Bless The Beasts and The Children

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Bless the Beasts and the Children

12/30/09 1:13 PM

Bless the Beasts and the Children

By Paul Turse aka Samurai Raider 7/10/02 Photos by Area Chica (Samurai) Remember the Carpenters' song "Bless the Beasts and the Children"? The lyrics ask that we show compassion because "in this A Crown of Horns world they have no voice, they have no Hurtling down the highway of life, choice."1 As we humans assert our I contemplated a world filled with strife, domain over the I saw the arrogance of man, other creatures in the world, we are Those who believe the road they do bound to come in command. constant conflict His heaving body there transfixed, with nature, especially as we Offered on a macadam crucifix. chop our way into the pristine forests to build more expensive and expansive housing to improve our quality of life, or to construct His horned head rose up toward the silent larger and higher speed roadways to make our travel more expedient. stars, A collision with a deer on a highway can make us curse nature for His eyes mirrored the beams of merc'less the expense and the inconvenience it will cost us, although it is the cars. animal that usually pays a greater price. And we can wish that there were no deer in the world. But if the deer could state its case, it His death was but a brief detour, would explain that its kind has constantly made the sacrifice for man. If there were no deer, many of our ancestors could not have survived By those who nature's laws ignore. without the sustenance provided by the venison or by the warmth and I wondered why I could not cry. protection furnished by the skins. Even Christmas would be less bright without Rudolf and the other reindeer to transport Santa Claus And pondered why he had to to all the hopeful children of the world. die:
For humankind to long suffice,

Well, thanks to Lisa Brunelle, there are a few youngsters and creatures that have voice, for this Raiderette has heard their mournful The beasts must make the sacrifice. cries. Lisa speaks for some of these unfortunates of the world. But when you hear her speak in dulcet tones with a voice that appears childlike, almost angelic, you wonder how this lithe and seemingly delicate young woman can give voice to the Raiders and to the world. But when you peer into her penetrating blue eyes, you will see the passion that made her return for her fourth year as a Raiderette cheerleader and good-will representative of the franchise; you will note the devotion that makes her give so much of her time to children's charities, and to help keep the dream of Christmas alive, and to work as a children's fitness instructor; finally, you will behold the compassion to be an outstanding worker/protector at a bird rescue .

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Bless the Beasts and the Children

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The passion to return to the Raiderettes for her fourth term-- What is it that motivated her to be a Raiderette four years in a row? You would think that maybe after the second year, the novelty would wear off. "I think it is a number of things. I mean it's definitely a lot of hard work, but the friends I've made here and the fans [make it worthwhile]," Lisa explains. As a representative of the team, Lisa has traveled extensively making many friends and helping to alter the image of the professional cheerleader. While many think that the unique quality of the Raiderettes is just external beauty, the truth of the matter is that internally they are women of substance, many of whom have college degrees, hold professional positions in the community, and are responsible parents. The franchise, with the aid of Director of Raiderettes Mary Barnes, has done much to educate the public in regard to cheerleading and even more to enhance the picture of the Football's Fabulous Females, who have become more than cheerleaders but have escalated to the realm of good will representatives of the team. Lisa definitely believes that the stereotypical attitudes toward cheerleaders are starting to change primarily because of the outstanding When many women in professionalism and courtesy the Raiderettes display at the many community and the community meet charity events that they attend. When Lisa is out in the public, she meets so many Lisa, they are inclined people, especially women, in general, who have never met a cheerleader before or to think that she is "so have been one themselves. After these women become enchanted by Lisa's vibrant nice and so down-topersonality, they now think, "Oh, wow, you're so nice! I wasn't really expecting that. earth." I didn't think, you know, you'd be so nice and so down to earth. Lisa concluded: "I think just being out in the community and working with the people around here they [Raiderettes] definitely have the opportunity-- if anyone does have a stereotype about cheerleaders-- to change that." When it comes to cheering and fans, Lisa has had experience cheering for another NFL team, but her experience there could not come close to the aura that permeates the Net and, of course, there are no fans, in her estimation, like those who faithfully support the Silver & Black. Lisa recollects her initial response to the fans: "I remember when I first came here... they're kind of scary, I think, to some people, but they're so great. They treat us [Raiderettes] like queens, and they're just like the nicest... best fans. So I think that's what keeps me coming back. And it's so much fun being out at the games and just feeling the fans' energy. And it's so much fun; I just can't describe it. It gives me the goose bumps sometimes." It is great to know that Raider fans are not as boorish as many sportswriters would have the public believe, and it is reassuring to know that they have a chivalrous attitude toward our cheerleaders. The devotion to children's charities and keeping the dream of Christmas alive-Contrary to what many might think, a Raiderette's most exciting moment is not necessarily on the field when she is performing before the many fans who inhabit the Black Hole. Her most fulfilling moments, more often than not, are during her community and charitable events when she can touch the lives of others and in return be touched herself. Lisa's experience during an appearance at a Muscular Dystrophy event confirms this

"The Raider fans are just amazing," says Lisa (left). "They treat us [Raiderettes] like queens, and they're just like the fans."

