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Cornell Techs Deliverables Is that what The City wants?

Finally, Cornell Tech aims to to work on research and product development in parallel ie. at the same time rather than in sequence, which is the Stanford/Silicon Valley model, perhaps best exemplified by Google.

Read more: This is why the infinity computer is the organon of instructive choice for Cornell. It feels like a proactive commercial. Some wiz kids in the Bloomberg administration dreamt up the perfect competition offer the worlds best and brightest learning instutions a bite out of The Apple and in return elevate NYC to a place above the world in producing technology and thus trigger the effective equivalent of the industrial revolution . But is the deliverable revolution TCII up to the challenge? Is a grad school of applied science really what the City wants for its space, time and money? Looking at the expert technology company talent showcased for the past two years ( ) Practical/Practicum Fridays

appears to witness to more like a cookies and milk 4-H club for Sesame Street held in some NJ backyard than the Think Tank Shark Room meant to eliminate the lacking and slacking. Was Cornell president Skorton short-sighted when describing the increased agility of the idea to innovation patent process meant to fuel the final benefits the Institute is planning on giving back to New York? And what will the Technion Cornell Institute partnership really be? Is it only a conversation about Open Source techniques? There have been protest criticisms of the relationship but little details about how working together is going to elevate the NYC tech sector above Silicon Valley that is safe from rising sea levels threatened by global climate change. It is to be a new model but so is a green 3-D printer Empire State building. When, What, Who, and Where are these Deliverables? Is the bite a 1/0 bit of pie in the sky of cloud computing or is it that something really different, something the Mayor wishes he could take credit for thinking up?

Enter Applied Infinity Some people (especially Googlers for instance) know that mathematicians have been toying around in the Ivory tower for years with the idea that despite humanities finiteness (the only things certain are death and taxes ) and the Greek refusal permit an objective infinity 1/0, that a mathematically manipulable actual infinity exists at least in the minds of the pure mathematicians. This used to be soley the province/realm/region of religion, historically but starting generally accreditated to the late 19th century work of George Cantor, actual infinity has found use in many areas of math , including set theory, number theory, imaginary numbers, and combinatorial game theory. Computers are now used to do complicated alebgraic maniupulations from which Mathematicians are asserted the equilvanence or difference o f a variety of kinds of actual infinity. These mental gymnastics which look more like primitive stratching in the sand to those who do not know how to make the signature move non imitatively, do not appear to the rest of us destined for any true, real or significant application. They are no more than the dog pictured on the back cover of the conversational book on it by xxxx. A few years ago an unlikely Russian professor in Italy patented an infinity computer one that attempts to leave the Tower of pure infinity behind for that liberty and freedom NYC represents to many as he forges ahead despite claims of pseudo-science to lay out the basic designs of completely new way to do

technology? Is the post-modern fakery or just what Dr. Bloomberg ordered the tool that laid the golden apple rather than the 3-D printer that manufactured a plastic Empire State. People thought that Cantor was too far ahead of his time. They said people will read your works in 100years and find that you had It all along. Well does grossone the applied infinity in the infinity computer also have it all along and can it be used to not as part of the practical curriuculo aty TCII but can it help not only elevate the NYC tech sector to a level equal to all comers but can it not provide a template in which a true new technology revolution expressed internationall by the partnership of Technion and Cornell can change the way market operates. Can the infinity computer use evolve with the innovative hub model of the JCTCII not only in devering graduate students and their products but also delivering on the dream of completely new and different technology NYC style.

Grossone and deep technical expertise exciting the Technion connection making scientific investment and university expansion as one. The Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute (TCII) is a joint venture of Technion and Cornell University, and will be a key component of the new CornellNYC Tech campus, a unique high-tech graduate school to be established on Roosevelt Island in New York City. As conceived by Mayor Bloomberg, the goal of the entire NYC Tech campus - and the TCII within it - is to turn NYC into the high-tech capital of the world. Getting such a hefty return would be a dramatic change for many research institutions in New York. According to a 2011 survey by the Association of University Technology Managers, Cornell University spent almost $800 million in research expenditures that year, but its licensing income was $8.5 million. Royalties added another $4.4 million The workshop featured presentations in the following categories: medical devices and mobile health; medical signal and image processing; healthcare delivery; and medical informatics. Attendees learned about a wide range of research that included sensor-enabled smartphones, improved electronic medical

