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Detoxify your immune system in time for colder weather and save 50% SEE PAGE 12 FOR DETAILS


ABSORB THIS! NEW Super Sublingual B-12 has three times as much B-12 MARVIS AND HARRY Theyre in their 80s and on top of the world



for health and wellness

The 10 Essentials were created to suit every Wellness Seeker. Taking even small steps in each one will improve your life and wellness in wonderful ways.

10 Essentials

Embrace Gratitude Throughout the Seasons

by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita, Inc.

Deep breathing expels body toxins faster than any other means. Getting enough water provides an instant energy boost and you may even eat less. Establishing a bedtime routine will help you sleep longer and more soundly. Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes blood sugar swings. An active lifestyle enables every system in your body to work better.

PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply 2. Drink Water

We are just weeks away from the beginning of winter. I was at the ranch in Colorado, enjoying the last of the fall colors with a special guest from the Midwest, when he began lamenting the long winter months ahead. Yes, colds and flu seem to be the prevailing winter experience, but at TriVita, we know it does not have to be that way. A stronger immune system can help make a significant difference in the way you feel and help you escape the usual winter illnesses. A great way to start revving up your immune system is by using the TriVita Vitamin C System. By taking the crystals in the morning and the time-release tablets in the evening, you keep your Vitamin C levels up day and night. These remarkable products were formulated by Dr. Libby for fast absorption with 24-hour protection. We are offering them at special pricing this month to help you enter the winter months with a stronger immune system.

3. Sleep Peacefully 4. Eat Nutritiously 5. Enjoy Activity

Heart-focused, sincere and positive feelings boost the immune system. As you let go of negative feelings toward others, you will find greater peace and optimism. Gratitude brings instant joy, builds physical defenses and reduces stress. Practicing acceptance clears your mind of needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life.

EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love 7. Be Forgiving

Wellness is not really a destination with an arrival point. It is a journey where you experience the many things that contribute to wellness.
But experiencing greater health and wellness is not just about adding nutrients to a daily regimen. It is also about nurturing your emotions every day. It is about feeling that closeness and connection to God and His purposes for your life. Wellness is not really a destination with an arrival point. It is a journey where you experience the many things that contribute to wellness. After 62 years of many diverse life situations, I firmly believe one of the greatest contributors to wellness and well-being is gratitude. As we enter the holiday season, it may seem easier to express gratitude, but gratitude is not a seasonal experience it is a state of being to enjoy every season. Could it be that much of our lives are spent on getting rather than focused on being? If we are always striving to get something, it is much more difficult to focus on what we have and the gratitude we feel. By focusing on being grateful, we are far more likely to attract wellness. I was returning from an offsite meeting with Chaplain Gene Henderson when he reminded me of a life experience I had told him about; of a time when gratitude dramatically changed the course of my life. Years ago I had been in a business relationship with two people I greatly respected and trusted. Out of the blue, our business relationship was broken and it cost my family millions of dollars. I was so lost in feelings of disappointment and despair that I decided to take our motor home to the desert, in an attempt to sort things out by myself. My feelings went from anger to hurt and fear of the unknown. After several days, a new thought overwhelmed me as I prayed for guidance: Michael, you can choose to be bitter or to be better. What road will you choose? What will you attract to yourself as you travel either of these life roads? I was so empowered by that thought and the possibilities of attraction, that of course I chose the road of being better. If I was going to be better, then I needed to be grateful, for it would open my mind and heart. By being grateful for the experience, it could make me be better, and better equip me for the future.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 31...

8. Practice Gratitude

9. Develop Acceptance

SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God

As your relationship grows, you will enjoy all the blessings of unconditional love.

2 l November 2008

How to live a healthy, productive life with diabetes.

In this
4 The Multi-tasking Vitamin
We Cant Do Without
C if youre getting enough of this health essential.


others Revved up!
10 ways to give thanks this holiday season.

10 Foundational Values
Our medical board uses their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to approve proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members. Unlike other supplements that can be dicult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and eect. Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their eectiveness. TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create eective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals.

1. Physician-Approved Formulas

Delicious fruits and vegetables with a big Vitamin C boost.

2. Patented Absorption Systems

3. Controlled Laboratory Studies

6 Remember B-12 and help

Repair Memory Loss!
How one remarkable vitamin could boost brain function.

4. Purest Natural Ingredients

10 New hope for

13 Stop-Smoking
Set a date for success: the Great American Smokeout.

Diabetes Suerers

Tips that Work

We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality

You can help beat the odds against this dreaded disease.

6. Third-Party Testing and Certification

In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards.

16 See how Priscilla Gets

Healthy changes have changed her life.

18 Laugh your Way to

holiday happiness
Emotional health expert Dr. Judy offers great ways to have fun.

Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency. TriVitas commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. Led by our Chief Science Ocer and renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members. TriVitas advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods.

7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production


8. Dedicated to Product Innovation

20 Super Fruits Pack

Super Nutrient Power

The exotic goodies from far away are loaded with health benefits.

9. Medical Advisory Board

25 Call this Couple

The Energetics

Marvis and Harry are in their 80s and on top of the world.

We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and oer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products.
Our natural products are food based. If you have any food based allergies, please read the labels. Statements or claims in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guarantee


Vitamin C:

a Boost to Your Health & Well-being

Vitamin C and your body

Teeth and gums Vitamin C helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. Immune system function Vitamin C activates immune cells called lymphocytes. Vitamin C is used to program lymphocytes to search out specific targets and destroy them thats a good thing!
Vitamin C also acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your body from free radicals; these damaging molecules can result from metabolism, environmental toxins and stress. Free radicals have been implicated in conditions ranging from heart disease and cancer to arthritis and inflammation. And, free radicals can lead to premature aging. In addition to protecting against free radicals, Vitamin C can help expand the lifespan of other antioxidants such as Vitamins A and E.

s cooler temperatures arrive, many people like to load up on Vitamin C to ward off colds. Actually, though, you need this important vitamin each and every day; although its well-known for its ability to boost the immune system, Vitamin C does so much more!

Vitamin C and illness

whats missing
Although Vitamin C deficiency is quite rare, these signs and symptoms can indicate a lack of this essential vitamin: Frequent colds or infections Slow-healing wounds Dry hair Gingivitis Bleeding gums Dry skin Easy bruising Nosebleeds. 4 l November 2008

Humans are one of the few mammals that cant produce Vitamin C. Thats right; your body doesnt make or store this vital nutrient so you must replenish your bodys supply of it every day. Why? Because its involved in so many functions of your body:

Although many health experts have been touting the benefits of Vitamin C in the treatment of certain illnesses for years (including Nobel Prize Laureate Linus Pauling a colleague of Dr. Alfred Libby, inventor of Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid), they have often been disregarded or treated with skepticism. But recent studies have shown definitive, positive results.

Bones All the minerals in your bones require Vitamin C to turn them into health-building materials. Blood Your blood needs Vitamin C to convert iron into hemoglobin, a protein in your red blood cells. Collagen Vitamin C is required to form collagen; collagen in turn forms the bodys connective tissues such as blood vessels, tendons, ligaments and bones.

Vitamin C and diabetes

A study in the July 2008 Archives of Internal Medicine showed that those with higher Vitamin C levels had a 62% lower risk of developing Type II diabetes than those with lower levels of Vitamin C. Thats great news considering that 24 million people in the United States alone have diabetes (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Vitamin C and you

Vitamin C and cancer

A 2008 study from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Kansas showed that when Vitamin C was administered intravenously to mice, it reduced the weight of ovarian, brain and pancreatic cancer tumors by 41 to 53%! The body will only allow a certain amount of Vitamin C to be absorbed when its taken orally, so researchers wanted to test the results of intravenous Vitamin C. What they found is that while Vitamin C shrank cancer tumors, it did not affect normal cells. Human trials are in the planning stages for this exciting area of research. Other conditions that Vitamin C has been shown to help include: Cardiovascular disease Stroke High cholesterol Macular degeneration Aging skin.

So now the question is: How much Vitamin C do you need? Individual needs for Vitamin C depend on a variety of factors; one way to determine how much your body can use is by doing the Vitamin C Flush. (For details, and to find out about special savings on TriVita Non-Acidic Vitamin C, see page 12.) The Vitamin C Flush helps you figure out how much Vitamin C you should be taking each day. Plus, the Vitamin C Flush can help detoxify your system. People report increased energy and a greater sense of well-being after doing the flush. Your need for Vitamin C may diminish when you eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. You may need more Vitamin C if you are: Under stress Sick Running a fever Recovering from surgery Pregnant Breastfeeding A smoker. The bottom line? A diet rich in fruits and vegetables as well as high-quality supplements can help ensure you get the Vitamin C you need for optimum health. This winter, put away the tissue box and decongestants! By actively taking control of your health now, you can help avoid the usual sniffles, sneezing and coughing that come with colder weather and you can reap the protective health benefits of this amazing vitamin.

how many fruits and veggies you can eat

A diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can help provide the nutrients you need, including healthy helpings of Vitamin C. Health experts recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables for children, seven for women and nine for men. Add these Vitamin C-rich foods to your diet: Strawberries Oranges Broccoli Papaya Kale Turnip greens Kiwi Snow peas Cantaloupe Green and red peppers Grapefruit Tomatoes Mango Watermelon Cauliflower Cabbage Raspberries Blueberries Cranberries Pineapples.

Just one daily serving of NutraFruits gives you a wide range of benets from over 30 of the healthiest fruits and vegetables on the planet. See ad on page 20.

Brussels sprouts Winter squash


B-12 update

Scott Conard, M.D.

Founder, TienaHealth Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

Memory loss? Reversible causes may include insufficient B-12

Remember: B vitamins are a smart part of brain health
by Dr. Scott Conard, M.D.

ver the years, my work in disease prevention has shown me how important the B vitamins are to cognitive (brain) health. In study after study, results reported in professional journals and accepted by leading medical authorities point especially to Vitamin B-12 as a vital part of mental functioning.
The link between Vitamin B-12, mental focus, energy and memory is proven. You may also know that after about age 40, our bodies become less able to absorb Vitamin B-12 from food. (Since this month marks the Great American Smokeout in the U.S., heres another timely fact: Smoking steals essential nutrients including Vitamin B-12 from the body. Theres another great reason to quit!) So, there are those who view mental decline as an inevitable part of the aging process. However, our discoveries about the power of B vitamins are prompting us to re-think the idea that getting older means losing mental function. 6 l November 2008

Correct a B-12 deficiency, help correct memory loss

Younger people at risk, too?

