UK Home Office: South Wales MAPPA 2006 Report

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Multi-Agency Public

Protection Arrangements
Annual Report 2005-2006


HEDDLU DE CYMRU for England and Wales

It has been a difficult year for everyone working with dangerous offenders. Several tragic serious offences
carried out by offenders on licence from prison have resulted in an increased level of media scrutiny
around public protection work.

This has been challenging to manage. All the agencies involved have worked hard to provide information
to the media and the public to explain the way in which MAPPA works and, operationally, have continued
to commit efforts to this crucial area of work.

Significantly, the establishment of the MAPPA Unit in Cardiff, which brings operational staff together from
each of the agencies involved in the process is an example of this commitment. We’re hoping that this
model of partnership working will be replicated in other parts of South Wales in the near future.

Locally, it is important that we learn from the experience gained in recent months and continue to
develop our practice and our inter-agency liaison and support to ensure that the people of South Wales
are confident in our ability to protect the public in the future.

Ian Lankshear
Chief Officer South Wales Probation

Barbara Wilding, CBE, QPM, CCMI

Chief Constable South Wales Police

John May
Area Manager, Her Majesty’s Prison Service

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006 1

National Perspective

Gerry Sutcliffe MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Criminal Justice and Offender Management

Making our communities safer and reducing re- In addition to this, however, it is important that no
offending is our highest priority and one of our opportunity is missed to consider other measures
biggest challenges. That is why the work that will further enhance public safety. That is why
undertaken through these multi-agency public we are undertaking the Child Sex Offender
protection arrangements (MAPPA) is so Review, to look at how a particular group of
important. The supervision and management of offenders, who provoke anxiety for many, are
sexual and violent offenders who pose the highest best managed in the community. The review is
risk of serious harm, whether in the community consulting a wide range of practitioners and key
or in custody, is complex and challenging and is an stakeholders including the MAPPA lay advisers,
aspect of public service where the public rightly and will report around the end of the year.
expects all reasonable action to be taken.
Finally, in commending this report to you, I want
Although we have made significant progress in the to take the opportunity to thank all those involved
last five years with the development of MAPPA locally in working with sexual and violent
across England and Wales, the review this year of offenders, or in ensuring that these arrangements
a number of tragic incidents where people have are fit for purpose. Where MAPPA is working well
been murdered or seriously injured reminded us it is based on maintaining high professional
of the importance of reviewing performance, standards and effective multi-agency collaboration
improving practice and learning lessons. It is in the delivery of robust risk management plans.
vital that these tasks are undertaken by the While it is not possible to eliminate risk entirely,
probation, police and prison services, as well as by where all reasonable action is taken the risk of
those other agencies that contribute to the further serious harm can be reduced to a
assessment and management of offenders. The minimum and fewer victims will be exposed to
publication of MAPPA Business Plans by each Area repeat offending.
in this year’s annual reports offers a helpful and
necessary programme of local development and
review and must lead to enhanced practice. It will
be essential that this progress is transparent and
shared with local communities.

2 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006


The Multi-Agency Public Multi-Agency Public

Protection Arrangements Protection Unit (MAPPU)
(MAPPA) Unit
The Multi-Agency Public Protection Unit
The MAPPA Unit was created in September 2005 (MAPPU) in Cardiff was established in 2005 and is
and provides a dedicated, specialist resource to the first of its kind in South Wales. It brings
this crucial work. together police, probation, housing and a
community psychiatric nurse in one office to co-
The MAPPA Manager, Nigel Rees, attends Level 3 ordinate work with high risk offenders.
MAPPPs, that is the meetings held on the 'critical
few' offenders who pose the highest risk, to take The Unit’s Probation manager is Eirian Evans. She
the minutes and ensure the meeting is supported says: “The great thing about the Unit is that it
to actively manage the risk posed by these enables the agencies to build strong working
offenders. relationships which mean that joint working is
effective and meaningful, resulting in a better
Together with the MAPPA Manager, the MAPPA service to the community. Within the Unit we
Administrator, Katie Francis, ensures that MAPPP have access to the systems from each agency that
minutes are distributed expeditiously and that we need to share information quickly and
those who have the crucial information needed to efficiently.
manage the offender effectively are invited to and
attend the meetings. “The biggest benefit that we have gained from the
Unit is that the team, because they are in the
In addition a great deal of work has been same office, can discuss cases and make multi-
undertaken to quality assure the work undertaken agency decisions about risk assessment and
and improve the quality of statistics provided to appropriate interventions that will be appropriate
the MAPPA Strategic Management Board (SMB) to protect the public.
and others. This is important because of the
SMB's strategic link to the wider community “Because of the Unit’s success in Cardiff it is now
through Community Safety Partnerships and the hoped that it can be replicated in other parts of
appointment of lay advisers. South Wales.”

