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Glenthorne Sixth Form Academy for Dance


Chloe Green

Connexcast Glenthorne High School Sutton Common Road Sutton SM3 9PS

15th May 2013

CLIENT Glenthorne High School

The Brief: You work for Connexcast, a company who specialise in making advertisements for TV and the internet. The company have been hired by Glenthorne High School to advertise their sixth form academies. You have been asked to produce a 25-30 second advertisement which can be broadcast on local television and appropriate websites. You will be given a specific sixth form academy to advertise and a tight brief to stick to. It is proposed that the advertisement will be of 25-30 seconds duration, filmed at Glenthorne High School using both dance studios, a theory class room in the Jubilee wing and edited at our Sutton facility.

The advertisement will be aimed at both female and male students in years 10 and 11 and also their parents. This has been identified through audience research by creating an audience profile of my desired target audience.

The advertisement will show the Glenthorne High School logo with the Sixth Form Academy logo for Dance to display the institution and the course. With the use of the technique of mirroring, the students will represent what the younger students will do on the dance course, practically and theoretically. On top of this, the advert will give the target audience a preview of the fantastic and modern facilities that are accessible to the pupils using a range of camera angles and movement to capture the audiences eye.

The advertisement for Glenthorne High Schools Sixth Form Academy for Dance will be aired on the Glenthorne website as well as ITV 1 and ITV 2 as this directly targets our audience of year 10s and 11s and their parents. The other educational institution for this advertisement will be The Brit School. This has been identified through market research by comparing the Glenthorne academy to similar products such as universities, colleges and educational services.

Several locations have been visited and a shortlist has been drawn up: Suggested locations are: Glenthorne High School

The Performing Arts Centre D28 The Sports Hall Dance Studio JO4

The advertisement will include the following: a) The Glenthorne High School logo and Sixth Form Academy logo b) The dance student introducing their self and explain what they are going to do during the advertisement c) A student performing a solo

d) Students in a theory class e) Range of facilities (Dance studios) f) Range of facilities (Library)

g) The dance student summaries h) The Glenthorne High School logo with contact details and open days

Structure (Initial Ideas) The advertisement will be in colour and in PAL aspect ratio. The advertisement will start with the Glenthorne logo which will fade into the Glenthorne High School Sixth Form Academy for Dance. This will then follow onto a close up of a dance student introducing what it is like to take on the dance course at Glenthorne High School. A soloist will appear by dancing in the studio whilst being assessed by the teachers who instruct on the course which will switch back and forth from the dancer to the teachers. Afterwards, the advertisement will cut to one of the teachers teaching the theory element to the dance course which will also include the students interacting and participating in the class. In addition to this, there will be shots of the facilities that are accessible to the students such as the studios, the library and the common room. This will then finalise with the student concluding and the logo

will fade back in with a slogan stating, Preparing you for a career in Dance with a list of contact details and open days.

Budget Research Planning meeting Filming PDW-F800 XD Cam Editing Subtotal Production Contingency @10% Travel Expenses @40p per mile 30 450 400 2800 120 3770

Total production budget: 3800

Schedule The production will be produced within the timescale that will be indicated by our shooting and editing schedules. Connexcast will ensure that all location filming is carefully planned to take into account the safety of the crew and the general public and any production contingencies. The finished Glenthorne High School Sixth Form Academy for Dance will be available for viewing at an appropriate time in order for any changes to be made before the suggested release date. The deadline for submission to the client is: 12 th June 2013

Sources of requirements (List here what technical equipment, props, costumes, actors and locations you need; and where you will get them from) Sony XDCAM HD PDW-F800 Sony Tripod Sony Editing Software Final Cut Still Camera Sony

Dance wear Dance Department School equipment Glenthorne High School Students Glenthorne High School Teachers Glenthorne High School Dance studios JO4

Legal and Ethical Issues I will have to ensure that the advertisement will meet the requirement of ITV which indicates that it will not offend or harm the audience. The advert will not contain any sexual, violent or drug related content that will cause offence to the viewers which will be classified by regulatory bodies in the UK (ASA). The regulatory bodies have the right to uphold the advertisement if it does not meet the criteria or abide by the rules

Guarantee of Satisfaction Initial discussion on the Glenthorne Sixth Form Academy for Dance advertisement content will take place. Production equipment will be used in a safe operational manner at all times. Connexcast is covered by Public Liability Insurance to the sum of 1,000,000. A copy of all rushes (camera original material) will be supplied on request in DVD format. A rough cut (initial trial edit) version of the Glenthorne Sixth Form Academy for Dance will be supplied for inspection and discussion. A meeting to discuss the final master version will be organised with a focus group of interested parties. The completed Glenthorne Sixth Form Academy for Dance advertisement will be provided on DVD for inspection.

The completed Glenthorne Sixth Form Academy for Dance advertisement will not be released until the client is completely satisfied with technical quality and content.

Connexcast 15th May 2013 Connexcast asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. Any unauthorised copying of this work will result in prosecution.

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