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West Yorkshire Area

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2002-3

As the recently appointed Minister with responsibility for

the MAPPA, I am pleased to introduce this, the second,
annual MAPPA report. It is clear that in the last year
(2002/3) the multi-agency public protection
arrangements (the MAPPA) continued to play an
important role in what remains one of this government’s
highest priorities – the protection of the public from
dangerous offenders.

As someone with many years experience of working in

the field of child protection, I am particularly impressed
by the important contribution the MAPPA are making to
strengthen collaboration between agencies at a local
level where the focus is on the dangerous offender.
These improvements must, however, impact on the
protection of children. As the tragic death of Victoria
Climbie showed, an effective multi-agency partnership
is crucial and the MAPPA are an important element.

To ensure greater consistency in the MAPPA across

the 42 Areas of England and Wales, and to prepare for
the implementation of measures contained in the
Criminal Justice Bill, we published the MAPPA
Guidance in April. Building on good practice, that
Guidance clarified the structure of the operational
arrangements as well as the importance of formal
review and monitoring – of which this annual report is a
vital part. The Criminal Justice Bill will strengthen the
MAPPA in two ways. First, it will make the involvement
of other agencies part of the statutory framework.
Second, it will introduce the involvement of lay people –
those unconnected with day-to-day operation of the
MAPPA – in reviewing and monitoring the MAPPA.
Annual reports and this new lay involvement show the
Government’s commitment to explaining how the often
sensitive and complex work of public protection is
The Government is also strengthening the protection of
the public with other measures in the Criminal Justice
Bill. They include new sentences for dangerous
offenders to prevent their release if they continue to be
dangerous. Additionally, the Sexual Offences Bill will
tighten up sex offender registration, introduce a new
offence of ‘grooming’, and enable sex offender orders
to be imposed on violent offenders who pose a risk of
causing serious sexual harm – thereby extending sex
offender registration to them.

I commend this report to you and congratulate all the

agencies and individuals who have contributed to the
achievement of the MAPPA locally in your local Area.

Paul Goggins
Parliamentary Under-secretary for Community and Custodial
provision in the Home Office
The National Picture

