UK Home Office: Workforce Information Report 10

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Human Resources

Information Report
Contact Details Issue 10 April 2006

If you require further copies of this report, please contact CONTENTS

Stefan Hendry, Assistant HR Manager Workforce
Planning & Information on 020 7217 8556 or by email at: Contact Details 1 Headline Figures 1

If you have any comments on this report, please e-mail Supplementary Notes 2
your comments to: Staff in Post By Staff Group 2
Staffing Ratios 3
Detailed Breakdown of Staff in Post
Headline Figures Operational Staff 5
Support Staff 7
Change in Staff in Post by Area 9
• At the end of Quarter 3 05/06 (1 October – 31
December 2005) there were a total of 20,704.06 FTE Vacancy Levels
staff in the NPS (including NPD and Chief Officers) Operational Staff 13
• 15,073.54 of these staff were employed in an Support Staff 16
operational capacity (72.80%), with the remaining Starters and Leavers
5,630.52 FTE employed as support staff (27.20%).
The overall ratio of operational to support staff in the By Staff Group 22
NPS was 2.68:1 at the end of the quarter By Area 22
• The total number of staff employed by the NPS has By Region 27
increased since last quarter, up by 443.99 FTE or Regional Attrition Rates 29
2.19%. Destination of Leavers 29
• 9 of the 10 Regions in the NPS have reported an Health and Safety 30
increase in staff numbers this quarter. London has
reported the largest increase, up by 6.82% since last
• The national attrition rate for the 12 months to the • The frequency rate of ‘3 day lost time’ accidents has
close of Quarter 3 05/06 stands at 9.09%, which is a risen following two consecutive quarters of decline,
slight increase on the figure recorded last quarter and is up by 5.46% in Quarter 3 05/06. The same
(8.84%). However, the annualized attrition rate is rate for ‘1 to 3 day lost time’ accidents has also risen,
down on the same rate for the previous year (9.86% but is up much more sharply (by 38.32%) from last
for the year from Quarter 4 03/04 to Quarter 3 04/05) quarter
• Active operational vacancies have decreased this • The rate of accidents (calculated as accidents per
quarter, down by 45.22 FTE. Similarly, active support FTE) continues to be relatively steady across the
vacancies have fallen by 22.80 FTE. In both NPS Regions. The rate of accidents/incidents per
categories the majority of Regions have reported FTE in London continues to rise sharply, but as noted
either a decline in active vacancies or a light previously this is due to improvements in reporting
increase. However, London vacancies have rather than any change to the rate of accidents in the
increased in both categories for the third quarter in a Region. The accident/incident rate in the South West
row. This ongoing increase in vacancies in London is region also continues to fall steadily
associated with the planned growth discussed in
previous issues of this report
Page 1
Supplementary Notes
This report covers the period 1 October to 31 December The terminology used within this report is defined as
2005 (Quarter 3), and has been compiled using data follows: -
submitted by the 42 Probation Areas, and the National
Probation Directorate (NPD). The material has not FTE – Full time equivalent.
previously been published.
Establishment – the number of staff for which budgetary
• Data contained within this report on staff numbers provision has been made, which may be subject to
represents a snap-shot at 31 December 2005 revision and reallocation during the course of the year.
• Data from Quarter 2 2005/2006 has been included The systems in a small number of Areas are not set up to
where appropriate for comparison, as well as from report on establishment levels and separate provisions
previous quarters where necessary have been made to collate the relevant information
• The data contained within the report is not directly Vacancy – a post that is being actively recruited to.
comparable with previous data collected through
RDS Probation Statistics Operational Staff – represents those staff whose work
involves direct contact with offenders on a daily basis.
• In a small number of Areas the staff in post figures
are not entirely consistent with the number of starters Support Staff – all other staff employed within the
and leavers in the period. These can be accounted Service. It is acknowledged that some staff categorised
for as follows:- within this group may have some contact with offenders.
- Changes in the working hours of existing Attrition – calculated as the number of leavers/average
employees number of staff in post over the period. At Area level,
- Reorganisation of Area business units that has in attrition includes those who have left that Area but who
turn affected categorization of job groups have remained within the Service. At national level, such
leavers are not included, as they do not represent attrition
- Local adjustments to categorisation of staff into job
from the Service.
groups, and interpretations of the boundaries of job

Staff in Post
On 31 December 2005 there were 20,704.06 FTE staff
Table 1 – Staff in Post by Job Group (Operational)
employed across the NPS (including those employed in
the NPD and Chief Officers).
Quarter 3 Change on Change on
This is an increase in staff of 443.99 FTE (2.19%) on 05/06 Quarter Ye ar
figures reported at the close of Quarter 2 05/06. Senior Probation Officer 1211.16 + 20.26 + 42.51

Tables 1 (opposite), 2, and 3 (page 3) breakdown these Senior Practitioner 374.26 + 15.73 + 12.60
overall staffing figures by job group. Probation Officer 5308.94 + 328.96 + 254.31
Probation Areas – Operational Staff Trainee Probation Officer 1386.71 - 165.40 - 387.51

During Quarter 3 there has been an increase in Probation Services Officer 6235.17 + 146.17 + 611.31
operational staff of 292.03 FTE (1.98%). Increases in Psychologist 19.00 0.00 - 4.00
staff numbers have been recorded in all but two of the
Other Operational Staff 538.30 - 53.69 - 15.61
major operational job groups.
Total 15073.54 + 292.03 + 513.61
The most obvious exception to this general pattern of
growth is the decrease of 165.40 FTE (10.66%) in the
Trainee Probation Officer (TPO) job group. In similar
fashion to the changes seen in the previous quarter, Chart 1 – Ranked % Change in Staff Numbers by Job
almost all of this loss is the result of flow through of Group (Operational, Quarter 3 only)
graduating TPOs to Probation Officer (PO) posts. This is
consistent with the annual recruitment cycle of TPOs, and
Probation Officer 6.61%
their subsequent graduation to PO posts following the 2
year qualification period. Senior Practitioner 4.39%

The wholesale graduation of TPOs to PO posts is Probation Services Officer 2.40%

responsible for the 328.96 FTE (6.61%) increase in

Senior Probation Officer 1.70%
Probation Officer numbers during Quarter 3. There has
also been a less significant knock on effect in terms of Psychologist 0.00%

PO staff being promoted to Senior Probation Officer

Other Operational Staff -9.07%
(SPO) and Senior Practitioner (SP) posts. Staffing levels
in these job groups have increased by 20.26 FTE Trainee Probation Officer -10.66%

(1.70%) and 15.73 FTE (4.39%) respectively since the

Operational Group 1.98%
previous quarter.

Page 2
In addition to the TPO job group, there has also been a
Table 2 – Staff in Post by Job Group (Support)
significant decrease in the number of staff in the ‘Other
Operational’ job group, which is down by 53.69 FTE
Quarte r 3 Change on Change on
(9.07%) since the previous quarter. However the drop 05/06 Quarte r Year
in staff numbers seen in this job group is likely to be
Chief Officer 42.00 0.00 0.00
associated with continued volatility due to inconsistent
or changing interpretations of what staff belong in this Deputy Chief Officer/Director 57.90 + 6.20 + 12.60
‘other’ category. ACO and Equivalent 294.08 + 6.94 + 10.83
The Probation Services Officer (PSO) job group has Area/District Managers or Equivalent 152.60 - 2.65 + 23.00
continued to grow strongly this quarter, with numbers Manager - Section or Function Head 456.63 - 3.52 + 24.95
up a further 146.17 FTE (2.40%) since the previous
quarter. PSO staff in post figures continue to be over Support Staff - Adm inistration 3858.14 + 131.89 + 383.47
10% higher than they were in the same quarter a year Support Staff Other 371.70 + 6.57 + 21.29
Other Specialist W orker 277.48 + 8.33 + 29.38
The number of staff in the ‘Psychologist’ job category Total 5510.52 + 153.76 + 505.52
has remained static during Quarter 3. This is in contrast
to the erratic changes seen in this job group in previous
quarters. Chart 2 – Ranked % Change in Staff Numbers by Job
Group (Support, Quarter 3 only)
Probation Areas – Support Staff
The pattern observed in the support category is similar
to that in the operational category. The majority of job Deputy Chief Officer 11.99%

groups registered an increase in staff in post, but there Support Staff Admin 3.54%
were a couple of exceptions.
Specialist Worker 3.09%
The support group has grown by 153.76 FTE (2.87%)
from figures reported in Quarter 2 05/06. The largest ACO and Equivalent 2.42%

increase, in percentage terms, was recorded in the Support Staff Other 1.80%
‘Deputy Chief Officer’ job group, which is up by 11.99%
(6.20 FTE). This reverses a 7.51% drop in numbers Chief Officer 0.00%

recorded in this job group in the previous quarter.

Section/Function Head -0.76%

There was a further increase of 131.89 FTE (3.54%) in Area/District Manager -1.71%
the ‘Support Administration’ job group, following on
from a similar increase (3.41%) recorded last quarter. Support Group 2.87%

This is a continuation of strong growth in this job group

over the last year, and staff numbers are now up by
11.04% on those reported in the same quarter a year
Table 3 – Staff in Post by Job Group (NPD)
ago. Administration staff allocated to operational
services account for 56.93% of the growth in this
quarter. Quarter 3 Change on Change on
05/06 Quarte r Year
Going against the growth trend, staff in post figures fell Senior Civil Servant 5.00 {1.00} - 1.00 - 8.00
in the ‘Area/District Manager’ and ‘Section/Function
Grade 6 16.00 {1.00} - 2.00 - 12.00
Head’ job groups during Quarter 3. However, the
decreases were relatively minor at under 2.00%. Grade 7 33.00 {13.00} + 1.50 - 44.00

NPD Staff Senior Executive Officer 15.80 {7.00} + 1.20 - 36.60

Higher Executive Officer 11.00 {0.00} + 1.00 - 14.60
Overall NPD staff numbers fell again during Quarter 3,
but only by 1.80 FTE (1.40%). This continues the Exective Officer 16.20 {0.00} - 2.40 - 36.40
contraction in staff numbers in the NPD following the Adm inistrative Officer 13.00 {2.00} + 0.40 - 21.90
wholesale transfer of staff to NOMS recorded in
Adm inistrative Assistant 0.00 {0.00} 0.00 - 1.00
Quarter 1 05/06. In Table 3 the figures in bracket show
the number of secondees included in the staff total. Senior Personal Secretary 2.00 {0.00} 0.00 - 1.00

Probation Boards Personal Secretary 5.00 {1.00} 0.00 - 3.30

Consultants 3.00 - 0.50 - 11.10
At the close of Quarter 2 there were approximately 520
Board Members in post. This figure is for information Total 120.00 {25.00} - 1.80 - 189.90
only, as Board Members are not part of the NPS
means that the ratio of operational to support staff has
Staffing Ratios again dropped slightly to 2.68:1 (including those
employed by NPD), compared to 2.70:1 in the previous
There continues to be only minor fluctuations in the quarter.
ratio of operational to support staff in the NPS.
Amongst operational staff, the ratio of PSOs to POs
Operational staff accounted for 72.80% (72.96% in has fallen after two consecutive quarters of minor
Quarter 2 05/06) of all staff employed by the NPS. This growth. The ratio now stands at 1.17:1 (1.22:1 last

Page 3
quarter). Conversely, after three consecutive quarters The ratio of operational staff to managers has again
of decline, the ratio of POs to SPOs has risen during risen slightly from 14.84:1, to 15.03:1 this quarter.
Quarter 3 05/06 and is up to 4.38:1 (from 4.18:1). Similarly, the ratio of support staff to managers has
increased to 4.49:1 this quarter, from 4.38:1 previously.
Including Chief Officers, but excluding NPD staff, there
were 1003.21 FTE staff in management positions at the When NPD staff are excluded, the overall ratio of
close of Quarter 3 05/06. This is another small increase operational to support staff is 2.74:1, a further slight
of 6.97 FTE on figures from the previous quarter. decrease on the ratio of 2.76:1 recorded last quarter.
However, the proportion of the workforce accounted for However, there are currently no fixed staffing ratios to
by management continues to drop slightly due to much be adhered to, and there is significant fluctuation in the
larger increases in other job groups. Management now ratio employed in different Areas and Regions of the
account for 4.85% of the total NPS workforce (4.92% NPS. For a full breakdown by Area, please refer to
previously). The staff to management ratio currently Table 10 on page 11.
stands at 20.64:1 (20.34:1 last quarter).

