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IPIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Ipil, Santa Cruz, Marinduque THIRD MONTHLY TEST English II Score:_____Rating:_____ Date:________________

Name:________________________ Year/Section:__________________

I. VOCABULARY: Directions: Encircle the letter of the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. _____1. The stranded family found a shelter against the raging wind. A. blowing softly B. blowing violently C. blowing with rain D. blowing under the heat of the sun _____2. The old woman closed her eyes and mumbled the incantation with lips hardly moving. A. angry words B. magic words C. words of praise D. words of greetings _____3. The Filipino guerillas were outnumbered by the well-armed American soldiers. Still, our ancestors remained unyielding. A. not winning B. not fighting C. not surrendering D. not weakening _____4. To earn additional income, Aling Marta bakes small cakes which her children peddle in the neighborhood. A. deliver B. exchange C. share D. sell _____5. People are hoping for a prosperous Philippines under the Aquino Administration. A. financially successful B. politically peaceful C, religiously united D. environmentally safe _____6. Rico was reprimanded by his father for playing truant. A. quarreling with classmates C. attending parties without invitation B. joining friends in games D. staying out of school without permission _____7. Militants were stopped by the police before they could carry out their sinister plan. A. creative B. evil C. mysterious D. cause-oriented _____8. The deafening roar of thunder and sharp flashes of lightning scared the children. A. inspired B. angered C. surprised D. frightened _____9. Carefully, the woman scraped the remaining rice off her own plate into her childs empty plate. A. dumped B. picked up piece by piece C. removed D. throw _____10. The hunters enjoyed their meal of newly-cooked rice and roasted venison. A. meet of deer B. meat of wild pig C. meat of eagle D. meat of cow II.READING COMPREHENSION/LITERATURE: Directions: Read the selection carefully to answer the questions that follow. Selection A Years and years ago, people told about a sickly young girl who loved the sun so much. The girl spent hours staring at it. She was happy to think that the suns light helped plants and animals grow strong and well. She knew that she could never be well herself. But everyday, the young girl went out to the meadow to take a nap in the afternoon sun. One afternoon, she didnt come back from the meadow and her worried family went looking for her. They tramped up and down, all over the meadow. When they finally came to the spot where the young girl had fallen asleep, they found a strange new flower. It was a large, bright yellow flower. All day long, it kept slowly turning toward the sun. Some people say that the sun grew to love the young girl and changed her into a flower so that she could look at the sun forever. _____11. What is the story all about? A. How to grow sunflowers C. Why theres a plant called sunflower B. What happens to sickly young girls D. Where to find strange new flowers _____12. Why did the girl like the sun? A. It gave her food. C. It loved young girls like her. B. It helped her family D. It made her feel warm and happy. _____13. What makes the sunflower different from other flowers? A. It grows in the meadow C. All day long, it kept slowly turning toward the sun. B. It has large, bright yellow petals. D. It was a girl changed by the sun to become a flower. _____14. How will the girls family feel about the sunflowers? A.They will love them. B. They will hate them. C. They will destroy them. D. They will avoid seeing them. _____15. What sensory impression is created in the following sentence? All day long, it kept slowly turning toward the sun. A. Smell B. Taste C. Touch D.Sight Test II. ELEMENTS OF POETRY _____16. The way a poem is arranged and looks on a page. a. Rhyme b. Imagery c. Sound d. Form _____17. It brings out the musical quality of language. It can also create mood and emphasized ideas.

a. Form b. Speaker c. Rhyme d. Theme _____ 18. It is the repetition of vowel sound. a. Alliteration b. Rhyme c. Assonance d. Imagery _____1 9. It is a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to an object, an animal, or idea. a. Simile b. Personification c. Metaphor d. assonance _____20. This is the message about life or human nature that the poet shares with the speaker. a. Theme b. Figurative Languagec. Speaker d. Symbol Test IV. Complete the following poem (21-30) AFRICAS PLEA Roland Tombekai Dempster I am not _____ But you will not Give me a _____, Will _____ let me be me. If I were you but _____ know I am not you, Yet you will not Let me be me. You _____, interfere In my _____ As if they were yours And you were me. You are unfair, unwise, _____ to think That I can be you, _____, act And think like you. God made me me. He _____ you you. For Gods sake Let me be _____. Test V. Underline the COMPLETE imperatives in the following lines from the song. (31-40) Lord, heal our land Father, heal our land Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You Lord, heal our land Hear us oh, Lord, and heal our land Forgive our sin and heal our broken land Lord, we vow our knee, we humble ourselves Humble ourselves and pray Lord, we seek your face and humble ourselves And turn from my wicked ways II. To what does each description refer. Who said each quotation? Write either T for tame bird and F for free bird on the blank. _____1. Lived in a cage _____2. Lived in the forest _____3. O my love, let us fly to the woods _____4. Among the bars, where is there room to spread ones wings? _____5. Ill teach you the speech of the learned _____6. no, oh, no! songs can never be taught. _____7. My darling,s ing the songs of the woodlands. _____8. Alas for me! I know not the songs of the woodlands. _____9. my wings are powerless and dead. _____10. I fear the closed doors of the cage.

IPIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Ipil, Santa Cruz, Marinduque THIRD MONTHLY TEST English IV Name:________________________ Score:_____Rating:_____ Year/Section:__________________ Date:________________ I. Match the sentences that follow with the figures of speech listed in the box. Write the letter on the blank. Some sentences do not use any figure of speech. a. metaphor b. simile c. personification d. hyperbole e. apostrophe f. not any _____1. By four oclock in the afternoon, jeepneys were darting through traffic like angry butterflies. _____2. Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is cash. Spend it wisely. _____3. Ill love you till the sun grows cold, and the stars are old. _____4. The Philippine candidate for Miss Universe is as lovely and talented as Lea Salonga. _____5. The thirsty hedges and parched grass; dream of a time when no road was. _____6. Slowly, silently, now the moon; walks the night in her silver spoon. _____7. Customs and fashions of men change like leaves in the bough when autumn comes. _____8. The setting sun amid the crimson clouds was a picture of sheer loveliness. _____9. Men should not talk of wasted love; for love is never wasted. _____10. O Fortune, Fortune! All men call thee fickle. II. Read these paragraphs and answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter. A. During those years, seeing an American in our town was like seeing a man from another plant. You had to rub your eyes hard to see if you were dreaming, and if you werent, it was still hard to believe.
- Celso Al. Carunungan, Hideoput for a Hero

_____1. When could the narrator see an American in his town? A. Now and then B. every month C. very seldom D. very often _____2. Which of the following sentences is a hyperbole? A. There was an American in our town. B. I saw an American in the street. C. Seeing an American was like seeing a man from another planet. D. One seldom saw an American in those years. B. I could not speak. There was a stone ion my throat and my heart was so overflowing with gladness that the words would not come out. But later that night, I told my father about Mikes promise, and he only smiled a kid of amused smile as if someone had told a nice joke. - Celso Al. Carunungan, Hideout for a Hero _____3. Tell what figure of speech is My heart was so overflowing with gladness that the words would not come out. A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Hyperbole _____4. What does the sentence mean? There was a stone in my throat. A. There seemed to be a lump in the speakers throat. C. He had a parched throat. B. He had swallowed a stone. D. He was hit by a stone. _____5. Which of the following sentences is an exaggeration? A. I did not speak. C. I told father about Mikes promise. B. He only smiled. D. MY heart was overflowing with sadness. C. He is indeed a friend who, in the gloom of my despondency would give me a push over the cliff and my suffering, which is his suffering. - Godofredo Rivera, Friend _____6. Which of the following is the most exaggerated? A. Would laugh with us C. would send me perfumes B. Too ready with counsel D. My suffering is his suffering _____7. Which best describes the phrase would give me a push over the cliff to end my suffering? A. A comparison B. a substitution C. a human quality D. an exaggeration _____8. What does the writer mean when he says his true friend would give him a push over the cliff? A. Push him over the cliff C. save him from suffering B. Make him suffer D. push him against his will D. You who would hereafter Understand my name Learn that mountain water Can ripple over flame. Angela Manalang Gloria, Mountain Pool _____9. According o the speaker what can ripple over flame?

A. The rain B. the ocean C. The river D. The spring _____10. Which of the following is not exaggerated? A. A few minutes would laugh with us. C. water can ripple over flame. B. I cried an ocean of tears. D. you would afterward know my name. III. Understanding Poetry: Read the poem below then answer the questions below with a word or a group of words. Building a temple 1 3 You are building a temple today Are its pillars of beauty and strength, Without sound of hammer or nail Entwined with truth, faith and love? Youre building it, day by day Will it totter or fall on the brink? Will the temple, you are building fail? Or stand in the mansions above?

