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GUIDELINESFORTHEREGISTRATIONOFENERGYSERVICECOMPANIES(ESCO) In line with the governments efforts to further enhance Energy Efficiency in Malaysia, two Entry Point Projects

s (EPP) under the National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) for the Oil, Gas and Energy (OGE)sectorhasbeenentrustedtotheMinistryofEnergy,GreenTechnologyandWater(KeTTHA). To ensure successful implementation on energy efficiency improvement projects based on the Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) concept, Energy Service Companies (ESCO) are required to register with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for EPC activities involving government buildings under theGreenTechnologyServicesCode. Scope of work of an EPC contractor that requires registration includes supply of energy efficient devices and equipments, consultancy services, contract works, energy audit, design engineering, project financing, management of EPC contract, commissioning and services, operation and maintenance of equipment or energyefficient installation and inspection of energy efficiency improvementprojects. Consequently,MoFrequiresthatESCOstoberegisteredwithSuruhanjayaTenaga(ST),basedonthe followingrequirementsandcriteria: TheapplicanthasregisteredhisbusinesswitheithertheRegistrarofBusinessortheRegistrarof Companiesasthecasemaybe; The applicant has employed, on a full time basis, a Registered Electrical Energy Manager as prescribedundertheEfficientManagementofElectricalEnergyRegulations2008; Theapplicanthasaccesstosuitablemonitoringandtestingequipmentandinstrumentsrequired forenergyefficiencymanagementworks; The applicant has satisfactorily furnished all the information as stipulated in the application form. The certificate of Registration issued under this guideline is only valid for a period of one year from thedateofissuanceofthesaidCertificateofRegistration. The renewal of the Certificate of Registration as an Energy Service Company must be made not less than1monthbeforethedateofexpiryoftheregistration. STmaycanceltheCertificateofRegistrationasanEnergyServiceCompanyif: TheholderoftheCertificateceasestocarryonthebusinessinrespectofwhichheisregistered; TheholderoftheCertificatehasbeenadjudicatedabankrupt; Thecompanygoesintoliquidation. Where a Certificate of Registration as an Energy Service Company is cancelled by ST, the Certificate mustbereturnedtoSTwithinfourteendaysofthenotificationofthecancellation. The completed application form together with all the supporting documents and an application letter must be submitted to the Director of Energy Management and Industry Development, Energy Commissionatthefollowingaddress: DIRECTOR, EnergyManagementandIndustryDevelopment, EnergyCommission, No.12,JalanTunHussein, Presint2,62100, PUTRAJAYA.

Forenquiriesandclarification, Notes: TheCertificateofRegistrationasanEnergyServiceCompanycannotbetransferredwithoutprior writtenapprovalfromST. Any change of name, address and other details of the business or company stated in the CertificateofRegistrationmustbeinformedinwritingtoSTwithin14daysofsuchchange. In the event of any change or replacement of an appointed Registered Electrical Energy Manager, the Energy Service Company shall ensure that a new Registered Electrical Energy Manager be appointed to effect such change or replacement and the Energy Service Company shallnotifyinwritingtoSTwithin14daysofsuchchangeorreplacement. All electrical works in relation to the Energy Services provided by the Registered Energy Service CompanymustbeperformedbyCompetentPersonsinaccordancewiththeElectricitySupplyAct 1990andtheElectricitySupplyRegulations1994.

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