records, human implanted and biomorphic electronic chips, and opportunities for technologies to help contain healthcare costs. Also among the presentations by Technion researchers were one by Prof. Ran Ginosar on human implanted and biomorphic electronic chips, and one by Prof. Yoram Baram on sensory feedback for gait improvement in movement disorder patients. One of the most exciting components of the Cornell/Technion proposal was the innovative, industrylinked curriculum hubs that are being developed, starting with todays joint workshop on Healthier Life, said New York City Deputy Mayor Robert K. Steel, who addressed the group during a working lunch. The momentum and progress that Cornell and the Technion are making toward bringing Mayor Bloombergs vision to reality is exciting and undeniable.

Is it? What about technology that can link the three hubs not simply technology out of the three. How infinity computers may do it. Single tape to multitape turning machine implementations. We need science investment as Bloomberg said, investment in the science of Grossone Computing so that indeed the university expansions can be unified with the economy no matter the politics. renewing the landscape to posisiton innovacation economy of tommarr maybe most exciting economic development project our city has ever undertaken 9 minutes. Never before so m8uch unividrstiy expansion never before so much science investment.

2013 Brining the Infinity Computer to market

Upcoming programs Planning is underway for the Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute dual-degree program, a Master of Science (M.S.) in Information Systems with a specialization in Connective Media. This two-year program will be intensive, and successful completion will require execution of a large-scale industrial project with an affiliated company rather than a formal research thesis.
The relationship is not about merely connecting East and West it is about connecting the hubs. Infinity computer can do this. Broad set of disciplines organized around these three hubs How to bring this onto the campus with grossone computing. Attracting industry and cooperation repelling competitive changeability a new layer of density dependent volumes of bottom lines.

Jacobs Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute will also serve as a bridge between Israel and the United States and Haifa and New York. Craig Gotsman, founding director of JTCII and the Technions Hewlett-Packard Professor of Computer Engineering, said: I am proud to lead this endeavor that will help bring a global startup culture to New York and encourage the entrepreneurial efforts of our faculty and students. Together with our partners at Cornell Tech, we look forward to nurturing the next generation of applied technology leaders who will meet the needs of New Yorks economy. The JTCII plans to offer a two-year interdisciplinary program through which students earn dual masters degrees concurrently, one from Cornell and one from the Technion. This degree program will allow students to specialize in applied information-based sciences in one of three hubs focused on leading New York City industries connective media, healthier living and the

built environment while honing their entrepreneurial skills. The first area of specialization will be in connective media and is slated to begin in the fall of 2014. Research will also be focused on the hub areas. A novel Postdoctoral Innovation Fellows Program, to launch in fall 2013, will support individuals who seek to commercialize their research ideas at the JTCII while taking advantage of the entrepreneurial network of Cornell Tech and its proximity to New York City-based markets. Cornell Tech offers a distinctive model of graduate tech education that fuses scientific excellence with real-world applications and entrepreneurship, rooted in the latest academic research. Students, faculty and industry experts learn and work together to develop ideas and create new ventures that have global impact.

The nature of the grossone completeness specifies that lack of secrecy is built in. Open source will be the norm and the ownership will be in the network of connections that permits continual updates as the entire grossone division is infinitely changed 1.0 -2.0 etc . changes and updates can appear anywhere and the technology will simply morph. Finding different sets of materials that will accomplish this will be a major part the work. There will be labs that put together different molecular combinations of repulsions and attractions and may even find a way to incorporate quantum computing should this come on line. Kants difference of mathematical philosophy and philosophical mathematical will be part of the bringing the hubs together while the transition to physics divides into the three. And show where the derivative and original elasticity exists. Build one full on material system

2037 How to achieve the intention Find sets of material systems how to repurpose the hub classifications through compreshensive tetrational relations. What we expect to see is the synchrony between the new teaching and the new technology. The institutue will thus not merely reflect really good education and better connections to high tech but rather healthy living that builds the environment through connections not from them.

