Back Story Idea

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Name: Demetrius Age: 31 Gender: Male Race: Redguard

Clothing/Armor: Chitin Armor, Bracers & Boots and Redguard Hood. Weapons: Variety of scimitars, occasionally a hunting bow. Magic: Sand (ash spells are used) & Wind, some restoration. Personality: Cold and calculating. Likes: Aggressive negotiations. (Assassinations , extortion and manipulation). Power.

Dislikes: Illusionists & Conjurers. Weak people.

Strengths: Swordsmanship. Politics.

Weaknesses: Greedy.

Hobbies: Hunting game on horseback (with a bow) Reading Stealing

History: Age 6: Demetrius was found wandering in the Alikr desert. He was taken in by the Alikr Coterie and trained in the arts of guerilla warfare and the way of the sword. Age 12: Demetrius was found to have an affinity for magick. In a friendly competition against Kematu, Demetrius suddenly manipulated the wind and lifted Kematu several feet up in the air and smashed him hard into the ground. He has since honed his magickal abilities and uses them to further his swordsmanship.

Age 15: Demetrius had surpassed Kematu in physical and mental strength and ability, because of this he was sent to High Rock in service of a high standing nobleman and politician, Arvin, to expand the Coteries influence. In Arvins service he learned how to act and behave with the elite, and the harsh politics of High Rock taught Demetrius he needed to be cold and calculating to be able to succeed. Arvin taught Demetrius how to read. Age 17: Arvin had become a mentor to Demetrius, and he performed his first aggressive negotiation (read: assassination) for Arvin. This side of politics was one he enjoyed immensely, and he started to take on assassination jobs on the side with the agenda of helping Arvins cause and for gold. Age 20: Arvin found out about Demetrius extracurricular activities. Pleased with his initiative, Arvin sent Demetrius on more negotiations, both aggressive and not. Demetrius was taught in the art of stealing the right items and extortion and how to manipulate people to give him what he want, which he also enjoyed. Age 22: Demetrius killed Arvin to take his place in politics, he was however seen. He fled the city and headed for the Royal Court of Hammerfell to make use of his skills. He was hired by Anora, a staunch opponent of the Empire. Age 29: Demetrius and Anora fell in love and he cut all ties to Alikr Coterie. Age 30: Anora was murdered by Kematu, Demetrius long standing rival in the Coterie, because of Demetrius betrayal. Demetrius continued Anoras political agenda against the Empire (using very aggressive methods) whilst simultaneously searching for Kematu. Age 31: Demetrius found out Kematu was on a mission in Skyrim. Demetrius headed to Skyrim within the week, as this was an opportunity to both weaken the Empire and kill Kematu. (He does not get caught at the border). He sets forth to achieve both goals with aggressive methods in his armor made of leather, chitin and cloth. Events in Skyrim Travels as a diplomatic envoy and stops the prisoner transport to get a ride. Arrives at Helgen, starts considering other options as Ulfric is about to be beheaded. Alduin to the rescue! Follow Ralof Riverwood -> Whiterun -> Decline bleak falls barrow quest Windhelm (pick up dark brotherhood quest) -> Initial trial Foothold in other parts of Skyrim -> Falkreath (tribute) -> Diplomatic relations with Maven Kill Grelod -> Get wine from Maven -> Join Thieves Guild -> Goldenglow estate -> join DB Falkreath -> On the way to Bilegulch mine Stormcloak/Imperial/Dragon attack (Only one survivor last one struck by lightning) -> Bilegulch Mine

Alikr questioning Rayya (follower) -> Kill Alikr Thane (house) -> Courier message to come to Korvanjund follower Korvanjund -> Diplomatic relations in Riften -> TG for Maven, DB has imperial contact Clear out the imperial eastmaarch camp

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