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Galileo didn't rely on his scientific accomplishments to get ahead in the world.

Throughout his career as a scientist, he went out of his way to make sure other people ended up with glory. He dedicated his books, inventions, and discoveries to high ranking people. Even as a scientist, Galileo knew he couldn't merely deal in science, and disregard a world of people. Instead of focusing on his own glory, he realized that other people are after their own glory. And he also knew that without the assistance of certain people, he'd have problems advancing in the world, even with his contributions to science. "I need other people's favor--and I won't gain it just through my scientific work. I need those people, and they won't get on my side just because I discovered this, or invented that. But they will get on my side if I share my glory with them." Actor Charles Grodin once mentioned that back when he was a struggling actor, he took acting classes with an actress who really stood out to him as among the best in the world. And not only was she good at acting, she was also attractive. Nevertheless, her career went nowhere for a couple of years, and then she quit. Her acting and attractiveness weren't necessarily enough to win her worldly success. If she had gained the favor of powerful, influential people, she would've gotten good acting jobs. Instead, she encountered career disappointments, and ended up quitting. Steve Wozniak is highly skilled when it comes to computers, programming, technology, etc. Steve Jobs was not. Nevertheless, Wozniak became partners with Jobs, and together they built a powerful, dominant computer company. Wozniak realized that he needed Jobs, even though Jobs contributed very little when it came to the actual development of the company's computer technology. He knew that, among other things, Jobs would handle the business element. So he was more than willing to share the money and credit with Jobs, and put up with Jobs's unpleasant attitude. He didn't think, "I'm the one developing the technology. I don't need to give so much to a guy like Jobs. I should get the lion's share of money, credit, glory, etc. And if Jobs doesn't agree, I'll replace him with someone who will agree." Wozniak knew that he needed Jobs as much as Jobs needed him, and that his business could be ruined if he formed his own company, and hired a cheaper, inferior version of Jobs to handle certain duties. Nikola Tesla, on the other hand, had a much different approach. He's arguably the greatest inventor ever--but his career didn't always move along so

smoothly. Early in his career, he worked for Thomas Edison's company. Although Tesla's work was first rate and extremely valuable to the company, Edison didn't give him much in the way of money, credit, or advancement. And Tesla, fed up with Edison's treatment, decided to quit--unlike other Edison employees, most of whom were willing to give Edison most of the credit for their work. Not long after that, Tesla was digging ditches for minimum wage, just to get by. He overestimated the importance of doing good work as an inventor, and underestimated the significance of the human world as it related to his career. He felt that what he did as an inventor, engineer, etc. was enough to bring him worldly success. Galileo and Wozniak, on the other hand, didn't make that mistake. Of course, Tesla's career did work out eventually. But he encountered many more problems thorughout it for similar reasons. And again, keep in mind that we're talking about arguably the greatest inventor in human history. His work wasn't always enough to advance him in the world--and again, at one point, he was digging ditches for a living, even after proving himself at Edison's company. The HBO special Talking Funny features four famous, highly regarded stand up comedians talking about their comedy careers. At some point in the special, each person also makes it clear that he's a fan of the other three people's comedy. Four comedians, each praising the other three. But if we were to get the true opinions of those four comedians, we'd probably find that they don't all really love each others' comedy. But by saying "I love the comedy of everyone here," they're advancing their careers. They're scoring points with each other, they're letting other people in the industry know that they're wiling to "play the game," and they're also getting on the good side of the general public. It's very difficult for a comedian to advance in the industry without that type of approach. There's a reason why Galileo, Wozniak, and the four comedians don't think, "All I need to do is my work. I can get away with not playing the game. I don't have to form alliances." It's difficult to get far with that mindset. After losing the US Presidential Election of 1960 and the California Gubernatorial Election of 1962, Richard Nixon's career in politics seemed to be over. The world had moved on from him--and Nixon himself had announced his retirement right after the 62 election, complaining to the media that it had favored his opponent, and adding, "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

And yet, six years later, Nixon became the Republican nominee for President, and he also ended up wining the election. How? It seemed almost inconceivable that Republicans would make him the nominee again. But ha managed to make a comeback in the few years before the 68 election, by doing favors for and forming alliances with a countless number of people, including many Republican politicians. When someone discards the world of others, then even someone like Tesla might end up digging ditches in the prime of his career as an inventor. When someone accounts for the world of others, then even someone like Nixon might become President after having his reputation damaged. There are plenty of talented, marketable rappers in the world. Most will make almost no money and get almost no attention. Rappers Snoop Dogg, Eminem, and 50 Cent have sold 30 million, 100 million, and 40 million albums respectively. Snoop Dogg exploded in popularity after being introduced to the public by the world's most popular rapper at the time: Dr. Dre. Eminem also became extremely popular after Dr. Dre began promoting him. And 50 Cent experienced something similar after becoming aligned with Dr. Dre and Eminem. Right now, there might be 100 little known, active rappers who are as talented and marketable as Snoop Dogg, Eminem, and 50 Cent. There might be 100 little known, active comedians who are as talented and marketable as the ones on Talking Funny. The same goes with actors the caliber of Jack Nicholson and programmers the caliber of Wozniak. Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Craig Ferguson, and Conan O'Brien host notable late night variety talk shows. Based on what I know about the field of entertainment, I think it's pretty absurd to suggest that no one else is on par with those seven people when it comes to hosting late night shows. There might be a 100 or even 1000 active people in the industry who are just as good as the seven mentioned, and who'd have just as much appeal with the public.

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