Why Empire State? I have a desire to attend Cornell-Tech for a Masters degree sometime after 2017 when they move to Rosselvelt Island. I hope to be able to participae in changing biotechnology into techno biology and help the Cornell Community remain at the frontier of this enterprise. New academic model of co-location in the creation of non-digital living tech. Applied science campus. Techno biology will be a new healthy built connection. It will utilize non-digital analogs to digital communication through improved health that is powered by new energy sources of form. Agility and changeability (by using past evolution spaces increase in changeability through the technology will permit technology to achieve the newest agility of velocities no matter how the space is compounded for any given manufacturing materials. NO departments but rather different hubs. Empire State will enable me to focus on so me possible directions for this nascent field through the construction of particular independent mentor situations in evolution from which I will add the technical and engineering skills as a masters program. Empire state will enable me to tailor my undergrad finishing into the three hubs of Built Environment, Connective Media, Healthier Life. The independent nature of Empire State will enable me to produce practicaql results in computational panbiogeography through the use of graph databases, levergage international contacts with the development of the infinity computer applied to a new view of biometry, and suggest new theoretical directions in the debate between social and sexual selection. For Healthier life the technology will be DNA computers linked to actual DNA functionality (in particular between meiosis and mitosis under the topic that was gametic purity metabolically. New uses of entropy is here. These studies will prepare foundations to describe techno-biology as a field capable of extracting energy from ancestral formats and propose a means to create a new type of interactive purposive DNA computer interface with living tissue. This will create a new agility of velocity compositions for every change possible in the material (attraction repulsions made cohesions) Use of the Cornell fab@home will be learned as well as part of the Emipre state program so as to be able as a Masters student to program it with grossone computations that will lay out tissues and DNA computer components to demonstrate the extraction of energy from reproducing tissue. This will permit a new connective media able to link the digital world with the electronic nature of DNA computation but using a new infinite math application not done anywhere else. The built environment will be the design of energy extractors utilizing this technology.

If the masters program succeeds a new source of energy for human consumption will have been created through a revised evolutionary genetic praxis applied. Through a tetration of reverse evolution ecosystem engineered output. The importance of the infinity computer is realized when one is interested in creating a device able to extract ancestral heritage energy without regard to whether the historical contingencies in its formatting (series into sequence) are compounded from continuous changes or discrete ones. The possible different divisions or tracks of the grossone turning machine can extract from either situation (as if both were always true). The Galton sum to one is indicated in the complete grossone system that only ouputs to a magnitude of grossone. This has the potential to link the tetrational internal and external (mark recaputre survival in populations) together. Thus wrights gene fixation is worked back to Fishers elastic vs non elastic blending and particulate inheritance within any kind of genetic code interacted to a DNA computer but under the restriction of the grossone one sum to one even if other input out puts could define larger numbers the actual technology realized over that latent will be grossone. Reverse Evolution Like the idea of reverse engineering here we propose a new modality in agriculture called reverse evolution wherein the direction of evolution in reversed so as to increase biomass productivity. The sun is going to blow up so it should not absolutely matter how high trees grow, By reducing tree canopy hieight and artificallly selecting for traits that decrease height and cellose formation under the redistribution of individual access to water with new light gaps created, herbivory can be increased and in turn the reproduction of plants and with more carnivores equals artificial selection reverseing the current trends in evolution with more biomass harvested for human consumption. Mark recapture statistics can be used to find the attractors between these two states and that caused by deviation of perturbed system (light gap and reorganized water distribution).

Furthermore the creative nature of Empire State will help me to devise a philosophy of the new discipline through the learning of German and follow up on some advocacy work I began in Church to help the people of South Sudan. This project has the hope that rather than waiting for a political solution that tends to put the future liability onto the backs of the always next generation that instead technology will be able to extract the means for of the future generations through a natural extraction of ancestral endowments from the past heritage. The opportunity remains to develop the architectonic of infinity computers applied. How does a new technology arise and come to market. TCII is in the improbable position to be able to deploy a potential globally new technique that is not tied in its cyclic productivity to any military industry (say unlike the internet). The notion of memory storage in infinity computers is to be something completely different

