"HelloSaarthi" Concept and Application of Interactive Design.

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This document provides introductory information about functionality of information projection in commercial structures. Majorly used to provide instructional design structure to project information in required time frame. The document covers introduction of Design for hellosaarthi and instructional design to movement. Introduction to demographics of the site and functionality of demographics are also given a quick brief.


Neighbourhood networking


Introduction. To the concept page 2- page7. (fig 1.1, 1.2 ,1.3 & 1.4) Design for hellosaarthi Page 8 - page 9 (design concept, functionality and


Property of Shiva Soni| Omshanti Infocom pvt.ltd


To begin with the introduction of hellosaarthi, i would like to add a brief about instructional design. User Experiences applied to project information to cover a particular in a required time frame, instructional design is applied in structures of heavy traffic information and data exchange such as commercial shopping malls( big bazaar, Tescos, Reliance fresh, wall mart, Asda, Ikea, Agros and similar structures of commercial activity). In places where information projection is at N degree and time required is least, instructional design is applied to guide source to singular/multiple destinations with least consumption of time and energy. Organised search and user friendly accessibility is required to project data and target location. With the project hellosaarthi, we are trying to apply the concept of instructional design from the commercial retail organised sector, to design the functional structure of inter-net applied networking. For which the already existing web application and services will be used to make a web-site and run it, it will be dealing into e-commerce, social networking, retail networking. To better understand the functionality of information projection at retail outlets, we need to understand that at retail stores there are N number of products which fall into N number of sub-categories which fall into their family categories. Now this division is made on the basis of user friendly knowledge and thus gives much organised searching pattern so that even a minute derivative of the category can be located easily. This instructional designing pattern can be explained with the help of further images fig1.1, fig1.2, fig1.3 and fig 1.4

Fig (1.1) (Top view of the shelves)

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Fig (1.1) (1.2) & (1.3) are live photo of a retail store Tescos shopping centre.

The Figure (1.1) shows the number of products placed for projection of information at
one floor. We can see from the image, number of divisions is made and several openings are given for multiple accesses. The figure (1.2) below shows the division of products into shelf, shelf break the category of products into smaller segments of similar products of different brands.

Fig 1.2 (Internal view of shelves)

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Figure 1.3 gives an over view of the placement of products with no instructions provided.

Fig 1.3 (No information projection for search orientation)

Figure 1.3 shows that when there are N numbers of multiple projections of products and if the search pattern is not organised and if there are no instructions, it might take a day to find the location of a product and will result in total chaos. It is highly difficult to locate a particular product without a local assistance provided for all time.

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Further, the Fig 1.4 is an image providing information about necessity of instructional design and pattern followed for organised search pattern.

Main shelf (food)

Roots/ Salad (50-100Rs)

Main shelf (search destination)

Sub category (price

Shelf cells( Divides the sub

category into brands and variety. Price range helps to reach to the desired object in minimum time frame.

Shelf cells
Fresh vegetable
(100-300 Rs)

Sub shelf ()

Relative shelf () Veg paste (150-400 Rs)

Fig 1.4 Figure 1.4 is a design concept to enhance the projection of product and location assistance for minimum time spent to reach a desired product. This pattern and patterns of instructional behaviour are followed to produce self-organised search, such that a minimum of assistance is required by the staff to reduce extra labour and source can locate the desired product by on its own. Also this type of design which is based on user experience and instructional concept, it gives a very big room to produce information of relative products of different brands simultaneously. Thus, giving a very big space for publicity of different products at the same time.

More the products can be projected to sale; more gets the probability of a person to buy it.

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Fig 1.4 is shown with the concept followed to project information of products, for which the structure is divided into shelving pattern (shelf of same size and arrangement). This shelving pattern provides categorisation of products into smaller units and further into smaller cells. Can be better explained as, there are shelf made of same size and same number of cells( this helps in product stocking and filling/refilling of stock.) these shelfs are named into different categories, related to the group or family the product belong. Then further these categories are divided into sub categories which are the sub division for product placed and further divided into smaller cells in the shelves. It is in these cells a product is placed and this is the place where a source reaches to see and buy the product.

Main category+ Sub-category+ Price variation + shelf cells.

So the categorisation can be defined as:

However, this pattern of instructional design exists in e-commerce site but with no ease to the simplification of the design. Websites are designed to sell products such as eBay, Amazon, olx, etc., but to focus on every product when there is projection of multiple products with multiple accessibility, these website lacks in good functionality and user friendly pattern. For the functionality of the system to produce N number of product at a very confined area, the movement of interactive and instructive system is added to hellosaarthi, such that products can be projected with relative products of different brands but still be organised to the highest user friendly basis. Thus it is the design and the functionality of the design with its projection of information we are looking to create a real time environment of an organised retail store to web application.

The design of hellosaarthi is made as such a perspective image of a store can be captured for real life experience of a buying/selling with an easy to searching pattern and time saving process for data projection. Placement of information projection forms and movement of information cells makes it possible to project multiple information in 1 time frame, also the movement helps to maintain continuity in the projection of information about a particular derivative, with multiple accessibility to the data in single time frame. Thus, application of interactive design and movement for the functionality are the two pillars of the four for the concept.

Property of Shiva Soni| Omshanti Infocom pvt.ltd

DESIGN FOR hellosaarthi:

hellosaarthi design image In the above design we see main shelf and sub shelf. The sub shelf operates as the derivative for the category selected in the main shelf. Being co-operative with each other these shelves will derive the categorisation of the products, variety and brands. These shelves have movement defined on the basics of human eye-sight patter, pattern in which it is most familiar to understand. Since Main category works as a group of sub-categories from the similar family, it can be considered that main category slot does not require much projection of information except the sub-categories, which are used to guide a person for further derivative. Thus the movement for the main category slot can be confined in view ability a movement of sideward (left to right & right to left) will be observed. The sub-shelf is a continuous information projection slot, it has to be constant with the movement of main category and project N amount of data. Thus a inwards and outward movement is defined for sub-shelves.

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Fig (2.1)( hellosaarthi design)

Fig (2.2) placement of the sub self on the grid

Figure 2.1 shows the movement applied to the design of shelves. This movement is applied to amplify the search pattern and projection of data together. Figure 2.2 is an image presented to show the movement of the sub-shelve and the product placement on the grid design.
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Movement of the shelf:

The whole design is divided into two slots, one is main category slot or upper slot and the another as shelf slot or base slot. The upper slot consist of main category search and do not require movement with continuity, therefore the upper slot moves with sideward movement or horizontally i.e., the main category slot moves from left to right and right to left with defining instruction to the movement with arrows and mouse. The base slot is the information projection zone, it need to be continuous and visible, thus we put a inward and outward with respect to the screen. Category selected on the main slot defines the projection of information on base slot and thus governs the movement and functionality. It is this movement and categorisation, which together will produce continuity for projection of N amount of information. Acting as a search pattern this design is made keeping in mind about the user friendly and no complication application. The design concentrates more on interactive search rather than linguistic search, making it very friendly to use and understand. Image 2.2 is a very good example for placement of information on base slot.


Property of Shiva Soni| Omshanti Infocom pvt.ltd

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