Sacred Heart Catholic School News - 05-20-2013

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Sacred Heart Catholic School News

Mission Statement - Sacred Heart

Catholic School is dedicated to
educating children through high
academic and moral standards in a
faith-based setting. We achieve this
goal through collaboration with
our families, parish, and local
May 23 Spring Concert-gr. 2,4, 6,8
May 24 Track/Field gr. 1-4
May 27 No School
May 29 - Rosary Service 10:00
May 30 Awards Day 8:00 a.m. -
May 30 Donalds Uniform Sale 2-5
May 31 - Last Day 8th Gr.
June 3 8
Grade Graduation Mass
6:30 p.m.
June 4 Track/Field gr. 5-7
Kinder Program 12:30 p.m.
June 5 Dismissal 11:00 a.m.

MAY 20, 2013
Principals Corner
Beai Paients,
The stuuents have staiteu to count uown the iemaining uays left of school! This school yeai
has flown by anu finally spiing is heie. 0ui NWEA NAP testing is finisheu anu we will have
iesults soon, the stuuents aie iunning the mile iun, anu piepaiing foi theii last chaptei tests in
many subject aieas.
!"#$%&"'()))*+),-+!.,)#/0)1")23'%)3%)#/44)&/045 Please help youi chilu iemembei to
weai mass unifoim. Remembei too, that Socks Nust Be Woin eveiyuay with anyall shoes.
In this newslettei, you will finu infoimation about many upcoming events:
Stuuents in giaues 2, 4, 6, 8, anu banu will be peifoiming. 0ui 8
giaueis will be peifoiming
the play "Bon't Stop Believing". Remembei attenuance is manuatoiy foi those stuuents listeu.
This is pait of the music giaue.
Biess ieheaisal is also Thuisuay at 11:4S a.m. All welcome.
S. J$1'/'0)9H34"&IKHH)133G4)&="
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S. Weunesuay, Nay 29)))!34/'0),"'N$:" 1u:uu a.m. Chuich
6. Thuisuay, Nay Su)))K2/'&4)M/0 8:uu a.m. uym
7. Thuisuay, Nay Su)))M3%/H&O4)P%$Q3'#),/H"))@(ACIR(AC)75#. uym
Puichase youi school unifoims foi next yeai. Bonalu's peisonnel will be piesent to help with sizing.
8. Fiiuay, Nay S1 J/4;)&/0)S
9. Nonuay, }une S S
1u. .="4&/0>)T=%")F)))))U$%&"')7'38'/# 12:Su p.m. Chiluien go home with paients
11. Tuesuay, }une 4 .'/:G)/%&)E$"H&>)8'5)RIL 9:uu-noon
12. Weunesuay, }une S Last uay foi gi. 1-7 Bismissal at 11:uu a.m.
Nis. Anueison has ueciueu to leave Sacieu Beait Catholic School to puisue othei job
oppoitunities. We have been tiuly blesseu to have Nis. Anueison teaching in 1
giaue foi six
yeais. We will miss hei kinu, patient teaching style anu ueuication to Sacieu Beait!
W3'G)/8'""#"%;4 weie uistiibuteu to staff this week anu they aie uue back veiy soon. At
this time, teacheis have not been assigneu to a specific giaue level. We aie missing many
tuition contiacts fiom families so at this time, we aie unsuie if cuiient classiooms of two will
be one classioom oi two. 0nce oui numbeis aie moie stable, we will assign each teachei to a
giaue. Please be patient as the teacheis anu I move thiough this piocess. We aie blesseu to
have teacheis that aie flexible.
As you wrap up the 2012-2013 school, please remember:

Tuition and fundraising is paid in full

Library books and textbooks turned in

Athletic uniforms in

Lunch accounts paid in full

Report cards will be held in the school ofce until the above requirements are met.
Summer Classes at Sacred Heart this summer
1. Summer with Mrs. Engel---Magic Melted Glass
June 25-27 (T, W, Th) 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Sacred Heart art room 3 sessions $75 payable to SHCS
Grades 4-8 (grade completed in 2012-2013)
Create kiln formed fused glass art. Projects include jewelry, dishes, tiles, decorative hanging objects,
animal creations and garden art. Course fee includes all materials and kiln rings. Projects will be
available for pick up in mid-July. Wear closed toed shoes.
2. Summer with Mrs. Engel-Messy Art
June 25-27 (T, W, Th)
Sacred Heart art room Grade 4-8
1:00 -4:00 p.m. 3 sessions $65 payable to SHCS
Each day we will get messy with different art techniques. Projects include: painting, printmaking, collage,
mosaic cement stepping stones, and tie-dye. Wear closed toed shoes and clothes that can get dirty with
3. Reading and Math Bridging with Mrs. Milliren and Mrs. Gooley
Summer Bridges will take you across the summer! The math bridge will promote number concepts in the
form of exciting hands on activities, brain-teasers, logic problems and games. A variety of skills will be
focused on such as probability, algebra, addition and subtraction to name a few. The literacy bridge will
promote hearing a variety of stories from various genres, making fun art and craft projects and playing
games.! Some examples of skills we will focus on are vocabulary, high frequency words, phonics,
comprehension, writing and uency.!!! Cross over with us to the new school year!
Session 1 July 15-18 9:30-12:00 p.m. Grades K-2 (grade just completed)
Session 2 July 22-25 9:30-12:00 p.m. Grades K-2 (grade just completed)
Cost: 1 session = $85 Both sessions= $160
From the ofce of Amanda Olson
Box Tops!!
Don't forget that!Tuesday,!May 21 our refunders will be here at Sacred Heart, clipping, counting and
preparing our Box Tops, Soup Labels, Milk Caps and Bread Labels. This will be the last time we send these
in for the current school year. As a reminder...the winning class (class that brings the largest amount)!gets
an extra recess with Mrs. Olson at Triangle Park! WooHoo! We have done such a good job this year and will
be sure to let you know our Grand Total that we redeem from all of these great programs! Thank You!!
Student of the Month -!
We would like to congratulate our Middle School!Students of the Month for May -!
6th Grade - Jonathan Clark-Harrer
7th Grade - Dylan Frye
8th Grade - Rhiannon Beaner
These students were chosen by their MS teachers for their excellence in academics, behavior, respect to
fellow students and overall effort to be great!examples of what we want our Middle School students to
aspire to be.! Congratulations!!
Beer and!Wine Tasting Volunteers needed- July 10 and 11
My favorite event to volunteer for is the, "Taste for Learning!" Beer and Wine Tasting that SHCS puts on annually!during
Whiz Bang Days! I would love for you to volunteer with me! We set up and do some preparation on Wednesday night
and the event is Thursday night. It is always a fun time and a great way to help our school. Even though it is during the
summer, the hours count towards your 2013-2014 school year volunteer hours. These will not be posted on Dibs until
end of June, 2013. Come and join me! If you are interested email Amanda Olson at
Order forms are being sent home today for yearbooks.
Last year, they sold out, so be sure to get your order(s) in right away!
The cost is $17 and checks can be made out to:! Sacred Heart Catholic School
From the desk of Lori Jandl, athletic director
First of all I would like to thank Brian Richard's, Mike Burkowski, and Charlie Knaeble for their efforts in coaching our
boys baseball team.! Thanks so much!!
Secondly, I would like to thank Lee and Greg Beaner for all their work on the Athletic Banquet.! It was a very nice event
and I couldn't have done it without your help.! The video was amazing!! Thanks to those who helped set up, serve, and
clean up as well.! A special thanks to Mike Burkowski, Tiffany Cain, Joe Lenzmeier for all their help the night of the
,=##"')U$&4)9H=1-Infoimation iegaiuing oui summei piogiam is now available. We aie open }une 1u-August 2S
. Baily
iate of $Su.uuuay. Full anu pait time available.
Aie you missing wintei clothing, unifoims, lunch boxes, back packs, textbooks, etc.. 0ui lost & founu is heaping. Items left
will be uonateu to chaiity.

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