than that cognized by Von Neumann after degrading the Cantoring infinity behind the any possible recalled there within Turing machine outcame in. One is in the firm possession of Poincares notion of selection of thoughts into reality as one polishes the mathematical lens for the physical forces that format the biological shape of the stoichology. Thus one can logically differentiate Kants stoichologya nd logic into that organon. With this difference on will be able to evolve the inheritance of automatic computation (slide rule, hand held calculator, computer, supercomputer, infinity computer collective. What is at stake is the tape alphabet and the inventable purposive biological interfaces are going to drive these changes even more than the economic incentives have the internet. In effect the internet will arise out of various organs rather than being projected into them. You will not simply have the internet on your phone but it will be in your body. You will introspect and it will be available. It will take a long time to move from the peripheral nervous system into the brain itself, and this may be resisted for longs times (rightly) the beginnings of interfacing DNA computers via infinity computing to particular senses is close at hand. Imagine programming plants to produce more food! Why Empire State? I have a desire to attend Cornell-Tech for a Masters degree sometime after 2017 when they move to Rosselvelt Island. I hope to be able to participae in changing biotechnology into techno biology and help the Cornell Community remain at the frontier of this enterprise. New academic model of co-location in the creation of non-digital living tech. Applied science campus. Techno biology will be a new healthy built connection. It will utilize non-digital analogs to digital communication through improved health that is powered by new energy sources of form. Agility and changeability (by using past evolution spaces increase in changeability through the technology will permit technology to achieve the newest agility of velocities no matter how the space is compounded for any given manufacturing materials. NO departments but rather different hubs. Empire State will enable me to focus on so me possible directions for this nascent field through the construction of particular independent mentor situations in evolution from which I will add the technical and engineering skills as a masters program. Empire state will enable me to tailor my undergrad finishing into the three hubs of Built Environment, Connective Media, Healthier Life. The independent nature of Empire State will enable me to produce practical results in computational panbiogeography through the use of graph databases, levergage international contacts with the development of the infinity computer applied to a new view of biometry, and suggest new theoretical directions in the debate between social and sexual selection. For Healthier life the technology will be DNA computers linked to actual DNA functionality (in particular between meiosis and mitosis under the topic that was gametic purity metabolically. New uses of entropy is here. These studies will prepare foundations to describe techno-biology as a field capable of extracting energy from ancestral formats and propose a means to create a new type of interactive purposive DNA

computer interface with living tissue. This will create a new agility of velocity compositions for every change possible in the material (attraction repulsions made cohesions) Use of the Cornell fab@home will be learned as well as part of the Emipre state program so as to be able as a Masters student to program it with grossone computations that will lay out tissues and DNA computer components to demonstrate the extraction of energy from reproducing tissue. This will permit a new connective media able to link the digital world with the electronic nature of DNA computation but using a new infinite math application not done anywhere else. The built environment will be the design of energy extractors utilizing this technology. If the masters program succeeds a new source of energy for human consumption will have been created through a revised evolutionary genetic praxis applied. Through a tetration of reverse evolution ecosystem engineered output. The importance of the infinity computer is realized when one is interested in creating a device able to extract ancestral heritage energy without regard to whether the historical contingencies in its formatting (series into sequence) are compounded from continuous changes or discrete ones. The possible different divisions or tracks of the grossone turning machine can extract from either situation (as if both were always true). The Galton sum to one is indicated in the complete grossone system that only ouputs to a magnitude of grossone. This has the potential to link the tetrational internal and external (mark recaputre survival in populations) together. Thus wrights gene fixation is worked back to Fishers elastic vs non elastic blending and particulate inheritance within any kind of genetic code interacted to a DNA computer but under the restriction of the grossone one sum to one even if other input out puts could define larger numbers the actual technology realized over that latent will be grossone. Reverse Evolution Like the idea of reverse engineering here we propose a new modality in agriculture called reverse evolution wherein the direction of evolution in reversed so as to increase biomass productivity. The sun is going to blow up so it should not absolutely matter how high trees grow, By reducing tree canopy hieight and artificallly selecting for traits that decrease height and cellose formation under the redistribution of individual access to water with new light gaps created, herbivory can be increased and in turn the reproduction of plants and with more carnivores equals artificial selection reverseing the current trends in evolution with more biomass harvested for human consumption.

Furthermore the creative nature of Empire State will help me to devise a philosophy of the new discipline through the learning of German and follow up on some advocacy work I began in Church to help the people of South Sudan. This project has the hope that rather than waiting for a political solution that tends to put the future liability onto the backs of the always next generation that instead technology will be able to extract the

means for of the future generations through a natural extraction of ancestral endowments from the past heritage.

