By Jeffrey Helton

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by Jeffrey Helton


Two eyes, unblinking and frosty. A BLOND MAN, early 30s, rests on an examination table. His face is angular. His body, muscular. A DOCTOR, brunette but otherwise nondescript, crosses a room crammed with an odd mixture of technologies ultramodern computers and archaic surgical tools. DOCTOR Commence log. The largest computer monitor, webbed with cracks, flickers on. A birds-eye view of the blond mans nervous systems. DOCTOR Year 59, day 359. Patient is a genetic anomaly. Classless. Age thirty-two. Reason for visit: biannual maintenance. The doctor takes a bored breath. DOCTOR Begin diagnosis. An overhead light scans the mans body. DOCTOR Lets get the basics out of the way. Have you recently experienced any exhaustion? No answer. The doctor sighs. DOCTOR System, mark any unresponsiveness as an answer in the negative. (to the man)

How about any dizziness? ... Trouble concentrating? ... A lack of motivation? ... The doctor chuckles to himself. DOCTOR System, alter that response. Mark it as a yes. (to the man) Listen, classless. I already know the results of this test. Its going to say that youre useless. Obsolete. Were supposed to avoid the scrapheap. You do know that, dont DOCTOR #2 (O.C.) Doctor? DOCTOR #2, a near-perfect replica of the first, stands in the doorway with an unconscious woman in a wheelchair. Behind doctor #2, other hurried medical personnel are visibleall appearing as if they made from the same mold. DOCTOR #2 Doctor, this woman collapsed while transporting axles. She fell two stories. Her supervisor says shes been sick for a -DOCTOR #1 Is no one else free? DOCTOR #2 Everyones busy testing for the infection. We keep getting reports of -DOCTOR #1 Alright, Wheel her over here. And grab the damn annelids. Better safe than sorry.

Doctor #1 muscles the wheelchair into a clear area of the room. Doctor #2 grabs a jar of leeches. Theyre dark and writhing, unnaturally bulky. DOCTOR #1 Go on. Ill pry her jaw open. Doctor #2 plucks out a leech and suspends it above the womans open mouth. His fingers twitch. BLOND MAN No. The blond man sits up. Doctor #2 is taken aback. DOCTOR #2 Excuse me? DOCTOR #1 Ignore him. DOCTOR #2 (to the man) Sir... Its fine. The leech will drain her body of any toxinsif its not too late. The blond man stands, inching closer. BLOND MAN There are no toxins, because there is no infection. This woman is just exhausted. Were all exhausted now, from repairing the Seventh Extractor. How is dropping a leech down her throat going to help? Shes bleeding out! DOCTOR #1 And where exactly did you get your medical knowledge? (to doctor #2) Release it! The blond man squeezes the womans unresponsive hand. His brow furrows, and he faces doctor #2.

BLOND MAN I would staunch the blood now and get a reading on her bones. She broke a few in the fall. Doctor #1 puts his hand out to doctor #2. DOCTOR #1 Give it to me, and Ill do it. Just get him out of here! BLOND MAN Please. If you dont do as I say, this woman will die. DOCTOR #1 Get him out! Someone get him the hell out! Right now! EXT. STREETS OF THE FOUNDATION - MORNING

The blond man ambles through an austere city. People flood the earthen streets, and he shifts through them. The citys denizens all have dark hair and dark eyes, and no elders walk among them. The man passes buildings. Some are small and industrial. A few, like the medical facility, are modern. All are somewhat decrepit. Sleek but unmaintained security vehicles sputter through the streets. Each carries two officers. He arrives at a building, large and made of sandstone, with wall subtractions that open out to the city. Similar residences surround it. He climbs the buildings ladder. On the roof, he sits and stares to the skya dome of dark, vermiculate metal, expanding in every direction. At its apex, there is a large light, like the eye of some god, overseeing the city. Rising through its center is a column. INT. A LARGE WAREHOUSE - AFTERNOON

The blond man walks a warehouse balcony with a small group of men. A floor below, people assemble large metal axels. On the balcony, a bug-eyed SUPERVISOR directs the men throughout in the warehouse. Clipboard in hand, he approaches the blond man. SUPERVISOR Youll be overseeing the reconstruction of the Seventh Extractor. I think youll find the workers rather -BLOND MAN Id rather not. SUPERVISOR Dont you realize how vital that extractor is? Are you fond of blackouts? We need this so that we can -BLOND MAN Keep the wheels spinning? SUPERVISOR Youre lucky to even be in charge of such a project. Mutations are for organ farming. Whats wrong with you? The blond man shrugs. BLOND MAN Why is the sky metal? SUPERVISOR Dont ask questions that dont have answers. BLOND MAN Who taught you that? The supervisor glances at his clipboard, shaking his head. SUPERVISOR Today, youll work in assembly. If

you dont like it, perhaps we can have you reassigned to an incinerator. The supervisor storms off. INT. WAREHOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON

The blond man rests against a warehouse wall, next to a cluster of workers. They all chew on bland food bars. The blond man stares out at the people still working. SUPERVISOR (O.C.) Alright, bring in those rods! And` be careful this time! The blond man watches intently as a handful of bulky men appear from another section of the building, struggling together to support two metallic rods. The rods are bound with wires and encase a phosphorescent liquid. The blond man looks down, noticing a YOUNG BOY staring at him. The blond man smiles. BLOND MAN Hello there. The boy speaks through mouthfuls of his food bar. YOUNG BOY Why are you staring like that? The boy jerks his head at the bulky men. BLOND MAN Can you keep a secret? The boy nods vigorously. BLOND MAN You see how those rods are secured with wires? In the front and the back? YOUNG BOY (uncertainly) ...Yeah.

BLOND MAN Does anything look strange about the wires in the back? YOUNG BOY I dont... think so... BLOND MAN They wont hold. YOUNG BOY Huh? BLOND MAN The wires wont hold. Theyre frayed, but no ones noticed. YOUNG BOY Your eyes must be so good. BLOND MAN Its not about that. Its about paying attention. After a beat, the boy glances back at the rods. YOUNG BOY Youre... wrong. You cant know that. No one could -A loud crash. Sounds of panic. The rods have fallen, and the glass of one has shattered, with the bright liquid oozing across the floor. The bulky men scramble away from it. SUPERVISOR Dammit! Didnt anyone double-check the bindings? Unbelievable... Is anyone at least competent enough to find a mop?!? Were behind as it is. No more breaks! The young boy rushes towards the supervisor. He points back to the blond man.

YOUNG BOY He knew! That man knew. He told me that it was going to happen, but he didnt try to stop it. Everyone in the room stares at the blond man. He stares the about the boy. The supervisor saunters over to the man. SUPERVISOR You know, after our talk earlier, I heard about your incident at the medical facility. And now I think I understand you. You want us to kill you. You actually want to die. No reply. The supervisor laughs. SUPERVISOR You should have said something. Ill happily oblige. (to the crowd) Someone alert the authorities. Weve got a case of subversion... and I want to make a show of it. EXT. OUTSIDE THE WAREHOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON

Warehouse workers and other onlookers form a circle in the street. The blond man kneels at its center. OFFICER #1 and OFFICER #2 stand nearby, and the supervisor paces to and fro. SUPERVISOR (to the crowd) Now I wish I could be gentler about this -- wish I could tell you all not to be too concerned, but that would be wrong. You should be very concerned. Otherwise, you might find yourself in the same position as this man here. (to the officers) Would you gentlemen prepare?


The officers withdraw ultramodern firearms and switch them on. They fire thin wires at the blond man, which hook into his arms. He winces. SUPERVISOR You might wonder what this mans sin is. Well, if you missed the catastrophe today, let me assure you that his man is sickinfected! He refused to help with the Seventh Extractor, where he could have been a great asset. He doesnt care for the Foundation. The supervisor nods to the officers. SUPERVISOR I guess the lesson is... Dont get sick. The officers torture the blond man, pulsing electric charges into his arms. He sweats heavily. He begins to tremble, groaning, yet he does not collapse. SUPERVISOR Give him more. The officers oblige, and the blond man cries out. He shakes more violently, gasping for air. A few onlookers gasp; most are unfazed. The young boy from the warehouse watches in horror. The man still stands. SUPERVISOR You call this torture? I said give him more! OFFICER #1 There is no more. Were maxing out these levels. SUPERVISOR Wait... Stop it... OFFICER #2


Sir? SUPERVISOR Just stop it. The officers relent. The supervisor, slightly dazed, approaches the blond man. He kneels in front of the man, who hangs his head in exhaustion, and whispers. SUPERVISOR Why... Just tell me. Why wont you go down? The man stares up, breathing heavily. A bead of blood dribbles from his lips. BLOND MAN Dont ask questions that don't have answers. The supervisor seizes the blond man by his shirt. SUPERVISOR Tell me! BLOND MAN You... were wrong... SUPERVISOR Wrong? Wrong about what? BLOND MAN About what I want. The supervisor straightens up. He looks to the officers. SUPERVISOR Well then. I think weve all had our fun. Kill him. The blond man jerks his arm and, with it, the wire. He catches officer #2s gun. The man sweeps his leg, knocking officer #1 to the ground. The man stands. Officer #2 grapples with him but is wrestled to the ground with delicacy. The blond man rips the wire from his arm. Blood gushes from the wound.


He points the gun at the officers. They remain on the ground. The man aims the gun at the supervisor. He lingers, but his face scrunches up. BLOND MAN Just leave me be. He hobbles through the crowd without looking back. Although citizens evade him as if he really is infected, a couple look impressed. For a moment, he loses course, and his body crumbles to the ground, but he stands again, pressing onward. He throws the gun into the sand. INT. AZRAS APARTMENT - EARLY EVENING

A lavish apartment. Outside a window is the vast cityscape of the Pinnacle. Monolithic skyscrapers rise against an azure skyline. Inside, everything is white, except for a jet black piano. Somewhere, a record player hisses out Rachmaninoffs Prelude in C sharp minor. There are large bookshelves containing worn copies of important literature. Among them, Descartes Meditations. On the wall, there is artwork Dalis Corpus Hypercubus. A woman (AZRA) is seated at a glass table. Her hair is pulled back, with only a few strands dangling across olive skin. Her features are taut, like a bowstring the moment before first blood. A gun lies on the table. On a square of paper, Azra writes a brief notes. She flips the squarea timeworn picture of a man and a child. She lays the picture down and grabs the gun, pressing it to her temple. She breathes. An alarm sounds, and the woman slowly gets up, turns off the record player, and crosses into a room with a computer embedded into the wall: Incoming transmission.


AZRA Accept transmission. A skeletal man (GILL) appears on the screen. His skin, too, is olive, and his voice is sassy, self-important. GILL Hello, Azra. AZRA What is it, Gill? GILL Your next assignment is ready. AZRA Im afraid that Ill no longer be carrying out assignments. Gill cackles. GILL Of course. And Im sure you would like to inform Merrick personally? AZRA Actually, Gill, I would. GILL Youre... youre joking? AZRA You tell me. Azra still holds the gun. She blasts the screen. INT. THE MERRICK SPIRE - SUNSET

Azra crosses a long corridor of glass, a dark jacket billowing around her. Below, the city of the Pinnacle is visible. As she approaches twin doors, the muffled sounds of argument between MERRICK and Gill are heard. GILL --and we cant just leave things as


they are! MERRICK Of course not. Its utterly unstable. Everything would be compromised. As always, Gill, Im in control. GILL And what if youre not? Besides, no one has traveled down there in years! Suppose that-Azra enters the grandiose room. Her eyes find Merricks His eyes are twin glaciers which do not break from hers. Merrick, seated at his desk, is in his mid-fifties, with a craggy face and a regal presence. Gill stands near Merricks desk. A woman (VANESSA) is seated in the corner, her expression vacant. Her body is long and graceful, but she keeps her limbs bent, close to her body. The resultshes like a bird with clipped wings. Azra does not see Vanessa at first. AZRA Merrick, I dont particularly care, but it seems that Gill is overstepping his bounds. Betas never were so bold. GILL Azra, why dont you keep out of this? This is between -MERRICK Gill, youll be leaving now. Gill is taken aback, but he says nothing more. He glares at Azra as he exits. MERRICK Rest assured, Azra. Gill is no threat to me.


