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Automation is an ancient Greek word that means self-dictated. In modern day terminology, it means quite the same, and in the context of industries, it refers to a complex set up of machines, motors and drives, information, computers and software that are capable of functioning autonomously, without human intervention, under normal circumstances. What is important to note is that the aim of automation is not to eliminate workers on the shop floor-every automation scientist worth her salt will admit that no machine can ever beat a humans senses and institutions why automate? The primary motive of automation is to tap the predictability and dependability of machine to do something and it will do it in exactly the same way even after the millionth iteration. Therefore the basic goals of automation are to achieve precision and uniformity, eliminate errors and improve the whole process. In general, the error rate of 1-1.5 percent found in manual working can be brought down to 0.00001 percent with automation. as stakeholders have begun to increasingly demand certain quality standards, automation has also become a key part of todays manufacturing setup. automation is the key in all types of manufacturing, especially in the face of an emerging global economy. From being used to increase productivity and reduce cost, automation has now become vital to increasing product quality. Further, in certain fields like semiconductor chip manufacturing where miniaturization is the key, machines are capable of achieving greater precision and speed than humans-after all,

We cannot expect men with magnifying glasses to sit and assemble the integrated circuit in innumerable chips manufactured every day. Automation is indispensable in such cases. It is also vital to recognize the influence of the increasingly dynamic nature of supply chains today, on automation. The manufacturing process has to flex in an ad hoc fashion depending on various fashion depending on various factors ranging from fluctuations in the market demand to customized bulk orders from clients. Supply chain management software, enterprise resource management software and so on automatically sync with the control mechanism, to tweak the manufacturing process as required right from the quantity of production to the configuration of parts. Sometimes, the production line itself is changed as required. It is as easy as few button taps today. In a do-or-die market, such flexibility is crucial, and has been one of the key reasons boosting the role of industrial automation. Automation is also believed to be energy-efficient, as the operation of machine is optimized. Apart from the smooth rhythm, which in itself conserves power, automation also provides the control needed to put machine on or off in a just-in-time fashion, as required, so there is no redundancy. Automation is also crucial in hazardous areas that humans would not dare to venture-such as oil refineries, manufacturing of certain hazardous chemicals, metal working and welding, and nuclear reactors. Automation machines, controlled through wireless networks, are more effective in such area than a scared human worker. More so, in the US and other developed countries, some companies, though not motivated by any of the preceding reasons, have also been forced to go in for automation-for want of semi-skilled labours

As the technology advances there is an increasing need for improvement in the existing technology. So as we found out there are some areas where we can provide a single unit control which will be most beneficial for providing an efficient working in the industry. As the industry performing the manual work function so we are trying to provide a single unit control to drive the multiple application under the regulated control format so a single person can handle many *applications at a time with more easy and comfortably *. With the advent of modern technology, the human brain is working day by day to develop complex and more technology specific products which have multifarious applications in the different aspects of work field. This project deals with designing of one such product which can be used multifariously in various commercial and official activities. An introduction to this project can be given as designing of a controlled system through a PC. The PC controlled system gives us the facility to control big organizations electrical system under a single administrator which saves the valuable electrical power and provides us to have the control of any electrical devices.

It consists of a panel which is attached to various electrical devices from which a single person can handle all systems from one position. These operations are controlled by interfacing it using buses with a personal computer. All operations are controlled through keyboard inputs of a PC. All these executions are made possible with the help of a most powerful programming language the Visual Basic language. The software is comprised of VB language programs when executed give the desired physical results hence all operations can be easily managed with the PC.

Transformer Rectifier Filter Voltage Regulator

Serial port Parallel port Temperature






Fig. :- B/D for 3- channel temperature monitoring and control

A is a facility with instruments and equipment to make observations of conditions in order to provide information to make process of manufacturing with good quality. The measurements taken include temperature, and precipitation mounts. measurements are taken as free of other obstructions as possible, while temperature measurements are kept free from direct solar radiation, or isolation. Manual observations are taken at least once daily, while automated observations are taken at least once an hour.









Transformers are static device which convert the electrical energy from one circuit to another circuit without any change in frequency and power. Step down transformer means the transformer which reduces the supply voltage to the desired value. In our project we need 12 volt DC supply, therefore in this project 12-0-12, 500mA transformer is used.

