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Saturday Written CD III 30 min for each paper. Radio 1. Point and describe the findings on the BW x-ray.

. (Molar area, you had to make arrows, enumerate and describe the finding) 2. Pa with elongation. Describe and how to correct 3. Part of an OPG showing maxilla with a radiolucent area. Describe it 4. PA radiolucency in a periapical area of 46. No caries. Describe it 5. SLOB 2 occlusal x-rays . The impacted canine is buccally or palatally, explain. Patho 1. Emergency case. 60yo lady came to you complaining of sharp pain on lower right molar edentulous area. Sharp pain during few minutes, wake her up at night. No other major caries or restorations. Surrounding teeth vital. No other information, no x-ray.DD, what is the most probable? What other tests to perform? 2. Trigeminal neuralgia features 3. What are the white lesions of the mouth? Pigmented lesions of the mouth? 4. Photo of chronic gingival enlargement. What could be the causes? What are the possible systemic involvements? What could cause if not treated? (In which condition could be serious???? didnt understand this question) Surgery 1. Discuss oral surgery with a pregnant patient 2. Bisphosphonates: When they are used, caution, management, complications, proprietary names. 3. Procedures that may cause bacteremia in a susceptible patient 4. OAC. Your management a) if suspicion b) if minimal c) if 2mm d) if 6mm Infection Control 1. Define standard precautions 2. Needle stick injury procedure 3. What is tracking? 4. How to sterilize endo instruments (Files reamers) 5. Hep C: What causes, transmission, signs and symptoms, treatment, prognosis. 6. 4 examples of items to dispose in the sharp container and 4 to be incinerated 7. Vaccines the dentist should have Sunday Written CD I, II Paedo (same as Sydney July 07) 1. MCQ questions (about 15 or 20 1 point each) - pulpotomy, pulpectomy, extraction? - verruca vulgaris (photo) - ulcer in lower lip (photo) - intoxication fluoride - block in children - suture for children - quad helix (photo) - eruption cyst (photo) - pulpotomy ferric sulphate, formocresol - 85 for extraction infiltrative, block anesthesia? - dens invaginatus - xray 2. MCQ photos (about 5 2 points each) - hypoplastic molars (photo) what is it? Cause? Management? (each question

about the same case = 2 points) - xray pink tooth in a child what would you tell the mother? Management? ectopic eruption - trauma avulsion 1 hour wrapped in wrap bag - dentinogenesis imperfecta photo Dx and symptoms and sign s 3. Management of a case 3 papers separately from the main paper (1 photo, 1 xray, 1 tx plan paper) 5 points each - do charting, tx plan Restorative 1. Photo of 14 y.o. boy, healthy, missing 22 a) How would you replace it? (Favorite option) b) What are the outcome and what if you do if you cannot use the first option? 2. PA of a central incisor, no crown, RCT short. What is your treatment? (You could see lots of caries and faulty restorations on other teeth.) Removable 1. Design a RPD for a 77 y.o. missing 11, 12, 14, 24. 11 and 12 with 6mm pockets on D and P. 13 with full gold crown, but small radiolucency on apex and TTP. 26 with B recession, but OK. 2. Explain your design 3. What alterations would you do if 13 is removed and patient wants a immediate replacement? Perio Photo of lower arch showing gingival enlargement. Pt 35 y.o., F, c/o of bleeding and bad breath. Last app at the dentist 3 years ago. 5mm pockets on lower incisors, 31 with mob I. Family history of cardiovascular disease. Mild hypertension taking drugs to control it. 1. What are the causes of a) swelling b) halitosis 2. What further information you need to formulate the diagnosis? 3. Treatment: a) short term, b) long term 4. Periodontitis and relation to cardiovascular disease 5. Formulate a maintenance recall for a pt with recent implant support 3 units bridge with history of chronic perio disease Practical and VIVAS Fixed Pros Prepare a fixed unit bridge to replace a 36. 35: PFM and 37: full gold crown Questions: What are the resistance and retention forms for the prep How would you make the temporary? Would you include the pontic? Reasons to make a temporary What do you send to the lab? What kinds of bridge can you have? Talk about the edentulous space, if is too long. Impression material, which I would use and why? Retraction cord: Functions and types Cementation, what material? What brand?

