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8 theSun | FRIDAY APRIL 17 2009

news without borders

‘Twist the truth’ and face the music: Rais

by Tan Yi Liang
to hunt down bloggers, but to ensure
that news was not “twisted”.
ing stability.”
Rais also said the ministry would
should take priority. If there was any
bias, or if any party feels it was unfair,
“We are not looking for people to investigate posts by Malaysians we will investigate.”
KUALA LUMPUR: Bloggers who prosecute, but the Communications overseas and leave it to the Attorney- The lack of coverage of the incident
“twist the truth” should face the music Department under this ministry General’s Chambers to decide on any should not be seen as censorship, he
and be held accountable, says Infor- will look out for news that has been further action. said.
mation, Communication and Culture twisted or untruths. When asked whether investiga- “We prioritise what we should
Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim. “There already is a minimal stand- tions by the ministry would be per- present to the people. There is no
“Anyone who violates the laws ard of monitoring, but the public can ceived as a form of censorship, he said prejudice,” Rais said, pointing out
of this country has to answer for his come to us if they feel they are being it was a question of enforcing the laws that censorship was not limited to the
actions. And there are various laws harmed by acts on the internet which in place. Malaysian media.
that govern the rights of people to intrude into their personal lives.” Speaking to reporters after the He said the ministry was commit-
communicate through the internet,” When asked how the “truth” would ministry’s monthly assembly at Lam- ted to making the prime minister’s
he said. be evaluated in blog posts, he said it is an Budaya, Rais denied that Radio One Malaysia concept a success.
Rais (left) said the Communica- a matter of proof. Television Malaysia had blacked out “Our first goal would be to make
tions Act 1998 would be used to bring “It is very simple. If someone says coverage of the Terengganu State the concept and practice of One
errant bloggers to book. A is corrupt, he has to prove the cor- Assembly boycott on Monday, and Malaysia a success by involving the
“Those who have been maligned ruption, and if he says A is a murderer, said RTM had a right to choose what facilities of the departments in this
by bloggers have the right to report it he has to prove it. If he can’t, he has news it wished to air. ministry.
to us,” he said, adding that a mecha- to answer to the authorities. So one “I leave it to RTM to pick what “We will use these departments
nism would be established to prevent should be careful when discussing news it wants to air. It is just like any to provide information, entertain and
abuse of the system. the personal matters of others, as this other TV station, and the government involve the public in the core aims of
Rais said the ministry was not out ministry is playing a role in safeguard- has the right to air what it thinks the nation.”

Fairus threatens
to tell all if
name not cleared
FORMER Penang deputy chief Elizabeth Wong and former Ke-
minister Mohammad Fairus dah exco member V. Arumugam,
Khairuddin, who has fallen from been victimised, the party had
grace, vows to dig up dirt on Parti chosen to speak out only for the
Keadilan Rakyat and the Pakatan latter two.
Rakyat state government if PKR “They are only exco members,
does not clear his name in two while I am also the deputy chief
weeks. minister, but
Fairus, they (the
who went party) did
into hiding Press Digest not help me,
after res- by Kong See Hoh because
igning the those who
state’s No. 2 victimised
post last month for alleged links me are ‘my own people’ from
to illegal sand quarry activities, the party.”
contacted Nanyang Siang Pau He said the people who had
on Tuesday to convey his mes- suggested he go into hiding were
sage and to clarify accusations also from the party, and their aim
made against him. to spare the party and its de facto
The 33-year-old Penanti state leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
assemblyman, who claimed to unnecessary attacks from detrac-
have been victimised by “his own tors.
people”, said that if PKR did not Fairus said the Malaysian
help him clear his name soon, he Anti-Corruption Commission had
would not discount the possibility yet to charge him for corruption
of calling a press conference to following its investigation into
tell all. allegations against him.
Fairus said the exposé would This was probably because it
concern the inner workings of did not have sufficient evidence
the PR and will have “far-reaching to do so, Fairus said, adding
consequences”. that he was ready to cooperate
He said it was because of his with the commission to clear his
knowledge of these inner work- name.
ings that the party was hesitant He said claims that he had
to take action against him. under-performed and was absent
“I am innocent. They know from government functions were
what I can do. They must not part of a “well-planned scheme to
force me (to do it).” victimise him”, and talk of his lack
Fairus said that although he of service to constituents played
had, like Selangor exco member up by the media.

Job seekers cheated

of RM300,000
A BOGUS job syndicate has cheated 30 people of a total RM300,000 in
introduction fees with offers of employment in England, Oriental Daily
News reported yesterday.
The victims, in their 20s and 30s, realised they had been duped only
after a long futile wait that ended with the agent disappearing.
The victims, “recruited” in three batches, paid between RM5,500
and RM14,800 to secure the non-existent jobs.
The agent, who claimed to work for an employment agency, had
since the end of last year passed the word in Sungai Siput that he was
looking for able-bodied young people to fill a number of vacancies in
The victims lodged police reports when the man could not be
contacted earlier this month.
Some sought the help of Jalong assemblyman Leong Mee Meng to
publicise their case to warn others of the ruse.

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