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Emmanuel Samsonjude From Deeper Christian Life Ministry (A Holiness-Pentecostal group based in Lagos, Nigeria) The Lord is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the Sea. Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever. (Psalms 93:4-5). I consider under the sun that everyone is there for a mission and the mission can either be for GOOD OR EVIL, it will either profit GOD OR DEVIL, but your DECISION will determine your DESTINATION because you cannot serve God and mammon. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 when you are in Christ old things are passed away Because you are a new creature; so you must come out from any unclean thing. I remember sometimes ago when i was still in the world, i determine to become an higherkiller But i thank God today Because the Lord destroyed every plan of the devil against my life and Jesus Christ turned me to a soul winner for His glorious Kingdom. (1 Peter 2:9-10) Jesus can still change your life if you are ready to accept him right now and He will turn you to a peculiar Person. [JESUS CHRIST VISITATION] It was around 8:50 pm, I was on my bed when i was showed this REVELATION, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ, He came to me and said "I have come to show you some important message" But i said `Lord you told me in my third encounter with you That, it was going to be your last visitation to me, But why do you come again?` and he smile and said "MY SON,YOUR REPLIED TO ME,WHEN I ASKED YOU WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN MY KINGDOM AND YOU SAID,'MY WILL SHOULD BE DONE', HAS GIVEN YOU MORE CHANCE TO SEE HOW I WANT MY PEOPLE TO BE FAR FROM THEIR SIN" and i said oh yes, you asked me that in my third encounter But i know is your mercy that help me to replied that way. (Psalm 118:1) [MY HOUSE IN HEAVEN] And the Lord took me to Heaven and said "MY SON, YOU HAVE REQUESTED TO SEE THE POSITION OF YOUR HOUSE IN YOUR PRAYER AND I MUST SHOW YOU" (Matthew 7:7-8). And the Lord took me to a place in heaven and he showed me a house and i saw many angels, they were running with gold on their hand, some with flowers and they were decorating the house and were adding to the building. And i ask the Lord to tell me the owner of the house, and the Lord said "MY SON, IT

BELONG TO YOU" and i smile and said But Lord, tell me the reason those angels were running that? And the Lord said "BECAUSE THE REVELATION I SHOWED YOU IS BRINGING MANY PEOPLE BACK TO THE NARROW WAY, THE PRAYER LIFE OF MANY PEOPLE IS NOW FIRE, AND MANY BACKSLIDERS HAS CAME BACK TO ME, THE MORE SOULS THAT GIVE THEIR LIFE TO ME THROUGH YOUR TESTIMONY, THE MORE BIGGER YOUR HOUSE WILL BECOME" (1 John 4:4) (Matthew 11:28). [YOU MUST HAVE BACK YOUR FIRST LOVE] The Lord took me to some places in heaven Which Brought more sadness to my heart, but i believed that many people will amend their ways. (2 Peter 3:9) And i saw some houses in Heaven, the angels has stopped adding to the building and those houses are Very Small and those angel in charge of it were so SAD because they were ready to work But they couldn't just because the owner no longer working for Christ. And i shouted oh Lord WHY? and the Lord said "MY SON, LOOK VERY WELL, THIS HOUSES BELONG TO THOSE WHO HAS LEFT THEIR FIRST LOVE, THEY HAS STOPPED DOING MY WILL, THEY ARE NO MORE WORKING FOR ME BUT FOR THEIR OWN POCKET,THEY LEFT THEIR FIRST LOVE, TELL THEM TO REPENT AND COME BACK TO THE WAY BECAUSE IT MAY TOO BE LATE FOR THEM LATER" (Revelation 2:4-5) [ KEEP ON CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN] The Lord took me to a place and