The key statistics provided include the number of MAPPA in action

Sex Offender Prevention Orders, the numbers of
which have risen sharply in the last year, as well as The two key forums within the MAPPA process
the numbers of Level 1, 2 and 3 offenders who are:
have been subject to MAPPA. These figures • Multi-Agency Public Protection Panels
demonstrate that MAPPA is not only about sex (MAPPP)
offenders but also concerned with managing a • Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference
greater number of serious violent offenders, who (MARAC)
pose equally difficult challenges.
There are three levels of risk in MAPPA terms –
The Unit also contributes to the updating of the 1,2 and 3. MAPPPs are convened to manage the
national Police database - ViSOR - which ensures risks posed by the most dangerous offenders,
that the Police across the country are able to those assessed at Level 3 or the ‘critical few’.
share information about dangerous offenders and MARACs manage offenders at Level 2 and
therefore reduce the risk of harm to the public. offenders at Level 1 are managed by Police and
Probation working together without input from
other agencies.

This process is replicated across each of South

Wales’ seven local authority areas.

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006 3


Spotlight on Merthyr Tydfil Tracey Girton

and Rhondda Cynon Taff Team Manager Rhondda Cynon Taff

In her position as Probation Team Manager

Tracey has responsibility for public
TYDFIL & protection. She chairs MARACs for offenders
RHONDDA who require multi-agency intervention, but
TAFF not to the same level of intensity
as those at Level 3.
Swansea Port Pontypridd
She says: “I attend MAPPP
Bridgend meetings so that I am informed
Liz Rijnenberg Cardiff about the risks these offenders
Assistant Chief Officer for pose to the community but my key
Rhondda Cynon Taff and Barry responsibility is for the MARAC
Merthyr Tydfil process. We meet monthly and each
meeting deals with around 12 offenders. Of these
Steve Cooke some will be reviews, meaning that we check that
Detective Chief Inspector Rhondda Cynon we have completed the agreed actions, and some
Taff Division will be new referrals.

Liz and Steve Co-Chair MAPPP meetings. They As Chair my key responsibility is to facilitate the
explain their role: process and make sure that the meeting receives
the information it needs to develop action plans
“We work in partnership to manage high risk that will effectively manage the risk.
offenders, the ‘critical few’, on a case-by-case
basis. It is essential that I am able to build effective
working relationships with the agencies involved
The aim is to assess the case using the shared in the process. I work especially closely with the
skills and knowledge of the partner agencies. This Public Protection Unit of the Police and we
enhances the risk assessment and enables us to ensure that the appropriate people attend
develop management plans which protect the meetings.
public and potential victims. We ensure that
interventions are targeted to the specific risk and Of course, the work of the MARAC process really
needs of the offender in order to maximise the begins following the initial meeting when actions
likelihood of successful rehabilitation. have been allocated to named individuals. The
actions are carried out and reported back to the
On a wider level it is important for us to build following meeting. The aim is to minimise the
close working relationships with each of the other risks posed by this group of offenders and the
agencies who form a part of the MAPPA process. only way that this can be achieved is by agencies
We are working together to achieve optimum working effectively together.”
representation of partner agencies and also to
ensure that we develop closer links with our
Prison colleagues.