AZRA It is not my concern if you surround yourself with incompetence. Ive come to -Azra pauses, finally noticing Vanessa. Azras body tenses. MERRICK I know why youre here. Youre having... second thoughts. Azra shifts her gaze from Vanessa to Merrick. AZRA What is going on here? MERRICK You will not quit. You have no option. So what will it take to convince you? Torture? Youre unaffected. Money? What more could you buy? You have everythingeven relics from a forgotten world. Paintings and books. Music. Azra? Are you even listening to me? Azra is stealing glances at Vanessa, who stirs from her daze. Noticing Azra, Vanessa trembles. MERRICK Ah, of course. Azra, Im sure you remember Vanessa Ambrose. Vanessa stands, exploding into anger. VANESSA Does she remember me? She abducted me. Azra clenches her fists and keeps staring at Merrick, her voice flat. AZRA Why is she here? VANESSA


Dont you do that. Dont pretend that Im not even here! I wont let you. Azra still wont look at her. AZRA Blame Merrick... Kidnapping isnt my specialty. VANESSA And what about murder? You seemed quite the expert. Vanessa stomps over to Azra. VANESSA Say something, you goddamn bitch. Say something! She hammers her fists against Azras sternum, but Azra doesnt react. Merrick presses a button on his desk, and the back wall slides open. Three guards march out, apprehend Vanessa, and escort her out. Vanessa struggles to escape their clutches the entire time. MERRICK Youll be working with her. AZRA Out on an assignment? Shell try her very best to kill me. A pause. AZRA I might let her. MERRICK An assignment? Dont be ridiculous. Shes a geneticist. I need you to retrieve a sample for her. AZRA A sample?


MERRICK There has been... an incident of sorts at the Foundationsubversion, this time a little too much for the security drones to handle. Youre to terminate the problem and bring us a vial of his blood. AZRA The Foundation? No ones been down there in ages. MERRICK Yes, a degree of finesse is required. AZRA Which is why youve chosen me. If I do it -MERRICK Youre doing it, Azra. AZRA If I do it, will you release her? MERRICK (laughs) Vanessa? AZRA After she has finished her report on the sample, yes. MERRICK Absolutely not. We now have reason to suspect that shes working alongside the Alliance. AZRA (unnerved) The Alliance... Its real then? MERRICK As real as the Pinnacle. New Geneva recently joined.


AZRA You dont seem concerned. MERRICK They have their convictions, but they lack the only thing worth a damn. He relaxes a bit in his chair. Somehow, the leisurely pose only accentuates his stature. MERRICK Power. Theres a lull. MERRICK I take it we can transfer the details of your assignment to your home computer. After some repairs, of course. AZRA What about MERRICK The girl? If you obey, her treason will cost her only her legs. Azra nods slowly and walks away. Suddenly, she stops to address Merrick. AZRA Merrick, this is the last time I kill for you. If you think differently, then this will get very messy for us all. She exits. INT. THE WAREHOUSE - NIGHT

The supervisor sits on a stool amidst aisles of heavy machinery. The warehouse is dark, and he does not notice the dark shadow of Azra dropping behind him from above. Azra steps forward softly.


AZRA Where is he? He is unfazed. He doesnt even face her. SUPERVISOR Hello to you as well. AZRA Answer the question. SUPERVISOR Home. Building 108. I dont know why you're even asking. The other drones werent enough. Nothing is. A pause. SUPERVISOR How do these... these tragedies even happen? He lets out a soft chuckle. SUPERVISOR I know were not to ask, but -The supervisors voice chokes off as Azra fires a single, silent flare of energy through his torso. He collapses to the floor. He grasps at the wound. Finally, he stares up at Azra with a look of sad bemusement. She moves. EXT. BUILDING 108 - ROOFTOP - NIGHT

The blond man sits atop his house, drinking water from a mason jar. He looks out at the cityscape. Streetlights line the world like a broken constellation. He seems to notice an unusual sound and stares at the ladder. Azra pulls herself onto the roof, yet the blond man does not seem bothered. Both are shrouded in shadow. AZRA


Why are you up here so late at night? BLOND MAN Why is the sky metal? Azra starts to laugh but stops herself. AZRA Because Merrick makes it so. The blond man leans forward. BLOND MAN Who are you? AZRA The woman who has come to kill you. Azra withdraws her gun. She fires, but the blond man moves too quickly. The shot misses, its energy crashing into an adjacent building. The blond man flings the jar of water. It smashes into Azras gun. The gun falls from the roof. It lands beneath a streetlight. Azra charges forward. She assails the man with quick blows. The blond man struggles to defend himself. He manages to wrestle her onto her back. The combatants struggle, and the blond man eventually maneuvers his way away from her. The blond man runs to the edge of the roof. He leaps, landing clumsily below. He dashes for the weapon. Azra leaps gracefully. As she lands, she manages to knock him down. Azra seizes the gun. She points it at the mans face. In the streetlight, they see each other clearly for the first time. Azra pauses, staring into his eyes. Both breathe heavily. AZRA


Youre... youre from above? BLOND MAN What...? What do you mean...? AZRA Youre from the Pinnacle. INT. BUILDING 108 - NIGHT

Azra sits at a wooden table in a small yet clean dining area. The wall opens into the night. The blond man brings her a jar of water. AZRA My name is Azra. BLOND MAN Your name? Names are for streets. AZRA I forget how different things are here at the Foundation. BLOND MAN A name... Why would a person want one? She reaches for her water. AZRA A name is something that is yours alone. Something that no one can ever steal from you. BLOND MAN I already have something like that. AZRA Really? The blond man smirks, drawing his fingers to his temple. Almost like a gun. BLOND MAN A mind.


Azra downs her water. AZRA Someone wants you dead. BLOND MAN Aside from you? AZRA I dont want you dead. Im merely a instrument for my employer, Mr. Merrick. BLOND MAN What does it matter if Im dead? Why is this Merrick so interested in a mutation? AZRA Mutation? I dont know much about genetics, but youre no mute. You belong in the Pinnacle. BLOND MAN Mute? AZRA Slang. Merrick is... an energy magnate, and youre endangering his supply. BLOND MAN The extractors? She nods. AZRA And the people. Youll give them ideas. The incinerator toll was higher than usual today. He idly sloshes the water in his jar. BLOND MAN` And what is like, beyond the sky?


AZRA Wretched... Beautiful. Depends on who you ask. BLOND MAN Im asking you. AZRA Dont. A beat. BLOND MAN Could I ever go there? AZRA Merrick is a powerful man, with eyes everywhere. He would know. BLOND MAN But why does he want me dead? AZRA Im sorry, but I dont know. Im not supposed to ask questions. He laughs to himself. BLOND MAN No, I suppose youre not. AZRA Do you have a knife? BLOND MAN I do, but I hope youre not hoping to eat my food. I have none. He walks to his sink and pulls a blade from a drawer. AZRA Cut yourself. BLOND MAN Im sorry? AZRA


I need some of your blood so that Merrick won't suspect anything. You cant stay here any longer. Do you have somewhere to go? He is silent for a moment. BLOND MAN The district 5 ration house. They mishandled one of the extractors energy rods. The explosion wiped out most of the equipment, so its inactive for now. I dont know for how long. AZRA Alright. Ill be back soon. Ill find you. BLOND MAN What will you do? AZRA You have a lot of questions. I have a lot of questions, as well. Im going to find out what there is to know. Will you make it to the warehouse? BLOND MAN Of course. I just have to make a small detour. The man cuts his arm, wincing. Azra holds her hand out, motioning her fingers. AZRA My turn. She brushes her hair from her face, taking the knife. INT. MEDICAL STATION - NIGHT

A shadow strolls down a dark, metallic hallway. He passes numerous doors before pausing at one. He enters numbers on a digital pad, unlocking the door.


The blond man walks inside, illuminated by the blue light of idle wall monitors. A bloodied shred of clothe is wound around his bicep. He explores various drawers, until he finds some cream and bandage wraps. He applies the cream to the wound and rewraps his bicep. After grabbing a few more supplies, he goes to the doorway, but then he stares back. On a shelfthe jars of leeches. He palms a jar, then another. He paces to the doorway and suddenly hurls a jar into the hall. Glass shatters. He throws the next jar then walks back to the shelf proceeds to demolish everything. In the midst of the cacophony of shattering glass, theres a single footstep, and the blond man turns. Doctor #2 stands there. DOCTOR #2 You... You were right. The blond man stares and waits, arm poised to throw another jar. DOCTOR #2 Dont worry. Im not here to stop you. The blond man lowers his arm. BLOND MAN Then why are you here? DOCTOR #2 Theyve... reassigned me. Im a security drone now. All because I... hesitated. BLOND MAN Hesitated? Because of what I said? DOCTOR #2 Yes.


BLOND MAN So now what? DOCTOR #2 Now you leave. The blond man gestures at the mess of glass shards and leech fluid. BLOND MAN Theyll kill you, you know. The doctor drops his head. The blond man walks through the doorway, but the doctor stops him. DOCTOR #2 The girl died. She bled dry. Her bones were broken, five of them. It was just like you said. BLOND MAN I know. Why tell me? DOCTOR #2 So now you know why I dont care if they kill me. INT. MERRICKS OFFICE - MORNING

Merrick sits at his desk. He is in the middle of conversing with GENERAL CYNBEL. Two LIEUTENANTS stand attentively behind the general. CYNBEL --and as Ive so often stressed, our best option remains just south of the equator. MERRICK Because of the unusual magnetism? CYNBEL Yes, sir. As you know, sir, it interfered with the terraformation process, so the north is uninhabitable. Yet at the border, we would have an ideal location.


We would be better prepared to -MERRICK (curtly) I dont mean to challenge your authority, General, but doesnt the whole strategy come across as laughable? CYNBEL ...Sir? MERRICK Position your men north of the equator. Our technology can easily counteract the atmosphere. CYNBEL But its not sustainable. MERRICK It would only be temporary. Besides, how long does it take to butcher a world of pacifists? CYNBEL I suppose that CYNBEL Attacking would be just as easy, yet you would find yourselves virtually invincible. For now, direct your energies towards squashing the Alliance -A wall monitor lights up, displaying GILLs face. GILL Merrick, Azra is here, and shes out of con-MERRICK She can wait. Merrick presses a button, and the monitor cuts out, with Gills livid face fading.


In the glass hallway, Azra marches for Merricks door. A fresh scar spans from her cheek to her chin. Two guards lie far behind her. She pauses before crossing the threshold, inhaling to prepare for what lies ahead. Azra enters, to the surprise of Cynbel and Merrick. Before they can interrogate her, she asserts herself. AZRA Merrick. You did not tell me to expect that level of violence. CYNBEL Ah, Azra. As abrasive always. AZRA A joy to see you again, Cynbel. CYNBEL Thats General Cynbel, soldier. AZRA Im no longer under your command. CYNBEL Of course... Youve found honorable employment with Merrick. AZRA Merrick pays well. CYNBEL As if that matters now with the embargo in effect. Azra is rattled. AZRA What? CYNBEL Mars is refusing to accept our currency blood money, they call it. As if those idealists could understand -MERRICK


(trenchantly) My time is not to be squandered. What do you need Azra? Azra retrieves a capsule of blood from her jacket. She grips it between two fingers, like a cigarette, manipulating it with ease. AZRA Here it is. MERRICK But there were complications? AZRA My quarry was more formidable than you led me to believe. He looks at Azras scar, its terrain raw. MERRICK Azra, Im quite disappointed in you. AZRA And I in you. Before Merrick can lambast her, Azra continues. AZRA Your entire worldyour frail universerests on the shoulders of these people, and you have no means of surveillance or tracking even the most private rebellion. MERRICK We monitor the security records, and it seems sufficient. Besides, you speak as if its so common. We never expected something of this magnitude. By all calculations, this should never have happened. It is a problem, yes. Now how will you solve it? AZRA


I... I cant promise that Im going to be able to find him again. MERRICK He has nowhere to hide. You will find him, then you can go join your family on Mars. AZRA Why would you let me do that? MERRICK Its a matter of professionalism. I truly value this mans death. In exchange, I offer something of value to you. AZRA Why does it matter to you so much? Theres a nuance to Merricks voice nowa blooming eagerness. MERRICK Because if we could harness it, whatever accident of biology that makes this dull creature so... indomitable, I could build something even greater than the Pinnacle. AZRA Then, as a professional, Im going to need to know more about this man Im going up against. Blood crawls through the capsule in her hand. EXT. FOUNDATIONS ROOFTOPS - NIGHT

A small GIRL and BOY stand on a stone balcony overlooking empty streets. A tinge of blue light washes over everything. The boy grips a dusty rag, which he uses to blindfold the laughing girl. She dances and sings. GIRL


No squeakingnot a groan! Youll get a beating by the drones. Theyll be feasting on your bon BOY Stop it! Were breaking nursery rules. Do you want to get heard? Stop that stupid song and just spin! After a giggle, her hands flow out cautiously. As the boy scurries away to hide in the foliage of some nearby potted plants, the girl spins. She traces a snaky path across the balcony. When the she nears the plant, the boy throws it across the balcony. A clack. The girl giggles as she shifts directions. As the girl veers dangerously close to the balcony edge, theres a sound of feet delicately landing on the stone. The blonde man softly grips her shoulders, saving her. GIRL No fun! In the foliage, the boys eyes widen. He gasps. BOY Thats... Thats not... As she begins to remove her blindfold, a loud VOICE resounds from the doorway to the balcony. VOICE Children! Get inside right now! Normal children obey the rules; no one outside at night. (sighing) Why dont I ever cultivate the normal ones? Blindfold now off, the girl stares up at the blond man. Looking from the girl to the boy, the man presses his finger to his lips. He runs and leaps, vanishing to the roof of another building.