The first clear development in this direction will be the science of phoronmy from grossone computations and both the subsettting of velocities within velocities in heirarhiches of space will be achieved in lock step with better understandings of the flow of liquids through cell to tissues levels of organization.

How to know How


Here we will consider Batesonian combined serial and bilateral symmetry in terms of (1) in grossone language. A common expression for bilateral symmetry in both plants and animals will be developed from a common base of biogeographic property graphs that decomposes the static anatomy into a kinematics of force based historicity. These bindings permit classification of living things based on energy contained represented. The heriarchic structure of which ensures robust ingress and egress of access materially to the symbolized dynamics. An infinity printer is used to create the materialization of the language.

The use of Grossone in the experimental study of the problem of Species.

Within the perception of the difference of heredity and inheritance is a notion that there are differences between blending and alternative inheritance hereditarily. Here we use the experimental tool of grossone numeral systems to present this difference and show that a direct uses of Fishers methaphor to gas theory can be rigorously extended to Wrights network solution. Further application to social evolution is described. Pearson noted that blending inheritance is of the form (.5) + (.5)^2 + (.5)^3 equal to one for a lineage back to origin. Thus the abstraction of the heredity puts the numbers into the form to make the transition to all posterity in line with a given invidivdual. The notion that the world is finite in grossone can substitute for this abstraction. Thus varitations of the blending inheritance (whether (.5) or (.3) etc etc) will depend on what infinite number the sequence stops at when the form-making is decided

originally and this will involve both the intensity of coeffient (grossone cs) as well as the number of items as summed in the total numeral system per form (for purity of allelomorph combinations ). We develop the notion of the hybrid form or heterozygote as a technological instantation of a grossone numeral system which combines particular infinite and infintesimals (so as to pass from one monophyla to another in a chain of them under a common set of natural numbers that may be larger than that used for the form of specific lineage in a unity of posterity back to another form similar but different sisterwise. Thus the alleomorphic series studied by Wright arise in the numbers larger than grossone which are not constructed in a particular system/lineage but are sets obtained from that lineage. Those numbers when made into grossone (2)s and (3)s etc can result in chained technically built solutions to be experimentally verified. Thus we show that emendations of a grossone natural numbers system can change the blending in Galtons law through an alternative (infinite infinitesimal combination) into another blendable possibility. This math tool makes blending and discrete inheritance onto one system and it becomes possible to use the gas theory virial to move from one alleomorph distribution to another in a population. Social selection sensu Roughgarden (which shows no preference for the purity of the gametes genderwise) can be derived directly by differential equations types that Fisher used but amongst the networked irreversibilites of Wright. Mayrs condemnations of bean bag genetics is thus over. Social evolutions proposed thus give the physiology of the process. Divergence of the mean across generations thus becomes a matter of convergence and divergence of the sets of grossone numbers representing the structure of several ancestors back of that brought to account. This is accomplished with path analysis applied. The difference of particulate mosaic inhertianance and alternative inheritance thus is demonstrated between the coefficients gross powers combined in on infinity computer. Galton stated that his statistical law of heredity appears to be universally applicable to bi-sexual descent Here we apply it to multiple gender social selections. We come to this new theoretical tool for exploring the difference of heredity and environment in shaping characters by having focused on those telephonic variations that Pearson marginalized (in the absences of reproductive selection, i.e. the negligible correlation of fertility with the inherited character [(tetration)], and the absence of sexual selection [(social selection)] and Wrights coefficient of inbreeding. Pangamous mating is thus clearly defined in two level selection processes with infinitesmail behavioral and infinite evolutionary tiers modeled. The differences in the modes of inheritance per rate (time and form-making outside of biogeographic space) are thus in the same observatrion, experiment model (and the energy exchanges booked between the elastic and inealastic collisions of the disoncitnous and continuous inheritance per continuous anddiscontinuosu trait (phenotypes). Grossone matheis enables friable alleomorph speperation reverted characters in the descendets regardless of the infinity in the posterity which was really the potential infinity in the future breeding once the space is put into the time AND form. This was the mistake that Batesons tried unsuccessfully to rectify. Panbiogeography was able to show up these reverted forms. One may search for cooperative genes as well as cooperative indivudal NBS structured firms amongst the rather rarer hypallelomorphs. The evolution of dominance is thus theorized in the expansions of the grossone with fine arbitrary objects in infinite games no matter the physiology or Mayrs history of evolution (1982).

