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tter le s w e N t n e m e v ie h Student Ac High School Edition

Student of the Month April/May 2013

Each month, SCVCS will be recognizing two students for attaining Student of the Month status: one student for overall Student of the Month and one for Most Improved Student. SCVCS high school teachers recommend students for this honor. Each month we will have various prizes for our winners! This month we will be sending out a certificate to each student nominated and our winners will receive a $10 Target gift certificate. Congratulations to all of our nominees and winners! Micah Mills SCVCS 12th Grader Micah is a great student! He has maintained an A average all semester in Block Algebra 2, which is very difficult to do. Micah faithfully attends CC sessions or watches CC session recordings. He also goes above and beyond and completes all Extra Credit assignments that are offered. Way to go Micah! Ms. Shuler

tter le s w e N t n e m e v ie h Student Ac High School Edition

Student of the Month April/May 2013
A. Young Bledsoe Cullop Cureton Harrill Latham Newman-Spicer Sprott Waters Wilt Benton Blanton DeWalk Nyland Nyland Patterson Patterson Patterson Richardson Richardson Wheeler White Brewer Brewer Brewer D'Annunzio D'Annunzio Morgan Morgan Morgan Sasser Sasser Sasser Dowling Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance Other Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance Other Other Phys. Ed. Comp. Lit. Entrepreneurship 2 Comp. Lit. Game Design Web Design Health Life Skills Music App Other English IV BL English IV Honors English IV English 202 Honors English 204 English 202 BL Journalism English 202 AP Composition English 104 English 102 Math Tech 1

Hayley R. Gavin M. Cassidy P. Reagan S. Lauren S. Da'Asia J. Sydney S. Chloe S. Sumter F. Chandni A. Terrick P. Dakota C. Katelyn K. Zachary W. Anisah W. Cameron C. Alejandro R. Michael M. Bradlee C. Cory C. Abigail S. Robert M. Seth G. Elizabeth K. Madison B. Nathaniel B. Taylor C. Cory C. John M. Samuel F. Zainab M. Carli L. Cody E. Ausn B.

Genco Genco Genco Langford Langford Langford Murphy Murphy Murphy Reed Reed Sherbert Sherbert Shuler Shuler Shuler Brown Brown Lauricella Lauricella Staley Morris Morris Smith Smith Smith Smith Staley Staley Carroll Chambers Chambers Pennington Pennington

Geometry Tech Geometry Geometry Honors AP Calculus Precalculus Prob and Stats Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1 Math Tech 1 Math Tech 2 BL Math Tech 2 Geometry Tech Math Tech 1 Algebra 2 BL Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 Biology Applied Biology I Honors Biology Applied Biology Honors Chemistry Physics Physical Science Applied Bio I Applied Bio II Earth Science BL Earth Science Chemistry Forensic Science US History World History Geography Government Anthropology

Antonio Jr. D. Andrew F. Carly B. Bertrand Z. John E. Sebasan C. Elizabeth M. Walker P. Kaitlyn F. Hazel G. Marshall C. Moriah F. Ariana H. Micah M. Rhe W. Brianna D. Samuel F. Amy F. Simon K. Abby H. Marissa W. Sara A. Gabbriela N. Anthony M. Gregory B. Caroline W. Ginger P. Jarvis F. Larissa M. Victoria W. Lisa R. Micah M. Gabbriela N. Caitlin R.

tter le s w e N t n e m e v ie h Student Ac High School Edition

Most Improved Student of the Month April/May 2013
Each month, SCVCS will be recognizing two students for attaining Student of the Month status: one student for overall Student of the Month and one for Most Improved Student. SCVCS high school teachers recommend students for this honor. Each month we will have various prizes for our winners! This month we will be sending out a certificate to each student nominated and our winners will receive a $10 Target gift certificate. Congratulations to all of our nominees and winners! Jennifer LaRose SCVCS 10th Grader
Jennifer La Rosa has come a long way in my English class. She is in English 202Block. As you know, being is a Block class has double duty. They have 2 assignments each day instead of one. It is fast paced with lots of reading assignments and a research paper also. She is a hard worker and tries to give it her best. I am proud of her and all of my students that care and try in class. She deserves this recognition. Ms. Morgan