Amalgam Preparation for amalgam rest 44, 45, 46 OD; 16 with a large MP and D (the MP cusp had to be removed and I covered the DP cusp and add slots) Restoration of an already prepared 25 MODP Questions: Resistance and retention in amalgam prep Liners and bases: What is the purpose of them? Which one would you use? (I said GIC); Why? What are the advantages? Why is good the GIC adheres to the tooth structure? (I said prevents

microleakeage and recurrent decay) What else She kept asking what else At the end she wanted me to say pulp protection. If pt complains about an open contact on a complex amalgam restoration, what do you do? How would you fix it? If pt complains about sensitivity, what do you do? If pt complains about shocks when closing the mouth, what could be? What would you do? Composite 11 and 21 porcelain veneers preparations. 14 MODB to restore. Questions: What is composite? (Composition) Which is the coupling agent? (?????) Bases and liners again (they where different examiners) Types of composite and difference between them; characteristics and advantages. Which would you use in your rest and why? How do you make post contact points? What are the functions of the matrix? What types of matrix do you know? How to polish the restoration. Endo Access cavity for an anterior, pre molar and molar. I had to restore a distal canal on a lower molar. Was curved and she said I lost the curvature : ( Rubber dam on 35. Had a crown before and had to be removed for RCT. Isolate it. I did only the 35, because the clasp was firm on the cervical area. She asked why I did only one tooth and the advantages of doing more teeth. I said moist control is better. She said with the cuff technique I would be able to see the inclination. I dont know what she would prefer. A lot of people did only the 35. Why do you use rubber dam for? What about if pt doesnt want it, would you do? What would you do then; extract? (she wanted me to say referral) What about if pt is allergic to latex? What if the pt has a reaction? What would you do? Questions about your prep. What is the WL, what is you master file, why? Are you happy with your restoration? How would you restore the tooth? Surgery Medical history. My pt was ok, only smoker. What does it interfere with the procedure? I had to extract a 18, very badly decayed. What LA, What forceps LA infiltration. They watch you VERY close for everything. The tooth broke (of course!) but I could remove both roots, wasnt hard. They asked me some land marks on the OPG. (Zygomatic arch and process, sinus) There was a radiolucency on the mand and he asked to describe and what could be. Was very wired and I didnt know. He said was something from the spine, but I didnt understand (and didnt want to ask!!) VIVA: Name some instruments Alvogyl composition and what is for Surgicel how does it work? How to identify and how to manage max tuberosity fracture Trauma of incisors coming forward: how to manage, how long the splint What analgesic to prescribe in case of pain. I said panedine what is the composition. If not strong enough, what else? Panedine forte. Composition? If pt complains about front teeth getting apart, what could be? Fibrous d isplasia. He gave more information and wanted me to say Pagets. What else is related to Pagets? (hypercementosis, diastemas, pain). What other bone involves? How would you diagnose OAC and how to manage?

