Evaluarea Cömpetitivitätii Economice Hmplicath Tertiäre Ale Acesteia

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Studii ci cercetri


; ^ _ -" . . -'' ' . Lector dr. Mihaela Daa PARFENE Universitatea George-Baritiu" din Brasov

Abstract Nowadays, the economies^of many countries (more or less developed) are built around the activities of services, each state developing^its'^own tertiary capacities (intensive in knowledge and m work, respectively)^ Being seen* as engines of development,> especially, *feryices^jndst occupy \ n important position m'strategies while orientating the future approaches The^present paper it highlights several mternational, Europ'ean and nationaftrends in competitiveness Therefore, thework wishes t(/be a motivation of the necessity to give ^an increased attention to services ln^^the Romanian economy '' Through competitiveness we succ'essfully answer the international competition and thrqughi service development this competing capacity is strengthened and revaluated in the long-term v ^ i. Jf %,"* ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Keywords services, service economies, tertiary mdustries, competitiveness, indexes of competitiveness



Integrarea Romniei n mediul intemational a reprezentat ci continua s constituie orientare esenfial a activit{ilor economice, inclusiv a celpr terciare. Actualitatea abordrii dezvoltrii serviciilor releva aspecte-cheie privind n principal acceritul pus pe calitate, valoare, competitivitatea ci forme actale ale orientrii activitplor ecnoniice (avnd n vedere crearea ci valorificarea avantajelor competitive). Este necesar, prin urmare, demonstrarea unor realizad economice concret,' fiinc^ionale ale sectmlui de servicii. Demonstrarea competitivit^ii se poate realiza n plan concret, al activita^ilr economice, dar poate fi redat ci cu ajutorul unor instrumente de evaluare ale capacit^ii de a fi competitiv (indicatori ai competitivitajii).

Romania's integration of in the intemational environment has been and continues to be the essential orientation of economic activities, including tertiary industries. The tinieliness of service/ development apjjroach reveals key issues, mainly focusing on quality, value, competitiveness and current forms of economic activities orientation' (with envisage the creation and use of competitive advantages). It is neessaiy, therefore, to demonstrate some concrete, functional economic achievements of the service sector. Competitiveness demonstration can be achieved through concrete, economic activities, but can be highlighted throu^i evaluation indicators for ability to be competitive (indicators of competitiveness).

Revista de Management ci Inginerie Econmica, Vol. 11, Nr. 4, 2012




n zilele noastre utilizm tot mai frecvent, chiar uzual n domenii specializate, nojiunile de economii de servicii sau terjiarizare (de regula pentru a le exprima stadiul de dezvoltare). Christian Grnroos (2001) apreciaz c nca exista interpretri greite n privin^a importan^ei serviciilor ci impactului acestora asupra dezvoltrii ci competitivitjii. Aceste nen^elegeri au drept cauze, n opinia aceluiai specialist, neglijarea serviciilor "ascunse" n sectoarele primar ci secundar ci faptul c serviciile sunt vzute ca sector al economiei ci nu ca perspectiva ci modalitate de creare a avantajelor competitive. Fiind departe de a fi clarificate, aceste delimitri ntre servicii ci celelalte doua sectoare nu pot fi realizate convingtor, aceast situa^ie fiind accentuat de implica^le serviciilor att n activitji ct ci n ocuparea popula^iei. La nivel mondial economiile de servicii sunt deja o realitate a prezentului, sectoml terciar definnd, n medie, peste V2 din popula^ia ocupat ci n formarea produsului intem bmt global. In cadml Uniunii Europene se nregistreaza de asemenea o pondere nsemnata att a populafiei ocpate n servicii (circa 68% n anul 2010) (Eurostat, 2010) ct ci a contribujiei sectomlui terciar la formarea produsului intem bmt comunitar (circa 76% n anul 2010) (Eurostat, 2010). Prin urmare, este evident, evolu^ia economiilor ctre stmcturi bazate pe preponderen^a activitjilor de servicii n utilizarea muncii ci n ob^inerea rezultatelor agrgate. n Romania, n acelai an, 43% din totalul popula^iei ocpate n economia na^ional apar^inea sectomlui terciar, iar n formarea PIB acesta i aducea o contribu^ie de circa 56% (INSSE, 2011). 3 PARTICULARITJI COMPETITIVE N SECTORUL SERVICIILOR

