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Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements


Annual Report 2004-5

Ministerial Foreword by Baroness Scotland

The work being undertaken to improve the safety of communities through the Multi-Agency
Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is vitally important and a priority for government. The
annual reports for 2004/5 provide evidence of that active engagement. Violence and sexual
abuse are unacceptable wherever they occur and it is evident that through MAPPA such
offenders are identified and better managed than ever before. As the number of offenders within
MAPPA continues to grow as expected there is clear evidence that the Responsible Authority, that
is the local police, probation and the Prison Service, is addressing these additional demands by
strengthening local partnerships, using new statutory powers to restrict the behaviour of
offenders, returning offenders to custody where they breach their licence or order, and using the
findings of research and inspection to strengthen national guidance and local practice.

Although it is never possible completely to eliminate the risk posed by dangerous offenders,
MAPPA is helping to ensure that fewer people are re-victimised.

The active implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (2003) during the last year has clearly
enhanced the ability of a number of agencies including health, social services and housing to
work collaboratively with the Responsible Authority in assessing and managing those sexual and
violent offenders in our communities who pose the highest risk of serious harm. For the
continued success of MAPPA this collaboration together with the scrutiny of policy and practice
must become the hallmark of these arrangements. Similarly MAPPA must integrate with other
public protection mechanisms dealing with child abuse, domestic abuse and racial abuse.

For me one of the most exciting developments in this arena in the last 12 months has been the
appointment of lay advisers to assist the Responsible Authority in the oversight of the
arrangements. As ordinary members of the public these lay advisers represent a diverse, able and
committed group of people who are now helping the statutory agencies to oversee the work
being undertaken through MAPPA and communicate with the public more effectively. Without a
growing sense of public knowledge and confidence about this work much of the benefits of the
public protection arrangements will be lost.

I hope this annual report will be useful, informative and re-assuring to local communities. The
agencies and individuals who have contributed to the achievement of MAPPA locally are to be

Baroness Scotland
Minister of State for Criminal Justice and Offender Management


The Background to the Multi Agencies Public Protection Arrangements


Who does MAPPA deal with?

How are offenders managed under the MAPPA?

Who's Who in MAPPA?

The Responsible Authority

The Strategic Management Board
Report by the SMB Chair
Humberside Police
National Probation Service - Humberside
The Prison Service - Yorkshire and Humberside Area

"Duty to Co-operate" agencies

Youth Offending Teams

Jobcentre Plus
Local Education Authority
Local Housing Authority
Registered Social Landlords
Local Authority Social Services
Health Services

Key Achievements over the past year

Prison Service.
MAPPA Co-ordinator
MAPPPs held centrally
Recall Procedures
Strengthening of Police Teams

What do the Statistics tell us?


Strategic Management Board Members

Agency Contact Points


We are pleased to present the fourth annual report on the Multi Agency Public Protection
Arrangements in Humberside.

This is the first year that this report has been the responsibility of three services, the Prison
Service now joining the Police and Probation Services as the Responsible Authority. On a personal
basis this is our first opportunity to lead on such a report for this area and we all wish to take
the opportunity to confirm the commitment of our services to MAPPA at a strategic and
operational level.

This year has seen the development of the Prison Service as a full partner in the responsible
authority for these issues, the introduction of an effective central Strategic Management Board
and the positive impact of a full time MAPPA Co-ordinator. These advancements have seen an
improvement in our processes and supported our efforts to manage the risk posed by relevant

In an effort to further broaden the processes we have appointed 2 Lay Advisers to the Strategic
Management Board and they will begin to participate in the near future.

As can be seen from the content of the report this has again been a demanding year, with
Humberside managing a number of cases with national implications, changes in legislation and
the introduction of a national Sex Offender Database. Consistent with our joint aim of protecting
the public we have responded by allocating staff, resources and training to meet these demands.

In previous years we have only outlined the involvement of other agencies, however this report
includes contributions from individuals in the agencies working together under the MAPPA. We
believe the tenor of those contributions indicates the positive continuing 'multi agency' progress
we are making.

We believe this report contributes to the growing knowledge of, and confidence in, the MAPPA
process, particularly for those who live and work within the community we serve.

Tim Hollis
Chief Constable
Humberside Police

Steve Hemming
Chief Probation Officer
National Probation Service - Humberside

Steve Wagstaffe
HM Prison Service Area Manager
Yorkshire and Humberside
The Background to the certain sexual offences who are
required to register with the
Multi Agencies Public police.
Protection Arrangements Category 2: Violent and other offenders who
generally have received a
(MAPPA) sentence of imprisonment of 12
months or more.
Protecting the people of Humberside from the
most serious offenders living in our MAPPA additionally applies to those
community continues to be one of the highest individuals whose previous convictions and
priorities for the Criminal Justice Agencies in behaviour indicate they are capable of causing
our area. The Multi Agency Public Protection serious harm and there is a current concern
Arrangements (MAPPA), quite simply, are about the risk they present which requires
arrangements based on knowledge and multi agency management. Referrals in regard
research which shows that the best way to to this type of offender can and do arise from
manage and reduce the risk such offenders any of the agencies involved in MAPPA.
pose is for all agencies involved in working
with them to share information and then work Again, the formal definition is;
together based on that information.
Category 3: Other offenders not in either of
The formal basis for the arrangements is under the above categories but who are
Sections 325 to 327 Criminal Justice Act 2003 considered to pose a risk of
and the "arrangements" themselves are serious harm to the public. The
published by the Home Office in the form of a inclusion of these offenders
Guidance Document1. under MAPPA is based on two
considerations. First it must be
established that the individual
Who does MAPPA deal has a conviction for an offence
which indicates they are capable
with? of causing serious harm to the
public. Secondly it must be
It is important to remember that the majority reasonably considered that they
of people who commit offences never have may cause serious harm to the
any need to come into contact with MAPPA public.
either because of the type of offences they
commit or the risk of harm they pose to the The statistics at the end of this report show
public. the number of offenders in the three
categories we have in Humberside.
MAPPA applies to certain categories of
individuals who are currently being dealt with Whilst any agency involved with MAPPA will
for a sexual or violent offence. In the main respond to risk of harm when it arises it
these offenders are registered sex offenders, should be remembered that no agency can
i.e. those convicted or cautioned for certain provide an absolute protection. Some
sexual offences who are required to register potentially dangerous people are not known
with the police, or violent and other sex to any local agencies, including police or
offenders who generally have received a probation, prior to their offending.
sentence of imprisonment of 12 months or
more and will be supervised in the community
by the probation service or youth offending

These offenders fall into two categories

formally defined as;

Category 1: Registered sex offenders, i.e. 1

those convicted or cautioned for Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
2004. Home Office.

How are offenders confidence in the criminal justice system is
sustained are dealt with at this level.
managed under the
MAPPA? MAPPPs are held fortnightly at the National
Probation Service - Humberside Headquarters
in Beverley.
Risk management is defined as harm reduction
either through the reduction of the likelihood The two levels of meetings held under MAPPA
of a risk occurring or the reduction of its result in clear actions which feed into the risk
impact should it occur. management plans which lay down specific
objectives for the management of the risk the
The structure of risk management under offender presents. Responsibilities and tasks
MAPPA is intended to enable resources to be are clearly defined and firm timetables
deployed to manage the risks identified in the established. The plan needs to be able to deal
most efficient and effective manner. with changing circumstances of the case and
should ensure that all appropriate restraints
There are three levels of risk management on the offender are put in place.
used under the MAPPA. Although generally
the higher the assessed level of risk the higher These restraints can be conditions attached to
the level of management required this need a Community Order by a court or attached to
not always be the case. The risk management the "licence" of an offender coming out of
structure is based on the principle that cases prison. Those conditions could for example
should be managed at the lowest level commit the offender to attend a programme
consistent with providing a defensible risk of work on their offending behaviour or to see
management plan. to a psychiatrist. They could lay down certain
activities or contacts the offender must or
The three levels are; must not do or make.