One of the premier medical authorities in the field, Harvard Medical School, plainly endorses the use of B-12 to treat memory loss caused by a deficiency of this invaluable vitamin. The prestigious school supports these findings: A lack of Vitamin B-12 can cause permanent damage to brain cells Vitamin B-12 deficiency is among the reversible causes of memory loss (along with stress and disease) Addressing B-12 deficiency is a treatment for memory loss Addressing B-12 deficiency early can help bring back lost memory function Ignoring B-12 deficiency can worsen memory loss.

As I noted, its generally older adults who tend to be more prone to a deficiency of B-12. However, there is evidence that younger people dont get enough B-12, either.

...people as young as 26 turned out to be as B-12 deficient as some people over 65.
According to the National Institutes of Health, one study suggests that B-12 deficiency affects a much broader age range than many have thought. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pointed to three different age groups found to have about the same deficiency in blood levels of B-12: those 65 and over, those ages 50-64 and those ages 26-49. Thats right: people as young as 26 turned out to be as B-12 deficient as some people over 65.

TriVitas Super B-12 is a great, natural and safe way to boost your energy levels.
A friend of mine referred TriVitas Super Sublingual B-12 to me to try. I am 42 years old, very active and have been involved in the health and fitness industry for about 19 years. I am not one of those people who drink coffee in the morning for a boost, so the possible boost from the B-12 was appealing to me. I have very long days, which tend to leave me feeling lethargic and bottomed out. I needed something other than an energy drink and Sublingual B-12 proved to be a great choice! I noticed the increased energy the first day and the days I dont take it, I can feel a difference. When I run out, I want more so, Ill be stocking up! I deal with healthy and not-so-healthy people every day. This is definitely a product that everyone can benefit from and I have already started telling clients, friends and family about it. My 14-year-old son plays football and was lacking in his energy levels. So, I gave him the Super B-12 on a few occasions and he loved it! TriVitas Super B-12 is a great, natural and safe way to boost your energy levels and help you to stay focused on the tasks ahead!

For maximum sustained mental energy take


Joe g. milPitaS, ca

TriVitas new Super Sublingual B-12

Faster acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before
TriVita Super TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 with Ginseng helps you achieve: Sublingual B-12
Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration Sharper memory with less forgetfulness.

Across ages, supplement users have better results

The study of B-12 deficiency across three age groups turned up another important finding: ...those who did not take a supplement containing Vitamin B-12 were twice as likely to be Vitamin B-12 deficient as supplement users, regardless of age group. So, if you or a loved one may not get all the B-12 needed from food, I encourage you to look into B-12 supplementation with TriVitas quality products. Clearly, as research keeps confirming, B-12 is far too important to ignore... or to forget.

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Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves and brain erosion. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.

Alfred Libby, M.D. Inventor of Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots added pain and expense.




12 B-


Alfred Libby, M.D.


Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at VITAJOURNAL

l 7

Lose the Weight You Want in 3 Easy Steps!

STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for losing the bulge
Leanology Weight Loss Capsules
Non-Member $74.99
(180 capsules)
Redeem with 600 VitaPoints

Ive already lost 20 pounds

Like so many other people, Steve was on the up and down cycle of weight loss. He would start out on a diet with great hopes only to become disappointed by the results. The final straw was when he had to stop taking a weight loss product because it was withdrawn from the market. Steve was definitely ready for something new and thats when he decided to try the Leanology Weight Loss System. He finally found a clinically proven group of products that resulted in much more consistent weight loss. Leanology perfectly fits into my very busy lifestyle, Steve says. I have my own community outreach ministry and it demands a lot of my time and energy. A typical day can involve everything from Bible studies to helping people in need find jobs. I get a tremendous satisfaction from what I do, however my day can sometimes stretch from six in the morning to midnight. Im also an active TriVita Business Aliate. I need a weight loss system that is convenient and provides me with all the nutrients I need for greater energy. Leanologys unique capsules are effective because their exclusive ingredients, especially Converta, help Steve lose weight the healthy way by burning up excess fat. Leanologys delicious shakes also provide the perfect low calorie meal substitute and the Leanology chews and shaker cup come in handy for those on the go days. When Steve started with Leanology in October 2007, he weighed in at 276 pounds. Although he expected that the weight would come off slowly, Steve was pleased to lose 11 pounds in a matter of weeks. Now Im down to 256 pounds, Steve remarks, and Im well on my way of reaching my ultimate goal of 220 pounds. Leanology capsules really help increase my metabolism so the pounds peel away. Currently, he takes two Leanology capsules in the morning, afternoon and evening. I love Leanology shakes and look forward to having them in the morning or late afternoon when I start feeling hungry, he says. I sometimes blend my shake with ice, add a sliced apple or include several scoops of TriVita NutraFruits. These tasty shakes give me the perfect balance of good, wholeBefore at some carbohydrates, proteins 276 POUNDS

thanks to Leanology and Im halfway to my weight loss goal.

and fats, plus a healthy mixture of fiber, vitamins and minerals. I often have a turkey sandwich for lunch. For dinner I cook something healthy like chicken with steamed broccoli. The bottom line is, with Leanology being an important part of my diet, my hunger is satisfied for hours and I feel completely energized! Steve has added several other TriVita products to his regimen to help improve on his Leanology experience. Sublingual B-12 really helps me keep balanced and calm, he states. I also regularly take Adaptogen 10 Plus to help reduce stress. His vigorous exercise routine includes over one hour of weight training and he also enjoys bicycling. Im completely satisfied with Leanology because it does so much more than just help me lose weight, Steve offers. It also gives me important vitamins and minerals and essential fatty acids. This stuff really works!

Member $59.99

STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control

Leanology Appetite Control Chews
Flavor: Chocolate Mocha


Non-Member $37.99
(60 soft chews)
Redeem with 300 VitaPoints

Member $29.99

STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution

Leanology Nutritional Shakes
Flavors: Creamy Vanilla or Dutch Chocolate
Non-Member $56.99
(15 shakes per 2 lb bag)
Redeem with 450 VitaPoints

Member $44.99


The Value Pack includes: (1) bottle of 180 count Leanology Weight Loss Capsules (1) bag of Leanology Nutritional Shakes (choose from: Creamy Vanilla or Dutch Chocolate) (2) bags of Leanology Appetite Control Chews (as pictured)
One B ag Chews

E FREo f

Leanology 3-Step Value Pack SAVE $34.97!

Member $129.99
Redeem with 1300 VitaPoints

8 l November 2008

Dont derail your health during this feastive time of year

Enjoy the holiday season without the weight gain

The holidays are here! And that means parties, family gatherings, get-togethers and scrumptious holiday fare. If you cringe at the thought of holiday weight gain, but cant bear to miss out on grandmas pumpkin pie, youre in luck. There are simple steps you can take to keep your wellness and weight in check while indulging in holiday favorites.


Here are some tips for controlling your food intake during this most tempting of seasons: Cut corners where you can If you skip the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie, you can save yourself about 100 calories. Look for low-fat dips and sauces. Dont linger by the table holding the food; you may eat several more cookies than you planned! Prepare one plate of food, keep the portions small and eat slowly. After youve eaten, chew gum or sip on a tall glass of water the rest of the evening. Avoid alcohol as it is high in calories. Choose water or another low calorie beverage. Sparkling water is another option; add a wedge of lemon or lime to give it a little more flavor. Focus on people, not on the platters! Try to spend more time chatting with friends and family and less time eating.


Plan Ahead
Dont go to parties hungry. Eat a healthy snack or have a delicious Leanology shake before leaving home so you wont be as tempted by holiday delicacies. Think about the parties and gatherings you will be attending and decide which treats you will enjoy (the must-have pumpkin pie) and which ones you can forgo (green bean casserole). Dont plan on starting a diet January 1; thinking about it can lead to binge eating during the holidays. 1-800-991-7116

Its important to keep up your exercise regimen during the holidays. Exercise can help reduce stress during the best of times and holidays in particular can ramp up your stress load. Try to get in 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. If you cant fit in your full workout, try breaking down your daily exercise into 10-minute segments; it can be just as beneficial. Regardless, make sure you stay active!


Your nutritional essentials are just as important during the holidays as any other time of year. Make it a point to take your daily nutrients. And this holiday season, you can get some additional help from the Leanology Weight Loss System. It helps curb food cravings and can even help you cut calories. Learn more on page 8. This year, with some simple planning and determination, you can have your cake and eat it, too! VITAJOURNAL l 9

New hope for diabetes suerers

Proper nutrition, exercise and vitamin supplementation can help people with diabetes enjoy a healthy, productive life By Dr. Samuel N. Grief, M.D., CCFP, FCFP
Third, exercise will help improve your bodys natural sensitivity to its own or to any injected insulin you provide. Many people are not sure why they end up with diabetes. For most, a combination of genetic predisposition and lifestyle habits sets off a slow and steady decline in pancreatic function. This decline is inevitable unless the above lifestyle modifications are introduced. Taking supplements to help keep diabetes away is tempting. But do they really work?

Vitamin C can also be obtained through supplements

If you choose to supplement, be sure you take a high-quality one that contains the appropriate amount to boost your blood level. Healthcare professionals recommend anywhere from several hundreds to several thousands of miligrams of Vitamin C per day. Finally, diabetes is a known risk factor for heart disease, eye disease, skin infections and kidney disease. Fortunately, Vitamin C is known to help improve blood flow and as an antioxidant protects against sun damage to the eyes and skin, as well. The bottom line is this: eat a healthy and balanced diet, stay active and supplement with the right combination of vitamins and minerals to help stave off or keep your medical conditions under control, especially diabetes. See page 12 to nd out how the Vitamin C ush can boost your immune system.