The man navigates the rooftops with grace. In the streets, there are small business stands. He passes a white building emblazoned with: EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT. Two officer drones survey the contour of rooftops, turning away just in time to not see the blond man. He closes in on a grand warehouse, which looks some sort of a mangled, metallic monster. Its exterior walls are riddled with holes. Many of its windows are shattered. After scaling down to the ground, the blond man searches along the perimeter and finds a broken window. He slips inside. Darkness swallows him. As he adjusts to the dimness, he sees a distant, thin blade of blue light coming from a hole in the ceiling. It illuminates some work tables. Mangled energy rods are strewn atop them. The light flickers, and there is darkness again. INT. MERRICKS OFFICE - MORNING

Only darkness and sound. CYNBEL ...Youre absolutely sure, then? The lights are back. Merricks granite face. MERRICK Of course. I do not trust Azra. Not entirely. Something was wrong with her. CYBEL Thats no surprise. Merrick speaks harshly. Deliberately. As if hes unraveling some sour truth. MERRICK No, I think... it was the scar. That peculiar angle, that shallowness. It


was all so... contrived. CYNBEL But... I cant just part with my second-in-command. I need him when engaging with the Alliance. MERRICK Talin will serve you well during the siege of Mars, but you can make due in his absence. For now I need the threat at The Foundation terminated. I cannot have the populace riled up. That energy is too important now. CYNBEL Of course... I will contact Talin this afternoon. Cynbel gives a slight bow of his head to Merrick before approaching the door. MERRICK General. Cynbel freezes. MERRICK If Azra has... defected, can Talin kill her? He turns with a smirk. CYNBEL With relish, sir. INT. THE MERRICK LAB - MORNING

Two guards stand outside a geodesic glass cage, enclosing the laboratory where Vanessa is held captive. Inside, there are various apparatuses. On the floor, there are gloves, glass tubes, and countless bottles strew about. One computer screen, gargantuan and centered in a wall, loops through a simulation of the maturation process of a


human, beginning at the cellular level and ending with an infant. Vials are shatter, and crimson is smeared across floor tiles. The door opens, and Azra enters. Huddled over a desk, Vanessa looks completely drained. Dark circles sit under her eyes, and scars jag across her wrists. She sees Azra. VANESSA Youve just murdered someone else, then? Azra stands, arms crossed behind her back. Vanessa approaches, closing the void between them. VANESSA Well if its so damn easy for you, murder me. Do it! I know you. Ive seen what you can do. Kill me! Kill me like you killed her. Vanessa grasps Azras shoulders, her arms quaking, scars visible. VANESSA They wouldnt... let me. They wouldnt let me die. They wont... Vanessa releases Azra and wanders back to her desk. VANESSA If youre here to dangle freedom in in my face, like Im a dog, Ill never cooperate. You think that freedom will motivate me? What could I possibly do with it? She hesitates. VANESSA If you wont kill me...


Vanessa charges forward. A shard of glass is gripped tight in her hand. Azra does not flinch. An electrical hiss. Vanessa screams, collapsing to the ground. She convulses. A homing wire has found her arm, fired from a GUARD at the doorway. Azra kneels to Vanessa, holding the vial of the blond mans blood. She places it on the nearby table. AZRA Hes not dead. Azra heads for the door. AZRA Not yet. EXT. THE PINNACLES UNDERBELLY NIGHT

A young punk (ADAIR) walks some shady streets. Despite the fact that hes trying to obscure his body with a jacket, it is apparent that Adair is nearly emaciated. The strut of a pariah. He is distant from the main cluster of skyscrapers, which glow blue, like unyielding beams of energy. The lights of the seedy buildings nearby radiate with an anxious red. He takes an abrupt turn down an unremarkable alleyway. To his surprise, a Pinnacle solider (BRET) awaits him. The helmeted solider is unflinching, gun gripped in hand, and Adair freezes. Behind the solider is a door. Adair starts to dash away, but hes interrupted. BRET Adair... Adair... Im just mucking with you. Bret removes his helmet, and Adair relaxes. ADAIR Bret, you... idiot! Dont do that.


Bret laughs and mimes firing the gun. Adair shakes his head. ADAIR Whered you even get the uniform? Swaying a little, Bret hiccoughs. BRET Lets just say... Know some lady soldiers... Questionable allegiances. Not so good at... Uh, poker. Adair heads for the door, steering around Brett. As Adair frenetically enters a code on a doors keypad, he yells out a farewell. ADAIR Its a very feminine look. Definitely suits you. Dont get too madhouse, tonight. At these words, Bret fires actual rounds into the atmosphereribbons of light zipping upward and fizzling. Adair disappears through the door. INT. A SEEDY BAR - NIGHT

Inside is a bar. Most booths have closed gates, allowing the patrons to sit in seclusion. In the spaces beneath the gates, legs are sprawled out. Behind one gatemale and female groans of ecstasy. Some patrons have forgotten there were gates to begin with. While some characters are in a slight daze, others involuntarily roll their heads around. A BURLY MAN and his ASSOCIATE appear, seemingly from the shadows. BURLY MAN I didnt expect you tonight. My supplies will last a while. ADAIR No supplies tonight.


ASSOCIATE Hey, this guy looks a little... weird. Youre sort of... sickly. Adairs eyes dart around. ADAIR Well, mutes come in all shapes. BURLY Adair, forgive my friend here. Im showing him the ropes. (to the associate) Adair is a... partner... ASSOCIATE He the one sells you that strong lab stuff? The stuff we use to make the mosa? ADAIR Yeah, and tonight-ASSOCIATE Youre wanting some mosa for yourself? Cant blame you. I hope youre ready to travel. ADAIR answers with a quick nod. INT. PRIVATE BAR BOOTH NIGHT A black bead of mosa on a tongue. Adair retracts his tongue and crumples into his seat. His surroundings grow fuzzy, and a carefree smile is on his face. A vast chamber of white. A low, soothing hum. In the booth, his eyes low, Adair seems serene. Two charcoal blots appear within the chamber of white. The blots transform into two curvy silhouettes, which coalesce and embrace.


A nightmarish sequence. The hum ascends in pitch, growing so splintered. It sounds like glass breaking again and again. In the booth, Adairs mouth quivers. He twitches. In the mosa world, something black falls from above. The curvy silhouettes are ripped from their union. The dark shape between them is plunged into the great whiteness, almost knifelike. Twin wings emerge from the sides of this abstract dagger, and the two silhouettes try to reunite from across the vastness. The daggers wing slices through one of them. The silhouette fragmentsa storm of gray atoms. The other silhouette struggles to flee from the dagger, but it cannot rush quickly enough. The dagger engulfs it, absorbing its mass, and then ascends. A white chamber remains. The percussion of glass slows down, becoming less jarring, until it throbsalmost like a heartbeat. Adair comes to on the floor, with the burly man and his associate standing over him. BURLY MAN Are you alright? You were seizing. A disoriented Adair glances around the booth. ASSOCIATE Pretty wild, eh? They say you never see the same thing twice. Adair hurries onto his feet, grabs, and exits the booth. Sweat beads across his face. He whispers. ADAIR Guess theyre wrong. INT/EXT. DISTRICT 5 WAREHOUSE - NIGHT

Lit by an unnatural blue, the blond mans hands fumble with a toolbox.


An energy rod is bent into some semblance of straightness. The rod is dismantled. In the darkness, there is hammering. Outside, the warehouse is visible in the distance. The blond mans hammering is muffled. Two boots hit the earth. Azra retrieves the photograph of the man and child from her jacket. In the faint illumination, she eyes absorb every detail. Azra enters the dark warehouse, immediately knocking over some tools, which clang together on the floor. The hammering stops. AZRA Its okay. Its me, Azra. Dont be alarmed. She sees the work benches and steps forward. From the shadows, the blond man takes her by surprise, pulling her arms back, immobilizing her. AZRA Its me, dammit. Azra. He releases her. BLOND MAN Azra... Of course. Of course. Im sorry. The blond man chuckles giddily. AZRA You know, situations like this could go a little more smoothly if you had a name. The blond mans form floats through the darkness, towards the table.


BLOND MAN If only, if only. AZRA Any preferences? BLOND MAN For a name? Aberration. Deviation. Classless. Its all the same to me nonsense. AZRA Classless has a nice, judgmental ring to it. The others are too They reach the table, awash with light. Azra can now see his facehis unkempt hair, his bloodshot eyes, his jittering fingers. AZRA Whats wrong with you? You look as if you havent slept for the past year. Hes distracted by the equipment on the table. BLOND MAN Id imagine the radiation is to blame. AZRA Excuse me? BLOND MAN I... I suppose I havent. Slept that is. We have... a lot to talk about. AZRA I agree. BLOND MAN Alright, well I found a rod that was slightly fractured and AZRA Listen, Classless. Well talk


tomorrow, after some rest. He pauses reluctantly but nods. INT. DISTRICT 5 WAREHOUSE - DAY

The blond man, looking rested, fishes through a makeshift knapsack, retrieving two food bars. He tosses one to Azra, who eagerly bites into it. AZRA This isnt much worse than the garbage we have above. Azra and the man sit at the workbench. In the artificial daylight, the warehouse has an amber aesthetic. AZRA So whos first? BLOND MAN My story is short. Some damaged rods were left here. Ive always been curious about how they work, and I noticed that this one had a damaged front panel, so... inspiration struck. AZRA Okay? He pulls out a rusty sphere, small enough to fit in his palm. BLOND MAN This is the heart of the whole process. It houses so much power, more powerI realizedthan weve been getting out of the rods. I examined the circuitry, and I noticed a spot where I could rewire it, eliminating all of that inefficiency. He placed the sphere on the table, and Azra recoiled. BLOND MAN


Its okay. It wont blow up as long you dont go tossing it around. AZRA How do you know all of this? BLOND MAN I learned a lot about circuitry when I was repairing the newer computers. AZRA Youve worked on computers down here? BLOND MAN Ive done many things here. He now pulls an apple from his pack. BLOND MAN Even when I was a boy... I was always sneaking out of the education centers. Dismantling keypads. Going places I didnt belong. I got good at understanding things and making them... better. I think thats why I was kept around for so long. Im the classless that thrived. AZRA Interesting that you should say that. That might be where our stories overlap. BLOND MAN What do you mean? She stands. AZRA I hope youre ready for a history lesson. Long ago, man came upon two roads in a forest. The blond man smirked, chomping into the apple.


BLOND MAN And? AZRA And he set the whole forest ablaze, and that has made all the difference. Azra laughs icily while he stares on. AZRA Our kind, we were growingin number, in ingenuity, in our taste for blood... We ignored the damage wed inflicted on ourselves and our world, too distracted by trivial conflicts. An advanced aircraft coasting over a desiccated earth. Cities garbed in a murky grayonly to be eradicated in a blinding burst of light. AZRA Even as the Earth refused us its hospitality, our population climbed. The streets were like clogged arteries in our dying cities. Labyrinthine streets of a city, swarming with bodies. A red sky, almost bubblinglike some kind of boiling soup. AZRA A few of those with the means tried to feed the starving, but... hunger outmatched generosity. Emaciated bodies taking shelter in a futuristic entertainment center. Cracked screens abound. Theres a wall-sized poster of a handsome young man wearing a white and stylish computing device over his eye. AZRA The population plummeted, and a desperate colony of ships departed for Mars another world. The


journey had been done before, but never with the purpose of permanent settlement. There was... great risk. A colony of ships moves in a slow procession through a field of asteroids. A few of the ships look badly damaged, while one ship drifts awkwardly through space, a hole in its body. Its pristine viscera spills into the void. AZRA Some people stayed here, mostly the wealthy. Better to live here than die up there. BLOND MAN This sounds like a story made up by children. AZRA Those above needed a way to power what was left of their lives. They used our genetic technology to create classes of drones, mindless and oblivious to the outside world, now a husk of its former self. Drones that would work and harness the earths last bits of energy and never care why. The blond man sits for a few beats. BLOND MAN Drones? AZRA Even with the power from the drones, that world isnt sustainable They needed smarter drones, drones who could innovate down belowwho could better exploit the sparse resources. Something self-ignited, yet submissive. BLOND MAN


As if that is possible. And why would they even need all of that power? AZRA I... I dont know. To keep moving, I guess. Who knows where to. BLOND MAN Im sorry, but what is the point of all this? AZRA You are. You were supposed to be one of those drones. Youre not exactly submissive. BLOND MAN I dont understand. AZRA Youre not broken. The standard is. You are the result of our best genetic technologies. The most dangerous of our race, the most intelligent. You are the sum of it all. EXT. STREETS OF THE FOUNDATION - MORNING

Azra and the blond man are traveling, wearing hooded cloaks. He looks at the column, immense and still distant. BLOND MAN How far is the journey? The man takes notice of wary passersby. AZRA Twenty miles. An estimate. Are... Are you sure you want to go? BLOND MAN Why wouldnt I be? AZRA Well, you could die.