said "MY SON, LOOK AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY PEOPLE, I WANT THEM TO ENDURE AND BE STRONG" (Mark 13:13) And behold i saw a very big Mountain, and uncountable people was climbing it. What i noticed about the mountain was that, there is some part of that mountain that was full of THORNS, and some part was HOT like a fire, some part was very SMOOTH, but the beginning of the mountain was Very EASY TO CLIMB on. [FIRST ZEAL] And the Lord told me "LOOK VERY WELL AND ASK WHATEVER YOU WISH TO UNDERSTAND" and i saw some people, they ran to that mountain and began to climbed it in HASTE and with JOY But immediately they got to the THORNS PART of that mountain, they RUSH DOWN and RAN AWAY from the mountain and i couldn't see them again. And i ask the Lord to tell me the meaning and He said "THIS IS CALLED,THE FIRST ZEAL, THIS ARE THOSE WHO HEAR MY WORD AND RECEIVED IT WITH JOY AND ACCEPT ME AS LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOUR BUT WHEN TEMPTATION OF PLEASURE OF THE WORLD CAME THEY FALL AWAY BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT ENDURE, DUE BECAUSE THEIR SALVATION WAS NOT SOLID" (Luke 8:13-14) (Luke 6:49). Are you among this people? Repent now and be saved. [THE HOT PART OF THE MOUNTAIN] And the Lord showed me many Christian in that HOT PART of the mountain, some could

not be able to pass through that part Because it was Hot, But i saw some people do not care about how it hurt their Body But all they want is to finish climbing the mountain and rest Because i saw a man that stood on that mountain and he always received those who finished it into a very Beautiful Place and the gate is called "THE GATE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN" (Isaiah 35:8-9) and i ask the Lord to tell me the interpretation and He said "THIS ARE THE TRIAL OF FAITH OF MY PEOPLE, IF THEY ENDURE THEY SHALL BE MINE" (1 Corinthian 15:58) and i ask the Lord, are they not yours Before? And he said "MY SON, THEY ARE NOT FULLING MINE BECAUSE I ENDURE BEFORE THE WORK OF SALVATION CAME INTO MANIFESTATION, SO ALSO IS UNTIL WHEN THEY PASS THE TRIAL BECAUSE ONLY THOSE THAT SHALL ENDURE TO THE END,THE SAME SHALL BE SAVED" (James 1:12) [THE SMOOTH PART OF THE MOUNTAIN] And i saw those who has got to that smooth part of the mountain, it was so smooth and many who got that part relaxed and some even slept and some do not rest at all but they kept on climbing the mountain. (Isaiah 40:29-31) I saw some people, they were sleeping in that smooth part, and many of them fall down from the top and vanish away. And immediately i heard a powerful voice saying "AWAKE, AWAKE FOR THE TIME IS SHORT TO REST HERE" And immediately many who were sleeping in that smooth part woke-up and began their journey but may people ignore the voice and continue sleeping. And i told the Lord to tell me the meaning and he said "MY SON I AM VERY HAPPY FOR WHAT I HAVE CREATED IN YOU, MAKE SURE THIS IS WRITTEN OUT SO THAT MY PEOPLE MAY KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THEIR SPIRITUAL MAN, ASK FOR ANY THING THAT IS HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND" and i said, tell me what the smooth part of this mountain mean, and the Lord said "THIS SMOOTH PART OF THE MOUNTAIN IS A STATE OF A CONDITION THAT MANY PEOPLE GOT TO AND THOUGHT THERE IS NO MORE NEEDS OF PRAYER AND FASTING AND EVEN EVANGELISM" (2 timothy 2:7) and i said tell me The meaning of those who fall down from that smooth part of the mountain and vanished, and the Lord began to cried and said "MY SON, THOSE WHO ARE FALLEN ASLEEP IN ME ARE PERISHED" (1 Corinthians 15:18) and i said what about those who relaxed