attend MAPPA panels.
Local developments in 2005 – 06
During 2005 HM Prison Service, • The co-located joint police and of ‘MAPPA Improvement and
South West Area, produced a probation teams sited within Development Team’ (MIDT).
‘Statement of Commitment’ to each Basic Command Unit.
The MIDT is now chaired by a
the Devon and Cornwall MAPPA,
• The innovative work to identify Detective Superintendent, who
this document sets out how the
potentially dangerous offenders. will ensure that the strengths and
Prison Service will engage with its
learning points coming out of the
partners in the practical delivery
Examples of areas for consideration review will continue to be used to
and development of MAPPA.
were: help us develop, not only our own
• MAPPA Improvement and practices, but potentially those
Development Team • To improve the quality of and within other areas as well.
timeliness of risk of harm
In the 2004/2005 Annual report we • Lay Advisers
advised you that in March 2005 the
• To improve the understanding In January 2005 as a part of the
Police and Probation services in
of MAPPA issues amongst field nation-wide appointment of Lay
Devon and Cornwall were visited
officers. Advisers to every ‘Responsible
and reviewed by staff from HM
Authority’ for the MAPPA, in the 42
Inspectorate of Constabulary and • To review the current levels of Areas of England and Wales, Devon
HM Inspectorate of Probation. This supervision of officers engaged and Cornwall MAPPA inducted
Area was one of five Areas chosen in public protection work. two members of the public to act
from across the country. The purpose
as ‘Lay Advisers’ to the MAPPA
of the review being to analyse and
To respond to ‘the areas for Strategic Management Board. This
assess the progress, quality and
consideration’ the Strategic was a requirement of Section 326(3)
effectiveness of the implementation of
Management Board commissioned of the Criminal Justice Act 2003.
MAPPA and interventions used by the
Police and National Probation Service a ‘project improvement team,’
The Lay Advisers play an important
in relation to the joint management of chaired by an Assistant Chief
part in the review and monitoring
sex offenders in our community. Probation Officer, to formulate
of the MAPPA, and as such
action plans in order to seek
offer significant benefit to the
Initial feedback from the review resolution to some of the issues
Responsible Authority in reflecting
team was received under headings raised by the Inspectorate team.
the views of ordinary members of
of ‘strengths,’ ‘good practice’ and
The majority of the initial ‘areas for the public in respect of sensitive
‘areas for consideration.’
consideration’ raised by the Joint public protection issues
Examples of strengths and good Inspectorate team have now been
The value of the ‘Lay Advisers’ role
practice identified by the Inspection addressed, with progress reports
is essentially twofold. First, they
were: being submitted to the Strategic
represent a community interest
Management Board.
• The strong working relationship in public protection. This does
displayed between police and The full report of the HMI’s was not mean that the Lay Advisers
probation. subsequently made available to our represent the public in the way, for
area in December 2005. example, that local councillors do:
• The dedicated MAPPA Manager
Lay Advisers cannot ‘report’ to the
and Co-ordinator. As a result, the full set of local community independently
• Strong police policy, with recommendations detailed or canvass views in the way
associated guidance. within the full report have been that elected representatives do.
identified, and in response the Secondly, their value lies in what
• The resources allocated to the
‘project improvement team’ has they bring to the Responsible
Headquarters Public Protection
been strengthened to include multi Authority, which is essentially a
agency partners under the banner
Local developments in 2005 – 06
different perspective from that of training was to: continued to evolve and included
the professional interests in the the following serials:
• Provide an opportunity for Lay
Advisers to meet colleagues • Visit to HMP Channings Wood.
The Lay Advisers, are not paid, they from other areas and reflect on
• Regular attendance at the SMB.
attend at least four meetings of their role and experience.
the Strategic Management Board • MAPPA Development Day
• Receive additional input on
a year. They are not expected to sponsored by the NPS.
operational and strategic issues
become involved in the monitoring • 2005 Annual Report Press
provided by the organisers and
of dangerous offenders. Instead Release
colleagues from the Responsible
their role is to observe and question
Authority. • MAPPP Level 3 Meetings.
the arrangements for managing
such people in the community - to • Consider how SMBs can • MAPPA Level 3 File Audit.
be “critical friends”. best communicate with local
In our opinion, being allowed to
communities about MAPPA.
observe and/or participate at Level
• A message from the 3 plays a crucial part in reassuring
For both of us, it was an extremely us that all agencies held public
Devon and Cornwall
rewarding and informative training concerns at the top of the agenda.
MAPPA Lay Advisers
weekend, covering a variety of Most importantly, participants
public protection issues, including were willing to make defensible
Introduction national developments, the decisions and be accountable
This is our second contribution to accommodation of sexual and for their actions. Here are some
the Annual MAPPA Report since violent offenders, victim support, observations that we recorded
being appointed in January 2005. domestic abuse, defensibility and during the MAPPP meetings and
We concluded last year’s report by serious further offending. File Audit:
stating that….“The true worth of our
We particularly appreciated • ‘A genuine desire for public
role …. is unlikely to be revealed for
discussing the views and protection was apparent in
at least another year. We consider
aspirations of fellow Lay Advisers all cases yet the rights of the
continuation training to be vital even
but it was disappointing to note that individual offenders were also
when our posts have been fully
the range and quality of regional observed’.
established”. In this short article
training was very inconsistent. We
we will examine the accuracy of • ‘My overall impression was that
raised this issue in the 2005 report
that statement, comment on the the Level 3 Panel meeting is
and a national ‘best practice’
extent to which our initial concerns clearly an essential part of the
model is still awaited. We did
have been allayed and summarise MAPPA process and it requires a
also observe however, that most
what national and local training full contribution from all agencies
SMBs acknowledged the merits
we have been involved in. We will involved. Disagreements were
of lay involvement and were very
also consider how Lay Adviser handled in a professional manner
involvement in the MAPPA process allowing all parties to make
can be further developed. Local training and equal contribution and have
National training involvement ‘their say’.Clear conclusions
We are pleased to report that since were reached and appropriate
Earlier this year we were invited to follow on actions made’.
June 2005, the Lay Advisers from
our second National Lay Adviser
Training Module and attended • ‘My recent attendance at the
Devon and Cornwall have been full
separate weekends in Bristol and Level 3 meeting has crystallised
and active members of the SMB.
Croydon. The purpose of the the MAPPA process for me and
Our training and lay involvement
in many ways has been the
Local developments in 2005 – 06
climax of my involvement over current and future MAPPA policy, we quantify the broader value of
the last year’. strategic planning, learning from the lay adviser? There is certainly
inspections and how Circles of further work to be done in achieving
• ‘The audit helped to develop
Support and Accountability can full agency collaboration during the
a best practice model by
support the management of high- SMB meetings. We feel that these
focussing on suggested
risk offenders in the community. issues merit further development.
assessment tools. This is likely
to be a long process’. Most recently, the SMB has We also stated in the introduction
• ‘We had initial concerns about commissioned a MAPPA that, “We consider continuation
the desired outcomes, a view Improvement Development team training to be vital even when our
shared with the senior managers. (MIDT) to further develop multi posts have been fully established”.
It was therefore good to see agency practice in our area. A lay Following a relatively slow start
that the outcomes were actually adviser sits on the Team. in early 2005, our training and
developed by the participants learning needs have been largely
Future learning needs and acknowledged and our skills are
expectations being enhanced. It is good to
• We were pleased to note that Since last year’s report it is clear note also, that our involvement
the conduct of the audit was that locally considerable progress is increasing in line with the
clearly an honest process and has been made in integrating momentum that is gathering
all agencies acknowledged that lay membership into the MAPPA throughout the overall public
there are failings in the systems process. Similarly, the overall protection field.
and they are keen to make concept of public protection is
improvements. being continually monitored and In our opinion there are still
developed nationally. We stated procedural improvements to be
• ‘During a review of the Level
in the introduction that, “The true made, but because MAPPA is
3 cases we looked at, except
worth of our (Lay Advisers) role such a dynamic process and deals
in one specific case, we were
is unlikely to be revealed for at with inherent risk on a daily basis,
content that the crucial/critical
least another year”. As we go to perfection is not achievable and
assessment information was in
print today, that prediction has some errors will be inevitable. In
place and was being shared by
been accurate. From a personal general however, the lay advisers
all appropriate agencies’.
perspective therefore, we can say remain fully committed to support
In addition to the above activities, the hard work and dedication to
our individual roles do have value
a Lay Adviser attended the Annual duty that is so apparent among
and are, in the main, worthwhile
South West MAPPA Seminar, all members of the Responsible
and fulfilling. Questions we have
hosted by the Avon and Somerset Authority and the Duty to Co-
not addressed in detail however is
Police Headquarters in Portishead. operate agencies.
how can SMBs best communicate
This was an important meeting,
MAPPA issues with local
which included an overview of
communities? In addition, how can
National developments in 2005 - 06
Please see Appendix A at the end of this document for

MAPPA – the First Five Years

‘A National Overview of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements 2001 - 2006’
The Strategic Management Board (SMB)
The role of the Strategic Management
Board (SMB) is to establish, monitor
and review the Multi-Agency Public
Protection Arrangements.