You are building a temple today Just what will this building be? Are you building it just for today Or will stand through eternity?

Are you helping your brother today? To carry his weary load? Are you helping your sister along her way Or casting stones in her road? If youd build a temple today That will stand with the mansions above Then build it day by day For god with service and love

1. What word in the poem means building where people pray and worship? ___________________ 2. Which word means forever? ___________________ 3. What is a mansion? ___________________ 4 5. According to the author, what kind of pillars should be used in building a temple? ___________________, ___________________ 6 8. What three virtues should be entwined in building these pillars? ___________________, ___________________, ___________________, ___________________ 9. Which phrase in the fourth stanza expresses cooperation? ___________________ 10. Which line in the fourth stanza expresses noncooperation? Barter BY SARA TEASDALE Life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fire that sways and sings, And children's faces looking up Holding wonder like a cup.
3 1

Life has loveliness to sell, Music like a curve of gold, Scent of pine trees in the rain, Eyes that love you, arms that hold, And for your spirit's still delight, Holy thoughts that star the night.






Spend all you have for loveliness, Buy it and never count the cost; For one white singing hour of peace Count many a year of strife well lost, And for a breath of ecstasy Give all you have been, or could be. What does life contain according to the speaker? a. Holy thoughts c. loveliness b. Problems D. misfortune To what does loveliness refer? a. Blue waves and soaring fire c. all the children b. All the wonderful things in the world d. all living things To what does the speaker compare music? a. A curve of gold c. spirits delight b. A scent of pine d. star in the night What does the line Soaring fire that sways and swings suggest? a. Happiness c. boredom b. Wonder D. peace What idea does the author want to convey in the last stanza of the poem? a. Lifes gains and pains c. the cost of ones life b. The breath of ecastacy d. the importance of happiness

IV. match the following items in column A with its answer in column B Column A _____1. A figure of speech when an absent being is addressed _____2. A figure of speech used when animals and inanimate objects are given human characteristics _____3. This is the similarity of sounds at the end of two consecutive lines. _____4.It is the likeness of sound between two or more words. _____5. It is a non-sense verse of five lines. It is usually funny, silly, or ridiculous _____6. It is a poem consisting of seven lines and written in a shape of a diamond. The objective is to from the subject of the diamond to another totally different and sometimes the opposite subject at the bottom _____7. It is the repetition of the consonant sounds within the line _____8. It is the repetition of vowel sound within the line _____9. It is a seventeen syllable-poem of three lines arranged in lines of five, seven and five syllables. _____10. Composed a short unstressed syllable and a long or stressed syllable and it is the way most English-speaking people talk most of the time _____11. This is usually called a galloping rhythm _____12. This is described as a slow moving river. _____13. It is the repeated up and down movement of the voice in poetry. It is achieved by the metrical arrangement of stress and pauses. _____14. It is the repetition of a sound at or near the beginning of words in the line. The repeated sound may be a vowel or a consonant sound. _____15. is a figure of speech in which a part designates the whole object or idea, or the whole designates a part V. Classify the following literary works. Write them under their correct heading. Poetry Narrative Lyric Poetry

Column B A. Iambus B. Rhythm C. Consonance D. Limerick E. Dactyl F. Rhyme

G. Apostrophe H. Haiku I. Anapest J. End rhyme or terminal rhyme K. Personification L. Alliteration M. Synecdoche N. Assonance O. Diamante


Hamlet Song to Celia Othello

Florante at laura Romeo and Juliet Auld lang Syne

King Lear Beowulf How do I love Thee?

Lord randall Ode to a Grecian Urn Song of Hiawatha

Macbeth Mahabharata and Ramayana Break!Break!Break!

VI. Compose a Haiku on any subject of your choice. (Please follow the guidelines you have learned) (5 points)

IPIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Ipil, Santa Cruz, Marinduque THIRD MONTHLY TEST Grade 7 - English Score:_____Rating:_____ Date:________________

