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Tutorial 1

1. Find the answer of the fraction below

A ) 3 + 2 – 1 = 81
7 5 4 140

B) 2 x 2 ÷ 2 = 6
7 5 3 35

C ) 2 + 1 x 3 ÷ 1 - 2 = 109
3 4 7 3 5 140

D ) 11 x 31 + 135 ÷ 163 - 324 =

16 47 238 235 431

2. Write into decimal point at 3 decimal places

A ) 31 = 0.660

B ) 133 = 0.561

C ) 163 = 0.703

3. Find the answer of A if given x = 3 , y = 4 and z = 5

A) x = z A = 6.667

B ) 2x - 3y = 3A - z A = -1

C ) x = zAy A = 0.880 ( using log )

D ) x = yzA A = - 0.179 ( using log )

E ) A = xe-Ay A = 6.184 x 10-9

F ) x = ye-Az

A = ln yx

A = 0.0575
4. Find the answer below

A ) 2.5 km x 3.2 mm - 55.36 cm = 7.4464 m

B ) 3.4 Bq ÷ 2.1 mBq x 0.39 KBq = 5.18 x 105 Bq

5. Write all the radiological unit of radiation and quality in SI units

Customary Unit SI Unit

Quantity Name Symbol Name Symbol
1. Exposure Roentgen R Air kerma Gya
2. Absorbed Dose rad Rad Gray Gyt
3. Effective Dose Rem Rem seivert Sv
4. Radioactive Curie Ci bacqueral Bq

6. Write the answer in SI units

A ) 250 Roentgen = 2.5 Gya

B ) 345 Rad = 3.45 Gyt

C ) 53 rem = 0.53 sv

D ) 53 µCi = 1.961 x 103 Bq

7. Write the history who discover the radioactive element of alpha ( α ),

beta ( β ) and gamma ( γ )

Ernest Rutherford was the person who discover the radioactive

element of alpha ( α ) , beta ( β ) and gamma ( γ ). A beam of
positive charge alpha particle was projected againt a thin metal foil. Most
of the alpha particle past through the foil as it is empty sphere but a few
particle deflected from their original direction of travel were scathered
through large angle. Some particle even deflected backwarel, reversing
their direction of travel. Rutherford explained this astounding result by
assuming that the positive charge is an atom was concentrated in a
region that was small relative to the size call nucleus of atom.

8. Using the general formulated are modified by Bork ( medification

formulated )

A ) Write the formula

En = z2 ( 13.6 ev )

rn = n2 ( 0.0529 )

B ) Find the energy (En) and radius (rn) of atomic helium 42 H

En = 41 ( 13.6 ev ) = 54.4 ev

rn = 12 ( 0.0529 nm ) = 0.0132 nm

9. Find the number of proton, electron and nucleon

A) 126 C

Proton = 6
Electron = 6
Neutron = 6
Nucleon = 12

B) 2713 Al

Proton = 13
Electron = 13
Neutron = 14
Nucleon = 27

C) 13756 Ba

Proton = 56
Electron = 56
Neutron = 81
Nucleon = 137

D) 18474 W ( Tungsten )

Proton = 74
Electron = 74
Neutron = 110
Nucleon = 184

E) 23492 u
Proton = 92
Electron = 92
Neutron = 146
Nucleon = 234

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