Rectifier is a circuit which converts the AC electrical energy into Dc electrical energy. For operating of semiconductor devices used in this project we need regulated DC supply. In this project we use centre tap full wave rectifier. Full wave rectifier circuit is capable of converting sinusoidal input into a unidirectional output. The circuit diagram is as shown in the figure.

It is seen that the output of the rectifier is not pure DC, because it contain some amount of AC component which is called as ripple factor which gives the fluctuation and hence to minimize the ripple in the output the filter circuit is used. This circuit is connected after the rectifier circuit. In our project capacitor input filter is used. The circuit is as shown in the figure. The capacitor is connected in parallel to minimize the ripple factor.

In our project for the operation of IC we need +5 volt regulated supply is necessary therefore a voltage regulator circuit is used. A voltage regulator is a circuit that supplies constant voltages regardless of change in the load current. IC voltage regulators are versatile and generally used. The 78xx series consist of three terminal positive voltage regulators. These ICs are designed as fixed voltage regulator and adequate heat sink. It can be deliver output current in access of 1A. These devices do not required external component. These ICs has internal terminal overload protection and internal short circuit and current limiting protection.


The key component is the Dallas Semiconductor's DS1621 temperature sensor. This tiny 8 pin IC needs only +5 volts to measure the temperature and to send it out via its IIC bus output. Since many IIC bus devices can be connected in parallel, three address inputs (A0, A1, A2) are provided to select one out 8 addresses the device will respond on. This way, up to 8 sensors can be connected in parallel. I have set the internal temperature sensor to address 0 and the external one to address 1. If you plan to use only one sensor connect it as address 0. Interfacing the IIC bus to the RS232 com port is a matter of adapting levels. IIC works on 0..5V signals, RS232 uses -12V .. +12V. The trick here is that, altough specified for -12V..+12V, almost all PC com port I know work equally well with 0..5V signals. This eliminates the need to raise the IIC output to RS232 levels, and the SDA data line connects directly to the PC CTS line. On the opposite way, the RS232 signals can damage the IIC inputs, so I placed voltage limiters (R1, DZ2, R2, DZ1) on the SCL clock input and SDA data input. (note that SDA is bidirectional: receives from the DTR line and transmits to the CTS line).

Since the circuit draws very little current, there is no need to add an external power supply. The +12V from the RS232 lines are conveyed to the regulator by diodes D1, D2, filtered by C1 and regulated to +5V by the LM2936-Z5. Don't replace it with an ordinary 78L05 regulator unless you want to add an external 9V battery: the LM2936 is capable to regulate even with input voltages near to 6V, as is the case of many serial ports.


When High Signal Means 5volt Reaches To The MCT2E An Internal LED Blow. Light Falls On The Phototransistor And Current Flows Through The Transistor, Then Signal Is Reaches To The NPN Switching Transistor 2N2222A Which Actuate The Relay Which Tends To Drive The Motor . The 100E Resistance Is Used To Limit The Current Which May Damage To The Optocupler MCT2E And 2.2k Resistance Is Also Used To Limit The Current To Properly Switch The Transistor And Preventing Damage To The Transistor.

PLANNING We all know the best planning leads to the best results. So when we finalized our project it was a question from where to start? There are many directions but we had to choose the right one. This was starting the step of our project. The first event we did was to go through many books, discussion, meeting, consultations & suggestions, satisfying the basic needs of client. After hard working we designed our circuit. Now next task was procurement of material for that we listed first the required parts & divided our team in four parts. The work was equally divided. As our project is hardware & software based so two of us were worked for software & other two were worked for hardware. We had divided our project in following parts: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Designing of actual material. Procurement of material. Layout of PCB. Preparation of PCB. Assembling of components & their maintaining. Software Implementation. Interfacing hardware with software. Testing.

PCB DESIGNING The name printed circuit board suggests that printing processes involved in drawing the artwork on the board. And printing processes are often used to transfer an image to a PCB. History of the PCB:In 1930s the technology for making a PC board was invented and name into use during 1945. Before that time circuits were constructed with point to point soldering component on an insulating board. But this is time consuming and bard to troubleshoot. Printed circuit board is a piece of art. The performance of an electronics circuit depends upon layout and sensing PCB. PCB are used to route electrical urgent and signal through copper track while are firmly bonded to an insulating base. The base material used for PCB is paper phenolic, glass epoxy, polyester etc. paper phenolic is less costly and used to consumer electronic circuit. Paper phenolic is more resistance to moisture, but difficult to machine and drills compared to glass epoxy. Rules for Layout:PCB interconnects various electronics component by an interconnectivity pattern. The general considerations are: 1. Mechanical consideration: size, shape, mounting of PCB, etc. 2. User system consideration: that is whether for consumes or laboratory or industry etc. 3. Electrical and electronics parameter such as impedance gain, electromagnetic coupling etc. 4. Easy of maintenance.