This section of the report draws attention to wider

context of the operation and development of the Multi-
Agency Public Protection Arrangements (the MAPPA).
The most important work undertaken within the MAPPA
is done locally, led by the police and probation – who
act jointly as the ‘Responsible Authority’ in your Area –
and in each of the 42 Areas of England and Wales. The
experience and good practice upon which this work is
based began in the 1990s – most significantly as a
result of the closer working relationship required by the
Sex Offender Act (1997). The Criminal Justice and
Courts Services Act (2000) formalised that relationship
and built on the existing experience by requiring the
police and probation services to establish
arrangements (the MAPPA) for assessing and
managing the risks posed by sexual and violent
offenders. The Act also required the Responsible
Authority to publish an annual report on the operation of
those arrangements. This report, covering April 2002 to
March 2003, is the second annual report.
The importance of partnership
Key to the development of the MAPPA in the past year
has been the closer involvement of other agencies,
such as housing, health and social services, working
alongside police and probation. The truly multi-agency
nature of the MAPPA and the collaboration which
underpins it is to be strengthened further by the
Criminal Justice Bill. The Bill will place a ‘duty to co-
operate’ on a wide range of organisations including
local health authorities and trusts; housing authorities
and registered social landlords; social services
departments; Job Centres; Youth Offending Teams;
and local education authorities. In addition, the Prison
Service will join the police and probation services and
become part of the MAPPA ‘Responsible Authority’.
Supporting and co-ordinating the development of the
MAPPA throughout the 42 Areas of England and
Wales, is the National Probation Directorate’s Public
Protection Unit (PPU). This Unit acts as a central point
for advice and, increasingly, involvement in the
management of difficult cases. These include, for
example, UK citizens who have committed serious
offences abroad and return to this country without
anywhere to live. The Unit is also able to provide
financial support when the risk management plans
make exceptional demands upon local resources.
Involving the public
MAPPA developments in the next 18 months will also
include the appointment by the Home Secretary of two
‘lay advisers’ to each Area. The eight Areas of England
and Wales which have been piloting these
arrangements since January (Cumbria, Greater
Manchester, Durham, South Wales, Dorset,
Hampshire, Surrey and West Midlands) report that they
add real value. Lay advisers will contribute to the
review and monitoring of the MAPPA which is
undertaken by each Area’s Strategic Management
Board – the work of which you can read more in this
The purpose of appointing ‘lay advisers’ is to ensure
that communities understand more of what is done to
protect them and that those involved professionally with
the MAPPA are aware of the views of the community.
The lay advisers will not ‘represent’ the community in
the way, for example, that local councillors do, nor will
they be involved in operational decision-making. And,
given the sensitivity of much of what the MAPPA does,
especially with the few offenders who pose a very high
risk of serious harm to the public, it is not practicable for
the general public to be involved. Lay advisers will,
however, ensure an appropriate and a practical level of
community involvement.
MAPPA Offenders
This year the annual report provides a more detailed
breakdown of the number of sexual and violent
offenders who are covered by the MAPPA in your Area.
As last year, the figures include the number of
registered sex offenders. Because sex offender
registration is for a minimum of 5 years (and generally
for much longer) the figures are cumulative. This is why
they have increased – by 16 per cent in England and
Wales. Only a very small proportion (about six per cent
throughout England and Wales) are considered to pose
such a high risk or management difficulty that they are
referred to the highest level of the MAPPA – the Multi-
Agency Public Protection Panels (the MAPPP).
Figures alone do not, of course, tell the whole story.
The anonymised case studies illustrate the practical
work of the MAPPA, and demonstrate the preventive
action which can be taken. Prior to the MAPPA, action
of this kind was mainly taken by one agency alone, with
the effect that on occasion offenders’ behaviour which
might have triggered preventative action went
unnoticed. The multi-agency approach of the MAPPA
helps ensure that if an offender does breach the
condition of the licence under which they were released
from prison or a court order prohibiting certain activities,
then action to enforce the condition or order and protect
the public can be taken more swiftly.
If you are interested in reading the reports of other
Areas, they will be published on the National Probation
Service’s website
(under the public protection section) with all of them
being available once the last Area has published its
annual report in September.
West Yorkshire Area Summary

West Yorkshire comprises an area of 785 square miles

and a population of 2.1 million. The main conurbations
of Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Calderdale and Kirklees
which make up the county of West Yorkshire are
served by West Yorkshire Police, the National
Probation Service – West Yorkshire and five Local

West Yorkshire agencies can feel proud to have been

responsible for pioneering work over the years to
ensure the safety of the community through active
collaboration between the Police, the Probation Service
and other agencies.

As long ago as 1993, Police and Probation in West

Yorkshire made arrangements to bring together
representatives of agencies who were active in Child
and Public Protection, Health, Housing and Victim
Support. This approach to community safety has been
commended nationally and so West Yorkshire was well
placed to respond to new arrangements, which have
recently been introduced through legislation. (Criminal
Justice and Court Services Act 2000 – Section 67 & 68
(multi-agency public protection arrangements –

The legislation imposes a duty on the Police and

Probation Service in West Yorkshire to work together to
protect the public from sexual and violent offenders and
other offenders who may cause serious harm to the

The difficult task of balancing the rights of the individual

against the protection of the public is managed through
the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
(MAPPA). Within this framework, the most complex
cases, normally referred to as the critical few, are dealt
with by the Multi Agency Public Protection Panel
(MAPPP) meetings. The priority must always be the
protection of the public.

A great deal of work is undertaken with those

individuals who are identified as posing a risk to the
public. Within prisons for example, there are
programmes such as the Sex Offender Treatment
Programme, which aims to challenge and redress the
attitude of offenders to their crimes. It is recognised
however, that for some such programmes will have no
direct effect. In these cases it is important to monitor
and supervise their activities to ensure public safety.
Legislation provides for various means to achieve this,
most notably through MAPPA, where the Police and
Probation Services assisted by other agencies can
actively supervise dangerous and sexual offenders in
the community.