In order to achieve this very broad

brief the SMB has 5 main key

• Monitoring (on at least a

quarterly basis) and evaluating
the operation of the MAPPA,
particularly that of the MAPPP’s.
• Establishing connections which
support effective operational
work with other public protection
operational definitions and In the light of these findings and
arrangements, such as Local
thresholds for intervention; recommendations the Responsible
safeguarding Childrens Boards,
Authority National Steering Group
local Crime and Disorder • improves local ways of working
(RANSG) has determined that all
Partnerships and local Criminal in the light of knowledge gained
Areas need to develop MAPPA
Justice Boards. through national and local
Business Plans, initially for 2006/7,
experience and research and
• Preparing and publishing the and set within a three year planning
ensures that any lessons learned
Annual Report and promoting process. In order that Area plans
are shared, understood, and
the work of the MAPPA. are consistent and address the
acted upon.
key issues that will strengthen
• Planning the longer-term
and help standardise public
development of the MAPPA.
MAPPA SMB Business Plan protection practice. The RANSG
• Identifying and planning training Recent research conducted on has developed a national MAPPA
and developmental needs of behalf of the Home Office by De business plan for 2005/8.
those working in the MAPPA. Montfort University into MAPPA, and
The Devon and Cornwall Area
a joint thematic inspection by the
MAPPA Business Plan is currently
The SMB also: - Probation and Police Inspectorates,
being developed and will broadly
have highlighted Nationally the
• develop and agree local policies encompass the following four
variable development of strategic
and procedures for inter-agency strategic aims, some of which, it
management boards and in some
work to protect the public within should be noted, are already well
areas the inconsistent delivery of
national guidance; established within Devon and
their key activities. ‘While there
• encourages and helps to are a number of areas where the
develop effective working SMB is performing well, and where 1. MAPPA Development
relationships between different public protection arrangements are Strategy
services and professional modified to ensure best practice,
a) Achieve dedicated MAPPA
groups, based on trust and the level of performance generally
Coordination & Administration
mutual understanding; across England and Wales has the
capacity across all MAPPA
potential for strengthening and
• ensures that there is a level of SMBs during 2006/07
agreement and understanding
across agencies about
The Strategic Management Board (SMB)

2. Monitoring and 4. Training Strategy All agencies will now contribute to

Development Strategy a) MAPPA SMBs include a training
the following five key outcomes for
a) MAPPA SMBs implement strategy in business plans, to
Business Plan for 2006/07 which address: • be healthy
will incorporate monitoring
• Induction to MAPPA for new • stay safe
arrangements to support:
• enjoy and achieve
• publication of Annual Report
• Training for MAPPA SMB
• make a positive contribution
• analysis of use of MAPPA risk members
management thresholds at • achieve economic well being.
• Training for MAPPA Co-
Level 2 & 3
ordinators and Administrators The key focus of the LSCB will
• analysis of MAPPA offenders be to safeguard children, whilst
who commit serious further also contributing to the other key
Membership of the SMB
offences (PC 54/2003) outcomes.
The current chair of the SMB is
• analysis of attendance and an Assistant Chief Constable from Safeguarding and promoting the
level of cooperation of Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. welfare of children is defined as:
agencies contributing to
Level 2 & 3 meetings All agencies on the SMB are • protecting children from
represented by senior managers, maltreatment
• analysis of diversity profile of
except the police and probation • preventing impairment of
offenders assessed at Level 2
services where chief officers are children’s health or development
and Level 3.
considered the appropriate rank for
the level of responsibility. • ensuring that children are
3. Communication & growing up in circumstances
Strategic Partnership Details of the SMB members can be consistent with the provision of
Strategy found within the Contacts Section safe and effective care
of this report.
a) The Responsible Authority for • undertaking that role so as to
MAPPA to publish annual report, enable those children to have
in consultation with Lay Advisers Local Safeguarding Children optimum life chances and enter
and SMB, and supported by Board adulthood successfully.
Ministers and the collation of The Children Act 2004 required Members of the LSCB sit on the
national MAPPA data from PPLU each local authority to establish a MAPPA Strategic Management
each year. Local Safeguarding Children Board Board, ensuring a synergy of
b) Annual reports are improved and (LSCB) to replace the Area Child purpose.
developed to improve public Protection Committee (ACPC) in
understanding and engagement. April 2006.
Local Criminal Justice
c) MAPPA SMB to develop an area The LSCB is the key statutory Board
communication strategy during mechanism for agreeing how the The Devon and Cornwall LCJB is
2006/7, taking account of the relevant organisations will co- among the top performing Boards
national strategy devised by the operate to safeguard and promote in the country and is committed
RANSG and shared with areas the welfare of local children, and for to the continual improvement of
by April 2006. ensuring the effectiveness of what the delivery of justice within the
they do, both as individual agencies peninsular. The Devon and Cornwall
and in partnership. LCJB is actively involved in the
multi-agency co-ordination of
The Strategic Management Board (SMB)
national and local initiatives, aiming • the service provided to victims • improving services to victims
to reduce fear of crime within the and witnesses and witness care
local community and improve public
• securing public confidence • reducing incidents of domestic
confidence in the Criminal Justice
System. Currently Chaired by In addition to these overarching
Chief Probation Officer Mary Anne national objectives, at a local • reducing drug and alcohol
McFarlane and previously by Chief level, the Devon & Cornwall LCJB related crime and disorder
Constable Maria Wallis (retd), the strategy for 2005-08 will focus more
• supporting young people and
Board includes representatives from specifically on:
tackling persistent young
the Crown Prosecution Service, offenders
• increasing public confidence and
Magistrates’ and Crown Courts,
reassurance – reducing incidents • improving inter-agency
Youth Offending Teams, the police,
of hate crime, improving equality communication
probation and prison services and is
and increasing community
accountable for: To ensure consistency across
engagement and enhanced file
all partnership bodies, the
• the delivery of criminal justice preparation and charging
Local Criminal Justice Board
system objectives • narrowing the justice gap is represented on the MAPPA
• improvements in the delivery of – targeting prolific offenders, Strategic Management Board.
justice effective trail management
A look at MAPPA partners
Whilst some offenders can be of children and vulnerable adults. have a duty to co-operate in this
effectively managed by the actions Their representatives contribute to work. There are occasions when
of one agency alone, all agencies the multi agency assessment and a small number of young people
need the co-operation of others to management process, attending need to be subject to the scrutiny
discharge their public protection MAPPP meetings, providing written and intense supervision, because
duties effectively. Development of and verbal reports where appropriate of the nature of the offences they
effective partnerships is pivotal to and working closely with all relevant have committed. The necessary
how these principles are achieved. agencies in the implementation of communication linkages between
supervision plans. the MAPPA Board and Children
Police, Probation and Prison staff
Safeguarding Boards are in place
take the lead in the operation of A member of Devon Social Services
to ensure that young offenders are
MAPPA in Devon and Cornwall, works within the Public Protection
also appropriately protected.
but they cannot achieve effective Unit at police headquarters. This
management of high risk of harm allows the facilitation of a cross flow YOTs have a wealth of information
offenders without co-operation and of relevant information between the and assessment to offer and often
joint working arrangements with agencies. have had considerable contact
other agencies. with the offender and their family.
They are able to collaborate with
The agencies who have a ‘duty Health Service others in developing and delivering
to co-operate’ (as defined in the
Health Service staff who plans to manage risk for those
Criminal Justice Act 2003) include:
provide a range of services, offenders for whom they are directly
• Local Authority Social Services, including community mental responsible, and often for some
health, psychiatric and forensic time after they become adults.
• Ministers of the Crown
assessments. Local forensic
exercising functions in relation to The Youth Justice Board has rolled
psychologists provide assessment
Social Security, Child Support, out training on risk issues and all
and treatment packages for
War Pensions, Employment and Youth Offending Teams are going
offenders where appropriate.
Training, to train their staff in assessment
Health professionals attend multi
and management of risk. The
• Primary Care Trusts, other NHS agency meetings and contribute to
YOTs in Devon and Cornwall have
Trusts and Strategic Health assessments and supervision plans.
arranged that the MAPPA Manager
undertakes a presentation about
• Jobcentres Plus the MAPPA arrangements at the
Youth Offending Teams (YOTs)
• Youth Offending Teams training events.
The Youth Offending Team Manager
• Registered Social Landlords for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
which accommodate MAPPA represents the four Youth Offending Housing
offenders Teams in Devon and Cornwall at the The Housing Act 1996 and the
• Local Housing Authorities Strategic Management Board. Homelessness Act 2002 place a
duty on the Housing Departments
• Local Education Authorities Although the MAPPA deal primarily
of Local Authorities to provide
with adults, some young offenders
• Electronic Monitoring Providers accommodation for people who are
(those under 18 years) meet the
considered to be “ in priority need”
criteria for inclusion in the process.
Social Services in accordance with homelessness
Criminal Justice Services have a legislation, provided that they have
Social Services Departments in not made themselves homeless
duty to ensure that all offenders are
Devon and Cornwall have a statutory intentionally.
assessed for the risk they pose to
duty to provide for the protection
others, the Youth Offending Teams
A look at MAPPA partners

