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Morphology An II Seminar 6 The Verb 1. Answer the following questions: a. Which verbs can function only as main verbs?

n. How is the DO expressed in the following example: b. In which type of text are lexical verbs more The man said he had sworn to tell the truth. frequent? o. How are the valencies realized in the case of c. In which type of text is the copula more common? complex transitive verbs? d. What classes can verbs be grouped in? p. What is the order of objects after ditranzitive verbs? e. What is the main characteristic of activity verbs? q. How many classes of multi-word verbs? f. What are the meanings of mental verbs? r. What is prepostional verb? Phrasal verb? Phrasalg. Give examples of occurrence verbs. prepositional verb? h. What is the meaning of verbs such as: seem, s. What are the criteria for identifying phrasal verbs / appear, include, contain, represent. prepositional verbs? i. What is the register where the verb get is avoided? t. Which are the classes of phrasal verbs? j. How many morphological forms have regular u. What are the structural patterns of the prepositional verbs? verbs? k. Give examples of verbs that have both regular and v. Give examples of phrasal-prepositional verbs. irregular forms. w. What are the functions of the auxiliary verb BE? l. What is the characteristic of prefixes attached to x. Mention some of the meanings of HAVE. verb? y. What is the role of DO in negatives and m. Give examples of common derivational affixes with interrogatives? verbs. z. What is a pro-verb? 2. Give the forms of the following verbs: apply, delay, suffer, prefer, develop, crop, hope, cringe, panic, kidnap, lie. Explain spelling rules. 3. Insert the suitable form of the verb: a. The boats ____(lie) overturned on the beach all winter last year. b. Why he______ (lie) in the sun at noon? He'll get awfully sunburnt. c The tiger ________(spring) on the prey and killed it in an instant. d. I slipped and nearly __________(fall) down the ladder. e. Thousands of trees in the rain forest were ________(fell) to build the highway. b. She looked terrified and ______(wring) her hands in despair. f. Suddenly lightning _______(strike) the tallest building. g. For generations, the Stradivarius family ________(strive) to improve the sound of these instruments. c. My dress ________(shrink) in the wash and I had to let her down. h. The price of petrol ______(rise) again due to the crisis in the Middles East. 4. Identify the structure of the verb phrase: a. It took us two hours to get the matter settled. b. If only you had remembered to bring the passport! c. The clauses in the contract couldn't have been more unfavourable to our party. d. Definitely she should have been given more specific instructions before the test. e. She will have been working on this project for something like two years already when she graduates. 5. Complete the following passage using the Present or Past Participle of the verbs in the list: develop, dye, lie, mislay, occur, offer, panic, repay, sue, whinge It never (1) to me that he was (2) or I wouldnt have (3) to lend money in the first place. He says he (4) my letter, and thats why he hasnt (5) me yet. He really started (6) when I said Id take him to court. But Im serioulsy thinking of (7) him, because Im fed up with his (8) on about how unkind I am and how unfair life is. Hes a (9) in-the-wool scrounger if you ask me, with an over-(10) sense of grievance. 6. Tranzitive or intranzitive? a. Women today are achieving in many professions d. Her eyes glittered as she saw the jewels. which were previously open only to men. e. Pete doesnt adapt easily to new situations. b. Dont panic! Theres no real danger. f. Those couples who have no children of their own c. He has exhibited in all the major art galleries over are often eager to adopt. the last few years. g. The two companies have merged. 7. What lexical class? a. He runs every morning to keep fit. e. She brushed her hair till it shone. b. The traffic light changed to red. f. I sat down nervously on the edge of the chair. c. Youll find the children have grown up in your g. The countrys foremost humourist died absence. unexpectedly in his home last night. d. Its not polite to whisper during a speech. 8. Discuss the valency patterns of the underlined verbs: a. Tom disappeared. f. Susan is unhappy. b. Tom bought a car. g. Ill make some tea. c. You can rely on Tom for help. a. Ill make you a pizza. d. Tom gave her a ring. b. Ill make the question easy. e. Tom made Susan angry. c. They make a good couple. 9. Are the following phrasal verbs or prepositional verbs? Explain. d. A lot of this scrap metal can be melted down and used g. He got on his bike and rode off. again. h. The new job hasnt come up to her expectations. e. Fill up the tanks please. i. He gulped down his beer. f. She accidentally knocked a book off the bedside table. j. Some weird specimens have slipped through the net. 10. Analyse the verbs in the following text:

A huge coil of dark rope fell thump on the wharf. A bell rang [...] The freshening wind tugged at Fenellas skirts. To her relief, Grandma seemed no longer sad. She had put the two sausages of luggage one on top of the other, and she was sitting on them, her hands folded. The Fenella saw that her lips were moving and guessed that she was praying. But the old woman gave her a bright nod as if to say the prayer was nearly over. (Catherine Mansfield The Voyage)

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