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Ocean Modeling - EAS 8803

We model the ocean on a rotating planet Rotation effects are considered through the Coriolis and Centrifugal Force The Coriolis Force arises because our reference frame (the Earth) is rotating The Coriolis Force is the source of many interesting geophysical processes

Chapter 2

A rotating framework - The coordinates CHAPTER 2. r


M M j

J 6 6

1 x
r Y x M t X  y

i 1

M t

I - 1 i 1

Figure 2-1 Fixed (X , Y ) and rotatin (x, y ) frameworks of reference.

Figure 2-1 Fixed (X , Y ) and rotating (x, y ) frameworks of reference.

I - -

are related by
Rotating plane are related by reference

Angular Velocity

x = y =

+ X cos t + Y sin t x = + X cos t + Y sin t tt+ Y cos cos y X = sin X sin + Y t. t.

(2.3a) (2.3b)

(2.3a (2.3b

e rst time derivative of the preceding expressions yields Fixed reference


The rst time derivative of the preceding expressions yields

dx dt dy

dX dY cos t + sin t X sin t + Y cos t dt dt +y dX dY = sin t + cos t X cos t Y sin t . = +

(2.4a) (2.4b)

x = y =

(2.3a) + X cos t +=Y + sin t t + Y sin t xderivative X cos The rst time of the preceding expressions yields X sin t cos t. t + Y cos t. (2.3b) y +=Y X sin

(2.3a) (2.3b)

dt dt dy The quantities dX dx/dt and dY dy/dt give the rates of change of the coordinates relative t dX dY (2.4b) = sin t + cos t X cos t Y sin t . moving frame as time evolves. They are thus the components of the relative velocity: (2.4b) . sin t + cos t X cos t Y sin t dt dt dt dt dt x
dx x

= + cos t + sin t X sin t + Y cos t dt dt dt dy dX dY y cos t Y sin t . + y = sin t + cos t + X dt dt dY dt dX dx dX dY x t = +sin cos t + sin t X sin t + (2.4a) Y cos (2.4a) + cos t + t X sin t + Y cos t dt dt dt

A rotating framework - Theyields velocity (1st derivative) vative ofrst the preceding expressions The time derivative of the preceding expressions yields dX dY dx

dy i + j of = the ui coordinates + v j. u = Relative Velocity The quantities dx/dt and dy/dt give the rates of change relative to the dt dt Absolute change as of the dt and dy/dt give the rates of change of the coordinates relative to the moving frame time evolves. They are thus the components of the relative velocity: coordinate relative to Similarly, dX/dt and dY /dt give the rates of change of the absolute coordinates and Velocity evolves. the They are thus the components of the relative velocity: moving frame the absolute velocity: dx dy

j = ui + v j. (2.5) dy dx dt dt dX dY i + j = ui + v j. U = (2.5) u = I + J. dt of the dt dt anddt Similarly, dX/dt dY /dt give the rates of change absolute coordinates and form the dY absolute velocity: Writing the absolute velocity in terms of the rotating unit and vectors, we obtain [using (2.2 nd /dt give the rates of change of the absolute coordinates form u =

i +

dX dY U = I + J. dX dY dY dX dt dt cos t + sin t i + sin t + cos t j U = dX dY dt dt dt dt U = velocity I + Jof . the rotating unit vectors, we obtain [using (2.2)] Writing the absolute in terms dt = U i dt + V j.

elocity in terms of the rotating unit vectors, we obtain [using (2.2)]

x = y =

+ X cos t + Y sin t X sin t + Y cos t.