Chart 3 – Ranked % Change in Staff Numbers by Job

Group (NPD, Quarter 3 only)

Higher Executive Officer 10.00%

Senior Executive Officer 8.22%

Grade 7 4.76%

Administrative Officer 3.17%

Personal Secretary 0.00%

Senior Personal Secretary 0.00%

Grade 6 -11.11%

Exective Officer -12.90%

Consultants -14.29%

Senior Civil Servant -16.67%

Administrative Assistant 0.00%

NPD Group -1.48%

Chart 4 – Staff in Post by Quarter by Grade Chart 5 – Staff in Post by Quarter by Grade
(Operational) (Support)

6235 3858

Probation Services 6089 Support Staff - 3726

Officer 5968 Admin 3603
5850 3498

5309 460
457 457
Probation Officer
4938 429

1756 1745 372

Trainee Probation Support Staff -
1552 349
Officer Other
1387 329

1211 294

Senior Probation
1191 ACO & Equivalent 290
Officer 289
1174 1172 287

592 277
Other Operational 269
Other Specialist 266
Staff 538
510 253

374 155
370 147
Senior Practitioner
359 359 130

19 58
19 19 56
Psychologist DCO/Director

17 42

Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Page 4
Detailed Breakdown of Staff in Post
Operational Staff
The tables below provide a further detailed breakdown or Region. Please note that a small number of Areas
of the areas of work in which operational staff are have not been able to provide data in this form due to
employed across the NPS (excluding the NPD), shown system limitations, but are continuing to look at ways of
by staff group and Region. remedying this over the coming months. In these
instances, staff have been included under the
The figures are presented as FTE, and as a percentage ‘Fieldwork’ or ‘Other’ categories as appropriate.
(figures in blue) of the total staff employed in that group

Table 4a – Staff in Post by Job Group & Work Area (Operational)







Senior Probation Officer FTE 55.00 213.10 28.70 111.40 64.60 77.23 103.82 49.20
% 4.54 17.59 2.37 9.20 5.33 6.38 8.57 4.06
Senior Practitioner FTE 19.06 57.48 8.01 9.00 9.40 21.00 65.80 10.30
% 5.09 15.36 2.14 2.40 2.51 5.61 17.58 2.75
Probation Officer FTE 159.54 1625.90 206.98 434.51 366.90 55.55 325.15 190.53
% 3.01 30.63 3.90 8.18 6.91 1.05 6.12 3.59
Trainee Probation Officer FTE
Probation Services Officer FTE 1439.36 1017.12 98.67 354.82 494.58 396.71 718.30 295.91
% 23.08 16.31 1.58 5.69 7.93 6.36 11.52 4.75
Psychologist FTE 1.00 1.00 10.00
% 5.26 5.26 52.63
Other Operational Staff FTE 145.82 31.30 1.43 0.00 7.62 265.30 8.76 2.62
% 27.09 5.81 0.27 0.00 1.42 49.28 1.63 0.49
Total FTE 1818.78 2945.90 344.79 909.73 943.10 815.79 1231.83 548.56
% 12.07 19.54 2.29 6.04 6.26 5.41 8.17 3.64

Table 4b – Staff in Post by Job Group & Work Area (Operational)









Senior Probation Officer FTE 14.30 5.00 77.40 38.86 27.05 293.80 51.70 1211.16
% 1.18 0.41 6.39 3.21 2.23 24.26 4.27
Senior Practitioner FTE 4.00 0.00 20.10 98.86 6.00 32.25 13.00 374.26
% 1.07 0.00 5.37 26.41 1.60 8.62 3.47
Probation Officer FTE 30.85 221.45 63.26 147.76 19.40 1351.20 109.96 5308.94
% 0.58 4.17 1.19 2.78 0.37 25.45 2.07
Trainee Probation Officer FTE 1386.71 1386.71
% 100.00
Probation Services Officer FTE 111.85 28.31 59.63 5.25 28.40 904.53 281.73 6235.17
% 1.79 0.45 0.96 0.08 0.46 14.51 4.52
Psychologist FTE 0.00 0.00 3.00 4.00 19.00
% 0.00 0.00 15.79 21.05
Other Operational Staff FTE 3.00 6.00 23.70 12.50 2.00 2.24 26.01 538.30
% 0.56 1.11 4.40 2.32 0.37 0.42 4.83
Total: FTE 164.00 260.76 244.09 1689.94 82.85 2587.02 486.40 15073.54
% 1.09 1.73 1.62 11.21 0.55 17.16 3.23

Tables 4a & 4b: Percentages in blue are calculated as a proportion of the total staff in post within
each job group

Page 5
Table 5a – Staff in Post by Region & Work Area (Operational)







North W est FTE 222.03 260.81 24.75 136.01 64.70 162.84 164.99 73.40
% 9.21 10.82 1.03 5.64 2.68 6.75 6.84 3.04
North East FTE 113.40 319.90 8.80 72.20 72.50 30.10 120.30 40.40
% 11.56 32.61 0.90 7.36 7.39 3.07 12.26 4.12
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 258.95 349.80 183.55 117.74 165.12 102.05 146.67 84.52
% 15.04 20.32 10.66 6.84 9.59 5.93 8.52 4.91
W est Midlands FTE 209.84 659.05 9.40 68.00 121.10 114.84 118.00 62.90
% 12.87 40.43 0.58 4.17 7.43 7.05 7.24 3.86
East Midlands FTE 175.12 276.85 32.03 115.75 86.74 78.80 90.76 81.72
% 12.73 20.12 2.33 8.41 6.30 5.73 6.60 5.94
East of England FTE 185.06 337.37 12.86 68.31 47.24 63.33 130.94 44.43
% 15.08 27.49 1.05 5.57 3.85 5.16 10.67 3.62
South W est FTE 86.20 291.99 26.50 91.91 60.20 68.10 107.22 34.80
% 7.64 25.87 2.35 8.14 5.33 6.03 9.50 3.08
South East FTE 111.46 265.33 8.00 155.55 253.20 86.73 150.90 69.39
% 6.32 15.04 0.45 8.82 14.36 4.92 8.56 3.93
London FTE 265.46 0.00 0.00 49.46 0.00 74.00 158.15 0.00
% 13.98 0.00 0.00 2.60 0.00 3.90 8.33 0.00
W ales FTE 191.26 184.80 38.90 34.80 72.30 35.00 43.90 57.00
% 20.44 19.75 4.16 3.72 7.73 3.74 4.69 6.09
T otal FTE 1818.78 2945.90 344.79 909.73 943.10 815.79 1231.83 548.56
% 12.07 19.54 2.29 6.04 6.26 5.41 8.17 3.64

Table 5b – Staff in Post by Region & Work Area (Operational)








North W est FTE 6.35 46.80 32.16 249.77 31.00 879.02 56.42 2411.05
% 0.26 1.94 1.33 10.36 1.29 36.46 2.34
North East FTE 24.50 16.18 27.60 97.50 6.50 0.00 31.00 980.88
% 2.50 1.65 2.81 9.94 0.66 0.00 3.16
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 24.00 31.21 45.73 144.31 4.00 46.72 17.50 1721.87
% 1.39 1.81 2.66 8.38 0.23 2.71 1.02
W est Midlands FTE 17.10 28.20 29.30 130.30 9.40 18.40 34.10 1629.93
% 1.05 1.73 1.80 7.99 0.58 1.13 2.09
East Midlands FTE 13.40 26.87 15.60 113.40 6.50 105.70 156.90 1376.14
% 0.97 1.95 1.13 8.24 0.47 7.68 11.40
East of England FTE 11.50 14.10 19.30 178.46 1.00 80.00 33.27 1227.17
% 0.94 1.15 1.57 14.54 0.08 6.52 2.71
South W est FTE 12.90 20.20 15.20 130.40 1.00 60.34 121.60 1128.56
% 1.14 1.79 1.35 11.55 0.09 5.35 10.77
South East FTE 18.45 30.50 35.10 207.00 4.25 339.44 28.31 1763.61
% 1.05 1.73 1.99 11.74 0.24 19.25 1.61
London FTE 25.20 18.60 14.20 303.50 19.20 971.00 0.00 1898.77
% 1.33 0.98 0.75 15.98 1.01 51.14 0.00
W ales FTE 10.60 28.10 9.90 135.30 0.00 86.40 7.30 935.56
% 1.13 3.00 1.06 14.46 0.00 9.24 0.78
T otal FTE 164.00 260.76 244.09 1689.94 82.85 2587.02 486.40 15073.54
% 1.09 1.73 1.62 11.21 0.55 17.16 3.23

Tables 5a, 5b, & 6: Percentages in blue are calculated as a proportion of the total staff in post
within each Region

Page 6
Table 6 – Staff in Post by Region & Job Group (Operational)











North W est FTE 185.81 21.56 900.95 226.00 893.03 1.00 182.70 2411.05
% 7.71 0.89 37.37 9.37 37.04 0.04 7.58
North East FTE 79.90 8.00 398.98 77.00 405.40 2.00 9.60 980.88
% 8.15 0.82 40.68 7.85 41.33 0.20 0.98
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 137.70 71.17 630.30 112.61 732.54 0.00 37.55 1721.87
% 8.00 4.13 36.61 6.54 42.54 0.00 2.18
W est Midlands FTE 124.20 31.63 702.10 101.50 596.66 2.00 71.84 1629.93
% 7.62 1.94 43.08 6.23 36.61 0.12 4.41
East Midlands FTE 109.40 9.80 457.07 90.00 620.01 5.00 84.86 1376.14
% 7.95 0.71 33.21 6.54 45.05 0.36 6.17
East of England FTE 104.70 71.70 334.66 145.60 534.31 2.00 34.20 1227.17
% 8.53 5.84 27.27 11.86 43.54 0.16 2.79
South W est FTE 80.70 69.00 371.47 105.00 496.55 1.00 4.84 1128.56
% 7.15 6.11 32.92 9.30 44.00 0.09 0.43
South East FTE 128.03 63.80 556.89 164.00 764.88 2.00 84.01 1763.61
% 7.26 3.62 31.58 9.30 43.37 0.11 4.76
London FTE 195.32 0.00 626.12 256.00 818.33 3.00 0.00 1898.77
% 10.29 0.00 32.98 13.48 43.10 0.16 0.00
W ales FTE 65.40 27.60 330.40 109.00 373.46 1.00 28.70 935.56
% 6.99 2.95 35.32 11.65 39.92 0.11 3.07
T otal FTE 1211.16 374.26 5308.94 1386.71 6235.17 19.00 538.30 15073.54
% 8.04 2.48 35.22 9.20 41.37 0.13 3.57

Support Staff
Amongst support staff, the available information continues to consistently gradually climb, and has
suggests that at the close of Quarter 3 2005/2006 increased by a total of 1.04% since Quarter 1
33.44% were engaged in roles which do not involve 2004/2005. Although these changes continue to be
any direct offender contact. This is a second quarterly relatively minor, this area will continue to be monitored.
increase in this figure (33.24% in Quarter 2 05/06).
The tables below provide a full breakdown of the job
This same group represents 8.90% of the total NPS groups in the support staff category by work area.
workforce, which is a further increase on the position at
the end of Quarter 2 05/06 (8.78%). This figure

Table 7 – Staff in Post by Grade & Work Area (Support)


Information & IT



Training &

& Public





Deputy Chief FTE 29.00 11.20 8.20 0.80 0.60 2.80 0.00 5.30 57.90
% 50.09 19.34 14.16 1.38 1.04 4.84 0.00 9.15
ACO & Equivalent FTE 167.53 19.92 20.39 5.29 3.20 18.50 5.10 54.15 294.08
% 56.97 6.77 6.93 1.80 1.09 6.29 1.73 18.41
Area/District Manager FTE 105.60 3.00 9.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 5.00 19.00 152.60
or Equivalent
% 69.20 1.97 5.90 3.93 0.66 2.62 3.28 12.45
Manager - Section or FTE 214.92 41.96 43.00 17.94 14.89 52.70 20.20 51.02 456.63
Function Head
% 47.07 9.19 9.42 3.93 3.26 11.54 4.42 11.17
Support Staff - FTE 2844.85 180.10 160.80 87.42 28.85 261.26 39.91 254.94 3858.14
Adm inistration
% 73.74 4.67 4.17 2.27 0.75 6.77 1.03 6.61
Support Staff Other FTE 266.82 16.46 13.50 12.00 0.00 38.97 4.69 19.26 371.70
% 71.78 4.43 3.63 3.23 0.00 10.48 1.26 5.18
Other Specialist FTE 11.00 29.91 48.67 14.56 10.70 108.07 13.40 41.17 277.48
W orker
% 3.96 10.78 17.54 5.25 3.86 38.95 4.83 14.84
T otal FTE 3639.72 302.55 303.56 144.01 59.24 486.30 88.30 444.84 5468.52
% 66.56 5.53 5.55 2.63 1.08 8.89 1.61 8.13

Table 7: Percentages in blue are calculated as a proportion of the total staff in post within each
job group.