Nowadays we use more and more frequently, even ordinarily in specialized areas, the notions of service or tertiary economies (usually in order to express the stage of development). Grnroos Christian (2001) considers that there are still misconceptions about the importance of services and their impact on development and competitiveness. According to the same specialist, these misunderstandings result from, , the neglect of services "hidden" in primary and secondary sectors because the services are seen as sector of the economy and not as perspective and a way to create competitive advantages. Being far fi-om being clarified, the boundaries between services and the other two sectors can not be convincing, this situation is exacerbated by the implications of the services in activities and in employment. On the international level, the service economies, are already a reality of the present, the tertiary industries having, on an average, over V2 of the occupied population and in forming the intemational gross domestic product. Within the European Union we can also find a great share of both the population involved in services (approximately 68% in 2010) (Eurostat, 2010) and the contribution that the tertiary industries have to the gross domestic product of the community (approximately 76% in 2010) (Eurostat, 2010). Consequently, the evolution of economies towards stmctures which are based on the preponderance of service activities in the utilization of work and in obtaining the assembly results is obvious. In Romania, the same year, 43% of the entire population involved in the national economy belonged to the tertiary industries, and they contributed with 56% to the GDP (INSSE, 2011). 3 COMPETITIVE FEATURES IN THE TERTIARY INDUSTRIES

Noul cadm economic global se caracterizeaz, n conceptia specialitilor, printr-o intensificare a contextului schimburilor comerciale ntre Jri ci regiuni. Libertatea pie^ei constituie o condijie favorizant n dezvoltarea tranzac^iilor cu servicii.

The new global economic environment represents, in the specialists and practitioners' view, an intensification of the context of commercial exchanges between countries. The market freedom is a favourable condition in developing the service exchanges. But, these

Studii ci cercetri -75nsa, aceste schimburi presupun o competitivitate a serviciilor oferite de prestatorii intra^i in circuitul intemajional al comerjului invizibil. 3.1 Principalele abordri exchanges suppose a competitiveness of the services "produced" by a country included in the intemational circuit of the invisible transactions. 3.1 The main approaches

Competitivitetea a fost dezbtut pe larg in literatura econmica ci, cu att mai mult odat cu procsele de globalizare ci formare a pie^elor unice regionale. Dezvoltarea ci amplificarea schimbudlor dintre {d reprezint o cerinj indispensabil a progresului economic ci social (Patdche, 1998, p. 158). Astfel, mediul global devine tot mai mult ada de dovedire ci valodficare, de ctre fiecare tara, a propdei competitivitji (Wignaraja, 2003, p.56). Competitivitetea este data de capacitetea produselor/serviciilor unei economii nationale de a se confiiinta, n condi^ii de concuren^ loial, cu oferte altor td. Angajarea cu succs ntr-un procs concurenjial reprezint o cale de a deveni competitiv. Competitivitetea unei economii nationale nu poate fi analizat dect n context intemajional. Competitivitetea intema^ional a serviciilor se formeaz n condijiile actale ale: liberalizdi, cooperdi exteme ci intrrii intr-un circuit intemajional. Pentm valodficarea avantej elor economice ci objinerea competitivit^ii este necesar identificarea factodlor care contdbuie decisiv sau doar influen^eaz crearea acesteia. Factorii care influenteaz competitivitetea serviciilor sunt (CUSA, 1987, p.384): (1) stmctura ci caractedsticile pie^ei; (2) resursele umane; (3) resurse umane de conducere; (4) resurse (inputs); (5) infi-astmctura logistic necesar; (6) condi^iile pentm crearea ci transmiterea inavotiilor ci tehnologiei; (7) factorii de mediu cu influena asupra condi^iilor economice ci de afaced; (8) politicile guvemamentele ci interacjiunile cu sectoml pdvat; (9) relajiile comerciale intemajionale. 3.2 Indici de competitivitate - aspecte terfiare la nivel international i n

Competitiveness has been widely discussed in economic literature, especially with the formation processes of globalization and regional single market. Development and growth of trade between countries is an indispensable requirement of economic and social progress (Patriche, 1998, p. 158). Thus, the global environment becomes more and more the area for proof and recovery by each country's own competitiveness (Wignaraja, 2003, p.56). Competitiveness is the ability of products / services of a national economy to be confi-onted, in fair competition conditions, with other countries offer. Successfully engaging in a competitive process is a way to become competitive. Competitiveness of national economy can be analyzed only in an intemational context. Intemational competitiveness of services is formed in the present conditions: liberalization, foreign cooperation and entering into intemational circuit. In order to capitelize economic advanteges and achieve competitiveness, it is necessary to identify factors that decisively contribute or simply influence their creation. Factors influencing the competitiveness of services are (CUSA, 1987, p.384): (1) industry and market stmcture; (2) labour force; (3) managerial work force; (4) inputs; (5) supporting infrastmcture; (6) the environment for innovation and technology diffusion; (7) business and economic conditions; (8) govemment policies and interactions with the private sector; (9) intemational trade relations. 3.2 Indexes of competitiveness internationally and Romanian issues