(2.3a) (2.3b)

A rotating framework - The velocity (1st derivative) The rst time derivative of the preceding expressions yields

(2.4a) (2.4b)


dX dY dx = + cos t + sin t X sin t + Y cos t ATING FRAMEWORK dt dt dt dy dX dY = sin t + cos t X cos t Y sin t . dt dt dt

dy dx i + j = ui + v j. (2.5) dt dt U = u y, V = v + x. ( Similarly, dX/dt and dY /dt give the rates of change of the absolute coordinates and form the absolute velocity: alities simply state that the absolute velocity is the relative velocity plus the u =

dt and dY /dt are the components of the absolute velocity U in the inertial fra x v the componentsV and V are of the same vector in the rotating frame. Use of ( The quantities dx/dt and dy/dt give the rates of change of the coordinates relative to the !" x n the preceding expression yields the between moving frame as time evolves. They are thus the following components relations of the relative velocity: absolute ocities: Relation between absolute and relative velocity

relative entraining velocity locity due to the absolute rotation of reference dX + framework. dY = the velocity velocity U = I + due rotation nd derivative with respect to time provides in a similar manner: dt dt

Writing the absolute velocity in terms of the rotating unit vectors, we obtain [using (2.2)]

d2 X

cos t +

d2 Y

sin t

+ 2


sin t +


cos t

and in the preceding expression yields the following relations between absolute and 2.1. (2.3) ROTATING FRAMEWORK 39 relative velocities: Thus, dX/dt and dY /dt are the components of the absolute velocity U in the inertial frame, U =The u y, same V vector = (2nd v + x.rotating frame. Use of (2.4) (2.7) A rotating framework acceleration derivative) whereas U and V are the components of the in the and (2.3) in the preceding expression yields the following relations These equalities simply state that the absolute velocity is the relativebetween velocityabsolute plus the and endu dU of the reference framework. relative velocities: training velocity due to the rotation A second derivative with dt respect to time provides in a similar manner: dt U = u y, V = v + x. (2.7) 2 2 2 d Y dX dY d X d x = cos t + sin t + 2 sin t + cos t the enThese equalities simply state that the absolute velocity is the relative velocity plus dt2 dt2 dt2 dt dt training velocity due to the rotation of the reference framework. V A second derivative with respect to time provides in a similar manner: (2.8a) 2 (X cos t + Y sin t) 2 2 2 d Y dX dY d X d x x = cos t + sin t + 2 sin t + cos t 2 2 2 dt dt dt dt dt 2 d2 y d2 X d2 Y ! " x dX cos Vt + dY sin t = sin t + cos t 2 dv dt2 dt2 dt2 dt dt dV 2 (2.8a) (X cos t + Y sin t) !2"U


2 ( X sin x t + Y cos t) . (2.8b) 2 2 2 d y d X d Y dX dY y = sin t + cos t 2 cos t + sin t dt2 dt2 dt2 dt dt Expressed in terms of the relative and absolute accelerations U 2 ( X sin t + Y cos t) . d2 x d2 y du y dv 2 a = i + j = i + j = a i + b j !" y dt2 dt2 dt dt 2 terms of the Expresseddin d2 Y relative and absolute accelerations X I + J A = dt2 dt2
2 2 2 2 2 2




and (2.3) in the preceding expression yields the following relations between absolute and relative velocities: U =The u y, V = (2nd v + x. A rotating framework acceleration derivative) (2.7)

These equalities simply state that the absolute velocity is the relative velocity plus the enduvelocity due to the rotation dU of the reference framework. training A second derivative with dt respect to time provides in a similar manner:



d2 x dt2

d2 Y d2 X cos t + 2 sin t dt2 dt

+ 2

dX dY sin t + cos t dt dt (2.8a) dX dY cos t + sin t dt dt

2 (X cos t + Y sin t)

d y dt2

2 d X d Y ! " x sin t + cos t 2 dt2 dt2

Thus, dX/dt and dY /dt are the components of the absolute velocity U in the U 2 ( sin the t + Y cos t) . of the same vector in the (2.8b) whereas U and VXare components rotating fram y and (2.3) Relation in the preceding expression yields velocity the following relations betwee between absolute and relative relative in velocities: Expressed terms of the relative and absolute accelerations
use this equality:

Udv = u y, V = v + x. d2 x d2 y du a = i + j = i + j = ai + b j dt2 dt2 dt dt These equalities state that the absolute velocity is the relative d2simply Y d2 X I + J A = 2 2 training velocity due to the rotation of the reference framework. dt dt
2 2 2 2


A rotating framework - The acceleration (2nd derivative)

dU du = ! 2"v ! "2 x dt dt dV dv = ! 2"u ! "2 y dt dt


absolute = relative + Coriolis + Centrifugal acceleration acceleration acceleration of the acceleration Thus, dX/dt and dY /dt are the components absolute velocity U in the

whereas U and V are the components of the same vector in the rotating fram and (2.3) in the preceding expression yields the following relations betwee relative velocities:
use this equality:

U = u y,

V = v + x.