One particular issue for us has been ensuring that

there is sufficient, appropriate accommodation for
offenders when they are released into the
community. We have been actively working with
the local authority housing department to try to
make sure that we can progress this in the

4 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006


Approved Beverley Brooks necessary tasks. Denise Thomas, one of the

PP Co-ordinator Rhondda Cynon Taff Local Women’s Safety Workers based in Pontypridd,
premises offer an says: “My main job is liaison. I must have good
Health Board
enhanced level of working relationships with everyone involved in
supervision by: Beverley is involved in the MAPPA process as a the process including the Probation Offender
representative of the National Health Service. Manager, Police, Programmes Unit, partners in
• Imposing a night-time
the voluntary sector and, of course, the victim.
She says: “It is important that we have an
involvement in the management of this group of Building these relationships allows me to evaluate
• Providing 24 hour staffing
dangerous offenders. We understand that the risk from the victim’s perspective as well as
• Undertaking ongoing offenders are a part of the community and that sharing information provided by the victim that
assessment of attitudes they will need to access Primary Care services can be used to help others to manage the
such as general practitioners and hospitals. The offender’s risk.
and behaviour
MAPPA process provides a great deal of
• Ensuring ongoing pro- information that I can share, within the We only work with partners of offenders
social modelling confidentiality guidelines, to make sure that the currently on the IDAP programme, although they
right people are informed. can be current, new or ex-partners. It is known
• Providing a programme of that the programme can lead to an increased risk
regular supervision, In Health we are developing the input that we of violence as the offender must accept, and take
support and monitoring make to the local MAPPA process and are looking responsibility for, his actions which is why the
to improve the contribution made by mental WSW role is so important.”
• Surveillance and ongoing health professionals as we feel that this is crucial.”
police liaison Denise demonstrates how the involvement with
Joanne Hourihan the MARAC can directly assist a victim of
• Reinforcing compliance Chartered Forensic Psychologist domestic violence: “One victim I was working
with bail or licence with had young children and we are not allowed
conditions Joanne works in Probation, on secondment from to interview victims in front of children, for
the Prison Service, to provide expert support and obvious reasons.
• Encouraging attendance advice on the management of high and very high
on, and supporting learning risk sexual and violent offenders to probation She had no family support and was struggling
gained through accredited officers across South Wales. She is involved in the with depression when I met with her so I
programmes MAPPA process and provides psychological discussed her case with my contacts on the
assessments to assist the process of developing MARAC and we were able to arrange for a
• Maintaining contact with action plans for Level 3 offenders. nursery nurse to accompany me. This not only
supervising staff in the facilitated the interview but also meant that the
Probation field teams She says: “When I receive a referral, whether it victim was able to have a short break from the
has originated from a Probation Officer or directly children.”
from discussion at a MAPPP, if appropriate, I read
information about the case and then decide on
the most appropriate assessment. I meet with the South Wales Approved
offender, if they are motivated to do so and use Premises
this information to complete a report.
Probation hostels in Cardiff and Swansea have an
This report is fed back to the MAPPP highlighting important role to play in the management of
risk factors, along with recommendations about potentially dangerous offenders in the community.
possible treatment and, more generally, about
how the offender may be most effectively The hostels house more than 50 residents. Many
managed in the community. These of these are accommodated at the hostel as a
recommendations are then built into the action condition of their licence following release from
plan for that individual.” prison, although residents may also be on bail or
probation. The hostels run to strict rules and offer
Denise Thomas a structured environment for offenders.
Women’s Safety Worker
There are a number of activities that residents can
The role of Women’s Safety Worker (WSW) is undertake during their residency. There is a focus
part of the recent introduction of the Integrated on developing basic skills, such as literacy and
Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP) and they are numeracy and helping them to improve their
involved in the MARAC domestic violence forum personal circumstances through, for example,
to ensure that the victim’s perspective is heard. better money management. Activities concentrate
on developing the self-esteem and victim
The staff appointed to this role have received understanding of offenders and ensure that they
specialist training to enable them to carry out the are safely reintegrated into the community.