tter le s w e N t n e m e v ie h Student Ac High School Edition

Most Improved Student of the Month April/May 2013
A. Young Bledsoe Cullop Cureton Latham Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance Other Michael L. Cory C. Alexis K. Hannah S. Jennifer B. Sydney S. Samuel S. Luke J. Sashya D. Tyler E. Julyan V. Matthew Cole A. Christopher B. Derek B. Terrick P. Cody B. Matthew G. Lucas B. Janaya M. Emmanuel W. Jordan D. Kallie E. Mary C. Jeffrey H. Sasser Dowling Genco Genco Genco Langford Langford Murphy Murphy Murphy Reed Reed Sherbert Shuler Shuler Shuler Brown Brown Lauricella Lauricella Morris Morris Smith Smith Smith Smith Staley Carroll Chambers Chambers Pennington Pennington English 102 Math Tech 1 Geometry Tech Geometry Geometry Honors Precalculus Prob and Stats Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1 Math Tech 1 Math Tech 2 BL Math Tech 2 Geometry Tech Algebra 2 BL Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 Biology Applied Biology I Honors Biology Applied Biology Physics Physical Science Applied Bio I Applied Bio II Earth Science BL Earth Science Chemistry US History World History Geography Government Anthropology Courtney C. Yasmien B. Lindsay T. Gabrielle M. Gwyneth M. Jon G. Brittany W. Margaret D. Kansas S. Rebbecca W. Mary C. Anisah W. Joleah M. Tiffany L. Bailey H. Catherine R. Nikolas S. Thomas G. Raphael L. Savannah H. Zainab M. Darby G. Lateefah B. Caroline M. Jasminn D. Diamond C. Joy N. Anastazia D. Stefan V. Stuart F. Brandi W. Sebastian C.

Newman-Spicer Guidance Sprott Waters Wilt Benton Blanton DeWalk Nyland Nyland Patterson Patterson Patterson Richardson Richardson Wheeler White Brewer Brewer D'Annunzio D'Annunzio Morgan Morgan Morgan Sasser Sasser Guidance Guidance Guidance Other Other Phys. Ed. Comp. Lit. Entrepreneurship 2 Comp. Lit. Game Design Web Design Health Life Skills Music App Other English IV BL English IV English 202

Honors English 204 Gwyneth M. English 202 BL Journalism English 202 AP Composition English 104 Jennifer L. Christain D. Amberleen L. James T. Berrios C.

tter le s w e N t n e m e v ie h Student Ac High School Edition

Most Nominated Students for Spring Semester April/May 2013
This month, SCVCS will be honoring the students who were nominated the MOST amount of times over the course of Spring Semester: two students for Student of the Month, and two students for Most Improved Student of the Month. These students will also receive a certificate in the mail, as well as a $10 Target Gift Card. Congratulations on a job well done!! Bertrand Z. SCVCS 10th Grader Reagan S. SCVCS 10th Grader

Student of the Month

Most Improved Student of the Month

Lance E. SCVCS 9th Grader Jasminn D. SCVCS 11th Grader

letter s w e N t n e m e v ie h c Student A High School Edition

Student Spotlight Jordan Burnett April/May 2013
Jordan Burnett was born to be a gymnast as its been a sport shes loved ever since she was 3 years old! As a member of the Aiken Gymnastics team she trains each week to help perfect her performances in various competitions. Jordan says, When I was 3 years old, my mom put me in a tumbling class and I continued to take tumbling classes until I was 8 years old. I then started taking gymnastics at Aiken Gymnastics. I am in the Xcel Gold level. I practice between 9 and 12 hours a week and condition at home on the days I am off. Jordans practice and weekly dedication has definitely paid off as she recently won 1st place on the beam and 1st place all around out of 8 states! To qualify for the state team to represent South Carolina I had to be in the top 6 in the state. So, out of about 140 South Carolina gymnasts I placed 1st. Wow, what an achievement and a testament to how hard work, motivation and dedication leads to success! Jordan says, My coaches worked with me and the other girls from our gym who had also placed in the top 6 for their levels. We then competed at the regional meet at the Littlejohn Coliseum in Clemson, SC. This regional event is held each year and we competed against Florida, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Mississippi. This is my fourth year competing and Ive made the regional team every year. As a gymnast Jordan has the opportunity to travel with her team and meet new friends. Jordan says, Every other summer we rent a camp in the Virginia Mountains and go as a team for a weeklong camp. Also, our older higher level girls go to Europe to compete every other summer. Some of Jordans highlights from her gymnastics career can be found within her local newspaper (Aiken Standard) at http:// AIK0301/130119484/0/SEARCH&slId=2 or article/20130223/AIK0301/130229786/0/ SEARCH&slId=1 . While practice, hard work and motivation help you to become better at your sport, safety is definitely a key element as well. Jordan says, If I could change one thing about gymnastics, I would try to make it safer. Our coaches are very careful with us and only allow us to do things we are comfortable doing by ourselves. But it is scary to see a girl get hurt at a meet or in practice. Also it is devastating to work so hard then have a career