The NSPCC is very interested in
being represented on the MAPPA
Strategic management Board in
order to progress aims we share
with other agencies. Our interest is
to prevent further harm to children
and young people and to protect
them and their families from further
crime and abuse.

We are new to this forum and are

also learning from partner agencies.
We have a contribution to bring as
the major UK Charity concerned
with the prevention of cruelty to
children, and are pleased to belong
Cases where a duty applies include When all these factors have
to the board.
the re-housing of those offenders been assessed appropriate
convicted of offences against accommodation is allocated. During Our projects in Devon and Cornwall
children, following their release this process Housing Officers include risk assessments and direct
from prison or other institution. will consider all housing options work with adults who cause sexual
Cases such as this always provide a which are available including harm to children, and assessments
challenge for Housing Officers. accommodation owned and in cases of young people who
managed by Housing Associations cause sexual harm to others. A
Re-housing decisions are only
also known as Registered Social proportion of these cases involve
made following the involvement of
Landlords and private sector MAPPA procedures in addition to
the statutory agencies that form the
landlords. child protection concerns.
MAPPA and a comprehensive “risk
assessment” process being carried During the whole of this process For the last 12 years the NSPCC
out. careful consideration always has has delivered a Young Witness
to be given to the applicant’s preparation and support service to
When considering re-housing
confidentiality. children and young people across
the MAPPA have to have regard,
Devon and Cornwall who are
not only to the needs of the
required to give evidence in criminal
applicant but also the needs of the Why is this process so
proceedings relating to child abuse.
community. Such an assessment important?
has to consider matters such as – Graham Davey Housing Needs The majority of young people
and Enabling Manager. ‘Research referred to the project are victims of
• Proximity of the proposed
has shown that two thirds of sexual assault.
accommodation to public open
spaces e.g. parks and public individuals are likely to re offend
The NSPCC is represented on the
conveniences, public facilities in in the 12 months following release
victims and witnesses group of the
the neighbourhood e.g. schools, if they are not provided with
Devon and Cornwall Local Criminal
village halls and youth clubs and appropriate accommodation.
Justice Board to advocate on behalf
the residents of the neighbouring However this figure falls to
of young people in the criminal
properties. one quarter if appropriate
justice system.
accommodation is provided’.
The focus on victims
Devon and Cornwall Probation Area Police Domestic Violence Units and anxiety. She is the ex-wife of the
employs Victim Liaison Officers, Police Family Liaison Officers. prisoner, mother of his children
whose role is to consult and advise and still lives in great fear of her
All agencies through the MAPPA
victims of sexual and violent offences, attacker. An exclusion from Devon
processes aim to maintain an active
in accordance with the Criminal and Cornwall was requested as an
awareness of the victim impact issues
Justice & Court Services Act 2000 additional licence condition, and a
when considering risk management
and the Victims Charter. In 2005/2006 condition not to contact the victim
arrangements. In particular there
95% of victims were contacted within or any of their children. Both these
may be considerable anxiety on the
8 weeks of the offender’s sentence, in conditions were included in his
part of victims in the way information
accordance with National Standards licence.
has been exchanged fearing re-
and the Victims Charter.
victimisation should the offender At the request of the MAPPP, the
The Domestic Violence, Crime learn of their concerns. prisoner was accepted as eligible
and Victims (DVCV) Act 2004 has for an Enhanced Supervision place
One of the main issues is considering
extended the duty to contact victims at a Hostel well away from the
licence conditions, which aim to
of mentally disordered offenders, in South West. He was also “tagged”,
deter the offender from making
certain circumstances. This includes and supervised at all times upon
contact either directly or indirectly
victims of offenders transferred from release. Devon and Cornwall Police
via telephone, letter, or third party
prison to hospital for psychiatric put in detailed contingency plans to
contact. The victim is advised as to
treatment, as well as offenders protect the victim and her children,
their part in the enforcement process.
subject to hospital orders with and advised her on security. The
In some cases Home office alarms
restriction orders. Victims will have an Housing Association improved
are fitted in the victims home to
opportunity to make representations security of her home, and an alarm
ensure an immediate appropriate
to the Home Secretary or Mental system was installed.
response. Also exclusion zones can
Health Tribunal about the conditions
be identified by way of preventing an Working together with other
of a patients discharge.
offender from seeking to intimidate Probation Areas, the Hostel
Victim Liaison Officers attend MAPP and harass victims in their home area. management, the Police, the
panels, to ensure that the victim’s Housing Association, Victim
Prevention of victimisation is a central
perspective is taken into account Support, Social Services and
and guiding principle of the work
where possible, in the formulation Mental Health workers, the MAPPP
of MAPPA and is dependent upon
of risk management plans and to were thus able to ensure that
effective multi agency working.
represent the victim’s interests. the release of this prisoner was
managed in a way that took full
The protection of victims is at
The victim perspective account of the fears and concerns
the core of multi-agency public
within the Mappa process. of the victim.
protection. In cases where children
are victims, the Victim Liaison Case study
Officers will work with Social Case study Mr. R is well known in his local
Services directly to ensure that child A serial rapist, approaching community. He is understood to
protection measures are maintained. release, was registered at Level have a ‘personality disorder’ which
Where there is no Social Services 3. His release was planned by the results in him becoming aggressive
involvement they will contact parents Supervising Officer and the MAPPP and violent over incidents during
or guardians directly. over many months. The Probation which he perceives he has been
VLO team had been in touch with slighted in some way. For many
Other agencies who are directly
one of the victims several times in years local shops have banned him
involved with Victim Liaison Officers
the course of the prison sentence, from entering the premises and
in supporting victims interests include
and was well aware of her extreme people have lived in some fear of
Victim Support Service, NSPCC,
The focus on victims
him, although they were supportive, was being considered but they that the charge was dropped from
particularly of his family who were were grateful for the information attempted murder to grievous
doing their best to provide him with they received via the VLO and bodily harm. He did not want the
a stable home. felt somewhat reassured by the offenders to return to the city he
additional Licence conditions. lives in and keenly expressed that
Mr. R’s aggressive and violent
The offender was released to a he would react violently towards
behaviour resulted in many arrests
Probation Hostel but this placement them should he see them again. He
and some community and short
soon broke down and he was suggested that local feeling would
custodial sentences but he always
recalled to prison. This information also be strongly negative.
found his way back to his mother’s
was relayed to the victim, for which
home. His behaviour was seen The case was brought to the
they were extremely appreciative.
to be escalating until he finally MAPPA level 2 panel at Parole
Indeed, they wrote to the VLO to
‘snapped’ and attacked a neighbour stage when the victim issues were
express their thanks and to praise
with a knife. The attack took place presented. The offenders were
the Probation Service’s commitment
in the neighbour’s home and it granted parole, but due to the
to working with victims in this way.
was the actions of a relative of possible risk to their safety from
the victim, who grabbed the knife, the victim’s father and sensitivity to
causing injury to himself, which Case study the emotional impact on the family
prevented the victim from serious A young man was attacked by should the offenders return to the
injury, or even death. Certainly some youths. Two of the youths area, an exclusion area was placed
both men felt that the offender were sentenced to 5 years for GBH. around the city where the victim and
undoubtedly meant to kill the victim. The injuries were so severe that he the offenders’ parents live.