BLOND MAN I know, but I might live along the way. They move in silence for a beat. AZRA The geneticist, Vanessa, she might end up know nothing about any rebellion. Why are you so interested? BLOND MAN If Im as great as you say, I could be helpful. She cocks an eyebrow at him. AZRA And do you think you are? He gestures to the sky. BLOND MAN I think... that I cannot know my physical limits until I break through that one. Another lull. AZRA If I can even get you to her... We are not on the friendliest of terms so... As Azra tapers off, the blond man stops walking. BLOND MAN Are you alright? Azras voice is strained and speedy. AZRA Um, our cloaks seem to attract more onlookers rather than deflect them. We would have been better off


traveling in our usual clothes. BLOND MAN Oh, Im not so certain about that. Ive lived here my entire life. I look flawed, but like I still belong. Youre obviously a stranger. Perhaps they just think were fools for dressing like this in the heat. AZRA Maybe youre right. Lets just focus on reaching the column without -She freezes. In the distance, slowly creeping through the citizens, there is a security vehicle. Azra holds her hand up, and the man slow. After frantically looking around, she leads him down some side streets. BLOND MAN I think we should be fine. Im not sure they even saw -AZRA I have a question. BLOND MAN Yes? AZRA Their vehicles, where did they come from? BLOND MAN Shouldnt you know that? AZRA No. When the domes were first created, over fifty years ago, the only technology the designers made available was for infrastructurethe embryonic facilities, medical centers, and the law enforcement. I dont think anyone ever thought you


all deserved the luxury of vehicles. AZRA is smirking. BLOND MAN Whats your point? I think that the cars were created by some drones a few years back. The officers killed some of them for unnecessary distraction and kept the others to help produce more vehicles. Why are you smiling? AZRA Its working. BLOND MAN What is? AZRA Those were enhanced drones. Theyre like you, only you disobey. Youre a bad boy. He doesnt reply. AZRA If youre sure about the Pinnacle -BLOND MAN Are you sure? She plows out onto a main street. AZRA I can only guarantee your safety for an hour or so. BLOND MAN Im sure. AZRA Good. I want you to get some food before we go on. Im going to spend


some time in the shade. BLOND MAN You want me to do it alone? AZRA Youll only be alone for a while. It wont kill you. EXT. STREETS OF THE FOUNDATION MORNING

In the distance, the blond man converses with a fruit vendor. Voice muffled. Money changes hands, and the food goes into a satchel. The blond man grows hazy. Thick legs strut into the streets. A mechanical fist clenches. At the vendors station, the blond man nods and steps away. An explosion. He twists around to see another of the vendors melons explode. The blond man scans his surroundings and finds TALIN, the man with the mechanical hand, charging at him. Talins gun barrel faces him. The man scrambles around the corner of a building just before it is blasted. Chunks of stone break off of the wall, now scorched black. Talin pursues the blond man through the streets, firing shots off expertly. Citizens shriek and hide. One MAN, physically similar to the supervisor, looks at two OFFICERS, who watch, mouths agape. MAN Well, arent you going to do something?!? The two officers awkwardly scramble altercation. As they lurch forward, ahead of them, slides behind one of is blown up by Talins blaster. The towards the the blond man, far their vehicles, which officers fall back.


The panting blond man keeps moving, narrowly avoiding death. One shot comes close to striking bystanders, and the man ducks away into the darkness of an empty building, the lobby of which opens into the street. BLOND MAN Alright. I surrender. Im hoping youll take me alive. Talin saunters into the building, laughing with malice. He still grips his gun. His eyes are wild. TALIN Dont need you alive. BLOND MAN Please. I just dont want you to hurt anyone. Talin trains the gun on him. TALIN No promises. Just as hes about to pull the trigger AZRA (O.C) So much for an hour of safety. Azra steps from the rooms dark corner. Talin jerks the gun back and forth between Azra and the man. TALIN The hell you say? She approaches him. AZRA Talin, you bastard. Chase your own prey. TALIN Im... Im just doing what you wasn't good enough to do! Whered you come from? AZRA


The shadows, always. A beat. TALIN Merrick dont trust you! AZRA I dont see why we cant fight alongside each other, for old times sakefinish him together. Talin sneers at her, waving around his left hand, which is still made of flesh and blood. TALIN Yeah, and you can take my good hand, too. She struts closer, hips rocking. AZRA That was... a mistake. I see now that you were doing me a kindness. Just think about it, please. Talin screws his face up, scratching his head. TALIN I... I reckon I can Movement from Azra. A gunshot. Talin collapses. AZRA (to the blond man) Alright. We need to move. He gestures at Talins crumpled shape. BLOND MAN What are you doing? You didnt have to do that! AZRA I did. He was


BLOND MAN Leave me be. Azra scowls at him but she acquiesces. The blond man clutches his head in his hands, trembling. He weeps, reaching for Talins eyelids, still open. Suddenly, Talin cackles. His breathing is labored. TALIN Its all... for her own self. BLOND MAN What...? TALIN Birther bitch aint saving you. Azra. Always a backstabber. Just looking out for herself. Youre dead. Talin cackles some more, but his voice grows faint. His eyes close. When the blond man exits, Azra is waiting for him, but she keeps her distance from him. Without speaking, they continue towards the column. INT. ADAIRS LAB - NIGHT In a messy computer lab, Adair sprawls across a desk. His arms are crooked awkwardly. On the floor is makeshift bedding. A small communication device, resting nears his arm, illuminates, buzzing against the desk. The sound repeats for an uncomfortable stretch of time, and Adairs hand thrashes out, knocking the device to the floor. The impact causes the device to accept the incoming transmission. A woman (KAT) with short, spiky hair appears onscreen. KAT Adair! Adair!


No response. KAT Adair! Are you there? Somethings off about the visual. Primal eyes open. Adairs spine straightens, and he fumbles for the device. ADAIR Kat, Kat, Kat. Im sorry. Im so sorry. I just-KAT Adair, its okay. Im... so proud of you, you know. A leper hiding in a city of vultures. ADAIR (flatly) Mmhmm. KAT Its a compliment, you shit. Shes smiling. Adair lets out a delayed and awkward chuckle. She doesnt reply immediately, and Adair jitters. KAT I need... I need to tell you something. ADAIR Mmhmm? KAT Theres a Pinnacle regiment working their way through our troops. Our numbers are swelling, but theyre so... unified, so unstoppable. ADAIR Hmm. KAT


So were... Adair, what... What is wrong is with you, Adair? ADAIR I dont... KAT You did it again, didnt you? Dammit. Dont you care? Dont you think the lab staff might notice that its missing some chemicals? If you were caught, it could... Hell, it doesnt matter now, anyway. ADAIR Its not the mosa. KAT Yeah, not today. It doesnt matter. Youre always on something. What are you running from? ADAIR Kat, its just so... so madhouse scary. It all feels so hopeless. Like were all going to die. We are... arent we? KAT Probably. He buries his face into his hands. KAT But that doesnt mean that Im not going to fight. ADAIR Thats why youre so... beautiful, Kat. KAT Stop it. ADAIR No, you really are --


She sighs. KAT Goodbye, Adair. ADAIR Hey, hey, hey. Wait, wait. I love you. KAT Adair. He looks up at the screen expectantly. ADAIR Yeah? KAT Get off it. The screen cuts to black. He grips a fistful of hair and yelps, body thrashing in abrupt bursts. He sobs, but no tears come. EXT. NEAR THE COLUMN NIGHT

Now, Azra and the blond man move across a desertscape, cloaks billowing with artificial wind. Theres much space between them, and the column rises not far off. AZRA Weve made it. He doesnt answer. AZRA What I did was necessary. He turns to her, his arms spread out. BLOND MAN Necessary? For what purpose? AZRA He was a bad man. He deserved it. He wouldnt have stopped pursuing you. If wed escaped, he would have


told Merrick that Im a traitor, and we would have no chance of reaching the Pinnacle. For a while, the blond man is silent. BLOND MAN (delicately) What happened to his hand? AZRA Medical science. BLOND MAN And before that? AZRA Ah. It got too friendly, so I blew it off. The blond man moves a bit closer to Azra. After reaching into his knapsack, he tosses her a horned melon. He bites from his own. BLOND MAN I bet youre starving. I hope these will take us where we need to go. AZRA They should be fine. The column looms just ahead. AZRA While I fought alongside that bastard, a fleet left for Mars. My husband and our son were onboard. BLOND MAN Did they... Did they make it? AZRA Yes. BLOND MAN Why didnt you go with them?


AZRA I was on the other side of the world, fighting for... territory. If I had tried to desert, I wouldnt have made it. My world is a cold place for a traitor and a woman. They finally arrive. The column is a mechanical monolith, bursting from the desert sand and connecting with the skein of the dome, far above. He keeps moving, but she stops. BLOND MAN Will you ever see them again? After a few more steps, he turns back. Azra has pointed her gun at him, her arm unwavering. AZRA Talin said that I would kill you, correct? BLOND MAN You wont. AZRA Itd be clever, walking you all the way out here. Its a deal better than having to carry your corpse. The man holds his hands out. AZRA My family is worlds away, and Merrick promised that he would send me to them. Say it again! BLOND MAN You wont. She fires multiple blasts. Sand explodes to the left of the man, then to his right. He hasnt flinched. Azra tightens her jaw.


AZRA One more time. BLOND MAN Azra, you wont. Her arm hangs in space, quaking. He watches her. She drops the gun. AZRA How do you know? BLOND MAN Maybe you dont trust Merrick with your happiness. Maybe you like me well enough. Maybe youre not a killer after all. Azra moves beyond him, entering the base at the columns base, where they find the doors of its interior elevator. AZRA Im an assassin. I dont know how you plan on joining this rebellion if you wont even touch a gun. BLOND MAN Ah, there are other ways to win wars. Azra opens some panels on the inside of the columns outer shell. AZRA The maintenance workers arent supposed to attract the attention of the locals; thats why the column is so isolated. BLOND MAN They actually come here? AZRA I guess Im speaking hypothetically. There havent been any problems... yet.


Behind the panel, there is a computer screen with enigmatic symbols and a keypad. Intricate metallic tubing is beyond the screen, stretching throughout the columns shell. AZRA Can you disable it? He examines it, toying with the pad. BLOND MAN I dont... I dont think so. Compared to this, the computers in the city are so... primitive. I wouldnt know where to begin. AZRA Well, that rules out sophistication. Azra reaches into her pocket, pulling out the handle of a dagger. When she tenses her grip, a blade of energy emanates from the handle. Azra slashes through the metallic tendons. BLOND MAN Why did you do that? AZRA One area of damage affects the whole column. That should cause some major blackouts above. The confusion should give me enough time to get you to safety. BLOND MAN So if the power is down, the elevator must be fueled by some other source. AZRA Howd you know? BLOND MAN The seven extractors connect underground, and this is the hub. The elevator is must be powered by some kind of -


AZRA A generator above. Someone can come fix it if something goes wrong. BLOND MAN Something like us? AZRA No, Im not sure they ever planned for something like us. Azra moves to another panel, gleefully slashing through the columns delicate workings. INT. MERRICKS OFFICE - NIGHT

Cynbels face. CYNBEL Sir, I find your lack of concern disturbing. MERRICK (O.C.) Theyve always found our way of life a little unreasonable. What was the phrase that the Chancellor of Nika used? CYNBEL Crimes against humanity, sir. Merrick is speaking with Cynbel though a handheld device. MERRICK Ah, thats right. Anyway, Im not concerned, because our firepower has always outstripped their self-righteousness. CYNBEL Yes, but... I suspect that there is a rebellious faction in the Pinnacle communicating with the Alliance. I cant even trust some of my commanding officers. If the Alliance knows about our plans for Mars, then surely their spirits will be


strengthened. Just look at the maps... On the device, Cynbels image transforms into an interactive map of a battlefield, treacherous in its terrain. Circles, some shaded amber and others blue, represent the camps of the different armies. Using his fingertips, Merrick scrolls across the map, seemingly bored. CYNBEL As you can see, my men are in a surprisingly delicate situation, but as long as they follow my orders, they should succeed. MERRICK Indeed they should. If they do not your punishment will not be kind, Cynbel. Now, as far I as see there is no problem, so I shall-Suddenly, the power goes out. The room fills with the somber moonlight. Merrick drags his fingertips across the device, to no avail. He thumps it onto the desk. He looks at the large wall monitor, also dead. MERRICK Gill! A beat, then he shouts to nowhere in particular. MERRICK Gill, what the hell is going on? A rapid patter of footsteps in the hallway. GILL enters the room, panting. GILL Sorry, sir. I made it as quickly as I could. Im not used to taking the stairs. MERRICK