Radio PA of 37 and 48. Questions: BW and PA of same pt. Describe the pathological findings. Another BW, molar area; describe. What elsewhat elsewhat else OPG with large radiolucency on the mand from left lateral incisor to molar area. Only canine to canine present. Describe, DD, other tests? PA with elongation. What is wrong and how to correct? Patho Photo of verruca vulgaris.Describe, DD. How to treat? I said excision. He asked if I would do it. No, I would referral. Huge swelling in an anterior area (I think was a child) involving all the four incisors area. No teeth. It was very pink in color, and not bluish. How old is the pt? Describe, what could be? What are the other causes for gingival enlargements? Geographic tongue photo. Describe. What is the cause and treatment? What to tell the pt? What do you know about burning mouth syndrome ? I said could be xerostomia. He asked me what did I know about xerostomia, and causes. I said few causes and Sjgren syndrome. He asked me about that. **** Everything you say, they will ask more about it *** Photo of an interproximal papillae, with a redish lesion. Describe and DD. I thought it was a hematoma from trauma, and said I would take a history and symptoms. He asked all the color lesions of the mouth. Paedo Many photos and xrays. Identify the age of the pt by photos and x-rays Number the teeth from photos and x-rays Mucocele, traumatic ulcer Identify the pathologies on BW. How would you treat Photo of fusion. What to tell the parents, how would you treat? Occlusal x-ray with supranumerary. What is happening here and how to treat it? Perio All about my case. Pt heavy smoker 30/day for 42 years. Many deep pockets. Diagnosis? I said moderate to advanced chronic perio modified by smoker. She asked why, and I said because the anteriors had shallower pockets (5-7mm). She said the worse condition has always to be firstso I dont know if my diagnosis was right. What is the prognosis and my treatment plan.

ADC Brisbane march 07 Paper

Brisbane march 07

Infection control: Standard precautions. Gloves-types and where are they are used ? What are dentists supposed to be vaccinated against? Sterilization- definition. Tracking? What is batch and batch numbers or codes? Scenario given-You are preparing a cavity and you then realize that the cavity is deep and you need your assistant to mix some cement for a base and the material is in the cupboarddescribe the steps the assistant will have to take to finish the procedure.. Radio Theory Landmark opg very obvious it was Opg- anterior maxilla odontome was there. Describe lesion/ dd/ provisional diagnosis Bitewings with improper angulations and cone cut so we have to identify the faults in that and reasons for that and how will u correct it One iopa which has proximal caries, periapical lesion, and impacted tooth-identify the pathology and treatment for that 2 iopa with slob rule Iopa with radiolucent radoiopaque lesion describe and dd


Bitewing with caries and treatment for that Opg with anterior mixed rl-ro describe/dd/ treatment for same Clear film, elongated teeth and dark film so identify the defect and give reasons for that Opg with mixed dentition identify whats wrong and identify teeth

Opg with transposition of canine and lateral incisor Opg with mixed dentition again with I think mesiodens Opg with bone loss and caries Iopa with periapical radiolucency and metallic filling what is wrong, test u do, treatment etc. Occlusal mandible view with multiple radio opacity I said it was tori. Calculus, phleboliths. what is plebolith Oral med

Theory Apthus- etiology, course, age gender, types, s/s, investigation, treatment Clinical Slide with fractured amalgam, rolled margin, fractured palatal cusp and attrision so identify the things and treatment for that clinical picture with mucocele describe dd and treatment and complication give lists of white lesions and which have malignant potential radiograph with filling and periapical radiolucency describe and dd investigation

Viva Lateral border of tongue ulcer describe, dd, treatment, biopsy site why types etc.. Anterior maxilla swelling describe, dd, investigation treatment Facial swelling on floor of mouth around neck- ludwings angina ss/ treatment/ swelling associated with Pericoronitis management if u r in rural area what u do I said ABs dosesallergy to penicillin, anaphylactic management Supernumerary tooth management Oral surgery Theory questions: Warfarin.-all about warfarin. Indications for Exodontia. Needle stick injury. Failures of L.A.

viva Which inst will u use for removal of fractured root identify it, which other inst. U can use Alovgel use, mechanism, Suture types indication absorption time for each Opg with pathological fracture multiple tooth missing explain dd and which syndrome u know associated with that Opg landmarks Causes of la failure If u r setting your own clinic which drugs u will store in emergency cupboard and why? Anaphylactic shock ss/ management/ Pt collapse what u will do CPR Can u dispense tablets after extraction?----- in rural Queensland u can do that Mechanism of clotting Management of angina and acute myocardial infraction role of aspirin in that

