UK Home Office: Warwickshire 2005

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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2004–5
Foreword by Baroness Scotland

The work being undertaken to improve the safety of

communities through the Multi-Agency Public
Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is vitally important
and a priority for the government. The annual reports
for 2004/5 provide evidence of that active engagement.
Violence and sexual abuse are unacceptable wherever
they occur and it is evident that through MAPPA, such
offenders are identified and better managed than ever
before. As the number of offenders within MAPPA
continues to grow as expected, there is clear evidence
that the Responsible Authority, that is the local Police,
Probation and the Prison Service, is addressing these
additional demands by strengthening local
partnerships, using new statutory powers to restrict the
behaviour of offenders, returning offenders to custody
where they breach their licence or order and using the
findings of research and inspection to strengthen
national guidance and local practice.

Although it is never possible to completely eliminate

the risk posed by dangerous offenders, MAPPA is
helping to ensure that fewer people are re-victimised.

The active implementation of the Criminal Justice Act

(2003) during the last year has clearly enhanced the
ability of a number of agencies, including health, social
services and housing, to work collaboratively with the
Responsible Authority in assessing and managing
those sexual and violent offenders in our communities
who pose the highest risk of serious harm. For the
continued success of MAPPA, this collaboration,
together with the scrutiny of policy and practice, must
become the hallmark of these arrangements. Similarly,
MAPPA must integrate with other public protection
mechanisms dealing with child abuse, domestic abuse
and racial abuse.

For me, one of the most exciting developments in this
arena in the last 12 months has been the appointment
of lay advisers to assist the Responsible Authority in
the oversight of the arrangements. As ordinary
members of the public, these lay advisers represent a
diverse, able and committed group of people who are
now helping the statutory agencies to oversee the work
being undertaken through MAPPA and communicate
with the public more effectively. Without a growing
sense of public knowledge and confidence about this
work, much of the benefits of the public protection
arrangements will be lost.

I hope this annual report will be useful, informative and

re-assuring to local communities. The agencies and
individuals who have contributed to the achievement of
MAPPA locally are to be commended.

Baroness Scotland
Minister of State for Criminal Justice and
Offender Management


1. Introduction 5

2. Key Achievements in
Warwickshire MAPPA 2004-5 7

3. MAPPA in Prisons in the Region 8

4. How We Operate Locally 9

5. Strategic Management Board 14

6. Statistics 15

Appendix A 17

Contacts 19

1 Introduction

This annual report is the fourth published since the

formation of the Multi-Agency Public Protection
Arrangements (MAPPA). This report documents the
progress that has been made during the year to ensure
that the public are protected from potentially dangerous

The focus continues to be on how all agencies work

together, sharing information so that the management
of risk can be as robust as possible. This is assisted by
the use of the three-tier structure that ensures that
resources are directed at those relatively few cases
where they are needed to protect the public.

During 2004 – 2005, the Prison Service became the

third part of the responsible authority, joining the Police
and the National Probation Service. During the same
period, we have also appointed two lay advisors to the
MAPPA Strategic Management Board, the board that
oversees these arrangements. In line with national best
practice, the management of MAPPA cases is
overseen by the Public Protection Unit based at Police
Headquarters and staff within the unit are working hard
to ensure a proactive approach is adopted in tackling
potentially dangerous offenders. This has achieved a
number of positive outcomes.

Warwickshire also achieved accreditation from the

Police Information Technology Unit for the installation
of a new national database for recording information on
dangerous offenders.

These changes to the structures and arrangements
have enhanced our approach but they will not protect
the public on their own. The staff in all of the agencies
implementing these arrangements have ensured that
the quality of the information shared has been of the
highest standard, assisting in good decision making
and intervention. We would like to thank all staff
involved in MAPPA for their contribution to making
Warwickshire a safer place for us all.