Through the MAPPP process the suffered long term disability. He Whilst the exclusion area is difficult
VLO was able to feed back the spent the first year of his recovery for the offenders’ to maintain family
concerns of the victims and the in care which is where he was when links, the cases continue to be
local community. This enabled the Victim Liaison Officer first met reviewed through MAPPA giving the
the panel to have a greater him and his father. Three years on opportunity to change the exclusion
understanding of the wider and the victim has returned home. areas should risk reduce.
implications of the offender’s He continues to have problems with
communication and mobility. He We often see the MAPPA process
behaviour and resulted in Licence
will never regain his former health as a means to protect the victim,
conditions which prevented his
and abilities. but this is one example of how the
contact with the victims and his
MAPPA aims to protect all members
family. An exclusion zone was also The impact of this offence on his of the public including, in some
agreed. father has been life changing. He cases, offenders.
The victim and his family were feels that the sentence was far
particularly nervous when release too lenient and finds it appalling
MAPPA in action locally

Statistical Information what the risk is, to who or what and Once identified such persons are
under what circumstances. The prohibited from having contact
The statistical information regarding
prison will hold a meeting to discuss with children. They are required to
the work of the MAPPA between
the prisoner and the risk posed, if submit an application for contact
1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006
necessary the prison will transfer or with children from their family. These
and a commentary on aspects of
receive such prisoners to facilitate applications are considered at a
that data can be found towards the
a discharge to the home area. For monthly meeting which we attend
back of this report.
example, a prisoner subject to MAPP and where the views of children’s
arrangements who resides in the local services, probation and police are all
The work of HM Prison area but is located in a prison outside discussed to set the level of contact.
Service Exeter the area may be transferred to HMP
It may well be that it is appropriate
Exeter for local discharge.
In conjunction with our partnership that no such contact should take
agencies the core business of the place. The protection of children is
Public Protection Unit at HMP paramount in all cases.
Exeter is the timely identification,
A working day for the Risk
assessment and management of
Assessment Officer We also attend regular Multi Agency
In a nutshell, my colleague and I Public Protection meetings held
risk. Since its creation some years
provide the link between the Police, in the prison to consider the risk
ago the Public Protection Unit
Prison staff and seconded Probation that prisoners, who are due for
has strengthened its links with the
officers who work in the three release, pose to the public. At these
statutory and non-statutory agencies.
prisons in Devon. meetings information from all parts
The ethos of the Unit is protecting the
of the prison is contributed as well
public from those prisoners who pose
In order to achieve that truly close as input from the Probation Officer
a risk.
working relationship, we spend at who will be supervising that person
The Guidance provided by National least 3 days a week in the prisons, in the community, and on occasions
and local protocols ensures a where we are now co locating with Police from the area into which he
consistent accountable and joined- the Probation staff. is to be released. The minutes of
up approach between the involved these meetings can then be used to
Each day brings its own problems
agencies. Working together, inform any MAPPP meetings that are
and successes as different prisoners
communicating and sharing subsequently held in the community.
move in and out of the prison. We
information are the key ingredients
make a weekly check on all reception On a daily basis we receive various
when identifying, assessing and
prisoners in an effort to identify items of information and intelligence
managing risk.
those public protection cases who about prisoners. This is researched
The monthly Public Protection present a high or very high risk of and analysed where necessary. Any
meeting is a forum held at the re offending, providing any current perceived increase or decrease in
prison. At this meeting prison staff, relevant intelligence to the prison and risk is passed to the authority who
probation, social services and police drawing attention to those who have will manage that person on release.
meet to share information and make not already been identified.
The development of a national
decisions on prisoners who present a
Those who have been convicted of database called ViSOR has enabled
risk to the public.
offences against children or who, such information to be input directly
The resources of the Public because of other factors, present onto an offender’s record thus
Protection Unit follow those a risk to children, are flagged on ensuring that information, is not only
prisoners who are subject to MAPP the prison computer system. On available more quickly, but is also
arrangements. In such cases a occasions it may well be that it is available to any authorised person
full risk assessment will be carried information held by the police that who has an interest in that offender.
out – that assessment will include identify these persons as a risk.
MAPPA in action locally
This true partnership working with
the two other members of the
Responsible Authority enables
important information about risky
people to be shared on a daily
basis so that we can combine
our resources in managing those
persons identified as posing the
highest risk to the public.

A Day in the life of a Police

Public Protection Officer
Generally no two days are the
same. The usual understanding
of our role is that it is a series of
meetings with our partner agencies
discussing how risky or not certain
offenders are and not much more.