Restorative dentistry: Missing laterals incisors in a patient who is wearing a RPD to replace these missing teeth. Patient advises that he had got the teeth extracted 7 years back and was given the denture by his previous dentist. Patient also advises that he has stopped wearing the denture for a few years now. What information will you ask from the patient? What is your diagnosis of the case? What are the treatment options and indications and contraindications of each? (Photograph was given of a patient with deep bite and there was a drifting of the centrals into the position of the laterals Bridge How will u replace missing tooth options What factors u consider for your decision How u mange pt like step by step procedure

Can u make provision restoration first and then take impression and if it is what is advantage of that Retraction cord procedure which will u use why Can u use cord impregnated in adrenaline in all cases Where should the margin of bridge why What is adv of supragingival margin Biological width what is that and how will u take care of that If subgingival margin what are the consideration u will take What u will write in lab prescription Which type of porcelain u will use If u dont replace the tooth what are the consequences consequences of inadequate margin which cement u use for cementation

Amalgam Cavity retention form types Different types if retention forms Bonded amalgam what u know about that Disadv of pin If pt want to replace the sound amalgam what u will tell pt Mercury hygiene- disposal of waste and if it suck in suction what is measure u will take to prevent that Types of amalgam Role of silver, zn, hg, cu If pt have pain after restoration what u will do and advice to pt What do u know about liner, base and which material u use and why Role of calcium hydroxide Adv if gic? Do u put gic in slot? Why? Galvanic corrosion How will u achieve contact Types of matrix bands Auto matrix what do u know about that

Composite Types of retention form What feature for retention Do u use pins in composite and why What is disadv of composite Can u restore post. teeth with composite How u reduce polymerization shrinkage

Types of composite which one u use Nano composite what is that Types of bonding system How will u apply different bonding system before restoration means sequence Do u eatch dentin How will u make sure u wont compromise aesthetic before restoring 21 11 mean factors u will look at Matrix band types Lining with gic and why and when Pedo

Theory Same as perth questions viva Iopa which side? What is wrong in that there was occlusal caries and furcation involvement so what is treatment for that How will u perform pulpectomy in peds and which mat u use Factors u consider before proceed for rct If pt uncooperative what u will do with multiple caries Clinical photo of 11 fracture just 2-3 mm tooth structure remaining above the gingival margin? How will u approach the case Subluxation with coronal third root fracture of 11 and age is 10 what is treatment for that and what u will tell mother about consequences Management of sever cellulitis If u r in rural and parent come with child with swelling around E no extraoral swelling and patient is uncooperative what is management Endo How many canals in 31 and 47 percentage of that Identify the tooth Are u happy with working length and why How will u remove gutta pucha form canal Explain step back tech How will u restore this tooth. Tech of obturation u will use and why adv

Why crown on this tooth Purpose of rubber dam in endo and composite restoration If only one tooth present in arch and u r not able to isolate what u will do Latex allergy ss? Is it life threatening? What are ss symptom of anaphylactic shock Perio

Theory What factors effect the prognosis of furcation involved teeth and what are the treatment options?(radiograph was given) Patient with diabetes and has a periodontal abscess-management? Factors limiting ability to scale and root plane teeth. A patient presents with crowns in 11,12,21,22 . On Intra-oral examination marginal gingivitis can be seen. What are the causes and the treatment options? Signs and symptoms of advance periodontitis and marginal gingivitis Explain about your pt presentation of case What is diagnosis prognosis if this patient and individual tooth prognosis why Consequences of scaling and root planning How will u decide about duration of the maintenance phase And how long is your maintenance phase in this case and why After how long u probe again and take bitewing again How healing will take place and how long it will take place in case of gingivitis and periodontitis Treatment of hypersensitivity method of topical F application trade name and concentration of that Indication of crown lengthening How will u replace the fractured tooth and where u put crown margin why adv and disadv if margin in extend below subgingival what u will consider and what u will do Oral hygiene method for furcation



Describe the role of the occlusal plane in complete dentures. What is the effect of the mylohyoid ridge and genial tubercles in complete dentures? Lower denture designing.

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