er tt le s w e N t n e m e v ie Student Ach High School Edition

Student Spotlight Jordan Burnett April/May 2013
ending injury occur. With safety in mind, Jordan has a few other tips for any aspiring gymnast that wants to excel in gymnastics Listen to your coach, expect a certain amount of pain, but tell your coach so they can help you, dont give up on yourself, always keep a positive attitude, and ask questions if you dont understand how to do something. Excellent tips Jordan! With these tips and your perseverance were sure to see you one day at the Olympics!

1st Place - Beam 1st PlaceAll Around

Mary Elizabeth Anderson Valedictorian Candidate

SCVCS has two students in the race for valedictorian of the 2013 graduating class. One will earn valedictorian honors, and the other one will earn the salutatorian seat. We interviewed both students to be featured in this final 2012-2013 issue of the Student Achievement Newsletter. What are your favorite subjects and why? My favorite subject is English Literature because I like to read and discuss my thoughts about a story or novel with other people. It is interesting to see how people who read the same story or book can interpret it in so many different ways. Tell us about any academic honors or awards that you have earned in the past few years. I was invited to join the National Honor Society, and I have been nominated for Student of the Month several times. Otherwise, I really have not won any academic honors or awards. Tell us what community or extracurricular activities you have been involved with during these last few years. I have been in several extracurricular activities. I have taken piano lessons for eight years. During the last several years, I have taken voice and flute lessons. I also took a class in cake decorating just for the fun of it. for handicapped children to play baseball each Saturday in the spring and fall. I am a buddy to the children, and I also work in the concession stand. My church youth group does many mission projects. I have painted, sorted donated items, done yard work for the elderly, and painted a church camp. You are one of the academic superlatives of your graduating class. What skills, traits, or influences do you have that led you to this point? Without a doubt, the greatest influence that led me to this point is a good mother and father. They began encouraging my education from the time I was six months old when they began reading to me each night. They not only bought many books for me but also took me to the library each week and checked out boxes of books to read. This is probably one reason that reading is easy for me. Another key is my competitive spirit. A third key to my success is my piano teacher. She has gently encouraged and sometimes pushed me not so gently to achieve and do what I thought I could not do. This has carried over to academic areas.

My community activities involve La Puerta de Esperanza, the Miracle League, and church mission activities. La Puerta de Esperanza provides all kinds of services to the Spanish community in Greenwood, South Carolina. I served as an afterschool tutor last year. I also helped to process hundreds of books for the childrens library there. The Miracle League is an organization that provides an opportunity

Mary Elizabeth Anderson Valedictorian Candidate

Did SCVCS contribute to your success? If so, how? SCVCS did contribute to my success by providing flexibility to work at my own pace within the bounds of my own schedule. SCVCS has also allowed me to develop independent working habits within certain parameters. The k12 curriculum is high quality and emphasizes thinking. The literature in English is also of high quality. Yours is one of the first graduating classes to have had the opportunity to attend SCVCS all four years. What suggestions for improvement do you have for SCVCS? I think that SCVCS should allow more independence in working. I would like to be able to work ahead. When access to material is controlled by the teacher, I do not have the freedom that I would like. Some students may not be able to handle freedom like this, but others can. If a student proves that they can handle this responsibility, they should be allowed to work without restrictions. If you could change education as a whole, what suggestions would you make? I think we need to change our educational system from the bottom to the top. Education should operate on the mastery system, not the leveled grade system. If a student has mastered a skill or subject, allow that student to go ahead. If a student has not mastered a skill or subject, find out why and use different approaches until that student achieves mastery. Give everyone a solid foundation in subjects, such as math, reading, writing, science, social studies, health, and computer literacy until they complete the eighth grade. At that time, students should be evaluated on their skills, their motivation, and their career goals. Those who have the proficiency and motivation to go to college should go to the college track. Students who are more career-oriented should go to a career center or technical school so that when they graduate, they will have a marketable skill to take with them as they search for jobs. You will have the opportunity to address your graduating class next month, but if you had the opportunity to address incoming freshmen, what advice would you give them? I would tell incoming freshmen to think about their future goals and dont get bogged down in the day-to-day work so that they lose sight of the end result. They should look honestly at their strengths and weaknesses and set realistic goals for themselves. They should do their best every day, and above all, do not get behind What are your plans for next year? For the next ten years? If you could do anything, what would you do? Next year I will go to the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Savannah, Georgia, to study fashion design. Within the next ten years, I want to graduate from college and then go on to get my Masters degree. Then I want to work with a fashion design company for a while until I get some experience. Hopefully, I can then develop my own line. If I could do anything, I would like to set up my own fashion design company that produces a line of clothes that is stylish, fashionable, ageappropriate, and modest. Teachers are looking to the next generation to help bring peace, prosperity, and advancement to our nation. If you could give advice to our govern-