Page 7
Table 8 – Staff in Post by Region & Work Area (Support)


Information & IT



Training &

& Public




North W est FTE 504.48 38.70 46.00 24.48 9.74 75.70 8.17 146.37 853.64
% 59.10 4.53 5.39 2.87 1.14 8.87 0.96 17.15
North East FTE 221.44 17.24 14.33 11.30 3.50 22.60 0.00 26.30 316.71
% 69.92 5.44 4.52 3.57 1.11 7.14 0.00 8.30
Yorkshire & FTE 477.60 45.15 35.30 17.00 4.20 55.07 9.00 39.17 682.49
Hum berside
% 69.98 6.62 5.17 2.49 0.62 8.07 1.32 5.74
W est Midlands FTE 480.55 35.60 29.45 13.49 10.00 53.80 31.86 25.20 679.95
% 70.67 5.24 4.33 1.98 1.47 7.91 4.69 3.71
East Midlands FTE 286.52 25.70 22.80 11.61 5.10 42.12 10.00 55.41 459.26
% 62.39 5.60 4.96 2.53 1.11 9.17 2.18 12.07
East of England FTE 266.81 16.45 25.70 12.00 4.10 46.38 11.49 34.75 417.68
% 63.88 3.94 6.15 2.87 0.98 11.10 2.75 8.32
South W est FTE 309.49 20.55 23.59 16.69 1.30 43.45 7.40 47.54 470.01
% 65.85 4.37 5.02 3.55 0.28 9.24 1.57 10.11
South East FTE 420.25 28.37 36.79 8.64 6.50 49.48 6.88 24.60 581.51
% 72.27 4.88 6.33 1.49 1.12 8.51 1.18 4.23
London FTE 432.88 56.09 49.60 19.80 12.00 63.40 0.00 25.00 658.77
% 65.71 8.51 7.53 3.01 1.82 9.62 0.00 3.79
W ales FTE 239.70 18.70 20.00 9.00 2.80 34.30 3.50 20.50 348.50
% 68.78 5.37 5.74 2.58 0.80 9.84 1.00 5.88
T otal FTE 3639.72 302.55 303.56 144.01 59.24 486.30 88.30 444.84 5468.52
% 66.56 5.53 5.55 2.63 1.08 8.89 1.61 8.13

Table 9 – Staff in Post by Region & Work Area (Operational)

ACO & Equivalent

Manager - Section
or Function Head

Other Specialist

Support Staff -

Support Staff
Deputy Chief

Manager or



North W est FTE 7.00 38.35 19.50 83.78 522.84 151.53 30.65 853.64
% 0.82 4.49 2.28 9.81 61.25 17.75 3.59
North East FTE 4.00 17.80 10.80 21.52 233.98 0.00 28.61 316.71
% 1.26 5.62 3.41 6.79 73.88 0.00 9.03
Yorkshire & FTE 8.00 35.00 19.80 82.15 507.36 3.56 26.62 682.49
Hum berside
% 1.17 5.13 2.90 12.04 74.34 0.52 3.90
W est Midlands FTE 3.70 34.40 20.80 54.79 514.76 7.70 43.80 679.95
% 0.54 5.06 3.06 8.06 75.71 1.13 6.44
East Midlands FTE 3.00 29.53 0.00 30.10 356.21 7.20 33.22 459.26
% 0.65 6.43 0.00 6.55 77.56 1.57 7.23
East of England FTE 0.00 28.09 0.00 57.69 262.16 43.53 26.21 417.68
% 0.00 6.73 0.00 13.81 62.77 10.42 6.28
South W est FTE 1.50 19.11 33.90 35.85 294.90 45.65 39.10 470.01
% 0.32 4.07 7.21 7.63 62.74 9.71 8.32
South East FTE 16.70 14.20 18.00 57.95 375.96 67.83 30.87 581.51
% 2.87 2.44 3.10 9.97 64.65 11.66 5.31
London FTE 11.00 58.00 0.00 10.00 578.37 1.40 0.00 658.77
% 1.67 8.80 0.00 1.52 87.80 0.21 0.00
W ales FTE 3.00 19.60 29.80 22.80 211.60 43.30 18.40 348.50
% 0.86 5.62 8.55 6.54 60.72 12.42 5.28
T otal FTE 57.90 294.08 152.60 456.63 3858.14 371.70 277.48 5468.52
% 1.06 5.38 2.79 8.35 70.55 6.80 5.07

Tables 8 & 9: Percentages in blue are calculated as a proportion of the total staff in post
within each Region

Page 8
Chart 6 – Regional Breakdown of Staff in Post

North Ea st
North W e st (6.51%) [5.79%]
(16.00%) [15.61%] Yorkshire & Hum be rside
(11.42%) [12.48%]
W e st Midla nds
Ea st Midla nds
(10.81%) [12.43%]
(9.13%) [8.4%]
W a le s
6.20% Ea st of Engla nd
(6.21%) [6.37%] 7.94%
(8.14%) [7.64%]

South W e st 0.78%
(7.49%) [8.59%] London
South Ea st 12.35%
11.33% (12.60%) [12.05%]
(11.70%) [10.63%]

Chart 6: Figures in ( ) brackets denote the national proportion of Operational Staff

employed in each Region. Those in [ ] brackets and marked in red show the same
proportion figure for Support Staff

Changes in Staff in Post by Area

Compared to Quarter 2 05/06, the number of Areas that quarters, and are down by a total of 7.31% since
have achieved growth in staff in post has increased Quarter 4 2004/2005 (17.55 FTE). All other decreases
significantly in Quarter 3 05/06. in staff numbers during the quarter have been by less
than 1.50%
Of the 42 Areas in the National Probation Service, 35
(83.33%) have recorded an increase in total staff Year on year growth continues to be strong and
numbers since the previous quarter. This compares to widespread. 38 of the 42 Probation Areas finished
growth in 27 (64.29%) Areas between Quarters 1 and 2 Quarter 3 2005/2006 with more staff than they had at
of 2005/2006. Overall, the NPS Areas have collectively the close of the same quarter a year previously.
grown by 445.79 FTE (2.22%) since last quarter. Collectively, the NPS grew by 1019.13 FTE across the
12 month period, a year on year increase of 5.22%
The largest individual increase was observed in
Wiltshire, where staff numbers have risen by 19.36% Norfolk has recorded the largest year on year increase,
since last quarter (27.90 FTE). There was also a having grown by 19.05% in the past year. Other
significant increase in Northamptonshire of 9.12% significant increases were recorded in Wiltshire
(19.27 FTE) as well as increases of 6.82% (163.24 (15.44%), Hampshire (12.36%), and Dyfed Powys
FTE) and 6.67% (14.40 FTE) in London and (11.93%).
Hertfordshire respectively. In the case of London, it Of the 4 Areas that have recorded a drop in staff in post
likely that the strong growth comes as a result of a numbers relative to a year ago, the largest decreases
recent recruitment drive which has resulted in inflated are apparent in Lancashire (down 3.88%), and North
active vacancy figures in the previous 2 quarters. Yorkshire (down 2.56%). The only other year on year
At the opposite end of the spectrum, staff in post decreases were observed in West Yorkshire and
figures have fallen by 8.06% (32.86 FTE) in Cheshire Northumbria, but in both cases these decreases were
since the previous quarter. However, much of this less than 1.00%.
decline can be attributed to reporting difficulties, which The strong overall growth in the NPS during Quarter 3
mean that figures for the previous two quarters are 05/06 is consistent with the annual Probation Officer
potentially inaccurate. The Greater Manchester recruitment cycle. In addition, ongoing widespread
Probation Area has also reported a drop of 3.05% in growth in PSO numbers, and significant increases in
staff in post since last quarter, alongside a drop of the ‘Support Administration’ job group have contributed
2.22% in North Yorkshire. North Yorkshire’s staff in to the overall increase in staff numbers in the NPS in
post figures have now fallen for the last 3 the quarter.

Page 9
Chart 7 – Staff in Post by Quarter (Family Group 1) Chart 8 – Staff in Post by Quarter (Family Group 2)

300 270

250 Dyfed Pow ys
230 Bedfordshire
225 Lincolnshire
Norfolk 210
200 North Yorkshire
North Wales
190 Warw ickshire
175 Suffolk
150 170

125 150
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Chart 9 – Staff in Post by Quarter (Family Group 3) Chart 10 – Staff in Post by Quarter (Family Group 4)

480 680

440 640

Derbyshire Avon & Somerset

Durham Devon & Cornw all

360 480 Humberside
Gw ent
Hertfordshire Sussex
320 440 Thames Valley
Staffordshire West Mercia
280 400

240 360

200 320
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Chart 11 – Staff in Post by Quarter (Family Group 5) Chart 12 – Staff in Post by Quarter (Family Group 6)

600 2400

575 Greater Manchester

Essex London
Hampshire Merseyside

Kent 1200 Northumbria

Lancashire South Yorkshire

Nottinghamshire West Midlands

500 1000
South Wales West Yorkshire


425 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Page 10
Table 10 – Staff in Post by Area/Region

Last Quarter

Last Quarter



Change on

Change on
Change on

Change on
Support :

Support :







Cumbria 140.00 49.06 189.06 1 : 2.85 + 10.03 + 17.22 Staffordshire 302.50 118.90 421.40 1 : 2.54 + 0.90 + 6.10
Cheshire 272.35 102.69 375.04 1 : 2.65 - 32.86 + 30.04 W arwickshire 125.20 49.22 174.42 1 : 2.54 + 3.92 + 11.45
Greater Manchester 973.56 366.60 1340.16 1 : 2.66 - 42.10 + 34.89 W est Mercia 263.50 110.59 374.09 1 : 2.38 + 3.20 + 1.40
Lancashire 457.80 119.60 577.40 1 : 3.83 - 4.80 - 23.30 W est Midlands 938.73 401.24 1339.97 1 : 2.34 + 1.19 + 104.17
Merseyside 567.34 215.69 783.03 1 : 2.63 + 18.48 + 6.85 W e st Midla nds 1629.93 679.95 2309.88 1 : 2.40 + 9.21 + 123.12
North W e st 2411.05 853.64 3264.69 1 : 2.82 - 51.25 + 65.70 Bedfordshire 149.60 42.70 1 : 3.50
192.30 + 3.50 + 10.25
Durham 233.50 63.60 297.10 1 : 3.67 + 5.17 + 6.63 Cambridgeshire 178.43 63.75 242.18 1 : 2.80 + 6.60 + 19.06
Northumbria 490.10 180.01 670.11 1 : 2.72 - 0.67 - 4.77 Essex 339.10 136.70 475.80 1 : 2.48 + 15.90 + 43.20
Teesside 257.28 73.10 330.38 1 : 3.52 - 4.12 + 18.23 Hertfordshire 160.90 67.30 228.20 1 : 2.39 + 14.40 + 7.90