Level 1:Ordinary risk management. Other controls can be applied if the offender's
behaviour indicated that the risk they present
This is the level used in cases in which the risks is increasing. e.g. Sexual Offences Prevention
posed by the offender can be managed by an Orders can be taken out at any time where it
agency without significantly involving other can be proved that the subject has been
agencies. The majority of cases supervised by convicted of certain sex offences and there is
the police or the probation service come into reasonable cause to believe that the Order is
this level. necessary to protect the public from serious
harm from the offender.
Level 2;Local inter-agency risk management.
There may, exceptionally, be some cases where
This level of management is used where the management of an offender's risk in the
active involvement of more than one agency is community cannot be carried out without the
required. In Humberside we use the acronym disclosure of some information to a third party
LRMM, for Local Risk Management Meetings outside of the usual MAPPA agencies. This may
for this level and LRMMs are held monthly in be where, for example, an employer, voluntary
each of the four Divisions at Scunthorpe, Hull, group organiser or church leader has a
Grimsby and Beverley. position of responsibility or control over the
offender and other people who may be at
Level 3:Multi Agency Public Protection Panels serious risk from the offender. Disclosure to
(MAPPPs) them of certain information about the
offender may be the only way to manage that
This level deals with those "critical few" cases risk. Wherever possible voluntary disclosure
which are assessed as being a high or very would be discussed with the offender.
high risk of causing serious harm; AND
Great caution is exercised when making such a
they present risks that can only be managed disclosure and it is seen as an exceptional
by a plan which requires co-operation at a measure as the disclosure may be to individual
senior level due to the complexities of the case members of the public. If such a course of
and/or because of the unusual resource action is required it is always as part of a risk
commitments required. management plan, which has been agreed at
Additionally cases which are exceptional either of the two highest levels of MAPPA
because of the high media scrutiny or public management, i.e. LRMMs or MAPPPs.
interest and there is a need to ensure public

CASE STUDY 1 teams advised of the situation,
particularly being made aware of the
offender's release date. The offender was
An offender was sentenced to prison for directed not to return to the home of his
a violent assault on his wife. Enquiries wife and children on release and
into the case revealed that this conditions placed on his licence that he
conviction and sentence was the made no contact with his wife without
culmination of domestic abuse which the prior approval of his probation
had been going on for 15 years and as officer, that he initially had to reside in a
well as physical assaults had included Probation Approved Premises and that
emotional and financial abuse. The he did not enter a defined area around
woman wished to take advantage of her his wife's home. The offender had no
husband's imprisonment to make a recent experience of accommodation
break from the abusive relationship. The availability and therefore to assist him,
Probation Victim Liaison Officer and to support the supervising
established contact with the with wife of probation officer in formulating a move
the offender and a number of issues on plan from the probation
were identified in regard to the woman's accommodation an identified officer
fear of reprisals following the offender's from the local Authority Housing
release and concerns about the Department became involved in
children's behaviour as a result of the providing assistance to the offender and
abusive environment. Risk assessments liaison with other agencies at the Risk
carried out by the supervising probation Management Meeting. The offender did
officer indicated that as well as the clear not meet the Housing Departments
risk to the offender's wife - which criteria for any priority need but they did
increased significantly when he learned provided liaison with and advice on
of her wish to end their marriage - Housing Associations and the Private
there was a risk to women in general Rental sector always being mindful of
and particularly those in authority who the potential risk presented by the
took a firm stand against the offender. offender and of the area of
Prior to the offender's release a referral accommodation excluded by his licence.
was made to the Local Risk Management Following release the offender did
Meeting.At those meetings the comply with all his conditions and the
supervising probation officer and Victim licence period passed without incident.
Liaison Officer presented a risk The victim liaison officer reports that
management plan which was supported after what the offender's wife described
by other agencies in attendance and as a " lifetime" of abuse she has found
resulted in; Agencies being advised that the strength and determination to break
the offender presented a possible risk to free of the offender and build a new,
female staff in confrontational safe life for herself and her children. She
situations. Social Services carrying out an stated that "words cannot express my
assessment of the risk presented to the gratitude to all involved".
children by the offender and the ability
of their mother to protect them. The
children's "acting out" of violence to their
mother which they had witnessed from
their father was identified and work
with the family arranged and
undertaken by the NSPCC. A referral was Who's Who in MAPPA?
made to the "Sure Start" scheme who
supported the mother in parenting skills The Responsible Authority
and worked to build up her confidence
and self-esteem. The police Domestic The Criminal Justice Act 2003 charges the
Violence Unit maintained contact with Police, the National Probation Service and the
the woman offering support and advice. Prison service with responsibility for
A panic alarm was installed in the establishing the MAPPA and refers to the three
woman's home and the local policing services as "the Responsible Authority"

The Strategic Management Board Report of the Strategic
(SMB) Management Board
The duties and obligations of the Responsible The Humberside Strategic Management
Authority are discharged through the Strategic Board, which oversees the Multi-Agency
Management Board. In the year prior to this Public Protection Arrangements, has met
report there were 4 SMBs in Humberside, one four times in this financial year. This is the
first year in which the Strategic
in each of the Unitary Management Board has operated across
Authority/Police/Probation Divisions. To provide Humberside. The Strategic Management
consistency and a central awareness a Board has spent the first year making
Humberside Area SMB was set up to replace contacts with the duty to co-operate
the 4 local ones in April 2004. The current agencies as well as the four Local Authorities
membership of the Humberside SMB is given to ensure that there is both geographical
at the end of this report. and multi-disciplinary representation. The
role of the SMB is to monitor and review the
The broad brief of the SMB is to; Public Protection Arrangements.
"keep the arrangements [i.e. the MAPPA] This year has been a busy and challenging
established by it under review with a year for the Strategic Management Board in
view to monitoring their effectiveness that there have been Local Risk
and making any changes to them that Management Meetings at Level 2 in respect
appear necessary or expedient." of 158 offenders. In terms of the
management of the most dangerous cases
at Level 3, there have been 70 meetings in
Overarching these activities is the role the SMB respect of 27 individuals. This has included
has to shape the MAPPA framework within the the nationally notorious case who was due
Area. This involves determining the role and to be released from a special hospital.
representation of different agencies within the Following a number of Multi-Agency Public
framework. It also includes brokering the Protection Panel meetings, a decision was
protocols and memoranda of understanding taken by the CPS to prosecute him for two
murders which occurred in 1963 for which
which formalise those roles. he was convicted and received two life
While some margin of discretion in defining
the role is left with Area, the following core The Strategic Management Board consists of
features are common to all SMBs: representation from the responsible
authorities (Police, Prison and Probation) as
well as representation from the four Local
(i) monitoring (on at least a quarterly basis) Authorities and the Health Service. The
and evaluating the operation of the Board is about to be joined by two Lay
MAPPA, particularly that of the MAPPPs; Advisers who will give a view as ordinary
(ii) establishing connections which support members of the public in respect of the
effective operational work with other Multi-Agency Public Protection
public protection arrangements, such as Arrangements in Humberside. In respect of
Area Child Protection Committees, local the future work of the Strategic
Management Board, training for members is
Crime and Disorder Partnerships and local seen as a priority with the new changes in
Criminal Justice Boards; legislation and practice. The resourcing of
(iii) preparing and publishing the Annual Multi-Agency Public Protection Panels will be
Report and promoting the work of the subject to scrutiny this coming year as will
MAPPA in the Area; the attendance at such Panels. The Strategic
(iv) planning the longer-term development of Management Board would like to take this
the MAPPA in the light of regular (at least opportunity to thank all those staff on the
front line for the work that they have done
annual) reviews of the arrangements, and this year which for some has been
with respect to legislative and wider significantly beyond the call of duty.
criminal justice changes; and,
(v) identifying and planning how to meet In order to improve the current
common training and developmental arrangements, it is planned to involve
needs of those working in the MAPPA. offenders in the Multi-Agency Public
Protection Arrangements.
Angela Montgomery
Humberside Area Strategic Management Board

Humberside Police The police are the lead agency in Humberside
for ViSOR (The Violent and Sex Offender
A fundamental objective of any Police Service Register), the computerised database
is the prevention and detection of crime. providing a national oversight of offenders
Humberside Police's contribution to the MAPPA subject to MAPPA.
process helps the service work towards
meeting that objective by ensuring public
Humberside police jointly resource the post of
safety and the prevention and detection of
MAPPA Co-ordinator.
crimes of a serious sexual or violent nature.

