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Pearson VUE Online Registration and Appointment Exam Operation Guide

Pearson VUE provides candidates with three convenient ways for exam registration
Using Pearson VUEs online services for booking and exam registration through the website. Register and schedule an exam through customer service call center, Pearson VUE provides various service lines according to the location of candidates. Candidates can call the listed customer service number above to make an appointment to complete the exam registration, or change the schedule. This registration method must be paid using an international credit card; candidates should prepare the international credit card in advance. Register and schedule an exam at the nearest Pearson VUE authorized testing center.

Pearson VUE online services

Login Pearson VUE official website:, Candidates can create an account to make an appointment, to browse the history of exams and to browse or update your personal information online.
Whether a new candidate or the candidates who has an account, please login before you use online services, click the Test Taker Services ", to enter the examination home page (figure A).

figure A

There are some category that are listed, Select the Information Technology item on the left column, then select the vendor as Huawei, after that, enter the vendors information page(figure B).

Figure B

As shown in figure B, Click My Account on the right side of the page, enter the page of candidate login (figure C). In this page, candidates can create an account, or log on through existing account.

Figure C 2

If you are a new candidate, Please create your account by 2 steps as listed below to register and schedule an Exam.
Step 1Create a Pearson VUE account.
Before candidates schedule an Exam, the candidates should create an account first. If candidate has an account already, you can use the existing one. If you are a new candidate, select Create a new web account in the login page (figure C) to create a Pearson VUE account. The first page of create an account: input your Name, Country of Residence and Mail address. (Figure 1-1) Be sure that the Name you input must be the same as shown on your ID, (The test center will use the name to validate examinee's identity), input your e-mail address and confirm again. Be noted, that the email address is important. If the email is invalid, you may fail to schedule an Exam. If you have tested with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Before. You must select the option of Yes, I have tested with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. before. Then input your HCID (For Example SR ID), so that Your exam result can be corresponded with the others test supplier. To candidates who are going to attend the Fast Certification, Be sure that you have at least one or more certification released by other vendors, and you are required to input your certification name and ID during your registration. After that, click Next to enter the next page.

Figure 1-1 The second page of create an account: input your contact information (shown on Figure 1-2) Click Next to continue.

Figure 1-2 The third page of create an account: input your additional information (shown on Figure 1-3) Click Next to continue.

Figure 1-3 The fourth page of create an account: browse the confirmation page (shown on Figure 1-4) It shows a confirmation mail will send to your email box, including the username and password information.

Figure 1-4 the procedure of creating an account is done.


Step 2. Make an appointment and payment

The payment of exam expense will be required when you make the appointment. You are not allowed to make the appointment before you pay. Be sure you know how to pay before you make the appointment, you can pay the exam expense by credit card, voucher or coupon

Sign In
As shown on this page, enter your username and password, and then click Sign In. and if you forgot your username or password, you can click I Forgot my username orI forgot my password to retrieve your username and password.

Figure C

Schedule Exams
To Schedule an Exam, the below stages are required Testing ProgramExamTest CenterAppointmentReviewPaymentConfirmReceipt Select Examas shown figure 2-1 Select for Exam, and the price will be shown. Within this step, Candidates can register for more than one exam. On the selected test subjects, the exam price will be displayed on the bottom half of the screen. Or click the "information" icon to view the exam price.

Once the test subjects are selected, the page will refresh to display the "test language (Language)" option. This feature offers a variety of language-related examinations. If the drop-down menu appears in multiple languages, be sure to select the desired language and schedule of the exam, the exam price will be displayed on the right. Click "Next" button, to continue examination appointment. Find a Test Center In Figure 2-2.1, you can locate a test center by selecting the country (Country), provincial (State / Province) in the search criteria, you can choose to display 5, 10 or 20 test centers nearest to the area that you selected. There is also an option wherein you can input the city for a more accurate search result.

Figure 2-2.1

When the "Search" button is clicked, the screen will refresh to show the test center that meet the search criteria (Figure 2-2.2).

Figure 2-2.2 If the test center is selected, the screen will refresh again to confirm the choice of candidates, as shown in Figure 2-2.3. The candidate can select up to four test centers to search for an appointment. If a candidate is satisfied with the selected test center, click "Next" button and continue for the exam schedule.

