PL/SQL Course Content (20 Hrs 7 Sessions) : Blocks

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PL/SQL Course Content (20 hrs 7 sessions)

Blocks Structure, Writing Anoyomous Blocks Variables Oracle Datatypes, TYPE and ROWTYPE declarations, Value assignments Control structures IF ELSE ENDIF statement, IF ELSIF ELSE ENDIF statement, LOOP END , LOOP statement, WHILE condition, FOR condition Cursors Implicit and Explicit Cursors, Cursor Manipulation statements, OPEN FETCH CLOSE EXIT WHEN Error Handling Predefined Exceptions, Non-Predefined Excecptions, User Defined Exceptions Printing Values to Screen Procedures Creating and Calling Procedures Functions Creating and Calling Functions Packages Package Header, Package Body Design Tips and Techniques Format of standard packages in an application, Spec and Body, NOCOPY hint Triggers Database triggers, CALLing procedures from triggers Dynamic SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, DBMS_SQL package Oracle Supplied packages DBMS_OUTPUT, UTL_FILE Collection datatypes Associative Arrays, Nested tables, VARRAYs


Concepts of DBMS Introduction Importance and Need Database Models and Normalization Models Hierarchial Relational Object Normalization Techniques

Introduction to RDBMS
Concepts of RDBMS Introdution Comparision with DBMS COOD Rules Normalization Revisited Concepts of ORDBMS & OODBMS Introduction to ORDBMS Introduction to OODBMS Comparision and analysis

Structured Query Language(SQL)

Introduction to SQL Predefined Data Types Introduction to database objects Table,View

Commands in SQL
Data Defination Language(DDL) Data Manipulation Language(DML) Data Control Language(DCL) Transaction Control Language(TCL) Database Security and Privileges(DCL)

Working with DDL,DML,TCL Commands

Operators Conditional,Logical,Comparison,SET Functions

Date,Number,Character,String,Group,Group by,Having clause Transformation Functions DECODE,TRANSLATE NVL,NVL2(9i) Aggregate Functions

Integrity Constraints
Different Types of Integrity Constraint Use of Integrity Constraint in table


Usage of Joins Different Types of Joins Equi Join Cartesian join Self Join Outer join

Sub Queries
Need of Sub Queries Nested Sub queries Co-related Sub Quries Flash Back Queries (9i)


Importance of views Creating,Manipulating Views Materialized views(9i)

Working with database objects

Sequences and synonyms Index,Cluster,Creating cluster table

Using External Tables(9i)

System Privileges Table Privileges

Locks and SQL Plus editor commands PL/SQL

Introduction to PL/SQL Advantage of PL/SQL Data Types in PL/SQL Variables and Constants Referencing NON-PL/SQL Variable Using built in Functions Conditional and iterative Statements SQL in PL/SQL Composite Data Types Cursors Exceptions:-Predefined ,User Defined Records and PL/SQl table types

Advanced PL/SQL
Introduction to Triggers Types of Triggers : - Row level,Statement Level Before and After ,Instead of Triggers Procedures,Functions in PL/SQL Argument modes User Defined Packages Dropping triggers,Procedures,Functions Reference Cursors Usage of ref cursores in


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