Bob Golding Liz Stafford Lorraine Mosson-Jones

Assistant Chief Constable Chief Officer Regional Risk Manager
Warwickshire Police Warwickshire Probation West Midlands Prisons
and Chair of the MAPPA
Strategic Management Board

2 Key Achievements in Warwickshire MAPPA 2004-5
The processes introduced in the The role of the Prison Service in ● Regular monitoring of the
previous year have now been fully MAPPA 2004-5 behaviour of those assessed as
implemented across all agencies presenting the highest risk and
involved in the MAPPA process and One of the important ways in which sharing information with Police
focuses their attention and the Criminal Justice Act (2003) and Probation colleagues.
resources to improving the quality strengthened the MAPPA was to
of public protection work through make the Prison Service part of the ● All relevant risk management
partnership. Responsible Authority with Police information being provided to
and Probation in each of the 42 multi-agency meetings which
The integrated referral process areas in England and Wales. The helps to plan an offender’s
ensures that we are able to direct Prison Service has been given this release.
our time and resources to managing enhanced role in recognition of the
the high risk and dangerous cases, important part it plays in protecting ● At least three months notification
commonly called the ‘critical few’ the public by keeping offenders in to Police and Probation of the
whilst still maintaining the custody, helping them to address the expected release dates of those
management of the other offenders. causes of their offending behaviour offenders who have been referred
and by undertaking other work to to the Multi-Agency Public
Training assist their successful resettlement. Protection Panel (MAPPP) and at
least six weeks notification of
During the year, staff from all As part of the Responsible Authority, those being managed at level 2
agencies received training from the the Prison Service is now risk meetings.
Lucy Faithfull Foundation on represented on each of the Strategic
defensible decision making, how risk Management Boards (SMBs) in the ● No changes to release dates or
assessment and risk management 42 areas. The prison estate is arrangements being made without
link into the MAPPA process, the configured differently from prior consultation with Police and
use of internal and external Police/Probation areas in that its Probation.
inhibitors by offenders and the use establishments are contained within
of community orders. The staff in the only 12 geographical areas and two Playing an effective role in the multi-
PPU were trained in the use of functional areas – the High Security agency risk management of MAPPA
ViSOR. estate and Contracted Prisons. For offenders requires good
this reason, arrangements for Prison communication between criminal
ViSOR Service representation on SMBs justice partners. The Prison Service
vary across the country but each has taken steps to ensure that there
The introduction of the Violent and Prison Service Area Manager has are dedicated points of contact for
Sexual Offenders Register (ViSOR) entered into an agreement with the public protection at both area level
in the Public Protection Unit (PPU) SMBs on how the service will and in every prison establishment
was achieved according to a contribute both strategically and and that these are published
planned time-scale and the operationally to the MAPPA. together with Police and Probation
implementation and development of The main focus of the Prison contacts to ensure better
this system is a significant step in Service contribution is at an communication across the
the management of these offenders. operational level. A number of Responsible Authority.
This application is the first measures have been put in place
networked confidential system across the prison estate to ensure With the ever increasing MAPPA
created and owned by the Police that this will be effective and population and proportion of those
Service and linking into the National result in: received into prison likely to grow
Intelligence Model (NIM) which with the introduction of the new
allows information about dangerous ● Prompt identification of MAPPA public protection sentences, the
offenders to be shared by the police offenders so that their details can inclusion of the Prison Service as
across force boundaries. It also has be used in sentence planning part of the Responsible Authority will
direct links to the Police National arrangements, including continue to be vital in protecting the
Computer (PNC) in that information interventions to manage and public.
from the one system is transferred reduce risk.
directly to the other database.

3 MAPPA in Prisons in the Region
The West Midlands Prisons Area
includes four MAPPA areas:
● Warwickshire
● Staffordshire
● West Mercia
● West Midlands

In preparation for becoming part of

the Responsible Authority, the Prison
Service in the West Midlands
created a new post of Area Risk
Manager to lead on MAPPA. The
Area Risk Manager works with
MAPPA in Warwickshire as well as
West Midlands, Staffordshire, and
West Mercia, attending the Strategic
Management Board and working
with the Public Protection Unit to and these coordinators attend The prisons in this area are
improve the efficiency of systems regular area meetings to support the determined to ensure that the best
and communication between the development of sound and possible links are established with
prisons and the community. A model consistent practice and procedures. MAPPA and the community at a
for communication is being finalised This has included the development strategic and operational level.
to establish common practices of shared training materials and
across the region. The Area Risk consistent documentation.
Manager provides regular feedback
to the Area Manager and Governors Risk Management Teams
in the area on national, regional and Each prison has established a Risk
local developments. Management Team that meets at
least once a month. The Risk
Key Achievements Management Team:

Public Protection Coordinators ● Discusses individual prisoners

Each of the prisons in the region has that are subject to MAPPA and
identified someone to coordinate who have been assessed as
public protection and MAPPA work being at high or very high risk of
serious harm to others.