Various tools can be and are utilised against individual

offenders where they pose a particular risk. A Sex
Offender Order for example, can direct an offender not
to contact children and to remain away from situations
where children may be put at risk. This is just one of
many options available through MAPPA.

The effectiveness of the legislation and procedures to

manage the risk and activities of dangerous and sexual
offenders is dependent upon a good working
relationship between the various agencies. The public
of West Yorkshire can be reassured that agencies
within West Yorkshire work hard and well together.
Responsibilities of MAPPA
The Police Service is founded on • Ensuring offenders’ awareness between all relevant agencies
the principle that the prevention and of the effects of crime on the who may be involved in the
detection of crime is central to its victims of crime and the public; assessment of risk.
purpose. In recent years, in order to and 3. Risk Assessment. Using this
fight crime effectively the police have • The rehabilitation of offenders. information along with
had to target their resources at the experience from Police,
most active offenders, as well as the Supporting these aims is the further Probation and Victim Liaison
most serious offenders in their statutory duty imposed on the units to identify as specifically
communities. This has required the National Probation Service to as possible the details of the
development of better criminal undertake victim contact work, and risks posed.
intelligence systems that are capable the priorities currently set for the 4. Risk Management. The
of indicating who the prolific National Probation Service by the outcome of the earlier
offenders are, and of assisting in Home Secretary, of which the top functions – a detailed risk
gathering evidence to prosecute three are: management plan detailing
offenders. This intelligence-led the contribution each agency
model of policing has been • more accurate and effective will make in managing the
successfully adapted across assessment and management of risks which have been
England and Wales. The Police risk and dangerousness; identified. At this stage the
Service also has extensive • more contact and involvement method of review is also
experience of working in a variety of with the victims of serious sexual decided. The majority of cases
partnerships in order to prevent and other violent crime; and, can successfully be managed
crime. • The production and delivery of through the normal internal
offender programmes which procedures, but a small
Within the MAPPA framework such have a proven track record in number will be subject to
intelligence and experience is crucial reducing re-offending. multi-agency oversight,
in identifying offenders, sharing reflecting the complexity of the
information, assessing and The Probation Service refers to the risk management plan.
managing risk: the essential MAPPA all those offenders where a
components of effective public comprehensive risk assessment has Our experience to date has
protection work. The Sex Offenders indicated a high or very high confirmed that the most effective
Act 1997 requires that individuals potential risk of harm to the public. public protection work with sexual,
who commit certain sexually related violent and other dangerous
offences are subject to registration, The MAPPA framework has four offenders takes place when other
risk assessment and monitoring. functions or stages: relevant agencies also play their
This responsibility falls to the police part. For example, in the case of a
who have officers dedicated to this 1. Identification. This involves sex offender being released into the
task. The police, where appropriate, referring to MAPPA those community after a custodial
refer to MAPPA those registered sex offenders identified as posing sentence, communication with the
offenders about whom they have a potential risk of harm to the prison may have led to conditions
concerns, or where the indications public. Usually these being placed in the licence
are that a multi-agency risk offenders are identified by the prohibiting the offender from living in
management plan can provide best police or probation services, or visiting the area where the victim
protection of the public. using well researched resides. The MAPPA may have
assessment tools, but decided that accommodation should
The National Probation Service – procedures exist for other be within a hostel environment
West Yorkshire is funded entirely agencies to refer to MAPPA. providing curfews and other
by central government and has five Typically these can include monitoring, and Social Services may
statutory aims: prisons, health services, social have been informed regarding
services, housing and other partners or ex-partners of the
• The protection of the public; agencies. offender.
• The reduction of re-offending; 2. Information Sharing.
• The proper punishment of Ensuring that information is
offenders; gathered from and shared

