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6th grade

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.


Circle the correct answer: Example: The four ... of the year are: spring, summer, autumn and winter. a. days b. months c. seasons

1p 1p 1.5p 1.5p 1.5p 1.5p 1.5p 2p 2p
1. The . . . is fair and sunny today. a) whether b) weather c) water

2. Which letter, if pronounced, is not a letter of the alphabet? a) me b) you c) see

3. Job description: looks after people who are ill or injured, usually in a hospital. a) nurse b) newsreader c) chef

4. I really enjoy working with my . . . . a) collegues b) colleagues c) colleges

5. He was very unhappy. He looked . . . . a) miserable b) happy c) rude

6. Your shower isnt working. Who do you call? a) a policeman b) a mechanic c) a plumber

7. Who is your brothers wife? a) my aunt b) my daughter-in-law c) my sister-in-law

8. We went to a lake and there was a duck with its there. a) chickens b) lambs c) ducklings

9. Please, can you help Paul with his . . . ? a) homework b) homeworks

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c) home-works 5
ETAPA a II-a bilant de an colar 8.05.2010


2p 2p

10. The animal that has a pouch in which she carries her babies is a . . . . a) monkey b) kangaroo c) zebra

11. Running is cheap because . . . . a) you can forget about your problems b) you can play almost anywhere c) you dont need any special equipment

2.5p 2.5p

12. How often do you . . . the piano? a) practise 13. Organic food is: a) clean, free from disease b) produced without using chemicals c) part of a hens foot b) practize c) practice

2.5p 2.5p 2.5p

14. What do you do in your . . . ? a) freetime b) free time c) free-time c) quait

15. Shes nice but shes very . . . . a) quite b) quiet

16. Which type of music do you associate with Brazil and dancing? a) rap b) reggae c) samba


1p 1p
1. . . . ? With my friend, Sally. a) Who are you staying with b) Who you are staying with 2. Fishing is cheap . . . relaxing. a) but b) and a) running b) scuba-diving c) too c) gymnastics c) Who you stay with

1.5 p 3. You go swimming, you go cycling, but you dont go . . . . 1.5 p 4. Jerry can football very well now.
a) play b) playing b) Are elephants b) Its b) thirteen and nineteen b) Fish gets thirsty? c) plays c) Elephants are c) Theres c) thirty and ninety c) Does fish get thirsty?

1.5 p 5. . . . big animals.

a) The elephants are a) Is a) thirteen and ninety

1.5 p 6. . . . easy to buy what you want in a big city. 1.5 p 7. A teenager is between . . . years old. 2p 2p
8. I wonder: (2p) a) Do fish get thirsty?

9. I cant live in a house with pets because . . . an allergy. a) of b) c) for

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10. Replace the underlined words. Dan is grandfathers grandson. a) his b) hes

c) he


11. In the evenings my father . . . his friends at the pub. a) meets often b) often is meeting c) often meets a) years a) with a) there is b) age b) to b) isnt there hungry c) year c) at c) is there made got

2.5 p 12. John is a five-. . .-old boy. 2.5 p 13. Help yourself . . . some food. 2.5 p 14. Why . . . no ham in a hamburger? 2.5 p 15. Which sentence is correct?
so I a I sandwich a) I got so hungry I made a sandwich. b) I got hungry, so I made a sandwich. c) So I got a sandwich I made hungry.

2.5p 16. Read the paragraph below.

When martha got first price four the most good and bigest pumpkin, she fell proud and more happy then ever. She haves maney to keep hers farm. she remembered hers grandmothers wise words: Never gave up! After all, tomorow is another Day. It contains mistakes. a) eighteen b) fifteen c) thirteen


1p 2p 2p
1. How often do you play tennis? a) Almost every day. b) On Tuesday. 2. Would you like to come to dinner next Friday? a) Not at all. b) Im afraid I cant. 3. . . . ? Im a nurse. a) What do you do b) Who are you c) In the morning. c) No really. c) What are you

2.5 p 4. David, can you bring me the bottle of wine, please?

Sure! ! I nearly dropped it! (2.5p) a) Wow b) Whoops c) Mmmm

2.5 p 5. a: Where is it?

b: Is it near the sea? c: Can you tell me about Holly Cottage, please? d: There are four bedrooms and one living-room. e: How many rooms are there? f: Well, its a large holiday home for up to eight people. g: Its three miles from the town centre. h: Yes, it is. The correct order of the following sentences is: (2.5p) a) c, f, d, g, b, a, h, e b) c, f, a, g, b, h, e, d

c) a, b, h, c, f, g, e, d
ETAPA a II-a bilant de an colar 8.05.2010

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IV. Read the text below and circle the correct sentence for each gap. (5p)
a. People work in their gardens or wash their cars. b. I can stay at home with my family. c. I can even hear the birds in the trees. d. Cars, buses and people go past our house all day. My family and I live on a busy main road. 1) .. . They never stop! But Sunday is a lovely day. I wake up early and everything is peaceful. 2) .. . Sometimes I take my dog for a walk. The road looks different on Sundays. 3) .. . For me Sunday is a lazy day. 4) .. . Sunday is my favourite day of the week. 1) .. a. b. c. d. 2) .. a. b. c. d. 3) .. a. b. c. d. 4) .. a. b. c. d.

B. WRITING (25p) (max. 100 words)

Last year you travelled to Finland on a school trip. Write about your trip using your diary.

TRIP TO FINLAND Sat. Arrival: Oulu, in the north of Finland Very cold: minus 25C Accommodation: a small village Sun. Day with a reindeer herdsman and his reindeer Evening: Begin video project Life in a Lapland village Mon. Morning: A chance to drive snowmobiles! Great fun! Afternoon: Preparation for the script for our video Pictures for project postcards in a local shop! Tue./ Wed. Video Life in a Lapland village Thu. Souvenirs from local shop Party Fri. Departure: plane at 11.30


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On Saturday, we arrived in Oulu, in the north of Finland. _________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Total score : 100 points


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