Mary Elizabeth Anderson Valedictorian Candidate

I would tell government officials and legislators, Do not assume that everyone is like yourself. Our government must make decisions for all types of people of all backgrounds, viewpoints, mind sets, and educational levels. I think this applies to relating to both foreign countries and people within our country. Government officials cannot assume that people will respond just the way that they would. They must consider all reactions and then make decisions that reflect what is fair and just.

A body of work is . . . never finished. Its cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of your community and your nation. Ahead of you lie new experiences, unique challenges, and accomplishments yet undreamed of.This is your time, a chance to leave your mark on the world. Congratulations and Best Wishes in the Future - President Barack Obama

Brennan Lawrence Gedney Valedictorian Candidate

SCVCS has two students in the race for valedictorian of the 2013 graduating class. One will earn valedictorian honors, and the other one will earn the salutatorian seat. We interviewed both students to be featured in this final 2012-2013 issue of the Student Achievement Newsletter. What are your favorite subjects and why? I have always enjoyed history classes the most. History offers a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave, which allows us to understand our own society. When we understand what happened and why in the past, we can better prepare for similar situations in the present. The way I see it is that the more history I know, the better I will handle my own life. Tell us about any academic honors or awards that you have earned in the past few years. For 10th, 11th, and 12th, I was a USA Swimming Scholastic AllAmerican for achieving higher than a 3.5 GPA and national qualifying times in swimming events. In 10th and 11th grade, I was a Potomac Valley Scholar Athlete based on my GPA and work in the swimming community. Tell us what community or extracurricular activities you have been involved with during these last few years. I volunteered for two years with Nadar Por Vida (Swimming for Life), where I taught underprivileged children the importance of education through competitive swimming. I have also worked with Habitat for Humanity, the Youth Leadership Initiative, Peer Mentors, fluences do you have that led you to this point? I love to read and learn about a broad range of things. I try to work as hard as I can because I know honest and hard work is one of the best traits you can have to be responsible and have a positive influence. Did SCVCS contribute to your success? If so, how? Yes! The teachers challenged and taught me a lot, so I have a strong foundation for college. I owe the SCVCS teachers a great deal because of their patience and knowledge. Next year I would like to come back and tell them how well they prepared me for Clemson University. Yours is one of the first graduating classes to have had the opportunity to attend SCVCS all four years. What suggestions for improvement do you have for SCVCS? The Childrens Hospital in Denver, CO, and the Christian Fellowship Church. You are one of the academic superlatives of your graduating class. What skills, traits, or inSCVCS does a great job. If you could change education as a whole, what suggestions would you make?

Brennan Lawrence Gedney Valedictorian Candidate

I think there should be more support for virtual schools. Students and parents should realize that the sky is the limit when you have virtual school opportunities. You will have the opportunity to address your graduating class next month, but if you had the opportunity to address incoming freshmen, what advice would you give them? Work hard, keep up, and dont be afraid to ask questions. Teachers are very helpful in class and even have extra office hours. Students who have been in SCVCS for a few years and are used to studying this way can help new SCVCS students. What are your plans for next year? For the next ten years? If you could do anything, what would you do? Next year I will be attending Clemson University as part of the Calhoun Honors College and the School of Architecture. I will also be a part of the Army ROTC program at Clemson, and I plan on being commissioned as an officer in the Army after college graduation.

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