Other MAPPA Agencies
A number of other agencies are • Local authority: Social Services We anticipate that further
actively involved in MAPPA. In some (child protection) development of MAPPA
instances they are core members of • Health Service (forensic and arrangements will lead to an even
district MAPPA meetings, for others, mental health specialists) closer working relationship in the
such as the Prison Service, they • Victim Services future with these and other partner
attend meetings in regard to specific • Youth Offending Teams agencies.
offenders. Currently MAPPA in West • Accommodation Providers (local
Yorkshire includes the following: authority and others)

• Prison Service


Case Studies

Johnson (not his real name) was In 2000 he was granted parole hostel, he has now been
given a life sentence for the again. Following the decisions of a successfully re-housed in a flat close
manslaughter of a friend in a fight MAPPA meeting attended by a by, within reach of help if it is
following a drinking bout. He has a representative of the local mental needed, but enabling him to live
mental health problem, which leaves health team, conditions were placed independently. The MAPPA
him with a very low threshold of in his licence to ensure he must continues to monitor his case to
anger. reside in a specified hostel for ensure the licence conditions are
people with mental illness; not observed
Johnson was first released on parole consume alcohol; and attend
in 1988, but his licence was revoked psychiatric outpatients
after another violent confrontation. appointments. After a year in the


Ahmed (not his real name) is a Domestic Violence (Duluth) Boyd (not his real name), 49, was
businessman whose wife had programme. sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
concealed the fact that he was for the sexual abuse of his 5 year old
violent to her for over 20 years, A MAPPA meeting reviewed the daughter. The offences had started
because she feared it would case and agreed it was suitable for after his divorce, and occurred
jeopardise their daughter’s chances normal agency management. during contact visits.
of a good marriage. Throughout that However they alerted Social
time he would beat her, sit down to Services to the likely needs of the His wife subsequently alleged that
eat the meal she had prepared, and younger child of the family, who had she had been subjected to marital
then continue to beat her. witnessed the violent abuse of his
rape and physical abuse but she had
been too afraid of him to make a
After the daughter’s wedding, his
complaint to the police.
wife disclosed to police what she While Ahmed is attending the Duluth
had been suffering and Ahmed was programme, the Probation Victim
convicted and given a Community He continued to deny the offence
Liaison Unit will remain in contact
Rehabilitation Order with the and therefore was ineligible to attend
with his wife to monitor his behaviour
condition that he attend the a Sex Offender Treatment
and offer her support.
Programme. While in prison he
began a relationship with a West disclose information to the ministers Written contracts have been drawn
Yorkshire woman contacted through of these churches, to protect children up between Boyd and the churches
a pen-pal agency. She is a attending church activities, and to involved, restricting the activities in
committed Christian. After being ensure that the ministers had some which he may take part to protect the
released to a Probation hostel, he background information in the event children in the community.
married her. of Boyd’s new wife suffering abuse
Boyd is active within local churches and needing support.
and the MAPPA meeting decides to


Williamson, (not his real name) phone, threatening to harm her visitors. The telephone numbers
man in his fifties, was convicted of unless she changed her of his victims are barred by the
serious sexual assaults on a statement. prison so that he cannot contact
number of under-age girls over a them.
lengthy period. The girls were so Williamson was sentenced to 6 When released, he will be liable
intimidated that none dared report years imprisonment. to sex offender registration and
what had happened. Finally one therefore will not only be under
girl was so badly injured that she A MAPPA meeting assessed the supervision of Probation, but also
had to confide in her mother, and risk he presented and decided under continuous monitoring by
that his supervising probation Police.
the other offences came to light.
officer should arrange with the
Before the trial, Williamson tried prison censor’s office to monitor
all his mail, phone calls and
to intimidate a witness over the