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006 5

Strategic Management Board Strategic
Management Board
Janet Chaplin Helen Bennett Kevin Gibbs
Assistant Chief Officer, Probation and Head of Mental Health Nursing, Cardiff and Area Children’s Services
Manager, NSPCC
Giles York Vale NHS Trust
Christine Davies
Assistant Chief Constable, South Wales Police Jobcentre Plus
Joint Chairs of SMB Gwen Roberts
Dick Geen
Head of Planning, Pontypridd and
Cardiff Community Safety
The Strategic Management Board (SMB) is made Rhondda NHS Trust Partnership
up of a wide range of agencies who are a part of Robert Rees
the MAPPA process. The Board, chaired by an “Health involvement in the MAPPA process and Head of Housing Service,
Assistant Chief Constable and Assistant Chief on the strategic management board has increased Neath Port Talbot CBC
Officer from Probation, undertakes the formal during the year. This has provided added value to John Davies
review of the arrangements in place which are partnership working, a broader understanding of Community Safety Partnership
used to assess and manage the risks of offenders the work of MAPPA and opportunities to Co-ordinator
subject to MAPPA arrangements. It also has a role influence the process of protecting the public. Tegwyn Williams
in quality assurance and serious case reviews. Consultant Forensic
Health organisations now have more Psychiatrist, Caswell Clinic
understanding of the public protection processes Alison Lewis
A key part of the SMB is the contribution of Lay
and are currently signing up to a Memorandum of G4S, HMP Parc
Advisers, who are members of the community
Understanding with a duty to co-operate in public Jeff Davison
with no formal involvement in the criminal justice
protection. Swansea Community Safety
system. Their role is to act as a “critical friend”. Partnership
Sean Sullivan
John Dale and Sharon Dixon One of the benefits of partnership working in
Principal Psychologist, Head of
Lay Advisers public protection has been the improved Crime Reduction Unit, HMP
communication and multi-agency working in Cardiff
“We like the description of Lay Advisers as serious untoward events in which health has been Det. Supt. Simon Clarke
‘critical friends’ of MAPPA. We believe it to be a fully engaged. South Wales Police
true reflection of a role that captures the inclusion Tony Young
of the views of the ordinary members of the Future developments include the establishment of Head of Children and Family
public. other public protection teams across South Wales Services, Vale of Glamorgan
of which health will be active participants.” CBC
We have been encouraged to contribute our Pam Harding
Area Manager, Victim Support
views, challenge the views of professionals and
Linda Badman Andy Homer
inform the direction and decision-making
Acting Director, Jobcentre Plus Wales Assistant Director, Operational
undertaken in relation to public protection. Support, Serco Monitoring
“Jobcentre Plus Wales continues to develop the Chris Pike
We feel quite independent of the statutory Housing and Community Safety,
agencies yet are glad that they accept and relationship with other relevant agencies in
Vale of Glamorgan CBC
welcome us. During the year we have visited supporting public protection and managing the
Mal Gay
Prisons, Approved Premises, Domestic Violence risk posed by dangerous offenders. Bridgend Youth Offending Team
Unit in Cardiff, the Public Protection Bureau at Helen Bennett
Police HQ in Bridgend and various MAPPP During the year we have been active in Head of Mental Health
meetings, where we have seen a high level of introducing and supporting adviser awareness Services, Cardiff and Vale NHS
detailed information exchange between agencies training in respect of dangerous offenders and the Trust
and skillful and robust chairing. MAPPA process. Susan Cousins
Executive Director, Safer
Of course we have also attended SMB meetings I am committed to continuing to provide Merthyr Tydfil
and made various contributions both by asking the representation on the MAPPA Strategic Gwenan Roberts
Management Board thereby ensuring Jobcentre Head of Planning, Dewi Sant
‘simple’ question and by making positive
Plus support at both the strategic and practitioner Hospital
suggestions – some of which have been acted on
levels.” Reverend John Dale
and others are subject to further work. We have
Lay Adviser
been pleased to take part in the audit process and
Ms. Sharon Dixon
encouraged by the standard of work revealed. Lay Adviser
Linda Badman
It has, in our view, been a major step forward that Acting Director, Jobcentre Plus
there is now an established MAPPA Unit. We are Wales
glad that funding for this has been agreed for the Nigel Rees
next two years and trust that there will be no MAPPA Manager
difficulty in continuing it.”

6 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006

Strategic Management Board

Paul Tidball, Kevin Gibbs

Janet Wallsgrove, NSPCC Area Childrens’ Services Manager
Andrea Whitfield Vice-Chair of the South Wales Child
Governors of HMP Cardiff, Parc and Swansea Protection Forum

“Protection of the public through the MAPPA “Partnership is the key component in keeping
arrangements remains a high priority for the vulnerable members of our community safe.
Prison Service. This is delivered through effective Agencies and individuals recognise that we can
partnership working with the other Responsible protect and safeguard children much more
Authorities and Duty to Cooperate agencies. effectively when we work together.