Dedicated Risk Management Officers attached The local Operational Superintendents are
to the Family Protection Team in each of its regular attenders of meetings held under
four Divisions focus on public protection and MAPPA and chair the Local Risk Management
the management of high risk offenders in the Meetings in the absence of the MAPPA Co-
community. They carry out risk assessments on ordinator.
Registered Sex Offenders using a Home Office
approved procedure (Risk Matrix 2000) and The Detective Chief Superintendent
then develop plans to manage that risk responsible for the MAPPA jointly chairs Level
drawing in co-operation of other agencies 3 MAPPPS.
through the MAPPA process as appropriate.
Risk Management Officers are core members
… within North Lincolnshire we have
of the meetings held under the MAPPA and
act as the conduit for the flow of information continually assessed what we do and how
and required actions between MAPPA and we do it with the emphasis being on
colleagues in police operational and ensuring that all the other agency
intelligence units. representatives are fully involved in the
meeting and the decision making. Our
development has been held up as best
In North East Lincolnshire, I have found that
practice and has seen the meeting develop
over the past year MAPPA has significantly
developed and moved forward. In 2004 a co- into one of the best attended. I feel
coordinator was appointed for the confident in the strength of commitment
Humberside area. This has had a progressive from a very focused group of professionals,
and developmental effect with good my knowledge of other agencies and the
practices across the force area being way in which they work has increased
adopted in each area. The ability to have the dramatically and that in itself has given me
same chairperson for all level 2 local risk greater understanding of where they fit in
management meetings has improved and and can assist me in my role. We are now at
standardised decisions making. The
the stage where a core panel has developed
appointment of the clerical officer for LRMM
representing all relevant agencies. Meetings
and MAPPP has ensured quality minutes are
now produced and action plans and points are professional and focused as the panel
are formalized. I feel there is need to build members are well briefed before the start
upon the steps already taken and fully and the available information allows for
ensure that only the appropriate significant informed decisions to be made and
persons are referred to both the LRMM and questions asked from a position of strength.
MAPPP forums. The Local Risk Management I do not think any agency is left to manage
Meetings have also given backing to several risk alone if it feels input is required from
Sexual Offences Preventions orders that I other agencies and I am confident that the
have presented to the Local crown court at
solid risk management plans produced have
the time of conviction or/ sentence. Each
reduced the risk and prevented re-offending
application being ultimately successful.
in our community.
Risk Management Officer
Humberside Police Police Risk Management Sgt, Humberside

National Probation Service -
I believe that the victim contact units role is
Humberside not only vital to the victims/survivors we
work with but also crucial in respect to the
The National Probation service - Humberside's risk management of offender.I feel privileged
contribution to the workings of MAPPA is to represent the probation service as a VLO,
wide-ranging. It starts with the initial risk the work can be challenging and difficult as
the people we contact are often still
assessment of offenders who come before the
experiencing the devastating impact that
courts for sexual or violent offences. The risk being a survivor of serious crime entails.At
assessment process uses a Home Office times though when you receive a call, as I
approved procedure called the Offender did recently, from a victim who stated the
Assessment System (OASys). The service then following;
supervises and manages any such offenders " I don't know how my family or
placed on community orders, including action myself would have coped during the
to return offenders to court if they fail to last three and a half years without
comply. your help, we all want to thank you
so much"
As is perhaps to be expected the majority of it makes you realise just how important our
work with victims is, the families gratitude is
offenders MAPPA works with are sentenced to
reward enough.
imprisonment for their offences and the
probation service carries out pre-release work Victim Liaison Officer
with those prisoners and has responsibility for National Probation Service - Humberside
their supervision and management on licence
following release. Again this would include
requesting a revocation of the licence and a The Victim Liaison Officers are core members
recall to prison if the offender failed to comply of the meetings held under MAPPA and advise
or the risk they presented became agencies about any victim concerns relevant to
unmanageable in the community. the management of the individual offender

In carrying out their responsibilities,

The main focus of the team's work involves
supervising probation officers - offender
visiting victims in their homes,
managers - refer appropriate cases to MAPPA communicating a victim's concerns and
where a significant input is required from making appropriate plans for protection
other agencies in achieving the risk arrangements with case managers, the
management plan. Those officers would then Prison Service, Parole Board and other
attend any meeting called under MAPPA in statutory and voluntary agencies involved in
regard to the offender. public protection.
Joint work with our partners in the MAPPA
National Probation Service - Humberside process has meant that victims of crime
delivers specialist accredited programmes to receive a more holistic service which helps to
address offending behaviour, including a address their anxieties about an offender's
release and supervision in the community,
nationally recognised Sex Offender Treatment
their fear of repeat victimisation and
Programme. facilitates more effective risk management.
They have direct contact with the victim
The probation service manages two Approved liaison officers and the police risk
Premises in Humberside for offenders who management officers and this co-ordinated
approach enables us to base risk
need an enhanced level of supervision.
management decisions on the most up to
date information and respond quickly and
As well as its work with offenders the effectively to concerns or changes in
probation service also has a statutory circumstances to either those of an offender
responsibility to contact all victims of sexual or the victim and their family.
and violent crime where the perpetrator has Victim Liaison Officer,
been sentenced to 12 months or more in National Probation Service - Humberside
prison2 . In our area we have 3 specialist
Victim Liaison Officers in the probation service
covering the two geographical areas north and 2
sect 69. Criminal Justice and Court Services
south of the Humber.
Act (2000).

The Prison Service - Yorkshire and "Duty to Co-operate" agencies
Humberside Area The principal responsibility for protecting the
public from sexual and violent offenders
The Prison Service plays an important role in continues to rest with the criminal justice
protecting the public by keeping offenders in agencies. However, the effectiveness of public
custody; helping them to address the causes protection often depends on more than just a
of their offending behaviour; and by criminal justice response. It is well known that
undertaking other work to assist their other agencies play an important role in
successful resettlement. helping offenders to resettle and avoid re-
offending. For example, research has shown
There are four prisons within the Humberside that offenders with jobs have one-third to
one-half lower rates of re-offending than
Area, HMP Hull, HMP Everthorpe, HMP Wolds
offenders without employment. Re-offending
and HMP Full Sutton. Of course offenders
among offenders who have stable
from this area are also held in other prisons accommodation on release from custody is
nationwide and are released to Humberside similarly lower. The important contribution
from them. other agencies can make is also highlighted in
cases where offenders have mental health
The main focus of the Prison Service problems or where they pose a risk of harm to
contribution to MAPPA is at an operational children.
level and a number of measures are being put
In acknowledgement of the above The
in place locally across the prison estate to Criminal Justice Act 2003 imposed a duty on
ensure that this will be effective and result in: various organisations providing public services
to co-operate with the MAPPA. Over the last
• Prompt identification of MAPPA year we have worked to develop the
offenders so that their details can be involvement of what are referred to as "Duty
used in sentence planning to Co-operate" agencies. These agencies
arrangements, including interventions to include;
manage and reduce risk Youth Offending Teams
Jobcentre Plus
• Regular monitoring of the behaviour of Local Education Authority
those assessed as presenting the highest Local Housing Authority
risk, and sharing information with police Registered Social Landlords
and probation colleagues Local Authority Social Services
Health Services
• All relevant risk management Enabling the co-operation of all those
information being provided to multi agencies, which work with MAPPA offenders,
agency meetings which help plan an is therefore vital. Placing that co-operation on
offender's release and where appropriate a statutory basis underpins the good practice
attendance at those meetings by that has already developed; and locates it
relevant prison staff. clearly within the established framework of
• At least three months notification to What must the "Duty to
police and probation of the expected Co-operate" agencies do?
release dates of those offenders who
have been referred to the multi-agency The legislation does not define the activities
public protection panel (MAPPP), and at the duty to co-operate involves nor does it
require the agencies on which it is imposed to
least six weeks notification of those
do anything other than what they are already
being managed at level 2 risk meetings required to do. The purposes of co-operation
(LRMMs) are:

• No changes to release dates or

• to co-ordinate the involvement of
different agencies in assessing and
arrangements being made without prior managing risk
consultation with police and probation
• to enable every agency, which has a
legitimate interest, to contribute as

fully as its existing statutory role and now core members of the local risk
functions requires in a way that management meetings - will refer them to
complements the work of other MAPPA.
As a new manager in the Youth
Agencies therefore participate through Offending Team I have been attending
Hull Local Risk Management Meetings
• the identification of MAPPA offenders since November 2004. This time
and the agencies with a specific coincides with the issue of a guidance
responsibility for, or a broader document "Managing Risk in the
interest in, the offender; Community3" from the Youth Justice
Board. This paper clarifies the process of
risk assessment and the link to local
• information sharing either specific to
MAPPA systems for Youth Justice
that offender or more general advice
Officers. I predict that there will be an
about an agency's role and the type increased incidence of case notification
of services it provides. This can at Level 1 from the Hull YOT in the
helpfully involve advice about how coming months as we become more
those services can be accessed and familiar with the new guidance.
provide a point of contact for other
agencies. Team Manager
Hull Youth Offending Team
• the formal assessment of risk and the
contribution each agency can make
to the interpretation of all the
Jobcentre Plus
relevant information about an
Jobcentre Plus is an executive agency of the
offender; and,
Department for Work and Pensions formed in
2002 when the Employment Service, which
• co-ordinating the plans to manage
ran Jobcentres, and those parts of the Benefits
the identified risks so that each Agency which provided services to people of
agency performs its role in a way working age through social security offices,
which at best complements the work were combined.
of other agencies, or at the least does
not frustrate or compromise their Jobcentre Plus aims to provide work for those
work. who can, and support for those who cannot,
by :
Youth Offending Teams • Helping disadvantaged people into
work, as a route out of poverty;
Local authorities across England and Wales • Providing financial support as a safety
have a statutory duty to establish Youth net for people of working age while
Offending Teams (YOTs). YOTs are themselves they are out of work;
Multi-agency partnerships in which police and • Addressing inequalities of
probation play an important role but are opportunity;
regarded as performing a 'single agency' risk • Protecting the integrity of the benefit
assessment and risk management role. YOTs system; and
are responsible for the supervision of young • Working with employers and partners
people on community orders and during their to address market failure in the
licence period following their release from labour market.
detention. They have skilled, specialist staff
who can manage risk effectively, whilst also All these activities underpin the Department
addressing the vulnerability of the young for Work and Pensions' purpose of promoting
people themselves "opportunity and independence for all".

The priority customers, identified by the

Most of the young offenders for whom YOTs
agency's performance target structures, are
have responsibility will not, by virtue of the
type and length of sentence they receive fall
within MAPPA but with the minority that do Managing Risk in the Community, Edition 1
present a high risk YOT managers - who are (2005) Youth Justice Board.

those at greatest disadvantage in the labour manage the risks the MAPPA offender
market. These customers include people with poses.
specific disadvantages, such as ex-offenders, The LEA representative on MAPPA provides an
refugees, homeless people, drugs misusers and insight into the workings of schools and the
people without basic skills. Helping them LEA and has some knowledge of child
contributes to wider goals, including cutting protection, information sharing protocols and
crime and re-offending rates. current arrangements for risk assessment. The
education service, particularly schools, can
Freshstart is an initiative that builds on the make a helpful contribution to the work of
close working links between Jobcentre Plus MAPPA because:
and the Prison Service. Evidence suggests that
employment is a key factor in reducing the
likelihood of re-offending. Effective links
• Schools are able to provide their
pupils with programmes of child
between Jobcentre Plus and the Prison Service
protection awareness training. i.e.
can help to make an impact by guaranteeing
Stranger Danger etc. This training can
that offenders about to be released are put in
touch with Jobcentre Plus staff at the earliest be re-enforced at times when there is
opportunity. This will be specifically through a a particular local risk.
work focussed interview where customers can • School staff are well placed to be
begin to explore job opportunities and help alert and aware regarding activities
available through New Deal or other Jobcentre within the locality that could provide
Plus programmes. For those unable to work, a threat to pupils.
through disability or illness, claims to benefit • In particular situations, and with the
can be made. authorisation of MAPPA through the
Police, schools are in a position to
There may be cases where MAPPA decides
warn individuals or groups of pupils,
there is a need to notify local Jobcentre Plus
offices that restrictions should be placed on an or staff, regarding possible danger.
offender's employment. In those rare cases • Schools are able to provide a safe
only the identity of the offender and the environment during the daytime for
nature of the employment from which the children and young people.
offender should be restricted will be disclosed • The local school is often the first port
to a senior manager and in most cases this of call for parents who want to voice
would be done with the full knowledge and their concern regarding worrying
permission of the offender who would see the activities in the area.
benefit of not being sent for interviews etc
where wider disclosure of their offending may
• Schools are often able to provide
helpful information to assist the work
be required. of MAPPPs.

Local Education Authorities (LEA)

Broadly speaking the role of LEAs is four-fold:

school improvement; special educational
provision; access to education; and, strategic Local Housing Authorities
management of schools and the local
education service. Their 'core business' does The provision of accommodation for offenders
not therefore involve them directly with the released from prison presents a continuing
assessment and management of MAPPA challenge for those working in public
offenders and their most likely involvement in protection. Close working ties, through
the MAPPA is in cases which involve, either: MAPPA, are therefore invaluable in seeking to
place offenders as sensitively and as safely as
(a) a MAPPA offender aged under 18 and possible in their local communities.
who is referred by the Youth Offending
Team to the MAPPA at either Level 2 or Local Housing Authorities have two functions
Level 3; or that relate to the resettlement of offenders:
(b) a case where a MAPPA offender poses the allocation of long-term accommodation
risks to young people for whom the LEA and the provision of housing assistance for
has a responsibility/duty of care which people who are homeless.
may be affected by the arrangements to

The priority need groups are specified in
I have been involved in MAPPA activity since legislation and include, among others a person
I took on my current role some four years who is vulnerable as a result of time spent in
ago. Prior to this I had a working custody.
relationship with Probation Personnel and
also other agencies including Social Services, Clearly, given the importance of
Police etc in my previous role as an Estate accommodation in the resettlement of
Manager offenders and hence in the assessment and
management of risk, local authority housing
My own views are that the MAPPA plays a representatives can make an important
critical role in dealing with high and medium contribution to the MAPPA. As indicated
risk people and is a practical way of above, this will not necessarily mean that they
progressing their need for placement and have a specific duty to accommodate an
accommodation and attempting to avoid offender but their advice about
potential difficulties with the general public. accommodation and the procedures by which
it is allocated and the suitability of particular
The meetings can sometimes be long due to housing stock will provide a valuable
the number of cases that have to be contribution.
discussed and sometimes my
involvement/contribution can be minimal. Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)
However my feeling is that no matter how
small the contribution it is always welcomed. Registered Social Landlord (RSL) is the
As an accommodation provider the Housing technical name for social landlords that are
department have a purposeful role to play. registered with the Housing Corporation -
most are housing associations, but there are
One of the difficulties sometimes is where also trusts, co-operatives and companies.
we may agree to re-house an ex offender in Housing associations are run as businesses but
a certain property type, in a certain area of they do not trade for profit. Any surplus is
the City and this can cause "challenges" from ploughed back into the organisation to
my colleagues on the Estates i.e. "why my maintain existing homes and to help finance
area, not in my backyard" scenario. I guess I new ones. Housing associations are now the
am the link between the MAPPA and the main providers of new social housing.
Estates but unless the Housing Manager is
fully convinced that to house someone in Most associations are small and own fewer
his/her area is the right decision then than 250 homes. However, the largest seven
difficulties can emerge. per cent of associations - those with 2,500
plus homes - own 78 per cent of all the
Finally, in my opinion there are many success sector's homes. Some were founded centuries
stories to be had and these far outweigh any ago but many trace their origins to the 1960s
failures that have occurred within the and over the last decade, many new
MAPPA remit. associations - such as Shoreline in Grimsby -
have recently been formed to manage and
Housing Rights & Services Manager Kingston develop homes transferred to them by local
upon Hull authorities.

Not all RSLs provide accommodation for

Under homelessness legislation local housing MAPPA offenders, and it is only those which
authorities must ensure that advice and do that are required to co-operate in the
information about homelessness, and MAPPA. MAPPA locally therefore only engages
preventing homelessness, is available to with those RSLs when they are giving
everyone in their district free of charge. They consideration to accommodating a MAPPA
must also ensure that suitable accommodation offender or are asked for the provision of
is available for people who apply to them for general advice in regard to accommodation.
housing assistance where the authority is
satisfied that those people are eligible for
assistance, have become homeless through no
fault of their own and they fall within a
priority need group. This is known as "the
main homelessness duty".