● Gathers information to support the

risk assessment and risk
management of these offenders
while they are in custody and in
preparation for their release and
shares it with the appropriate
agency in the community.

● Works to make sure that those to

be managed at level 2 or level 3
on release are prioritised for
further assessments and for
interventions that will reduce their
risk, including sex offender
treatment programmes and other
group work for violent offenders.

4 How We Operate Locally
The agencies involved in the The MAPPA Coordinator will make which pose the highest risk of very
MAPPA processes in Warwickshire the decision in conjunction with the serious harm to the community. The
continue to strive to make this a referring agency about whether the MAPPP is chaired by a Detective
safer place to live. Warwickshire case should be placed on a level 2 Superintendent or Assistant Chief
Police, Warwickshire Probation meeting. If the case is not placed at Probation Officer to reflect serious
Service, the Health Trusts, the level 2, the referring agency will high-level ownership of the issues.
Borough and District Councils and manage it. This could entail a Agencies invited in addition to the
Warwickshire County Council fund different type of multi-agency Police and the Probation Service are
the work of the MAPPA Strategic meeting (eg a mental health case likely to include Social Services,
Management Board (SMB) and the conference), or it could be dealt with housing departments, Mental Health
coordinator. by the referring agency through the Services, a representative of the
usual liaison with partner agencies. prison and any other relevant
Structure of the Warwickshire agency that can contribute towards
MAPPA MAPPA Level 2 the management of the offender’s
Following Home Office guidance, The next level of activity is level 2,
Warwickshire has restructured its which is a local meeting held in each The distinguishing feature of the
Multi-Agency Public Protection district of Warwickshire once a MAPPP is the need for high-level
Arrangements (MAPPA) to reflect month. The MAPPA Coordinator managerial representation at the
three levels of activity and has chairs this and membership of the meeting to guarantee availability of
appointed a MAPPA Coordinator. level 2 meetings includes Police and unusual or extraordinary resources
Probation, Social Services, housing to manage a particular offender.
MAPPA Level 1 departments, Mental Health A MAPPP might also be called to
Services and a representative of the manage any offenders who are likely
All cases that come through the prison. It will focus on high-risk to attract media attention and public
MAPPA referral process are carefully cases where high levels of harm are interest and concern.
screened to assess the level of risk likely but the level of resource
and level of harm an individual needed to manage that risk is not Referrals to MAPPA
presents. The referral is sent out to likely to be unusual or extraordinary.
the participating agencies to check The Police automatically refer
whether they have any information Level 2 meetings tend to deal with Registered Sex Offenders. Probation
about the risk of harm an offender offenders who are assessed as automatically refers all those
presents, and then the referral is likely to commit offences such as offenders who have received a 12-
returned back to the Public rape, child abuse, arson or serious month or longer custodial sentence
Protection Unit where a decision is violence. The MAPPA Coordinator for a violent or sexual offence, who
made as to the level that is most will ensure that where a victim’s are not already registered as a sex
appropriate for managing the case. wishes are known by the Victim offender. Mental Health Services
Contact Unit, that the victim has the have to refer all cases where an
opportunity for their views to be offender is found not guilty of a
presented to the panel. They are sexual or violent offence by reason
used to help plan the return of of insanity and made subject to a
dangerous offenders from prison into Hospital Order or Guardianship
the community and are also a forum Order. Any agency can refer an
where the Probation Service can offender who is believed to pose a
check with agencies about the high risk of harm to the community,
appropriateness of its and who has been convicted of a
recommendations to release certain serious offence in the past.
How agencies make the referral
MAPPA Level 3 There is a referral form which
agencies are required to complete if
The highest level of MAPPA they wish to refer a case through for
comprises the Multi-Agency Public a MAPPA response. In the first
Protection Panel or MAPPP which instance, professionals who are
deals with the ‘critical few’ cases unsure of the MAPPA process