This could not be further from

the truth. We do attend MAPPA
[Multi-Agency Public Protection
Arrangement] meetings, but these
are confined, where possible to one
day a week for the level 2 cases and
as and when required for the higher
risk level 3 cases. in the BCU overnight. These checks Our aim is to work towards a safer
may reveal matters that either need community by the effective use of a
A normal day may begin with a our direct intervention, or advice. multi-agency approach to particular
list of entries in my diary for tasks Contact is made with the relevant problems or concerns, so reducing
to be done. These may be routine officers or their supervisors in order the opportunity or motivation for
Sex Offender home visits, specific to discuss the issues and where it offenders to re-offend.
intervention tasks, joint visits with is seen as necessary we will attend
either Probation or Social Services, and deal or assist, which ever is the
Research for risk assessments more appropriate. MAPPA in Action case
and profile preparation or other
Throughout the working day we
more proactive matters such as
enforcement of orders, notification will be in contact with not only the The following are examples of
requirements or execution of police but our partner agencies cases, which have been managed
warrants and attendance at court. also. This may be in relation to using the MAPPA processes.
However, these may all change at routine research, but may also
Case Example 1
short notice, each task is dealt with be in order to respond to matters
in order of priority. that require more immediate A MAPPP in Devon and Cornwall
action, such as joint visits, specific was requested to consider a referral
A check of incidents and intervention work or initiating an from a MAPPP in another area on
intelligence each morning gives us investigation and arrest. a level 3 offender who posed a
an idea of what has been occurring risk to public safety by fire setting,
MAPPA in action locally
a potential risk of sexual harm to an Approved Premises for a short completing a 8 year prison
children and a risk of self harm. term period. This was in order to sentence, was managed by the
gauge his response to living in the MAPPA level 3 panel. He was a
The offender with an index offence
community whilst in a structured case registered with the National
for arson, received a Community
environment with support, then if all Probation Public Protection Unit
Rehabilitation Order (CRO) that
went well he would move back to as a critical public protection case.
included requirements to reside
his home area. And therefore his case was subject
where directed and comply with
to ministerial briefings. He was
psychiatric treatment. He failed As part of the regional MAPPA,
supervised by Devon and Cornwall
to comply with his Community the Devon and Cornwall MAPPA
Probation staff on Licence. The
Supervision requirements, both Panel agreed that it would not be
licence included conditions to
in relation to Probation and defensible to refuse the referral and
reside at Devon and Cornwall
Mental health settings. This failure have the offender being without
Probation Approved Premises,
accompanied a deterioration suitable accommodation on release.
initially he was housed away from
in behaviour, in that there was Short term referral was accepted.
his home area. Further conditions
evidence of self harm, and as a
The two MAPPP Panels agreed included not residing, working or
result an increased threat to public
that ownership of the case would have any unsupervised contact
safety was identified.
remain with the referring area with children. The victims of his
until the offender actually arrived index offence were seen by a Victim
at the approved premises within Liaison Officer, who agreed with
Devon and Cornwall, at this time them that the offenders Licence
ownership would transfer. The includes a no contact condition and
Panels agreed as this was a short- an exclusion area around where
term placement, and that during they lived.
future MAPPP meetings both panels
The staff of the Approved Premises
would participate. If the offender
required him to produce a movement
were to breach licence conditions
diary, which was closely monitored
whilst in this area, our MAPPP
in conjunction with the local police in
would deal with the recall, the
relation to the validity of the account
case would then revert back to the
he was giving. He had significant
referring Area for further re-release
health problems preventing him from
seeking any work. He was required
Additional Licence conditions to undertake specialist sex offending
were also put in place to assist in work, which particularly had regard
the control and monitoring of the to his learning disabilities and
offender whist in the Devon and offending profile.
Cornwall area.
On release from Prison, due to victim At the end of his sentence he
issues and a lack of appropriate This demonstrates the close Multi requested a move back to his home
accommodation in his home area, agency working arrangements that area. He was now no longer subject
he was in danger of being released Devon and Cornwall MAPPA has to statutory supervision but agreed
from prison without suitable with other areas. to move to approved premises in
accommodation being in place. this area. Even though he was a
voluntary resident he was required to
The MAPPP in Devon and Cornwall Case Example 2 comply with hostel rules. The panel
were requested to consider
A predatory child sex offender, considered that if he were to return
accommodating the offender at
with a 35 year offence history, to live in the community without any
MAPPA in action locally
Housing Department to identify strategy meeting was attended by
accommodation away from any police officers from this area and
direct access to children. Addresses information was shared. This was
were jointly checked by the Housing subsequently followed up by child
Department and Police. Suitable protection case conferences.
accommodation was identified
Following conviction, the offender
and he moved in. Close monitoring
was further risk assessed, and was
remains in place with regular visits
monitored throughout sentence by
from the police both via the Public
a MAPPA level 2 panel. In addition
Protection Officer and Community
by utilising established links with
policing arrangements. In addition
the Social Services child protection
to this he has contact with a
team, it was confirmed that the
volunteer and housing staff. All
offender would not have any further
information regarding his activities
contact with the children.
is checked against his risk. The
evidence is that he continues to co- Monitoring by the MAPPA level 2
operate fully with the arrangements panel continued after the offender’s
in place and is developing release from prison. As a result
social support his risk of re-offending appropriate age related activities. it was identified that he became
would significantly increase. Work
involved with another woman with
was undertaken by the police and
young children, from another area.
probation to develop a network Case Example 3
The MAPPA panel, utilising the
of social support that were aware An offender with a sexual offending Liaison Officer, was again able to
of the risk he posed and could background, at the time of his arrest swiftly notify the relevant Local
take the necessary preventative was found to have established Authority of the situation, and a
measures should his behaviour a relationship with a vulnerable further strategy meeting was held.
start to deteriorate. This involved woman who had young children,
meeting with Church leaders from and had been living with her and her The joint working demonstrated
his faith group and determining children in another area. The Local in this case helped to ensure
arrangements, which enabled him to Authority Liaison Officer, attached that the relevant local authority
take part in church activities safely. to the Devon and Cornwall Public child protection officers were well
Also a volunteer was identified to act Protection Unit, with responsibility aware of the risks posed and that
as a mentor and support him with for MAPPA, was able to immediately they could work closely with the
resettlement issues. notify the Local Authority in which MAPPA level 2 panel, to ensure that
the vulnerable woman resided. arrangements were in place with
Alongside this, work was
This was in order to initiate a child regard to the childrens’ safety.
undertaken with the local
protection strategy meeting. This
Statistical Information

1. Category 1 MAPPA offenders: Registered Sex offenders No.of Offenders

i) The number of Registered Sex Offenders(RSO) on 31 March 2006. 879
ai) The number of RSO per 100,000 head of population. 55
ii) The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who were either 52
cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement, between 1 April 2005 and 31
March 2006
iii) The number of a) Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPO’s) applied for b) interim
SOPOs granted and C) full SOPOs imposed by the courts between 1st April 2005 and
31st March 2006.

(a) The number of Sexual Offences Prevention Orders applied for

(b) The number of Interim SOPO’s granted
(c) The number of full SOPO’s imposed
iv) The number of a) Notification Orders applied for b) interim Notification Orders granted
and C) full notification Orders imposed by the court between 1st April 2005 and 31st
March 2006.

(a) The number of Notification Orders applied for 0

(b) The number of Interim Notification Orders granted 0
(c) The number of full Notification Orders imposed 0
v) The number of Foreign Travel Orders a) applied for b) imposed by the courts between
1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006

(a) The number of Foreign Travel Orders applied for

(b) The number of Foreign Travel Orders imposed

2. Category 2 MAPPA offenders: Violent offenders and other sexual offenders (V&OS) No.of Offenders
vi) The number of violent and other sexual offenders (as defined by S327 (3),(4) and (5) of 173
the Criminal Justice Act 2003) living in the community, considered under MAPPA during
the year 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006

3. Category 3 MAPPA offenders: Other Offenders (OthO) No.of Offenders

vii) The number of ‘other offenders’ (as defined by S325 (2)(b) of the Criminal Justice Act 83
2003) dealt with under MAPPA during the year 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006 as
being assessed by the Responsible Authority as posing a risk of serious harm to the
Statistical Information

4. Offenders managed through level 3 MAPPP & Level 2 Level 3 Level 2

viii) For each of the three categories of offenders covered by the MAPPA (“registered
sex offenders”, “violent and other sex offenders” and “other offenders”), identify
the number of offenders that are or have been managed by the Level 3 MAPPP or
Level 2, between 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006.

a) registered sex offenders 15 169

b) violent and other sex offenders 8 165
c) other offenders 3 80
ix) Of the cases managed at levels 3 or 2 (i.e. (viii)) between 1st April 2005 and 31st
March 2006 how many, whilst managed at that level:

a) Were returned to custody for breach of licence

b) Were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining Order or Sexual Offences 7 41
Prevention Order 1 2
c) Were charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 0 0
Statistical comment

The Number Of Registered Sex Offenders (RSO) On 31 March 2006.

The Devon and Cornwall Area, from a policing perspective, is divided into four Basic Command Units. (BCU’s)

The number of Registered Sex Offenders resident within each BCU is as follows:

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly BCU: 306

Plymouth BCU : 182
North and East Devon: 196
South and West Devon: 194
HQ Public Protection Unit: 1
Total: 879

The total number of RSO’s resident within Devon and Cornwall has increased on 2004/2005 figure. This was
anticipated The fact being that individuals convicted of relevant sexual offences remain on the ‘register’ for several
years before dropping off. This fact is reflected in national statistics. It should be noted that although the total
numbers of RSO’s continues to grow year on year, only a small proportion are considered to pose such a high risk
or management difficulty {‘The critical few}, that they need to be referred to the highest level of the MAPPA – A
Multi Agency Public Protection Panel.