If nodes and anti-nodes are defined for an entire plane and if these definitions remain empirically selfsimilar across scales then the density may be approached from the mass of tracks collectively irrespective of the node antinode distribution and a notion of differential volume can be obtained as the density variance is correlated with some point outside the plane. The Emotional Life of Turtles A case for social evolution in the vestibular system Astronauts know that it takes a few days get their balance back on return from space. The buoyancy of water can make the effect of gravity rather near naught. Water turtles of the family Emydidae (and some others but none on land) exhibit a behavior of foreclaw motion towards others. There is increasing evidence that turtles display emotional activites. Is it possible that this display and the tournaments or bouts that it serializes are a means for turtles to bring their vestibular systems into congruence? This concordance could be used in various emotional contexts creating friends, joining teams, as prenuptial bonding. The behavior crosses species boundaries so it appears to hold to a more general effect than simply being a reproductive species barrier kinematics. Land tortoises are known for head bobbing. A legacy interpretation of this phenomena is akin to head butting in mammals (limited war) as the testudines often subsequently engage in shell on shell pushing and shoving. Could head bobbing be a means to equilibrate the vestibular systems and the pushing that ensuses simply a physiological reflex that occurs to force the other into a different vestibular state. Could it rather than being an armament be instead a pleasure gradient climb (to not be put out of the current balanced state) and thus again as with the foreclaw drumming be used in different contexts. Thus even the sounds produced by turtles during copulation may function in the same systematic. Can this behavior thus rather be interpreated as cooperative interaction rather than a competitive conflict? Is the relation to human war wrong and that to astronaut physiology right??

If one scales the track width with set of increasing distances between any two collection localities in a given distribution and creates a gradient percolation representation amongst the node and antinodes defined in that space then while the gradient will suggest linear shifting directions masses may bias whether or not the gradients suggest a particular shape or figure. This difference will depend on the if the baseline rooting the masses to the tracks is one or another of if the baseline itself is written as one amongst a finite number or is itself infinite.

Why no one has done this before

How to do research and product development in parallel with the Sergeyev Infinity Computer. Kutateldze has suggested that applied infinity math is a fraud or at best a fringe. This criticism fails to recognize that research and replication of individual product developments can indeed go hand in hand rather than from one to the other. We get the idea of sequential product market development from a particular idea of the machine. That machines are constructed with a general overview on what they can do, they are made and then they create things based top down, from what it was designed to do. Even the digital computer is designed this way. The result of any one Turing machine can do the work of any other one turning machine. The infinity computer introduces technology to a new model, a turning machine with multiple tapes, so how these internal machine divisions result in stable products is both a challenge and an opportunity. It entails that research and object creation will indeed always go hand in hand. It will be a challenge to create distributive products that still retain the necessary homogeneity for unified objects of the standard hierarchies of classes but in this process one will not see an increasing disparity between the 1% of the bulk of capital that produces the masses of cheap products but rather a 50 50 division of investment in machines and products that come out. So integrating the infinity computer work loads into the new technology that is becoming increasingly wireless and integrative. With infinity computer technology one will not have to live with external robots because our own analog mechanics will be the products. We will live healthier in these built enviorments and we may even come to communicate directly from out physiology. This will not be science fiction made non-ficition as current science is doing but science that is more arty than art has been. The only way this idea of using Cornell Tech to create not only a new place for technology business but a new way of doing graduate learning and business growth in parallel with the Infinity Computer is wrong is if the comments of Elliot Mendelson (an American logician) is true when applied. Mendelson said that Sergeyev confused alephs and the continuum hypothesis and Kutateladze suggested that any use case reduces to already known algebraic magic with better understood Robinsonian infinitesimals. The relation to products however will depend on the generalized infinity divisibility of a object creation trajectories not on any particular infinity of any kind in the pattern. The force differences matter but not the forces themselves. Forces will depend on how the built environment supports of does not the healthier life hub and can or cannot so communicate via the media enmassed to do so or not and made independently.

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