All of the prisons in South Wales have processes We welcome the strategic leadership within the
in place to identify, assess, review and manage the South Wales area that sees a joined-up approach
risk of prisoners covered by MAPPA. The Prison to the management of offenders, the safeguarding
Service actively contributes to developing risk of children and young people, the protection of
management plans for prisoners held in, or being vulnerable adults and effective work with the
released from our establishments. The Prison community as the best way to protect the public.
Service is able to provide information and
intelligence related to risk often not evident or The South Wales MAPPA Strategic Management
easily observable in other contexts, a perspective Board has a crucial role in ensuring that practice
that can have a significant impact on risk continues to develop, that agencies learn from
management strategies. each other and that robust measures are
maintained to manage risk within this area. The
This partnership work is now at the centre of all NSPCC and the South Wales Child Protection
our efforts to protect the public. The forthcoming Forum are pleased to continue to play an active
introduction of the Offender Management Model role in protecting children and young people
for prisoners falling under the MAPPA through our commitment to the MAPPA Strategic
arrangements will inform the delivery of targeted Management Board.”
reducing re-offending interventions, which in turn
will contribute to the effective management of
MAPPA offenders in the community.

This collaborative approach to protecting the

public remains a major priority for Her Majesty’s
Prison Service in Wales.”

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006 7

MAPPA case studies

Case study 1 Case study 2

The MAPPA Unit was contacted by a Medical A referral was made to the MAPPP prior to the
Officer, who was supervising a patient subject to a release of a serious violent offender. This referral
hospital order. He was concerned that the patient identified a number of victims and others at risk if
posed a high level of risk and that a forthcoming the offender returned to the local area.
Mental Health Tribunal would direct a return to
the community from secure accommodation. The MAPPP met several times over a period of
nine months and oversaw the offender’s eventual
A MAPPP was arranged and, although there was return to the community. This included a period
no probation supervision of the case, it was of residence in an out-of area Approved Premises,
known that the offender had twice tried to kill moving on to a South Wales Approved Premises,
different children and the police were able to all designed to test his motivation to comply with
bring comprehensive information to the meeting. supervision.

As a result, the Medical Officer discovered During this process, close liaison was maintained
significant information that was not previously between the Approved Premise, Probation
known to medical staff. He was also informed of Offender Manager, Victims Unit, Domestic Abuse
numerous victim issues and that the patient was at Unit and the police. In addition, in the light of
very high risk if he returned to the same area. enquiries made by the MAPPP, referrals were
This would be critical information for the tribunal made to Social Services to manage child
and would support an appropriate release protection issues. Victims were kept fully
decision, together with conditions that would be informed and protective measures were taken by
required to manage any risk posed. the police to minimise the risk.

The Medical Officer also disclosed that the patient The period of licence supervision has now ended
was enjoying town visits in another area and this and, to date, there have been no incidents of
raised the concern of the meeting and the medical violence and no victims have been re-victimised.
staff. The minutes were sent to the MAPPA co-
ordinator of the other area and action is now
being taken to assess the risk posed in the locality
and prepare for the potential resettlement of the
patient into the area. Police in this area have also
taken action to reduce the existing risk to victims.

Without MAPPA it is unlikely that the true level of

risk would have been recognised, leading to
higher risks for both the public and the patient.

8 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006

Statistical information

Glossary of terms Category 1 MAPPA offenders: Registered Sex Offenders (RSO)

• MAPPA Number of RSOs living in South Wales on 31/3/06 680
Multi Agency Public
Protection Arrangements
A Division (Rhondda Cynon Taff / Merthyr Tydfil) 149
• MAPPP C Division (Cardiff) 211
Multi Agency Public E Division (Vale of Glamorgan) 72
Protection Panel F Division (Bridgend) 61
G Division (Neath Port Talbot) 60
To manage the few
H Division (Swansea) 127
offenders who pose the
highest risk to the Number of RSOs per 100,000 of population 63
community – these are
categorised as Level 3 Number of RSOs either cautioned or convicted for breaches
offenders of requirement between 1.4.05 and 31.03.06 22

• ‘Critical few’ Number of:

Those offenders managed Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPOs) applied for 10
through the MAPPP Interim SOPOs granted 1
process Full SOPOs imposed by the courts 10

• MARAC Notification Orders applied for 0

Multi Agency Risk Interim Notification Orders granted 0
Assessment Conference Full Notification Orders imposed by the Courts 0