Good news from the scientific world regarding vitamins and diabetes prevention Diabetes is a silent enemy

Every year, millions of Americans live their lives not noticing that they have subtle warning signs of diabetes. These less obvious signs, such as change in vision, fatigue, sleepiness and trouble fighting off infections, may not necessarily make you think of diabetes... but they should! It is usually the more obvious symptoms, such as unintentional weight loss, excess thirst and urination and fainting that signal the onset of diabetes and spur people to action. Remember, if you are diagnosed with diabetes, life does not end! However, change is required in order to correct some of the imbalances that led to the development of diabetes in the first place.

A recent study of middle-aged and older men and women was undertaken to see whether the rate of developing diabetes would be affected by how much Vitamin C was circulating in the blood among the study populations participants. Vitamin C is a known antioxidant and promotes the well-being of several organ systems, including the heart, blood vessels, skin, gums, teeth and the immune system. This particular study concluded that those individuals with the highest blood levels of Vitamin C were significantly less likely to develop diabetes over the 12-year study than those with the lowest levels. This is outstanding news! Translating this news into real-world practical advice, if you or any member of your family would like to lessen the risk for developing diabetes, consider eating more Vitamin C-rich foods. Specific Vitamin C-rich foods include: Oranges and other citrus fruits Sweet and hot peppers Cantaloupe Potatoes (baked, not fried) Cherries.

First, take stock of your weight

Obesity causes approximately 60% of all cases of type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. Losing weight is very likely to lessen the need for prescription medicine to control diabetes. Second, learning to count carbohydrates is necessary for all people with diabetes in order to keep the blood sugar relatively stable and free of any wild fluctuations. Limiting carbohydrate intake may also minimize the need for insulin. 10 l November 2008

Are you pre-diabetic?

Could your heart and arteries be under attack by pre-diabetes? Some 57 million people have this condition, according to The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Pre-diabetes means that blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Many people with pre-diabetes eventually develop the disease; studies indicate that diabetes-associated damage especially to the cardiovascular system may already be occurring in pre-diabetics. Unfortunately, pre-diabetes has no symptoms. And the symptoms of diabetes itself, as with other conditions, are often absent, and may not even appear until well after you get diabetes. Thats why the best way to find out if you have pre-diabetes is to assess your risk factors, consult with your healthcare provider and go from there.

Pre-diabetes/diabetes risk factors

Do any of these apply to you?

Over 45 years old Belong to a high risk race or ethnic group: Asian American, African American, Hispanic/ Latino, Native American, Alaska Native, Pacific Islander Family history of diabetes, especially in your immediate family Overweight/obese Sedentary lifestyle High blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg or higher) Low HDL (good) cholesterol (below 35 mg/dL) High triglycerides (above 250 mg/dL) History of cardiovascular disease

Check you r risk facto rs to protec t your heal th

What should I do if Im pre-diabetic?





The good news about pre-diabetes is that with proper nutrition and exercise, you can delay and even protect against the onset of type 2 diabetes. A major study showed that with 30 minutes of daily exercise and a 5-10% reduction in body weight, people were able to reduce their chances of getting diabetes by 58%!



Diet Reduce your fat and calorie intake, and control your portion sizes. Be sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean meats in your diet.
Heres a good rule of thumb for breaking down your meals: Divide your plate in half. Fill half with non-starchy vegetables, fill one quarter with lean protein and the remaining quarter with carbohydrates. For the best results, consider working with a dietician on a meal plan that best suits your personal needs.

Symptoms of Diabetes
Although these are the classic symptoms of diabetes, they are often absent, resemble symptoms of other conditions or appear well after youve become diabetic. Your best bet for early detection is to assess your risk factors. Excessive thirst Frequent desire to urinate Extreme hunger Unexplained weight loss Extreme fatigue Blurred vision






Had gestational diabetes Gave birth to a nine-plus pound baby Have polycystic ovary syndrome



Should I get tested?

Exercise Just 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise can make a huge difference in your health. Not only can exercise help you lose weight, but it can also help lower your blood sugar and cholesterol, help your body use insulin, reduce stress, increase your energy and improve your mood.
Walking, swimming, biking and dancing are just a few examples of beneficial aerobic exercises. If you think you may be pre-diabetic, meet with your healthcare provider right away. Remember, a diagnosis of pre-diabetes does not have to mean that you will eventually get diabetes. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to keep and maintain normal glucose levels and good health! VITAJOURNAL l 11

Ask your healthcare provider for a fasting blood glucose test or an oral glucose tolerance test if: You are over 45 and overweight You are under 45, overweight and have one or more of the above risk factors If you are over 45 and at a healthy weight, ask your healthcare provider if you should be tested.


Vitamin C Flush
Cleanse your body and help get rid of toxins


TriVitas Non-Acidic Vitamin C

50% O F
good th rough 1 1-30-0 8

get 2n uy One d sam e bott le

Over time, your body collects toxins, or poisons, that can damage your health. They collect in your lymphatic system and this can affect your bodys ability to heal itself.

2. Take 1 teaspoon of TriVita Non-Acidic Vitamin C Crystals in 4 or more ounces of water or juice every 15 minutes until the lymph system flushes. Important note: Some people report loose stools or even diarrhea with large amounts of Vitamin C. The lymph flush is not to be confused with diarrhea. Lymph fluid is plasma mostly water. You will know your lymph system has flushed when you release large amounts of fluid through your bowels. This is the point where your body can no longer absorb Vitamin C. 3. Multiply the number of teaspoons of Vitamin C it took to flush by 0.75. This is the maximum number of teaspoons you can use in a day. Example: 8 teaspoons to flush x 0.75 = 6 Take no more than 6 teaspoons of Vitamin C per day 4. Divide the number of daily teaspoons by 3; this will be your serving in the morning, midday and evening. Example: Maximum of 6 teaspoons 6 3 = 2 teaspoons 2 teaspoons in the morning 2 teaspoons at midday 2 teaspoons in the evening 5. Finish the bottle of Vitamin C at this reduced serving. You may continue taking this amount daily for several months if desired. The average person can flush 1-4 times per year. In time, and after several flushes, you may see that your daily Vitamin C needs go down to what may be considered a more normal serving one or two teaspoons, twice a day. If you have any questions consult your healthcare provider. Needless to say, I was very excited to try it with TriVitas Non-Acidic Vitamin C Crystals and it was a lot less expensive than the intravenous method! It took me 5 tsps. before I got to the point of having my lymphatic system flush. It was an interesting experience. Once it was over, which wasnt a terribly long time, I had a good nights sleep and woke up feeling very energized. It was such a good feeling to know I rid my body of deadly toxins and I found out how much Vitamin C my body needs each day. Now that I know its a pretty simple procedure and how great I feel afterwards, I plan on repeating it periodically. DENISE D. PHOENIX, AZ

What is the lymphatic system?

Powerful immune system support and much more! It helps: Fight free radicals that contribute to illness Assist in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol Speed wound recovery and aid in healing Support production and use of antibodies that fight illness Detoxify alcohol, pesticides, smoke and pollution.

The lymphatic or lymph system is an important part of the immune system. Its made up of vessels, organs, nodes and ducts that help maintain fluid balance in your body. Plus, the lymph system makes, stores and carries white blood cells throughout your body. Toxins can pile up in your lymph nodes. Two-thirds of your immune system resides in these lymph nodes. If they are full of toxins, your body will not respond correctly to new stresses. Also, allergies and autoimmune diseases can start with these nodes when they are full of waste. A process called a Vitamin C Flush can help your body get rid of this waste.

Vitamin C Crystals
#30170 Non-Member $24.99

The Vitamin C Flush

Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints

The Vitamin C Flush can help stimulate your lymphatic system and help you calculate the maximum amount of Vitamin C that your body can use every day. Because Vitamin C is water soluble, it must be taken every day. It is an important antioxidant that helps protect cells against damage caused by free radicals (unstable atoms or molecules). It also supports the bodys immune system and plays a role in healthy gums, skin, vision and connective tissue. Heres how the flush works: 1. Start your flush in the morning on an empty stomach; set aside at least four hours of uninterrupted time at home. It will not take that long but you want to have that time to comfortably recover from the flush. Non-Acidic Vitamin C Crystals really are amazing, and the flush always gives me the energy I need to maintain my active lifestyle. Thanks, TriVita.

Vitamin C TimeRelease Tablets #30230

Non-member $18.99

Member $14.99 Redeem with 150 VitaPoints

1 bottle Crystals 1 bottle Tablets

Vitamin C Pack
Non-member $43.98


Member $29.98 Redeem with 350 VitaPoints

I can rely on the Vitamin C Flush to keep me at optimal health. I use the Vitamin C Flush to stay healthy. Im always on the go, and I need a product that can keep up with me. With all the stress I put on my body, I know I can rely on the Vitamin C Flush to keep me at optimal health. I always do the flush when I know I have an important deadline at work, a personal engagement or long awaited family vacation. I know I can rest easy because I will be ready for anything. It only takes me about 4 tsps. to reach the flush point. TriVitas 12 l November 2008

It was such a good feeling to know I rid my body of deadly toxins. I am a breast cancer survivor a little over a year out (yeah!) and I was told about the benefits of doing a Vitamin C Flush. I had heard about having it done intravenously, which is very expensive.

Want help to quit smoking? The whole country is behind you!

Tips to become an ex-smoker on Great American Smokeout day
If youre ready to kick the smoking habit, this is your month: November 20 marks the American Cancer Societys Great American Smokeout, a nationwide push for people to quit or at least cut down on tobacco use. You know all the healthy reasons to quit, but you may not know all the tested techniques that have helped others to become ex-smokers. Try the ideas here, and maybe youll clear away the smoke for good. slowly. Do this 10 times and hold the last breath while you picture a peaceful scene (also check the 10 Essentials on page 2).

Delicio Fla us

4 5 6

Light a candle instead of a cigarette Have a change of scene: go outside, or to a different room Congratulate yourself on each day of success.

RY BERv or

START to get ready

If you should slip

When youre prepared to quit, your chances of success zoom. These five important steps will help you START:


Set a quit date Tell family, friends and coworkers that you plan to quit Anticipate and plan for the challenges youll face while quitting Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car and workplace Talk to your healthcare provider about getting help to quit.