Art Work:For photographic reduction process the artwork should provide maximum contact between the portion to be each away and those to be left. Thus the art work should be generated on white sheet with black ink. A polyester foil can also be used with sticking tape and prepare artwork but it is costly. Tracking paper may be used but it is not stable with temperature. Basic Methods of Preparing Artwork Ink the drawing. The method is cheap. High quality water proof ink base is to be used. Using black tape and sticking pattern. Using red and blue transparent tape. Advantages of PCB:Advantages of PCB over normal wiring are as follows. PCB is necessary for interconnection a large number of electronics component in a very small area with minimum parasitic wiring affects. PCB is stable for mass production with less chances of wiring error. Small component can be easily mounted on PCB. Wiring micro phony is avoided. Construction is neat, small and truly a work or art. By using PCB, the electronic equipment becomes more reliable in size and less costly.

Disadvantages of PCB: Art work is a time consuming activity. Art work requires skill and without designing a new board is not possible to make connection. Etching of PCB:Etching is the process of chemically attacking and removing the unprotected copper from the copper plate to yield the desired conductor pattern. The most common enchant used in the industry is ferric chloride. The erotically anyone of the following solution can be used to make PCB. 1. ammonium per sulphate 2. chromic acid 3. cupric acid 4. ferric chloride Method of etching includes tray rocking tank etching and spray etching. Out of there May rocking is the simplest one. This consist of the tray of Pyrex glass, attached to a powered rocking table is not available , rocking of the tray with etching solution and the plate can be done manually also. Ferric chloride crystal of 500 gms are mix in water to make a total solution of 1 liter. During the etching process the connection weakens because the soluble cupric acid ferric ions precipitate out of the solution in the form of sludge that rends to settle on the bottom on the etching vat. Ideal etching condition required that the enchant be related to the temperature of between 60 to 70. The copper plate is immersed in enchant solution with copper side up in the tray. Only one board should be etched at one time. As the table is rocked the unprotected copper is dissolves. When etching is completed the resist material is remove by using lacquer thinner or acetic acid or petrol. After the board is

infected and proved. It is ready for whole drilling, component mounting and soldering. Drilling:Drilling is performed with the help of drilling machine. While doing drilling needles was change according to the required diameter of the hole is to be made.

Mounting:After drilling mounting of the component is done. On PCB respective component was placed imperfective holes and finally soldered. After soldering the PCB was ready to be connected to the respective relays and supply. Before than wiring diagram areas draw which decide the external wire connection to the PCB

TESTING Testing is the main event, which has its own importance in the electronics field. Testing is the process to find the output performance and fault of the circuit in the various forms. The main objective of the testing is to check the output performance as per our assumption. The least carelessness may lead to the major fault in case of electronics circuit and it is depend upon the layout and design of the PCB. Printed circuit board are used to route electrical current and signal through the copper tracks which are primarily bounded to an insulating core. For the testing of any electronics circuit some common steps are performed. These steps are as follows. To check the main power source. To tress out the circuit. In which following steps are followed. 1). The tracks are not open. 2).The distances between two tracks are sufficient to avoid capacitance. 3).The track linked with the other related tracks is proper or not. 4).The jumper which goes from one track to another track should not short with the tracks which are in between required two. Thus by testing the tracks of the printed circuit board it helps the project for making successful. After testing copper tracks the component were tested with the help of instrument like multimeter, CRO, signal generator etc. After mounting the component on the PCB the possibility of the dry soldering was checked to avoid the possibility of shorting those tracks as well as the tracks were checked individually to avoid the possibility of opening those tracks. This testing was carried out with the help of multimeter keeping in range of Ohm. After all check the power was supplied and the operation of the circuit it was observed. Check the supply voltage and voltages at the points where it is known or expected to be of certain value. Check the output voltage and waveform of the circuit by the equipment such as CRO, signal generator.

Thus by checking the above aspects, it helps the project to become successful. Testing of Power supply circuit:The entire components are tested with the help of multimeter. After testing of component we fix the component on the wet board. Now we give the supply to the transformer and input waveform is to be checked. This procedure is simultaneously carried out for Rectifier, Filter and Regulator circuit. We check the waveform but it is not according to our assumption, because the waveform is started and then it goes to decreasing. Due to this the output voltage is also decreases.


