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Chloe Nasr



Lesson Plan Format

Class: Year 7 Key Learning Area: HSIE (History) Date: 7 May 2013 Lesson Topic: Introduction to Ancient Egypt

Time: 9:45am 10:35am (50 minutes)

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson): Students have completed the topic What is History? Students would consequently be able to define history, differentiate between prim ary and secondary sources, understand the role of important people relating to the study of history for example a historian or an archaeologist and would be able to recognise different types of sources for example written, numismatic or archaeological sources. Syllabus Outcome(s): One or two only. Please note the syllabus reference number AND write out in full. Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings. By the end of this lesson, the students will: - Be able to recognise that Ancient Egypt is a very important Ancient Civilisation Be able to describe the main features of Ancient Egypt Be able to determine some unique key terms and definitions relevant to the study of Ancient Egypt. Eg. Pyramids, Pharaoh, Sphinx, etc Be able to identify and locate Ancient Egypt on a map as well as its major cities, surrounding seas, rivers and countries. Assessment: Strategies which will be used to assess learners attainment of learning outcomes. Should be linked to each learning indicator. - 4.4 Identifies major periods of historical time and sequences people and events within specific periods of time - 4.9 Uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts Recalling information from Brainstorming activity and National Geographic clip to help fill in missing information on their worksheets Verbal questioning about Ancient Egypt through Brainstorming activity Students complete Map of Egypt (Worksheet 1) by colour coding and filling in the blanks Students complete Ancient Egypt Glossary/Matching Activity (Worksheet 2) by correctly matching the terms with the definitions. Informal questioning at the end of each worksheet as to the students answers. No formal assessment just final questioning on what was learnt in the lesson today and what they believe will be learnt in this topic

Any safety issues to be considered: - Safe movement around the room when entering class - Placement of school bags within the classroom - Precaution taken around Data Projector, Laptop and cords - Correct use of glue when pasting worksheets in workbooks

Resources: List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation. - Board of Studies NSW (2003). History Years 7 10: Syllabus. Sydney: BOS - Ancient Egypt National Geographic Video: ( - Map of Egypt Worksheet (Sandra Lopes, 2013) - Ancient Egypt Glossary Activity (Sandra Lopes, 2013) - Ancient Egypt Find-a-word (Sandra Lopes, 2013) - Students exercise books, glue, pencils and crayons - Data Projector with access via Macbook (provided by Prac Coordinator) - White board marker and whiteboard (Sandra Lopes, 2013)

Chloe Nasr



Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning (What is Taught): Note key skills, concepts and values addressed in each section. Link to your Indicators of Learning. INTRODUCTION Goals for lesson T to introduce topic area by explaining to Ss what Ancient Egypt is, where it is located and why it is important within the context of Ancient history. T tells students that Ancient Egypt is an important civilization within the Ancient Near East, which is on the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the most important Ancient Civilisations. Ss ability to listen and where possible engage with questions to be addressed Timing (mins) Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: (How it is taught) Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what students (Ss) will do. Resources and Organisation:

5 mins

Ss come in and sit on their allocated seats, T greets students and says prayer/quote of the day Ss own books and equipment Ss sit down and get out books, pencils and write title Ancient Egypt T introduces Ss to topic and explains what the goals are for the lesson. T explains what Ancient Egypt is, why it is important, where it is located and why it is important within the context of Ancient History Ss to listen to Ts introduction and ask questions as appropriate. T reminds Ss to raise hands and asks Ss by name. Data Projector (with Macbook) and Ancient Egypt National Geographic Clip

DEVELOPMENT T assessing prior knowledge that Ss have regarding Ancient Egypt Ss ability to engage in class Brainstorm to be addressed 10 mins T to ask students what they already know including key terms or phrases associated with Ancient Egypt. Ss to respond with T leading the discussion, writing answers on the whiteboard. Ss to write down the answers in their exercise book. Ss to answers may include: Pharoah, Pyramids, Nile River, Cleopatra, Hatshepsut, Mummy, Sarcophagus, Hieroglyphics, Giza, Sphinx, valley of the Kings, Tutankhamen, Mediteranean Sea, desert, wind, Etc Ss own books and equipment Data Projector (with Macbook) and Ancient Egypt National Geographic Clip Whiteboard and whiteboard marker

T assess Ss ability to listen and

5 mins

T will show students a video from youtube, focusing on Ancient Egypt and clarifying what they know

Ancient Egypt National Geographic Video: (

Chloe Nasr remember information from the video T will assess students knowledge of the geography of Ancient Egypt and make sure it is analysed and developed here through the completion of the Map of Egypt worksheet (Lopes, 2013) 10 mins T will assess Ss ability to colour code Map of Egypt worksheet and answers questions appropriately and correctly T will observe Ss working



T to ask if students know where Ancient Egypt is. Expected answers form Ss include: Near East, Northern Africa, Mediterranean Sea and Middle East T to explain the legend on the Map of Egypt (Lopes, 2013). On completion, T will ask studnets for their answers. Expected answers from Ss include: The Capital Of Egypt is Cairo, The main river is the Nile and the country south of Egypt is Sudan.

Map of Egypt Worksheet (Lopes, 2013)

T roves room

Ss to develop key concepts and their definitions for example, what a tomb, mummy and papyrus are. 10 mins

T will utilize worksheet Ancient Egypt Glossary worksheet (Lopes, 2013). T will ask different Ss to read out a definition to the classroom. T will then demonstrate and instruct Ss on how to complete the activity Ss to complete worksheet, on completion T will ask students to share their answers, T will write answers on the board.

Ancient Egypt Glossary/Matching Activity worksheet (Lopes, 2013)

T roves room.

CLOSURE Ss to summarise through a class question/answer discussion of the key points of the lesson in order to solidify the content taught during the lesson Q.What have we learning in this lesson today? Q.Who can define the term Mummy? Q.What are hieroglyphics? Q.What are the Two Seas surrounding Egypt? Q.What is the capital of Egypt? Q.What is the name of the River that runs through Egypt? 10 min T to conclude lesson by summarising the important points of the lesson including where Ancient Egypt is and why it is important. T asks questions to review key Structure concepts as found in Ancient Egypt. Ss respond Ancient Egypt Find-a-word (Lopes, 2013)

Homework to be handed out is a Find-a-word worksheet based on some key terms in Ancient Egypt such as Kingdom, sphinx and temples. T to instruct Ss to write their homework in their diaries T asks student to pack their book and stand behind their chairs, ready to be dismissed by the teacher.

Chloe Nasr

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