The Number Of Sex Offenders Having A Registration Requirement Who Were Either
Cautioned Or Convicted For Breaches Of The Requirement, Between 1 April 2005 And 31
March 2006
This figure indicates a robust approach by the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary to the enforcement of the Sexual
Offences Act registration requirements

The Number Of Sexual Offences Prevention Orders Applied For

During 2005/2006, Devon and Cornwall Area, mindful of the benefits of SOPO’s in managing risk posed by
potentially dangerous offenders promoted greater use of these Orders by Courts sentencing offenders. An
outcome of these Orders being that certain recognised risky behaviour, pertinent to the individuals concerned,
could through early Court sanction’s be controlled in the long term.

The Number Of Notification Orders Applied For

The benefit of this risk reduction measure is recognised within the Devon and Cornwall Area. Although no such
orders have been applied for in this reporting period, last year this Area was one of the first in the country to
obtain such an Order.
Statistical comment

The Number of Category 3 MAPPA Offenders: Other Offenders

The total number of this category of offender, dealt with under MAPPA during 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006,
has increased on last year.

This category comprises of ‘other offenders’, not in either category 1 or 2, but who are considered by the
Responsible Authority to pose a risk of serious harm to the public. The identification of Category 3 Offenders is
challenging, in that it is determined by the judgement of the Responsible Authority rather than automatically by
the sentence or other disposal imposed by the court. The increase in numbers, can in part, be explained by the
greater awareness of MAPPA processes, within the duty to Co-operate agencies such as Youth Offending Teams,
Health, and Children and Young Persons Directorates.

General Comment
It is important to note that figures alone do not, of course, tell the whole story. The anonymised case studies
within this report illustrate the practical work of MAPPA and demonstrate the type of preventative action taken.

Prior to MAPPA, action of this kind was mainly taken by one Agency alone, with the effect that on occasions
offenders behaviour which might of triggered preventative action went unnoticed.

The multi agency approach of the MAPPA helps ensure that if an offender does breach the condition of a licence
under which released from prison, or a court Order prohibiting certain activities, then action to enforce the
condition or Order and protect the public can be taken more swiftly.
Address Phone

Mary Anne McFarlane Queen’s House 01392 474100

Chief Officer Little Queen Street

Nigel Arnold Force Headquarters 08452 777444

Chief Constable Middlemoor

Alan Scott South West Area Office 01454 264053

Regional Prisons Manager Tortworth Road

Prison Service Devon and Cornwall

Mark Flinton HMP Exeter 01392 415650
Governor HMP Exeter New North Road

Devon and Cornwall Probation Area

Ian Clewlow Queen’s House 01392 474100
Director Operations Little Queen Street

Devon and Cornwall Police

Richard Stowe Force Headquarters 08452 777 444
Assistant Chief Constable Middlemoor

Steve Matthews Force Headquarters 08452 777 444

Detective Superintendent Middlemoor
Crime Department

SMB Contacts Address Phone

Russell Mogridge Devon & Cornwall Police 08452 777444

Detective Inspector Crime Department

John Morgan Cornwall Forensic Mental 01208 251300

Forensic Clinical Psychologist Health Service

Chris Dimmelow Devon Social Services Department 01392 386657

Safeguarding Children Manager

John Cousins Youth Offending Team 01872 274567


Ann Morecraft North & East Devon 01392 207428

Head of Devon Patient & Health Community
Practitioner Services Agency
Manager for Child Protection

John Edwards Torbay Social Services 01803 208563

Operations Manager
Child Protection

Graham Davey Mid Devon Housing 01884 234286

Housing Needs & Enabling Manager

Karen Howard Plymouth Primary Care Trust 01752 314004

Mental Health Partnership

Chris Nash Cornwall Partnership Trust 01726 291019

Health Visitor & Child Protection

Maureen Grimley Plymouth Social and Housing 01752 306340

Manager Chairing and Services
Reviewing Team

Dick Goodere Cornwall Social 01872 254549

Social Work Consultant Services
CP Team

Fran Mason Torbay supporting People 01803 208424

Gill Montgomery Devon partnership Trust 01392 403433

Alison Kearnes NSPCC 01752 235120

Laura Hubbard Fielder Devon Partnership Trust 01392 403433


Lay Advisers Address Phone

Steve Anderson c/o Force Headquarters 01392 223271


Carol Earner c/o Force Headquarters 01392 223271


Devon & Cornwall Victim Support

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© 2006 Devon & Cornwall Constabulary. Photographs used in this publication are for illustration only and do not depict actual events or cases.
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years

A National Overview of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements 2001 - 2006

Introduction other reports published this year who have a duty to co-operate in
indicate there is still much to do to these arrangements and include
It is now just over 5 years since
ensure that the arrangements are fit health, housing, education, social
the implementation of the Criminal
for purpose and apply consistently services, youth offending teams,
Justice and Courts’ Services Act
across England and Wales. Unless Jobcentre Plus, and electronic
2000 that led to the formation of
those operating these arrangements monitoring services.
the Multi-Agency Public Protection
ensure that all reasonable action is
Arrangements, commonly known In addition to the agencies, each
taken to reduce the harm caused
as MAPPA. As the national area has this year benefited from
by sexual and violent offenders they
strategic body overseeing the the input of lay advisers. These
will have failed. While we recognise
implementation and development of are people recruited locally but
that it is never possible to eliminate
these arrangements it is important appointed by the Secretary of
risk entirely the public are entitled to
for us to review the progress State to offer key support to the
expect the authorities to do their job
made, to identify the challenges strategic management of the
properly. Making our communities
ahead and set out the national MAPPA process. Their role is
safer and reducing re-offending
plans for improvement. It is also essentially to ask often fundamental
is our highest priority and one of
an opportunity for the first time to questions of senior practitioners
the greatest challenges facing the
provide a national commentary on and bring a community perspective
agencies and staff involved.
the MAPPA annual statistics and to a process that could otherwise
to explain what they are telling us Over the last year all agencies lose sight of its main function: to
about the growth and complexity of responsible for establishing, protect members of the public
these arrangements. maintaining or contributing to these from serious harm. Together, all
public protection arrangements of those inputting to MAPPA have
Much has been achieved in terms of
have been extremely busy: the ensured that more high risk sexual
enhancing public safety in the last
probation service, the prison and violent offenders have been
5 years and the arrangements are
service, the police service who form identified and proactively managed
rightly described as world leading.
the Responsible Authority in each this year than ever before.
Yet we are acutely conscious that a
area, plus the range of agencies
number of serious case reviews and
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years

The National MAPPA Chart 1 Total number of MAPPA offenders in the community 2005/06
Statistics Category 3
As the scale and complexity of All other offenders
MAPPA has increased so the 3363 (7%)
analysis of the annual report
statistics has become more
important in understanding local
and national developments in these
Category 2
arrangements. The national analysis
Violent & Non
offered below, based upon reports
from the areas, highlights a number Category 1
Sex Offenders
of important trends, particularly in 14317(30%) Registered
respect of the volume of referrals Sex Offenders
for multi-agency management at 29973 (63%)
Level 2 and Level 3 (MAPPP), and
the outcomes of that management.
The individual area MAPPA annual
reports are published elsewhere
on this web-page and should
be consulted for detailed local
commentary. MAPPA Offenders by category 2005/06

than in previous years at just over reasons for these variations from
3%; secondly, fewer offenders expectation are unclear but the
MAPPA Offenders than expected have been referred RSO variation may in part be due
The number of offenders in the into MAPPA under Category 3. to a number of areas last year
community that come within the (These are those offenders who are (2004/5) incorporating offenders
remit of MAPPA increased this year, neither registered sex offenders who were still in prison and to
as anticipated, although the rate nor currently supervised by the refinements areas have continued
of that increase has slowed from probation service/ youth offending to make to referral procedures and
last year (13% to 7%) - see Table team but do have a history of the management of risk thresholds.
1. A number of factors may have physical or sexual violence and Registered Sex Offenders continue
contributed to this slow down. are considered by the Responsible to form by far the largest category
Firstly, the increase of registered Authority to pose a current risk of – see Chart 1.
sex offenders (RSOs) is much less serious harm to the public.) The