As one of the area's largest provider of social My experience of attending the meetings
housing, I see Shoreline Housing and contributing to them is that all agencies
Partnership's involvement with MAPPA as have the opportunity to obtain a broad
essential from all points of view, because we picture of how the subjects being discussed
share MAPPA's dual role of assisting in the will impact not only on their service area and
responsibilities, but also on those areas
resettlement of offenders and protecting the
covered by other agencies.
The added value of this model is that the
Very often, a lack of housing is a major discussion element allows expertise to be
obstacle to that resettlement and we are shared in an environment conducive to
able to help with general housing advice and reaching consensus and relatively objective
information about the housing stock. The joint decision-making. The presence of key
type and location of property can be crucial professionals ensures that all decision-
making and planning takes account of
for the safety or well-being of either the
relevant legislation and procedural
client or the public and, dependent on stock
requirements for all agencies.
availability, we can assist MAPPA to resolve a
particular issue. I have on more than one occasion now
agreed to a particular course of action to be
It is sometimes necessary to affect an urgent taken outside of the meeting that has
move when a client's safety is threatened, be involved working closely with another
they a victim of crime or an offender subject agency, usually probation, in order to
progress a case to a satisfactory conclusion.
to risk from others and this can be facilitated
via a direct request from MAPPA. A particular example of this has been some
work conducted jointly with a probation
We do, however, have our failures; officer to develop a management action plan
sometimes we have to refuse a client as a pending the release of a convicted murderer
potential tenant when they do not meet the into the community - with the intention of
criteria for eligibility on the housing register. moving into a family environment. The
Equally, the best laid plans can come to officer and I achieved what we believed was
nothing when the potential victim voluntarily a safe and workable plan that both
safeguarded the children concerned and
seeks out the person from whom we have
allowed the subject the potential to live a
sought to protect them. "family life" on his release. In the event the
subject was not granted parole but the work
Senior Applications Officer remains on file for future use when release is
Shoreline Housing Partnership eventually sanctioned.

Child Protection Co-ordinator

North Lincolnshire Child Protection Team
Local Authority Social Services -
Councils with Social Services
Responsibilities Local authorities have a duty, where they have
reasonable cause to suspect that a child who
The links between the responsibilities of lives, or is found, in their area, is suffering, or
councils with social services responsibilities likely to suffer, significant harm, to make such
and the MAPPA are mainly in the area of child enquiries as they consider necessary to enable
protection and safeguarding children. The them to decide whether they should take any
MAPPA authorities are members of the Area further action to safeguard or promote the
Child Protection Committee (ACPC),soon to be child's welfare. A 'reasonable cause to suspect'
Local Safeguarding Children Boards, and may arise because of the known presence of a
individual practitioners in police, probation dangerous offender in the area, and local
and social services work together to manage authority staff work will with staff from the
the risk posed to children by particular MAPPA agencies to manage the risk that
dangerous offenders. person poses to children.

MAPPA for the management of adult
Since 2001 I have attended the MAPPA offenders in ways that will, through effective,
panels regularly, at first feeling multi agency risk assessment and
apprehensive, feeling the weight of management, reduce the risk of harm such
responsibility in making recommendations in offenders may present to children.
order to safeguard children. As in all multi
agency settings relationships have to be As a Child Protection Co-ordinator for East
forged and trust in each others judgment Riding and a member of the MAPPA
built up. meetings, I have found the MAPPA
arrangements to be an important mechanism
I find the panel to be truly multi agency, for inter agency working to safeguard
with shared responsibility and operates well children.
in line with ' Working Together to Safeguard For example, there have been instances
Children'. whereby information has come to light at
MAPPA meetings that a high risk offender
I see my role as advisor in managing the risk intends to live with a vulnerable family.
an offender may pose to either particular Members of MAPPA can agree actions to
children or children generally, ensuring that prevent this potentially dangerous situation
information is shared with social service e.g. by redirecting the offender, and Social
colleagues, following up referrals made to Services are then also able to assess the
the department and feeding back to panel situation further and provide the family with
when required. advice and guidance. These actions can take
place without invoking the more formal child
'Working Together to Safeguard Children' protection process or they can dovetail with
describes MAPPA and its processes as the child protection procedure but
mirroring child protection conferences, but whichever path is taken MAPPA has acted as
with the focus on managing the risk posed an information sharing trigger to
by the perpetrator which are central to the professionals to put protective plans in place
inter-agency approach. for children
.… the MAPPA task is often difficult with
I enjoy sitting on the panel. I feel the child information that is sometimes not easy to
protection perspective is important, and I listen to. However it is hard to imagine how
have learnt a lot about the importance of the issues were addressed prior to MAPPA
"joined up" working. and it can only be concluded that the panel
fulfils an important arena in the protection
Area Manager of the public with children included. I have
Children and Families Services always found the East Riding panel to be
Kingston upon Hull Social Services supportive and helpful which makes the
tasks it has to complete that much easier.
Following the tragic death of Victoria Climbié Finally the MAPPA enables professional
Lord Laming stated; relationships to be established that lead to
good communication and child protection
activity beyond the MAPPA panel.
" The support and protection of children
cannot be achieved by a single Child Care and Protection Co-ordinator
agency….Every Service has to play its part" 5. East Riding of Yorkshire Social Services

As legislation6 which has its roots in the Health Services

report which followed the Victoria Climbié
Inquiry comes into force there will be a greater MAPPA's interaction with health services is as
diverse as any adult offender's contact with
expectation, indeed a duty, placed on other the service. It may be at the primary care level
agencies to have regard to the need to through for example a GP or pharmacist or at
safeguard and promote the welfare of the secondary level through hospitals,
children. In their position as principal point of consultants, etc. The "duty to co-operate"
contact in regard to concerns about the therefore whilst under the umbrella of a
welfare of children it is anticipated that social particular health Trust, operates at those
or children's services will lean more towards various levels as needs arise.

4 5
Working together to safeguard children; a guide to Lord Laming in the Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report
inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the 6
Children Act 2004
welfare of children. 1999. Dept of Health, Home
Office, Dept of Education & Employment. HMSO.

The Humber Mental Health Teaching NHS
• where serious harm may occur to a
third party
Trust has had a regular seat on the Local Risk
Management Meeting for the East Riding • where a doctor believes a patient to
area for the last year. This regular be a victim of abuse and the patient
attendance has proven to be useful in that a is unable to give or withhold consent
significant proportion of the people who are • where, without disclosure a doctor
subject to multi-agency public protection would not be acting in the overall
arrangements have a history of, or are best interests of a child or young
currently using, mental health services. person who is his/her patient and
During the past year it has become apparent incapable of giving consent
that while colleagues from the Probation, • when, without disclosure the task of
Police and Child Care do show a concern for preventing, detecting or prosecuting
the mental health of the people they work a serious crime by the police would
with, they find the organisation and be prejudiced or delayed
operation of mental health services
confusing. Therefore one of my roles as a The Forensic Mental Health Service is a
member of the LRMM is to explain the specialist service within the delivery of
operation of the mental health services in mental health services in North East
terms of appropriate referral routes and the Lincolnshire. We work with mentally
availability and appropriateness of services disordered individuals who offend, or have
for individuals being managed under the propensity to offend, and our work
covers all aspects of the criminal justice
system including point of arrest and post
While hopefully being able to develop the sentence.
understanding of colleagues about mental
health issues the LRMM also offers me the We function as an integrated member of the
MAPPA meetings, providing input direction
opportunity to learn and understand the role
and advice to all parties involved in risk
of Police, Probation and Child Care in management. We are able to visit and
relation to public protection and offender assess those referred to the MAPPA meetings
management. This understanding can then and thereby provide individual assessments
be fed back into the mental health system relating to mental health and risk
which often has similar difficulties management issues.
understanding the role and function of the
other agencies. … we offer a fully qualified staff group
which consists of practitioners from both
Clinical Nurse Manager health and social service backgrounds who
Adult Inpatient Services (East Riding) are able to offer a range of skills and
experiences that will hopefully compliment
the other disciplines within the MAPPA
Clearly there are particular issues about arena. We are committed to MAPPA to
working with health professionals and the reducing risk through the MAPPA process.
The team representative at these meetings
sensitivities of information sharing and co-
will refer and receive referrals of cases where
operation because of the very different the mental health or behaviour of an
relationship they have with their patients. individual is of concern, share information
and provide advice on case management.
However, all the advice and published Such individuals may be returning to the
guidance indicates that clarity about roles and locality from penal or secure hospital
the legal principles which enable information establishments and may require housing,
to be shared in certain circumstances, will social care or clinical supervision from
avoid misunderstanding and disagreement. appropriate professional groups.
Reference is made to those principles in the
The MAPPA forum provides our service with
section on information sharing in the MAPPA a valuable point of contact within the
Guidance. provision of services to mentally disordered
offenders from the locality thus enabling a
As with all MAPPA cases the consent of the sharing of the expertise and judgement from
offender is obtained wherever possible for within a multi - agency framework.
information to be sought or passed on.
However situations where patient information Manager
may be passed on without consent include ; Forensic Mental Health Team, Grimsby.

