Did You Cross The Line?: Alex Giordano & Kirsten Simmons Boh4M November 22nd, 2012 Ms. Clough

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Did You Cross The Line?

Alex Giordano & Kirsten Simmons BOH4M November 22nd, 2012 Ms. Clough

Description Time Period: Winter 2012 Place: New York City, Wall street Characters: Tom- a middle aged sales associate for Stacks (toy company) ofce. Summer- a manager at Stacks (toy company) ofce. Sunha- an older sales associate of Muslim background at Stacks, who works with Tom for a report. Rebecca- a sales associate, present during a staff meeting at Stacks. Changming- a representative from a Chinese toy company, Tamagotchi. Scott- a representative from Stacks. Rory- a manager at Stacks, in an international department. Scene 1- Toms ethical values are put at a test in the workplace when he is caught discriminating against females, showing poor customer and stealing from the company. Scene 2- A United States sales representative calls a Chinese toy company to order toys. He inquires on how the toys are made. Scene 3- A United States sales representative calls a Chinese toy company to order toys. He inquires on how the toys are made. Props: laptop book chair phone money hijab

Too Close for Comfort

Props: Laptop, book, chair, phone, money, muslim head scarf Characters: Summer, Tom, Sunha, Rebecca, Customer on phone (Working at a Bank Loans ofce. Summer walks over to Tom). Summer: (Cheery). Hi Tom, we have a staff meeting at 12 tomorrow? Youll be attending this right? (Tom has his feet up, laying back in his chair relaxing with headphones in. Tom quickly throws books over laptop screen) Tom: (Disgruntled, moves his leg onto oor). Yeah sure Ill be there! (Tom receives email from co- worker saying that his portion of the paper is due at 3 today) (After lunch Tom emails co- worker who is muslim- her name is Sunha). (Speaking from the heart). Sunha...You get so much time off because you pray all the time. Its not fair to the rest of us, you can do my part of the paper. You shouldnt even be paid the same amount as me since your a girl. (Tom attends a staff meeting later that afternoon. A co-worker Rebecca is talking during the staff meeting. She is talking with her hands). Rebecca: (Questionable) Maybe we should have a fundraiser for Breast cancer? Tom: (Aggressive) WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Why would you even think of an idea like that? Thats just stupid to even say. Woah some people just dont even think now a days. How did you get hired again? (Later on, Tom is using staff phone to call his girl friend about plans later that night instead of answering phone calls from customers. After thirty minutes, Tom nally picks up phone with a customer who wanted a bank loan). Tom: (Rude).Hello? Make it quick my girl is on the other line. Customer: (Relief that the line open) Hello, sorry I was just wondering why I was turned down from the bank loan. Tom: (Short tempered) Just because you were. Bye. (At the end of day, before Tom leaves he goes into the companys bank account and takes out money).

Tom: (Tom smirks and looks pleased with himself) Looks like Im going to take my girlfriend out for lobster tonight. Shes going to love me (Summer goes into Toms ofce the next morning) Summer: (Stern) We need to talk Tom Tom: (Relaxed) Sup (Tom quickly hangs up phone and re arranges desk) Summer: (Firm) Tom, we are going to have to re you. I am very sorry but you have been misusing time going on inappropriate websites and using the company phone for personal usage. Your individualism is killing this company... You havent been answering phone calls, you havent been helping customers, you have been stealing from the ofce, havent been doing your work.... If one person steals, and everyone starts to steal no long term prot will be made from it Tom: (Casual, not a real apology) Sorry it wont happen again Summer: (Frustrated that Tom is not getting the message) No Im sorry but we are having to let you go. You have broken moral rights while screaming at Rebecca during the staff meeting, you havent been treating people fairly... You made Sunha do all your work and I heard about that email you sent her saying that since shes a certain religion and gender she shouldnt be paid as much as you. She has the same qualications as you do. Tom: (Tom starts packing up his things at the ofce) It wont happen again Summer: (Taps her shoe on the ground, and crosses her arms) And lastly, a customer called to explain why they weren't offered a bank loan and you tell them to hurry up and make the call quick? This is ridiculous. You have broken moral rules, and have not behaved ethically. This is not someone we want in a work place only caring for themselves. We are a team.

Deal or No Deal?
Characters: Scott, Rory, Changming Stacks calls Chinese Toy Company Tamagotchi to buy toys (Scott picks up the phone, and dials the number to the Chinese Tamagotchi store. He is sitting in a chair with his legs crossed). Scott: (Enthusiastically) Hello! Changming: (Thick accent) Ney ho

Scott: (Inquiring) Hello, Im calling from Stacks in America. We are interesting in buying Tamagotchi dolls for our stores. Changming: No problem. We can do this. Scott: (Scott writes the details down on a pad of paper) Just wondering, how are these toys made? Changming: Well we have people making them by hand for us Scott: What type of people do you mean? Changming: Well they are suppose to be over the age of 16 Scott: Okay, Ill ask my boss. Please stay on the line for a second. (Scott walks to the next cubicle to talk to his boss, Rory). Rory: This is okay once in a while there is no one right way to behave; ethical behavior is determined by its cultural context. In China child labor is okay so it will be okay for us to purchase these toys. Scott: (Satised) Okay, we will buy them!

Distant Feeling of Uncomfort

Characters: Scott, Rory, Changming Stacks calls Chinese Toy Company Tamagotchi to buy toys (Scott picks up the phone, and dials the number to the Chinese Tamagotchi store. He is sitting in a chair with his legs crossed). Scott: (Enthusiastic) Hello! Changming: (Thick accent) Ney ho Rory: Hello, Im calling from Toys R Us in America. We are interesting in buying Tamagotchi dolls for our stores. Changming: No problem. We can do this. Scott: Just wondering how are these toys made? Changming: We have an assembly line of children working on making them for us. (Scott walks over to the next cubicle, and tells his boss Rory about the Chinese Tamagatchi toys). Rory: (Firm and enraged) I do not feel comfortable buying these. Ethical standards apply absolutely across all cultures. It is not okay that children are making these toys and arent getting paid a fair price for these. Scott: Im sorry but we arent going to buy these. Changming: (Confused) Why not? Scott: You have underage children working to make these products and they aren't getting paid a fair price. Its not okay to do.

Changming: (Flustered, trying to reassure Scott) It is okay. No one in America will know that you bought them from here. Scott: Either way it is against the United Nations Charter of Childrens Rights. If anyone found out about this our companys reputation could go down the drain. People could boycott Stacks for this.

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