should have a discussion with the Sex offenders can be directed to from William and arrangements
MAPPA Coordinator or agency attend as part of a community were made for her protection.
representative, to discuss their sentence or as a condition of their
concerns and whether a referral is release from prison. The programme Further enquiries showed that
appropriate. can last for up to 200 hours, with William was a foreign national and
individuals being required to attend could be deported from the UK to
The MAPPA Coordinator can be weekly, for between 18 months and his country of origin and that he
reached at the Public Protection Unit two years. was wanted in that country for
at Police Headquarters in Leek serious crime.
Wootton. The programme helps the offender
think about their offences and the The PPU contacted the Immigration
The public cannot make a referral to impact on the victim, and helps them Service and the prison to ensure
the MAPPA. If a member of the learn new skills to constrain and that processes were in place for his
public has concerns about an control their behaviour which deportation. They then contacted the
individual, they need to speak to the complement the external controls family of the victim in that country to
Police in most instances or the that are imposed through MAPPA. inform them of his release and
agency that is dealing with that deportation. The family was
person (eg Mental Health Services, The best way to explain how the reassured that the authorities were
Social Services). MAPPA works to protect the public is aware of his arrival and were
by giving case examples of the work dealing with the case. He was
Sex Offender Treatment done to manage the risks. subsequently arrested and charged
Programme with the offence.
It should be remembered that
Warwickshire participates in a although agencies seek to minimise The PPU then visited Anne again to
regional Sex Offender Programme and reduce the risks to the public, inform her that William had been
which was led by West Midlands the Multi-Agency Public Protection deported.
Probation Service. Since 1 April Panel cannot eradicate risks to the
2005 the four Probation areas in community altogether without an Case study two
the region have collaborated and offender being returned to custody.
established a regional unit to carry The decision to return a person to Harry has a history of offending
out this work. Sex offenders who prison is ultimately a decision for the behaviour, some of it sexual, against
complete the Community Sex Courts, but by working together, numerous victims. He has been
Offender Group Work Programme agencies can significantly reduce assessed within the Health Service
are half as likely to re-offend as the risks. as having mild learning difficulties
untreated offenders. This was the and he also suffers from chronic
overall finding of a five year Case study one social anxiety and prolific self harm.
evaluation project run by Dr Jayne
Allam, a psychologist at the William is a dangerous offender who
University of Birmingham. has received a long prison sentence
for a serious assault on Anne, his ex
The Community Sex Offender Group partner. Information was sent to the
Work Programme works with MAPPA coordinator from both the
offenders released from prison on Probation Service and the Prison
licence or those serving community Service stating that William was
sentences. The programme has likely to receive an early release
been nationally accredited for use from his sentence. As he was
with offenders and is part of the considered to be one of the ‘critical
Probation Service’s ‘What Works’ few’, he was discussed at a multi-
approach, which develops evidence agency meeting which outlined the
based methods for working with risks William posed, particularly to
offenders that have been shown to his ex partner. The Public Protection
be effective. It combines intensive Unit (PPU) was tasked with
group therapy work and contacting Anne to inform her of his
psychometric testing, and is impending release. She was very
regularly assessed for effectiveness. distressed about the threat she felt