Indicatorii competitivit^ii vizeaz coordonate diferite aie economiilor nationale, fiind determinafi att pentm intregul acesteia, ct ci pentm diferite sectoare economice.

The competitiveness indicators are considering different characteristics of national economies and are determined both its whole and for different economic sectors.

Revista de Management ci Inginerie Econmica, Vol. 11, Nr. 4,2012 -76-


Indicele Competitivittii Globale


Global Competitiveness Index

n cadrul Forumului Economie Mondial (World Economie Forum, WEF), s-a propus calcularea un indice pentru a determina competitivitatea diferitelor state la nivel intemational. Ulterior analizrii principalelor elemente ce trebuie avute n vedere, s-a stabilit ca indicator de evaluare a competitivittii Indicele Competitivitfii Globale (GCI). Pana n prezent, au fost publcate diferite rapoarte ale competitivittii la nivel intemational. n cadrul acestora sunt prezentate rezultatele studierii principalelor aspecte ale competitivittii economiilor diferitelor state, acestea find clasificate i prezentate comparativ (Tabelul I.).

The World Economic Forum (WEF) suggested that a competitiveness index should be calculated to determine the competitiveness of various countries worldwide. Later analysis of the main elements that should be considered was established as an indicator to assess the competitiveness of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). So far, have been published reports of intemational competitiveness. In those reports are the results to study the main aspects of the competitiveness of different countries, which are classified and presented compared (Table 1.).

Tabelul 1. Indicele competitivitti globale (GCI*) / Table 1. The Global Competitiveness Index - GCI* 2009/2010 Country ^^"^^..^^ Elvetia/Switzerland SUA/USA Singapore/Singapore Suedia/Sweden Danemarca/Denmark Finlanda/Finland Germania/Germany Japonia/Japan Canada/Canada 2011/2012

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5,60 5,59 5,55 5,51 5,46 5,43 5,37 5,37

1 9 1
5,74 5,43 5,63 5,61 5,40 5,47 5,41 5,40 5,33



2 3 8 4 6 9 12


Olanda/Netherlands 10 5,32 48 7 5,41 4,31 43 4,43 Marea Britanie/ 13 5,19 58 4,22 10 5,39 Ungaria/Hungary 48 4,36 United Kingdom Norvegia/Norway 14 5,17 16 5,18 Fed. Rusa/ Russian Fed. 63 4,15 66 4,21 Franta/France 16 64 5,13 18 5,14 Romania/Romania 77 4,08 4,11 Austria/Austria 17 5,13 5,14 Letonia/Latvia 68 4,06 64 4,24 19 Belgia/Belgium 18 5,09 15 71 4,04 90 3,92 5,20 Grecia/Greece Luxemburg/ 21 76 4,02 74 4,96 23 5,03 Bulgaria/Bulgaria 4,16 Luxembourg Qatar/ Qatar 22 4,95 14 5,24 Ciad/Chad 131 2,87 142 2,875 Irlanda/Ireland 25 4,84 4,77 Burundi/Burundi 133 2,58 29 140 2,95 26 4,80 Islanda/Iceland 30 4,75 Angola/Angola 139 2,96 *poate lua valori ntre 1 competitivitate nula i 7-competitivitate n eel mai mare grad; P - pozitie n clasament; * Range between 1 - null competitiveness and 7-highest competitiveness; P - position in the rankings; Sursa/Source: (WEF, 2012)

China/China Rep. Ceh/ Czech Rep. Spania/Spain Cipru/Cyprus Estonia/Estonia Slovenia/Slovenia Portugalia/Portugal Polonia/Poland Slovacia/Slovak Republik Italia/Italy

2009/2010 29 31 33 34 35 37 43 46 47 4,74 4,67 4,59 4,57 4,56 4,55 4,40 4,33 4,31