The stairs? So the problem is throughout the entire building? Well, do you want me to call someone who will fix it? Gill is quiet. MERRICK What is it? GILL Its not just the building, sir. Its the whole city. All of the Pinnacle, black. EXT. THE PINNACLE - NIGHT

The blond mans hooded head. His cloak billows. From high in the sky, he sees a battered landscapenot much different from the Foundation. Still, the breadth is breathtaking, and the moon glows at the horizon. The Pinnacle levitates miles above the dead earth. The city is composed of many wiry platforms. The Foundation is far below, like the shell of a mollusk. Azra chuckles, breaking his concentration. He faces her. AZRA You dont need the cloak here. Now you're the one whos out of place. He removes it. As Azra marches into the heart of the darkened city, the mans eyes trace the jagged buildings into the skyline. The streets are filled angry people. They stumble around in the moonlight, trying to figure out what has happened. Azra and the blond man pass a petulant TEENAGER who is conversing with a SOLIDER. The solider wears dark armor and a helmet. A weapon is holstered at his side, and hes holding a falchion-like sword. The teenager grips what appears to be a worn hoverboard,


now inert and useless. TEENAGER Cant you just do something? SECURITY I already told you. Were awaiting orders, which is pretty damn complicated when communications are down. Id advise you to step away from... TEENAGER Dont talk to me like Im some damn beta. I think -The two voices grow faint as Azra and the blond man progress. A few beats later, there are two sounds. The firstbrief and electric. The seconda fading scream. AZRA Im telling you; dont worry. These people arent paying you any attention. Theyre so... myopic. After a few more steps, he speaks up. BLOND MAN So... now what? AZRA Now, we rest. My home should be fine until morning. Merrick can monitor the building and contact me at any time, so well have to leave before theyve fixed the power. He stops. BLOND MAN Youre certain that they wont fix it by morning? AZRA Completely. INT. AZRAS APARTMENT - NIGHT


The blond man sits at the long glass table, marveling at the rooms opulence. A robed Azra enters the room. She places a glass of water before him and leans back against the glass wall overlooking the city. He drinks. BLOND MAN Youre fond of manuals? AZRA Im sorry. He gestures to one of her many bookshelves, and she laughs lightly. AZRA These are novels. stories, thoughts captured on paper. I guess theres no room for that at the Foundation. BLOND MAN I guess not. AZRA But you can read? BLOND MAN Yes, manuals. AZRA I keep them because theyre important. They bring me to... to new worlds. BLOND MAN And whats that? He points at an ancient piano in the corner. Its blemished but polished. She sits in front of it with a light laugh. AZRA I recovered it from some ruins. Its used for music.


The blond man opens his mouth, but she begins playing. An original compositionsimilar in mood to Moonlight Sonata. Her playing is unpolished but passionate. She plays two movements. First, a reflective melody tiptoes across dark and heavy arpeggios. Then, an emotive explosion of chords, slowing unfurling into dissonance. The notes hum into silence. Azrael looks at the keys. The blond man only watches. AZRA Do you ever wonder who you might have been, if only youd been born into a different world? She looks at him and looks away. AZRA I suppose thats a stupid question. Azra stands to leave. Its getting late. You can sleep on the couch. Ill see you in the morning. Just as she crosses through a doorway BLOND MAN Azra... She pauses. BLOND MAN Sometimes the children dance and sing, but its nothing like that. Thank you. She nods then vanishes into darkness. EXT. THE PINACLE NIGHT

Merrick and Gill follow a husky OFFICER out of the Spire and into the night GILL


Remind me where were going. OFFICER The citys central hub. GILL Why? OFFICER The citizens naturally gravitated there, and the officers followed. Its difficult to coordinate information now, so we keep men posted there. A communications system of flesh and blood. GILL How crude. MERRICK How long do you estimate the recovery will take? Ive got plans, and this city cannot afford their postponement. OFFICER Sir, Im happy to say that the process shouldnt take more than a week. Merrick halts. MERRICK I dont like jokes, officer. Theyre impractical. OFFICER Sir, there is no joke, we GILL Are you even trying to fix it? OFFICER Were rallying together everyone with any experience in engineering, but to be honest, most of those who worked on the Column died long ago.


Hell, no one has even been down there in decades. GILL Is it some kind of malfunction? OFFICER Possible but doubtful. They resume walking. MERRICK The column was a feat of unprecedented ingenuity. GILL It was some kind of Alliance attack? OFFICER No. This kind of damage could only be done from below. GILL (to Merrick) Perhaps the mute has given your assassins more trouble than you expected. Gill tone is gleeful and disrespectful, and the officer stares expectantly at Gill then at Merrick, who disregards the comment. MERRICK Officer, I need five of your men. I need them to assemble some rather reclusive engineers. OFFICER Who? MERRICK Men who wormed their way out of their occupations one way or another. A few are hospitalized. Others are locked away for treason. His brow furrows in calculation. He speaks rapidly.


MERRICK Gill, return to the Spire and retrieve the original blueprints for the column. If we move quickly, maybe we can get this problem solved before -OFFICER Sir, its almost morning. Dont you think you should get some sleep? MERRICK I dont sleep. INT. AZRAS APARTMENT DAWN

The blond man stretches out on the couch, shrouded in shadow. As the light pours through the window and across his skin, he awakens. His eyes widen when he sees the view. The vivid cobalt of the sky. The blazing ball of sunlight. He he looks to the piano. He sits down. After a deep inhalation, he presses a key. The note resonates. More boldly, he tries all of his fingers. Dissonance. AZRA (O.C.) Dont feel bad. Some people just don't have the knack for it. He turns to find Azra in the doorway, dressed in a lethal black. BLOND MAN A bit different from a computer, isnt it? AZRA Yes, but theres an artful way to go about both.


For a few beats, she glances around the room, her hand gliding along the wall as if to absorb its every detail. AZRA I... I hope you dont mind if we get moving. Ive got quite a plan. INT. MERRICK LAB MORNING

Isolated in the dark laboratory, Vanessa sits, a blank expression on her face. Securing the room is a single guard (DAVID) The main door, typically automated, is forced open. Azra and the blond man enter, dressed professionally. AZRA You should look into fixing that door. DAVID I... You shouldnt be here. AZRA Merrick has reason to believe that Mrs. Ambrose knows something about the blackout. David twitches nervously. AZRA Where is your... friend, Burnette? DAVID Merrick sent for him. He is helping with column repairs. He studied engineering before I pulled some strings with Merrick. This work is more reliable. Eyes narrowing, David glances at the blond man. AZRA Thoughtful. My friend here is an expert interrogatorone of Cynbels prized soldiers.


BLOND MAN (smirking) Hello. DAVID Im David, and you are? BLOND MAN Leave the interrogating to me. AZRA Merrick would prefer it if we spoke to her alone. David nods at them and they continue to Vanessas prison. David walks over to the glass window to watch what transpires. He eyes the blond man standing by the doorway, stoic in stature. VANESSA What is it now? Azra looks stern, as if she is barking important orders at Vanessa, but David cannot hear the truth. Azra gestures at the blond man. AZRA This is the man that I was sent to kill. As you can see, I have failed. A disoriented Vanessa simply sits. AZRA Vanessa, I have reason to believe that you know something of this citys more subversive elements. VANESSA I wont tell you a thing. David leans closer to see the drama unfurl. AZRA I want to join you.


VANESSA You what? AZRA We want to. VANESSA Why the hell would I trust you? BLOND MAN Please. Vanessas eyes meet his. They linger. AZRA Because of the outage, that guard cannot monitor our speech. Now, if you trust us, my friend is going to attack you. VANESSA Are you serious? BLOND MAN Just pretend that youve passed out, and well get you away from here. Can you do that, please? After a moment, Vanessa nods. AZRA Then act like youre scared for your life. Vanessa backs into a wall as the blond man takes a single step forward. BLOND MAN Lets hope that youre a good actor. The blond man charges. David recoils then lurches for the door. DAVID What the hell?


Vanessas body is crumple on the floor. David walks past Azra to address the blond man. DAVID What are you doing? Is she alright? I doubt that Merrick wants her dead. He cant really get any information out of a corpse. Suddenly, Azra has slipped behind him. She clutches his head. AZRA I was thinking the same thing. Azras body tenses, but she hesitates, looking at the blond man. Instead, she snaps Davids arm and wrestles him to the ground. She retrieves something from her pocket. She forces a pill into his mouth. He trembles a little bit, and his eyes flicker. He is unconscious, drooling. Azra stares at the blond man, who is helping Vanessa up. AZRA Well, lets go! They hurry for the door. EXT. STREETS OF THE PINNACLE MORNING

The trio now marches through the city. Vanessa leads, now wearing a white jacket. Her scarred arms are covered. Azra and the blond man are vigilantwatching for skeptical citizens. Few people are out. BLOND MAN What was that pill? VANESSA Shes an assassin. What do you think it was? AZRA I didnt kill him.


BLOND MAN You didnt? AZRA No. The pills cause a bodily paralysis that sometimes last for hours... sometimes for a lifetime. Vanessa looks around wildly. VANESSA Much better... AZRA I should have killed him. I bought us a little time. If hes out until they fix the power, then hell be locked behind that glass until someone comes looking. Either way, Merrick will know that Ive betrayed him. Hell know that VANESSA Were here. A large building looms ahead, emblazoned with the word: PINNACLE CENTER FOR EUGENICS. INT. PCE SUBBASEMENT - MORNING

A mechanical and gritty basement. A lobby is abuzz with disheveled people, Adair among them. They murmur about the dead state of the Pinnacle. In the midst of their banter, an elevator, tucked into the corner, lurches to life. As the elevators humming grows, everyone stops, bodies tensing. A willingness to brawl fills their eyes. The doors howl open, and Vanessa steps out, followed by Azra and the blond man. When the people in the room see Vanessa, their faces brighten. A grizzly man (BEARD) ventures forward, placing an arm on Vanessas shoulder.


BEARD Vanessa! We... We were just chatting about freeing you, since the citys black. Seemed our best chance... Maybe our only one. Adair comes forth. His body is frail and his mouth is tight and contemptuous, but he seems more relaxed than before. ADAIR Looks like someone beat us to it. (to Vanessa) Whos your classy friend? He gestures towards Azra, with his hand hovering uncomfortably close to her. She is visibly irked but refrains from reacting. BLOND MAN If that hand means anything to you, you should keep it at your side. Adair smirks and withdraws his hand. He looks to Vanessa, yet shes shakensilent. The people grow alarmed. Adair looks back to Azra, his eyes tracing along her dark clothingher taut features. A glance of recognition. Quickly, he retreats. ADAIR Wait, wait, wait. This one looks familiar. Isnt she... the one who snatched up Vanessa? The one who ki -Suddenly, Vanessa is fighting back tears. Soft voices call out her name. Adair looks at Vanessa, tilting his headan obvious question. She nods. Adair is joined by a group who circle Azra, restraining her. Again, she doesnt react. ADAIR (to Vanessa) What about him? Hes looking at the blond man. As Vanessa hesitates, the


blond man blurts out. BLOND MAN Please, stop. She could kill you all if she wanted to. She is... choosing not to. Dont test her. ADAIR Is that a threat, brother? BLOND MAN No. I just dont want anyone to get hurt. VANESSA Leave him. The woman works for Merrick. I dont know what to do with her, but if were going to do some damage while the city is down, then well have to figure something out. ADAIR Ive got a couple ideas. Vanessa sighs, reluctant eyes meeting his. ADAIR Dont look at me like that. Weve got to. Shes a killer. Shes seen our base. Shes giving herself up. BLOND MAN Shes also the reason that the city is down. She was supposed to kill me, but instead she brought me here. We want to help, please! VANESSA (to Azra) You did this? Azra nods. VANESSA Adair, everyone, let her... Let her go.


ADAIR You serious? Vanessas voice is shaky. VANESSA Adair, we must be... pragmatic. She could be useful - which doesnt mean anything has been forgiven. They release Azra. Vanessa exhales and turns to the crowd. She straightens, her posture proud. VANESSA Someone fill me in. Adair leads her down a hallway. ADAIR Ah, youve gotta talk to Kat! She says Cynbels troops are falling apart without communication with the city. A few members of the crowd trail after Adair and Vanessa, while a few others stay back, conversing silently and eyeing these newcomers. AZRA (to the blond man) Its funny. Id never have expected that the rebellion would be born here. BLOND MAN I wonder who their leader is. The grizzly character, still there, harrumphs. BEARD Vanessa is, now. BLOND MAN Really? The bearded man ignores the inquiry.