and slept and the Lord said "THIS ARE THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAS GOT TO A STAGE WHERE BY THEY THOUGHT THE BATTLE IS OVER AND THERE IS NO MORE NEEDS OF PRAYER AND FASTING, THEY FORGOT THAT WHEN I WAS TEMPTED BY THE DEVIL, HE LEFT ME FOR A WHILE (Luke 4:13),, THEY THOUGHT THEY ARE NOW HUNDRED PERCENT HOLY AND THEY ARE NO MORE READY TO HEARKEN TO MY WARNING, BUT TELL THEM, THOSE WHO ARE FALLEN ASLEEP IN ME ARE PERISHED AND THEREFORE AWAKE THOU SLEEPEST AND RISE FROM THE DEAD AND I SHALL GIVE YOU LIGHT" (Ephesians 5:14) and i ask the Lord to tell me the meaning of the voice that says "AWAKE" and the Lord said" THIS IS MY WARNING TO MANY CHRISTIANS AND TO MY SERVANT, THROUGH REVELATIONS, DREAM AND THROUGH MANY THINGS TO STOP BACKSLIDING" (Psalm 19:7-11) and i ask the Lord to tell me of those who ignore the voice? And the Lord

said "THOSE WHO HEED TO MY WARNING ARE THOSE WHO AWAKE FROM THEIR SLUMBERING THROUGH MANY REVELATIONS, AND THOSE WHO IGNORE THE VOICE ARE THOSE WHO CALLED ME A LIAR WHEN I WARNED THEM, TELL THEM TO REPENT AND I WILL CROWN THEM VICTORY (Matthew 11:28-30)(Isaiah 1:19). [HIS STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT] The word of God in the book of Isaiah 40:29-31 is immutable for those who will humble their self. I saw a man, the man was about to reach the top of the mountain and suddenly he began to got down slowly and the man began to cry and said "No, no, i need grace" and all of a sudden i heard a powerful voice, the voice was like billions of thunders together, and the voice said "MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE,FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN YOUR WEAKNESS"(2 Corinthians 12:9) and the man received strength and continue climbing up. And i ask the Lord to tell me the meaning and He said "THIS MAN HUMBLE HIMSELF AND HE NEVER DEPENDS ON HIS PHYSICAL POWER OR ABILITY AND HE CRIED UNTO ME WITH HUMBLENESS, I WILL SURELY GIVE STRENGTH TO THOSE WHO OBEY MY WORD (LUKE 5:11) AND I WOULD NEVER ALLOW THEM TO PERISH BECAUSE THEY WANT MY CONTROL IN THEIR LIFE (James 4:10) " and the Lord also said "THE REASON MANY OF MY PEOPLE KEPT ON CRAWLING AND KEPT ON FALLING AND RISING IS BECAUSE THEY NEVER WANT MY CONTROL,THEY NEVER WANT ME TO ORDER THEIR STEPS WITH MY WORD,THEY KEPT ON JUSTIFYING THEIR SELF,I WILL GIVE STRENGTH TO THOSE WHO WANT MY ORDER AND NOT THEIR ORDER.(PSALM 119:129-130) and The Lord quote "PSALM 119:105-112" and again He said "MY WORD,MY WORD, MY WORD,I CAN NEVER JOKE WITH IT. (PSALM 119:131-136" and the Lord told me again that "TELL MY PEOPLE TO DRESS ACCORDING TO MY WORD BECAUSE MANY OF THOSE WHO ARE NOT READY TO DRESS ACCORDING TO MY WORD ARE DISOBEDIENT AND THEY NEVER WANT MY ORDER, THEIR HEART IS FULL OF EVIL IMAGINATION AND THEY KEPT-ON PLEASING THE FLESH AND THEY THOUGHT THEY ARE PLEASING ME" [HAVE YOU REPENT FROM YOUR SINS?] If you are still a sinner, it will be better for you to repent right now and be saved. The Lord took me to a place and behold i saw the conditions of the sinner in spiritually, I saw uncountable people chained down By the demons, the chain or shackles they used to bound them was very big, and those demons that are tormenting them are like 200 tall feet, and some 1000 tall feet and they used a very big sword to the tongue of some people and those people cried Bitterly But they couldn't escape Because they haven't repented of their sins physically. (John 3:18-20)