He is coming to the end of a lengthy he should be tagged on his release telephone calls out of the prison
prison sentence for a serious sexual with a condition not to approach were not healthy and were
assault. He will be on licence for two Carol. On learning of Harry’s potentially related to future risk of
years under the supervision of the impending release, Carol with the offending. Concerns were raised
Probation Service. help of the Local Housing Authority specifically about the victims of his
moved to an address in another part offences and their children.
He was referred by the Prison of the county. Harry has now been in
Service due to his offence and the community for a number of Information Sharing
because of his aggressive sexual months. He has complied fully with
behaviour, he was then referred to the conditions of his licence, Charles was discussed at the
the MAPPA Coordinator by the attending the sex offender prison’s Risk Management Team
health service. He was discussed at programme run by Probation, kept with information gathered from a
a multi-agency meeting where the all his appointments with the number of departments, including
risks he posed to himself and the psychologist and has not attempted Health Care and the Police.
community upon his release, were to locate or approach Carol. The prison’s Public Protection
discussed. Coordinator collated risk information
Case study three: Linking MAPPA and shared this with Charles’ outside
Harry wished to go and live at his in Prisons with the Community probation officer, Social Services
parents address but this would have and the agency likely to provide
caused problems as the address Charles was convicted of threats to accommodation for him on release.
was close to his previous partner, kill and false imprisonment and Sound links were established
Carol, who was still living at the received a custodial sentence for between the MAPPA processes in
address they shared and she had a offences against his female partner. the community and the public
new born child that he was not the There had been a history of him protection systems within the prison.
father of. The meeting decided it being violent towards her within their
would be better for him to live in an relationship. Charles also had a Effective management of this
approved hostel for some period significant and varied history of particular offender was supported by
after his release. It was also decided offending which included both violent regular and positive communication
that he would benefit from attending and acquisitive offences. between the prison and the
the sex offender group programme agencies in the community.
run by the Probation Regional Sex The prison acted in a number of
Offender Unit and that he saw a ways to manage Charles: The MAPPA protect the public in
psychologist. some of the following ways:
● Assessment and treatment
The meeting then requested that he ● Monitoring ● They share critical information
had these conditions placed on to about high-risk offenders so that
● Information-sharing
his licence as well as deciding that each agency has the most
complete picture they can get in
Assessment and Treatment
making decisions and managing
that person.
Charles was assessed for
involvement in offence related group
● They make critical decisions
work and as a consequence was
together and bring greater
referred to and completed two
accountability into that process on
significant treatment programmes:
behalf of the community. For
Enhanced Thinking Skills and
example, if the Probation Service
Focus. These programmes were
wanted to recommend releasing
intended to reduce his risk of re-
a dangerous person into the
community from prison they would
have to justify that decision to the
panel as well as to the Prison
Parole Board.
Staff in the prison monitored
Charles’ behaviour in prison and
became concerned that some of his

● In certain cases they make Day in the life of a probation I instigate enforcement procedures.
decisions to inform schools, officer This often means that when an
parents or employers about the offender breaks the conditions of
risks an offender poses. As I supervise a large number of their licence from prison (eg by
offenders in the community, as well contacting a victim), they are
● They enable special resources to as some serving prison sentences returned to prison to serve out the
be found for difficult cases which for serious offences, my role as a rest of their sentence.
would not usually be available. probation officer is both challenging
For example, specialist risk and demanding. Whilst supervising high-risk
assessments from outside experts offenders, I have to liase regularly
or specialist housing provision Each offender who I supervise (for with the Public Protection Unit to
which would reduce the offender’s example sex offenders, violent pass on information or seek advice
potential opportunity to offend. offenders, arsonists etc) will have to ensure they are managed
their own specific needs and effectively.
● Each agency has a range of underlying issues that need to be
different legal powers which can addressed to reduce their offending In one case I was supervising,
be sought to control or prevent behaviour. To enable me to identify I contacted the unit to advise them
behaviour, including Anti-Social suitable interventions to reduce their that I had received information from
Behaviour Orders, Notification offending, I use the nationally another offender who was the
Orders, Sexual Offences accredited OASys probation risk personal friend of a registered sex
Prevention Orders, Foreign Travel assessment tool. This is a complex offender. In conversation, the friend
Orders and Licence Conditions, document that requires the offence stated that this particular offender
power to evict, electronic tagging and the offender’s lifestyle to be had formed a relationship with a
and Curfew Orders. These, when examined in detail with them. local woman who had young
used together, can often help children. I was therefore able to
make a package of measures that I complete a risk screening and full pass this information on to the
ensure offenders are managed risk analysis to determine if the Public Protection Unit who were
more safely. offender is deemed low, medium, able to make relevant enquiries
high or very high risk, and identify to ensure the safety of the local
● Panels can sometimes offer those factors which impact on their woman and her children.
specific measures to help protect offending behaviour. When this
victims, such as accommodating assessment is complete, I will In performing the above role,
the offender in another area. The devise a supervision plan which will I believe I provide an effective and
panels can also inform victims of include the work that he or she is essential service to the Criminal
the plans being made for release required to do and any restrictions Justice System and the public.
and rehabilitation of high-risk that are likely to be placed on them.
offenders, and give victims police This could include being required to Day in the life of a police officer
alarms and reassurance. undertake anger management work, in the Public Protection Unit
sex offender treatment programmes
or drug and alcohol management As the detective constable in the
courses and could involve Public Protection Unit, my role
restrictions such as a curfew, being involves managing the Registered
banned from contacting victims or Sex Offenders within Warwickshire
entering certain areas of and I am also the officer responsible
Warwickshire as part of the licence as the police liaison point for the
conditions. Multi Agency Public Protection
I also carry out a number of home
visits in line with the National Registered Sex Offenders are
Standards set by Government to required to register within three days
ensure the number of visits an of a caution or conviction or within
offender receives from their three days of their release from
probation officer. Where offenders custody. Following their initial
fail to comply with their community registration, I will complete an initial
sentence or licence conditions, visit to that offender to establish their