Other MAPPA Agencies
Each of the five Local Authority In these cases a risk management of people – and particularly
areas of West Yorkshire conduct plan is reviewed at a meeting of victims;
MAPPA meetings on a regular basis. specialist Police and Probation staff, Restrictions on the type of
These are currently administered by including a representative from the employment they may pursue.
the responsible authority and Victim Liaison Unit. Before the
Failure to keep to any of these
attended by the constituent agencies meeting takes place, information
conditions will lead to enforcement
to MAPPA. from a variety of sources will have
action which may result in custody.
been sought, which is then shared at
Although any member agency of the Standards are imposed rigorously
the meeting in order to inform the
strategic management board can and action is taken as soon as an
risk management plan. In most
refer to MAPPA, in practice the appointment is missed or a condition
cases the potential risk can then be
majority of offenders are referred by breached.
effectively managed through normal
the Probation Service. The MAPPA
agency management which includes Similarly, the Police employ a range
provides a system for ensuring that
documented reviews by the line of measures to monitor the activity
all the available information is
manager and supervising officer. and risk that registered sex
gathered and shared with all the
offenders and others present. Within
agencies which deliver services Where the circumstances of a case
the Child and Public Protection Unit
which contribute to public protection. indicate a public protection need
(CPPU) of West Yorkshire Police, a
which requires exceptional
Effective risk assessment and number of officers and support staff
resourcing, perhaps with actions
management requires the exercise are employed to do this work.
from a number of agencies, it will be
of professional judgement. A variety
referred to a Multi Agency Public When a risk is identified, or the
of validated assessment tools are
Protection Panel (MAPPP) to ensure behaviour of an offender gives rise
applied in order systematically to
that every possible action is taken to to concerns the Officers of the CPPU
assess all offenders subject to
minimise risk and that all the will act to prevent or stop the activity.
supervision. One of the most
agencies participating in the risk The range of options open to them to
important of these is the Offender
management activities understand achieve this are many but may
Assessment System (OASys),
what is required of them. include;
currently being rolled out throughout
both the prisons and National The Probation Service works within Surveillance and intelligence
Probation Service which will ensure National Standards issued by the Arrest and prosecution
consistency of approach, improved National Probation Directorate and Obtaining orders such as Sex
communication and more accurate these ensure that work is of the Offender Orders which place
risk assessments. highest standard. Typically risk restrictions on individual
management plans are very specific. offenders within the Community.
OASys complements the
For example they may include the
assessment mechanisms now used
following considerations or The safety of victims and the wider
by the Police to identify serious
restrictions: community is an ever present
sexual and violent offenders, and is
able to identify dynamic risk factors consideration of the MAPPP. In
A requirement to live at a some cases the MAPPP will
so that these can be targeted in
particular address and observe a consider releasing information about
order safely and effectively to
curfew enforced with an an offender to individuals or groups
manage the risk. This ensures that
electronic tag; in order to protect their safety. This
all offenders are subject to
A requirement to take part in a step is not taken lightly, but
appropriate supervision plans based
programme of work specifically sometimes it represents the most
upon risk, but that in addition, those
designed to prevent further
offenders identified as having the effective means of achieving
potential to cause harm are subject individual and community safety.
Prohibition on making contact
to a risk management action plan
with certain individuals or groups
and must be referred to MAPPA.

Case Study

Barker, (not his real name) a aware of his identity so that they be should he visit their facilities. In
convicted sex offender would often alert to any danger to children. addition, the leisure services banned
visit leisure areas, particularly where Barker from their premises and the
children gathered. The MAPPP A photograph and details of Barker photograph enabled staff to enforce
meeting decided that the staff at was provided to the leisure centre the ban.
these leisure facilities needed to be staff, so that they could alert police