Some demons has 8 heads on a body, some has a horn on their Nose, some demons was walking with their Head, they are the demons in charge of the sinners and they are called "Rulers of the darkness of this world" and i told the Lord to tell me the meaning? And the Lord said "THIS PEOPLE ARE THE SINNERS, EXCEPT THEY GIVE THEIR LIFE TO ME, THEY CAN NOT ESCAPE IN THIS PLACE OF PUNISHMENT"(john 3:3) please repent right now and give your life to Jesus Christ because you are in great pains spiritually. [THE BOOK OF PUNISHMENT] And i saw a very big Book Before a huge demons and that demons sat on a ugly throne and he was the commander of all "Rulers of the darkness of this world" he opened the book and said "let them drink acid" and those demons obeyed his voice and gave all the people that was chained down acid to drank and the Body of those people began to melt and burst to pieces and came Back to the normal position, and those people cried bitterly, But the Lord said "I CREATED THIS PEOPLE FOR MY OWN GLORY BUT THEY REJECTED ME, I WILL STILL DELIVER ANY ONE THAT WILL ACCEPT ME AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOUR" (Acts 17:30-31). I was full of anger because those demons are very wicked and they were mocking those God created for his glory But physically those people rejected the Truth. (Galatians 5:7-8). [SISTER AKINTOLA] I saw a lady, her name is Akintola, although i never knew her Before, i saw her in a great pains, she was crying bitterly, those demons used hot tools to removed her teeth. And a demon told her that "thou fool, you never want to accept the truth, i will continue to hurting you" and i saw the lady physically on earth, a sister was preaching to her But she said "let me enjoy my life, i am not ready to be Born again" (1 Corinthians 15:50) (1 Corinthians 15:10). [SISTER CHRISTIANNAH] I saw a lady too, her name is Christiana, although i never knew her name before, she was a fornicator, the demons was tormenting her with great fury and said "Do you think you are wise? You are a choir mistress, you speak Hocus-pocus (speaking false tongue) so that people might said you have received the comforter, you are mad and fool" those demons used fire to burned her But she never die, they used a very big object to knock her head and her head broke to pieces and came back to the normal position. But the lady was still alive on earth. (1 Corinthians 6:9) CONFESS YOUR SIN AND FORSAKE IT AND JESUS WILL SAVE YOU. [SECRET SINNER] I saw some group of people, they too were chained down, those are the brothers and sisters in the church, that are committing masturbation, Lesbianism, homosexual or Gay, they were in a great pain spiritually, demons poured Acid on their body and they used spear to torment them and some demons used their tail to Beat them. (Luke 8:17). And the Lord told me "THEY ARE IN THE PIT OF CORRUPTION, TELL THEM TO REPENT BECAUSE I WILL JUDGE EVERY SECRET OF MEN" (Romans 2:16) (Hebrew 4:13).

[ALL SINNER] All sinners are in a great agony spiritually. Please repent and be saved because those demons knew the Truth but physically they never want you to know the truth but if you can Accept Jesus Christ into your life, he will deliver you. (2 Peter 3:9) [YOU SHALL BE FREE INDEED] And the Lord Said "LOOK AT THEM, MY SON I CAN NEVER CHANGE MY WORD, HE THAT COME TO ME SHALL BE SAVED" (Matthew 9:6-8) (John 5:24) and behold, I saw a wonderful thing, I saw many people among those who was chained down, their bondage began to lose and they were set free; and those demons could not be able to come near them and those People disappeared from that place. And i shouted hallelujah, O Lord please tell me the meaning? And the Lord said "HE THAT COME TO ME AND RECEIVED ME AS LORD AND SAVIOUR SHALL BE FREE INDEED" (John 8:36) and immediately that they were loosed, their BEAUTY CHANGE to a wonderful