North Ea st 980.88 316.71 1297.59 1 : 3.10 Norfolk 217.85 65.82 283.67 1 : 3.31 + 8.09 + 45.40
+ 0.38 + 20.09
Suffolk 181.29 41.41 222.70 1 : 4.38 + 8.41 + 15.14
Humberside 361.20 116.36 477.56 1 : 3.10 + 21.92 + 30.84
North Yorkshire 170.25 52.30 1 : 3.26 Ea st of Engla nd 1227.17 417.68 1644.85 1 : 2.94 + 56.90 + 140.95
222.55 - 5.06 - 5.85
South Yorkshire 470.50 192.20 662.70 1 : 2.45 + 2.40 + 8.70 Avon & Somerset 387.60 137.40 525.00 1 : 2.82 + 3.75 + 31.21
W est Yorkshire 719.92 321.63 1041.55 1 : 2.24 + 21.44 - 10.18 Devon & Cornwall 340.90 151.10 492.00 1 : 2.26 + 28.00 + 44.10
Yorkshire & Dorset 158.60 67.27 225.87 1 : 2.36 + 7.23 + 13.78
1721.87 682.49 2404.36 1 : 2.52 + 40.70 + 23.51
Hum be rside
Gloucestershire 120.06 63.64 183.70 1 : 1.89 + 7.18 + 6.26
Derbyshire 260.00 104.00 364.00 1 : 2.50 + 3.80 + 18.40
W iltshire 121.40 50.60 172.00 1 : 2.40 + 27.90 + 23.00
Leicestershire 367.60 99.20 466.80 1 : 3.71 + 7.20 + 24.80
Lincolnshire 165.35 63.56 1 : 2.60 South W e st 1128.56 470.01 1598.57 1 : 2.40 + 74.06 + 118.35
228.91 + 3.64 + 0.85
Northamptonshire 192.99 37.50 230.49 1 : 5.15 + 19.27 + 18.63 Hampshire 428.20 154.40 582.60 1 : 2.77 + 5.40 + 64.10
Nottinghamshire 390.20 155.00 545.20 1 : 2.52 + 7.20 + 53.08 Kent 358.96 116.41 475.37 1 : 3.08 + 23.14 + 18.41

Ea st Midla nds 1376.14 459.26 1835.40 1 : 3.00 Surrey 195.20 67.71 262.91 1 : 2.88 + 1.46 + 17.73
+ 41.11 + 115.76
Sussex 317.35 84.69 402.04 1 : 3.75 + 22.88 + 38.69
Dyfed Powys 119.26 46.60 165.86 1 : 2.56 + 6.57 + 17.68
Thames Valley 463.90 158.30 622.20 1 : 2.93 + 17.60 + 11.50
Gwent 168.20 88.40 256.60 1 : 1.90 + 23.70 + 21.10
North W ales 187.10 56.20 1 : 3.33 South Ea st 1763.61 581.51 2345.12 1 : 3.03 + 70.47 + 150.43
243.30 - 3.30 + 6.00
South W ales 461.00 157.30 618.30 1 : 2.93 + 14.00 + 57.20 London 1898.77 658.77 2557.54 1 : 2.88 + 163.24 + 159.24
W a le s 935.56 348.50 1284.06 1 : 2.68 + 40.97 + 101.98
NPD 120.00 - 1.80 - 189.90

Page 11
Chart 13 – Ranked % Change in Staff Numbers by Chart 14 – Ranked % Change in Staff Numbers by
Probation Area (Quarter 3 only) Region (Quarter 3 only)

Wiltshire 19.36%
London 6.82%

Gw ent 10.18%
South West 4.86%

Northamptonshire 9.12%

East of England 3.58%

London 6.82%

Wales 3.30%
Hertfordshire 6.74%

Devon & Cornw all 6.03% South East 3.10%

Sussex 6.03%
East Midlands 2.29%

Cumbria 5.60%
Yorkshire & Humberside 1.72%

Kent 5.12%

West Midlands 0.40%

Humberside 4.81%

Dyfed Pow ys 4.12% North East 0.03%

Gloucestershire 4.07%
NPD -1.48%

Suffolk 3.92%
North West -1.55%

Essex 3.46%

NPS 2.22%
Dorset 3.31%

Norfolk 2.94%

Thames Valley 2.91%

Cambridgeshire 2.80%

Merseyside 2.42%

South Wales 2.32%

Warw ickshire 2.30%

West Yorkshire 2.10%

Bedfordshire 1.85%

Durham 1.77%

Lincolnshire 1.62%

Leicestershire 1.57%

Nottinghamshire 1.34%

Derbyshire 1.05%

Hampshire 0.94%

West Mercia 0.86%

Avon & Somerset 0.72%

Surrey 0.56%

South Yorkshire 0.36%

Staffordshire 0.21%

West Midlands 0.09%

Northumbria -0.10%

Lancashire -0.82%

Teesside -1.23%

North Wales -1.34%

North Yorkshire -2.22%

Greater Manchester -3.05%

Cheshire -8.06%

Page 12
Active Vacancy Levels*
Nationally, there were 1309.02 FTE vacancies which FTE (6.53%) operational vacancies that were being
were actively being recruited to in the NPS at the close actively recruited to in the NPS. This is a decrease of
of Quarter 3 05/06. This puts active vacancies at 6.39% 45.22 FTE vacancies since the previous quarter.
of the total available posts. This is a decrease of 68.02
Generally, active vacancies across the majority of the
FTE vacancies during the quarter following two
operational job groups are down. The largest
consecutive quarters of increases.
decreases have been in the ‘Other Operational’, PO,
The majority of active vacancies originate in London, and SPO job groups, where the proportion of active
where they have again increased by 94.50 FTE since vacancies has fallen by 72.30%, 30.23%, and 29.39%
last quarter, to a total of 712.50 FTE. Outside of respectively, relative to the previous quarter. In the
London regional active vacancy levels are generally case of the latter two job groups, this is likely to be as a
significantly down on last quarter, with only a few small result of the widespread graduation of TPOs in October
increases. Excluding London, active vacancies are 2005 to occupy previously vacant PO posts, and the
down by a total of 162.52 FTE across the remaining knock on effect of POs being promoted to SPO posts.
The only significant increase in the operational
As discussed previously, we are informed that the high category has been in the PSO job group, where active
level of recruitment activity in London is the result of a vacancies are up by 16.86% since last quarter. This is
planned 10% (approximately 350 posts) increase in a result of the ongoing drive to recruit PSOs across the
staff for this year, in addition to recruitment required to NPS, which in turn is reflected in the strong growth in
back fill posts left vacant by staff leaving the staff in post figures recorded in this and previous
organisation. Subtracting the activity relating to the quarters.
10% increase would suggest that normal recruitment to
The job group with the highest proportion of active
replace leavers stands at approximately 11.79% which,
vacancies is Senior Practitioner, with vacancies
although high, is comparable with levels previously
equating to 9.97% of the total staff in the job group.
experienced in other Regions nationally.
This is closely followed by both the the PSO and TPO
Operational Vacancies job groups, where vacancies account for 9.29% and
9.22% of total available posts respectively.
At the end of Quarter 3 2005/2006 there were 984.21

Table 11a – Active Vacancies by Job Group & Work Area (Operational)




Total (No




Senior Probation Officer FTE 22.00 1.00 5.90 0.00 6.00 1.60 3.00 2.00 0.00
% 44.53 2.02 11.94 0.00 12.15 3.24 6.07 4.05 0.00
Senior Practitioner FTE 2.30 5.30 5.00 3.25 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 2.00
% 5.55 12.79 12.06 7.84 0.00 0.00 9.65 9.65 4.83
Probation Officer FTE 6.90 3.00 31.98 7.20 29.60 17.30 7.41 8.20 6.30
% 4.81 2.09 22.27 5.01 20.61 12.05 5.16 5.71 4.39
Trainee Probation Officer FTE 121.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 93.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Probation Services FTE 284.90 56.62 35.84 6.50 8.61 7.70 35.50 138.46 6.20
% 47.28 9.40 5.95 1.08 1.43 1.28 5.89 22.98 1.03
Psychologist FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Operational Staff FTE 0.00 3.80 4.40 0.00 3.10 0.00 4.24 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 21.42 24.80 0.00 17.47 0.00 23.90 0.00 0.00
T otal FT E 437.10 69.72 83.12 16.95 47.31 26.60 54.15 152.66 14.50
% 44.41 7.08 8.45 1.72 4.81 2.70 5.50 15.51 1.47

Tables 11a & 11b: Figures in blue show the active vacancies within each work area as a percentage of the
total active vacancies in the job group. Figures marked in red show the number of active vacancies for each
job group as a percentage of the total posts available in the job group. Italicised figures in the ‘Total’ column
indicate the change in vacant posts on last quarter.

* There continues to be a small number of Areas in which the number of active vacancies reported is
greater than the establishment/staff in post figures should allow. Generally, this is as a result of either posts
being recruited to ahead of their formal inclusion in the Area establishment, or where the Area
establishment is in the process of being adjusted/reviewed. Please also note that both Greater Manchester
and West Midlands are currently unable to provide data on active vacancies.

Page 13
Table 11b – Active Vacancies by Job Group & Work Area (Operational)

Vacancies as


a % of Job







Senior Probation Officer FTE 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 2.00 3.40 1.00 49.40 4.16
% 0.00 0.00 2.02 1.01 4.05 6.88 2.02 - 20.56
Senior Practitioner FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.40 0.20 0.00 0.00 41.45 9.97
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.15 0.48 0.00 0.00 - 7.55
Probation Officer FTE 0.50 11.40 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.40 10.40 143.59 2.79
% 0.35 7.94 0.00 1.39 0.00 0.97 7.24 - 62.21
Trainee Probation Officer FTE 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 129.50 9.23
% 0.00 3.09 0.00 3.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 + 5.50
Probation Services FTE 1.20 2.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 3.80 14.20 602.53 9.28
% 0.20 0.33 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.63 2.36 + 86.91
Psychologist FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 1.00
Other Operational Staff FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.20 17.74 4.14
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.40 - 46.31
T otal FT E 1.70 17.40 1.50 22.40 2.70 8.60 27.80 984.21 6.52
% 0.17 1.77 0.15 2.28 0.27 0.87 2.82 - 45.22

Table 12a – Active Vacancies by Region & Work Area (Operational)




Total (No




North W est FTE 2.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
% 23.17 7.30 0.00 0.00 34.76 11.59 11.59 0.00 0.00
North East FTE 0.00 3.00 29.00 2.20 5.50 3.00 0.00 4.00 2.00
% 0.00 5.34 51.60 3.91 9.79 5.34 0.00 7.12 3.56
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 1.50 10.40 6.20 10.25 1.00 1.50 8.70 14.00 4.00
% 2.30 15.94 9.50 15.71 1.53 2.30 13.33 21.46 6.13
W est Midlands FTE 0.00 7.89 6.14 1.00 5.00 0.70 0.00 6.20 1.00
% 0.00 26.90 20.93 3.41 17.05 2.39 0.00 21.14 3.41
East Midlands FTE 1.40 4.20 4.78 2.00 9.10 0.20 2.41 0.70 2.00
% 3.04 9.13 10.39 4.35 19.79 0.43 5.24 1.52 4.35
East of England FTE 9.90 2.70 7.50 0.00 1.60 2.00 4.00 4.10 0.00
% 28.45 7.76 21.55 0.00 4.60 5.75 11.49 11.78 0.00
South W est FTE 0.00 12.30 19.00 0.00 5.40 2.10 4.54 8.16 1.70
% 0.00 17.35 26.80 0.00 7.62 2.96 6.40 11.51 2.40
South East FTE 0.00 2.00 7.50 1.50 11.71 13.10 8.50 7.50 2.80
% 0.00 3.11 11.68 2.34 18.24 20.40 13.24 11.68 4.36
London FTE 407.00 16.00 3.00 0.00 5.00 3.00 22.00 108.00 1.00
% 70.23 2.76 0.52 0.00 0.86 0.52 3.80 18.64 0.17
W ales FTE 15.30 10.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
% 52.04 36.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.20 0.00 0.00
T otal FT E 437.10 69.72 83.12 16.95 47.31 26.60 54.15 152.66 14.50
% 44.41 7.08 8.45 1.72 4.81 2.70 5.50 15.51 1.47

Tables 12a & 12b: Figures in blue show the active vacancies within each work area as a percentage of
the total active vacancies in the Region. Italicised figures in the ‘Total’ column indicate the change in
vacant posts on last quarter.

