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Jesus said to him, Do you want to be healed?

Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 10:4
Sunday, May 26, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 15

Who Healed You?

Imagine being sick for 38 years, and then suddenly being completely well! Today we hear the gospel about the man who could not walk for 38 years. Sadly, he did not have anybody to help him be healed. But one day, Jesus came, and He asked the man, Do you want to be healed? Then He told him, Rise, take up your bed and walk! And instantly the man could walk! Lots of people were amazed, and they asked him who had made him better. The man told everybody that it was Jesus Christ who had healed him.
Sometimes when we are sick, or when a friend or a relative is sick, we remember to ask God to help us. We ask God to make usor our friend better. But then, when were all better, we forget to thank God! Lets try to be like the man in the gospel today. When he could walk again, he didnt keep it all to himself. He remembered to tell others that it was Christ who healed him!


Help the paralyzed man find his way to the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem, where Christ will heal him!

St. Emilia the mother of saints!

Two weeks ago, we celebrated Mothers Day, but on Thursday, we will remember one of the best mothers who ever lived! Her name was Saint Emilia, and she and her husband St. Basil had ten children. They tried very hard to raise their children in a holy and Christian way. In fact, six of their children are saints in our Church! One of them, Saint Basil the Great, was very, very smart. We still read his writings today. He helped the poor, the widows, and the orphans.

Can you say it?

Say Christ is Risen! in Swahili!
Kristos Ame Fu Fuka!

St. Makrina was the oldest daughter, and she helped raise her youngest brother, St. Peter of Sebaste (he became a bishop). Their brother, St. Gregory of Nyssa, also became a bishop, and also wrote many things for our Church. St. Emilia reached the best goal for any motherto raise her children to be saints! This holy family can be a model for all of us!

Hows this for a family picture? Here is an icon of St. Emilia, her husband, and her children childrenall saints!

Truly He is risen is: Kweli Ame Fu


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