. Figure 2-2.3

Select Appointment As shown in Figure 2-3.1, to select for the exam date and time. A calendar is provided it will show the available schedule for the exam.

Figure 2-3.1

When a date from the calendar or date range is selected, the screen will refresh, as shown in Figure 2-3.2, a more detailed schedule including the appointment time will be listed in the text box on the right side. It can be in a 12 hour format (AM / PM) or in 24 hour format time, choose the appointment time, the click on "Select Appointment" button.


Figure 2-3.2 When the "Select Appointment" button is click, the screen will refresh again. The selected test center and exam schedule (date and time) will be displayed, as shown in Figure 2-3.3. If a candidate selected a test center with an undesired schedule, the candidate can go back to the selection phase. Once the exam appointment location, date and time is ok, click "Next" button to enter the "Preview" page.

Figure 2-3.3

Review Appointment Details This stage will enable candidates to review the exam details that they have chosen, including their personal information, as well as the amount required to pay the exam. As shown in Figure 2-4. Candidates need to carefully check the information, if necessary, use the "Update Personal Information (Update your profile)" link to make corrections / updates. If a candidate has an exam voucher or a promo/discount code, they can input it on this page. If you use the voucher payment, in the "Voucher Number" Enter the voucher number, then click on "Apply voucher"; if you use the discount code to get the exam price, enter the promotion number, then on click "Apply Promo Code ". The screen will refresh, and all the test information will be updated as shown in Figure 2-4. (If a wrong voucher number or discount code is supplied, a warning box will appear). Before clicking "Next" button, make sure all the information is accurate.

Figure 2-4


PayPayment Method If a candidate has a free exam with the use of a voucher or if he/she has a discount code that can bear all the cost of the exam, they will not be on this page. Otherwise, candidates should go through this page as shown in (Figure 2-5) to pay for the exam fees. Pearson VUE accepts the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, American Express and JCB. (Due to international verification problem, Pearson Vue does not accept debit cards). The Credit card billing address will automatically show the address of the candidate, it will be entered in the primary address. If the address of the payer is not the same with the candidate, the candidate may put the address of the payer in the next address box, then select "billing address match the following address" Errors may lead to credit card billing address verification problems. Enter all payment information, then click on the "Next" button below. Candidate's payment will not take effect immediately, until the next page to confirm the whole transaction.

Figure 2-5

(Confirm Order) After payment stage, you will enter the confirmation page. This page contains all the detailed examination

and payment information. To confirm that the information is correct, you need to select the check box below the page, indicating that the candidate has read the exam, re-booking and cancellation policy.


Click on the "Confirm Order" button, the receipt of information will be displayed on the screen. A confirmation e-mail (Confirmation Letter) will be sent to the candidate's email address. Create a network account with this confirmation mail; this message will be delivered within one working day. If the message does not reach, please contact the Pearson VUE call center. After a successful test appointment, exam registration information will soon appear on the page under Current Activity. If candidates need to reschedule or cancel the test, you can access these links from here. (Note: Each exam subject that needs to replace the schedule, cancel exams and qualifications have different policies, please refer to the candidate's confirmation e-mail, and view the latest policies.) Thus, an examination registration completed successfully.

Candidates can visit the online services, you can click on the screen on the left navigation menu, select the desired operation, such as viewing test history (View History), update your personal information (Update Profile) or other network account to use, Log (Change Sign In .)

Network Account Management (Current Activity) This page (Figure D) has reservations about the exam; it shows the next appointment status, the examination authority, as well as the history of the last 28 days of appointment details. The navigation menu at the left of the screen provides a number of tasks such as booking examinations, view test history, update your profile or change your login (username and password).


Figure D

(Update Profile) Candidates can add multiple test account data (the majority of IT certification examinations permit this), click on "Update Profile" (Figure E1). If the program will allow, click the upper right corner the "Additional Information", there will be a report containing all the test items that can be added to the list (Figure E2, Figure E3). If you want to add a test program, which is not on this list, you must create a new program for the test network account.

Figure E1


Figure E2

Figure E3

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