BEARD I dont think she ever planned on being in the spotlight. He now glares at Azra accusingly. BEARD Lets hope we dont all get burned. INT. PCE STRATEGY ROOM TWILIGHT

Vanessas face. Her eyes glassy, her jaw slightly unhinged. She sits motionless, trapped in a furor of indistinct words. One voice breaks through ADAIR Vanessa. Vanessa, are you with us? Shes shaken from her stupor. The others in the room are bent over maps and other documents. A handheld device displays Kats image live. VANESSA Sorry, everyone. ADAIR Its okay... I think... (addressing the others) I think were going to take five. Lets get some air, Vanessa. As they exit, those left behind share worried looks. EXT. OUTSIDE THE PCE TWILIGHT

Adair and Vanessa stand. Around them, the buildings of the Pinnacle, still deactivated, are rusted by sunlight. ADAIR Do you want to talk about it? VANESSA About what?


ADAIR Anything I guess. From his jacket, he retrieves a cigarette. He extends it to her, and she shakes her head. VANESSA Are those things popular here again? We give these people perfect bodies and they destroy them anyway. Adair shrugs, grinning. He presses the cigarette to his lips. As he speaks, smoke snakes into the air. ADAIR Guess theyre not satisfied. VANESSA Whats your excuse? He leans closer to her, pretending like hes divulging a profound secret. ADAIR No one is. They both smile. A few beats, then VANESSA I just... I dont think talking will make it better. ADAIR Thats why I smoke. VANESSA It would be so much easier if Audrey were here. I dont think I can handle this aloneall the pressure. ADAIR Do it for her, then. VANESSA We started this together, though.


And she was the one with the fire in her heart, the one with all the grand ideas. What am I? Lovesick, like some teenager. ADAIR Vanessa, you know everything that she knew. Youll be a better leader than VANESSA Dont you dare. ADAIR Than I was. VANESSA Oh... You seem better now. Adair snuffs his cigarette out against the PEC buildinga dark smudge against pristine white. ADAIR Im still earning back some trust. No one wants to follow a guy who spent his hours writhing on the floor. They think Ill relapse. VANESSA Adair... ADAIR Im going back. I can brief them about Alliances route, but we need you sooner or later. He heads for the building entrance. ADAIR You take your timeexcept please dont, because Im trying to live for once. Adair chuckles, but his demeanor darkens when he crosses the blond man, who is coming outside. Despite a beat of hesitation, Adair continues on.


The blond man moves towards Vanessa. BLOND MAN Hello. He leans against the building. VANESSA Wheres your friend? BLOND MAN Her apartment. Shes retrieving... weapons. VANESSA You said earlier that you didnt want anyone to get hurt. Does that include people like Merrick? BLOND MAN This isnt over. We can end this without blood, if we just think hard enough. VANESSA Do you have a solution? Hes silent, and shes unsurprised. BLOND MAN Please, you can sway these people, convince them theres some other way. VANESSA I... I cant make any promises. The blond man nods but cannot hide his disappointment. VANESSA You know, you could learn a few things from her... Azra. The name is drenched in disdain.


BLOND MAN You... really hate her, dont you? Why? VANESSA It doesnt matter. At least, thats what I keep telling myself. Why... Why didnt she kill you? BLOND MAN Poor hand-eye coordination, maybe. She laughs guiltily. BLOND MAN But honestly, Im not sure. A beat. VANESSA Im so scared, you know. BLOND MAN I do. VANESSA Merrick is just so powerful, even now. Whatever we decide, how will it be enough? She looks at the cityscapeskyscrapers, bold and bladelike. As the man speaks, theres a sliver of enthusiasm in his voice. BLOND MAN When I was a child, the Foundation was my entire world. Sometimes, I would talk to the other kids, and we would invent stories and myths about where it all came from. VANESSA Yeah? BLOND MAN One day, I got tired of talking and


I hiked all the way to the Rim. I touched itthe edge of the universe. VANESSA I never thought about it like that. BLOND MAN Now Im here. My world is a lot bigger, and Im scared, too. VANESSA Yet youre here. BLOND MAN I couldnt run if I wanted to. VANESSA I dont think youd ever want to. He stares at the city, its state uncertain. BLOND MAN Well see. He finally moves from the wall. He saunters for the PCE entrance then turns to Vanessa. BLOND MAN You say Merrick has power, but does he have strength? VANESSA Whats the difference? BLOND MAN You take your strength with you wherever you go. He leaves her to her thoughts. Night is falling. The skyscrapers reflect the bruised purple of sky. INT. ADAIRS LAB - NIGHT

The blond man stands in the doorway, unnoticed by Adair, who kneels at a computer, typing furiously.


BLOND MAN Youre not from around here. Adairs focus is broken. His eyes are wild and weary. ADAIR That makes two of us, brother. Howd you guess? BLOND MAN I dont know much about this place, but I have eyes. You have a working elevator here. The rest of the city is dead, and youre here, continuing as if nothing ever happened. Your technology must be from the outside. ADAIR (sarcastically) Astute, arent you? The man is unfazed, mesmerized by his Adairs work. ADAIR I... I used to live in New Geneva, but I joined the Alliance. A girl kind of got me wrapped up in the cause. You know how it is. They needed someone good with tech. Thought that was me, but I dont understand half the circuitry here. BLOND MAN That makes two of us, brother. Adair offers him a begrudging smile. BLOND MAN So youve brought your own technology? How is it powered? ADAIR Oh, something ancient the sun. We can keep it stored for a while, and Merricks fellas cant detect the tech. And thanks to your friend--


Vitriol seeps back into his voice for a moment, but he suppresses it. ADAIR --this little device has been a great help. Adair retrieves a crude looking communicator. ADAIR This things got a twin, all the way across the continent. Theyre synced up. No one else can intercept the signals. BLOND MAN Whos on the other end? ADAIR Ah, my lady, Kat. Shes the one who told us about Cynbels men. BLOND MAN Your lady? Werent you getting rather friendly with Azra? Adair scratches his own head, wincing. ADAIR Ah, sorry about that. Didnt realize that she was your girl, brother. BLOND MAN Shes not my girl. Wiggling his fingers, Adair brushes past the response. ADAIR Im grateful for the hand by the way. As you can see, I need it to survive. Adair quickly navigates windows on his computer, its screen flashing rapidly in the dark room. ADAIR


But yeah, Kat and me, weve got some unconventional... rules... for romance. Of course, working on the frontline, shes been a bit luckier than I am here, but... Adair is visibly flustered, and the blond man tries to restrain a smile. ADAIR Anyway, Kat has kept me in close contact with the Alliance army, and the Pinnacles men are just crumbling without orders from Cynbel. Some have just surrendered. The others are getting slaughtered and dont have a clue whats going on here. (enthusiastically) Its pitiful! Now, the blond man is somewhat repelled. BLOND MAN What do you think will happen? ADAIR Ah, something like weve never seen. BLOND MAN What do you mean? ADAIR Well, Vanessa doesnt want to get anyones hopes up, so Ive keeping it hushedbut theyre coming. The Alliance is advancing for the Pinnacle. Isnt that great? The blond mans face darkens, and he exits, slamming the door. EXT. OUTSIDE THE PCE BUILDING - NIGHT

A determined face, nearly concealed by a hood.


The blond man marches away from the PCE building and towards the pitch-black metropolis. His cloak flares out. A distant voice. VANESSA Wait! Hes unflinching, but the call repeats. Vanessa, winded, catches up, and he halts. VANESSA Please, wait. BLOND MAN I wouldnt shout like that. You might draw attention from the officers. Your whole operation could be compromised. VANESSA What do you want me to say? BLOND MAN I didnt ask you to say anything. VANESSA Where are you going? BLOND MAN This is world is not mine. VANESSA The Foundation isnt yours, either. He faces her. BLOND MAN Did you even try to talk to them? VANESSA No. I didnt. They wouldnt have listened. Besides, his is what must be done. BLOND MAN Im sure Merrick thinks the same.


VANESSA And hes wrong. Look, this is hard for me. I dont want to hurt anyone, either, but we have to. And I have to be strong enough to bear that choice. He cuts into an alleyway but freezes, holding his hand out to stop her. Down the alley, theres a dark, crumpled shape. With caution, he approaches. A thin corpse, bruised and lacerated. Oddly out-of-place between the sleek buildings. BLOND MAN What is -VANESSA A beta... The Pinnacle servant class. Theyre weak. Only intelligent enough to do their job. He kneels, touching the betas face. VANESSA Some of the teenagers... Theyve made a sport out this. BLOND MAN Out of killing innocents? VANESSA Betas are interchangeable, and the authorities just overlook it because -BLOND MAN Because its what people do. Defeated, he removes his cloak. BLOND MAN Lets go back. He throws his cloak over the body.




Frigid, bloodshot eyes. Merrick rides the elevator, surrounded by a handful of engineers looking worse than he is. One man is a GUARD, and two engineers are older men, on the verge of collapse. The elevator hums skyward. The Foundation spreads below. The doors open, Merrick exits, and his assembled team that lingers awkwardly. Merrick approaches an awaiting guard (GUARD #2), who is sleeping against a nearby wall. MERRICK I suppose a raise is in order. The guards limbs tighten. Hes startled into consciousness. GUARD #2 Im... Sorry, sir! A raise, sir? MERRICK Im just pleased to know of your vigilance. Where is Gill? Unable to detect Merricks sarcasm, he hesitates. GUARD #2 Gill... I think he went back to the Spire. I believe wanted to be able to relay information to you once the city was live. MERRICK You believe? Id love to hear about your other beliefs, but a city is powered by facts. Unnerved, the guard scans the Pinnacle. GUARD #2 When... When will the city be back to normal? MERRICK


Give it a few moments. Nothing is instantaneousunless, of course, you believe to the contrary. GUARD #2 No... No, sir. The guard casts his eyes downward. Suddenly, light bursts across their faces. Skyscrapers blaze with energy. Some look lethal, like daggers, while others rise like pillars. From a distance, the city in its full glory. Merrick watches with pride then turns to his cohort of engineers and the first guard. MERRICK Excellent work, gentlemen. All is well. (to the guard) Take these men, enjoy some rest, and then execute them. The engineers are too wearied to protest. The guard nods then urges them away with a gun barrel. MERRICK (to the other guard) As for you, have you lost my communicator? GUARD #2 Of course not! The guard hands it over. Merrick activates it. A beat, then MERRICK Gill? ... Good to hear youre awake. Have you monitored Talins conditions? ... He is? No matter. Find out if Cynbel has been in touch with ... Merricks jaw drops, a ghost of fear on his face.


MERRICK Then arrange a meeting... quickly. No, Gill, do not question me. His fist clenches, crushing the device. Electronic bits crumble to the ground. Hes off. INT. PCE SUBBASEMENT CLOSET - NIGHT

A small closet turned makeshift bedroom, lit only by a dim orb. The blond man, wide-awake and shirtless, lies supine on basic bedding. Only feet away, there are empty sheets. The closet creaks open, and Azra enters. A new outfit provocative. She carries two knapsacks. AZRA Vanessa said Id find you here. BLOND MAN Where are your weapons? AZRA I have them. She struts closer. AZRA Theyre in the strategy room. He sits up as she tosses him a knapsack. AZRA You left that at my apartment. He disregards it. BLOND MAN You and Vanessa are speaking? AZRA We speak at each other, yes.


He palms the orb of light, rolling it idly in his hand. His voice is faint. BLOND MAN Azra, there will be so much blood. Azra kneels next to the blond man and takes the orb from him, chucking it to the floor. AZRA I know. She squeezes his hand. AZRA Youre the only friend Ive had in years, you know. After a beat, she brushes her fingers across his cheek. Hes unfazed. Determined, Azra kisses his neck, moving her fingers along his shoulders. Suddenly, he stretches his neck, moaning. Still clothed, Azra straddles him. Their lips hover dangerously close for a couple of beats. Breath is heavy. She rocks her hips, egging him on. He presses his lips to hers. A rising hum as the Pinnacle is reanimated. The rooms bright overhead lights turn on, but the man doesnt seem to notice the implication. BLOND MAN We could run away. She shakes her head. In the clinical light, she surveys the reality of their situation. AZRA Im... sorry. She stands up and hits the light switch at the door.


AZRA Looks like the Pinnacle is back. She gets in her own makeshift bed and lies, facing away from the man. After a few beats BLOND MAN If we cant run, then what will we do? AZRA Ill do what Ive always done. What will you do? He sits for a moment then suddenly stares at his knapsack. He fishes through it for something. Something bundled in clothe. INT. MERRICK SPIRE NIGHT

Cynbel sits in Merricks office, while Gill overlooks the city, unable to suppress a grin. Cynbel sits with a proud posture. CYNBEL Gill, why do you have me here? Gill is silent, nearly snickering. The yawning space between thembrimming with tension. After an awkward beat, the main door opens. Merrick enters, and Cynbel stands. Gill turns to watch. MERRICK Gill, get out of here. And wipe that goddamn smirk off of your face. Gill marches out of the room, giving Cynbel a last subtle smirk. A lull. CYNBEL Sir, you... look tired.