Mental Health Trusts are perhaps the most
significant health bodies on whom the duty to I have represented the Community Mental
co-operate falls because most instances will Health Service (Scunthorpe) in the MAPPA
involve mentally disordered offenders. since July 2003.
However, the duty does apply to all health The purpose of my representation is to
bodies and representatives from the various provide general information to the group on
disciplines are core members at meetings held issues that relate to offenders with Mental
Health problems who may require MAPPA
under MAPPA. management and giving feedback on
offenders who are known to the Community
Mental Health Services in order to help the
The involvement of the learning disability decision making process of the MAPPA
Service with MAPPA has been ongoing for a group.
number of years and strangely it has always My personal experience of attending MAPPA
felt like a good idea, not that there are a meetings have been very rewarding and has
huge number of offenders with Learning improved my knowledge of how difficult
Disability managed through MAPPA, it just cases are managed with absolute
seems to work confidentiality. I am most fascinated by the
I attend the monthly meetings and view that way people who pose great deal of risks are
being managed with knowledge of people
responsibility as multi faceted. I provide
from different professional backgrounds.
expert opinion on individuals with whom I
am working, often in partnership with other My perception of the group is of well-
professionals. I can give a specialist opinion disciplined professionals who share a
on individual offenders described as having a common goal of protecting the public. As a
learning disability but who are being result of this, a robust risk management is
managed by other agencies and can offer always achieved which adds to the credibility
background information on people with a of the MAPPA group and makes it a
learning disability who may be involved with worthwhile venture.
those on the MAPPA agenda and as such be MAPPA group is a very useful forum in
at risk or vulnerable… sharing information, and has brought about
collaborative work, which makes our service
.….there is always the risk that liaison will more effective and more responsive. As a
come across as a bit limp, vague and thin, result, risks have become more manageable
but in many respects it is the most important in terms of drawing up contingencies within
aspect of the Learning Disability Service link our service. As a service we have therefore
with MAPPA. The contacts, expertise and become more proactive rather than reactive.
experience that our service can draw on, is
invaluable in ensuring the safety of both Community Mental Health Services North
individuals with a learning disability who
offend and the community in which they
Manager/Community Nurse Key achievements over the
Community Team Learning Disability past year
North Lincolnshire
Prison Service.

The benefits for the health service for co- One of the important ways in which the
operation in MAPPA have been summarised as Criminal Justice Act (2003) strengthened the
providing; MAPPA was to make the Prison Service part of
the Responsible Authority with police and
• a source of information about probation in each of the 42 Areas in England
patients and Wales in April 2004. The Prison Service
• a conduit and framework for joint was then given an enhanced role in
working recognition of the important part it
• a useful source of advice on
appropriateness and implications of As part of the Responsible Authority the Prison
various medical treatments and Service is now represented on each of the
interventions Strategic Management Boards (SMBs) in the
42 Areas. The Prison estate is configured
• help in management of risk in
differently from Police/Probation areas in that
complex cases.
its establishments are contained within only
12 geographical areas and two functional

areas - the High Security estate, and MAPPA Co-ordinator
Contracted Prisons. For this reason
arrangements for Prison Service representation A MAPPA Co-ordinator was appointed at the
on SMBs vary across the country, but each beginning of the period of review. Whilst the
Prison Service Area Manager has entered into responsibility for the operational management
an agreement with the SMBs on how the of the offenders subject to MAPPA remains
Service will contribute both strategically and with the field officers the co-ordinator works
operationally to the MAPPA. with those field staff to establish a consistency
of approach in the way offenders are referred
Playing an effective role in the multi agency to, and handled by, the MAPPA. The co-
risk management of MAPPA offenders requires ordinator chairs the Level 2 Local Risk
good communication between criminal justice Management Meetings and is accompanied by
partners. Over the past year the Prison Service a minute taker who prepares and distributes
has taken steps to ensure that there are the minutes centrally, again seeking to
dedicated points of contact for public establish a consistency of practice across the
protection at both Area level and in every area.
prison establishment, and that these are
published together with police and probation The MAPPA Co-ordinator liaises with
contacts to ensure better communication colleagues from the Responsible Authority and
across the Responsible Authority. "Duty to Co-operate agencies developing and
gate keeping the referral process, acting as a
With the ever increasing MAPPA population central point of contact for MAPPA issues both
and the proportion of those received into in the area and for out of area enquiries and
prison likely to grow with the introduction of arranging and delivering multi agency training
the new public protection sentences, the on risk and the MAPPA process.
inclusion of the Prison Service as part of the
Responsible Authority will continue to be vital
in protecting the public.
MAPPPs held centrally

ViSOR Immediately prior to the period under review

the Level 3, Multi Agency Public Protection
ViSOR is a new national computer based Panels were held locally in the Divisions.
Violent Offender & Sex Offender Register and However in order to bring a more consistent
is set to play a vital role locally and nationally approach and help maintain a central overview
in monitoring sex, dangerous and violent of all high and very high risk offenders in our
offenders. area they have, since April last year, been held
The system went live in with Humberside centrally at Police or Probation Headquarters
Police in February of this year and all sex and chaired by the police or probation Senior
offenders and other offenders managed on a Management Team member having
multi agency basis under MAPPA are now responsibility for the MAPPA. This appears to
entered on the system. Liaison is ongoing with be working well and has resulted in
colleagues in other police areas to ensure the attendance at those meetings of the
integrity of information, to merge information appropriate level of agency representation and
from different areas and ensure that only one facilitated the effective handling of cases
file on the offender exists with clear indication where the offender travels across divisional
of which officer in which area is managing boundaries in our area.
that case.
Recall Procedures
Because all police forces and eventually all
probation areas and prisons will have access The steady rise nationally in the number of
to the database, intelligence added by a offenders sentenced to imprisonment has lead
police, probation or prison officer in one part to an accompanying increase in the number of
of the country will become immediately offenders on licence supervised by the
searchable by officers in another. This means National Probation Service. Additionally part of
that offenders are better tracked making it the Criminal Justice Act 2003 which came into
more difficult for them to change appearance effect in April of this year in regard to
and re-emerge undetected to offend in Dangerous Offenders means that prisoners will
another part of the country. be supervised for longer periods in the
community following their prison sentences.

CASE STUDY 2 obtained permission from the offender
to make certain disclosure to neighbours
and schools
A sex offender with a history of sexual
assaults on children he sought out It was agreed that head teachers of
around local schools was released on schools around his home needed to be
licence to another area following a long aware of his presence and have a clear
prison sentence. action plan if he was seen near to any of
them. A complication with this was that
Shortly after his licence expired he was living as he did on the border of another
again involved in indecency offences and area two education authorities needed
placed on a Community Rehabilitation to be involved and this was achieved
Order with a condition that he attended through the MAPPA process.
a sex offender treatment programme. Social services contacted the family
He finished the programme but the living next door to him who had children
tutors assessed him as still presenting a and ensured that the parents were fully
risk of serious sexual harm he was aware of the particular situation and the
instructed to repeat elements of the children knew what to do if ever
work. approached by any single male in the
Whilst repeating the programme he
moved to our area to live with his Arrangements were made for him to
parents and was almost immediately attend a Sex Offender Programme in this
arrested and convicted of harassment of area and through such participation his
two girls and sentenced to a further moods and behaviour were monitored.
term of imprisonment. Police and probation officers agreed to
each visit the family home every
The prison sentence was a short one fortnight meaning that the offender was
which meant that on release he was not seen every week. His movements were
subject to a licence allowing probation discussed and he agreed to keep the
to dictate where he lived but probation police informed of any significant trips
did have a reason for contact as the away from his home.
Community Rehabilitation Order was still Local police in this area and police in the
in force on his release. The police also neighbouring area were made fully
had an overview of him as he was aware of his situation and his
required to register with them as a sex description and vehicle details were
offender. Additionally, because the circulated. To date the man has co-
offender had used his car when operated fully with the agencies
committing the offence he was supervising him and continues to attend
disqualified from driving. the Sex Offender Programme. He has not
to our knowledge re-offended.
Prior to his release he was referred to
MAPPA and dealt with at Level 3, the
Multi Agency Public Protection Panel.
A risk management plan was agreed and Because of this the use of revocation of the
it was decided to advise him fully of this licence and recall to prison can be used as a
plan and involve him and his family as more flexible risk management tool. A new
much as possible in its execution. National Protocol was therefore introduced in
Unfortunately his family did not view January of this year to ensure that there is a
him as a risk but as a result of joint visits more collaborative approach between police
from police Risk Management Officers and probation to ensure supervision,
and his supervising probation officer monitoring revocation decisions and in
they saw the advantage to everyone of appropriate circumstances a swift recall to
steps being taken to ensure their son did custody.
not re-offend or put himself in a
position where he could be accused of In our area the national agreement has been
intending to offend. On that basis police implemented to suit local circumstances such
that police and probation work closely,