For ex-smokers, the slip-up period is often within the first three months of quitting. If this happens to you, dont think youre a failure youve just had a setback. Use this setback to help yourself get back on track. Identify exactly what situation triggered your smoking, be aware of it and plan how to handle it when it comes up again. If you need more help to become or remain an ex-smoker, talk with your healthcare professional. He or she can suggest additional sources of help, such as stop-smoking programs and support groups in the area.

The only way to know how wonderful youll feel is to try it



I personally feel that Adaptogen 10 Plus helped me stop smoking.
I am generally a pretty stressed out person. If I am even two minutes late, I can feel my face get hot. I am ALSO an ex-smoker. I quit smoking about the time I tried Adaptogen 10 Plus for the first time. I really liked the taste. I figured Id give it a shot. I personally feel that Adaptogen 10 Plus helped me stop smoking, or at least helped my body deal with the stress of withdrawal. It was definitely a personal victory for me. I still take Adaptogen 10 Plus two to three times a week, and still love the taste. I FEEL GREAT (and my lungs are doing a LOT better too)! Now I am suggesting the product to my friends. JonatHan c. YorK, on

Offers astounding health benets you can feel controlled calm and increased mental and physical performance Helps combat damaging free radicals and improve nutrient absorption Natural ingredients work together with your body to create a solid defense against stress

Once youve STARTed, there will be times when youre tempted to light up. Here are ways to resist temptation (you can probably come up with even more that will work for you):

Curb cravings six easy ways

When the urge to smoke strikes, keep in mind that this craving usually lasts less than five minutes, so try to wait it out. These suggestions can help:

1 2 3

Instead of reaching for a cigarette, reach for carrots, apples, raisins or sugarfree gum Wash your hands, or wash some dishes Teach yourself to relax quickly with deep breaths. Take a deep breath and let it out

Adaptogen 10 Plus 32 oz. bottle #30660

Non-Member $62.99
Redeem with 500 VitaPoints

Member $49.99


Call 1-800-991-7116 today







Call & sign up today!

Others are enjoying the benefits. You can too! Heres how:

1| SHARE your favorite TriVita product experience with others so that they too can benefit
from superior quality products and greater wellness. When they shop, they will receive 10% o their first order because of your referral! TriVita purchase. Plus, sign up to be an Aliate Member (its free) and you will receive 21% cash rewards on your referrals ongoing lifetime purchases from TriVita. TriVita products. Or spend your reward monies any way you like.

2| RECEIVE a $25 TriVita Gift Card whenever each person you refer makes their first 3| REDEEM your TriVita Gift Cards and rewards to reduce the cost of your favorite

are things such as Discount Coupon Booklets, Gifts of Health, Referral Packets and more. For more details: Visit then click tab [Aliate Members] and link Referral Tools Or contact us at the number below...

Referrals Made Easy! We have tips and tools that can help make referring a breeze. There

Call 1-800-991-7116 Today...

to sign up and learn more about TriVitas Gift of Health and Aliate Member Programs!

14 l November 2008

Meet the Grand Prize Winners of

Spreading the Wellness Message

reaped big rewards for Godwin, Barb and Bill
TriVita Sublingual B-12 is more than great its the best!
The power of personal referrals has brought big rewards to Barb Allen. Her TriVita success has won her second prize (a home cardio trainer) in the TriVita Anniversary Sweepstakes, Barb Allen but more importantly, her prize is wellness. Unable to sleep one night, she saw an infomercial for TriVitas Sublingual B-12, and ordered it immediately. The product has done amazingly well for her, she arms: Barb has more energy throughout the day, sleeps better at night and has virtually no more symptoms of her restless leg syndrome. Her legs used to get so painful, shed stand on cold concrete for relief. That ended when she started taking Sublingual B-12. When Barb makes a referral, it has extra credibility because she owns a Blood Cell Analysis clinic. She can tell what your body needs and what it is lacking. She finds that most women need B-12. Many have tried other B-12 products, but once they try TriVita Sublingual B-12, they quickly realize the difference. She does not use or recommend any other B-12 supplement. This is the best, Barb says. Most of the people who come to Barb have already exhausted every other possibility. They are frustrated and often feel much worse than when they started looking for solutions to their health issues. Barb says, You can buy 400 things from the health food store. Blood analysis lets you know what is lacking that is making you feel so poorly so you can get just what you need! Sublingual B-12 has been a big hit with many people who come to her oce. Barb also takes TriVitas Vitamin C Crystals and occasionally takes Energy Now! when she needs a pick-up. One thing that definitely does not need a pick-up is her endorsement of TriVita products: thats on full power all the time.

We can only grow to be better... by directing others to TriVita.

In less than a year with TriVita, Godwin Ude has realized not just a business dream, but a life goal: hes going to Hawaii! As the Grand Prize Winner of TriVitas Anniversary Godwin Ude Sweepstakes, Godwin is thrilled at the prospect of his trip. But his biggest excitement comes from being aliated with a company that cares as much as he does about integrity and purpose. Born and raised in Africa, Godwin knows that his life purpose is answering the call of God to preach the gospel around the world. Thats a perfect fit with his TriVita business, which he views as a ministry: When you find a company like TriVita, with core values like your own, you follow your passion towards it! His success stems from his personal belief in the benefits of products like TriVita Sublingual B-12. Once his referrals experience those benefits for themselves, They have no question about getting signed up and on board. There is even purpose for Godwin in winning the all-expense-paid trip to Hawaii. Fifteen years ago, he had a vision, a dream of a place with a name he had never heard, and found that it was an island in the South Pacific. At the time, he told his wife that his dream vacation would be on this island. But how would I ever get there it was so far from where I was! in Africa, he says. He simply knew that he would go there someday, somehow, as part of his purpose to preach to people all around the world. For 15 years he carried this dream in his heart, and now it will come true when he and his wife collect their amazing Grand Prize. Its no wonder that Godwin Ude calls joining with TriVita One of the best decisions I have ever made.

While other opportunities come and go, TriVita continues to grow and grow!
That quote sums up why Bill DeFalco is sold on TriVita and why he pursues the TriVita opportunity with purpose and passion. As the third place winner in the TriVita Anniversary Bill DeFalco Sweepstakes, hes happy to have his massage chair prize, and happier still to be working with a solid company. The company has a pristine track record, and has built a solid nine-year foundation, he notes. Thats why Ive decided to run with TriVita. More accurately, Bill is flying with TriVita hes had his pilots license for over 30 years, and hopes to be taking off more and more from his New York home to grow his TriVita business. When Bill was first introduced to TriVita five years ago, he opted to watch and wait. When the time was right, this professional in medical engineering jumped right in. Thanks to his research on the TriVita opportunity and his own strong work ethic, Bill is confident that hell be retiring early, paying for his sons college education and looking forward to a debt-free life. As someone who works in the medical field, Bill knows that in order to meet his goals and grow his business vigorously, he needs to be in good shape, both mentally and physically. So, he eats right, exercises, and supplements his diet with quality TriVita products. VitaDaily AM/PM is a never-miss part of his daily regimen, along with TriVita Sublingual B-12. While Bill works to take his business to a higher altitude, hes confident that he picked the best possible co-pilot to carry out his flight plan. Youll have to look very far and wide to find another home-based business that can match what TriVita has put together! VITAJOURNAL l 15


Priscillas energy, weight and mental alertness h

It all began with a fantastic product experience. Like so many other busy moms, Priscilla was tired and run-down. She started taking Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid and OmegaPrime to help her feel more energetic, less irritable, improve her mood and stay mentally alert. The supplements worked together beautifully. Priscillas husband, Dr. Babb, who is a minister, also started taking them and they have since added Vitamin C Crystals and CoQ-10 to their regimen. The improvement theyve both experienced in weight, energy, mood, complexion/hair and activity level has been amazing. I started to get a lot of compliments about my appearance and people asked me what I was doing to stay so healthy and in good shape, Priscilla says. Here I am, a 41-year-old stay-athome mom who is taking care of three kids and also helping to fulfill the vision that God gave my husband. Now that Dr. Babb and Priscilla are taking Sublingual B-12, they have much more energy to walk and run on a regular basis. Priscilla also states that, It is important to eat proper food and drink a lot of water. However, by the time you eat your food, due to cooking, it has already lost a lot of its nutritional value. Thats why TriVita offers good nutritional supplements that will add value to your everyday life. In addition to Sublingual B-12 Priscilla also recommends:

Now theyre recomm

Priscilla and her husband add TriVita Vitamin C Crystals to their orange juice each day.

Vitamin C to nourish your heart, liver and skin and help to protect against aging CoQ-10 because it helps support every cell in your body OmegaPrime because it is good for your joints and brain Leanology Capsules, Shakes and Chews because shes seen how effective they are in helping people with weight problems.

16 l November 2008

s have improved thanks to TriVita supplements

She also sends interested people to TriVitas Website for more information about products and for up-to-the-minute details about special offers. I feel really good about being an Affiliate Member, because I am helping people take better care of themselves and at the same time being rewarded for it, says Priscilla. Theres a big incentive because if you refer enough people you can get TriVita products free for life. Its also free to become an Affiliate Member.

mmending these products to others with great results!

Priscillas strategy for success

She uses her own positive experiences with TriVita supplements to help others improve their health and wellness. She also believes that the reason many people do not see results is because of inconsistency, lack of discipline and giving up too soon. TriVita offers a great opportunity for just about anyone whether they are in the ministry, have their own business or are stay-at-home moms, Priscilla says. All you have to do is buy any TriVita product that fits your need and you automatically become a Member and can sign up for the Affiliate Program. She encourages all Affiliate Members to remember to give any potential referrals their membership number so they can qualify to get a $25 TriVita Gift Card and additional compensation. The best way to succeed with this wonderful program is to consistently use the TriVita products of your choice and your good health will be the best testimony for others, she concludes. Priscilla is so excited by her referral success that she plans on building a steady, solid revenue stream. Both Dr. Babb and Priscilla offer these words of encouragement to everyone: 3 John 2: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. As you lead others will follow. God bless you.