Page 14
Table 12b – Active Vacancies by Region & Work Area (Operational)










North W est FTE 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.63
% 0.00 11.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 + 40.97
North East FTE 0.50 0.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 56.20
% 0.89 0.00 1.78 8.90 0.00 0.00 1.78 - 16.30
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 0.50 6.00 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.00 0.00 65.25
% 0.77 9.20 0.77 0.77 0.31 0.00 0.00 + 0.25
W est Midlands FTE 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 29.33
% 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.00 3.41 0.68 0.00 + 3.07
East Midlands FTE 0.20 4.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 5.40 8.10 45.99
% 0.43 8.70 0.00 0.00 3.26 11.74 17.61 - 5.81
East of England FTE 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 34.80
% 0.00 2.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.75 0.00 - 29.66
South W est FTE 0.00 3.20 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 14.10 70.90
% 0.00 4.51 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 19.89 - 40.31
South East FTE 0.50 2.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.00 4.60 64.21
% 0.78 3.11 0.00 2.34 0.00 1.56 7.16 + 3.01
London FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 579.50
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 + 83.50
W ales FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.40
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 2.00
T otal FT E 1.70 17.40 1.50 22.40 2.70 8.60 27.80 984.21
% 0.17 1.77 0.15 2.28 0.27 0.87 2.82 - 45.22

Table 13 – Active Vacancies by Region & Job Group (Operational)

% of Total Staff
Vacancies as a











North W est FTE 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 4.63 0.00 1.00 8.63 0.60
% 0.00 0.00 34.76 0.00 53.65 0.00 11.59 + 40.97
North East FTE 10.20 0.00 19.70 4.00 21.90 0.00 0.40 56.20 5.42
% 18.15 0.00 35.05 7.12 38.97 0.00 0.71 - 16.30
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 1.20 9.25 15.00 1.00 37.30 0.00 1.50 65.25 3.65
% 1.84 14.18 22.99 1.53 57.16 0.00 2.30 + 0.25
W est Midlands FTE 2.20 1.30 9.60 0.00 16.23 0.00 0.00 29.33 1.77
% 7.50 4.43 32.73 0.00 55.34 0.00 0.00 + 3.07
East Midlands FTE 1.20 2.00 9.09 3.00 24.60 0.00 6.10 45.99 3.23
% 2.61 4.35 19.77 6.52 53.49 0.00 13.26 - 5.81
East of England FTE 3.00 3.80 10.70 6.00 9.30 0.00 2.00 34.80 2.76
% 8.62 10.92 30.75 17.24 26.72 0.00 5.75 - 29.66
South W est FTE 0.00 6.10 30.70 0.00 33.56 0.00 0.54 70.90 5.91
% 0.00 8.60 43.30 0.00 47.33 0.00 0.76 - 40.31
South East FTE 9.60 1.00 24.00 0.50 22.91 0.00 6.20 64.21 3.51
% 14.95 1.56 37.38 0.78 35.68 0.00 9.66 + 3.01
London FTE 22.00 15.50 18.00 115.00 409.00 0.00 0.00 579.50 23.38
% 3.80 2.67 3.11 19.84 70.58 0.00 0.00 + 83.50
W ales FTE 0.00 2.50 3.80 0.00 23.10 0.00 0.00 29.40 3.05
% 0.00 8.50 12.93 0.00 78.57 0.00 0.00 - 2.00
T otal FT E 49.40 41.45 143.59 129.50 602.53 0.00 17.74 984.21 6.52
% 5.02 4.21 14.59 13.16 61.22 0.00 1.80 - 45.22

Table 13: Figures in blue show the active vacancies within each work area as a percentage of the total
active vacancies in the Region. Figures marked in red show the number of active vacancies for each
Region as a percentage of the total posts available in the Region. Italicised figures in the ‘Total’
column indicate the change in vacant posts on last quarter.

Page 15
Of those vacancies that could be broken down to There were small increases in the number of active
particular work areas, the largest section of active vacancies in the ‘Assistant Chief Officer’ and
vacancies is in Programmes at 15.51% of total ‘Section/Function Head’ job groups during quarter 3,
operational vacancies. Community Support and but the most significant increase was recorded in the
Community Punishment are the next largest, ‘Support Administration’ job group as discussed above.
accounting for 8.45% and 7.08% of total operational
The ‘Support Other’ job group is now carrying the
vacancies respectively.
lowest proportion of vacancies, with just 2.28% of
London continues to be the Region with the highest the total available posts vacant (8.50 FTE) at the close
proportion of active operational vacancies, accounting of the third quarter of this financial year.
for 23.38% of total available posts. This figure is much
The majority of active support vacancies continue to
higher than for any other Region in the NPS, with the
occur in the ‘Operational Services’ work area, which
next highest vacancy percentage in the South West
accounts for 37.91% of all the vacancies in the support
Region at 5.91% of total posts. In contrast, active
category. This is another significant decrease on the
vacancies account for just 0.60% of total posts
same percentage last quarter (58.97%), but this is due
available in the North West Region.
to a substantial increase in the number of vacancies
Support Vacancies which could not be broken down into a functional
category (up to 33.67% from 3.25% last quarter).The
At the end of Quarter 3 05/06 there were 324.81 active reasons for this change is a large number of ‘Support
support vacancies in the NPS, equating to 6.00% of the Administration’ active vacancies that have not been
total available posts in the support category (excluding classified, perhaps because they are generic posts, or
the NPD). This is a decrease of 22.80 FTE vacancies have not yet been assigned within the establishment.
on the previous quarter.
As is the case with the operational vacancies, London
The ‘Support Administration’ job group was reported as is the Region with the highest proportion of active
having the greatest percentage of active vacancies at support vacancies. Active vacancies account for
6.97% of total staff in post, following an increase of 16.80% of the total posts available in the support
9.66% (23.63 FTE) in active vacancies during the category in London. This is a slight increase on the
quarter. This was closely followed by the ‘Deputy Chief 16.66% reported last quarter. As mentioned previously,
Officer’ job group with active vacancies at 6.79% of the inflated number of vacancies in London is the result
total available posts. of the recruitment effort to achieve a 10% increase in
The majority of job groups in the support category have staff numbers, in addition to ongoing ‘recruit to replace’
a reduced number of active vacancies compared to the activity
previous quarter. This is reflected in the overall drop in The South West Region has the next highest proportion
active vacancies for the support staff category as a of active support vacancies at 8.15% of total available
whole. posts.

Table 14 – Active Vacancies by Job Group & Work Area (Support)

Information and IT


and Public

Training &

Total (No







Deputy Chief FTE 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 4.00
% 0.00 50.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 - 0.40
ACO and Equivalent FTE 0.00 4.00 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 7.70
% 0.00 51.95 35.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.99 0.00 + 1.50
Area/District Manager or FTE 0.00 8.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.30
% 0.00 97.59 0.00 0.00 2.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 15.30
Manager - Section or FTE 0.00 4.00 3.40 2.50 1.71 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 13.61
Function Head
% 0.00 29.39 24.98 18.37 12.56 7.35 0.00 7.35 0.00 + 1.51
Support Staff FTE 109.35 98.63 8.42 10.90 3.80 1.00 16.50 4.50 15.10 268.20
Adm inistration
% 40.77 36.77 3.14 4.06 1.42 0.37 6.15 1.68 5.63 + 23.63
Support Staff Other FTE 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 1.00 8.50
% 0.00 35.29 0.00 0.00 11.76 0.00 41.18 0.00 11.76 - 23.70
Other Specialist W orker FTE 0.00 3.40 2.00 0.80 1.50 1.80 2.50 1.00 1.50 14.50
% 0.00 23.45 13.79 5.52 10.34 12.41 17.24 6.90 10.34 - 10.04
T otal FT E 109.35 123.13 16.52 15.20 8.21 3.80 22.50 7.50 18.60 324.81
% 33.67 37.91 5.09 4.68 2.53 1.17 6.93 2.31 5.73 - 22.80

Table 14: Figures in blue show the active vacancies within each work area as a percentage of the total active
vacancies in the job group. Italicised figures in the ‘Total’ column indicate the change in vacant posts on last

Page 16
Table 15 – Active Vacancies by Region & Work Area (Support)

Information and IT


and Public

Training &

Total (No






North W est FTE 13.35 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 26.35
% 50.66 18.98 3.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.80 0.00 22.77 - 13.75
North East FTE 0.00 5.40 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.80
% 0.00 79.41 20.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 1.00
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 1.00 20.80 4.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 28.90
% 3.46 71.97 14.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.19 0.00 5.19 - 3.88
W est Midlands FTE 0.00 7.70 1.32 1.00 1.31 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 13.33
% 0.00 57.76 9.90 7.50 9.83 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 + 1.73
East Midlands FTE 0.00 17.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 20.90
% 0.00 81.34 0.00 1.44 0.00 0.00 4.78 4.78 7.66 + 6.50
East of England FTE 0.00 3.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 3.81
% 0.00 86.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.12 - 5.61
South W est FTE 0.00 29.00 0.20 2.90 2.10 1.00 3.50 1.00 2.00 41.70
% 0.00 69.54 0.48 6.95 5.04 2.40 8.39 2.40 4.80 - 9.50
South East FTE 0.00 21.42 0.50 0.00 2.80 0.80 2.50 1.50 1.00 30.52
% 0.00 70.18 1.64 0.00 9.17 2.62 8.19 4.91 3.28 - 19.79
London FTE 90.00 3.00 6.00 11.00 2.00 2.00 13.00 0.00 6.00 133.00
% 67.67 2.26 4.51 8.27 1.50 1.50 9.77 0.00 4.51 + 11.00
W ales FTE 5.00 10.50 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 19.50
% 25.64 53.85 10.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.26 0.00 + 11.50
T otal FT E 109.35 123.13 16.52 15.20 8.21 3.80 22.50 7.50 18.60 324.81
% 33.67 37.91 5.09 4.68 2.53 1.17 6.93 2.31 5.73 - 22.80

Table 16 – Active Vacancies by Region & Job Group (Support)

Manager - Section

Vacancies as a %
or Function Head

Other Specialist

Support Staff -

Support Staff
Deputy Chief

of Total Staff
Manager or

ACO and


North W est FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.35 0.00 0.00 26.35 5.13
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 - 13.75
North East FTE 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.40 4.40 0.00 1.00 6.80 2.10
% 0.00 14.71 0.00 5.88 64.71 0.00 14.71 - 1.00
Yorkshire & Hum berside FTE 0.00 0.50 0.00 1.00 24.90 1.00 1.50 28.90 4.06
% 0.00 1.73 0.00 3.46 86.16 3.46 5.19 - 3.88
W est Midlands FTE 0.00 1.00 2.20 0.11 10.02 0.00 0.00 13.33 1.92
% 0.00 7.50 16.50 0.83 75.17 0.00 0.00 + 1.73
East Midlands FTE 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 11.60 2.00 4.30 20.90 4.35
% 0.00 4.78 0.00 9.57 55.50 9.57 20.57 + 6.50
East of England FTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.31 0.00 0.50 3.81 0.90
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.88 0.00 13.12 - 5.61
South W est FTE 0.00 1.20 3.10 4.10 26.40 2.50 4.40 41.70 8.15
% 0.00 2.88 7.43 9.83 63.31 6.00 10.55 - 9.50
South East FTE 2.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 20.72 2.00 2.80 30.52 4.99
% 6.55 0.00 9.83 0.00 67.89 6.55 9.17 - 19.79
London FTE 2.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 123.00 1.00 0.00 133.00 16.80
% 1.50 0.75 0.00 4.51 92.48 0.75 0.00 + 11.00
W ales FTE 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 17.50 0.00 0.00 19.50 5.30
% 0.00 10.26 0.00 0.00 89.74 0.00 0.00 + 11.50
T otal FT E 4.00 7.70 8.30 13.61 268.20 8.50 14.50 324.81 5.99
% 1.23 2.37 2.56 4.19 82.57 2.62 4.46 - 22.80

Tables 15 & 16: Figures in blue show the active vacancies within each work area as a percentage of
the total active vacancies in the Region. Figures marked in red show the number of active vacancies
for each Region as a percentage of the total posts available in the Region. Italicised figures in the
‘Total’ column indicate the change in vacant posts on last quarter.