through MAPPA where appropriate, in setting
any conditions it is felt need to be attached to difficult. These "threats" were taken
a licence, share information of the offenders seriously by the prison and a Level 3
adherence to the licence and ensure that once Multi Agency Public Protection Panel was
a decision has been taken to revoke a licence called by the supervising probation
the offender is returned to custody as speedily officer in the community to plan for the
as possible in order to protect the public and offender's release.
prevent re-offending.
That meeting was attended by
Strengthening of Police Teams representatives from police, probation,
housing authorities, forensic mental
In response to the move over the last year to a health services, social services, and the
more consistent approach in managing high prison.
risk offenders across the area and the increase
in collaboration required by legislation in A risk management plan was formulated
supervising sexual and violent offenders in the which involved the victim being offered
community the number of police Risk a house move by the local authority
Management Officers has been increased in prior to the offender being released. The
each of the 4 police divisions in our area. victim was loath to take up this offer as
These officers are working more closely with she had established network of friends
colleagues from social services and probation and support where she lived. Alarms
and often joint visiting offenders and their were therefore installed in her home by
families or sharing supervision of offenders. the police and the local policing team
made fully aware of the situation.
Joint training with the probation service is
being undertaken for supervisory and field Licence conditions were agreed to
officers in risk assessment and management. include a direction that the offender did
not contact or attempt to contact the
victim, an exclusion zone was made
CASE STUDY 3 around the victim's home and the
offender was required to reside in
probation approved premises on release.
A man with a history of violent assaults, The offender was transferred to a local
criminal damage, offensive weapons and prison to facilitate easier monitoring of
drug misuse and supply became his movement immediately on release.
obsessed with a woman whom he met
socially but who did not wish to have a It was felt there was no choice but to
relationship with him. make the exclusion area around the
victim's home but this of course
His behaviour in trying to make contact indicated to the offender that she was
with her became such that he was living in the same place as when he had
eventually arrested near her home and offended against her and he chose to
sentenced to imprisonment.In prison he see this as her enticing him further
refused any help with his drug problem thereby increasing the risk he presented.
and continued to demonstrate violent It was noted that a further significant
behaviour, assaulting other prisoners factor in the risk this man posed was a
and staff. return to drug abuse.

As his release date approached it The offender was released and did go to
became clear to prison staff that his the probation approved premises. Soon
obsession with the woman was after release monitoring by the
returning but now with the added factor probation service revealed that he was
that he saw her as the reason he was in again using an illegal class A drug and a
custody. He began to make remarks decision was taken to revoke his licence
about what he intended to do on release and return him to custody where it is
but these were made in such a way that anticipated that his mental health can
legal action in regard to treating these be assessed and treatment and support
remarks as "threats" was extremely given as required.

What do the Statistics tell decrease was not anticipated. This is because
there have been two significant influences on
us? this figure over the last year. Firstly the criteria
in regard to risk has been more stringently
The statistical information published in this applied thereby ensuring that only those that
year's report is substantially the same as last were assessed as presenting a current risk of
year's. However, to capture a more accurate serious harm were considered. Secondly
picture of the work being done under MAPPA however more focus is now directed on
figures on level 2 (Local Risk Management offences involving domestic violence. At this
Meetings) activity in addition to level 3 time the sentences for offences involving
(MAPPPs) are included as well as outcome domestic violence often do not meet the
measures from that activity. New civil orders criteria for automatic consideration under
introduced by the Sexual Offences Act 2003 MAPPA Category 2, Violent Offenders (a
which replace and build on the Sex Offender sentence of at least 12 months imprisonment
Order and Sex Offender Restraining Order are is required) but nevertheless the offenders
also included. behaviour is such that there is still considered
to be a current risk of serious harm to their
There are currently 645 Registered Sex victims - meeting the criteria for Category 3.
Offenders living in our area against a figure of
584 for the previous year. An increase in For the first time we have included details of
numbers over last year is inevitable at this the number and categories of offenders dealt
stage because the numbers are cumulative as with under MAPPA at the Level 2 Local Risk
offenders are required to register for extended Management Meetings (LRMMs) as well as the
periods of time and currently the number of Level 3 Multi Agency Public Protection Panels
offenders who are required to register on (MAPPPs)
conviction is greater than the number whose
registration period has come to an end.
However the national increase over last year is 27 Offenders were managed by Level 3 Multi
anticipated to be 15% and in our area it is just Agency Multi Agency Public Protection Panels
over 10%. at some stage during the reporting period. At
2.6% of the total MAPPA caseload in this area
(1024) this is within the nationally predicted
During the reporting period 20 Registered Sex range of less than 5% but it is an increase on
Offenders were cautioned or convicted for last years figure (8). A more detailed
breaching the requirements of their examination of the figures will be undertaken
registration. to ascertain to what degree the number of
referrals was influenced by the availability for
The number of Category 2 offenders, i.e. the first time of a central MAPPP coupled with
violent and other sex offenders, recorded as the lack of resources in any particular division
living in this area in the reporting period is preventing the case being managed at a more
344. This number is significantly higher than local lower level rather than the level of risk
that recorded last year. However it should be presented by the offender driving the referral.
remembered that this is not the number of There is no significant difference between the
such offenders present on any one day but is number of Category 1, Registered Sex
the number who have lived in the area for a Offenders (12) and Category 2, Violent and
period, however short, at any time during the Other sex offenders (10) managed at Level 3.
year. It is felt that this years figures are a
reflection of the true situation now that the 158 offenders across the area were dealt with
appointment of a MAPPA co-ordinator enables at the lower level of risk management, Level 2,
an area wide scrutiny of the figures. Local Risk Management Meetings. This figure
does not include those offenders who may
The number of Category 3 offenders dealt have been managed at a higher level at some
with during the reporting period is slightly point, perhaps to access resources which could
down at 35 against 55 last year and such a only be authorised at a senior management

