Website Evaluation Form: Authority

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Website Evaluation Form

1. Type out the URL (web address) for the website you evaluated: 2. Select the type of web page you are evaluating look at the end of the URL (web address). .com = commercial .edu = educational .gov = government .org = non-profit organization Select YES or NO for the following questions. Use your best judgment to determine if your website is a good fit for all second graders.

Is the authors name easily located on the page? Does the author provide contact information, email or a way to make comments or ask questions? Does the author provide source information (bibliography) where necessary? According to the details provided, does the author appear qualified to present information on the topic?



Does the game provide accurate answers for the problems that are solved/ not solved Are there obvious errors (spelling, grammar, etc)?

Being (Purpose)
Is the purpose of this site clear, whether to educate, persuade, entertain or sell? Select what the PURPOSE of this site is: entertain Does the site fulfill its purpose?

Is the sponsor of the site clearly identified? Does the source enrich the readers experience rather than promote social biases (gender, racial, religious)? Is advertising kept to a minimum?

Adapted from Lufkin High Schools ABCs of Evaluation Form

Is the title of the site appropriate to its purpose? Is there enough information to make visiting this site worthwhile? Were there enough problems so that you felt challenged and engaged?

Can the target audience or intended user understand the information as presented? (Did you understand the directions to the game) Are the graphics appropriate and relevant to the topic?

Is the last modified or updated date provided? Is the most recent revision or copyright date appropriate for the content? Are the links to other sites current and working properly?

Is the text easy to read and not cluttered with distracting graphics, fonts and backgrounds? Is the material presented in a clear, orderly manner? Is the site easy to use? Are there links to navigate between pages? Is it easy to return to the main page, or the homepage for the website?

Rate the quality and usefulness of this web site.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ____________________________________________________________________ Not Useful Useful Extremely Useful

Adapted from Lufkin High Schools ABCs of Evaluation Form

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