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Subject/Time: P.E. Bumping

Name: Danielle Dummel Overview

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards.

Date: 9/7/12

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? What are the Students Doing?
Do Now (3-5 minutes):

Teacher directs students to TV for Do Now (Commitment Video)

Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda Today you will be able to demonstrate commitment during all P.E. activities by performing skills safely and respectfully, on time, and by following all directions. We will begin our lesson with the Warm up, Review our Objectives, practice the skill of bumping and then participate in some team bumping activities. Before we leave, we will review todays lesson and the word of the week.

Students follow Ts lead and are listening for further directions. Students are at a level 0, hands are at their sides, watching Commitment Video.
Students are standing in the ready position, hands at their sides on the speaker at a level 0, listening to the T.

I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): Check for Understanding:

I will demonstrate the first activity of proper bumping techniques: -Knees bent -Arms flat -Bump CFU- What is proper bumping form? I will demonstrate and describe the first practice activity. (Students partner up and practice bumping to a partner. One partner starts on one line and tosses the volleyball, and the other partner starts on the other line ready to bump, they will switch each time focus will be on form and accuracy) CFU- WISG, where will you stand? What are your goals for the first activity? I will demonstrate and describe the next activity of challenges with the partners (Try to keep the ball going with both partners bumping to each other). CFU- WISG, what form will you use? What is your goal for this activity? I will demonstrate the group activity (Split students up by lines 1 line goes to the other end of the court and the other line goes to the other end of the court. They will form circles and practice bumping to each other across the circle trying to keep it in the air counting will
Students will respond to questions verbally regarding the checks for understanding.

Students are watching demonstrations at a level 0 in the ready position and listening for further directions.


allow for competition with other team) CFU- WISG, what is the goal of the activity? What form will you use? What will help make your team successful?

Objective(s) SWBAT:

We Do Guided Practice: Check for Understanding: Teacher asks for help with demonstration of each activity and provides feedback while students demonstrate. Students demonstrate activities; practice activities with each other showing safe procedures and respect. Students respond to teacher feedback respectfully.

SWBAT Demonstrate commitment to their teammates/teachers by following all directions and staying on task throughout the activities.
Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: Volleyball Bump Form Commitment

You Do Independent Practice: Check for Understanding: Teacher tells students to begin challenges (partner and group) Teacher provides feedback when needed, but allows students independent practice with bumping. Students practice skills through partner activity and group activity. Students encourage each other and show commitment to the activity by following directions and staying on task.

Modifications/ Accommodations Distance adjustments Technique adjustments (if needed)

Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: Teacher discusses with students the word of the week. Teacher asks students to provide definition of word of the week (commitment). Students respond to teachers Q/A by raising his/her hand with eyes on the speaker.

Materials & Technology Volleyballs (1 per pair)

Closing/Preview for next lesson: Review lesson objectives and word of the week. Provide an example sentence John showed commitment to his team when he showed up to every single practice on time and ready to play. Next week will be focusing more on strategies in volleyball!


PLAY 60 Minutes!

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