For such a fault we test the power supply circuit step by step and found that the regulator IC is not work as per our assumption (that means it is faulty). Hence we replace the regulator IC and check the output waveform and voltage that it is as per our assumption. At that condition we stop the testing of power supply. Testing of Switching Circuit:For switching circuit firstly we check the tracks that there should be no defect. Then we mount the component and give the supply to the circuit and input from PC and check the output performance of the circuit. The circuit is work as per our assumption. Testing of speed controller circuit:The procedure of the testing of speed controller circuit is same as the switching circuit at the point of potentiometer for required assumption we set the preset and again test is carried out after that we give the supply to the circuit and check the waveform of the astable multivibrator

which is as per our assumption as that it is square wave. And then we give input from the computer and check the speed control as per our assumption.

OUTPUT WAVEFORM OF IC 555 AT PIN 3 Assembling and testing of the total project:After testing and confirm the output of the individual circuit we connect all this circuit is as shown in the figure. When we make the circuit carefully connect all the connecting wire and to avoid loose connection soldered and check the continuity of the wires and tracks by the multimeter. And then give the supply to the input side of the circuit and checks all modes on output side of the circuit. After completing all modes and operation are works as per our assumption. Hence it is said that proper assembling and testing plays an important role for success of the project.

Efficient control of motor and other electrical devices becomes critical where high precision, accuracy, flexibility; reliability and faster response are of paramount importance. Therefore for efficient control electronics and digital control are employed in which a solid state semiconductor are used. In advance we can use a software programming in which electronics circuit are interfaced with computers. By using software program there is less possibility of irregularity. Advantages of Digital Control 1. Digital control gives the high precision and accuracy. 2. Digital control gives better speed regulation. 3. Digital control gives faster response and flexibility. 4. It gives better time response and improved performance. 5. It has easy software control. 6. It is economical and reliable. 7. The greatest advantages of digital control is that by changing the program desired control technique can be implemented without any change in the hardware

*Features of Softwares *

* * * * *

User friendly. Menu driven option. Vast Database. Online Help Available. High Security Options.

VISUAL BASIC is the super set of BASIC LANGUAGE. BASIC is windows, it provides graphical user interface (GUI). Since it is GUI application build in VB are more attractive. VB was launched in 1997 in which local database and remote data base connectivity is possible. VISUAL BASIC is the fastest and easiest way to create applications for Microsoft windows programming VISUAL BASIC provides with a complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development. VISUAL part return to the method to create the graphical user interface (GUI). Instead of writing various lines of code for creating the appearance and location, we can directly place the object and the screen and set its different properties such as shape, colour etc. BASIC part refers to the BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language VISUAL BASIC has evolved from the original BASIC language and now contains several hundred statements, functions and keyboards, may of which relate directly to the windows GUI. Any beginner can create the application by just learning a few of the keywords. One of the most significant change in visual basic. 6.0 are the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).IDE is a term commonly used in the programming world to describe the interface and environment that we use to create our application. It is called integrated because we can access virtually all of the development tools that we from one screen called an interface. The IDE is also commonly referred to as the design environment, or the program.

Visual basic programs are builds around events. Events are various things that can happen in a program. This will becomes clearer when studies in contrast to procedural programming. In procedural languages, a application written is executed by checking for the program logically through the program statement, one after another. For a temporary phase, the control may be transferred to some other point in program. While n an event driven application, the program statement is executed only when a particular event calls a specific part of the code that is assigned to the event. The code entered in the change event fires when there is a change in the contents of the text box The click event fires when the text box control is clicked. The mouse move event fires when the mouse is move over the text box. CONCLUSION AND SCOPE OF FUTURE WORK In the designing of our projects, we have kept in mind the user . in the implementation part which interacting with the user we had given lot of guideline to user with various massages. Visual basics very good programming languages for implementation of any data base projects because it has powerful control with which you can easily implement various facilities in our projects .the screen are very user friendly.

Scope for future work :This projects can be made online and extend the to Human Machine Interface (HMI) which are from out of station they can Access online data and the process will be very fast.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. Electronics For You (July , 08) The MS Access by Wayne. Visual Basic 6.0 : How to program - by Deital 4. Visual Basic 6.0 in 21 days - by Perry 5. Visual Basic in 30 days - by Krishnan & Sarvanan

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