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Jordi Avila Mrs. Hamilton English 1H/3 20 May 2013 Vulnerability is a characteristic that everyone possesses no matter what.

We all have weaknesses, some display it as fear, but some mask it into false pride. These weaknesses are what make us human. People may also use ways to safeguard their reputation from vulnerability by [hurting] those weaker than themselves. (Theme Distillation for Of Mice and Men). Writer, John Steinbeck, in his book, Of Mice and Men, originally published in 1937, addresses the topic of vulnerability and weakness and that it controls the social classes of society by people of higher and lower social status; lower classes get less respect than those of a higher social status. He supports this claim by displaying common characters of low social statuses, then people of a highly respected class, and finally of the highest class members. Steinbecks purpose is to show weakness in human characters in order to display that we all are vulnerable. He adopts an informal tone for his audience, the readers of this book and others interested in the topic of society and how weakness plays a role in humanity. The theme of vulnerability is one of most powerful in this book and in society. Steinbeck wrote in a style that anyone who wasnt very educated could understand while people with a deeper understanding of literature could reveal specific themes and moral in the story. Steinbecks use of imagery and character foils reveal vulnerability. Weakness lives within everyone, including those who fight to show this primitive response. In the third chapter, Steinbeck displays how fear and weakness can strike people who use pride as a mask of weakness. During an argument between Curley, the Bosss son, and Carlson, Lennie giggled and caught Curleys attention leading to violence, Curleys pride or mask of weakness; Curley glared at him. His eyes slipped on past and lighted on Lennie; and Lennie was still smiling with delight at the memory of the ranch. What the hell you laughin at? (61). Steinbeck then reveals that a nice man like Lennie can also be vulnerable in spite of his brute strength. Curley defends his pride by slugging Lennie in the face, blood flowing from Lennies face filled with terror.Lennie didnt know how to fight back and finally followed orders by George to not let Curley do this to him, so Lennie got a death grip on Curleys hand. At this moment, Steinbeck finally shows Curleys softness when Lennie crushes his hand until [he] was white and shrunken by now, his fist lost in Lennies paw (62). Furthermore, Curley shows his weakness even more by crying on the floor like a baby, showing that hes not much of threat. There are two characters in the story that are of high regard, but are inversely portrayed. Slim, the jerkline skinner or the prince of the ranch, is treated with great respect and trust that felt when he first talked to George and Lennie; Like what happened in Weed. Whatd he do in Weed? Slim asked calmly. You wouldnt tell? No, course you wouldn. (41). While Curley, the Bosss son, is portrayed as like a lot of little guys. He hates big guys. Hes alla time picking scraps with big guys. Kind of like hes mad at em because he aint a big guy.. Curley abuses his inheritance from his father since his father is the boss and owner of the ranch. These two characters are characters foils because of their differences in their actions and their personalities.

In Eugenia Colliers Marigolds, the theme agrees with Steinbecks specific theme of vulnerability and weakness. In Marigolds, the main character, Lizabeth ruined the beautiful marigolds that the old black witch-woman planted (3). These marigolds represented Ms. Lotties hope and dreams which were vulnerable to Lizabeth and she destroyed them, leading to destroying Miss Lottie. This is very similar to Steinbecks story in which the characters are vulnerable and are destroyed just as the marigolds were. In Of Mice and Men, Lennie killed Curleys wife by accident as there was a search party to kill him and during that dreams and people were destroyed; Curleyll get im killed..... Now Candy spoke his greatest fear. You an me can get that little place, cant we, George? Cant we? Before George answered, candy dropped his head and looked down at the hay. He knew.... Then-- its all off? Candy asked sulkily. (91-92). Here Steinbeck showed where the characters dreams were destroyed and also their dreams. In Of Mice and Men, and in the real world, people are vulnerable to many things. This weakness is our some people take control of other people or pick on people of lesser societal rank. This is what makes us human. There will always be good and bad who may manipulate based on weakness and fear or may make pride of the weakness they have. Steinbeck exhibits this through imagery and foil.

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