I love these products, so its easy for me to recommend them to other people, Priscilla continues. Dr. Babb is a national and international speaker and both have to juggle their responsibilities at home with a heavy travel schedule. So, with two such busy lives, its especially important that they keep health and nutrition at the top of their mind. It is worth investing in your body because it is the temple of God, Priscilla notes. If you can keep your spirit, body and soul healthy through the reading of the word of God and also by eating the right foods, exercise, lots of water and TriVitas nutritional supplements, youll have a long, healthy and fruitful life and be much more productive, especially in the body of Christ, your job and busy lifestyle.

I started to get a lot of compliments about my appearance and people asked me what I was doing to stay so healthy and in good shape.
to TriVita and the numbers keep rising. It is my passion to see others healthy and in good shape, she explains. When you refer people you get a $25 Gift Card and an additional compensation check in the mail. This program works and its so easy plus its absolutely free! Ive gotten a very good response from handing out the 10% discount referral coupons.

As an Affiliate Member, Priscilla is profiting from her good health

Although she just recently signed up for the Affiliate Member Referral Program, in a short period of time, it has taken off like a rocket. Priscilla has already referred 10-15 people



Its not happiness that makes us laugh, its laughing that makes us happy. Janet Lifshin

Laugh, Have Fun and Play Your Way Through the Holidays
by Dr. Judy

y goodness, where has this year gone? Its that wonderful time of year again and the holidays are almost upon us. The holiday season officially begins with Thanksgiving at my house. It is my favorite holiday of the year. For many of us it is a time for kicking off our shoes, relaxing and spending time with family and friends as we share in the annual feast. Yet, I have found in my work as an emotional health professional that many people suffer deep emotional stress between Thanksgiving and New Years as a result of the numerous holiday pressures and activities. Some tend to overeat or eat the wrong food, drink too much, hold in feelings and in general they just dont take care of themselves. Theres no doubt that the holidays are stressful all that running around shopping for the perfect gift, money pressure from the extra expenditures, and the possibility of confronting old family tensions during the holiday festivities.

According to a study done by Dr. Tan from Californias Loma Linda University Medical Center laughter can have a huge impact on our immune system.

Ideas to get your HOLIDAY FUN list started:

1. Invite some friends to go with you to a karaoke venue; sing, laugh and have fun. 2. Rent some funny movies and invite your friends over for movies and popcorn. 3. Play the Old Maid card game with a child. Watch with amusement as the child tries to hide the automatic smile that flickers across his or her face when drawing the Old Maid card. (Fact: Children laugh 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average a mere 15 times). 4. Go to a card store and read the Far Side cards by Gary Larson. Dont be surprised if you find yourself laughing out loud. 5. Find hundreds of jokes online and memorize a few to tell to your friends and family. Go online to: 6. Seek out funny people to be around. The evidence is in that taking time out to play isnt just for kids anymore. Play and having fun, plus a good dose of laughter, needs to be an important part of an adults established emotional health routine. Dr. Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a success coach, author, motivational speaker and psychologist. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life.

Laughter brings a balance to all components of the immune system.

Laughter and its connection to physical and emotional wellness

The university did a study on two groups of adults. One group watched an hour of comedy videos, while the other group sat quietly out of earshot in another room. Through regular blood tests carried out during the comedy shows they found that the laughter group had an increase in good hormones and a decrease in the bodys stress hormone. The quiet group showed no significant change in their hormones. Dr. Tan concluded that, Laughter brings a balance to all components of the immune system. You can begin right now to make a list of activities (play) that you would enjoy doing just for fun. Being proactive at the start of the holiday season by planning for play and laughter will give you an added immune boost that will keep you happy, healthy, and active throughout the holiday rush.

More than 76% of North Americans indicate that they experience great stress during the holiday season.

Over the years, I have encouraged my clients to put in place effective defense strategies to offset the stress response to the holidays. One strategy that always receives the most favorable feedback is to plan a time-out from the holiday rush for fun and laughter. 18 l November 2008

your body, His Temple

1 Cor. 6:19-20

The Power of Gratitude giving Him the glory

I will praise Gods name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30
by Chaplain Gene Henderson

s a chaplain, this is absolutely my favorite time of year. People tend to spend more time reflecting on their lives, often becoming more gratitude conscious and loving towards one another.

on my way. But did I really sing and glorify Him with thanksgiving?

Keep an attitude of gratitude by journaling

Dont do drive-by prayers

This year I especially want to thank God for all of His blessings and answered prayer in my own life. Its easy to go into your prayer time with your laundry list of needs and requests. Its kind of like doing a drive-by prayer: Here you are God, now do Your thing. We tend to go on with our daily routine and forget how God often moves heaven and earth to answer those prayers for us. Psalm 69:30 says, I will praise Gods name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This is the Scripture that caused me to think about the times in my life when I realized God had answered a prayer of mine. Wow! He really did listen. Thank you God, I would say, and be

As part of my wellness journey, I keep a daily journal that I write in. In one column I list my prayer requests, in another I list the answered prayers that I have received, and recently, I have added a third column which now asks the question: Did I thank God and glorify Him? I want to make sure I take the time to not only thank Him in advance of the answer, but I want to also give Him thanks when going into my new prayer requests. Reminding God of all the times He has come through for me and my family not only gives me a boost of added faith, but it allows me to really give God all the praise He deserves. As I see those answered prayers come to fruition, my attitude of gratitude goes up another notch!

requests, not only for themselves, but for Members who have called in to place orders and happen to share their needs and ask for prayer. Each week, a group of us take time to pray for these requests. We feel privileged and grateful for Members like you who trust us enough to ask for prayer. As we celebrate the Thanksgiving season and give thanks for our family and the many blessings God has given us, even during a trying economic time, I encourage each of you to devote equal time to praising and thanking God not just for what Hes done, but for what Hes going to do in your life. Have an especially blessed Thanksgiving this year by entering into Gods gates with thanksgiving in your heart and into His courts with praise!

TriVita not your ordinary place of employment

TriVita is privileged to receive many personal prayer requests. We have an intranet system that allows our employees to send in prayer

Psalm 100:4 Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name!

What are Super Fruits

and why are they essential to your good health?
Enjoy exotic fruits full of nutrient power in TriVitas convenient NutraFruits
It seems like almost every month we hear about a new discovery with extravagant health claims. In years past, some of these claims were unbelievable. However, Super Fruits really do help provide protection from serious dietary deficiencies. Super Fruits have exotic names and are from faraway places. The out-of-the-ordinary nature of these fruits adds to their appeal. But are these Super Fruits really super?

How they help

Super Fruits are daily insurance against the antioxidant debt that leads to disability and disease. These nutrient-dense foods allow us to catch up on any antioxidant deficiency we face because of stress, pollution and toxins in our environment, or simply overexertion. Super Fruits work to reduce inflammation, providing us with protection from disease and disability, as well as a little protection from the calendar by reversing premature aging in our cells. As you know, we all need the nutrients provided in fruits and vegetables. Health experts agree that disease prevention is best effected with the following amount of fruits and vegetables daily: Children: five servings Women: seven servings Men: nine servings According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, North American adults eat less than three servings of fruits and vegetables daily. This habit has caused the death rate from heart disease, cancer and many other causes to skyrocket. Worse yet, those who choose to reject the antioxidant protection from fruits and vegetables end their lives with nine to 17 years

of disability. When we formulated TriVitas NutraFruits we packed it with over 30 fruits and vegetables including powerful Super Fruits. When Super Fruit consumption is high, disease incidence is low. Modern medical research confirms that people who eat Super Fruits regularly enjoy a reduction in diseases ranging from Alzheimers and heart disease to leukemia and prostate cancer. Of course, we still need to make dietary choices that give us a healthy advantage. In the context of a healthy lifestyle, Super Fruits can be a welcome addition. Take a variety of Super Fruits to take advantage of the strengths offered by each one. Use them daily to ensure a life of wellness and vitality!

Battle inflammation and aging

A definition for Super Fruits might include: a food that has exceptional nutrient density; a food that has extremely powerful antioxidant capacity; or a food that has the potential for reducing disease risk. Can any food meet all of these requirements? The answer is definitely YES! Most Super Fruits deliver a full days requirement for specific nutrients in a single serving. Super Fruits also put out the fire of inflammation by generously donating anti-inflammatory antioxidants wherever there is a need. Super Fruit antioxidants help fight the battle against the calendar by turning back the clock on premature aging. So, Super Fruits really are super!

NutraFruits gives you so many essentials for good health

NutraFruits brings you a rich bounty of vital nutrients from over 30 of the healthiest fruits and vegetables on the planet. Plus, you get a wide range of antioxidants, phytonutrients, carotenoids, enzymes, probiotics and fiber to support your overall health. This delicious, low calorie, powdered drink is easy to enjoy just mix with any beverage!

Get More Fruits and Vegetables Each Day with NutraFruits

This delicious powdered drink provides nutrients from over 30 fruits and vegetables, including these antioxidant-rich foods: Mangosteen Acai Berries Goji Berries Pomegranates


per servinlue g*


Simply mix NutraFruits with water, juice, Leanology Nutritional Shakes or your favorite beverage. Try it today!


* ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) a method that measures

the ability of foods and other substances to subdue oxygen free radicals. NutraFruits has an ORAC value of 4,954 units per single serving thats like having eight servings of fruits and vegetables.

#31250 Non-Member $37.99

Member $29.99
Redeem with 300 VitaPoints

20 l November 2008

10 Ways

to Give Thanks
With Thanksgiving approaching, it seems appropriate to focus on the things we are all grateful for. The holiday, however, shouldnt be the only time to give thanks to others. Expressing your gratitude year round has been shown to bring happiness and maintain good friendships. Next time you want to thank someone, try one of these 10 ideas to make a lasting impact.

with your next product purchase!

Call for your 2009 TriVita Calendar Planner TODAY

FREE calendar

Ask for your

thank you to someone after he or she has done something for you, explain what they did specifically and how it affected you. For example Thank you so much for picking up the groceries today. Ive been really busy and I couldnt have done it without you.

1 Be specific. Rather than just saying

late (extra dark is the healthiest!) on someones chair or desk. You can accompany it with a little note. Its a great way to sweeten their day.

