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What would you do with 90 A380s?

Having read and analyzed the Emirates Case Study published by RBS - What would you do with 90 A380s and in view of what Emirates CEO commented recently that to address the Airline growth plans, a another 30 A380s on, top of the 90 aircraft on order, is absolutely required, but the Airline is faced with the Airport capacity issues. You are therefore required to address the following questions and produce a report: Question 1: Is the prime airline segment an attractive place to compete? (35 marks) Using the information presented in the case study and other relevant sources use Michael Porters five forces model to analyze the competitive environment for Emirates and similarly the scale of the threat from other Gulf airlines, to the rest of the world. The analysis should consist of five parts ( five forces), which should cover (a) threat of entry, (b) power of suppliers, (c) power of buyers, (d) threats of substitutes, (e) competitive rivalry. At the end of each part, a conclusion should be provided. Students are expected to draw the final conclusion to explain why Emirates will most likely survive and serve those planned markets. Question 2: In the middle of those threats and continued lobbying pressures by European carriers, how can Emirates continue to survive and deliver a value and prime service to its customers? Students should be able to identify various points mentioned in the case study about how Emirates can add value. Then explain how European airlines threatened by Emirates will keep up the pressure against Emirates. What are European Network carriers current and future strategies? Additionally, Student must be able to comment on Emirates Qantas Alliance Partnership of how could this benefit Emirates with their A380 network development and penetration into new markets. 30 marks)

Question 3: Review the fleet and network growth plans as available in the case study and other relevant sources. Then discuss how Emirates would develop a sound strategy to operate those 90 A380s by the year 2020 and achieve the planned profits whilst sustaining its competitive advantage? (35 marks)

Notes: 1. Report Length should be around 2500 words. 2. Due time for hand-in: 8 weeks from hand over date.


report is designed to demonstrate and assess a number of module learning outcomes, particularly those related to the analysis and application of information of strategic management and implementation.



writing the assignment, references to literature, course handouts and points of theory and principles may add support to the analysis, though they should be relevant, appropriate and properly cited, and certainly not made in isolation from case issues.


Where you feel further

Strategy information or other data would be required, state these requirements and briefly relate how the information might be obtained. Specify any assumptions that you make.

Note: If you have any queries about question focus or any ambiguities in the brief, you may contact me by e-mail (

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