Table 1 Total number of MAPPA Offenders in the Community by Category (% Change)

Category 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
1. Registered Sex Offenders (RSO) 21513 24572 28994 29973
14.22% 18% 3.38%
2. Violent Offenders and other sex offenders 29594 12754* 12662 14317
-56.9% -0.72% 13.07%
3. Other offenders 1802 2166 2936 3363
20.2% 35.55% 14.54%
Totals 52909 39492 44592 47653
-25.36% 12.91% 6.86%
* In 2003/4 the criteria for Violent offenders (Category 2) changed to exclude those offenders held in custody.
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years

Registered Sex Offenders Chart 2 MAPPA Offenders by Management Level

For the first time this year the Level 3
MAPPA annual reports include “The Critical Few”
a breakdown of the total RSO 1278 (3%)
population for the basic policing
units within each area (see individual
area reports). This, together with
the density of RSOs per 100,000 of
the population, which ranges from Level 2
36/100,000 to 81/100,000 across ”Multi-Agency”
the 42 Areas of England and Wales, 12505 (26%)
illustrates the variable distribution Level 1
of RSOs within the community. Normal Agency
There are no obvious or simple 33870 (71%)
explanations for the distribution of
RSOs, which in any case is barely
significant statistically.

MAPPA management levels

Total number of MAPPA Offenders by Level 2005/06
It is important to remember that the
majority of offenders within MAPPA and requires active management by This is the second year in which
do not pose a significant risk of more than one agency, referral to both Level 2 and Level 3 (MAPPP)
serious harm to the public and can Level 2 or Level 3 (MAPPP) meetings data has been available and
therefore be properly managed is vital. A case will generally only Tables 2 and 3 illustrate the
through the normal supervision qualify for level 3 management number of offenders now subject
arrangements provided by the where the intervention of senior to collaborative/ multi-agency risk
probation service, youth offending agency representatives is required management (29% of the MAPPA
teams and by police sex offender to effect the risk management total). For each of these 13,783
registration. This is described as level plan with the authority to release offenders agencies will be required
1 management and accounts for or prioritise exceptional resources. to meet on a number of occasions
about 71% of the MAPPA population. Chart 2 shows the breakdown of and to progress actions that reduce
However, for offenders whose risk management levels this year. the likelihood of re-offending. The
of serious harm is high or complex tables also provide a fuller picture

Table 2 Breakdown of Level 2 and Level 3 MAPPA Offenders for 2005/6

Category of Offender Level 2 Level 3 Total per Category
(% of MAPPA Total) (% of MAPPA total) (% of MAPPA Total)
1. Registered Sex Offenders (RSO) 6014 580 6594
12.62% 1.22% 13.84%
2. Violent offenders and other sex 4280 506 4786
offenders 8.98% 1.06% 10.04%
3. Other offenders 2211 192 2403
4.64% 0.4% 5.04%
Total per Level 12505 1278 13783
26.24% 2.68% 28.92%
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years

Table 3 Offenders referred to Levels 2 and 3 - Comparison with last year (% Change)
Level 2 Level 3
Category of MAPPA Offender 2004/05 2005/06 2004/05 2005/06
1. Registered Sex Offenders (RSO) 5381 6014 626 580
11.76% -7.35%
2. Violent offenders and other sex offenders 3615 4280 547 506
18.39% -7.49%
3. Other Offenders 2292 2211 305 192
-3.53% -37.05%
Total: 11288 12505 1478 1278
10.78% -13.53%

of the commitment and resources number (12,505) and become the The headline figure is, no doubt,
being provided by the Responsible engine room for MAPPA. Whilst that reflecting the number of
Authority and other partner there is an element of focus on offenders who, while managed at
agencies within MAPPA. The Level level 3, all Areas have recognized levels 2 or 3, are charged with a
3 MAPPP, the highest level of risk the necessity of ensuring adequate serious sexual or violent offence.
management, continues to focus management and administrative Compared with 2004/5, this year
on the most complex offenders, support for Level 2; and this is saw a reduction in the number
sometimes referred to as the reflected in Business Plans. of serious further offences in this
‘critical few’, and involves senior population from 79 (0.6%) to 61
managers within each area.
Interventions and Outcomes (0.44%) cases this year. And the
Information about the scale biggest impact was where you
The use of Level 3 MAPPP has and categories of offender is would want and expect it – with
been refined over the last 3 years complemented by information on the more intensively managed
as part of a concerted effort to direct interventions and outcomes Level 3 cases. On the face of
ensure that resources are focused for this MAPPA managed group (ie it the figures are encouraging
where they can be most effective in those under Levels 2 and 3). These but they should be treated with
enhancing public protection. This measures deal with breaches of caution for 2 reasons. Firstly,
year they have been employed licence and court order, with sex we have only collected the data
in under 3% of the total MAPPA offender registration requirements and for 2 years; secondly, with such
caseload. At the same time, Level 2 related court orders, and with further small numbers any change can
risk management meetings, which offending – see tables 4 and 5. trigger a wholly disproportionate,
are locally based, have increased in
misleading percentage variation.

Table 4 Outcome measures: Level 2 and Level 3 activity for 2005/6 (% Change)
Level 2 Level 3 Total of Level 2 & 3
Category of MAPPA Offender 2004/05 2005/06 2004/05 2005/06 2004/05 2005/06
1. Breach of License 1084 1321 222 219 1306 1540
21.86% -1.35% 17.92%
2. Breach of Orders 55 82 18 22 73 104
49.09% 22.22% 42.47%
3. Charged with SFO 47 50 32 11 79 61
6.38% -65.63% -22.78%
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years

Table 5 Outcome measures: RSO arrests and Sex Offences Act Civil Orders 2004/5 and 2005/6 (% Change)
RSO Enforcement Number of Offenders Number of Offenders
(04/05) (05/06)
1. Registered sex offenders (RSO’s) charged/cautioned 993 1295
Sex Offences Act Orders Number of Orders Number of Orders
(04/05) (05/06)
2. Sexual offences prevention orders (SOPOs) granted 503 933