Page 17
Chart 15 – Regional Active Vacancy Levels

North Ea st
(5.42%) [2.10%]
North W e st 6.70%
(0.60%) [5.13%] Yorkshire & Hum be rside
4.40% 3.00%
(3.65%) [4.06%]
W e st Midla nds
(1.77%) [1.92%] Ea st Midla nds
4.60% 3.56%
(3.23%) [4.35%]
W a le s
(3.05%) [5.30%] Ea st of Engla nd
4.70% 4.20%
(2.76%) [0.90%]
South W e st 3.90%
(5.91%) [8.15%] London
3.20% South Ea st 19.96%
5.13% (23.38%) [16.80%]
(3.51%) [4.99%] 7.10%

Chart 15: Figures in ( ) brackets show the average active vacancies per quarter in the
operational staff group as a percentage the average number of total available posts
during the last year. Those in red and [ ] brackets show the same figures for support
staff. Figures in blue indicate the regional unemployment rate for comparison.

Chart 16 – Ranked Proportion of Active Vacancies by

Job Group (Quarter 3 only, Operational)

Psychologist 0.00%

Probation Officer 2.79%

Other Operational Staff 4.14%

Senior Probation Officer 4.16%

Trainee Probation Officer 9.23%

Probation Services Officer 9.28%

Senior Practitioner 9.97%

Operational Group 6.52%

Chart 17 – Ranked Proportion of Active Vacancies

by Job Group (Quarter 3 only, Support)

Support Staff Other 2.24%

ACO and Equivalent 2.66%

Section/Function Heads 3.21%

Other Specialist 5.30%

Area/District Manager 5.63%

DCO/Director 6.79%

Support Admin 6.96%

Support Group 5.99%

Page 18
Chart 18 – Ranked Proportion of Active Vacancies by Area
(Quarter 3, Operational)

West Midlands 0.00%

Bedfordshire 0.00%

Humberside 0.00%

Lancashire 0.00%

Greater Manchester 0.00%

Merseyside 0.00%

Northumbria 0.00%

South Yorkshire 0.00%

Sussex 0.00%

Derbyshire 0.84%

Cumbria 1.15%

Essex 1.31%

Devon & Cornw all 1.90%

Dorset 1.92%

Staffordshire 1.94%

Gloucestershire 1.96%

Lincolnshire 2.36%

Cheshire 2.51%

Norfolk 2.51%

Dyfed Pow ys 2.53%

North Wales 2.60%

Suffolk 2.79%

Warw ickshire 2.80%

Nottinghamshire 3.18%

South Wales 3.25%

Gw ent 3.33%

North Yorkshire 3.40%

Kent 3.55%

Thames Valley 3.64%

Cambridgeshire 4.09%

Leicestershire 4.10%

Hampshire 4.78%

Northamptonshire 5.52%

Surrey 5.79%

Hertfordshire 6.89%

West Mercia 6.97%

West Yorkshire 7.60%

Wiltshire 9.13%

Durham 10.16%

Teesside 10.38%

Avon & Somerset 10.73%

London 23.38%

Page 19
Chart 19 – Ranked Proportion of Active Vacancies by Area
(Quarter 3, Support)

West Midlands 0.00%

Bedfordshire 0.00%

Dyfed Pow ys 0.00%

Gw ent 0.00%

Hampshire 0.00%

Hertfordshire 0.00%

Humberside 0.00%

Greater Manchester 0.00%

Merseyside 0.00%

Norfolk 0.00%

Northumbria 0.00%

Nottinghamshire 0.00%

South Yorkshire 0.00%

Sussex 0.00%

Cambridgeshire 0.33%

Staffordshire 0.42%

Essex 0.73%

Warw ickshire 1.01%

Derbyshire 1.98%

Gloucestershire 3.05%

Lincolnshire 3.05%

Thames Valley 3.18%

Lancashire 3.24%

South Wales 3.67%

Devon & Cornw all 4.25%

Durham 4.50%

Wiltshire 4.71%

Teesside 4.94%

Suffolk 5.91%

Leicestershire 6.42%

West Yorkshire 6.62%

Dorset 7.81%

Kent 9.15%

West Mercia 10.03%

North Yorkshire 10.45%

Cumbria 12.49%

Cheshire 13.00%

Avon & Somerset 15.29%

Surrey 16.73%

London 16.80%

North Wales 19.37%

Northamptonshire 21.05%

Page 20
Starters and Leavers
At Area level attrition rates include all leavers, During the quarter there were 957.45 FTE starters
irrespective of whether or not they have transferred (including the NPD) who joined the organisation as
within the NPS, as they represent attrition from that either completely new or returning staff. The ratio of
Area. At a national level however, attrition rate starters to leavers for Quarter 3 2005/2006 is therefore
calculations do not include those who have transferred 1:0.53.
within the Service, as they do not represent attrition
The attrition rate for the 12 month period to the end of
from the NPS as a whole. This also applies to the
Quarter 3 stands at 9.09%, which is an improvement on
figures on starters, where national figures reflect only
the 9.86% recorded for the same period a year
those who are new to or re-entering the Service.
previously (Quarter 4 03/04 to Quarter 3 04/05). This
In Quarter 3 05/06 the attrition rate for the Service as a equates to 1823.63 FTE leavers across the 12 month
whole (including NPD) was 2.48% (506.54 FTE leavers period.
during the quarter). This is an decrease on the attrition
Assuming that the number of leavers in Quarter 4 is
rate at the end of last quarter (2.85%), but is up on the
consistent with the levels seen so far this financial year,
attrition rate for the same quarter a year ago (2.38%).
it is expected that at year end the attrition rate for

Table 17 – Starters & Leavers by Job Group (Operational)

Attrition Rate (%)


Change on Last
Starters (FTE)

Leavers (FTE)
% Transfers

% Transfers
Number of
Number of

Ratio of

Senior Probation Officer 12.60 47.62 17.00 35.29 1 : 1.35 1.42 - 0.23
Senior Practitioner 0.50 0.00 2.00 0.00 1 : 4.00 0.55 - 1.24
Probation Officer 44.20 65.84 137.07 17.51 1 : 3.10 2.66 + 0.44
Trainee Probation Officer 241.00 3.32 19.00 10.53 1 : 0.08 1.29 - 0.36
Probation Services Officer 321.85 2.12 169.96 11.12 1 : 0.53 2.76 - 0.09
Psychologist 0.00 0.00 1.00 100.00 - 5.26 - 0.29
Other Operational Staff 26.52 6.79 13.22 0.00 1 : 0.50 2.34 + 0.55

T otal: 646.67 8.00 359.25 14.45 1 : 0.56 2.41 + 0.06

Table 18 – Starters & Leavers by Job Group (Support)

Attrition Rate (%)

Change on Last
Starters (FTE)

Leavers (FTE)
% Transfers

% Transfers
Number of
Number of

Ratio of


Deputy Chief Officer/Director 5.00 40.00 1.00 0.00 1 : 0.20 1.82 - 5.91
ACO & Equivalent 7.00 57.14 7.50 40.00 1 : 1.07 2.58 - 0.21
Area/District Manager or Equivalent 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 : 0.00 0.00 - 6.44
Manager - Section or Function Head 6.24 16.03 7.34 0.00 1 : 1.18 1.60 - 2.68
Support Staff - Adm inistration 292.18 1.70 145.68 2.40 1 : 0.50 3.84 - 4.31
Support Staff Other 39.70 2.52 21.37 0.00 1 : 0.54 5.80 + 0.05
Other Specialist W orker 6.34 15.77 4.80 0.00 1 : 0.76 1.76 - 5.38
Support Staff T otal 357.46 3.91 187.69 3.46 1 : 0.53 3.45 - 3.80

Table 17 & 18: All starters and leavers totals include those staff transferring within the
NPS. Figures marked in red indicate where the ratio of starters to leavers shows a net
loss in staff, or where the attrition rate is higher than the national average for the job
category. Figures in green indicate the opposite.

Page 21
2005/2006 will stand at 9.47%. This would be a 0.59% there were 138.63 FTE (22.05% of total leavers) who
decrease on the attrition rate for the previous financial transferred internally and were retained within the
year (10.06% for 2004/2005). service.
By Job Group In the same 12 month period there were a total of
269.40 FTE starters in the Probation Officer grades, of
Amongst Probation Officer grades (including Senior whom 118.43 FTE (a minority of 43.96%) were new to
Probation Officers and Senior Practitioners) the attrition the service, or were returning following a break in
rate in Quarter 3 2005/2006 was 1.88%, equating to service. This means that the ratio of starters to leavers
126.07 FTE leavers. This is a decrease of 0.21% on for the previous 12 month period was 1 starter for every
the previous quarter (2.09%). 4.14 leavers.
The actual total number of leavers from the Probation However, this does not include internal transfers as
Officer grades during Quarter 3 was 156.07 FTE. discussed above. When included, the total number of
However, of these 30.00 FTE (19.22%) were transfers leavers for the 12 month period is 556.63 FTE, versus
between Areas, and were retained within the Service. 802.43 total starters. This provides a growth ratio of 1
During Quarter 3 05/06 there were a total of 57.30 FTE starter for every 0.69 leavers, which is consistent with
starters across the Probation Officer grades. The the growth in staff in post seen across the 12 month
majority of these starters were transfers within the period.
service, with only 22.20 FTE (38.74%) being new to the Analysis of the rolling annual attrition rates by grade
service or returning following a break in service. (shown in Charts 20 and 21) show that the picture
Based on raw figures for starters and leavers remains relatively steady in the main operational
(excluding transfers between Areas) there continues to grades, and that there continues to be a slight
be a net loss of staff from the Probation Officer grades. downward trend in the majority of support grades.
The current ratio of starters to leavers stands at 1 The attrition rate in the ‘Psychologist’ job group has
starter for every 5.68 leavers. continued to decline following rapid rises in previous
However, the ratio based on the raw starters and quarters. The continuing volatility of this job group owes
leavers figures does not take account of the transfers mostly to the small numbers covered.
within an Area. Such transfers cover promotions In the support category, there has been sharp
amongst Probation Officer Grades, and the graduation increases in the annualized attrition rate in the ‘Support
of Trainees to Probation Officer post. Other’ and ‘Deputy Chief Officer’ job groups, which are
When these transfers are taken into account, the total up by 12.05% and 11.01% respectively.
number of leavers from the Probation Officer grades
By Area
during the quarter was 139.07, against a total of 490.20
starters (a ratio of 1 starter for every 0.28 leavers). This The growth in staff in post figures during Quarter 3 is
is consistent with the large increases in staff numbers consistent with the starter to leaver ratios in the Areas
recorded in the PO and SPO grades this quarter. Most and NPS as a whole. Of the 42 NPS Areas, 35 reported
of the additional staff coming into the Probation Officer that their starters were either exceeding or meeting the
grades are graduating TPOs, with 466.00 FTE transfers number of leavers.
during the quarter.
The attrition rate for the 12 month period ending 31
December 2005 for Probation Officer grades (inclusive
as above) stands at 7.41%. This equates to 490.13
FTE leavers in the 12 month period. In addition to this

