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Following the 1-1 programme introduction into Seoul Foreign High School and in line with the Whole

school policy the students and Staff created this original 2012 SFHS Technology Responsible Use Agreement:
I will be responsible for my personal laptop, for example, keeping it charged and secure, and having password. If I find an unattended laptop, I will leave it alone or report it to a teacher. If I find a Drop-in lab or library computer left logged on, I will logout and log back in with my own account before using it. If I find a lost USB drive, camera, phone, iPod, or any other device, I will give it to a teacher or the HS office. I will do my best to conserve paper when printing. During class, I will only use my computer as my teacher instructs. During study halls and break times after my other obligations are complete, I will responsibly use my computer for personal purposes (such as gaming and social networking) as long as it remains appropriate (no pornographic, hate-related or excessively violent material, etc.) I will respect the schools internet filter and if necessary, request for a site to be unblocked rather than try to bypass the filter by means of proxies, hacking, etc. I will not attempt to install any unauthorized applications on school computers. I will not eat or drink anything in the drop-in labs. I will not send harassing, embarrassing, or insulting messages to anyone in the SFS community, either from school, from home, or from another communication device like a phone or iPod. I will encourage my friends to follow these guidelines and report violations. Teachers are in charge of laptop use in their classes - they can specify when they are used and what they are used for, require all students to close their laptops during an activity, or insist that all laptops are put away if they are not needed. Misuse of computer or technology resources, whether personal or school-owned, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with normal discipline policies.

As a group of high school teachers, we have created what we consider to be a more comprehensive RUA and organised the ideas in three different ways based on intrapersonal, interpersonal and extrapersonal models of responsibility. The three formats we have included in this plan are a simple version (intended for the handbook or as a contract), a more detailed version for the students and a teachers version with hyperlinks and lesson ideas for the implementation of the ideas (to be used in seminar groups).

Thanks to all who helped, advised and contributed.

SFHS Technology Responsible Use Agreement 2013 Draft

Simple Version for Handbook:
Technology and Me 1 Monitoring and managing your digital footprint and profile 2 Protecting personal privacy 3 Managing personal learning and organization with technology Technology and SFS Community 1 Using resources in a respectful way taking proper care of equipment 2 Respect for the privacy and property of others 3 Respect for other users Technology and Society 1 Ethical and legal use of intellectual property 2 Ethical and legal use of creative property Misuse of computer or technology resources, whether personal or school-owned, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with normal discipline policies. ____________________________________________________________________________ __

Student Version:
Technology and Me 1 Monitoring and managing your digital footprint and profile I will be aware of my online presence and how it may be perceived by others I will actively build a positive online profile 2 Protecting personal privacy I will keep my passwords and usernames private I will log out of shared devices and not allow others to use my accounts I will manage my accounts privacy settings thoughtfully 3 Managing personal learning and organization with technology I will be prepared to use technology efficiently for learning at all times During class, I will use my computer only as my teacher instructs. During non-instructional times, I may responsibly and appropriately use my computer for personal purposes Technology and SFS Community 1 Using resources in a respectful way taking proper care of equipment I will not eat or drink anything in the drop-in labs. I will conserve paper when printing. I will respect the schools internet filter and if necessary, request for a site to be unblocked rather than try to bypass the filter by means of proxies, hacking, etc. I will not attempt to install any unauthorized applications on school computers. 2 Respect for the privacy and property of others I will take any unattended electronic device to the office. I will use only my personal account on shared devices 3 Respect for other users I will use technology and information from home or school only for purposes within the law that are not harmful (emotionally, physically, financially, or otherwise) to another person or their property. Technology and Society 1 Ethical and legal use of intellectual property I will understand the concept of plagiarism and will correctly cite all my sources. 2 Ethical and legal use of creative property I will adhere to copyright law and where applicable attribute creative commons I will understand and apply the concepts of fair use, free speech and public domain Misuse of computer or technology resources, whether personal or school-owned, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with normal discipline policies. _______________________________________________________________________

SFHS Technology Responsible Use Agreement Teaching version

Technology and Me 1 Monitoring and managing your digital footprint and profile I will be aware of my online presence and how it may be perceived by others - Photos and text online should be deliberately chosen. - Regularly monitor your profile by searching as if you are a stranger to see what the world can see of you I will actively build a positive online profile - consider how the usernames and avatars you choose will be perceived - be mindful as how you are perceived online (values, character, strengths) and how this reflects on your family, school or other communities to which you belong - make original creative contributions that reflect the above - give credit to originators, hat tippers, and comment on forums and blogs to share your values etc. 2 Protecting personal privacy I will keep my passwords and usernames private I will log out of shared devices and not allow others to use my accounts I will manage my accounts privacy settings thoughtfully Managing personal learning and organization with technology I will be prepared to use technology efficiently for learning at all time - Charged up or bring charger - Software, including antivirus and malware, must be configured to auto-update - Backup files (on the cloud where appropriate) - Check Haiku & school Gmail daily or set up forwarding to another account - Be mindful of time cut offs for all electronically submitted work - Turn in work in the designated format During class, I will use my computer only as my teacher instructs. - off task behaviour such as social networking, watching/playing games, skyping is strictly forbidden - students will shut off or close tech tools immediately at the request of the teacher - Tech tools will not be opened or accessed without teacher instruction During non-instructional times, I may responsibly and appropriately use my computer for personal purposes - use good judgement when deciding how to use your free time - access only age appropriate material fit for an academic setting Technology and SFS Community 1 Using resources in a respectful way taking proper care of equipment

2 3

I will not eat or drink anything in the drop-in labs. I will conserve paper when printing. I will respect the schools internet filter and if necessary, request for a site to be unblocked rather than try to bypass the filter by means of proxies, hacking, etc. I will not attempt to install any unauthorized applications on school computers. Respect for the privacy and property of others I will take any unattended electronic device to the HS office. I will use only my personal account on shared devices I will remove any data or photos at the request of others. I will not attempt to access another users account or attempt to hack into any account Respect for other users I will use technology and information from home or school only for purposes within the law that are not harmful (emotionally, physically, financially, or otherwise) to another person or their property.

Technology and Society 1 Ethical and legal use of intellectual property I will understand the concept of plagiarism and will correctly cite all my sources. 2 Ethical and legal use of creative property I will adhere to copyright law and where applicable attribute creative commons I will understand and apply the concepts of fair use, free speech and public domain Misuse of computer or technology resources, whether personal or school-owned, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with SFHS discipline policies.

By Erin Evans, Lauren Jackson, Youngen Lee, Melanie Smith, Marion Statton and Jo Wilcox

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