3. Notification Orders (NOs) granted 22 39

4. Foreign Travel Orders (FTOs) granted 1 1
Total Number of Orders 526 973

What is apparent, however, is that orders available under the Sex instructive to set out the lessons
the figure is low and whilst any Offences Act 2003 (sexual offences learned this year.
serious re-offending is a matter prevention orders, notification
Strengthening Multi-Agency
of great concern, such a low orders, foreign travel orders). In total
Public Protection Arrangements
serious re-offending rate for this 973 orders have been granted this
Published in October 2005
particular group of offenders is to year an increase of 446.
available on
be welcomed and supports the
view that MAPPA is making a real
contribution to the management of A Year of Challenges This research was undertaken by
dangerousness in communities. De Montfort University and found
The raw data provided in the national
statistics is helpful but necessarily evidence of greater effectiveness
The data relating to breach of
quantitative. In order to get a better and efficiency across MAPPA teams
licence and court orders is positive
feel for the quality of MAPPA business in England and Wales, compared to
as this reflects an increase in action
it is necessary to work with other an earlier review of public protection
taken in level 2 and 3 cases prior to
forms of analysis and, during the arrangements, which had been
them having opportunity to commit
course of this year, a number of conducted before the MAPPA
serious further harm; ie to recall
inspection reports and a small number legislation was introduced in 2001.
offenders to prison. A similarly
of management reviews of specific It found that areas were meeting the
encouraging picture emerges from
cases have been published which MAPPA Guidance specification to a
a reading of the data on various
have both detailed shortcomings large extent.
sex offender provisions – see table
5. Action taken to enforce the sex in practice and highlighted many It also found that the arrangements
offender registration requirements positive developments in public had been strengthened by the
through caution and conviction protection practice. inclusion of the Prison Service
increased by 30% from last year and within the Responsible Authority
It is essential that the product of
affected 1295 offenders, 4.3% of the and by the designation of a number
these, and future, reviews and
total registered in the community. of duty-to-co-operate agencies ( a
reports shape the development of
There was also considerable use consequence of the Criminal Justice
MAPPA through central guidance
made of the range of new civil Act 2003). The MAPPA process
and local practice and it is
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years
facilitated effective contributions available on http://inspectorates. Authority for MAPPA in Hampshire
by agencies so that representatives who were concerned by a number of
could make operational decisions issues that had contributed to the risk
This was a report by Her Majesty’s
and develop risk management plans. management failure.
Chief Inspector of Probation into
The report made a number of the murder of John Monckton The report details principal findings
recommendations for policy and and attempted murder of his wife and recommendations for a range of
practice development which are being Homeyra in November 2004 by two agencies within and outside MAPPA.
taken forward through the revision men under the supervision of the Each of which is being taken
of the MAPPA Guidance and the London Probation Area. The report forward. Importantly it revealed the
MAPPA business planning process. identified overall failures and some failure to manage the offender’s
specific deficiencies in the way the risk of harm to the public was not
two cases were managed. due to any single act of negligence
Managing Sex Offenders in the or deficiency. Rather it was a
Although neither offender was
Community (A joint thematic cumulative failure of processes and
referred to MAPPA Damien Hanson,
inspection by Her Majesty’s actions throughout his sentence
who was assessed as presenting
Inspectorates of Probation and supervision, both in prison and in
a high risk of serious harm, should
Police) the community. This is an essential
have been. Importantly the report
Published in November 2005 point to grasp and reinforces the
has established a number of
available on http://inspectorates. importance of having an integrated
principles against which future case offender management system from
management within MAPPA and
start to end of sentence with clear
This inspection found that there was the National Probation Service will
and consistent practice between the
greater focus by police and probation be judged. Key amongst these is
three core MAPPA agencies, prisons,
on improving the assessment that the public is entitled to expect
probation and police.
and management of high risk sex that the authorities will do their job
offenders which offered the prospect properly i.e. to take all reasonable The key recommendation for
of improved performance. However action to keep risk to a minimum. MAPPA was about maintaining a
it noted a number of deficiencies in better balance between human
In response to this report, an action
relation to MAPPA case management rights of offenders and protecting
plan was issued to the National
records; police home visits for the public, and using existing
Probation Services to ensure
registered sex offenders and training MAPPA guidance properly. Work
delivery of effective implementation
for both police and probation staff on is already underway to revise and
of the report’s five ‘key’
assessment and management of risk strengthen national guidance and
recommendations and 31 practice
of harm. improve MAPPA’s foundations
by way of the national and Area
These deficiencies have been MAPPA business plans.
addressed through the National
Offender Management Service Risk An Independent Review of a Serious
of Harm Improvement strategy and Further Offence case Anthony Rice
Joint Police/Probation/Prisons
the development and imminent Published in May 2006 and
Thematic Inspection Report:
publication of the Police Public available on http://inspectorates.
Putting Risk of Harm Into Context
Protection Manual.
Published in September 2006 and
An Independent Review of a This report was completed following available on http://inspectorates.
Serious Further Offence case: the murder of Naomi Bryant in August
Damien Hanson and Elliot White 2005. The independent review
This report found that much
Published in February 2006 and was requested by the Responsible
had been achieved, including
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years
that planned interventions were a direct bearing on how dangerous MAPPA Development Strategy
generally effective in containing offenders are assessed and
• Achieve dedicated MAPPA
offending behaviour. There managed. This includes the OASys
coordination and administration
were also many areas for Quality Assurance Programme
capacity in all areas during
improvement and the report makes implemented from July 2005;
2006/7 (underway)
recommendations for the more implementation of the offender
consistent use of MAPPA and management model from April • Develop RANSG to include
sharing of MAPPA good practice, 2006; the launch of the NOMS Risk national representation of Duty
improved risk of harm assessments of harm Guidance and Training to cooperate agencies (achieved)
and sentence planning and greater resource pack June 2006; and the
• Revise and publish MAPPA
victim awareness. planned roll-out of the Police Public
Guidance (by April 2007 – see
Protection Manual.
It is important to note that the existing Guidance at: http://
fieldwork to support the inspection MAPPA will increasingly benefit
concluded in the autumn of 2005, from the expansion of ViSOR uk/output/page30.asp)
prior to the launch of the Risk of (the Violent and Sex Offenders
Harm Improvement Action plan Register). ViSOR is an integral
Monitoring and Evaluation
and other actions referred to in this part of plans to strengthen public
overview. Nevertheless, the report protection through improved risk • Areas to implement a MAPPA
has been welcomed and will be assessment and management and Business Plan for 2006/7 (achieved
considered in further detail by the will provide electronic support – see area annual reports)
National Offender Management for MAPPA allowing efficient data
• Development of multi-agency
Service (NOMS) Risk of Harm sharing between Police, Probation
public protection performance
Improvement Board as well as the and Prisons. The police have been
indicators (underway)
Responsible Authority National using ViSOR since April 2005 and
Steering Group (RANSG). the system will be implemented into • Improve the recording and
the prison and the probation service collation of data (underway)
during 2006/7. For the first time
• Develop guidance for a serious
Actions to develop MAPPA the Responsible Authorities will be
case review process (planned for
working together on the same I.T
Effecting change to these public consultation later this year)
system to Reduce Re-offending.
protection arrangements requires
concerted action from a range of
agencies and key stakeholders. Communication and Strategic
MAPPA is not an agency but a The National MAPPA Business Plan Partnerships
set of national arrangements that As the national coordinating body • The publication of the MAPPA
requires each contributor to ensure for the Responsible Authority, the Annual report (achieved)
that their own agency’s practice is RANSG, is tasked with exercising
fit for purpose and that the manner • Development of the annual report
oversight of MAPPA and ensuring
of their collaboration is effective to improve public understanding
its continued development. To
in assessing and managing the and engagement (ongoing)
help meet these aims the RANSG
risk posed by sexual and violent published, in November 2005, a • National MAPPA conference
offenders. three year National MAPPA Business (achieved – November 2005)
It is important to note that MAPPA Plan 2005-8. The plan identifies
• Develop a national
has benefited significantly this four broad areas of MAPPA
communication strategy (issued
year from the work undertaken by where significant and consistent
in June, but Child Sex Offender
individual agencies; work that has improvement is necessary. These
Review may add further impetus)
include the following;
Appendix A: MAPPA – the First Five Years
Training information and manage offenders work of MAPPA is undertaken
collaboratively, ensuring that by skilled and committed staff
• Delivery of lay adviser national
potentially dangerous offenders are and everyone engaged in the
training (delivered but also
being properly risk assessed and arrangements acknowledges
developing so far)
robustly managed in the community. the need for constant vigilance
• National coordinators conference and improvement. The journey
Effective management of high-risk
(delivered – May 2006) is not easy, but communities
offenders, as a discipline, is still
are safer because, as this report
• Collate core training material relatively in its infancy. There is
demonstrates, the Responsible
(underway) continuous development and the
Authorities are travelling together in
• Areas to implement a training standards and good practice of
the right direction.
strategy for new practitioners, tomorrow are likely to be different
new members of the strategic from today’s, achieved through
management board and for experience and research. The
John Scott
coordinators and administrators challenge therefore is not only to
Head of the Public Protection and
(underway) match current practice with what
Licensed Release Unit
we know, but also to respond
Areas have been asked to produce National Offender Management
rapidly to new learning.
annual reports on this model and Service
local business plans are attached The Inspectorate helpfully suggests
Terence Grange
to area annual reports for the first that what they are describing
Chief Constable of Dyfed Powys
time. Future reports will record the can be better understood as
Police and ACPO Public Protection
progress that has been achieved. the identification of stages on a
journey rather than a destination
reached. Since their introduction Tony Robson
Conclusion in 2001, the 42 MAPPAs covering Her Majesty’s Prison Service
England and Wales have travelled
The introduction of MAPPA enables a great distance in a short time to
agencies to work more closely establish the new arrangements. On behalf of the Responsible
than ever before to exchange The vital public protection Authority National Steering Group

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