Genre by Jonathan Hohensee

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Genre By Jonathan Hohensee

Draft 1.2

INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - DAY The sound stage is quiet empty. CHRISTIAN and RIVER, two Williamsburg technocrats, come in the room. Theyre dragging BENEL behind him. The two throw Benel on the floor, he winces. Christian looks out the window, and then turns towards RIVER. RIVER picks up Benel violently, and forces him into a chair. Benel fights with what he has left. Christian watches from the window CHRISTIAN Its about time you learn that there is no more powerful enemy than the Williamsburg Real Estate industry, Benel. River comes in from OFF SCREEN. RIVER I found this lamp. FADE IN/OUT: River cuts the plug out of the back of the lamp and plugs it in, making an impromptu electrocuting device. He walks towards Benel, about to shove it into his temples. BENEL Christian. This is ridiculous. I dont have anything to do with Jack anymore. I havent talked to him in forever. Hes not the type of person I get near. CHRISTIAN You know where Jessica is. BENEL Jessica? CHRISTIAN The girl. His beautiful girlfriend. His lover. The world renowned hipster model. BENEL I dont know. I couldnt tell you where she is.




CHRISTIAN does she have the floppy disks? Benel doesnt answer. RIVER electrocutes BENEL.

CHRISTIAN We saw you with her at the bus depot. We know you know where the floppy disks are. BENEL I dont know anything. CHRISTIAN You know where Jessica is. BENEL (beat) I might. I dont. RIVER zaps Benel CHRISTIAN Jessica Southwell What do doesnt up with Berlin. this. RIVER zaps Benel BENEL Christian. Youre just a real estate broker. You didnt used to be like this. You used to stand for something. CHRISTIAN I know. (beat) What I am doing right now breaks all of my rules. Seven of them at least. But...when you find yourself as a high-paid real estate broker in the hottest market in Brooklyn, your perspective starts to change. You need to change. You finally see the big picture. I am not the certified public accountant that you once (MORE) (CONTINUED) BENEL you want with her? She know anything. Jack broke her. Shes moving back to She has nothing to do with

CONTINUED: CHRISTIAN (contd) knew. I learned things. New things. Like the word practical. BENEL Practical? CHRISTIAN To think, long ago I had vision. I wanted to do good. I dedicated my energies to the most important things that will save the world; used bookstores, barista co-ops and organic dry cleaners...feminist art collectives. BENEL Practical? CHRISTIAN Someday, Benel, if we dont kill you Were going to kill you If we dont kill you...if you are sensible...utilitarian...a technocrat, you will know the word "practical" very well. Fate has a way of introducing us to "practical" eventually. And the same with the word compromise. BENEL Compromise? CHRISTIAN Compromise is how you survive. BENEL Its how you give up. CHRISTIAN Compromise is about growing up, accepting the bottom line. And if you know that before hand, if you know now all of the things you intend to happen, arent going to happen the way you think its going to happen, then you are stronger for it. The options narrow. You dont let yourself get distracted. RIVER ZAPS Benel.





CHRISTIAN Oh, sure. My ethical model of accounting was suppose to be revolutionary. It got me the highest honor a twenty something can get; the cover of the Village Voice. This was a model that was supposed to sustain me, support me. Support the world. Help people. Lessen my ecological footprint. Make people safer BENEL - What if I told you, Jessica killed Jack? CHRISTIAN I would say that shes not that type of girl. BENEL I saw her do it. You did? CHRISTIAN Thats incredible.

BENEL Im not going to tell you anything. CHRISTIAN Do you realize were going to torture you? BENEL I love her. CHRISTIAN Youre kidding. RIVER Knows nothing of compromise. CHRISTIAN Knows nothing of practical. RIVER Didnt listen to a word you said. CHRISTIAN (beat) River, I want you keep torturing him, Im going to go to the street to make a phone call... (CONTINUED)



Christian doesnt leave from where hes standing. Benel? CHRISTIAN One last thing

This is what happens when you make an enemy of the most powerful real estate broker in Brooklyn.

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