26 38 36 47 33 57 45 41 69

4,90 4,52 4,54 4,36 4,62 4,30 4.40 4,46 4,19

Studii ci cercetri

Indicele Competitivittii Globale ofer o imagine integratoare a principalilor factori care intervin n formarea competitivittii nationale. Aceti factori esentiali (piloni ai competitivittii) n flinctie de care se determina GCI sunt gmpati n trei categorii astfel: (1) cerinte de baza (institutiile, infrastmctura, macroeconomia, serviciile de sntate ci nvtmnt), (2) factori de cretere a eficientei (educatie superioar ci formarea resurselor umane, eficient pietelor, receptivitate fat de noile tehnologii) ci (3) factori ai inovatiei (calitatea mediului de afaceri ci inovarea) (WEF, 2012). Spre exemplu, pentm Romania valorile (sub-indicii) competitivittii, n perioada 20092012, care au dus la determinarea GCI au fost urmtoarele (Tabelul 2.):

The Global Competitiveness Index offers a comprehensive perspective of the main factors that interfere in shaping national competitiveness. These critical factors (competitiveness pillars) which determine the GCI are grouped into three categories, as follows: (1) basic requirements (institutions, infrastmctures, macro-economy, health and education services), (2) efficiency increase factors (higher education and human resources development, market efficiency, acceptance of new technologies), and (3) innovation factors (quality of business environment and innovation) (WEF, 2012). For example, for Romania values (sub-indices) competitiveness leading to GCI determination, 2009-2012, were as follows (Table 2.):

Tabelul 2. Factorii competitivittii n Romania (pe baza crora s-a calcult Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)/ Table 2. Competitive factors in Romania (on their basis has been calculated Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) Factori/Factors
(1] Cerinte de baza / Basic requirements Institutions 1 Institutiile Infrastructure 2 Infrastructura Macroeconomic 3 Stabilitate macroeconomic environment Health and primary 4 Serviciile de sntate ci nvatamnt education (2] Factori de cretere a eficien{ei/Efficiency enhancers Higher education and training 5 Educatie superioar $i formarea resurselor umane Goods market efficiency 6 Encienta piejelor bunurilor ci serviciilor Technological readiness 7 Receptivitate la noile tehnologii Labor market efficiency 8 Eficient piejei muncii Piata financiara Financial market 9 development Market size 10 Dimensiunea pietelor (3) Factori ai inova^iei /Innovation and sophistication factors Business sophistication 11 Calitatea mediului de afaceri Innovation 12 Inovarea

Pozitie/Position* 2011-2012 2009-2010 89 86 99 84 95 110 87 75 66 62 55 96 60 92 84 44 99 102 63 49 52 61 58 79 56 41 75 83

Scor/Score** 2011-2012 2009-2010 4,28 4,10 3,49 3,70 3,37 2,70 4,52 4,6 5,72 4,09 4,42 3,96 3,76 4,10 3,91 4,39 3,22 3,48 5,5 4,3 4,3 4,2 3,8 4,3 4,4 4,5 3,4 3,8

95 70 2,91 3,1 2011-2012: dintr- un total de 139 de tri; 2009-2010: dintr- un total de 133 de tri; **1 - competitivitate nula ... 7-competitivitate n cel mai mare grad / * 2011-2012: from a overall of 139 countries; * 2009-2010: from a overall of 133 countries; **Range between 1 - null competitiveness and 7- highest competitiveness Sursa/Source: (WEF, 2012)

Revista de Management i Inginerie Econmica, Vol. 11, Nr. 4,2012


n cadrul Fommului Economie Mondial se acord o atentie particular ci serviciilor publice datorit considerrii competitivittii acestora ca esential n cadrul societtilor. Pentm determinarea competitivittii serviciilor publice se evalueaz cinci criterii esentiale (WEF, 2012): respectarea drepturilor de proprietate, etica actiunilor guvemamentale ci combaterea coruptiei, independenta sistemului juridic ci sprijinirea acestuia de ctre stat n lupta mpotriva practicilor interventiilor discretionare (aa-numitul "trafic de infiuent"), ineficienta statului refiectat n administrarea deficitar a resurselor (risipirea acestora, utilizarea necorespunztoare etc.) ci abilitatea de a asigura un mediu favorabil activittilor economice, caracterizat printr-un nivel adecvat al sigurantei publice. 3.2.2 Indicele competitivittii n Uniunea Europen

