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CHAPTER 1: This is the beginning The phone rings really loudly.

I stretched my left hand to grab it from the top of the wooden drawers and silenced it. And annoyingly, pulled my blanket back to make myself comfortable once again. But. " heyyyyy~ , wake up Min! ", my best friend Chaerin called out to me as she sat on my bed and started pulling my blanket. " School, we have school." she said as she tugged on my blanket. I remained still and silent, trying to avoid her wake up calls. Thats when I heard familiar footsteps walking towards my room. I immediately got up. " I'M AWAKE", I said irritated almost as loud as I could. " It's good that you did, if not i would be dragging you out of bed. Hurry up and bathe." said my mother as she got close to the room of my door. Taking the last piece of bread on the plate, I placed it in my mouth as I and Chaerin rushed to put on our shoes and leave the house. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On the way to school, me and chaerin argued over the reason why I could not wake up on time. While we were engrossed in our arguement, we felt a strong hug from behind us. As usual, it was Chunhee. Our childhood friend, we had been friends ever since my family shifted over when i was just 5. So the three of us have known each other for about 14 years. "Eyy, do you have to keep doing that each time you see us?" I said as I brushed his hand off my shoulder. "Don't be like that, I was just so happy to see you guys," replied Chunhee. " We just saw each other yesterday." Chaerin rolled her eyes as she pulled him between the both of us. Just like that, we continued our walk to school, it was just a mere 15 minutes walk. We would usually take our time walking and talking about almost

anything but usualt about dance practice. Me, Chunhee and Sunho are part of a dance school or more of a company. We would spend our days going to school and spend about three times a week after school practicing our dance for events. Usually we invest even more time on it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"At least we're not late this time, I bet both Sunho and Jonghyuk are going to be late" I said as I and Chunhee entered the classroom and proceeded to our seats which were next to each other. "Yeah, i think so too, they were drinking so much yesterday after you and Chaerin left. I think they'll just skip school" replied Chunhee. "Man, if they keep doing that they're going to get a bad record." I exclaimed. "Who's going to get a bad record? " a voice from behind echoed. I turned around and stared at Sunho as he busily tried to tidy his hair as he walked towards me and Chunhee. I looked out of the classroom and saw Jonghyuk wave at me as he walked pass our class to the next. Me, Sunho and Chunhee are in the same class while Jonghyuk and Chaerin are in another. Sometimes I just wonder why all five of us just cannot be in the same class together. "Heard you drank a lot yesterday, I told you to stop drinking and yet you drank behind my back" I glared at SunHo as I turned to face the whiteboard once again. "I just drank a little more, not much." Sunho said sorrowfully as he actioned to Chunhee that he would get his revenge. After hearing that, I gave a sigh. Sunho walked over and faced me, as he kneeled down to be able to be of the same height as me. " As an apology, I'll do whatever you want me to do for today." He said as he grabbed my hand and pleaded to soothe my anger. I was not even angry at the first place, I was just disappointed. "It's okay, " I replied irritatedly. I think I just enjoyed seeing him desperate like that. It was kind of funny. " Later. Later I'll give you something, so don't be angry," SunHo pleaded once again. "OKAY EVERYONE GET BACK TO YOUR SEATS, CLASS IS STARTING..."

SunHo obediently returned to his seat as he actioned for me not be angry. I giggled as he walked off. There he is. My boyfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Minhee ah, come over. I want to ask you something," a classmate of mine, JooWon called me from across the class. So, i went over. " Your brother, is he dating my older sister? I saw him bring my sister home" "I ... don't know", he usually sends people home all the time anyway. So, I meant it when I said it. "He's not like playing with my sister is he? If he is ... " He asked straightforwardly. I got annoyed. "If so, ask your sister to stay away then." And then i stomped off taking my bag, while SunHo and Chunhee followed behind. I was speechless. It was not that I wanted to take the side of my brother. But he really was a cassanova. And he played that role perfectly. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"That idiot. Even playing with Joowon's sister." I mumbled as Sunho, Chunhee and I headed for dance practice while the other two just tagging along. SunHo held my hand and smile at me. As if he understood everything and just wanted me to calm down. "Our Minhee, pretty even when she's annoyed." He teased. "Why? what happened?" Chaerin and Jonghyuk asked curiously which Chunhee answered. "Anyway, Minhee ah,did you hear? Minhee fanclub and SunHo fanclub are arguing over the rights of Sunhee fanclub. It was really funny" Chaerin added. "Ah so lucky, I wish I had a faclub" interrupted Jonghyuk. "Who asked you not to have the looks and charm, maybe if you had plastic surgery you might have just one fan," joked Chunhee. All of us started laughing.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~Cause I don't wanna lose you now I'm looking right at the other half of me The vacancy that sat in my heart Is a space that now you hold Show me how to fight for now And I'll tell you baby, it was easy Coming back into you once I figured it out You were right here all along~ Our dance practice started and all of us were focused in our dance. This practice was to be shown next week and we had to perfect all the moves. It was sort of a couple dance, so there was a lot of touching. Unfortunately, for this dance, i was not paired with any one of my close friends. Instead, my partner was Hwanhee. He was considered the best candidate to be selected to debut next under the company. He had the groove, style, attitude and even looks. Everyone was comfortable with him, but I was the only one awkward with him. And I believe he feels the same. I think it is because of this that is why we are having problems with coordinating our moves while the others are quite fulent at it. Class ended. Yet, I was still worried about our coordination. Chunhee headed home, while SunHo leaned against the wall taking a sip from his drinks while talking to two other girl trainee. Seeing that scene made me sigh as I could have been there drinking too if only my partner was not Hwanhee. I looked back at Hwanhee as he stood in front of the mirror trying to perfect his move. Observing it, I gathered myself, realising that I should be serious about this and that it was my fault that we had to stay back to practice even more. After about half an hour we decided to focus on our coordinating with each other.

We were doing fine until the part where Hwanhee was suppose to grab my hand first then my waist, i tripped on his foot and landed on my butt. " Can't you do it properly?" Hwanhee burst. "How many times must we do this? Do you think this is a game?" Hearing that I got offended. I was putting in my utmost effort in this and yet he thinks I was playing around. " What happen?" SunHo interrupted before I could even say anything. Hwanhee looked at SunHo and then back at me and sighed out of frustration. " I really want this to work out. Can't you at least put in a little effort to cooperate? It might be easy for you because you got here through connections but please spare a thought for me." Hwanhee continued trying to calm himself down. I remained seated on the floor. Speechless. I could not rebut back, because it was true. It was true that because my brother was an actor and was famous, I was selected to join the company as a dance trainee. I felt guilty. But. I did try my best. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On the way home, Sunho remained silent. It was not as if it was a big deal. The more he kept quiet, the more Hwanhee's words nailed deeper into me. "Why are you so quiet? Usually you will try to annoy me." I said suddenly that it surprised Sunho. "I just thought that you will be even more angry if you talked to me," Sunho replied. As we walked closer to my house, he both my hands and faced me. "Minhee ah, we all know that you tried your best. Don't worry about what Hwanhee said, he will know and acknowledge it one day. " Sunho looked at me gently. I burst out laughing, " That is the most touching thing you have ever said to me."

Sunho came closer and gradually gave me a hug. "He is like this because he doesn't know the real Kim Min Hee. If he knew it, he will not be able to resist you. Like me. So, make sure he does not know you." Just from what he said and the warm hug, I felt so comforted and protected. I knew that Sunho would always be there for me. I continued to put my arms around Sunho. I cannot imagine how I would be without him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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