To manage those offenders Foreign Travel Orders applied for 0

presenting a high risk to Foreign Travel Orders imposed by the Courts 0
the community -
categorised as Level 2
offenders Category 2 – Violent Offenders and other Sexual Offenders
• Strategic Management Number of violent and other sexual offenders (defined by Section 327 (3)(4)(5)
Board of CJA 2003) living in South Wales between 1.4.05 and 31.3.06 437
The Board manages the
MAPPA process and has
responsibility to ensure Category 3 MAPPA offenders: Other offenders
that it is applied
Number of other offenders (defined by Section 325 (2)(b) of CJA 2003)
consistently across South
Between 1.4.05 and 31.3.06 35

• Responsible Authority
Those agencies who are Offenders managed through Level 3 and Level 2
responsible under statute
Number of RSOs managed at: Level 3 - 44
for the Public Protection
Level 2 - 244
Arrangements. They are:
Police, Probation and Number of violent and other offenders managed at: Level 3 - 56
Prisons Level 2 - 297

• Category 1 offenders Number of other offenders managed at: Level 3 - 0

Registered sex offenders Level 2 - 66
• Category 2 offenders Cases where offenders were: Level 3 - 12
Violent and other sexual Returned to custody for breach of licence Level 2 - 51
Returned to custody for breach of restraining order or SOPO Level 3 - 0
• Category 3 Offenders
Level 2 - 6
Other offenders defined by
Section 325 (2) (b) of the Charged with a serious sexual or violent offence Level 3 - 1
Criminal Justice Act 2003 Level 2 - 4

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006 9

Commentary on statistics

Serious further offences Case four

Five of the 707 offenders managed through the A sex offender was released from an extended
MAPPA process committed a serious further prison sentence of eight years. The offender was
offence during this year. directed to reside in an approved premise and
was recalled to prison when he was charged with
Case one an indecent assault that had occurred some four
months earlier.
The offender was resident at an Approved
Premises whilst on an extended licence following MAPPA partners co-operated closely to protect
a four-year sentence for Wounding. He was public safety until recall action could be taken and
subject to a detailed risk management plan that to ensure the offender did not abscond prior to
was fully applied. being charged. The offender is now serving a life
sentence for the new offence.
The offender absconded one week after release,
having failed to return to the hostel by curfew. Case five
Immediate breach action was taken, with South
Wales Police searching the area and visiting all A sex offender undergoing the Sex Offenders
known associates. The victim of the offence was Treatment Programme was closely monitored in
informed that the offender was missing. A few the community. MAPPA partners were aware of
days later the offender used a bottle to attack the the risk posed by the offender and the potential
partner of his ex wife and was arrested at the for further historical offences to be brought to
scene. court. MAPPA partners ensured the victim’s
family knew of the risk posed by the offender but South Wales Police
The offender was subsequently convicted of could not convince them to break contact. Police Headquarters
Section 18 Wounding and sentenced to five years Ultimately, the offender did re-offend. A full Bridgend CF31 3SU
in prison, with extended supervision. review of the case concluded that it had been well Telephone: 01656 655555
The search for the offender demonstrated good Simon Clarke
communication between different areas within In every case where an offender commits a Detective Superintendent
South Wales and responded to the clear plan put Serious Further Offence there is a full review and Public Protection
in place through MAPPA in the event that the any recommendations, changes in policy or South Wales Police
offender failed to comply with strict supervision. learning points are implemented immediately.
This contributed to the protection of victims and
the eventual arrest of the offender. Police, Probation, Prisons and all the MAPPA
partners must manage a number of high risk
Case two offenders in the community and, while it is not
possible to completely eliminate the risk, they can
A sex offender was released from prison after a ensure that 100% effort is put into reducing the
nine-year sentence. He was closely managed and risk of re-offending.
directed to reside in an approved premise. He
was immediately recalled when charged with a
sexual assault upon another resident. NATIONAL
Case three for England and Wales

A offender on life licence was recalled following National Probation Service

an offence of Wounding. Following allegations of South Wales Probation Area
further offences the MAPPA partners co-operated Tremains House
to ensure the offender’s arrest with minimum risk Tremains Road CF31 1TZ
to the public. The Police placed a warning notice Telephone: 01656 674820
about the car of the offender’s girlfriend on their
national computer system. This ensured that the Janet Chaplin
car was stopped when seen and led to the Assistant Chief Officer
offender’s arrest.

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South Wales Police Print Department
Telephone: 01656 869264

10 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2005-2006

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