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concept. "'That was just very moving and they touched us was just so unbelievable how grateful they were just to be alive and just.... I can't really describe it (with great emotion).... They were just so appreciative of us coming there and spending time with them and helping them raise money for their organization." When she sees people challenged like that, especially the children, Lisa is touched and moved: "I think about how when we have a bad day and we start complaining about things; and then you see someone in a wheelchair, singing a song for us [Raiderettes]; it made us so happy. These experiences work to strengthen her resolve to continue on as a Raiderette and to continue to be an inspiration to young people throughout the world. Lisa and a group of Raiderettes lent a hand and a foot to the USMC San Francisco Irish Sprint and Stride, where participants have the choice to either walk or run the 4.5 mile course around Lake Merced, in order to benefit, along with other Marine Corps youth activities, the Toys for Tots.2 The toy roundup starts in October and goes right up to December 22. Toy distribution generally begins two days before Christmas Day. Charitable community members donate new, unwrapped toys in drop-off locations situated at various shops, stores, and other participating organizations in the local area. Coordinators gather the contributions, and after separating them according to age and gender, stock them in a centrally located storehouse until, with the help of local social organizations, religious groups, and other community minded agencies, they can be disseminated on Christmas Day to needy children of the community.3 Children's physical fitness--Besides keeping the dreams of Christmas alive in children, we must insure their ability to function and cope in this often harsh world. We must give them the voice, even if only to say "no" to the temptations of the street, such as drugs. However, in order to make that voice powerful enough to be heard, children must be given the necessary skills to be able to take care of themselves. This is perhaps one reason that Lisa Brunelle has worked as a children's physical fitness instructor and has tried to develop their strength, coordination and motor skills.4 While it may be no sure thing, physical fitness instructors, like Lisa, understand that youngsters who have developed a certain ''athletic ability" may gain the necessary confidence to remain somewhat self-reliant in the face of peer pressure. This concept of self-reliance, of course, is one goal stressed by many martial arts instructors in their training of youngsters. We know that children are dependent during much of their formative time, and part of their development toward maturity is to make them learn to be able to handle situations on their own. Martial arts tournaments put young students into a situation where they are alone on a mat or in an arena where they cannot call for help, but must rely on their own abilities. And should they fail or fall in their endeavors in martial arts or in fitness training, there are dedicated teachers, like Lisa, to put them back on their feet and give them a reassuring hug so that they know they are still loved. Compassion at an animal rescue-- "What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected."5 These words by Chief Seattle remind us that man and beast are inextricably linked and that by wantonly destroying creatures of nature, we may inadvertently be securing our own demise. Remember the Star Trek movie The Voyage Home ? Earth is threatened by an alien probe that is in the atmosphere and draining the planet's energy and resources, an action that will mean the total annihilation of our world. The probe emits strange, indefinable, and unrecognizable sounds, apparently in an attempt to communicate. When the cries are eventually discovered to be the singing of humpback whales, an easy Page 3 of 5

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solution is proposed. Get a humpback whale and get the creature to communicate with the virulent probe and tell it to desist from such a disastrous course of action. Uno problemo! There are no more whales, for man has slaughtered them all. When Lisa hears of such atrocity, she is definitely moved. "That makes me so mad," Lisa declared with an inner fire that momentarily contrasted with her gentle exterior. In reference to humankind's arrogance, Lisa argued, "We tend to think we are superior to the animals because of what we think intelligence is. But how do you define intelligence? Could a human being sniff out a lost child like a basset hound could? Thats a certain kind of intelligence to be able to do that. I think it is arrogant of us to think that animals are not smart. The Carpenters' song also pleads, "Give them shelter from a storm. Lisa, who wants to go on to study animal behavior or marine biology, works for a bird rescue that Lisa recently demonstrated her compassion for the beasts takes in unwanted and abused birds, especially cockatiels, of the world by rescuing a mistreated little bird named Elton. cockatoos, and parakeets, and finds them new homes. Doolittle, one of Lisa's projects, was no longer wanted and given up by the family that owned him. Luckily, he was adopted and went to a very nice home. "I love animals. You haven't guessed?" she asked with a slight twinkle in her blues eyes. Recently, Lisa demonstrated that love by an experience with a bird named Elton, which she discovered at a private home where she was visiting. He was neglected and forced to live in a cage that was too small. Both the bird and cage were covered with excrement and had never been cleaned. It also had a broken leg. Lisa got the bird to the vet right away and had his leg set, paid for by her bird rescue organization. "Have you ever seen a little bird with a tiny little cast?" she asked with her cute little laugh. "So, he's doing really Physical fitness instructors, like Lisa, understand that well now, too, and so hopefully he will find a good home youngsters who have developed a certain ''athletic ability" as well, like Doolittle." At least there are a few beasts and a few children in this world who are truly blessed, for they have Lisa to care for them and to give them voice. And when you see her perform at the Raiders games, you will know that the franchise and the fans are blessed, too. Notes:1 For the lyrics to this song by Barry De Vorzon and Perry Botkin, Jr., see
( For info regarding the novel and the Stanley Kramer film, see 2 ( 3 Information on this outstanding program was taken from Toys for Tots ( 4 Raiderettes in the News Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association Recognizes Raiderettes Saturday, March 24, 2001 ( Page 4 of 5

may gain the necessary confidence to remain somewhat self-reliant in the face of peer pressure.

Bless the Beasts and the Children

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5 From Chief Seattle's reply, cited in "Australia by Holden" (

Copyright 2002

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