Name:________________________ Year/Section:__________________

I. READING COMPREHENSION: Read the selection carefully to answer the questions that follow. Write the letter corresponding your answer. GREEN PLANTS Plants and animals are living things that have common traits. But they have differences also. One difference between plants and animals is the ability of plants to manufacture their own food. This ability of plants to make their own food is what we call photosynthesis. Plants use light, chlorophyll, water and carbon dioxide to do this. There are four main groups of plants. They are : Thallophytes, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and the Spermatophytes. The simplest form of plants are the thallophytes. They are: algae, fungi, and Lichens. The most common form of fungi are bacteria which are of many different kinds. The bryophytes are the mosses and liverworts. The pteridophytes are ferns, horsetails and club mosses which are among the earliest plants on earth. The familiar plants that we around us are the spermatophytes. They are the trees, vegetables, shrubs and flowers. _____1. The selection is mostly about a.plants b. animals c. living things _____2. Plants have traits similar to animals. a. Yes b. no c. does not say _____3. The main idea of paragraph 3, is A. Difference between plants B. Main group of plants C. The food of plants _____4. Bacteria are plants A. Yes b. no c. does not say _____5. The word in paragraph 1, sentence 2 refers to A. Plants b. animals c. plants and animals _____6. The word in paragraph 2, that means the process used by plants to manufacture food is __________________________. _____7. Another word for manufacture is sentence 2, paragraph 2, is ____________________. 8-10. Give three things that plants need to manufacture food. 8.___________________ 9._____________________ 10._________________________ II. Getting Meaning From Context: Directions: On the space before each number, write the letter of the correct meaning of the underlined word. Use the context to help you decide. _____11. As he walked through the garden, Mary felt the brush of the wind on her cheek. A. Bushy tail b. light touch c. something used for painting _____12. One could tell Bobby that the clouds are made of white cotton. He is so gullible that hed believe you. A. Fond of animals b. clever c. easily tricked _____13. Please do not pretend to like my cooking, I want you to be candid and tell me what you really think about it. A. Honest b. dishonest c. cooked in sugar _____14. I dont know how you were able to jam all your clothes into that small suitcase. A. Squeeze into a small space b. lock accidentally c. become struck _____15. Do not spend all your money on clothes. You should be frugal if you want to save some money. _____16. We cant wait until tomorrow. The problem is acute so we must do something about it right away. A. Not important b. very serious c. hard _____17. Danny is trying to study under adverse conditions. The TV in the sala was blaring while his brother and sister were quarrelling in the next room. a.favorable b. unlikely c. unfavorable _____18. Water dripped very slowly from the small fissure in the roof. A. Hole b. crack c. table _____19. The water was so murky that we couldnt see anything in it. A. dark and muddy b. deep c. clear and shallow _____20. Robert was studying a facsimile of Mona Lizas painting. A. Necklace b. smile c. exact copy

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Grammar: Determining Sentence Function: Write the letter of the function of each of the following sentence. I need a new shirt Mommy. A. Ordering B. inquiring C. requesting D. describing Lets join the Alay-Lakad. A. Suggesting B. pleading C. reporting D. complaining Where is Editha? A. Commecnting B. scolding C. offering D. inquiring I did not mean to do it. A. Reporting B. narrating C. describing D. apologizing Turn to the left upon reaching the corner. A. Suggesting B. requesting C. directing D. offering Who do you think you are? A. Complaining B. commenting C. inquiring D. insulting You always find reasons not to do your work. A. Scolding B. apologizing C. requesting D. suggesting Miss, you gave me the wrong pair of shoes. A. Describing B. ordering C. narrating D. complaining Have mercy on us, Lord! A. Complaining B. offering C. pleading D. suggesting Classes are suspended because of the typhoon. A. Describing B. announcing C. suggesting D. apologizing Move faster! A. Ordering B. offering C. narrating D. announcing Go straight ahead until you reach the corner. A. Requesting B. suggesting C. directing D. describing Im really sorry I hurt your feelings. A. Offering B. apologizing C. complaining D. commenting Please give us another month to pay your rent. A. Suggesting B. complaining C. pleading D. apologizing How about accepting their offer? A. Asking B. suggesting C. complaining D. ordering

II. identify the following nouns as abstract or concrete. 1. Florist __________________ 2. Motorcycle __________________ 3. Creativity __________________ 4. Jealousy __________________ 5. Truck __________________ III. Write the plural form of the following nouns. 1. Alumna __________ 2. Crisis __________ 3. Woman __________ 4. Woman __________ 5. Echo __________ 6. Volcano __________ 7. Father-in-law __________ 8. Sky __________ 9. 10 __________ 10. B __________

6. Guidance 7. Dentistry 8. Pessimism 9. Exaggeration 10. Courage

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

11. Match 12. Monarch 13. Half 14. Belief 15. Scarf 16. Piano 17. Hero 18. Box 19. Bamboo 20. Curriculum

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

IV. Tell whether the following sentences are declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. __________1. Who marched in the parade? __________2. The soldiers marched in the parade. __________3. Soldiers, go march in the parade. __________4. How handsome the soldiers in the parade were? __________5. How hungry the child is? __________6. Did his mother leave him alone? __________7. The child is hungry. __________8. Feed him with bread and milk. __________9. Have you ever watched the moon rise? __________10. Yes, I have done that many times!

IPIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Ipil, Santa Cruz, Marinduque THIRD MONTHLY TEST IN ENGLISH III Name: ________________________________________ Score: ______________ Rating: ___________ Year & Section: _________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Test I. WORD MEANINGS. Choose the letter of the meaning of the underlined words in the sentence. Write only the letter of the correct answer. _____ 1. He was always quietly arrayed and gentle when he talked. A. kind B. adorned C. polite D. humble _____ 2. But still he fluttered pulses when he said Good morning. A. vibrate or beat rapidly B. smiled C. frowned D. loud voice _____ 3. The stars glittered at the sky. A. lighted B. scattered C. sparked D. dimmed _____ 4. The men worked on the pavement the whole day. A. a hard surface B. park C. Construction site D. house _____ 5. Peace is an idea that has become increasingly difficult to attain. A. a standard of perfection B. a spark of brilliance C. a model of virtue D. universal goal _____ 6. Some people can be so overcome by passion that they can no longer think straight. A. unquestionable eagerness B. Raging emotion C. ardent affection D. confusing feeling _____ 7. Love her for naught but for loves sake only. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything _____ 8. Love that is wrought carefully will not change with the passing of time. A. agreed upon reluctantly B. decidedly thoughtlessly C. made delicately D. planned completely _____ 9. People enjoy the temperate climate of Tagaytay. A. extremely cold B. Mild C. extremely hot D. very warm _____ 10. Do you believe that ever fair from fair sometimes declines? A. dies B. decreases C. losses its value D. very warm _____ 11. His love does not lose possession of that fair she owns. A. ownership B. right C. admiration D. monopoly _____ 12. Let those who are in favor with their stars boast. A. misfortune B. wishes C. Lucky D. wealth _____ 13. He was happy that he loved and beloved where could not be removed. A. he will not change or be jilted B. will die and forgotten C. will exit D. will come _____ 14. The famous warrior after a thousand victories might fail. A. die B. surrender C. fight D. defeated _____ 15. To whom fortune of such triumph bars unlooked for joy. A. unexpected happiness B. lonely C. surprised D. fear II. Whos Who. Identify the person that is described. ________ 16. Who possessed a passionate love to the nymph? ________ 17. Writer of Richard Cory _______ 18. Meet a rider accident and paralyzed at the age of 15. ________ 19. Greatest English poet in the renaissance period. ________ 20. Who wrote I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud? III. What figure of speech is used? (simile-metaphor-personification-irony-hyperbole) _____ 21. His love is not a summer that is too short and too hot. _____ 22. I wandered lonely as a cloud.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 29. 30.

That valleys, groove, hills and fields, woods or sleepy mountain yields. The waves beside them danced. The rivers run down to the sea. His wings were ragged bars of lead. I am so hungry I could eat a horse. The travelers stood as senseless as the acasia. Your thoughtful gift is sunshine on a cold lonely day. He is so humble that his brother is so proud of him.

Test IV. Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer. Column A Column B _____ 31. Poetry A. Sequence in which the rhyme occurs _____ 32. Imagery B. Recurring of words, phrases, lines or stanzas _____ 33. Alliteration C. A lyric poem of fourteen iambic lines _____ 34. Assonance D. A simple narrative poem often meant for signing _____ 35. Onomatopoeia E. A simple narrative poem often meant for singing _____ 36. Rhyme scheme F. Use of words which imitate sounds _____ 37. Repetition G. Repetition of initial consonant sounds _____ 38. Sonnet H. Repetition of initial vowel sounds in poetry _____ 39. Song I. A literary composition in verse form with rhyme, rhythm, end and stanza _____ 40. Ballad J. A language that appeals to the senses that creates vivid sensory experience to o the readers K. Similarity of ending sounds existing between two words. Test. V. Write the poem that you memorized (10 points)

Division of Marinduque IPIL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Ipil, Santa Cruz, Marinduque Third Monthly Test in AP III Name: _____________________________ Year/Section: _______________________ Score: ________Rating: _____ Date: _____________________