In the World Economie Forum a particular attention is given to public services due to their competitiveness as a key consideration for human societies. To determine the competitiveness of public services are taken into account five key criteria (WEF, 2012): property rights, ethics and govemment actions against corruption, independence of judiciary and its support by the State against discretionary intervention practices (so-called "traffic of influence"), the inefficiency of state reflected in mismanagement of resources (their waste, misuse, etc..) and ability to provide a conducive economic environment, characterized by an adequate level of public safety. 3.2.2. Competitiveness Index in the European Union

The World Economic Fomm determines an annual competitiveness index that expresses progress performance proposed by the Lisbon strategy (Table 3.). The determination of the competitiveness, taking into consideration the European criteria, is done for other countries and regions outside the European Union, European or non-European countries such as USA, Japan to ensure the feasibility of comparisons and nonEuropeans in providing a useful tool for competitiveness assessment criteria used are generally valid. Depending on the results (scores of competitiveness), are made rankings by allowing each country to assess their competitive situations at a time. In order to analyze competitiveness, within Pentm analiza competitivittii, n cadrul the Lisbon Strategy there are evaluated eight Strategiei Lisabona, sunt evaluate opt aspecte aspects (dimensions) distinct considered essential (dimensiuni) distincte considerate esentiale (att n (both within the European Union and globally). cadml Uniunii Europene ct ci la nivel global). Cele 8 The 8 dimensions of competitiveness, included in dimensiuni aie competitivittii, incluse n cadml the Lisbon Strategy are (WEF, 2008): (1) Building Strategiei Lisabona, sunt urmtoarele (WEF, 2008): the information society for all; (2) Creating a (1) crearea societfii informafionale pentru tofi\ (2) European fi-amework conducive to innovation, crearea unui spafiu european favorabil inovrii, research and development; (3) Liberalization; (4) cercetrii f/ dezvoltrii; (3) liberalizarea; (4) Telecommunications infrastructure, public utilities irifrastructura telecomunicaiilor, utilitafilor publice and transport; (5) Creating an efficient financial i transporturilor; (5) crearea unui sector eficient al services sector; (6) Improving the business serviciilor financiare; (6) mbuntfirea mediului de environment; (7) Enhancing social inclusion; (8) afaceri; (7) imbimtfirea incluziunii sociale; (8) Sustainable Development. The presentation of the Dezvoltare durabil. Prezentarea celor opt eight dimensions of competitiveness evaluation in dimensiuni aie evalurii competitivittii n cadml Fonimul Economie Mondial determina, anual, un indice care exprima progresul ndeplinirii competitivittii propuse prin Strategia Lisabona (Tabel 3.). Determinarea acestui indice al competitivittii, avnd n vedere criterii europene, este realizat ci pentm alte state ci regiuni din afara Uniunii Europene, state europene sau extraeuropene precum SUA, Japonia, n scopul realizrii comparatiilor ct ci n fumizarea noneuropenilor a unui instmment util evalurii competitivittii, criteriile utilizate fiind general valabile. n functie de rezultatele obtinute (scomri aie competitivittii) sunt realizate clasamente ce permit evaluarea de ctre fiecare tara a propriei situatii competitive la un moment dat.

Studii ci cercetri

-79Uniunii Europene ci chiar n afara acesteia releva implicaiile putemice ale serviciilor asupra lor. the European Union and even beyond show strong implications on services.

Tabelul 3. Indicele competitivitajii* valut n functie de criteriile Strategiei Lisabona (The Lisbon Review) / Tabel 3. UE Competitiveness Index*
Nr. en./ No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 far/Cauntry P. Suedia/Sweden Finlanda/Finland Danemarca/Denmark Olanda/Netherlands Liaemburg/ Luxembourg Germania/Germany A us tria/A us tria Franfd/France Marea Britanie/ United Kingdom Belgia/Belgium Irlanda/Ireland Estonia/Estonia Cipru/Cyprus Slovenia/Slovenia Rep. Ceh/Czech Rep. 1 2

