Noise Pollution: Project I

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Project about the determination of sound in room after modernization with new materials, using the knowledges of acoustic


Noise Pollution
Project I

Professor: Dr Eng. Piotr Rynkowskis Helder dos Santos Helder dos Santos

Content of Project:

Room before adaptation

1. 2.

Values Calculations Material used Values Calculation Values Calculation


Room after adaptation


Variation I
1. 2.

Variation II
1. 2. III. IV. V.

Calculations used on project Conclusions Attachments

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Table nr 1 (solution 1) Table nr 2 (solution 2) Table nr 3 (solution 3) Depedence graph f [Hz] de RT [s] Graph Showing the results obtained in two versions

This Project of Noise Pollution is about the determination of sound in a room after modernization with new materials using the knowledges of acoustic vibration.


Room before adaptation



Room dimensions: 8m x 14m x 3,5m Total area of windows and doors: 28 m2 Materials on the room and respective area: Roof Interior and exterior walls Windows Doors Floor Tops Chairs People 112 126 24 4 112 10 20 15

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Area of the walls in the room: ((2 x 8) + (2 x 14)) x 3,5 = 154m2 Area without windows and doors: 154 28= 126m2 Total area of materials: 423m2

Volume: 392m3 Calculation (A)


Sound absorption as a function of frequency (m2) A= i x s where: i- Sound absorption coefficient as a function of frequency S- Area of material (m2) To 125Hz: Roof: A=0,013 x 112=1,456 Interior and exterior walls: 0,013 x 126 =1,638 Windows: A=0,04 x 24 =0.96 Door: A=0.01 x 4 =0.4 Floor: A= 0.01 x 112 =1.12 Tops: A= 0.15 x 10 =1.5 Chairs: A= 0.1 x 20 = 2 People: A= 0.22 x 15= 3.3 Total A (125Hz) = 12,3 Absorption coefficient calculated with a sr (125 Hz) Used model: sr (125Hz) = A/S sr (125Hz) = 12,37 / 423 = 0.029 Calculation reverberation time (T): Sabine equation: 0,2 Ti= 0.161V / Ai [s]

V= Room volume (m3) A= Area T(125Hz) = (0,161 x 392) / 12,37 = 5,1 s The calculation for others frequencys are in table nr 1.


Room after adaptation

The objective is reduced the time of reverberation, so we will utilize a absorption material, in this ase we check the materials and values in EN 12354-6. The thickness of the material cannot be higher then 5 cm on mounting, so we need to be careful with the size of thickness. In the material used, we opted to used 2 constructive solutions: One of them is apply a superficies behind the roof to reduce the price of changing the materials on the room Other is put new materials on the walls and roof, to have a big absorption of the sound. Analysing the two solutions we need to chose the best solution with the low price for the client. Variation I

Values 8m x 14m x 3,45m

Room dimensions: 8m x 14m x (3,5m 0,05m) Total area of windows and doors: 28 m2 Materials on the room and respective area: Roof 112



Interior and exterior walls Windows Doors Floor Tops Chairs People

123,8 24 4 112 10 20 15

3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Area of the walls in the room: ((2 x 8) + (2 x 14)) x 3,45 = 151,8m2 Area without windows and doors: 151,8 28= 123,8m2 Total area of materials: 420,8m2 Volume: 386,4m3 Calculation (A)


Sound absorption as a function of frequency (m2) A= i x s where: i- Sound absorption coefficient as a function of frequency S- Area of material (m2) To 125Hz: Roof: A=0,45 x 112=50,4 Interior and exterior walls: 0,013 x 123,8 =1,61 Windows: A=0,04 x 24 =0.96 Door: A=0.01 x 4 =0.4 Floor: A= 0.01 x 112 =1.12 Tops: A= 0.15 x 10 =1.5 Chairs: A= 0.1 x 20 = 2

People: A= 0.22 x 15= 3.3 Total A (125Hz) = 61,29 Absorption coefficient calculated with a sr (125 Hz) Used model: sr (125Hz) = A/S sr (125Hz) = 61,29 / 420,80 = 0.15 Calculation reverberation time (T): Sabine equation: 0,2 [s]
L = 10Log10 [ dB ] ( T1i T2i ) [ dB ] ( 0.51 0.42 )

L = 10Log10

L = 10.85 [ dB ]

T (125Hz) = 0.42 The calculation for others frequencys are in table nr 2.


Calculation used on Project

Calculated of


Formula used :


T1i = 10Log10 T2i [ dB ]

( )

Where: T1- Reverberation time in the room before adaptation T2- Reverberation time in the room after adaptation

Dla 125Hz

(f) = 7.35

Dla 250Hz

(f) = 10.09

Dla 500Hz

(f) = 9.92

Dla 1KHz

(f) = 9.36

Dla 2KHz

(f) = 8,83

Dla 4KHz

(f) = 8,37


Calculated values Data L1 [dB]

La Calculated

L1= L1- 32,65 34,91 35,08 57,64 36,17 36,63


125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz

40 45 45 67 45 45

7.35 10,09 9,92 9.36 8,83 8,37


Calculated Values La eq

Determination of sound levels in the room La eq

LA eq = 10 log 10 10 Lfi/10

Where: L fi= acoustic pressure in the individual frequency bands n= 6 La eg= 51,1 dB La Egdop = 40dB Laeq > La eq dop

Variation II Values:


Room dimensions: 7,95m x 13,95m x 3,45m Total area of windows and doors: 28 m2 Materials on the room and respective area: Roof Interior and exterior walls Windows Doors Floor 111 123,1 24 4 111

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Tops Chairs People

10 20 15

Area of the walls in the room: ((2 x 7,95) + (2 x 13,95)) x 3,45 = 151,1m2 Area without windows and doors: 151,1 28= 123,1m2 Total area of materials: 418,1m2 Volume: 382,61m3 Calculation (A)


Sound absorption as a function of frequency (m2) A= i x s where: i- Sound absorption coefficient as a function of frequency S- Area of material (m2)

To 125Hz: Roof: A=0,45 x 111=49,95 Interior and exterior walls: 0,013 x 123,1 =1,60 Windows: A=0,04 x 24 =0.96 Door: A=0.01 x 4 =0.4 Floor: A= 0.01 x 111 =1.11 Tops: A= 0.15 x 10 =1.5 Chairs: A= 0.1 x 20 = 2 People: A= 0.22 x 15= 3.3

Total A (125Hz) = 60,82 Absorption coefficient calculated with a sr (125 Hz) Used model: sr (125Hz) = A/S sr (125Hz) = 60,82 / 418,1 = 0.15 Calculation reverberation time (T): Sabine equation: 0,2 [s]
L = 10Log10 [ dB ] ( T1i T2i )

L = 10Log10 [ dB ]

( )

L =[ dB ]

T (125Hz) = 0. The calculation for others frequencys are in table nr 3.


Calculated values Data L1 [dB]

La Calculated

L1= L1- 25.52 30.8 31.06 53.75 32.25 32.83


125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz

40 45 45 67 45 45

10.48 14.12 13.94 13.25 12.75 12.17

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