I. Pillin at isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa patlang na nasa unahan ng bilang.
_______ 1. Bumagsak ang Rome dahil sa _________. A. Pag-aalsa ng mga alipin C. pagsalakay ng mga babaro B. Digmaang sibil D. Krisis pangkabuhayan _______ 2. Sa konsehong ito pinili ang lungsod ng Rome bilang pangunahing diyosesis. A. Constantinople B. Nicea C. Avignon D. Madrid _______ 3. Anong bansa ang nanguna sa pagpapalawak ng mga lupain? A. England B. Spain C. Holland D. Portugal _______ 4. Anong kaganapan ang tumuligsa sa Simbahang Katoliko? A. Ekuminesmo B. Eskolatisismo C. Kontra-reporma D. Repormasyon _______ 5. Anong pangkat ng lipunan ang nagging makapangyarihan sanhi ng Rebolusyong Industriyal at Komersyal? A. Bourgeoisie B. Enkomedero C. Patrician D. Plebian _______ 6. Ano ang layunin ng kontra-repormasyon? A. Parusahan ang mga paring nagkasala C. Magtatag ng bagong simbahan B. Paunlarin ang simbahang katoliko D. Tulungan si Henry VIII _______ 7. Sino ang tinawag na Defender of the Faith? A. Elizabeth I B. Henry VIII C. Pope Gregory VII D. John Knox _______ 8. Sino ang manlalakbay na nakaimpluwensya sa mga Eurpeo na maglayag? A. Ferdinand MAggelan B. Marco Polo C. Amerigo Vespucci D. Chrsitopher Columbus _______ 9. Pagpapatawad at pag-alis ng kaparusahan sa isang kasalan habang ang nagkasala ay nabubuhay pa. A. Excommunication B. heresy C. indulhensya D. sining _______ 10. Pagtuligsa sa Simbahang Katoliko A. Kontra Repormasyon B. Repormasyon C. Scholasticism D. Schism _______ 11. Rebulosyong intelekwal simula sa kalagitnaan ng ika-16 na daantaon na nagpabago sa konsepto ng daigdig at mga bahgay na pantao. A. Humanismo C. Scholasticism B. Repormasyon D. Rebolusyiong Pangkalakalan _______ 14. Ito ang nagtatandha sa Hari ng England bilang pinakataas na pinuno ng Simbahan ng England. A. Peace of Augburry C. Thirty-nine articles B. Act of Supremacy D. Petition of Rights _______ 15. Sumulat ng Origin of Species A. Francis Bacon B. Thomas Aquinas C. Charles Darwin D. Johannes Kepler

Test II. Matching Type

Column A ____ 16. Merkatilismo Column B A. Makata ng mga makata

____ 17. Navigation Act ____ 18. Humanismo ____ 19. Francisco Petrarch ____ 20. William Shakespeare ____ 21. William Harvey ____ 22. Franks ____ 23. St. Thomas Aquinas ____ 24. October 31, 1517 ____ 25. Hildebrand ____ 26. Enero 3, 1521 ____ 27. Martin Luther ____ 28. Council of trent ____ 29. St. Ignacius de Loyola ____ 30. Inquisition

B. Ama ng Humanismo C. Pagbibigay-diin sa mga bagay na sekular D. Batas upang madagdagan ang salapi at kapangyarihan E. Sistemang pangkabuhayan, akumulasyon ng ginto at pilak F. Nakatuklas sa sirkulasyon ng dugo G. Unang pangkat barbaro na naging krsitiyano sa Europe. H. Sumulat ng Summa Theologica I. Pagkabit ng Luther ng Ninety-Five thesis J. Unang pangalan ni Pope F. Gregory VII

K. Pagsugpo sa mga salungat na paniniwala sa katolisismo L. Nagtatag ng Society of Jesus M. Kapulungan ng mataan na pinuno ng simbahan N. Nanguna sa repormasyong Protestante O. Pag-uutos ni Pope Leo X ng pag-aalis kay Luther sa simbahan P. Pagharap ni Luther sa kapulungan ng Diet of Worems

Test IV. Paghahanay A. B. C. D. Dalawang pangkat ng bourgeoisie sa Europa 31-32 Salik na nagpapalakas sa kapangyarihan ng hari sa Roma 33-36 Dalawang paniniwala kasabay ng pagsibong ng Renaissance 37-38 Salik sa pagsibol ng Rennaissance 38-40

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