5,83 5,72 5,61 5,51 5,43 5,39 5,39 5,22 5,15 5,15 5,00 4,96 4,83 4,79 4,71

P. 1 3 2 4 7 6 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16

5,71 5,64 5,64 5,44 5,22 5,34 5,34 ^,12 5,12 5,11 5,03 5,02 4,68 4,58 4,53

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Nr. crt./ No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Jar Country Portugalia/Portugal Matta/Malta Spania/Spain Slovacia/Slovak Rep. Lituania/Lithuania Ungaria/Hungary Letonia/Latvia Grecia/Greece Polonia/Poland

p. 16 17 18 19

W s.
4,70 4,58 4,53 4,45 4,39 4,28 4,21 4,18 4,07 4,03 3,96 3,77 4,81 5,27 5,28

mi m p.
14 18 17 20 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 27 4,61 4,43 4,52 4,34 4,39 4,18 4,25 4,10 3,76 4,05 3,84 3,68 4,73 5,44 5,26

21 22


Italia/Italy 25 Romania/Romania 26 Bulgaria/Bulgaria 27 Media UE27/EU27 Average SUA/USA Asia de Est**/East Asia

*poate lua valori ntre 1 - competitivitate nula i 7-competitivitate n cel mai mare grad; * *media statelor: Japonia, Hong Kong, Rep.Coreea, Taiwan i Singapore; S - score; P - pozitie n clasament UE 27; Sursa: (The Lisbon Review, 2010) / * can range between 1 - null competitiveness and 7- highest competitiveness; ** country average: Japan, Hong Kong, Rep.Coreea, Taiwan and Singapore; S - Score; P - position in the UE27 ratikings; Source: (The Lisbon Review, 2010)

In ceea ce privete valorile competitivit^ii, pe diferite criterii de evaluare, specifice Romniei n anu 2010 (Tabel 4.), se constata o evolu^ie pozitiv, indicele de competitivitate crescnd de la 3,84 n anul 2008 la 3,96 n anul 2010. De asemenea s-au nregistrat creteri ale valorilor subindicilor n toate domeniile evaluate: societatea informa^ional, inovare i cercetare-dezvoltare, liberalizare, infi-astmctur, servicii financiare, mediul de afaceri, incluziune social ci dezvoltare durabil. Daca n anu 2008 singuml sub-indice care depaea valoarea 4 era cel corespunztor criteriului servicii financiare", anul 2010 aduce devansarea acestui prag (valoarea 4) ci pentm alte dimensiuni ale competitivit^ii, precum: liberalizare, infrastructura, servicii financiare, mediul de afaceri i dezvoltare durabil (Parfene, 2011,p.l40).

In terms of competitiveness values on different evaluation criteria specific to Romania in 2010 (Table 4.), there has been a positive development, competitiveness index growing from 3.84 in 2008 to 3.96 in 2010. Also, there have been increases in sub-indices in all areas assessed: information society, innovation and research and development, liberalization, infrastmcture, financial services, business, social inclusion and sustainable development. If in 2008 the only subindex exceeded a value of 4 was the appropriate criterion "financial services", year 2010 brings Advancing of this threshold (value 4) and for other dimensions of competitiveness, such as liberalization, infrastmcture, financial services, business and sustainable development (Parfene, 2011,p.l40).

Revista de Management ci Inginerie Econmica, Vol. 11, Nr. 4,2012 -80Tabelul 4. Componentele indicelui competitivittii dtermint n functie de critedile Strategiei Lisabona, 2010/ Table 4. Competitiveness index components determined by the Lisbon criteria, 2010

(O 03 o

Indice 2010


< us o



c o

5,39 4,05 27 6,19 4,85 4,12

= 'S


g 4,60 4,38 21 5,15 4,40 3,95


OT i:

Media UE27/UE27 Average Romania/Romania Pozije n cadrul UE27/UE 27 Ranking Suedia Ungaria Polonia Bulgaria

4,81 3,96 26 5,83 4,28 4,07



4,80 4,04 26 5,55 4,35 4,44 3,82 5,05 5,10

5,05 4,30 25 . 5,93 4,42 4,46 3,80 5,22 5,41


5,16 4,19 25 6,57 4,50 4,49 3,82 4,59


3,48 27 6,20 4,12 3,50 3,63 5,79 5,56

3,37 26 5,64 3,79 3,64


3,89 22 5,42 3,79 3,96 3,55


Asia de Est

5,27 5,28

6,03 5,24

5,73 6,06

5,07 5,17


Sursa/Source: (The Lisbon Review, 2010)