6 Sweeten it up. Leave a piece of choco-

or letter of thanks is rare nowadays, which makes it extra special.

2 Write a note. A hand-written note

batch of homemade cookies. Home baked treats can make the recipient of your thank you feel very appreciated for your time and effort.

7 Bake. Nothing says thank you like a

to say thank you with a bang! Theyll make someone feel appreciated and brighten their day. You dont have to spend a lot of money. Pick up a bouquet of flowers from a local grocery store or (even better!) cut blooms from your garden and deliver them yourself.

3 Send flowers. Flowers are a great way

ways to connect with people, especially when they live far and theres a time difference. Send an electronic card of thanks. There are a lot of free E-cards to choose from.

8 E-Card. The Internet is one of the fastest

This calendar features:

Beautiful nature photographs Inspiring and motivational quotations TriVitas 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness Information on referring others Space to write down appointments.

If a close friend has been there for you lately, and you really want to show your appreciation, frame a picture of the two of you, and note how much you appreciate them in your life.

9 Frame it. A picture says a million words.

be pricey or overdone. Find out what your friend or coworker likes. Do they like going to the movies? Do they love to write? You can get them a gift card, or buy them a journal or pen.

4 Give a special gift. Gifts dont have to

unexpected phone call just to say thank you to that someone youve been thinking about. You can let them know you are grateful to have them in your life. Youll be glad you called, and so will they. 1-800-991-7116

5 Pick up the phone. Place an

can each write down something to be thankful for on a piece of paper. Mix up the notes in a bowl. At the dinner table, pass the bowl around and have each member select and read a note out loud. Though this can be done at any time, it may be a great way to spend part of your Thanksgiving meal. The next time you want to show appreciation, remember: simple gestures go a long way, all year long!

10 Mix it up. You and your family members

A $9.99 VALUE
CALL 1-800-991-7116 when
you place your order and ask a Wellness Consultant to include a

2009 TriVita Calendar FREE!

This oer is good while supplies last.


HCY update

Alzheimers Disease Separating Myths from Facts

During National Alzheimers Awareness Month, some strategies that will help you ward off disease
by Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Ocer
Social interaction and daily exercise help combat Alzheimers disease.
accumulation: every trauma to our head, every toxin that poisons our brain, every stressful day and every moment we are nutrient-deficient add to the accumulated damage to our brain. This is biological aging and it has little to do with the calendar. Genetics absolutely plays a role in AD development. We can often get a glimpse into our genetics by looking at our homocysteine (HCY) levels. The higher the blood levels of HCY, the greater the likelihood we will develop AD. A gene defect that predisposes a person to AD is called the MTHFR defect. It is common in about 40% of people. This gene pumps out HCY in very high amounts. What is the solution for elevated HCY? Foods and food supplements rich in B vitamins. (A published clinical trial of HCY Guard demonstrated that it reduced elevated HCY levels by 35% in just 42 days!) So, while there are definite genetic markers to help us determine our AD risk, there are also proven strategies to help us protect against the damage that may lead to AD. Reduce your

he devastation of Alzheimers disease (AD) affects millions of families throughout North America. Unfortunately, youll find a certain amount of misinformation about this horrific epidemic on TV, the Internet, newspapers and magazines. My own family has been touched by Alzheimers so its very important for me to help you separate the myths from the truth about AD. By having the facts you can better protect yourself against the onset of Alzheimers or help your loved ones who are already suffering from the disease.

the damage of AD once the disease has progressed is like trying to hold back the tide with your bare hands: there is little hope of success. Prevention and slowing the progress of AD are the only hopes we currently have. Year after year we watch as this disease steals the people we love. The irony of this disease is so disheartening: AD strikes when we are at the richest point in life in terms of experience and wisdom.

Myth: We see more people with Alzheimers disease because of media attention
Truth: The number of people with AD is increasing every year and the percentage of people with AD in North America is increasing, though the lifespan is getting shorter. The number of people with Alzheimers disease is increasing at an alarming rate. There is no cure. Currently, over 500 clinical trials are being conducted just to find a way to slow down the runaway epidemic of AD. But trying to reverse 22 l November 2008

Myth: Alzheimers disease is genetic; there is nothing we can do about it.

Truth: AD is the accumulation of many years of damage to your brain, causing plaque to build up and nerves to tangle. There are prevention strategies that work to help reduce the damage to our brain and to reduce the chances of AD. The chances of being diagnosed with AD increase as we age. AD affects about half of people age 85 and older. However, this is more a product of biological age than chronological age. In other words, AD has more to do with how well we are aging rather than how many days we cross off our calendar! AD is a disease of

Alzheimers article continued on page 30...

HCY Guard success stories

I think the HCY Guard is a great product.
While taking TriVitas HCY Guard, I noticed an increase in my metabolism. I had more energy, which helped me burn more calories. I did not change my eating habits, but I did notice a slight decrease in my weight. I think the HCY Guard is a great product. Thanks, TriVita. amanda F. crownSVille, md where I could not put two thoughts together... I was forgetting material I knew very well... and I could not form the words to complete a sentence to make my point to my class... but fortunately, last year, I heard about TriVita through James Robisons TV program. I immediately went online to purchase HCY Guard and with a faithful daily regimen... within two weeks, I noticed I had my mind back... I cannot express it any other way. I could speak quickly, remember the words I needed to use, and I had a general clarity of mind. I was elated! I have continued taking this supplement along with Energy Now! and will never stop! TriVita products saved my mind. During this past year, my mothers youngest sister, who is 77, began having definite signs of dementia. Her memory loss was so bad, she actually forgot to attend my mothers funeral service. I immediately gave her a supply of HCY Guard and Energy Now! After only one week of taking the supplements, she called me on the phone, and to my surprise she sounded as if she were 20 years old again. She sounded like a person who is mentally sharp. I feel so blessed by these products... I tell everyone about these products... and you can understand why I thank God for TriVita! Julia m. teHacHaPi, ca

TriVita products saved my mind.

I want to share with you the great benefits we have experienced through the use of HCY Guard. I come from a family with a history of Alzheimers. My mothers father had Alzheimers, although it wasnt called by that name back then... and then two of my mothers sisters died of the disease...and now two weeks ago, I lost my mother due to Alzheimers. You can see I could be a prime candidate for this disease. I am a counselor and I facilitate many groups of various topics each week. It got to the point

I could hardly believe it but my homocysteine level is now 4.6.

About a year ago a friend recommended that I have my homocysteine tested. Last year my homocysteine level was 9. I have been taking HCY Guard every day for the last year. Last month, I had a physical with my healthcare provider and they tested my homocysteine. I could hardly believe it but my homocysteine level is now 4.6. Wow, it was almost cut in half, probably adding some years to my life and life to my years! randY d. San FranciSco, ca

Healthy homocysteine levels help reduce your risk for deadly illness
HCY Guard helps lower high homocysteine levels in as little as 42 days
Help fight illnesses linked with HCY, such as Alzheimers disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Speed nutrients to the bloodstream through sublingual delivery. Combat illness risk from stress and aging.

HCY Guard #30460

Non-Member $29.99

Member $23.99
Redeem with 240 VitaPoints

Call toll-free today to order 1-800-991-7116

1-800-991-7116 VITAJOURNAL l 23

Real Stories from real people

See what Members like you have to say about TriVita products!
TriVitas Energy Now! sure helped me get through a rough day!
I was just exhausted. Family was in town and we had been running from here to there. I had had only a couple of hours of sleep when I had to get up and start a new day. As the day went on, I was getting so sluggish I could hardly move. But, I had so much to do. I took one of TriVitas Energy Now! pills and BOOM! I was finishing every task I needed to do for the evening. I wasnt jittery or nervous feeling, just energized. TriVitas Energy Now! sure helped me get through a rough day! Jill S. High Point, NC

I went from 200 pounds to 160 pounds... I truly feel terrific.

After leaving my law enforcement career of 16 years, I began a desk management job. With no need to exercise, eating became comfortable. I went from 170 pounds to 200 pounds in about one year. I woke one day and looked in the mirror and saw a once lean person rapidly turning obese. With heart disease and other problems in mind, a diet seemed the only solution. I have been using TriVitas vanilla and chocolate flavor Leanology shakes about 4-5 months, with surprising results. I went from 200 pounds to 160 pounds. In conjunction with using the shake, I began walking and slowly working into jogging 4-5 times a week. Cookies, cake, fried foods and heavy meals look awful now. They have been replaced, gradually, with bananas, oranges, salads and yogurt. I truly feel terrific. My blood pressure is down and my energy level is up. I tried other diet pills and shakes with little or no results. Leanology truly fills me up throughout the day. Thank you, TriVita! Jason F. Scottsdale, AZ

Super B-12 has been instrumental in helping me maintain focus.

I started taking the Super Sublingual B-12 because I was told that it would help improve my concentration and I have always been an ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) type of person. Not being able to concentrate and focus was extremely frustrating. I started taking Super Sublingual B-12 on a Monday and by Wednesday I felt a lot more focus. Suddenly I was able to accomplish tasks that I wasnt able to tackle prior to taking the supplement. Super Sublingual B-12 has been instrumental in helping me maintain focus. Heidi P. Scottsdale, AZ

to find that I was no longer having my afternoon slump as before. It was only four weeks later that I was handed a major project that required long hours and much mental concentration for several months. I soon realized that my focus and stamina were better than they had ever been before. Thanks, TriVita! Debbie H. Birmingham, AL

members has battled either the flu or a severe upper respiratory virus that has gone around our area. I alone have remained well. I dont intend to ever be without Adaptogen 10 Plus! Pam M. Highland, CA

I believe your Vitamin C has helped me stay healthy!

I have gastrointestinal issues that make it very hard for me to handle antibiotics in the event of any illness. So several years ago I started taking two TriVita Non-Acidic Vitamin C Tablets each day. It has helped me so much. I have a sixyear-old daughter who brings illnesses home all the time. I believe your Vitamin C has helped me stay healthy! I really do love this product! Glenda M. Flower Mound, TX
You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.

I dont intend to ever be without Adaptogen 10 Plus!