The Strategic Management of MAPPA
A shadow Strategic Management offending. This is intended to protect clearly identified, further measures
Board has now been formed with the people from serious sexual or violent are taken by the agencies
first meeting having taken place in crime. Particular attention is paid to represented on MAPPA. During the
late 2002. The role of the Board is circumstances where a particular past year, these have included:
to review, monitor and where victim, or categories of potential
necessary change the risk victims have been identified. • Provision of intruder alarms in a
assessment and management case of previous and serious
arrangements. The MAPPA only apply where risk domestic violence.
has been assessed as high. • Re-location of an offender to a
The purpose of the Strategic However, all victims of crime receive new neighbourhood.
Management Board is to review and information on, and can comment on • Requiring an offender to stay at
monitor MAPPA (as required by release arrangements for offenders a Probation Hostel on release.
Section 67/3 Criminal Justice and sentenced to 12 months or longer • Arrangements for surveillance
Court Services Act 2000). It is periods of imprisonment. During during early weeks of release.
anticipated that this board will 2003/4, the Probation Board Victim Restrictions on an offender visiting a
include senior representatives of the Liaison Unit provided information in neighbourhood where a victim was
constituent agencies to MAPPA and all appropriate cases. living.
will meet at least four times per year. Representatives of these Units
attend all MAPPP meetings to
The primary focus of MAPPA in provide the victim perspective. In
West Yorkshire is to prevent re- cases where the victim risk is more


Case Study

Jane (not her real name) was just 8 He was subsequently convicted of child on his release. The Victim
years old when she was first abused indecent assault and gross Liaison Officer met with some local
by a man who had a trusted position indecency, and sentenced to 5 years people to listen to their views.
in the local community which gave custody and extended supervision.
him access to families and their The case was brought to a MAPPP
children. When the Victim Liaison Officer met meeting, which was also attended by
with the victim and her family it a representative of the offender’s
Over the next two years, Jane’s became clear that the offence had employers, since he had held a
parents became increasingly impacted not only on them but on public role.
concerned about her behaviour the wider community. The Victim
which seemed totally out of Liaison Unit had arranged for Jane The meeting agreed to place
character. She became withdrawn to have counselling because of her conditions in his licence barring him
and aggressive and her school work very real fear of the offender; her from contact with the victim and her
deteriorated. When challenged she parents felt guilty that they had not family on release from prison, and
eventually confided what the realised what was happening prohibiting him from entering the
offender had been doing. sooner, and they were concerned area in which she lives.
that he might offend against another enabled staff to enforce the ban.

Statistical Information No. of Offenders

i. The number of registered sex offenders on 31 March 2003 1227

ii. The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who were either 18
cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement, between 1 April 2002
and 31 March 2003

iii. The number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for and gained between 1 April
2002 and 31 March 2003

(a) The total number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for 2

(b) The total number granted 2

(c) The total number not granted 0

iv. The number of Restraining Orders issued by the courts between 1 April 2002 0
and 31 March 2003 for offenders currently managed within MAPPA

v. The number of violent and other sexual offenders considered under MAPPA 2329
during the year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 (as defined by section 68 [3],
[4] and [5])

vi. The number of "other offenders" dealt with under MAPPA during the year 1 84
April 2002 and 31 March 2003 as being assessed by the Responsible Authority
as posing a risk of serious harm to the public (but who did not fall within either
of the other two categories, as defined by s.67 [2b])

vii. For each of the three categories of offenders covered by the MAPPA
("registered sex offenders", "violent and other sex offenders" and "other
offenders"), identify the number of offenders that are or have been dealt with

a) MAPPP - registered sex offenders 16

b) MAPPP - violent and other sex offenders 76

c) MAPPP - other offenders 11

viii. Of the cases managed by the MAPPP during the reporting year what was the
number of offenders:

a) who were returned to custody for breach of licence 2

b) who were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining Order or Sex 1

Offender Order

c) charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 0


West Yorkshire Probation Area Address Phone

Assistant Chief Officer (Public Relations) West Yorkshire Probation Board 01924 885300
Cliff Hill House
Sandy Walk

Communications and Public Relations Officer West Yorkshire Probation Board 01924 885300
Cliff Hill House
Sandy Walk

West Yorkshire Police Address Phone

Head of Crime West Yorkshire Police 01924 292388

PO Box 9

Principal Media and Public Relations Officer West Yorkshire Police 01924 292246
PO Box 9
Produced by
West Yorkshire Probation Service and
West Yorkshire Police, 2003 

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