level, and who then have been returned to However scrutiny of these cases should lead to
local jurisdiction. It is anticipated that learning and possible changes in service
nationally cases managed at Level 2 will make delivery relevant to all offenders including
up 20% of the total MAPPA caseload. In our those managed under MAPPA.
area the figure at 158, (15.4%) is slightly For these purposes a serious sexual and violent
lower than the predicted average. Again there offence is defined as;
is not a great difference between the number
of Registered Sex Offenders (58) and Violent • Murder; Attempted murder; Arson
(where there is an intent to endanger
Offenders (70).
life); Manslaughter; Rape;
Kidnap/abduction or attempted
2 of the 27 cases managed at Level 3, Multi
Agency Public Protection Panel and 17 of the
158 cases managed at Level 2, Local Risk
Management, were returned to custody for
• Any other very serious violent or very
serious sexual offence, armed robbery
breaching the conditions of their licence. (defined as robbery involving a
Revocation of the licence and recall to prison firearm), assault with a deadly
should not be seen as a failure of the risk weapon or hostage taking, or;
management process. Rather it is an indication
that those managing the offenders are • Any other violent or sexual offence
prepared to take swift, decisive action when, where the offender/ offence is likely
by re-offending or through their behaviour, an to attract significant media interest or
offender indicates that the risk they present to which raises wider issues of national
the public in the community is unacceptable. interest.
Following recall further work can be
undertaken to address that behaviour or other Of the 27 cases managed at Level 3 , Multi
risk management initiatives can be put in Agency Public Protection Panels, none were
place, which will enable the consideration for charged with any serious further offences
further release when the risk presented by the whilst under that supervision. Of the 158 cases
offender is considered acceptable. As managed at Level 2, Local Risk Management
mentioned above the part of the Criminal Meetings, 1 was charged with a serious
Justice Act 2003 which came into effect in further offence whilst under that supervision.
April of this year in regard to Dangerous This case involved a man with a history of
Offenders means that prisoners will be violence, including domestic violence, who
supervised for longer periods in the was at that time being supervised by the
community following their prison sentences probation service under a Community
and the use of revocation of the licence and Rehabilitation Order given for the possession
recall to prison will be used more frequently as of drugs, possession of an offensive weapon
a flexible risk management tool. and the breach of a previous Community
Rehabilitation Order. The offences and
In March 2004, ie at the beginning of this sentence did not meet the criteria for
review period, a notification, screening and automatic referral to MAPPA but the case was
review procedure for serious further offences referred under the Category "Other Offender"
committed by offenders currently being by the supervising probation officer because
supervised by probation service was of concerns in regard to the risk the man was
introduced nationally. The purpose of this is to beginning to present to his ex partner and her
ensure that a robust system of scrutiny is in children. The split with his partner was recent
place for these offenders so that any failures and acrimonious and the man had reverted to
can be identified and rectified, but also that drug and alcohol abuse. Appropriate action
good practice, not withstanding the was taken in regard to the protection of the ex
commission of a serious further offence, is partner and children but then the man was
recognised and supported. The trigger factor arrested and charged for allegedly taking part
for this process is the seriousness of the in a serious group assault on others.
further offence committed not the level of
supervision or risk management being applied Subsequently these charges were withdrawn.
so this is not purely a MAPPA initiative. Sexual Offences Prevention Orders are
obtained on application to a court. They place

restrictions on an offender to prohibit access
to certain places (e.g. schools) and to certain
groups of people (e.g. children). The Order
remains in place for a minimum of 5 years. In
Humberside 16 Sexual Offences Prevention
Orders were applied for by the police during
this review period. 11 have been granted and
5 are currently being processed. None have
been refused. The orders were made both at
point of sentence for a sexual offence
following close liaison with police Risk
Management Officers, police officer in the
case and probation and as stand alone
applications when concern has arisen about an
offenders behaviour. 1 offender has been
taken to court and convicted of breaching the
Order and is currently serving a custodial
sentence for that breach.

The MAPPA process cannot guarantee absolute

protection. Working with the type of offenders
we do, even the most diligent efforts of
practitioners cannot always prevent re-
offending and serious harm.

However we feel MAPPA continues to

represent a significant strengthening of public
protection in Humberside. We believe the
statistics confirm that the development of our
work under MAPPA in the assessment and
management of risk is reducing re-offending
and thereby significantly preventing further
serious harm by the most serious offenders in
our community.

Humberside Area
For the reporting period 1st APRIL 2004 - 31st MARCH 2005
Number of Offenders
1. Category 1 MAPPA offenders: Registered Sex Offenders (RSO)

i) The number of Registered Sex Offenders living in our Area on 31st March 2005. 645
This is information principally held by the police and is a snapshot of RSOs on 31/03/05. It does NOT include RSOs in prison.

ia) The number of Registered Sex Offenders in our Area per 100'000 head of population. 73

ii) The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who were either cautioned
or convicted for breaches of the requirement, between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005 20

iii) The number of (a) Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPOs) applied for (b) interim SOPOs a) 16
granted and (c) full SOPOs imposed by the courts in our Area between b) 0
1st May 2004 and 31st March 2005 c) 11

iv) The number of (a) Notification Orders applied for (b) interim Notification Orders granted a) 0
and (c) full Notification Orders imposed by the courts in our Area between b) 0
1st May 2004 & 31st March 2005 c) 0

v) The number of Foreign Travel Orders (a) applied for and (b) imposed by the courts a) 0
in our Area between 1st May 2004 & 31st March 2005 b) 0

2. Category 2 MAPPA offenders: Violent and Other Sexual offenders (V & O)

vi) The number of violent and other sexual offenders (as defined by Section 327 (3), (4) and (5) of
the Criminal Justice Act (2003)) living in our Area between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005 344
This figure includes only those Category 2 offenders who are living in our Area during the reporting period.
They do NOT include those Category 2 offenders who are still in custody.

3. Category 3 MAPPA offenders: Other Offenders (OthO)

vii) The number of ‘other offenders’ (as defined by Section 325 (2)(b) of the Criminal
Justice Act (2003)) living in our Area between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005. 35
This figure does not include any offenders who are included in either the Category 1 or 2 (i.e. (i) and (vi) above) unless
they have left those categories and are still considered by the Responsible Authority to pose a risk of serious harm

4. Offenders managed though Level 3 (MAPPP) & Level 2 (local inter-agency

Level 3 Level 2
(viii) Number of offenders in each of the three Categories (i.e. (1)- RSO, (2)- V&O RSO 10 58
and (3)- OthO above) who have been managed through the MAPPP (level 3) V&O 12 70
and through Local Risk Management Meetings (level 2) in our Area OthO 5 30
between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005.
The level 2 figure does NOT include those offenders who have not been managed at level 3 at any point in the counting period.

(ix) Of the cases managed at levels 3 or 2 (i.e. (viii)) between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005 how many, whilst
managed at that level:
Level 3 Level 2
(a) Were returned to custody for a breach of licence? a) 2 17
(b) Were returned to custody for a breach of a restraining order or sexual offences prevention order? b) 0 1
(c) Were charged with a serious sexual or violent offence? c) 0 1
These figures indicate the level at which the offender was managed at the time of their breach/further offence (e.g. if an offender was initially managed at Level 3 but
goes on to commit a serious further offence after he has been moved to Level 2, they are recorded in the 'Level 2' column for question (c))

Strategic Management Board Members
Angela Montgomery Nigel Richardson
Solicitor & Secretary to Humberside Probation Board Director of Social Services
Senior Manager for Risk Pittwood House
Ashby Road
National Probation Service - Humberside SCUNTHORPE
21 Flemingate North Lincolnshire DN16 1AB
BEVERLEY 01724 296002
East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 0NP
01482 867271 Jon Plant
Acting Head of Service for Children and Families
Brunswick House
John Godley Strand Close
MAPPA Co-Ordinator Beverley Road
Crime Management Policy Unit HULL HU2 9DB
Humberside Police Headquarters 01482 616004
Priory Road Police Station
Kingston upon Hull HU5 5SF
Julie Ogley
01482 220248 Executive Director of Community Care N E Lincs Council
Municipal Buildings
Town Hall Square
John Crosse GRIMSBY DN31 1HU
Assistant Chief Constable 01472 325456
Humberside Police Headquarters
Priory Road Police Station
Kingston upon Hull HU5 5SF Allison Watson
0845 60 60 222 Head of Resettlement HMP Hull Hedon Road
01482 282418
Det Chief Superintendent David Hunter
Humberside Police Headquarters
Priory Road Police Station Neil Cowans
Kingston upon Hull HU5 5SF Head of Security
0845 60 60 222 HMP Full Sutton
Full Sutton YORK YO41 1PS
01759 475003
Jon Mager
Head of Lifelong Learning
ERYC Mr Said Ali
Operational Manager
County Hall Humber Centre for Forensic Psychiatry
BEVERLEY Beverley Road
East Riding of Yorkshire Willerby HU10 6XB
01482 392000 01482 336200

Agency Contact Points

Humberside Police

Police Headquarters 0845 60 60 222

Priory Road

National Probation Service – Humberside

Head Office 01482 867271

21 Flemingate
East Yorkshire
HU17 0NP

HM Prison Service

Yorkshire and Humberside Area Office 01937 544500

Marston House
Audby Lane
LS22 7SD

MAPPA Co-ordinator

c/o Crime Management Policy Unit 01482 220248

Humberside Police Headquarters
Priory Road

Victim Support Schemes

Hull 01482 587666

Haltemprice & Holderness 01482 307284

East Yorkshire 01262 401689

Goole and Pocklington 01405 767070

Grimsby and Cleethorpes 01472 250251

Scunthorpe and North East Lincolnshire 01724 871324

National Victim Support Line 0845 30 30 900


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