Chart 20 – Rolling Annual Attrition Rate by Grade Chart 21 – Rolling Annual Attrition Rate by Grade
(Operational) (Support)

35% 35%

30% 30%

25% Senior Probation Officer 25% DCO/Directors

Senior Practitioner ACO
20% Probation Officer 20% Area/District Managers
Trainee Probation Officer Section or Function Heads
15% Probation Services Officer 15% Support Staff Admin
Psychologist Support Staff Others
10% Other Operational Staff 10% Other Specialists

5% 5%

0% 0%
Q4 04/05 Q1 05/06 Q2 05/06 Q3 05/06 Q4 04/05 Q1 05/06 Q2 05/06 Q3 05/06

Page 22
Table 19a – Starters & Leavers Summary by Area & Family Group

Attrition Rate (%)


Change on Last
Starters (FTE)

Leavers (FTE)
% Transfers

% Transfers
Number of
Number of

Ratio of

Cum bria 17.60 11.36 7.46 13.40 1 : 0.42 4.05 + 0.55
Dyfed Powys 7.60 21.05 3.00 0.00 1 : 0.39 1.85 + 0.42
Gloucestershire 9.77 0.00 5.50 36.36 1 : 0.56 3.05 - 1.59
Lincolnshire 9.02 6.65 5.46 18.32 1 : 0.61 2.40 - 1.64
Norfolk 17.00 0.00 5.00 20.00 1 : 0.29 1.79 - 2.62
North Yorkshire 7.50 13.33 8.20 12.20 1 : 1.09 3.64 - 0.07
North W ales 2.50 40.00 5.80 0.00 1 : 2.32 2.37 - 0.31
Suffolk 13.30 7.52 4.10 12.20 1 : 0.31 1.88 - 2.85
W iltshire 25.90 3.86 6.60 15.15 1 : 0.25 4.18 - 0.00

Family Group 1 110.19 7.44 51.12 14.67 1 : 0.46 2.32 - 0.61

Bedfordshire 17.00 11.76 2.00 0.00 1 : 0.12 1.05 - 2.66
Cam bridgeshire 16.66 6.00 12.08 16.56 1 : 0.73 5.06 + 3.91
Dorset 14.24 42.13 7.00 28.57 1 : 0.49 3.15 + 2.15
Northam ptonshire 13.00 15.38 8.00 12.50 1 : 0.62 3.62 - 1.48
Surrey 12.86 15.55 12.70 18.90 1 : 0.99 4.84 + 0.16
W arwickshire 7.33 2.86 2.22 0.00 1 : 0.30 1.29 - 0.75

Family Group 2 81.09 16.29 44.00 16.82 1 : 0.54 2.80 + 0.42

Cheshire 9.40 31.91 13.00 0.00 1 : 1.38 3.32 - 1.63
Derbyshire 14.00 0.00 10.00 30.00 1 : 0.71 2.76 - 0.56
Durham 9.00 22.22 4.00 25.00 1 : 0.44 1.36 - 0.27
Gwent 14.00 7.14 8.00 0.00 1 : 0.57 3.27 - 1.58
Hertfordshire 26.20 15.27 10.80 18.52 1 : 0.41 4.89 + 0.03
Leicestershire 15.80 12.66 15.10 25.17 1 : 0.96 3.26 - 0.44
Staffordshire 10.00 5.00 11.00 27.27 1 : 1.10 2.61 + 0.82
Teesside 11.00 18.18 10.80 9.26 1 : 0.98 3.25 - 0.46
Family Group 3 109.40 13.25 82.70 16.69 1 : 0.76 2.52 - 0.61

Page 23
Table 19b – Starters & Leavers Summary by Area & Family Group

Attrition Rate (%)


Change on Last
Starters (FTE)

Leavers (FTE)
% Transfers

% Transfers
Number of
Number of

Ratio of

Avon & Som erset 23.80 8.40 11.60 8.62 1 : 0.49 2.22 - 1.32
Devon & Cornwall 34.30 2.92 8.00 0.00 1 : 0.23 1.67 - 1.31
Hum berside 25.30 27.67 7.70 12.99 1 : 0.30 1.65 + 0.32
Sussex 36.00 13.89 12.00 0.00 1 : 0.33 3.07 - 0.99
Tham es Valley 48.40 5.17 29.10 13.75 1 : 0.60 4.74 - 0.76
W est Mercia 13.71 7.29 8.84 11.31 1 : 0.64 2.37 - 6.38
Family Group 4 181.51 10.19 77.24 9.06 1 : 0.43 2.47 - 0.48
Essex 26.00 0.00 7.40 22.97 1 : 0.28 1.58 - 2.80
Ham pshire 25.20 0.00 19.70 10.15 1 : 0.78 3.40 + 0.48
Kent 31.92 4.61 9.20 10.87 1 : 0.29 1.98 - 2.54
Lancashire 13.90 20.14 19.90 10.05 1 : 1.43 3.43 + 1.36
Nottingham shire 34.50 2.90 23.40 0.00 1 : 0.68 4.32 + 1.63
South W ales 19.50 10.26 9.00 33.33 1 : 0.46 1.47 - 0.65
Family Group 5 151.02 4.81 88.60 10.95 1 : 0.59 2.43 - 0.34
Greater Manchester 26.74 0.00 40.70 2.46 1 : 1.52 2.99 - 0.00
London 231.94 0.00 69.79 2.87 1 : 0.30 2.82 - 0.35
Merseyside 26.26 3.81 9.85 20.30 1 : 0.38 1.27 - 0.41
Northum bria 13.24 0.00 13.77 7.26 1 : 1.04 2.05 + 0.01
South Yorkshire 7.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 1 : 2.00 2.12 + 0.14
W est Midlands 32.74 0.00 29.17 10.28 1 : 0.89 2.18 + 0.30
W est Yorkshire 33.00 9.09 26.00 15.38 1 : 0.79 2.52 - 0.10
Family Group 6 370.92 1.08 203.28 6.40 1 : 0.55 2.29 - 0.14
NPD 19.00 0.00 18.00 0.00 1 : 0.95 14.89 - 1.71
National T otal * 957.45 - 506.54 - 1 : 0.53 2.48 - 0.37

Table 19a & 19b: Figures include those staff transferring from one Area to another, except
for the National total (marked with an *). Transfer percentages are calculated as a
proportion of total starters or leavers (as appropriate). Figures marked in red indicate
where the ratio of starters to leavers shows a net loss in staff, or where the attrition rate is
higher than the average of the relevant Family Group. Figures in green indicate the
opposite. The attrition rate figures are calculated for Quarter 3 only.

Page 24
Chart 22 – Ranked Ratio of Starters to Leavers by Chart 23 – Ranked Ratio of Starters to Leavers by
Probation Area (Quarter 3 only) Probation Area (12 Months to 31/12/05)

Bedfordshire Dyfed Pow ys

Devon & Cornw all Norfolk

Wiltshire Durham

Essex West Midlands

Kent Bedfordshire

Norfolk Warw ickshire

London Devon & Cornw all

Warw ickshire Cheshire

Humberside Cumbria

Suffolk Dorset

Sussex Humberside

Merseyside Nottinghamshire

Dyfed Pow ys Wiltshire

Hertfordshire Sussex

Cumbria South Wales

Durham Essex

South Wales Hampshire

Avon & Somerset London

Dorset Avon & Somerset

Gloucestershire North Yorkshire

Gw ent Gw ent

Thames Valley Suffolk

Lincolnshire Cambridgeshire

Northamptonshire Teesside

West Mercia Northamptonshire

Nottinghamshire Hertfordshire

Derbyshire Surrey

Cambridgeshire Derbyshire

Hampshire North Wales

West Yorkshire Kent

West Midlands Staffordshire

Leicestershire Leicestershire

Teesside Merseyside

Surrey Thames Valley

Northumbria West Mercia

North Yorkshire West Yorkshire

Staffordshire South Yorkshire

Cheshire Greater Manchester

Lancashire Northumbria

Greater Manchester Lincolnshire

South Yorkshire Gloucestershire

North Wales Lancashire

10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0
Chart 22 & 23: The x axis (marked as 0.0) represents the point at which starters and leavers
are equal, or a ratio of 1:1. Positive numbers to the left hand side of the graph indicate that
starters exceed leavers. A result of +2, for example, indicates that there were 2 starters for
every 1 leaver in the period. Negative numbers, in red on the right hand side of the graph
indicate that leavers exceed starters. A result of -2 indicates that there were 2 leavers for
every 1 starter in the period.

Page 25
Chart 24 – Ranked Attrition Rate by Probation Chart 25 – Ranked Full Year Attrition Rate by
Area (Quarter 3 Only) Probation Area (12 Months to 31/12/05)

Bedfordshire Durham

Merseyside West Midlands

Warw ickshire Merseyside

Durham Dyfed Pow ys

South Wales Staffordshire

Essex Devon & Cornw all

Humberside North Wales

Devon & Cornw all Northumbria

Norfolk Humberside

Dyfed Pow ys South Yorkshire

Suffolk Warw ickshire

Kent West Yorkshire

Northumbria Lancashire

South Yorkshire Bedfordshire

West Midlands South Wales

Avon & Somerset Dorset

North Wales Cumbria

West Mercia Derbyshire

Lincolnshire Cheshire

West Yorkshire London

Staffordshire Avon & Somerset

Derbyshire Norfolk

London Hampshire

Greater Manchester Greater Manchester

Gloucestershire Kent

Sussex Leicestershire

Dorset Teesside

Teesside North Yorkshire

Leicestershire Essex

Gw ent Suffolk

Cheshire Lincolnshire

Hampshire Nottinghamshire

Lancashire Sussex

Northamptonshire Cambridgeshire

North Yorkshire Northamptonshire

Cumbria Surrey

Wiltshire Gw ent

Nottinghamshire West Mercia

Thames Valley Wiltshire

Surrey Gloucestershire

Hertfordshire Hertfordshire

Cambridgeshire Thames Valley

0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Chart 24 & 25: In Chart 24, the red indicator line marks the national attrition rate for Quarter 3 04/05, while the
dashed indicator line shows the same figure for the current quarter. In Chart 25, the red line marks the national
attrition rate for the 12 months from 1 January 04 to 31 December 04. The dashed indicator line in Chart 24
indicates the national attrition rate for the 12 months from 1 January 05 to 31 December 05.

