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QlikView 11 Sales Guide October 2011


This sales guide includes key messaging on the overall positioning of QlikView, the major version 11 product themes and features, usage scenarios, beta feedback, and competitive information The format is intended to be simple and concise, allowing quick access to the most important selling points for QlikView 11

Overall Product Positioning

QlikView offers a business discovery platform Business Discovery
Business Discovery is the next generation of Business Intelligence, allowing users to explore and analyze live information without limits. Apps are rapidly built and deployed, while IT can ensure the control of data and security that they require.

The following new features have been added in QlikView 11:

Theme Social Business Discovery Feature Collaborative Sessions Annotations Mobile Business Discovery Comparative Analysis Rapid Analytic App Platform Cross Platform Compatibility Handheld Support Comparative Analysis Version Control Integration Improved Ajax Dialog Boxes Granular Chart Dimension Control Conditional Enabling Improved Layout Options Developer Metadata Enhancements Definition Bi-directional, real time QlikView document sharing between users. Notes associated with any QV object, added and shared by users. The same QlikView apps delivered consistently on any PC or tablet. QlikView apps delivered in single object mode on handhelds. Ability to compare user selected sets directly in charts or graphs Integration with source code control systems for development. More intuitive creation of objects in the Ajax browser client. Top/bottom n filters for charts, set in properties, for 80/20 questions. User can select dimensions and expressions used on charts. Grid view in containers and better tab navigation in Ajax client. Improved metadata for devs, including hover-over tips in charts.

Validation by Gartner

In the 2011 BI Magic Quadrant, Gartner described a split in the BI market between traditional stack vendors and newer data discovery vendors. Data Discovery is Gartners term for Business Discovery so this is an endorsement of our category by Gartner.

Contrast to Reporting Based Architectures

The major distinction between stack vendors and data discovery vendors is around architecture traditional tools pre-aggregate information and rely on reporting based technology. This creates complexity and cost, and limits flexibility and simplicity for users.

The Associative Experience

The Associative Experience is the fundamental navigation paradigm in QlikView the Green / White / Gray. It allows users to make a selection, immediately learn from the results, and take next steps.

QlikViews Core Technology

The Associative Experience is enabled by QlikViews patented inmemory associative technology, which stores an entire set of highly compressed detailed data, and allows users to search and filter this data without limits. The engine dynamically calculates KPIs as the user makes selections.

Informatica Integration Data export from Informatica ETL to QV in an optimized format. Document Extensions Workbench Template for Visual Studio Enterprise Platform Improved Publisher Performance Load Balancing Improvements More Granular Clustering QlikView Management Console Accesspoint Redesign Mgmt Services API Enhancements Admin Metadata Enhancements OEM Island Mode Document Level Auditing Granular Download and Export Control Publisher QVD Generation Pass QV data to 3rd party tools and alter look and feel of Ajax client. Build and deploy extension objects in VS with just a few clicks. Offer fresher data by improving reload times by up to 40% A new algorithm for intelligent use of servers in a cluster More effective distribution of QlikView apps in a cluster A single, user-friendly mgmt interface for QV administrators Redesigned accesspoint with modern look & feel and usability Additional API functions to better support enterprise integration Improved metadata for admins to gain / offer transparency into data Protection for OEM IP and better audit capabilities for deployments More granular document usage auditing for compliance More granular document level security and data export controls Simplified and more efficient data staging (QVD layer) creation

Version 11 Themes & Features

QlikView 11 takes Business Discovery to a whole new level by providing advanced social and mobile analysis capabilities while strengthening the enterprise readiness of the platform.
QlikView 11 Themes Social Business Discovery Social Business Discovery helps organizations incorporate the human element into decision-making. Users can collaborate to answer questions in formal or informal groups, and in real-time as well as asynchronously. Mobile Business Discovery enables organizations to incorporate the physical environment into decisionmaking. Users get insight on location. QlikView on Mobile delivers true Business Discovery on the go. Comparative analysis enables users to select multiple user-defined data sets, and directly compare them to one another, to perform relative analysis and spot trends, outliers, or differences. QlikView 11 includes new and improved capabilities that help users create analyses quickly and simplywithout requiring extensive IT involvement. QlikView 11 is packed with new and improved enterprise capabilities, designed for IT pros, to support large deployments and enterprise organizations.