I am very pleased with Adaptogen 10 Plus! In October of 2006, I contracted sepsis (a lifethreatening immune disorder) and was hospitalized for more than a week in critical condition. The infection so ravaged my body that although I was taking several nutritional supplements, I was not able to rebuild my immunity and was susceptible to every virus that came along. In March of 2007, a friend who had observed me struggling for a solid three months with one virus after another, gave me a Gift of Health and I received my first bottle of Adaptogen 10 Plus. I have not been sick a single day since I started taking the Adaptogen 10 Plus. This winter every one of my friends and family

My focus and stamina were better than they had ever been before.
I have worked several years with a lady who is 70 years old and you would think she is 40 by the way she looks and works. I finally probed and found out she had been taking TriVitas Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid for a number of years. I thought I really need to try this stuff! It didnt take long 24 l November 2008

Affiliate Member Spotlight

Could you keep up with this couple?

The secret to vibrant life in their 80s: healthy living, gratitude and TriVita energy products

hey swim. They dance. They pilot yachts. They put on shows. They travel around North America in their motor home. And whatever they do, wherever they go, Marvis and Harry L. hear the same question: Where do you get all that energy?! Its a natural question to ask anyone this active; even more natural when you know that Harry is 84 and Marvis is 82. Married for 21 years, this remarkable Florida couple keeps up a routine that would exhaust many younger folks, but its just glorious daily life for them. Weve been using TriVita products for years especially Energy Now! and Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid and we know this is why we have so much energy, says Marvis. Of course, we eat right and dont smoke, and we thank the Lord every morning for another glorious day.

exercise and using the right quality supplements. TriVitas products must work. Im living proof! he exclaims. On a recent visit to a new doctor, Harry was asked what medications he takes. None, was the reply. I cant believe it! responded the doctor. Both Harry and Marvis start their day with TriVitas Energy Now! and give themselves a midday boost with Sublingual B-12. Other TriVita products they enjoy are Non-Acidic Vitamin C, OmegaPrime and Adaptogen 10 Plus. People just cant believe how much energy we have, says Marvis, who was first introduced to TriVita several years ago when she and Harry moved to a coastal town in southwestern Florida. We swim almost every morning in the pool, we dance two or three times a week, Harry rides his bike, I do all my own housework, and we still have spare energy to go out on our boat.

People just cant believe how much energy we have... Marvis and Harry

The doctor couldnt believe it

A flapper, a sultan and a Dixieland band: Its showtime!

Harry, a World War II bomber pilot and former commercial airline pilot, knows that taking the controls of his health depends on smart eating,

Its easy to use and recommend TriVita products. They really work...

The most gratifying activities for Marvis and Harry are the shows they put on at assisted living facilities in their community. With a friends Dixieland band and a few other kindred spirits in entertainment, the energetic duo sing, dance and put on comedy skits. One crowdpleaser features Harry dressed as a sultan attended by harem girls. In another, Marvis uses her professional experience as a dance instructor to do a mean Charleston, flapper outfit and all. It makes our hearts feel good to see the residents smile and laugh, says Marvis. A firm believer in the power of prayer, Marvis affirms, I know Ive been blessed, with my wonderful husband and my healthy life. The day before they met in 1982, Marvis remembers that, I asked the Lord to send me a good man to love me for who I am. Recalls Harry with a chuckle today, With a connection like that, I didnt stand a chance.

Its no wonder that the couples neighbors, family and friends ask them their energy secret all the time. Thats when Marvis tells them about TriVita, and hands out referral cards. Its easy to use and recommend TriVita products. They really work, and I appreciate the companys emphasis on spirituality and being grateful for all our blessings.


The latest Scientific research that affects you, your health and your life

Research and focus

Vitamin C helped reduce cancer tumor growth and size in mice
Washington, DC A new study from the National Institutes of Health showed that high-dose intravenous injections of Vitamin C helped reduce cancer tumors in mice. The research, which appeared in the August 2008 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focused on mice with brain, ovarian and pancreatic cancers. Because the body will only allow a certain amount of Vitamin C to be absorbed when its taken orally, researchers bypassed the digestive system by injecting high doses of Vitamin C into the veins or abdominal cavities of mice with brain, ovarian or pancreatic tumors. Tumor growth and weight was reduced by 41 to 53 percent. Normal cells were unaffected by the Vitamin C. Study authors say that more research is needed before this can be applied to humans; however, the lead author of the study said that clinical trials of Vitamin C as a cancer treatment are in the planning stages.

Low Vitamin B-12 levels linked to brain volume loss

Oxford, United Kingdom A study published in the September 2008 edition of Neurology showed that people with lower levels of Vitamin B-12 were six times more likely to lose brain volume than those with higher B-12 levels. Researchers at the University of Oxford studied 107 adults ages 61 to 87 for five years to investigate the link between Vitamin B-12 levels and loss of brain volume. Participants underwent annual blood tests, MRIs, physical exams and memory tests. All the participants had B-12 levels within the normal range; however, the differences in brain volume were significant between those in the normal-low range and those in the normal-high range.

Holiday stress can lead to overeating

Cambridge, Massachusetts A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association showed that nearly half of women in the United States experience more stress during the holidays. This in turn contributes to comfort eating and drinking, which can result in weight gain. The survey showed that one in three people turn to food to help cope with stress. Of the women surveyed, 41% indicated they ate for comfort during the holidays while 31% said they ate for comfort throughout the year. For men, 25% used food for comfort during the holidays, versus 19% for the rest of the year. The survey was conducted among 369 men and 417 women.

Members We Want to Hear From You!

We invite you to let us know how were doing. Maybe you have feedback on a particular article. Or perhaps youd like to see specific articles in the future on certain topics, including those that might help you with your health concerns. In any case, wed like to hear from you. And please know that we appreciate your correspondence. Our goal is to serve you and your needs as Members of our wellness community. VitaJournal Editor

Send comments to

26 l November 2008

Note: When you submit a letter, you are also giving TriVita full rights to it, including the right to publish it in future publications and to edit it as needed.

Seven Ways to

BOOST Immune Health

Christa Orecchio

Try these easy tips to help you stay balanced, healthy and happy throughout the winter months
By Christa Orecchio, Certied Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor
here are some delicious, immune-boosting recipes that will help keep you healthy this winter.

1. Let supplements give you a boost! Its a good idea to tune-up your supplement plan when the seasons change. TriVitas quality supplements can be your best defense. Try Vitamin C Non-Acidic Crystals along with NutraFruits, Odorless Garlic and Echinacea with Golden Seal. They will help fortify your system for cold and u season. 2. Keep the sweetness, reduce the sugar. If you do only one thing to boost your immune system, reduce the white stu. You will see drastic results in your energy levels, weight, mood and immunity when you eat less refined sugar. Keep the sweetness with healthier alternatives such as agave nectar, stevia or honey. 3. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, especially mushrooms! The nutritional content that you receive from raw fruits and veggies is unparalleled. Dark-colored produce (berries, kale and broccoli) tends to have the most immune-boosting nutrients. Also, shiitake and maitake mushrooms increase the bodys production of white blood cells, which are an important part of the immune system. 4. Get spicy! Cooking with spices enhances digestion by making nutrients more easily available to the body. Dierent spices also have specific immuneboosting properties. Tumeric has an immune-modulating eect because it is detoxifying. Cumin enhances digestion and black pepper increases vigor by reaching deeper tissues. Try the Immunity Spice Mix to the right! 5. Limit caeine. As enticing as that cup of joe sounds in the morning, caeine robs your body of minerals and vitamins, while also dehydrating you. If you do drink coee, make sure you add additional water per cup of coee. Adequate water will reduce headaches, cravings and fatigue. 6. Connect with movement. Exercise improves health and happiness by releasing endorphins. Find a movement that inspires you and youll be making the right move to better health. 7. Nurture yourself. Todays world is frenetic so make sure you take time for yourself, doing whatever recharges you. Thats because taking care of your emotional needs is just as important as food is to your system. Our bodies respond to our emotions if youre feeling overwhelmed and anxious, it may result in a sore throat or a cold. Create a space within yourself and your living environment for harmony, self-love and joy. When youre happy, youre far less likely to get sick.

Cool Weather Miso

INGREDIENTS 2 cups water cup sliced carrot cup sliced kale or watercress 1 green onion, sliced 3 inch strip wakame seaweed cup shitake mushrooms 1 Tbsp. barley miso DIRECTIONS Cut wakame strip into small pieces. Bring water to boil, add wakame and carrot, simmer 15 minutes. Add kale and mushrooms and cook 5 minutes, then add green onion and simmer briefly. Turn off heat, and dissolve miso into the soup by stirring through a strainer.

Immunity Spice Mix

INGREDIENTS 6 parts tumeric 3 parts ground cumin 3 parts ground coriander 6 parts ground fennel 1 part powdered, dry ginger 1 part ground black pepper part ground cinnamon DIRECTIONS Heat 1 tsp. spice mixture with 1 Tbsp. ghee or butter, using medium-high heat, until the mixture releases an aroma. Remove from the heat immediately. Add to cooked brown rice, vegetables or any other savory food.



Calm your holiday worries with simple stress-relieving techniques

he holiday season is a time of joy we look forward to, but it also represents a time of heightened stress. Stress can have a negative effect on us, both physically and mentally, so its important to find ways to cope with it. Its easy to turn to unhealthy behaviors such as over-eating or smoking, but this will only worsen the problem. This year, commit to make a change in your life that will benefit you positively. There are several stress-relieving techniques that will help trigger the body to relax. Practiced regularly (daily is best), these techniques will

help reduce stress and boost feelings of happiness and calm. Choose the one that best suites you.

Massage therapy for stress relief

Soothing your scalp: place your fingers on the back of your head, with your thumbs resting behind your ears. Make circles on your scalp with your fingertips for 15-20 seconds. This is a simple, quick exercise to massage your scalp and relax your body tension. Eye Relaxation: Close your eyes. Place your ring fingers under your eyebrows at the bridge of your nose. Press down slowly for 5-10 seconds, and then gently release. Repeat two to three times. Relieving sinus pressure: Place the tips of your fingers at the bridge of your nose. Slowly move your fingers down your nose and across your upper cheekbones, to the outside of your eyes. Tension relief for your shoulders: With one arm, reach over the front of your body to your opposite shoulder. Press firmly, using a circular motion, on the muscle above your shoulder blade. This should release bottled-up tension. When stress builds up (especially during the holidays), our health can wear down. Its important to take the time to relax in this and every season.