Page 26
By Region
Charts 26 through 35 show the starters (positive not affected the net change figure to the degree seen
numbers), leavers (negative numbers), and the net elsewhere. This is consistent with the fact that total
change for each of the last four quarters by Region. staffing post for this Region have risen by only 0.38
FTE since last quarter.
This affords an opportunity to look at the changing
trends in starter and leaver figures, and how this relates The North West Region by contrast has shown a dip in
to changes in staff in post figures. the net gain figure, suggesting little or no growth in the
quarter. In reality, staff in post figures for the Region
The pattern observed in 6 of the NPS Regions for have declined, but much of this is due to decline in
Quarter 3 05/06 is consistent with the sharp increase in figures for Cheshire, which relate more to reporting
staff for this period of the financial year. The number of difficulties than actual changes in staffing levels.
starters has risen sharply, and as a result the net
change has been moved upward to indicate growth. The East Midlands and East of England Regions also
have recorded dips in the net change figure thanks to a
However, there are a few exceptions to the general decline in starters during the quarter. However, in both
trend observed in the current quarter. In the North East cases the peak in starters seems to have occurred in
the pattern is similar to that expected for the time of Quarter 2 2005/2006.
year, but the increase in starters is only minor and has

Chart 26 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter Chart 27 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter
(North West) (North East)

250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 Leavers 50 Leavers
0 Starters 0 Starters
-50 Net Change Net Change
-100 -100
-150 -150
-200 -200
-250 -250
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Chart 28 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter Chart 29 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter (West
(Yorkshire & Humberside) Midlands)

250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 Leavers 50 Leavers
0 Starters 0 Starters
-50 Net Change -50 Net Change

-100 -100
-150 -150
-200 -200
-250 -250
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Chart 30 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter (East Chart 31 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter (East
Midlands) of England)

250 250
200 200
150 150

100 100

50 Leavers 50 Leavers
0 Starters 0 Starters
-50 Net Change Net Change
-100 -100

-150 -150

-200 -200

-250 -250
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Page 27
Chart 32 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter Chart 33 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter
(Wales) (South West)

250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 Leavers 50 Leavers
0 Starters 0 Starters

-50 Net Change -50 Net Change

-100 -100

-150 -150

-200 -200

-250 -250
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Chart 34 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter Chart 35 – Starters & Leavers by Quarter
(South East) (London)

250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 Leavers 50 Leavers
0 Starters 0 Starters
-50 Net Change -50 Net Change

-100 -100

-150 -150

-200 -200
-250 -250
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Chart 36 – Regional Attrition Rates (Quarter 3 Only)

North Ea st
North W e st (1.96%) [2.62%]
(2.04%) [4.47%] Yorkshire & Hum be rside
(1.95%) [3.19%]
W e st Midla nds
Ea st Midla nds
(1.66%) [3.59%]
(3.32%) [3.7%]
W a le s
1.88 Ea st of Engla nd
(1.60%) [2.65%] 2.47
(2.41%) [2.64%]

South W e st
South Ea st 2.13
3.43 (1.87%) [3.23%]
(3.14%) [4.33%]

Chart 36: Figures in ( ) brackets show the attrition rate in for operational staff in
the Region. Figures in [ ] brackets show the same rate for support staff

Page 28
Chart 37a – Regional Rolling Annual Attrition Chart 37b – Regional Rolling Annual Attrition
Rates by Quarter Rates by Quarter
16.0% 18.0%

14.0% 16.0%

North West
12.0% 14.0% East of England
North East
10.0% 12.0%
Yorkshire & South West

8.0% West Midlands 10.0% South East

East Midlands
6.0% 8.0%

4.0% 6.0%
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Regional Attrition Rates

Charts 37a and 37b plot the regional annual rolling 0.68%), and Wales (up 0.51%) Regions. The upward
attrition rate. The annual rolling attrition rate continues swing in the attrition rate in the South East erodes the
to hold reasonably steady across the NPS, but 5 consistent downward trend that has been apparent in
Regions have recorded an increase during Quarter 3. recent quarters.
The North West and North East Regions have recorded Outside of these increases, the annualized attrition rate
the sharpest increases, with the annualized rolling has fallen for the remaining Regions. The largest drop
attrition rate rising by 0.90% and 0.91% respectively occurred in Yorkshire and Humberside where it fell by
since last quarter. There were also significant increase 0.42% on last quarter. Both the South West and
in the East Midlands (up 0.65%), South East (up London Regions continue to show a consistent
downward trend in the annualized attrition rate.

Destination of Leavers
Charts 38 & 39 show the proportion of
leavers to each destination category Chart 38 – Destination of Leavers (Operational Staff)
across the last 12 months. This averages
out minor fluctuations from quarter to
quarter, and better represents longer
term patterns in the data.
4.35% 0.68%

With the exception of retirement and 1.86% Y outh Justice (- 0.12%)

Drugs Projects (- 0.37%)
death in service, we do not currently 1.07%
Social Services (- 0.41%)

collect reasons for leaving on a national Other V oluntary Sector (+ 0.21% )

Prison Service (- 0.23% )
basis. 2.25%
Other Public Sector (- 0.65%)
Other Private Sector (+ 0.09%)
For the period closing 31 December 2.34% Self -Employed (- 0.02% )

2005 there were notable decreases in 1.89%

the proportion of staff taking up 21.78%

alternative employment both outside 16.12%

(down by 1.51%) and within the NPS

(down by 0.54%). At least some of this Employment w ithin NPS (- 0.54% )
Other Employment (- 1.51%)
may be explained by the increase in the No Other Employment (+ 0.26% )
‘Other/Not Known’ category, although Education/Training (+ 0.29% )

there have been increases in the number 18.74%

Retirement (+ 0.65% )
Death (+ 0.05% )
of leavers who have retired (up 0.65%), Other/Not Know n (+ 0.80%)
taken up education or training 26.97%

opportunities (up 0.26%), or left without 1.24%

any alternative employment (up 0.29%). 0.95% 14.20%

This is the second consecutive increase

in the proportion of staff retiring.
Of those that do leave to pursue other 4.45%

employment, the largest proportion Retirement (+ 0.31%)

continues to head for other public sector Ill Health Retirement (+ 0.34% )

organisations (7.33% of total leavers).

Although this is down by 0.65% on the 9.75%

figure reported last quarter.

The next largest group (at 4.26%) leave
to pursue a career in the private sector.
This is up by 0.09% since last quarter,
which is the second consecutive

Page 29
quarterly increase in this figure. Chart 39 – Destination of Leavers (Support Staff)
Leavers from the support staff category
continue to be far more likely to leave the 0.14% 0.43% 0.36%
NPS altogether. Just 4.70% of leavers 1.27%
Y outh Justice (- 0.01% )
take up employment in another part of Drugs Projects (- 0.03%)

the NPS, and this is down by 0.53% on Social Services (- 0.02%)

Other V oluntary Sector (+ 0.07%)
last quarter. 9.86%
Prison Service (+ 0.11% )
Other Public Sector (+ 0.17% )
The two dominant destinations for those Other Private Sector (- 0.62%)

leavers from the support category that 12.14% Self -Employed (- 0.28%)

take up employment outside of the NPS

continue to be the public and private 26.09%
sectors. Figures up to the current quarter
show that the public sector is the most
frequent destination, at 12.14% of total Employment w ithin NPS (- 0.54%)

leavers. This compares to 9.86% of 4.70% Other Employment (- 0.61% )

No Other Employment (+ 1.10%)
leavers from the support group that move Education/Training (+ 0.12%)
to the private sector. Retirement (- 0.08% )
Death (+ 0.08% )
The proportion of staff leaving with no 2.84% Other/Not Know n (- 0.07%)

other employment has increased this

quarter by 1.10% to 23.33% of total 29.77%

leavers from the support category. 1.01%

Retirement continues to account for a
significant proportion of the leavers from Retirement (+ 0.25% )
both the operational and support Ill Health Retirement (- 0.34%)
categories (14.20% and 12.25% of
leavers in the last 12 months
respectively). 0.34%

Health & Safety

The number of Areas providing a nil return for Health & occurring. Because the accident/incident per FTE rate is
Safety information stands at 24 for Quarter 3 2005/2006. calculated on a 12 month rolling average, it will require a
further 2 or 3 quarters before the figure for London begins
The frequency rate (the number of accidents a staff
to become more stable and allow for comment on the
member can expect to have in their working life) of ‘3 Day
actual rate at which accidents/incidents are occurring.
Lost Time’ incidents/accidents has risen slightly since last
quarter, following two consecutive quarters of minor The remaining Regions have continued to hold relatively
decreases. steady, although there have been rises this quarter in the
North East, East Midlands, and North West Regions. In
The frequency rate of ‘1 to 3 Day Lost Time’
the case of the North West this is the second consecutive
incidents/accidents has also increased this quarter, but is
quarterly increase in this figure.
up more sharply than in the 3 Day category.
The NPD will continue to monitor these trends, and to Chart 40 – Number and Frequency Rate of 3 Day Lost Time
work with Areas to implement measures to control the Accidents/Incidents
situation. 16 0.18

Charts 42a and 42b on page 31 show the number of 14 0.16

accidents per FTE as a rolling 12 month average by
Region. 12
The number of accidents per FTE in the South West 10
Region continues to fall sharply, and for the first time is

no longer the region with the highest figure. The rate of 0.08

accidents/incidents per FTE in this Region is now 51.63% 6

lower than it was in the same quarter a year ago. 4

Conversely, the number of accidents/incidents per FTE in 2 0.02

London continues to rise, and is now the highest in the
0 0.00
NPS. However, it is only within the last 3 to 4 quarters Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06
that London have been able to consistently provide
information on the number of incidents and accidents Number of Accidents/Incidents Frequency Rate

Page 30
Chart 41 – Number and Frequency Rate of 1- 3 Day Lost Time

16 0.18

14 0.16



2 0.02

0 0.00
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Number of Accidents/Incidents Frequency Rate

Table 35 – Regional Accident/Incident Summary

(Previous 4 Quarters)

Average FTE in Post



(FTE) Involved in an
Proportion of Staff

Across Period

per FTE
No. of

North W est 37 3251.96 0.011 1 : 87.89

North East 9 1299.32 0.007 1 : 144.37

Yorkshire & Hunberside 14 2378.63 0.006 1 : 169.9

East Midlands 13 1797.53 0.007 1 : 138.27

W est Midlands 12 2278.02 0.005 1 : 189.83

East of England 9 1585.74 0.006 1 : 176.19

South W est 17 1535.54 0.011 1 : 90.33

South East 4 2278.72 0.002 1 : 569.68

London 33 2430.89 0.014 1 : 73.66

W ales 6 1226.00 0.005 1 : 204.33

T otal 154 20062.36 0.008 1 : 130.28

Chart 42a – Regional Summary of Chart 42b – Regional Summary of

Accidents/Incidents per FTE by Quarter Accidents/Incidents per FTE by Quarter
0.0250 0.0250

0.0200 0.0200

North West East of England

0.0150 0.0150
North East South West
Yorkshire & Hunberside South East
East Midlands London
0.0100 0.0100
West Midlands Wales

0.0050 0.0050

0.0000 0.0000
Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06 Q4 - 04/05 Q1 - 05/06 Q2 - 05/06 Q3 - 05/06

Page 31
Type of Accident/Incident this averages out quarterly fluctuations, which are
inevitable given the nature of accidents, and allow the
The NPS Health and Safety Policy Manual classifies assessment of longer term trends.
accidents and incidents by severity (rated 1 – 4). Severity
1, being the highest rating, covers work-related deaths of Severity 3 incidents continue to be the most frequently
employees or other parties. There have been 2 Severity 1 reported type in the NPS, accounting for 44.16% of all
incidents reported in the past year, with a further Severity accidents/incidents over the last 4 quarters. This is a
1 incident reported this quarter. slight increase on the figure reported last quarter. This
quarter has also seen a rise of 1.71% in the proportion of
The information shown in the following charts depicts the Severity 2 accidents/incidents in the year to date, while
type of events that occur throughout the NPS. Collecting the proportion of Severity 4 accidents has risen by
such data nationally enables the identification of 1.19%.
significant risks to staff and others who may be affected
by our work, with a view to directing resources The implementation of the National Health & Safety
accordingly to manage and reduce those risks. Strategy will contribute to further improvements in the
safety culture of the NPS.
As with the presentation of ‘Destination of Leavers’ data,
the information on accident type presents a summary of
the data on accident type over the last 4 quarters. Again,

Chart 43 – Breakdown of Accidents/Incidents by Severity Rating and Type

Injury to em plo yee

resulting in
Suic ide o f any
absenc e in excess
perso n within
o f 1-day as a
N P S P rem is es
co nsequenc e o f
o r whilst under
vio lence &
intim idatio n 3.25%
Superv isio n

Injury to em plo yee

res ulting in
abs ence in exc es s
o f 1-day 26.62%



Severity 1 (+ 0.48%)
Severity 2 (- 1.71%)
Severity 3 (+ 0.04%)
Severity 4 (+ 1.19%)

Other fire requiring T hreat with intent

the attendanc e o f to Kill 6.49% D angero us
M ajo r Injury to any
em ergenc y Oc currence 2.60%
perso n as a
servic es 4.55%
co ns equenc e o f
F ailure o f fire o r
v io lence &
pers o nal alarm s
intim idatio n 2.60%
fo r m o re than 7
wo rking days
T hreaten with an
3-day lo st tim e 1.30%
o ffens ive weapo n
3.25% ac cident/injury to
D is co v ery o f
em plo yee 36.36%
explo siv es,
firearm s o r
am m unitio n 0.65%
M ajo r Injury to any
pers o n (in the
wo rk place) 9.74%

Page 32

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