current circumstances, ensure they the Victim and Witness Information including notification of release
are aware of their registration Partnership (VIP) in Warwickshire. dates and any additional
requirements and to complete an measures to increase their safety.
initial assessment of their risk to the Work of the VIP
community. As part of the risk MAPPA and VIP
assessment process I will also liase The VIP brings together the Police,
with other agencies such as Social Crown Prosecution Service, For the MAPPA to do their work
Services, the Probation Service, Probation Service, Youth Offending effectively they need to understand
Mental Health Services and housing Service, Magistrates Courts and the victim’s perspective in the case
departments. Each offender is Crown Courts with domestic properly. The VIP liaises directly with
classified as very high, high, violence support agencies, Victim the MAPPA and provides a separate
medium or low risk of re-offending, and Witness Support and anti-social report on each case that is heard at
using nationally recognised behaviour coordinators. either level 2 or 3. The report is
assessments tools, which have been made after consultation with the
validated by research for accuracy. It provides a source of information victim. The VIP makes its report
for the victim about the progress of directly to the independent chair of
I liase closely with other agencies to their case through the Criminal the panel. This report will detail the
ensure that the public is protected Justice System, through email, the impact of the offence on the victim
appropriately. For example, I telephone or a drop in centre. The and their fears, views and wishes
received information that a VIP also ensures that intimidated or about future plans around the
Registered Sex Offender had formed reluctant witnesses are supported offender.
a relationship with an elderly through special measures in or
vulnerable woman whose outside court. The difference this link with the
grandchildren regularly visited. It was victim makes can be very significant.
known that he presented a risk both The VIP electronically joins up the Knowing the area where the victim
to vulnerable women and children. information of all these different lives and how the victim was
As a result of this, action was taken agencies around the offender’s case affected by the offence can help the
to warn the woman of the risks and sets up a joined up support MAPPA meetings plan where the
posed by the offender. This is a service so that the victim only has offender should be directed to live
typical, routine example where close one place to go for all the after custody for the duration of their
liaison and working together between information and support they need. licence. In some cases the meeting
agencies has prevented a vulnerable can place an offender away from the
adult and children being abused. The Victim Contact Unit does the victim. In others, the Probation
following things to support victims of Service can seek a condition of the
I also, in line with the National crime where the offender received licence that prevents the offender
Intelligence Model, inform the local 12 months or longer in custody for a making any contact with the victim.
police and enter their details on the sexual or violent offence: Victims often have a keen sense of
force intelligence system about any the risk posed by an offender,
offenders living in their area. I also ● Makes contact with the victim. especially if the offence was part of
pass this information to the force an ongoing relationship with the
analysts for inclusion in force and ● Consults the victim about the offender. This information can be
divisional assessments. release plans for the offender and very useful to the assessment and
makes the victim’s views known management of the offender. Where
If offenders have associations in to the supervising probation a victim fears that an offender will
other police areas we make that officer, the prison authorities and target them again, the MAPPA can
force aware of the issues and often the MAPPA. help minimise these risks and fears
attend their MAPPA meetings. by taking special measures and
● Makes recommendations about providing information, advice and
Working with Victims licence conditions or other reassurance to the victim.
aspects of an offender’s
To prevent offenders re-victimising resettlement plan. Some decisions and plans have
their victims or others, the MAPPA been changed as a result of hearing
has to work effectively with the ● Keeps victims informed about any the victim’s perspective.
victims of crime. This is why the significant developments during
MAPPA links directly into the work of sentence or after release,