These equalities simply state that the absolute velocity is the relative veloc training velocity due to the rotation of the reference framework.

ation = (2nd k, derivative) A rotating framework - The acceleration

s the unit vector in the third dimension (which is common to both syste can write (2.7) and (2.9) as !x$ !u $ define vectors: r = # & u=# & "v% "y%

U = u + r du Vector A = a + 2 u + ( r), Notation dt Coriolis acceleration Centrifugal acceleration ndicates the vectorial product. This implies that taking a time derivative ect to the inertial framework is equivalent to applying the operator
time derivative in rotating frame:

d d ! +! dt dt +

ating framework of reference. y detailed exposition of the Coriolis and centrifugal accelerations can be tommel and Moore (1989). In addition, the reader will nd a historical

Coriolis vs. Centrifugal Force

dU du = ! 2"v ! "2 x dt dt dV dv = ! 2"u ! "2 y dt dt

Centrifugal Force depends only on location

Coriolis Force is active only when things move

Centrifugal Force is unimportant for motions

N 41

ra vi ty

......... .... ...... . . . .. ......... .................................


ver tica l

... .. ..... ..... ........ . . . . . . . ............... .. ............... ...................... ...................... ................................ ..............................................................................................................................................................................

an equipotential surface
Figure 2-2 How the attening of the rotating earth (grossly exaggerated in this drawing) causes the gravitational and centrifugal forces to combine into a net force aligned with the local vertical, so that equilibrium is reached.

centrifugal force; the terrestrial equatorial radius is 6378 km, slightly greater than its polar

Free Motion on a rotating frame

dU du = ! 2"v ! "2 x dt dt dV dv = ! 2"u ! "2 y dt dt

Coriolis Force is active only when things move

with the forces rotating earth. On the plane attached to the North Pole of the arth no associated external horizontal is thus present. If the particle is free of any force, its acceleration in the earth no external horizontal forces is thus present. If the particle is free of any force, its acceleration in the inertial frame is nil, by Newtons is law. According to (2.9), with the centrifugal-acceleratio If the particle free ofthe any force, its acceleration in the inertial frame is nil, ns law. According to (2.9), with centrifugal-acceleration terms no longer present, theb equations the velocity of the particle a Free Motion on a rotating frame tons law. According to governing (2.9), with the terms no longer pres quations governing the velocity components of centrifugal-acceleration the particlecomponents are equations governing the velocity components of the particle are dv du dv du 2du v = 0 , + 2 u 2= 0. = 0, (2.11) v + 2 u dv dt dt 2v = 0dt , + 2u = 0. dt dt dt The general solution The to this system of linear equations is general solution to this system The general solution to this system of linear equations of is linear equations is