Propuneri privind demersuri competitive

3.3. Proposals on competitive requests In Romania's case, service competitiveness development implies numerous directions, and the main solutions may be the following: (1) Service supply diversification: service component diversification is a way to apply the increase strategy of the service range; (2) Participation in service international transactions: at a country's level, services have long been characterized by the tendency to be performed only for its inhabitants ("service tendency to remain within the borders") (Ghibutiu, 2000, p.34)); as a result, services have long been considered difficult to transfer to consumers from another country; after the '70s and especially during the '80s, services started to be subject of negotiation of free transactions; consequently, intemational service trade has become increasingly stronger compared to intemational exchanges of material goods, the optimization of service transaction processes leads to an increase in their competitiveness; (3)

Pentm Romania dezvoltarea sau sporirea competitivittii in servicii implica cu sigurant numeroase directii, ins dintre principalele posibile solutii se detaeaza: (1) Diversicarea ofertei de servicii: diversificarea componentelor ofertei reprezint o modalitete de punere in aplicare a strategiei de cretere a dimensiunilor gamei de servicii; (2) Participarea la tranzacfiile internationale cu servicii: la nivelul unei t^d serviciile s-au caractedzat, mult timp, pdn tendinta de a fi prstete doar pentm locuitodi acesteia ("tendinta serviciilor de a ramne captive in intedoml granitelor" (Ghibutiu, 2000, p.34)); prin urmare serviciile au fost considerate mult timp greu transferabile consumatorilor dintr-o alta tara; dupa anii '70 ci mai aies in pedoada anilor '80 serviciile au inceput s constituie, mai intens ca pana la acel moment, subiect al negociedlor de liberalizare a tranzactiilor, prin urmare comertul intemational cu servicii s-a intensificat, iar optimizarea proceselor de tranzactionare a serviciilor determina creterea competitivitetii acestora. Altfel spus, cu ct serviciile

Studii ci cercetri -81sunt mai bine prstate, mai aproape de consumatorul dintr-o alt tara, mai calitative, cu att ele sunt mai competitive; (3) Specializarea serviciilor: sunt considerate adevrate activitti de servicii strategice urmtoarele: servicii privind tehnologia i procesarea informatiilor, servicii de cercetare ci dezvoltare, servicii de marketing, servicii de asistare a conducerii ntreprinderilor, servicii privind resursele umane; dezvoltarea acestor servicii este considerat cauz a dezvoltrii altor servicii ci a productiei de bunuri; de asemenea, dezvoltarea sectorului turistic este necesar in asigurarea competitivittii economiei nationale (Cruceru i Ciobanu, 2008); (4) Stimularea ntreprinderilor din sectorul terfiar, printr-o stratgie na(ional privind serviciile: competitivitatea serviciilor strategice evolueaz in sens pozitiv datorit creterii nummlui ci interesului pentru acestea a ntreprinderilor (Johnson i Gustafsson, 2003, p.67). Service specialization: the following are viewed as real strategic business services: service regarding information technology and processing, research and development services, marketing services, enterprise assisted management services, human resources services; developing these services is the cause of developing other services and goods production; the importance which is given to tourism can be explained by the impact that tourism may have on the Romanian economy (Cruceru and Ciobanu, 2008); (4) Stimulation of tertiary sector enterprises by means of a national strategy concerning services for the purpose of the strategic orientation of activities: strategic service competitiveness positively evolves due to the increase of the enterprises' interest in them. (Johnson and Gustafsson, 2003, p.67) 4 CONCLUSIONS


Producpa de servicii intr-o conomie national reprezint un element strategic cheie, atribtele strategice ale serviciilor fiind valorificate prin rolul serviciilor pentru celelalte sectoare economice, prin integrarea i creterea competitivittii acestora ci importanta in diversificarea structurii tranzactiilor intemationale cu servicii. Evolutia notiunilor privind formarea competitivittii este continua i sustinut de cercetrile specialitilor. Pentru Romania, o orientare ce are ca scop principal obtinerea competitivittii trebuie s urmreasc: diversificarea ofertei de servicii, participarea la tranzactiile intemationale cu servicii, specializarea serviciilor, stimularea ntreprinderilor tertire ci valorificarea avantajelor competitive.

Service production in national economy is a strategic element, whereas the service strategic attributes are valued by the role of services other economic sectors by means of integrating and increasing their competitiveness and importance in diversifying the structure of service intemational transactions. The development of concepts regarding competitiveness formation is ongoing and supported by experts' researches. We may emphasize that, in the case of Romania, competitiveness building should encompass: diversifying the service supply, participating in intemational transactions with services, service specialization, stimulating tertiary enterprises and valuing competitive advantages.

Revista de Management i Inginerie Econmica, Vol. 11, Nr. 4,2012


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