MERRICK Only of my subordinates, General. CYNBEL Sir, Im assuming... youve heard of the fiasco with my troops in Bayhedge. I... understand your anger, but it seems... MERRICK How does it seem, General? CYNBEL Misplaced, sir. You know that I could do nothing from the Pinnacle. My Lieutenants foundered without MERRICK Who trained your Lieutenants? Cynbel is silent. MERRICK Who needed a stratagem for every conceivable circumstance? No reply. MERRICK I trusted you, General, to handle what was beneath me. Am I a fool for doing so? Cynbel kneels. CYNBEL What punishment would you recommend, sir? MERRICK Genuflection suits you. There will be a time for punishment. For now, I need you to arrange for city-wide warfare. Cynbel slowly rises, nodding. When Merrick exchanges no further words with him, Cynbel moves for the door.


MERRICK Talin is deadyet another miscalculation on your part. When you see Azra, and I have no doubt that you will, make no further mistakes. INT. PEC STRATEGY ROOM MORNING

Vanessa and Adair sit at table with a few others of the higher-ups of their seditious group, including Beard. Azra leans back in a corner, and the blond man stands off to the side. When Vanessa speaks, she manages to project a sense of leadership, yet theres a sliver of worry in her unsteady breath. VANESSA Im sure that some of you suspect that we have been keeping secrets from you. As she continues, people around the table whisper excitedly in private speculation. VANESSA Until now, I wanted to make sure that certain information did not find its way to untrustworthy ears. CROWD #1 Why tell us now? CROWD #2 (playfully) I dont trust Appleman. CROWD #3 (APPLEMAN) I can hardly trust myself. Theres light laughter. Vanessa proceeds. VANESSA While the Pinnacles power was out,


Cynbels troops could not organize. They were... toppled. CROWD #1 No way... VANESSA As you know, Adair has been in touch with the Alliance, and theres a unit coming now to assault the city. Theres a chance that we could end Merricks reign and prevent the siege on Mars. Azra leans forward at this last fragment of news. CROWD #2 How soon? How soon can we expect it? APPLEMAN And why are you telling us now? Why trust us now? Everyone explodes into chatter. Some people celebrate. Some accuse Vanessa of withholding critical information. Others just mumble nervously. Shes silent for a beat. Suddenly, the room trembles, and everyone quiets. Its as if the entire earth is shattering. Vanessas voice wavers. VANESSA The tanks are at the horizon now. Theyll reach the city within the hour. She breathes. VANESSA It begins now. The blond man looks to Azra, but shes opened up a locker, revealing her artillery and some Pinnacle soldier uniforms.




A YOUNG LIEUTENANT paces to and fro. He addresses a legion of inferiors, lined in the streets. YOUNG LIEUTENANT The Alliances army is minutes away. Ours is a moment of trial. Let us not and General Cynbel wanted me to offer my gratitude to the citizens in my platoon. After all, we could not defend this city with our meager numbers. A great man, our General Cynbel, once said that -His rhetoric is failing to rouse his troops, who look passive and ready to be slaughtered. YOUNG LIEUTENANT -- sometimes life cannot be achieved without death. At the dawn of this day, there will be death. No side will be spared. Yet on that sea of red, the Pinnacle can stand forever, an island of progress. A monument to unbridled spirit. Frightened faces in the crowd. All throughout the city, little platoons move about, positioning for warfare. YOUNG LIEUTENANT I will be honest. I know that you all feel like running away. I would be lying if I told you that I felt any differently. But I think it is important to look beyond our fears, to feel that higher calling within us, to seize glory, whatever its price. Among the crowd, familiar facesAdair, Azra, Vanessa, and the blond man, among others members of the rebellion. They are all garbed in military attire.


YOUNG LIEUTENANT To breathe the air into our lungs -Far down their row, a SERGEANT is moving through the soldiers suspiciously. He even resorts to lifting helmets. He is mouthing angrily. YOUNG LIEUTENANT To feel pride for the Pinnacle beating in our hearts -The sergeant moves dangerously close. Vanessas hands tremble at her sides. She nods at something above. Theres a sound. A bang. The lieutenant collapses. On a rooftop, one of the rebels, gripping a sniper rifle dashes away. Pandemonium ensues, and the sergeant is lost in the surge of bodies. Vanessa screams above the din. VANESSA Lets move! They break away within the chaos of the crowd. INT. MERRICK SPIRE - DAY

In his office, Merrick stands at the glass. He overlooks the city. He reaches out, caressing the glass, tracing the contour of the skyline. He is tender. A sound from the doorway GILL Sir, its dangerous up here. Merrick faces him, only mildly surprised.


MERRICK Which I exactly why I told you to take the day off. Go home. Merrick removes his suit jacket, crosses the room, and puts it on his desk. GILL Id never dare go to that insect farm! I deserve better. MERRICK Gill, have you been sleeping here, at the Spire? GILL For years. Merrick raises his eyebrows, almost impressed. He returns to the window. GILL Ill... Ill be in the lobby until we win. MERRICK (distantly) Yes... Until we win. Gill exits. Merrick raises his fingertips to the glass again. As soon as he touches the shape of a distant skyscraper It implodes, sinking into the Pinnacle. Dust blooms up around it, and other buildings follow. Tears are in his eyes. EXT. THE PINNACLE - DAY

In the swarm of soldiers, Vanessa is immediately apprehended. She struggles in his arms until Azra materializes and incapacitates him before vanishing again. Vanessa stares after her in a daze then dashes.


The blond man, Beard, Azra, and Vanessa continue their separate ways through the riot of citizens and soldiers, until finally their paths converge at a small hedge overlooking the metropolis. Further below, they can see the earth. BEARD That could have gone worse. Vanessa is shaken, unable to reply. Someone has slashed through part of the blond mans uniform, but his body is unscathed. He inspects the damage. The trio overlooks the terrain. Far below, war swarms along the earths skin. A feeble defensive line of Pinnacle vehicles is only now meeting the patchwork Alliance vanguard. They exchange volleys of firepower. The blond man is transfixed by the chaosthe carnage. BLOND MAN Theyre machines, made just to kill. VANESSA Merrick has made this city in his image. BLOND MAN Im not just talking about them. His icy declaration is met with silence. Eventually, Azra interjects. Her eyes are somber. AZRA It doesnt forgive their actions, whatever their reasons. An Alliance aircraft smoothly slides through the air then lowers to streets. A door slides open, and Beard hops inside. The PILOT nods at the group. Vanessa shouts to him above the din of battle.


VANESSA Tell the others to save the Spire for last. The pilot nods then murmurs into a communication device. BEARD Save it for last? VANESSA The Alliance wants him alive, to put him on trial. Execute him before the world. They deserve that. BEARD And if he escapes? VANESSA Were monitoring the air. Besides, where could he run? Beard grins in understanding. Through laughter BEARD Well, lets give em hell. The craft begins rising, and Beard heaves, trying to shut the door. He gives a final wave to the group below. The blond man gives him a single nod. The craft only makes it a hundred or so yards. It's hit. A missile. Bits of metal rain down in a smoky cloud. The group has been blasted back. Te blond mans jaw opens in terror. Azra is hardly fazed. A metal part of the missile crashes nearby. The words on it catch the mans attention: MERRICK INDUSTRIES. Vanessa vomits. VANESSA


Look! We dont have much time, and I need to meet with Adair! Do you two remember what to do? They only nod, and Vanessa departs. The blond man is about to disembark when AZRA I never told you... I killed a woman named Audrey. BLOND MAN Youve killed many people. What difference does one more make? AZRA Vanessa loved her. BLOND MAN So be it. Azra pauses then moves towards the heart of the city, the blond man in her wake. Once theyre moving in a surge of bodies, the man branches offheading for the Spire. More battered Alliance aircrafts drop soldiers into the city. EXT. THE HEART OF THE PINNACLE - DAY Cynbels men are locked in battle with the Alliance troops, who are haphazard in uniform, diverse in race and origin, yet unified in purpose. The roar of conflict is too loud. Cynbel mouths into his communicator and then to two nearby soldiers. The soldiers dash off. Suddenly, Cynbels communicator disintegrates in his hand. Stunned, Cynbel gazes among the dancing of bodies around him, seeing the dark form of Azra for a moment. When he looks again, shes gone. He backs away, attempting to navigate the battlefield. He narrowly avoids some explosions, and even sidesteps a cluster of soldiers.


Glancing back, he sees Azra againat least some blurry semblance of her. An explosion goes off near the spot, and when the smoke dissipates, shes vanished again. Cynbel continues to maneuver through the debris and carnage until he bumps into a small troop of Alliance soldiers. They take him by surprise, and one solider even blasts Cynbel through the gut but His practiced hand levels them all within seconds. The damage already done, he drags himself into a secluded alleyway. Battle is heard in the background. He tries to cover the wound, and blood flows liberally through his hands. Azra gracefully falls before him. He does not seem surprised. CYNBEL No chance youd get your old General to some first aid? AZRA No chance. She shoots his hand just as it lurches for his gun. His face contorts with agony. Eventually, he manages to talk, yet his voice is pained and rasping. CYNBEL Azra, please. She says nothing. CYNBEL Azra, please! Again, nothing. CYNBEL Without me, your son would still be


starving! Shes trains her gun on him. CYNBEL Without me, your brat would be starving! Your whole life would be be pointless. You goddamn birther, without me, you wouldnt even be here. Theres a blast. Cynbels body crumples, and the electricity in the air deadens. Sincerely shocked for the first time in a long while, Azra scans for the source of the violence. Vanessa stands behind her, gun in hand. She looks Azra up and down. VANESSA Hmm. Youre still here. Azra is staggered. As Vanessa continues, her confidence blooms. She sweeps her arms out with authority and freedom. VANESSA Soldier, I thought you could follow orders. AZRA I... I just... VANESSA Your first directive was to take out the General. AZRA I just wanted to hear him VANESSA Never let them monologue, solider. Vanessas hard demeanor drops, and for the first time, she gives Azra a warm smile.


Azra cannot reciprocate. Vanessa looks around, concerned. VANESSA Where is he? AZRA I have... a new directive. She rushes for the Spire. INT. THE SPIRES LOBBY - DAY The blond man crosses the Spires threshold cautiously, scanning the lobby room in a circular fashion. Hes armed, but the weapon is holstered. To his surprise, the vast chamber of the lobby is barren, and he partially lowers his guard. Even a camera device, which looks like it is typically mobile, is dead. The whiteness of the curvy room lends the building a rather sterile vibe, and there is no sound whatsoever. He finally spots then elevator when Gill grabs him from behind. The man squirms. GILL Stand still, vermin. Easily enough, the blond man reverses Gills beta grip, pinning him to the ground. GILL Release me. The blond man puts a little pressure on Gills armsjust enough to make him yelp. BLOND MAN Hes here. Show me. He lets Gill rise. INT. MERRICKS OFFICE - DAY


Merrick still stands, watching his empire unravel. The front door slides open, and the blond man walks into view with Gill in tow. BLOND MAN Merrick? Merrick turns. MERRICK Thats my name. Whats yours? BLOND MAN I have none. MERRICK As I thought. So youre what then? A misshapen cog. Software? The sum of living zeroes and ones? BLOND MAN Why was there no security? MERRICK You didnt enjoy Gill? GILL Im sorry, sir! He was too strong and -MERRICK There was no security because I didnt think you could survive them. BLOND MAN You expected me then? MERRICK Yes. I know that thisall of thisis quite over. Cynbel thinks theres a chance of victory for us, but hes sorely miscalculated, just as he always doesjust like he did with your friend, Azra.


GILL We can still win... MERRICK Gill, not another word. (to the blond man) Azra, she was supposed to kill you, you know? The blond man ignores him, tossing Gill into the corner. He approaches Merrick, his voice doused in desperation. BLOND MAN If its over, then why force the citizens to fight? Why put them in danger? MERRICK To spare them from living. A tense movement. The blond man rushes Merrick, no longer content with selfdefense. An animalistic wrath urges him on. The blond man hurls the weighty desk at Merrick. It fragments against his solid body. Merrick winces, falling back. The blond man continues his assailment. A gale of fists. Merricks unresisting body move across the room, against the back wall, then into the floor. The blond mans chest heaves over Merricks crumpled shape. Suddenly, Merrick laughs, chilling and staccato. Merrick looks up. Arctic gazes converge, and a rivulet of blood drips from Merricks lips. MERRICK So much... power. Incensed, the blond man moves closer, reaching for his gun, but


A gun charges up behind him. Across the room, Gill grips the blond mans weapon, grinning. GILL I managed to pull it off him when he had me, sir. The blond mans eyes widen with fear. MERRICK Gill, stand down! GILL But why? MERRICK Why? Because you are not worth the dirt on this mans feet. GILL But you cant be serious! Hes a drone! Merrick speaks with finality. MERRICK I know. Gill drops to his knees, crestfallen. The gun droops out of sight, powering down. MERRICK (to the blond man) What will you do without a weapon? Kill me with your bare hands? BLOND MAN Not exactly. He reaches inside his military uniform. He retrieves a bundle and opens it. A small sphere. An energy core. MERRICK


Whats that? BLOND MAN Its a core from the energy rods in the Foundation. MERRICK I wouldnt take you for the sentimental type. BLOND MAN These cores, theyre the heart of your whole operation, and you dont even know the kind of power they contain. MERRICK What kind of power? BLOND MAN Lets find out. The blond man raises the core, and The sound of the door sliding open behind him stops him in his tracks. AZRA has arrived. She trains her gun on Gills sad crumpled body, not noticing the gun at his side. She spares him. MERRICK Azra the arrogant. You must have heard us talking about you earlier. No answer. Azra only crosses the room, keeping her distance from the two of them but trying to move into the blond mans line of vision. MERRICK (back to the blond man) And you, what will you do now that you have an audience? You wont kill mekill us all. You never were going to. Thats not what you were made to do.