5 Strategic Management Board
Warwickshire has established a The learning curve has been very Some of the visits we have made
Strategic Management Board (SMB) steep and continues to be so. include:
that meets quarterly to monitor and
● Shrewsbury Prison.
review the effectiveness of MAPPA, We have attended all Strategic
make recommendations for change Management Board (SMB) meetings ● A level 3 meeting.
and publish the annual report. The since our appointment. Through
● A level 2 meeting.
chair of the board rotates between these meetings we have met the
the Chief Probation Officer and the other members of the SMB and ● Local Approved Premises
Assistant Chief Constable. In been offered considerable support with Chief Officer
addition to the Police and Probation, and induction, including visits to key of Probation.
the board has representation from places and one to one meetings with ● Local Authority Housing
the Prison Service, Social Services, the SMB members who have given Department.
the Youth Offending Service, the of their time freely. We both
education and housing departments appreciate all the efforts that have ● Local Primary Care Trust.
and the primary care trusts in contributed to our understanding of ● Senior Police Officer.
Warwickshire. In addition, a the process and look forward to
representative of the electronic continuing to experience such a ● Social Services Department.
tagging service is also invited to cooperative working environment.
attend the board. The board has We are hoping also to be able to
direct links with the Warwickshire We are now feeling better able to accompany a Forensic Community
Area Child Protection Committee contribute meaningfully to the Psychiatric Nurse to a local police
(ACPC), which is a committee that process and are starting to be able station.
organises and oversees the work of to identify some questions that we
the Warwickshire agencies to help feel we can ask to the benefit of the The future of the role of Lay
protect children from abuse within process and its successful Advisers rests with the continued full
Warwickshire. The Police, Probation outcomes. inclusion and participation in the
and Social Services representatives MAPPA process.
on the SMB also sit on the The processes involved in MAPPA
Warwickshire ACPC to develop are many and detailed. The amount
strong links and continuity of policy. of thought and discussion that takes
place in consideration of public
Two lay members from the public protection issues is reassuring.
have been appointed to sit on the
Strategic Management Board to add Our role as Lay Advisers is to offer
an extra element of public scrutiny the public’s point of view and input
to the MAPPA in Warwickshire. ordinary concerns to a team of
highly trained professionals. Our role
is one that we believe can only
Lay Advisers benefit both the process and the
required outcome of protecting
As Lay Advisors, we have public interests.
undertaken detailed training,
provided directly by the Home
Office, in both the role of the MAPPA
and our place within those

On taking up our post in

Warwickshire, we have been
welcomed and included
unconditionally by all we have come
across – a situation not to be taken
for granted.

6 Statistics
The statistical information this year Violent Offenders Some of these are mentally
continues the trend from last year disordered offenders referred by the
and only includes those cases The number of potentially dangerous Mental Health Service, which has
where the offender is in the offenders (usually violent offenders) caused the numbers to significantly
community. The main changes in the in Warwickshire have not increase from last year, up to 67
figures this year reflect the significantly changed from the from 37. This reflects a more
requirement introduced by the Home previous year. integrated approach to the
Office to include those managed at management of these offenders as
level 2 as well as those managed at Of those cases managed at level 2 the Health Service became more
level 3. or 3 as set out in the statistics in involved in MAPPA
Appendix A at ix c, 2 were charged
Registered Sex Offenders with further violent offences. One
was charged with murder and
There has been an increase in the received life imprisonment, the other
number of persons required to received 42 months custody for
register during the last twelve offences of wounding and theft.
months from 183 to 231. This
increase partly reflects the increase Other Offenders
in number of offenders arrested
under Operation Orr, child These are offenders who are not
pornography on the internet and registered sex offenders or who do
partly from the change in legislation not have a twelve month sentence
brought about by the Sexual or longer for a violent offence. It
Offences Act 2003 which made it a includes those offenders who are
requirement for more people to not automatically picked up in the
notify the police of their details. It other two categories but who pose
should be remembered that not all significant risks to the community.
of the registered sex offenders living
in the community pose a high risk of
re-offending. Those who do are
subject to a higher level of

Appendix A

Statistical information
Number of sexual, violent and other offenders covered by Warwickshire
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) No. of offenders

1. Category 1 MAPPA offenders: Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs)

i) The number of RSOs living in Warwickshire on 231

31 March 2005.

This information excludes RSOs in prison.

ia) The number of RSOs per 100,000 head of population. 45

ii) The number of sex offenders having a registration 10

requirement who were either cautioned or convicted for
breaches of the requirement, between 1 April 2004 and
31 March 2005.

