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Wander Woman:
Finding Peace of Mind While Working at Top Speed
With Marcia Reynolds, PsyD

5 Challenges of Wander Woman

Your greatest strengths are also your greatest weaknesses. The good news is that if you listen to your self-talk, you can hear the beliefs that trigger the unique stressful reactions of being a high-achiever. 1. (External) Confidence 2. (Constant) Need for new challenges 3. Driven by Recognition (loss of self) 4. Belief that experience is their best teacher (rely only on themselves) 5. They have to be great at something (lack of contentment)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using Appreciative Dialogue to Focus on Strengths, not Deficiencies Describe a peak experience where you felt fully alive and fulfilled. What five things did you contribute to creating this peak experience (strengths, gifts, talents, attitudes, emotions, values, unique sense, perspective)?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELAX DETACH CENTER - CHOOSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is it time to say no to? What would you love to prove? What do you want to say yes to? What can you release to be free to follow your passion?




Who Are You as a Smart, Strong, Goal-Driven Woman?

Claiming Your Selves
Exercise: Choosing Your Board of Directors. When you look at the narrative of your life, what characters do you see yourself playing? Step 1 Choose three archetypes that you express most often right now in your life, your three dominant selves. These archetypes are the Board of Directors making your life decisions. Bring them together in one place and you can be Chairman of the Board. The more quickly you identify when you are calling on one archetype, the sooner you can choose to call on another one if you think the results will be better.

Wanderer Warrior Thinker

Pioneer Revolutionary Adventurer

Queen/King Rebel Storyteller

Inspirer Martyr Taskmaster Entertainer Comedian

Hero/Heroine Advocate Coach Mentor Magician

Collaborator Superstar Healer Mother/Father Teacher

Scholar Idealist

Companion Artist

Nurturer Gambler

Step 2 Add two or three archetypes that you feel you own but haven't yet developed (come up with your own names too). Add these to your dominant selves. What part of you have you held back? Is it time to give more of a voice to this part of yourself? When you are struggling with a relationship or life decision, ask your board, one by one, what to do.


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