Mobile Business Discovery

Comparative Analysis

Rapid Analytic App Platform Enterprise Platform


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Business Usage Scenarios

The following examples show the business focused features of QlikView used in the context of an industry and function:
Theme / Feature Social Business Discovery Collaborative Sessions Industry / Function Retail / Buying & Merchandising Usage Scenario A Category Manager at a global retailer notices an impending inventory problem in an important region. She launches a collaborative session with her supplier, buyer, and allocator in order to discuss and identify replenishment options. During the session, they identify a number of products that the team feels can help avoid potential sales erosion while maintaining margins. The CTO of a major telco observes a decrease in service level performance. He drills into the affected time period to identify underlying drivers and assess impact on SLA's. He makes annotations in the QlikView with his insights, and sends a link to the heads of service management and customer care to look at the situation and consider his comments when planning remediation. A financial advisor from a major brokerage visits a high net worth client and uses QlikView on Mobile to offer a fully interactive portfolio review. He previously had to rely on printed portfolio statements, but now he has the ability to work with live data to answer questions about investment strategies and performance. Furthermore, the client can access his data on any mobile device without having to install software. A physician is on the golf course when he gets a message on his iPhone that a patient has had a steep increase in blood pressure. He uses QlikView on Mobile to quickly access the patients records, where he discovers a counter indication between prescribed medications that could produce high blood pressure. He sends instructions via email to his RN on how to remedy the situation. A marketing director at a high-tech manufacturer notices that sales of 3D displays are declining. He has a hunch that a competitor is gaining traction. He uses comparative analysis to directly compare sets of his products against the competitor, by region and individual store. He sees that his average price and out-of-stock levels are higher in key locations, and takes action to adjust pricing and delivery SLAs.

Competitive Information
The following key points describe QlikViews competitive position around each V11 theme:
Company Social Business Discovery How QV11 Stacks up

QlikView is the category leader in Social Business Discovery, with a unique value proposition that exemplifies QlikTech as an innovator. No other vendor offers live collaborative (synchronous) sessions. Annotations from competitors are not threaded, nor do they support bookmarks to unique selection states. QlikViews collaborative web-based development capability is best-in-class. Cognos 10 has external collaboration but depends on Lotus Connections. No collaborative sessions. QlikView on Mobile is on par with the market but employs a different approach live HTML5 web-apps vs. synchronized reports. Mobile is a key feature but not generally a competitive differentiator on its own. Deals are often dependent on mobile but not exclusive to mobile scenarios. Make sure to position mobile in the context of business discovery and find use cases that demonstrate real business value. Be prepared for report-centric vendors to position offline mode as a feature, when really its a data set limitation of static / pre-defined reporting. Occasionally we will see insistence on native apps but most strong IT organizations favor web-apps and a centralized cross-platform strategy. Comparative Analysis demonstrates QlikViews unique combination of simplicity and power. The ability for non-technical users to select and adjust comparison sets is truly unique in the market. Distinguishes QlikView from stack competitors who offer separate, complex products for set comparison (IBM SPSS, SAP Set Analyzer). Opens up new use-cases that could not be addressed by BI simply before. Can support basket/group comparisons but not the predictive (statistical) element of market basket analysis. QlikView is the category leader in BI App Development and v11 enhancements extend this lead. One QlikView app can replace hundreds of Business Objects, Cognos, or Microstrategy reports. QlikView apps are delivered in a fraction of the time required by stack vendors, with less training, and at significantly lower cost. V11 developer improvements enhance this advantage. QlikViews integration capability (with external version control systems) is on-par with the market. Tableau provides strong visualizations but do not offer purpose built apps. There is limited developer capability for building out app functionality. This positions Tableau as a tool for power analysts vs. business users. Position QlikView 11 as offering faster time to value, remixability, reusability, extensibility, and improved developer experience. Enterprise Platform promotes a model of IT control at the center and business user flexibility at the edges. V11 improvements continue to neutralize stack vendor strengths.

Social Business Discovery Annotations

Telco / Service Operations

Mobile Business Discovery

Mobile Business Discovery Cross Platform Compatibility

Financial Services / Wealth & Asset Management

Comparative Analysis

Mobile Business Discovery Handheld Support

Healthcare / Clinical Operations

Comparative Analysis

High Tech Manufacturing / Marketing

Rapid Analytic App Platform

Customer Feedback from Beta

The following quote demonstrates positive feedback from a V11 enterprise beta customer in the UK NHS.
"Version 11 is a significant step forward, and there are a number of features that will be of value to us. The grouping function will assist us to benchmark performance across practices and hospitals, and the ability to add notes is a simple feature but with powerful capabilities and uses. In addition, load balancing is most welcome as we continue to expand QlikView into the enterprise and we need to ensure the system will scale up to the numbers we plan to deploy to." John Uttley, Chief Information Officer, Staffordshire Commissioning Support Service (part of NHS in Staffordshire)
Enterprise Platform


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Outdistances QlikView from Spotfire and Tableau in the enterprise. Continue to position QlikView as cost effective, scalable, and secure, with simplified administration and improved enterprise features across the board.


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