BLOND MAN Im willing to do whats necessary. MERRICK And my death means nothing now. The battle is over. The Pinnacle has fallen. Core in hand, the blond man trembles. BLOND MAN You have to die! You deserve to. Youve devastated your own world. Youve done something unforgivable. You think you can strip people of choiceof their humanity. The people up here, theyre no different than those below. Why? MERRICK Look the world it has created. The world that Ive created. A city in the sky. Through the window, towering buildings. BLOND MAN At what cost? MERRICK You wouldnt understand. Choice, will, the intellect. They are burdens that few men can handle. Im sheltering the rest from the weight of virtue, from the humility of vice. BLOND MAN By taking it upon yourself? Ive lived in the Foundation my entire life. Ive seen the fear of realization in their eyes. They do think. They do face choices, whatever they pretend. The man is ready to smash the core into the ground.


MERRICK And they will always make the easy choice. The blond man looks as if nothing can stop him. AZRA (softly) Dont. BLOND MAN What?!? AZRA Dont dirty your hands, not after all this time. The blond man glances at her. Merrick doesnt dare move. Gill rises, gun in hand. Azra attempts to shoot him before its too late, but he fires a blast into the blond mans back. The blond man collapses, hugging the core close to his body. It rolls across the floor. Azra quickly disposes of Gill, who smiles in death. Azra runs to the blond man. Merrick escapes through the sliding doors in the back. AZRA Oh god... Are you okay? Blood is starting to spread across the glossy tiles. The blond man laughs, but his laughter transforms into a wince. BLOND MAN I... I cant move my legs, but I think Im fine. She brushes her hand across his face. AZRA Im sorry. If only I had been...


faster. BLOND MAN Its... fine. A beat. BLOND MAN Thank you, Azra. AZRA For what?!? BLOND MAN For stopping me from doing something that Id always regret. AZRA You couldnt regret if we were all blown to hell. BLOND MAN Thats... comforting, really. He chuckles. AZRA And if I had paid attention to Gill, maybe you -She notices how large the pool of red is growing. Fear floods her face. AZRA Youre... Youre going to be okay. He places a finger to his temple. BLOND MAN They cant take everything. Azra smiles at him, but theres a blooming sadness in her expression. She rises and pulls out her communications device. AZRA Vanessa! Vanessa! Are you okay?




Vanessa grabs her device, ducking behind buildings as the Alliance army advances, easily handling the citys final lines of defense. VANESSA Im okay, were moving through the city. I think... I think its over. I think that we actually did it! I think -Azra hisses. AZRA Vanessa! Hes been shot. Vanessa rests her head in her hands for a moment, then she puts her ear back to the device. AZRA Please tell mepleasethat you can get here with a team of medics! Top floor of the Spire. VANESSA Of course... INT. MERRICK SPIRE - DAY

Azra turns off her device. Without speaking to the blond man, she takes a canteen from her belt and pours water across his wounds. She even manages to cover the wound with some cloth, but the fix is only temporary. She stands and moves away from him, grabbing the core. With her Azra blasts the glass out of the window wall. The blond man grunts, attempting to shift from the floor. BLOND MAN What... what are you doing? AZRA Its better not to move.


Azra steps to the ledge. She casually bounces the core in her hand, then she chucks it at a Pinnacle tank pushing through the streets. A long drop, but her aim is true.

Flames swallow the tank. AZRA Goodbye, my friend. She leaps. She lands on a ledge a little below and performs parkouresque moves further down, gradually scaling downward. INT. THE SPIRES LOBBY - DAY

An elevator opens to reveal Merrick, crimson caked around his mouth. He moves beyond a secretarial desk, and theres a manic sort of confidence in each of his steps. He stops suddenly once he hears a voice. AZRA What do you think youre doing? Merrick turns to see Azra sitting at the desk that he just passed. He chuckles. MERRICK Id almost forgotten why I hired you. Azra steps from behind the desk and points a gun at Merrick. AZRA Ill remind you. He holds his hands up. AZRA Now answer my question. You have nowhere to go. Theres nothing


left for you. MERRICK Im here to surrender. Im a war criminal. A celebrity. Theyll want me alive, at least for now. (mockingly) What do you suppose they will do to you? AZRA I dont care. Azra fires at Merrick, who dodges the blast and shoots her in the arm, but she barely flinches. She advances steadily. Shots glance off of the wall, and her rage causes her to aim blindly. Merrick eventually dodges behind a column. Azra keeps shooting, with flares of energy bouncing around the room, scorching everything. Merrick steps out and shoots her again and again, until a shot to the chest makes her collapse. He steps closer. MERRICK Sorry that you never got to go to Mars, but the work would have been too much. It would have torn your apart. He smirks then swaggers away, chuckling to himself and shaking his head. Azra can only barely move a trembling hand for her gun. Her features are as taut as ever, but she suddenly lets go. Serenity fills her eyes, and she exhales slowly before firing her gun. A blast. A thud. Vanessa rushes in soon after, taking one glance at Merricks limp body before dashing to Azras side. A medical team of two follows in pursuit.


Vanessa examines Azras wounds whilst talking. VANESSA Azra... Azra, you did it. We did it. AZRA I suppose. VANESSA (to the med team) The two of you, get her out of here. As they step forward, unfurling some sort of stretcher, Azra holds up her hand to halt them. AZRA Take that to the top floor, you idiots. MEDIC (to Vanessa) What do we... VANESSA Shes delirious. We can help both of them. Azra weakly grips out her gun, alternatively aiming at the medics. They back up. MEDIC Mrs. Ambrose, who is this woman? Her breathing labored, Azra holds her gun steady. AZRA Im an assassin for Merrick. Dont make me prove it. The medics look around in confusion and then run for the elevatordespite urgent protestations from Vanessa. VANESSA (to Azra) What are you doing? They might be


able to... save you. AZRA They really cant. VANESSA Please, dont... dont go. AZRA Hey, youre leaving, too. VANESSA What... what do you mean? Azra is near delirium, smiling. AZRA Mars. Will you please do me a favor? As she speaks, Azra voice grows soft, nearly fizzling out. Her eyes narrow. Vanessa nods, still bewildered. EXT. THE PINNACLE MORNING The blond mans face, orange with sunlight, his eyes gleaming. A soft smile. Hes sitting in a wheelchaira cerulean sky in the background. He examines the sky like he did the sky of the Foundation. Down below the Pinnacle, the Foundation has been cracked open. Vanessa walks to him. She too has her eyes glued to the sky. VANESSA Im surprised you came. You know, you havent said a word to me in weeks.


Hes stirred from thought. BLOND MAN I... I hadnt noticed. Vanessa seems hurt, but she tries not to let it show in her voice. BLOND MAN Im sorry, Vanessa. VANESSA I guess I just dont see what the purpose is, staying in that apartment, all alone. He chuckles lightly. BLOND MAN Ive been practicing music. VANESSA Youre ridiculous. A low humming in the distance grows louder. A fleet of small steel aircrafts appear at horizon. Theyre so multitudinous that they almost black out the sky. The man frowns. BLOND MAN These will take us to Mars? VANESSA Some of them will make the voyage, but these are warships. Ive made certain that you and I will travel on one of the bigger vessels, but we will take one of these to the launch point.


BLOND MAN I see. VANESSA Well be off this rock within the next few hours. I hope youre ready to fly. He nods, hair fluttering in the wind. EXT. AN OLD EARTH MORNING

An enormous vessel rests on a field of cracked land. The craft has a metallic nose, a long metal body, jagged wings. At the loading bay, Adair speaks to the blond man and Vanessa, whilst other people, eclectically dressed, move into the ship. Adair hugs the blond man. ADAIR Good to see you, brother. BLOND MAN And Im happy to see you as well, Adair. How have you been? ADAIR Good. I got to shoot that traitor, Appleman... The other guys were jealous. Adairs voice is muted as the blond man begins to wheel himself up the loading ramp, with Vanessa and Adair following suit. INT. THE SHIPS INNARDS - DAY

Once up the ramp, the blond man notices that the loading section is partitioned off from the rest of the ship. He notices a computer system embedded into the wall next to the entry point.


He wheels himself through corridors and mazes of steel, following Adair, who has run ahead. Adair jabbers excitedly about Mars, the ships recreational area, and the food supply, but his words are still faint and hardly comprehensible. The blond man is too busy taking in his surroundings to hear. Their vessel rises from the ground in a very controlled fashion before bursting into the sky. Other ships, mostly smaller, rush off in its wake. EXT. SPACE

A ravaged earth. It looks almost like its covered with rust. Slowly, the first vessel emerges from the atmosphere, crawling through the darkness. Others follow. INT. EXTRAVAGANT CHAMBER

Back on the ship, in a large chamber, the voyagers are celebrating. The blond man sits in his chair by a long table, where there are pieces of fruit. He palms one. People are attempting something like waltz to percussive music, performed by members of one of the Alliances many cultures. The cast of characters is rather diverse. Although the bodies thrash about awkwardly, most people are having a good time. A large screen, strangely pupil-like, overlooks the festivities.


Vanessa approaches the blond man. She has changed into an elegant dress, and her arms are visible, revealing nearly faded scars. BLOND MAN Vanessa, you should know that dancing isnt really a strength of mine. VANESSA I think youd fit right in. Besides, you should know that youre not really my type. They smile. BLOND MAN Tell me, where did we get the warships? VANESSA After the battle, some of Cynbels men donated the ships for the migration. He eyes the twirling crowd. BLOND MAN Some of them are here, on this ship? VANESSA Yes... but a lot of them seem to realize what theyre doing was wrong. They were just following orders. The blond man begins to speak, but she cuts him off. VANESSA I know its no excuse. I know...


But on Mars, they will have a chance to start over. Same with the drones. With all of us. The blond man doesnt seem satisfied, but he grunts an affirmation. Eventually, the massive screen in the room comes to life, and the dancing and music halt. They are receiving a transmission from a scruffy Mars REPRESENTATIVE. REPRESENTATIVE I apologize for disrupting the festivities, but our people wanted to congratulate you on beginning your journey. Although youre still quite some time away from us, we thought youd appreciate it if we shared some images of your new home. The representations image vanishes, replaced with footage of the rich landscape of Mars. After the terraformation process, it looks even more verdant than ancient Earth. The buildings look compact and efficientunited with their surroundings. Photographed families explore happily. As the blond man watches it, theres a hint of hope in his eyes. REPRESENTATIVE Now we dont want to get ahead of ourselves, but some of you have a requested an overview of the adaptation process. Once you land, youll be assigned to one of our many communal villages, where a a supervisor will familiarize you with our customs and give you our career aptitude test


The blond man frowns. The words of the representative slowly mute, becoming vague. A lush orchestral version of Azras theme eventually overwhelms the representatives voice, though he still flaps his jaw. Discreetly, the blond man rolls his wheelchair away from Vanessa and into the hallway. People are still enthralled by the message from the representative. Vanessa reaches into her pocket, retrieving a letter. The focus is blurrythe text, illegible. Vanessa flips the letter around, revealing the photograph of Azras family. Vanessa breathes, then tucks it back into pocket. A SECURITY AGENT stops the blond man at the perimeter of the chamber. SECURITY AGENT Retiring from the party already, sir? You must be tired. BLOND MAN (seemingly surprised) I am. The agent nods for him to move along. Azras song carries him through the maze of metal once more, until he finds An automatic gate, opening for him out to the loading bay. The gate closes behind him. He rolls himself to the computer screen by the door. He touches the screen, navigating some menus, and entering symbols by a touch screen pad. His fingers seem to move with the piano motif.


The screen flashes green with a confirmation message. The door to the loading bay opens, and he hurries himself outside, into the darkness of space. Stars surround him, like little pinpricks in a black blanket. The wheelchair drifts away, and his legs slowly unfurl, as if whole once more. The loading bay reseals itself, as programmed. The blond mans silhouette drifts across the distant sun, and his eyes close serenely. His hands float out rhythmically, moving to music that only he can hear. A smile graces his lips.


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