iii) The number of (a) Sexual Offences Prevention Orders

(SOPOs) applied for, (b) interim SOPOs granted and (c) full
SOPOs imposed by the courts in Warwickshire between
1 April 2004 and 31 March 2005. a) 0
b) 0
c) 3

iv) The number of (a) Notification Orders applied for, (b) interim
Notification Orders granted and (c) full Notification Orders
imposed by the courts in Warwickshire between 1 April 2004
and 31 March 2005. a) 1
b) 0
c) 1

v) The number of Foreign Travel Orders (a) applied for and (b)
imposed by the courts in Warwickshire between 1 May 2004
and 31 March 2005. a) 0
b) 0

2. Category 2 MAPPA offenders: violent offenders and other sexual

offenders (V&OS)

vi) The number of violent and other sexual offenders (as defined 68
by Section 327 (3), (4) and (5) of the Criminal Justice Act
(2003)) living in Warwickshire between 1 April 2004 and 31
March 2005.

3. Category 3 MAPPA offenders: Other Offenders (OthO)

vii) The number of ‘other offenders’ (as defined by Section 325 67

(2)(b) of the Criminal Justice Act (2003)) between 1 April 2004
and 31 March 2005.

4. Offenders managed though Level 3 (MAPPP) and Level 2 (local Level 3 Level 2
inter-agency management)

(viii) Identify how many MAPPA offenders in each of the three

Categories (ie (1)- RSOs, (2)- V&O and (3)- OthO above) have
been managed through the MAPPP (level 3) and through local
inter-agency risk management (level 2) between 1 April 2004
and 31 March 2005. RSO 3 19
V&O 2 44
OthO 0 24

The level 3 figure is the ‘critical few’. The criteria for referring a case to the
MAPPP are defined in MAPPA Guidance as those in which the offender:
● is assessed under OASys as being a high or very high risk of causing
serious harm; AND
● presents risks that can only be managed by a plan which requires close
cooperation at a senior level due to the complexity of the case and/or
because of the unusual resource commitments it requires; OR
● although not assessed as a high or very high risk, the case is
exceptional because the likelihood of media scrutiny and/or public
interest in the management of the case is very high and there is a need
to ensure that public confidence in the criminal justice system is

The level 2 figure should include those offenders who have not been
managed at level 3 at any point in the counting period and meet the criteria
set out in the MAPPA Guidance as follows:
● The management of the offender requires the active involvement of
more than one agency but the complexity of managing the risk is not so
great as to require referral to Level 3, the MAPPP.

(ix) Of the cases managed at levels 3 or 2 (ie (viii)) between

1 April 2004 and 31 March 2005 how many, whilst managed at
that level:
(a) were returned to custody for a breach of licence? a) 1 9
(b) were returned to custody for a breach of a restraining
order or sexual offences prevention order? b) 0 0
(c) were charged with a serious sexual or violent offence? c) 0 2

For these purposes a serious sexual and violent offence is one of the
following (ie the same offences as used to trigger reporting in the National
Probation Service as a ‘serious further offence’):
murder; attempted murder; arson (where there is an intent to endanger life),
manslaughter; rape; kidnap/abduction or attempted kidnap/abduction.

Any other very serious violent or very serious sexual offence, armed robbery
(defined as robbery involving a firearm), assault with a deadly weapon or
hostage taking.
Any other violent or sexual offence where the offender/ offence is likely to
attract significant media interest or which raises wider issues of national


National Probation Service, Warwickshire Area Address Phone

Liz Stafford National Probation Service 01926 405800

Area Chief Probation Officer Warwickshire
2 Swan Street
CV34 4BJ

Warwickshire Police Address Phone

Detective Superintendent Brian Donley Warwickshire Police HQ 01926 415000

PO Box 4
Leek Wootton
CV35 7QB

Detective Constable Steve Cox Warwickshire Police HQ 01926 415000

Public Protection Unit PO Box 4
Leek Wootton
CV35 7QB

MAPPA Coordinator Address Phone

Derek Ridgway Warwickshire Police HQ 01926 415000

PO Box 4
Leek Wootton
CV35 7QB

Photos: Format Photographers and
the CJS Communications Team
Produced by: Media and PR Team,
Warwickshire Police 01926 415064

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