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Mid model short questions

General Questions:

1. Platform independence.

2. What do you meant by platform?

3. Byte codes

4. When byte codes are generated in java?

5. What is JVM?

6. What is the software used to develop the java applications and state the
current version.

7. Define architecture neutral.

8. “JVM is the same for all the platforms”. Justify it.

9. By default which package is imported by the java compiler.

10. Give the commands for compiling and running a java program manually.

Method Overloading and Overriding:

1. Differentiate between method overloading and overriding

2. Define inheritance.

3. Define multilevel inheritance.

4. How inheritance is identified in java?

5. What is dynamic method dispatch?

6. Explain dynamic method dispatch with related to method overloading?

7. Explain dynamic method dispatch with related to method overriding?

8. Discuss about the three ways in which super can be used.

9. Why multilevel inheritance is not supported in java?

Interfaces and Packages:

1. Define package.

2. How a sub package which is present in another package is imported in


3. What are the access specifiers present in java? Discuss about their

4. Define interface.

5. Whether interface can be extended by another interface.

6. When an interface becomes an abstract class.

7. Whether object can be created for an interface? Justify

8. Whether a reference variable can be created for interface? Justify


1. Define stream.

2. What are the two types of streams present in java?

3. Which two streams act as abstract class for byte oriented streams?

4. Which two streams act as abstract class for character oriented streams?

5. Mention the use of filter streams.

6. Mention some of filter streams.

7. What is the use of a file class?

8. What are the exceptions thrown by Output Stream and Input Stream

9. What are the exceptions thrown by Reader and Writer class?

10.What are the exceptions thrown by filereader and filewriter classes.

11.Discuss the use of Sequence Input Stream


1. Define thread.

2. Differentiate between thread and process.

3. Differentiate between multithreading and multitasking.

4. Distinguish between single threaded model and multithreaded model.

5. What are the two ways in which thread can be created?

6. Discuss about the lifecycle of a thread.

7. Define synchronization.

8. What are the methods used in interthread communication. State the use
of it.


1. Define exception.

2. What are the two types of custom exceptions that can be created in java?

3. Mention some examples for checked exceptions.

4. Mention some examples for unchecked exceptions.

5. Discuss about the usage of try/catch block.

6. Differentiate between throw and throws.

7. Use of finally statement.

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