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1.-ADVENTURE AT PICCADILLY CIRCUS 1Come on,Jackie! The especial tourist Bus is waiting for us at Piccadilly Circus!Dont worry,Rosa.

These buses leave regulary.They go All round London,so we can see all the most famous sights:Buckingham Palace,the Houses of Parliament, Big BenLondon is such A beautiful city! 2.-When the two girls arrived at Piccadilly Circus,they saw the famous Statue of Eros.He looked very bored, Standing there with his bow and Arrow.Eros is the God of love,isnt He?,asked Rosa.I think so.Im not Quite sure!answered Jackie. 3.-They bought their tickets and went Upstairs to the top deck.Some London Buses dont have roofs,so that tourists Can have a better view and take some Good photos.Just then,it started Raining.Oh no!,said Jackielets go Downstairs.Oh,come on,Jackie! Its only a little storm.Itll be over

In five minutes. 4.-When the bus started on its tour the Two girls were the only ones sitting Upstairs,in the rain.The commentary Began:If you look to your right,you Will see the statue of Eros.This Greek God of love shoots his arrows to make People fall in love.The statue was made InJust then,there was a clap of Thunder and lightning struck the Statue.Kaboom!

5.-Phew!Thank Zeus for that!I was Beginning to gest so tired up there! Rosa and Jackie turned round and SawEros!ButbutThey were so Surprised they couldnt speak! Hello! he said,I dont usually do This kind of thing,you know. But lightning never strikes twice In the same place,does it? 6.- Eros explained how the lightning made Him come to life and then asked: Right, so where are we going? The two girls hesitated before saying:

Well, we were going to look at the Sights, but ifAh, wonderfull. The Last time I saw London was in 1893, When they put me on my pedestal. I can`t wait!


So they all introduced themselves,

While the bus drove them through the Heavy traffic and the heavy rain! While they were going along the Mall, The wide avenue which ends at Buckingham Palace, they saw a traffic Warden and a motorist arguing The girls laughed and said: Look Eros, That traffic warden is trying to give that Man a parking ticket! 8.- Eros looked and said: Ooh, thats not Very nice, is it? Watch this! The little god then picked up his bow and shot the traffic warden with a flaming red arrow! All of a sudden, she stopped shouting at the motorist and said: But this isnt important. Lets go and have a coffee together. And off they went

9. What do you think, girls? Nice trick, eh? Eros!, cried Rosa and Jackie thats amazing! well, there isnt enough love in the World , is there? I think were going to have some fun this morning!

10 Just then,the bus turned the corner into Parliament Square,they saw the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. There was a noisy demonstration outside,protesting about something. The crowd were throwing eggs at the policemen guarding the doors and shouting insults at them.

11.-Eros picked up his bow and shot an arrow which broke up into dozens of little arrows above the crowd. Again,his magic worked and the angry people stopped shouting and then slowly started to walk off in couples,hand in hand...even the policemen!

12.-Next stop was Horseguards Parade. Jackie explained that the two soldiers on their horses couldnt move a muscle for two hours.They had to stay

completely still while people talked to them and took their photo. "Wheres my bow?" he asked.The girls knew what was going to happen next!

13.- Eros sent two arrows flying, but Instead of hitting the soldiers he hit The horses who immediately turned to Each other and started kissing! The young soldiers tried to make them Stand to attention but the horses just Werent interested. The tourist all Laughed and started taking photos of The two horses in love with two Extremely embarrassed soldiers On the backs!

14.-As they approached trafalgar Square, They saw Nelson in his column Looking cold and bored. Poor old Nelson, maybe youll get Struck by lightning next time and can have some fun too, said Eros. what are you going to do now, Eros?

asked Rosa the tour is almost over.

15.- I have no more energy. So Ill have to Go back to my pedestal for a few more Years until the next time! No! cried the girls stay! We need you! But Eros answered: no ,the world just needs people who can spread love. Now its your turn. Good luck! With that, the little god jumped off the Bus onto his pedestal, singing: All you need is love!

1"Venga,Jackie! El bus turstico especial est a la espera de nosotros en Piccadilly

Circus ! ""No te preocupes,Rosa. Los buses salen con regularidad.Que vaya todo Londres,para que podamos ver todos los monumentos ms famosos :Palacio de Buckingham , el Parlamento, el Big Ben Londres es una ciudad tan bonita !" Importante del 1.-Los buses salen con regularidad.Que vaya todo Londres,para que podamos ver todos los monumentos ms famosos :Palacio de Buckingham , . Buses depart regularly.That go around London,so that we can see all the most famous monuments :Buckingham Palace ,

2. -Cuando las dos nias llegaron en Piccadilly Circus ,vieron la famosa estatua de Eros.mir muy aburrido, all de pie con su arco y flecha.Eros es el Dios del amor, verdad? ", pregunt Rosa. "Yo creo que s. no estoy muy seguro ! "contestadas Jackie
Saw the famous statue of Eros.looked very bored, standing there with his bow and arrow.Eros is the God of love,

3.- que compraron sus boletos y subi por las escaleras a la cubierta superior.Algunos autobuses de Londres no tienen techos"para que los turistas puedan tener una mejor vista y tomar buenas fotos .Justo en ese momento, empez a llover . "Oh no! ", dijo Jackie"vamos abajo. ""Oh,de,Jackie! Se trata de slo una pequea tormenta.que va a ser ms de cinco minutos".
Some London buses do not have roofs,for tourists to get a better view and take good photos .