u = V sin(f t + ), v = V cos(f t + ), (2.12) u = V sin(f t u += ), V v = fV f) t, + ), = V cos(f sin( t cos( + v here f = 2, called the Coriolis parameter, has been introduced for convenience, and V where f = where 2constants , called the Coriolis parameter, has been introduced for convenience Inertial Oscillations nd are two arbitrary of integration. Without loss of generality, V can always be f = 2 , called the Coriolis parameter, has been intro and are two arbitrary constants ofconstant integration. Without loss of generality, V can alw hosen as nonnegative. (Do not confuse this V with the y component of the absolute and are (Do twonot arbitrary constants of integration. Without loss chosen as nonnegative. confuse this constant V with the y component 2 2 1/2 of the a 2.1.) A rst result is that the particle speed (u +v ) 2 remains elocity introduced inNOTE: Section the speed does not change with time 2 1/2 chosen as nonnegative. (Do not confuse this constant V+with 2.1.) A rst result is that the particle speed ( u v ) th velocity introduced in Section nchanged in time. It is equal to V , a constant determined by the initial conditions. yet u and v do change with time! 2.1.)uA rst result is that the part velocity introduced Section unchanged in time. It is equal to V ,in a constant determined by the initial conditions. Although the speed remains unchanged, the components and v do depend on time, imAlthough the speed unchanged, theeffect, components u and v do depend on ti unchanged in time. It is equal to V , it a is constant determined by ying a change in direction. To remains document this curving most instructive to derive plying change in direction. To speed document this curving effect, it the is most instructive Although the remains unchanged, components u e trajectory ofathe particle. The coordinates of the particle position change, by denition ofto changes in u and v imply change in direction. the trajectory of the particle. The coordinates of the particle position change, by den

plying a change in direction. To document this curving effect the trajectory of the particle. The coordinates of the particle p

This implies that the trajectory is a circl y, according to dx/dt = u and dy/dt = v , and a second time integration situation is depicted on 2Figure 2-4.

ON 43 f the particle. the last it follows directly ccording to dx/dt From = u and dy/dt =relations, v , and a second time integration


f(2.13a) V f turns A quick examination cos( f t + constantly. ) x = x0 (2.13a) Vf that the trajectory is a circle centered at ( x , y ) and of radi 0 0 (clockwise) if f is positive or to the left y = y0 + V sin(f t + ), (2.13b) f sin(f t + ), V 2-4. epicted on y Figure = y0 + (2.13b) is that the particle turns in the sense oppo  f V R= f additional constants of integration to be determined from the initial At this point, we may wonder whethe f combine and take ( x , y ) 0 0 are additional constants of integration to be determined from the initial ticle. = 2 From the last relations, it follows directly that the square of the ambient rotation, in such a way as particle. follows directly that ...................... the last relations, it ....................From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 2 reference. V 2 But, there are at least two reaso 2 2 V . (x x0 ) 2 + (y y0 ) 2 = (2.14) (x x0 ) + (y y0 )of=thef center . (2.14) circular p of the particles f coincide those of the axis trajectory a circle centered and of radius V/ / | f|. |. The The of rotatio 2 1 is is 0, , y 0 ))with the trajectory a circle centeredat at(x (x y and of radius V | f 0 0 2-4. on Figure period of a complete this 2-4. is the equation of the two frequencies of rotation are simply ed on Figure circle is called a circle with radius In the absence of rotation (f = 0), this inertial period f one revolution in a time to Ta = path, as we couldequal have anticipated. But, Figure 2-4 Inertial os V 2 R= f turns A= quick examination of time equal to (clockwise) Tp constantly. =2 /f / , calle particle on a rotating if f is positive or to the left (c orbit twice as is the accomplishes as (x0 , y0 ) that plane the particle turns in theis sense oppos bital period exactly
x = x0 cos(f t + )
........ .......... . . . . . ......

Trajectory of inertial oscillations In the absence of rotation (f = 0), thi V f 2 2 = 2 (x V x0 ) path, + (as y y ) = . 0 .............................................. we could have Bu .................... anticipated.

... .. .. .. ............................ ...

At this point, we may wonder whether


the relative acceleration. These terms will be introduced in Section 3. dismissed because of their relatively small size in most instances. 2. CHAPTER For convenience, we dene the quantities
in 3D