Deep breathing
Sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight. Place one hand over your chest, the other over your abdomen. Breathe in through your nose, and notice as your hand on your stomach moves. The hand on your chest should move very little. This means you are breathing in from your stomach and filling your lungs with air. Exhale through your mouth to let out all the air (you might count to get a good rhythm). Notice how your stomach goes back in. Concentrate on peaceful, deep breathing one to two times a day for stress relief.

Guided imagery
Close your eyes and use your senses to imagine a serene and tranquil place. This could be a tropical island, a quiet cabin in the woods, a favorite childhood spot; any place that makes you feel calm and at ease. See the details around you (the sun rising, the palm trees waving). Hear the wind blow or the waves reaching the shore. Feel the cool air on your skin, or the water at your feet. Smell the flowers or trees beside you. Taste the clean, fresh air. Whenever you feel stressed, take a few minutes to close your eyes and think of this peaceful place. Your mind will travel there with you for a moment, and your body will begin to relax. 28 l November 2008

Giving to those less fortunate is a way of giving back from a blessed life
CEo Michael Ellison explains why TriVita supports this worthy charity
Q: What is the House of Giving? A: The House of Giving is a charitable
non-profit organization founded by the leadership of TriVita to help people in crisis.

Q: What special projects have you selected for the upcoming year? A: Our goal for this year has been to

Q: Why was the House of Giving founded? A: The primary purpose for founding the

provide 40+ clean-water wells in areas where waterborne diseases run rampant. Many of these areas in developing countries have polluted above-ground water sources which creates disease for those who drink from them.

Q: Can a Member donate to the House of Giving? A: Yes, a Member can join in our water project
by either making a check out directly to House of Giving or by asking a Wellness Consultant to add a charitable donation to their TriVita order. The House of Giving offers a special designation: 100% of donated money goes to the project. No administration costs are taken out of donations.

House of Giving was to help people in need. There are millions of people impacted by famine, floods, polluted water, and domestic, national and civil violence. We believed that TriVita would become a successful company and wanted to share our good fortune with people less fortunate. I also believed our employees and Members would want to make a real difference in peoples lives. Our employees have donated thousands of hours at a shelter for victims of domestic violence. Plus, each year at Christmas they bring gifts for the children. I am extremely proud of their thoughtfulness and generosity.

Q: Why did you select water wells as your project? A: Because access to clean water is essential to

Q: Is this a charitable organization owned by TriVita? A: No, the House of Giving isnt owned by
TriVita or any other organization but is an independent charitable organization in the U.S. and Canada.

good health. For the amount of money we have raised, we are able to deliver in a significant way. Many of these wells provide water to large groups of people; some community wells serve thousands of people. Now instead of looking for surface water carrying diseases like cholera, trachoma, hepatitis and other disabling diseases, they can go to a clean-water well. No longer does their water result in blindness, stunted growth, or intestinal viruses that can leave them in a severe malnourished state or even result in death.

Q: How is that possible when all organizations have operating costs? A: The House of Giving has all volunteer help

from both the board members who serve and from those who oversee daily operations. Any other costs are covered by the Ellison Family Trust and TriVita to ensure 100% of donations go to the designated project. We are committed to helping those less fortunate and to ensuring our gifts make a significant impact in helping people in their time of crisis.

Q: Does an independent board oversee the House of Giving? A: Yes, it is run by an independent board

that provides oversight to the organization. There are six board members in the U.S. and three board members in Canada.

Q: Is the House of Giving registered with the IRS in the U.S. and the Department of Revenue of Canada? A: Yes, it is registered as a 501.C3 charitable
organization in the U.S. and as a charitable organization in Canada; all donations are fully tax deductible in both countries.



Alzheimers article continued from page 22...

risk by reducing toxic, inflammatory, brain-destroying levels of homocysteine.

Did You Know?

Like the other muscles in your body, your brain muscles will strengthen with stimulation. Keeping your mind sharp is important to your overall health. Try this word jumble to engage your mind in activity!

Word Jumble

Myth: Only drugs are powerful enough to stop Alzheimers disease

Truth: AD prevention depends to a large extent on the choices we make every day. According to the National Institutes of Health, the majority of AD prevention strategies rest in our own hands. And, while experimental drugs and vaccines offer some hope of prevention, proven strategies exist that you can use today: Reduce toxins, including toxic levels of HCY Meticulously manage your blood pressure, blood sugar and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels Increase antioxidants and nutrient-dense foods Supplement your diet with proven nutrients for healthy aging Reduce inflammation with Omega-3 essential fatty acids Protect your head from injury Exercise every day and get your rest every night Stay socially engaged Commit yourself to lifelong learning. During National Alzheimers Disease Awareness Month, lets use this opportunity to learn all we can about AD prevention strategies and implement them daily.









Alzheimers Awareness Antioxidants Autumn Diabetes Month Family

Holidays House of Giving Immune Health Mangosteen Nutra Fruits

ORAC Value Goji Berries Shopping Stress Relief Super Sublingual B

Super Fruits Ten Essentials Thanksgiving Vitamin C Weather

You can make a lasting difference your contribution will touch countless lives
TriVitas House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas For $4,800 we can drill a well and provide pure, fresh water With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life. Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. Find out more about House of Giving on page 29. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Suite 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

30 l November 2008

Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2...

TriVitas Healthcare Professionals

Brazos Minshew is TriVitas Chief Science Officer, in charge of formulating the best new supplements possible. He is dedicated to bringing greater health and wellness to TriVita Members. He combines an extensive background in medical science, naturopathy and alternative treatments to create lifestyle and nutritional solutions to prevalent health challenges. Dr. Scott Conard, M.D. is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard, M.D. is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

As I returned home, I decided to name two sick palm trees (recently transplanted) after the two people who seemed to be causing all my problems. Every time I passed the palm trees, I would call them by the names I had given them, expressing blessing and gratitude toward them. Now, years later, the palm trees are healthy, the people I blessed are living blessed lives, and not only have I had much success in my personal life, but I have entered the greatest time of my life in founding and leading TriVita. But what if I would have chosen bitter? No doubt I would have done things to act out my bitterness. What would that state of being bitter have attracted to my life? Would I be enjoying wellness today? Would I have the joy of seeing thousands of people experiencing greater wellness and yes, greater wealth, with the products and services of TriVita? Not for a minute do I think bitterness would have attracted such wonderful things in my life.

Medical Advisory Board

By being grateful you can help attract that which you desire most in your life and you will greatly enhance your state of health and wellness.

In addition to our dedicated healthcare professionals, TriVita created a Medical Advisory Board to assist our efforts in staying abreast of current scientific developments and provide input on the latest, most effective testing methods. Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, M.D., Ph.D.

I offer and extend to you today one of the greatest contributors to your well-being: gratitude. Gene told me that he had shared my story and his own personal experience with someone who had not had a relationship with their sister for many years. By offering a letter of apology and acknowledging her gratitude for the many experiences they had shared growing up, their relationship was joyfully renewed. We both sat in the car for a few moments, not speaking a word two men with lumps in our throats, fighting back the tears, experiencing again the power of gratitude. By being grateful you can help attract that which you desire most in your life and you will greatly enhance your state of health and wellness.

Dr. Bryans specialty is molecular and cellular physiology. He currently teaches at the University of Texas and has been published in 13 scientific publications. Dr. Samuel N. Grief, M.D., CCFP, FCFP Currently the Medical Director at the University of Illinois, Dr. Grief, M.D. received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and is a CME Instructor. Dr. Tammy Pon, M.D. A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon, M.D. received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in Age Management.

6:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m., MF 7:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., Saturday, (Mountain Standard Time)
Managing Editor & Director of Creative Services John Metselaar Production Manager Roger Barger Production Coordinator Dana Maxwell Marketing Manager, Publications Pam Knox Graphic Designers Carly Miner, Cheryl Earl, David Knox, Lisa Quirin Editorial Assistant Ginny Schoonaert, Kelly Hickman Contributing Writers Steve Solomon, Brazos Minshew, Dr. Scott Conard, M.D., Heather Austin, Greg Cayten, Dana Maxwell, Dr. Samuel N. Grief, M.D., Cheryl Romano, Pam Knox, Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Dr. Judy Ellison, Ph.D.

To Order Call Toll-Free 1-800-991-7116


The VitaJournal is published by TriVita, Inc. 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Printed in the U.S.A. 2008 TriVita, Inc. All rights reserved. The VitaJournal welcomes Member questions, photographs and testimonials. All submitted materials become the property of TriVita, Inc. and may be edited for publication. Submissions should be directed to the Product Satisfaction Consultant (Marketing Department) at Subscriptions: Subscriptions to the monthly VitaJournal and Trivitas Weekly Wellness Reports (delivered to your email address) are FREE to TriVita Members. Send subscription correspondence to: The VitaJournal, Subscription Services Group, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, or call 1-800-991-7116 between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Mountain Standard Time. The VitaJournal is distributed for information purposes only and does not constitute professional or medical advice. Prices in this publication are current as of the date of printing. Opinions expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The VitaJournal may be reproduced only by TriVita Members. Other reproductions, in whole or in part, are prohibited without the express permission of the publisher.

1-800-991-7116 For Questions: 1-877-850-2968 Monday Friday; 6:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time




TriVitas Super Sublingual B-12

TriVita Members bought over 11 million boxes of the Original Sublingual B-12 for one simple reason it worked. Now you can be among the first ever to benefit from the new improved version... Super Sublingual B-12.
Helps improve your energy, memory, focus and mood Uses Dr. Libbys same exclusive patented process for maximum absorption Now its faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before Also contains ginseng for an extra energy boost For more information, see pages 6 & 7

TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356

Mixed Berry Flavor Non-Member $28.99

12 B-





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Alfred Libby, M.D. Inventor of Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots added pain and expense.

Alfred Libby, M.D.

Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116

This calendar features:

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Beautiful nature photographs Inspiring and motivational quotations TriVitas 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness Information on referring others Space to write down appointments.

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