4. -Cuando el autobs comenz en su gira las dos nias fueron los nicos sentados al piso de arriba, en medio de la lluvia.El comentario comenz: "Si usted mire a la derecha, ver la estatua de Eros.Este dios griego de amor los turiones sus flechas para hacer que la gente se enamore.La estatua fue realizada en "Justo entonces, hubo un clap de truenos y relmpagos la estatua .Kaboom
The commentary began: "If you look to the right and you will find the statue of Eros.This Greek god of love shoots their arrows to make people fall in love.

5. - " casi nada! Gracias a Zeus que! me estaba empezando a llegar tan cansado de no!" Rosa y Jackie se dio la vuelta y vio Eros! "Peropero "estaban tan sorprendido de que no poda hablar! "Hola!" dijo: "YO no suelen hacer este tipo de cosas,ya sabes. Pero un rayo no cae dos veces en el mismo lugar, no?"
"They were so surprised that he could not speak! "Hello." said: "I tend not to make this kind of things,you know. But lightning never strikes twice in the same place, isn't it?

6. -El Eros se explica cmo el rayo le hizo venir a la vida y, a continuacin, le pregunt: "El derecho,as que, dnde vamos?" Las dos nias vacilado antes de decir: "Bueno, nos vamos a mirar en los lugares de inters turstico, pero si ... pusieron en mi pedestal. No puedo esperar!"" "Ah,maravilloso.La ltima vez que vi Londres fue en 1893, cuando me
Where do we go." The two girls hesitated to say: "Well, we are going to look at the places of tourist interest, but if ... put in my stand. I can't wait'" "Ah,wonderful.The last time I saw London was in 1893 when me "

7. -por lo que todos presentaron, mientras que el autobs les obligaron a travs del trfico pesado... y la lluvia! Cuando iban a lo largo del Mall, la amplia avenida que termina en el Palacio de Buckingham , que vieron a un guardin y trfico un automovilista argumentando. Las nias se ri y dijo: "Mira el Eros, que guardias de circulacin est tratando de dar este hombre un ticket de aparcamiento!"
When they went to the Mall, the wide avenue that ends at the Buckingham Palace , which saw a guardian and a motorist traffic arguing. The girls laughed and said: "Look at the Eros, that guards of movement is trying to give this man a parking ticket!

8.-Eros esperan y dice: " Mira, que no es muy bonito, no? Vea esta!" El pequeo dios, a continuacin, recogi su arco y dispar al guardin con un trfico llamas flecha roja! De repente,gritos se detuvo en el motorista y dice: "Pero esto no es importante .Vamos a tomar un caf juntos." y que fue!
!" The small god, then picked up his bow and shot the guardian with a traffic flame red arrow!

9. - Qu piensan ustedes, chicas? Un truco interesante, eh?" "Eros! ", exclam: Rosa y Jackie "es increble!" "Bien, no hay suficiente amor en el mundo ,no? Creo que vamos a tener un poco de diversin esta maana!
", exclaimed: Pink and Jackie "is amazing.' "Well, there is not enough love in the world ,no?

10.- Justo en ese momento, el bus gira la vuelta de la esquina en Plaza del Parlamento, vieron las Casas del Parlamento y el Big Ben. Haba una ruidosa manifestacin fuera ,protestando por algo. La multitud haba lanzando huevos a la polica que custodiaban las puertas y gritando insultos contra ellos.
There was a noisy demonstration outside ,protesting something. The crowd were throwing eggs at the police who were guarding the doors and shouting insults at them.

11. -El Eros recogio su arco y dispar una flecha que se dividi en docenas de flechitas por encima de la multitud. Una vez ms, su magia trabajado y el enojo de la gente gritando y, a continuacin, detuvo lentamente comenz a caminar en las parejas,de la mano... incluso los policas!
The Eros picked up his bow and fired an arrow which was divided into dozens of little arrows above the crowd. Once more, his magic worked and the anger of the people screaming

12. -siguiente parada fue Horseguard del desfile. Jackie explic que los dos soldados con sus caballos no poda mover un msculo para dos horas.tuvieron que permanecer completamente quieto mientras hablaba con ellos y les tom una foto. " Dnde est mi arco? ", pregunt.las muchachas supieran que iba a suceder a continuacin.
Jackie explained that the two soldiers with their horses could not move a muscle for two hours.They had to stay completely still while talking with them and take a photo.