2.5. ROTATING PLANET Coriolis acceleration


effective rotation on ,the sphere f ha The coefcient f is called the Coriolis parameter whereas 2" f = 2 sin will be called here = the reciprocal Coriolis parameter. In the N ! 24 hours f = 2 cos . positive; it is zero at j the equator and negative in the Southern He N rotation of k and vanishes is positive in both hemispheres at the poles. An ex reference frame y importance of the various z terms (Section 4.3) projection will reveal on that, g Parallel whereas the f terms i may be neglected. sphere surface important, x Horizontal, unforced motions are described by
....... ... ... ..... .. . . .... .... . . ........... . . . . ............................. .......... ...... ..................... ...... ... . ..... . .... ... .... . . . .... . . ... . . ... . . . ... . . ... . ... . . ... . . . ... . . ... ... . . . ........ . ... ..... . ............... . .. ................................ ......................... . . .... . ............................................... .................................... .. ........................................................................ .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . .... . . .. . . . . . . ..... . . ... . ....... . . . ...... . ......... . . . ........ . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . ........................ . .................... . ............................... . ...................... ............... .................................................................................................


equation of inertial oscillations


du fv = 0 dt dv + fu = Carte0 Figure 2-9 Denition of a local dt of reference on a sphersian framework

ical earth. The coordinate x is directed these describe the unforced eastward, y northward, and z upward.motion

S and are still characterized by solution (2.12). The difference resid given by (2.21). Thus, inertial oscillations on Earth have period / sin , ranging from 12 h at the poles to innity along the equ

Coriolis acceleration in 3D - observations of inertial motions


The coefcient f is called the Coriolis parameter, whereas f ha will be called here the reciprocal Coriolis parameter. In the N positive; it is zero at the equator and negative in the Southern He Figure 2-10 Evidence of inertial osis positive in both hemispheres and vanishes at the poles. An ex cillations in the Baltic Sea, as reported by4.3) Gustafson andreveal Kullenberg (1936). importance of the various terms (Section will that, g The plot is a progressivevector diaimportant, whereas the f terms may be neglected. gram constructed by the successive addition of by velocity measurements at a Horizontal, unforced motions are described
xed location. For weak or uniform velocities, such a curve approximates equation of inertial oscillations the trajectory that a particle starting at the point of observation would have followed during the period of observation. Numbers indicate days of the month. Note the persistent veering to the right, at a period of about 14 hours, which is the value of 2 /f at that latitude (57.8 N). [From Gustafson and these describe the unforced motion Kullenberg, 1936, as adapted by Gill, 1982]

du fv dt dv + fu dt

= 0

= 0

and are still characterized by solution (2.12). The difference resid given by (2.21). Thus, inertial oscillations on Earth have period / sin , ranging from 12 h at the poles to innity along the equ

than the characteristic time 1/f . Algorithm (2.24) is unstable. Because such a beha n u n+1 an u du we need to formulate not acceptable, alternative type of discretization. f v = 0 fv n = 0 t In our dt rst scheme, the time derivative was taken by going forward from time leve dv other terms at tn , and v n+1 scheme v n tn+1 and the the + f u = 0 + fbecame u n = 0.a recursive algorithm to calcul dtfrom the current values. Such t next values a discretization is called an explicit schem er pair can be into a recursive form follows: contrast, in cast an implicit scheme , theas terms other than the time derivatives are taken at t time tn+1 (which is similar to taking a backward difference for the time derivative):
Euler Method Implicit

nt t, an approximation will be determined 0 2 at the 0 2 2 to the components n 2 n of 2 the velocity 2 2 n ( u ) + ( v u = ( u ) + ( v ) = (1 + f t n n) n instants t = nt with n = 1, 2, 3, ..., which are denoted u =u (tn ) and v =) . ith tildes used to distinguish the discrete solution from the exact The so-called So, although the kinetic energy (directly proportional to one. the squared norm u 2 ) of ethod on rst-order forward differencing the simplest discretization of Discretizing theremain intertial oscillation equations ertialbased oscillation must constant, asyields was seen in Section 2.3, the kinetic energy s (2.11): solution increases without bound2 even if the time step t is taken much s discrete Euler Method

u n+1 u n fv n+1 t v n+1 v n + fu n+1 t

2 From

= 0 = 0.

2 )n is an exponent, whereas in u the context it should be clear that n in (1 + f 2 t n it is the tim when rigth-hand side is In the following text, we will not point out this distinction again, leaving it to the reader to verify the contex at future time

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