Special Project - Phase I

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Special Project:
Phase I: Proposal
(Title: Donation of a Projector, Two Tables and Five Chairs for the Ninth Grade English Classroom) Juan Ponce de Len Bilingual School Humacao, P.R. Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Harry Bonkosky

Eliezer Morales Ruiz Student Number: 442-08-4107 EDPE 4006 /Secc. 001 Dr. Anbal Muoz Claudio Date: March 4, 2013

Table of Contents

I. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II. Justification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 III. Permanence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IV. Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 V. Action Plan Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

I. Purpose: The Special Project for the Juan Ponce de Len Bilingual Intermediate School we have selected is located in the classroom of our cooperating teacher Mr. Bonkosky. Mr. Harry Bonkosky, my cooperating teacher, is asking the teacher candidates to help him with a space and equipment issue he has in his classroom. Mr. Bonkoskys classroom is the English ninth grade classroom. The classroom of Mr. Bonkosky is located in the schools oldest building, specifically on the second floor. What is Mr. Bonkoskys classroom today once was divided to make two classrooms instead of one, because the school also offered high school in the past. Now that Mr. Bonkosky has a bigger space inside his classroom, he has corner destined for a computer station that is our special project. He has the computers for the space, but he doesnt have the tables and chairs to create the computer station for the students to use it, so the computers are resting in the floor of the classroom. Mr. Bonkosky is asking Mr. Juan Perez and Mr. Eliezer Morales, his practice teaching students, to help him in looking for ways to get the equipment his classroom and the school needs. We had accepted his petition, and now we are working a plan to get this material. The classroom is also in need of a projector in order for the teacher to be more effective in his lessons using technological resources. We have selected this project because as future English teachers, we need to promote the best environment to learn English inside schools and English classrooms. With these materials inside the English classroom, our students and the future students of the Juan Ponce de Len Bilingual Intermediate School will benefit from access to technology that will improve their English language learning skills inside their own English classroom.

II. Justification: The special project we have selected will benefit the entire school community, mainly because Juan Ponce de Len Bilingual Intermediate School is a public school specialized in the English language. So the students need to have access to any equipment and materials that will improve their skills in the English language because that is the language of taught of most of the courses. Also, the technology inside the classroom will help the teacher develop more interactive and effective lessons, if he knows how to integrate technology in the classroom, which I know he will do. The school library is very small and has the total of four computers for the entire school. This makes no sense when the school has a total enrollment of 399 students. So there is one computer for every 100 students. That is why this project is very important for this school community, because the school doesnt have the enough space and resources to provide the technology equipment the students need. Although they a computer laboratory in the second floor, its a classroom and a class they take as part of the curriculum. So the students have access to those computers only when they are taking that class that is not offered to all the grades. These means that by providing this extra technological space inside the English classroom, the students will have an extra space to look for information or do any class work. Although the space is not going to substitute the other computer spaces, certainly is going to aid the need of technological resources in the school. The students will use the computers for academic purposes and practice of the English language skills. Also the projector will be an excellent resource to present Power Point Presentations, pictures and much more. The presentations are one of the best teaching materials because it makes the lesson visually entertaining, interesting and attractive for the students. So the end result of this special project will be the improvement of the learning and teaching tools of the Juan Ponce de Len Bilingual Intermediate School.

III. Permanence: The special project we selected for the school, will last as long as the technological equipment is well taken care of by its users, the teachers and the students. The technological resources are something that is constantly changing, but they are a resource that provides new ways for improvement the teaching and learning skills. So as long as they can be provided in our present time and space, they will fulfill their purpose in the school. Like every technological resource, computers and projectors are not eternal. If some of these technological tools gets damage or has some kind of problem, it will require for the school to make to look for a technician to repair any damage. This is something that could happen to the actual technological equipment in the school and if we think these resources are not permanent enough, the Department of Education will never provide schools with these resources. Remember that we need to address the problems that we have today, in order to address the ones that are going to present in the future. Also, the fact that the classroom is located at the second floor of the building provides a security that is crucial for this equipment. All the accesses to this building have gates, which makes very difficult for any intruder to steel or damage the equipment. From all the equipment we are working to get for the computer station, the most expensive is the projector, because the computers are already in the classroom and they are working well. So once the equipment is in the classroom, there is not going to be any expenses at all. We are hoping that the school will take care of this equipment because it is for their own benefit now and in the future. If the school appreciates the gifts from this special project, they will have access to the technological resources for a long period of time. So this special project is attending a problem that the school has today and we hope that last forever.

IV. Action Plan: The Action Plan for this Special Project will be divided in weeks, we to hope to fulfill the goals for each week that are going to be detailed in the following sentences. In the week from Monday, February 25, 2013 to Friday, March 1, 2013 Im going to do the redaction of a donation letter to companies, professionals, and government agencies. Also I will look for the approval of this letter with Dr. Anbal Muoz Claudio (Practice Teaching Supervisor), Mr. Abiezer Luzunaris Vargas (School Director), and Mr. Harry Bonkosky Medina (Cooperating Teacher). Then from the week beginning with Monday, March 4, 2013 until the week that ends with Friday, March 29, 2013 our goal will be to hand in the donations letter to companies, professionals and government agencies, hoping someone will be willing to do some kind of donation. If we dont get results from these efforts, from the week beginning with Monday, April 1, 2013 until the week that ends with Friday, April 26, 2013, we will do some kind of fundraising activities that are allowed in the school, like Casual days or Jean days. In this activities the students will pay from .50 to $1.00, to wear other clothes at the school and not the usual school uniform. With these activities we are hoping to raise enough founds for the equipment we want to donate to the school.

V. Action Plan Table:

Objectives Activities Time Line Person(s) involved Mr. Eliezer Morales Ruiz (Teacher Candidate), Dr. Anbal Muoz Claudio (Practice Teaching Supervisor), Mr. Abiezer Luzunaris Vargas (School Director), and Mr. Harry Bonkosky Medina (Cooperating Teacher). Fiscal Resources (Budget)

Redaction of a donation letter to companies, professionals, and government agencies.

Look for the approval of the letter with Practice Teaching Supervisor, the School Director, and the Cooperating Teacher.

Week from Monday, February 25, 2013 to Friday, March 1, 2013.

Investment of letter copies.

Hand in the donations letter to companies, professionals and government agencies, hoping someone will be willing to do some kind of donation.

Visit companies, professionals and government agencies to hand in the donations letter, hoping someone will be willing to do some kind of donation.

From the week beginning with Monday, March 4, 2013 until the week that ends with Friday, March 29, 2013.

Mr. Eliezer Morales Ruiz (Teacher Candidate) and Mr. Juan Perez Domenech (Teacher Candidate).

Fundraising activities that are allowed in the school.

Example of activities: Casual days or Jean days.

From the week beginning with Monday, April 1, 2013 until the week that ends with Friday, April 26, 2013.

Mr. Eliezer Morales Ruiz (Teacher Candidate), Mr. Juan Perez Domenech (Teacher Candidate). For the approval: Mr. Abiezer Luzunaris Vargas (School Director), and Mr. Harry Bonkosky Medina (Cooperating Teacher).

The students will pay from .50 to $1.00

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