and indescribable Beauty. (Psalm 90:17) (2 Corinthians 5:17). If you too would give your life to Jesus Christ right now, you will be free and be loose from ALL spiritual bondage and you will become a NEW CREATURE. [THE HOUSE OF ROBERT BROWNELL] And the Lord took me to a place in Heaven, and I saw many big and beautiful houses, and the Lord said "IT BELONG TO THOSE WHO ARE WINNING SOULS TO MY KINGDOM, THOSE WHO ARE LEADING PEOPLE THROUGH THE NARROW WAY" and i said Lord i want to see the house of Robert Brownell (spiritlessons or manager) and the Lord said "MY SON,COME AND SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL THE ANGELS BUILD IT" and Behold i saw a very big and beautiful house, it was decorated with describable beautiful flower. And i was very happy because i have determined to see his house before i had 2nd encounter with Jesus Christ. [THE HOUSE OF PASTOR W.F KUMUYI] And i told the Lord, you have not shown me the house of PASTOR W.F KUMUYI, and the Lord said "OH MY SERVANT, HE ALWAYS HEARKEN TO MY WARNING, I MUST SHOW YOU SO THAT THE MESSAGE MIGHT GET TO HIM" and I SAW the house of Pastor W.F Kumuyi, his house was very high But still yet the angels continue Building on it. The house of Pastor W.F Kumuyi is not too far from the house of Pastor E. A Adeboye. [THE HOUSE OF PASTOR PAUL RIKA] And i told the Lord, that 'can you please give me the grace to see the house of Pastor Paul Rika (Holiness Revival Movement) and the Lord said "MY SON, ASK AND IT SHALL BE SHOW UNTO YOU, COME AND SEE IT" and the Lord pointed to a house and said "THIS IS THE HOUSE OF PASTOR PAUL RIKA" and i saw a big house and it was very Beautiful, and the angel was still building on it, and one of those angel shouted "WELL DONE FOR A GOOD JOB" and the angels began to decorated the house with flower, pears

and some wonderful things. [THE ARMY OF THE LORD] And the Lord said "MY SON,I HAVE PREPARED MY OWN ARMY,AND I WILL USE ALL MY POWER ON THEM,AND THEY WILL DELIVER MANY PEOPLE,THEY WILL CAST OUT DEMONS AND SET THE CAPTIVE FREE,THEY WILL DECLARE MY WHOLE COUNSEL, I WILL USED THE LITTLE CHILDREN'S MIGHTILY,I WILL USE MANY YOUTH FOR MY OWN GLORY AND EVERY ONE SHALL DECLARE THAT I AM THE LORD OF HOST; COME AND SEE THEM" and i saw many armies, even some look like a child of 4 years old, they were all ready for the work, and i heard a powerful voice saying "WHOM SHALL I SEND" and all those Armies of the Lord rose their sword up and shouted "SEND US,WE WILL GO" (Isaiah 6:8-10) And the Lord Began to smile, i cannot describe how wonderful his smile was. And the Lord said "TELL MY PEOPLE, I HAVE GIVEN THEM THE LAST MINUTE OF GRACE SO THAT THEY MIGHT REPENT AND NOT PERISH, RUN RIGHT NOW TO MY ROOM OF GRACE AND BE SAVED, and GO AND TELL THEM." (Revelation 3:20-22). .THE END. If you are ready to give your life to Jesus Christ, please go on your knee and pray the following prayer: LORD JESUS,I KNOW MY SELF AS A SINNER,I KNOW I WAS IN DARKNESS,BUT NOW AM READY TO DO WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO,PLEASE FORGIVE ME ALL MY SINS, WASH ME IN THE POOL OF YOUR BLOOD,HEAL ME, STRENGHTEN ME, EMPOWER ME,GIVE ME POWER OVER THE FLESH AND LET YOUR KINGDOM COME IN TO MY LIFE, WRITE MY NAME INTO THE BOOK OF LIFE AND LET THERE BE JOYFULNESS IN HEAVEN OVER THE SALVATION OF MY SOUL, AND USE ME FOR THE VERY GREAT OF YOUR MISSION,IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I PRAYED, AMEN. My Gmail: my yahoo: twitter: overcomers9 Facebook: Emmanuel Samsonjude mobile NO: +2347081710095 or +2347038404005 Thank God for this testimony. Be blessed as you read it.

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