November 2008

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volume 04.

N o v e m b e r 08

Happenings personal information

1959 marks the anniversary of the invention of With the end of the year fast approach-
the hockey mask. Tired of stopping hockey pucks ing it is always a good time to ensure
with his face, Montreal Canadian goalie Jacques MHTN has current information regarding
Planet, having received another wound, re- your address, telephone number and
emerged from the locker room with seven new dependent information. If there are
stitches and a face mask he made from fiber- changed please let us know.
glass and resin.
Election Day - Nothing more needs to be said
“I skate to where the puck is going to be,
other than to remember to vote.
not to where it has been” - Wayne Gretzky
There will be no changes in our Health Provid-
ers – Select Health will continue to be our health
carrier. 3 Rui Bento de Morais
3 Carlos Ruiz

Health Care 8 Brian Boudrero

For both plans only complete forms if there are 15 Brent Agnew

changes. Forms are due in HR by December 5th . 17 Sean Catherall

Dental benefits will remain with Dental Select. 18 Kyle Taft

21 Randy Boudrero
24 Skyler Rubel
Holidays - Office closed
25 Phil Norris
November 27 Thanksgiving
28 Lynn Woodward
November 28 Day after Thanksgiving
30 Sean Wright
Focus on Skin
With November being National Healthy Skin Month this is a good time to learn how to keep
your outer layer of skin intact and healthy.
Epidermis - your outer layer of skin provides a barrier to environmental threats and keeps
necessary fluids inside your body.
Dermis - your second layer of skin is much thicker than the epidermis and produces collagen,
elastic tissue and structural fibers. It also contains specialized cells, such as hair follicles, a
variety of glands and nerves.
Subcutaneous tissue - this layer lies beneath the dermis and is made up of fat, collagen,
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. It plays a key role in regulating your skin’s tem-
perature and your body as a whole.
Beneath these layers are connective tissues, cells and internal organs which can be harmed
if your skin is not up to the job.

Th a n k s g i v i n g f a c t s
By the fall of 1621 only half of the pilgrims, who had sailed on the Mayflower, survived. The
survivors, thankful to be alive, decided to give a thanksgiving feast.
The first celebration lasted three days.
The drink the Puritans brought with them on the Mayflower was beer.
Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation on the third October in 1863 and of-
ficially set aside the last Thursday of November as the national day for Thanksgiving.
Congress passed an official proclamation in 1941 declaring Thanksgiving will be observed as
a legal holiday on the fourth Thursday of November every year.

Looking at a Decision from all points of View

Edward de Bono wrote “Six Thinking Hats”. It is used to look at decisions from a number of im-
portant perspectives. There are six styles: analytical, creative, optimistic, pessimistic, intuitive,
and process control. This forces you to move outside your habitual thinking style and assists
you to get a more rounded view of a situation.

“Thanksgiving Day is a jewel to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that
you do not take the day and leave out the gratitude.”
- E.P. Powell

“We have a choice to plow new ground or let the weeds grow.”
- Jonathan Westover

m h t n a r c h i t e c t s

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