Setting Up A Reiki Crystal Grid

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Setting Up a Reiki Crystal Grid

One of the most interesting Western techniques that has been married into the world of Reiki is the Reiki crystal grid. Usui Reiki began to rise in popularity at the same time that the New Age was taking off and discovering the healing power of quartz (and other) crystals, so naturally, people began to experiment with them together. A Reiki grid takes four ingredients and makes a new station for healing and blessing out of them: Crystals and their inherent power, plus their ability to store, strengthen, and transmit power; Usui Reiki power; The symbolism of sacred geometry; Your will and intent.

The essence of making a crystal grid could not be simpler. Simply select two or more stones, cleanse them, attune them to Reiki, put them on a surface where they will not be disturbed, and use one of the stones to activate it as a grid. Then put peoples names, situations, pictures, etc. whatever or whoever needs Reiki sent to them continuously under one of more of the stones, continue to charge it up periodically, and recharge it if you move it. Thats all. You have a tremendous amount of freedom in building your grid:

How many stones to use? This depends on what kind of geometric figure you want the
stones to represent. You will need a stone for each arm or fac et of the geometric figure; plus one for the center; plus one to use as a wand to activate them all into a coherent grid unit. If you want to make an equal-armed cross, for instance, you will need six stones: one for each of the arms, one for the center, and one as a wand. If you want to use a five-rayed star, you will need seven stones. The most common grid uses six stones, and arranges six of them in a hexagram or Star of David pattern, plus one in the center, plus one as a wand. This is the most common pattern that is arranged on the expanded Usui-Tibetan symbol known as the antakarana:

How to Set Up a Reiki Crystal Grid

Here is a beautiful grid done as a equal-armed cross with many crystals. Note the heart-shaped stone in the center:

However, you do not need to have a picture of a geometric figure as your base. You can set your stones up on a piece of white paper, or colored cloth, or whatever you feel is best. For the rest of this instruction, I assume you will be using the antakarana with seven stones plus a wand.

What kind of stones to use? Quartz crystals are the most commonly used because they
are reliable for storing, amplifying, directing, and transmitting energies. However, if you want, you can certainly experiment with other stones. Using the tumbled stones in a chakra healing kit would make a nice grid. Where to place my grid? Although of course you will be picking up the central stone to put names, etc. underneath, the grid itself should be disturbed as little as possible when a lot of it is moved, the thoughtform behind it is disturbed and has to be rebuilt. So put it someplace where Kitty wont be batting the crystals across the table.

Selecting and Attuning Crystals

2 How to Set Up a Reiki Crystal Grid

The crystals you select do not have to be big. I commonly use quartz points about as big as the end of a finger. They can be polished/tumbled, but it makes a nice directional feel if they are single-pointed. The center stone is often the one that is tumbled, pyramid shaped, a cluster, or something else that is unidirectional. The wand is often longer and thinner than the others and has a point even if the others do not. You want to cleanse your crystals by rinsing them in cold water, bathing them in salt water, passing them through smudge smoke, or whatever other method seems best; if you are not used to working with crystals, rinsing them in clean water to which youve added a bit of sea salt is safe and effective. To attune a crystal: Activate your Reiki Pick the crystal up. Sense it; using HSZSN, ping it as you were taught in Reiki II, and sense if the spirit of the crystal wants to be used in the grid. Examine the surface for an entry point. One of the facets, or some feature of one of the facets, will feel like an in to the crystal perhaps there will be a little mark, or a hole of some sort, or perhaps you will simply feel intuitively that some part of the crystal is the entry point. Draw the DKM, say it 3 times, tap the entry point 3 times, and blow the DKM into the crystal at the entry point. Sense and feel the DKM energy move into and settle into the crystal. Repeat with CKR. Repeat with SHK. Repeat with HSZSN. Take a moment and hold the crystal between your hands at heart level, in gassho position. Seal the attunement by drawing CKR over the crystal.

You are ready to set up and activate your grid when all the crystals, including the wand, are attuned.

Creating the Grid

Arrange your attuned crystals on the surface you want. If you are using the antakarana or other geometric symbol, place the crystals in a harmonious pattern on the diagram. I like to have the points out to symbolic the energy radiating to all the directions. Other like to have the crystals radiating inward toward the central crystal.

How to Set Up a Reiki Crystal Grid

Take your master or wand crystal. Draw the Reiki symbols, all four of them, over the central stone. Then being making some spiraling motions over it to begin the movement of power. From the central stone, go up to the first point, over to the second, back down to the center stone, then up to the second point, over to the third, and back down to the center stone. Continue this way around the grid. See my video on these motions. When you have the hang of the motion, begin chanting a chant to weave together the energies of all these attuned stones with your intent and with the geometry to create the thoughtform that is the grid the thing that is more than the sum of its parts! Its like you are creating threads of Reiki light that knit the crystals and the geometric form together. A chant I learned is I charge/charge/charge, this grid/grid/grid, with Reiki/Reiki/Reiki. I use that plus I charge this grid with healing, love, and light or I charge this grid with healing and with power. A very powerful activation chant could be the Kotodama song (listen to the recording). When you feel that the grid is fully charged and activated, make a spiraling motion upward into the sky, and then back down to the central crystal. Your grid is now complete.

Clockwise or anti-clockwise? Some masters have you weave the crystals together in an anticlockwise way. I use clockwise because in my other metaphysical workings, clockwise energy spins out and anti-clockwise energy spins in. However, I do not think these other masters are wrong, and I confident that their grids are powerful and highly effective. This web page has instructions for gridding, and gridding for different purposes, along with beautiful, inspiring photographs of grids big and small:

How to Set Up a Reiki Crystal Grid

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