13.- Eros envi dos flechas que vuelan, pero en lugar de golpear a los soldados que golpe los caballos que
pasa inmediatamente a la otra y comenz besar. Los jvenes soldados trataron de hacerlos resaltar a atencin, pero los caballos no estaban interesados. El turista todos se rieron y comenzaron a tomar fotos de los dos caballos en el amor con dos soldados muy avergonzados de la espalda.
The tourist all laughed and began to take photographs of the two horses in the love with two soldiers very ashamed of the back 14.- -A medida que se acercaban Trafalgar Square, vieron Nelson en su columna buscando fro y aburrido. " Pobre viejo Nelson, tal vez usted obtendr golpe por un rayo prxima vez y puede divertirse tambin", dijo Eros. " Qu es lo que van a hacer ahora, Eros? " Nias " Poor old Nelson, perhaps you will get hit by lightning next time and you can have fun too," said Eros. 15.- "No tengo ms energa. As que voy a tener que volver a mi pedestal para unos cuantos aos ms hasta que la prxima vez!" " No!" grit las "estancia! Necesitamos que ustedes !" Pero Eros contest: "no ,el mundo slo necesita gente que puede extender el amor. Ahora es su turno. Buena suerte!" con eso, el pequeo dios salt fuera del Bus en su pedestal, cantando: " Todo lo que necesitas es amor".

Eros replied: "not ,the world only needs people who can spread love. Now it is your turn. Good luck! .

HOUSE AND HOME Housing 1.- mansion 2.- swimming pool 3.-lamp post 4.-driveway 5.-apartment building 6.-condominium 7.-balcony 8.-parking place 9.-function room/ club house 10.-townhouse 11.-street 12.-sidewalk 13.-adobe house 14.- colonial house 15.-mailbox 16.-ranch hose 17.-lawn 18.- cottage/ bungalow 19.- fence 20.- mobile home
CASA Y HOGAR vivienda 1.- mansion 2.- piscina 3. -farola 4. -entrada 5. -edificio de apartamentos 6. condominio 7. balcn 8. -lugar de aparcamiento 9. -funcin habitacin/ club house 10. -casa 11. calle 12. -acera 13. -casa de adobe 14.- El colonial house 15. -buzn 16. -rancho manguera 17. -csped 18.- casa rural/ bungalow 19.- regla 20.- casa mvil

Habitaciones 1.-Living room/ hall 2.-Kitchen 3.-Dining room 4.-Bedroom 5.-Nursery 6.-Tuun 7.-Basement 8.-Yard 9.-Verbs
1. -Saln y hall 2. -Cocina 3 . -comedor 4. -dormitorio 5. -Vivero 6. -Tuun 7. -stano 8. -patio 9. -verbos

Sala de visitas .-

Significado de bao

nm. bathing, washing; bathtub, bath; swim; dip; washroom; coating; wash

v. wash, bathe; imbrue; dip

1.-almohada 2.- velador 3.- lampara 4.- luces 5.- alfonbra 6,. Cobertor 7,. cama 8,. reloj 9.- peluche
1. -pillow 2.- watchman 3.- lamp 4.- lamps 5 .- alfonbra 6," covertor 7," bed 8 ,clock 9.- stuffed

1.-refrigeradora 2.- mesa 3.- sillas 4.- cocina 5.- repostero 6,. gas 7,. cortinas 8,. ventanas 9.- tetera 10.-anbientador 11.-frutero
1. -cooler 2 .- table 3.- chairs 4.- kitchen 5.- confectioner 6," gas 7," curtains 8," Windows 9.- tea 10. -anbientador 11. orchard

1.- sof 2.- cojin 3.- televisor 4.-aparador 5.-esquinero 6.- adornos 7.- reloj 8.- mesa de centro 9.- dvd 10.- cortina 11.- ventana
1.- sofa 2.- cushion 3.- tv 4. -dresser 5. -corner 6.- ornaments 7.- clock 8.- a center table 9.- dvd 10.- curtain 11.- window

1.- wter 2.- porta papel 3.-ambientador 4.- adorno 5.- papel higenico 6.- toalla
1.- water 2.- porta paper 3. -air freshener 4.- adornment 5.- Any spilled paper 6.- towel

1.-Casas 2.- calle 3.- postes 4.- luz publica 5.- cables
1. -houses 2.- street 3.- poles 4.- public light 5.- wires

1.- escoba 2.- recogedor 3.- lavadero 4.- trapeador 5.- legia 6.- pileta 7.- tendedero 8.- ropa 9.- ganchos
1.- broom 2.- pickup 3.- Laundry room 4.- mop 5.- Legia 6.- A pool 7.- rack 8.- clothing 9 .- hooks

Comida tpica

Discada- marina

Paila Bandera de cuba

Cuba Comida tpica


1.5.- I have one dictionary 6.-I have one key 7.- I have no brothers 8.- I have no brothers 9.- I have ten books of English 10.- . neither 1.- At six in the morning 2.- At half past six in the morning 3.- At eight in the morning 4.- At two o'clock in the afternoon 5.- At nine in the evening 6.- At three in the afternoon 7.- At ten o'clock in the night 8.- At nine in the morning 9.- To the eleven and a half of the night 10.- At half past eight in the morning

I have more than two thousand books 2.- I have a cell phone 3.- A computer 4.- I have four children

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