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Name: Danielle Dummel Overview

Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards.

Subject/Time: Badminton

Date: March 2013

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? What are the Students Doing?
Do Now (3-5 minutes): Teacher facilitates discussion about the word of the week (Courage) and directs students to TV for Do Now Video. Warm Up State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda Good Morning, today we are going to begin our Badminton Unit. Our objective today is to use proper form during badminton activities. We will begin class with a quick video and our warm up, then after my explanation we will get into partners and begin practicing serves, with a partner, and finally we will have a serving team challenge. We will finish up class with a review of todays lesson. I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): Check for Understanding: GRIP I will demonstrate the first activity of proper grip of the racquet. - Hold the racquet with your nondominant hand - With your dominant hand, hand shake the racquet making a V with your thumb and index finger - Loose (fingers) but firm grip (your fingers are slightly spread apart, not a fist) - In your fingers, not your palm. - CUES: Hand shake, V, Fingers CFU of Grip Technique: - How should you grip the racquet? - Why would it be important to hold the racquet firmly, but keeping your fingers somewhat loose? SERVE I will demonstrate serving technique. - Shoulder needs to be pointing towards the net - Your feet are staggered and the weight is on your back foot - As the birdie is released begin to shift your waist and weight forward. (With a relaxed wrist, transfer weight forward with a smooth swing) - CUES: Shoulder, Stance, Shift Students are watching demonstrations at a level 0 in the ready position and listening for further directions. Students follow Ts lead and are listening for further directions. Students are at a level 0, hands are at their sides, watching Commitment Video.

Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Students are standing in the ready position, hands at their sides on the speaker at a level 0, listening to the T.

Students will respond to questions verbally regarding the checks for understanding. Hand shake make a V, Fingers It would be important to hold the racquet this way because it allows you to move your wrist easily for different shots.


Weight CFU of Serve: - What are the cues for serving in badminton? - Why would the serving technique be one of the most important skills in badminton? Practice Serve: I will demonstrate the practice serving activity. Students will be in partners standing across from each other. Each pair will have one birdie and one racquet. The focus of the first activity will be to focus on the technique of serving. Partner A will serve to Partner B 5 times from the same distance then switch. On my cue, Partner B will back up. Partner A will serve to Partner B from a further distance 5 times then switch. On my cue, Partner B will back up once more. Partner A will serve to partner B 5 times then switch. The goal is to hit your partner directly. - Extension: move Partner B from side to side CFU of Practice Activity: - What are we focusing on during this activity? - When do you switch? - Why are we moving the distance further back each time? Culminating Activity: ACCURACY Challenge I will demonstrate the final activity after students have practiced serving. The Accuracy Challenge will be a team game. The groups will consist of 4-5 students depending on class size. The students will each have 1 racquet and 5 birdies per team. The groups will be in single file lines facing the center of the gym. The first challenge will be to be the first team to get all of their birdies into a hoola hoop. Once a team wins, then we will congratulate them and discuss how they were successful. The hoola hoops will be moved back or from side to side for each round. - When a student makes it into the hoop, they leave it. - When a student misses the hoop, they safely pick up the birdie and hand it to the next person in line. - When all team members have made the birdies into the hoop they will raise their hands. CFU for Challenge:

Shoulder to net, stance (feet staggered), shift weight (swing smooth) Serving can help you score or serving gives you possession of the play, etc.

Serving Technique After 5 serves, on cue Practice serving, you wont serve to the same place every time, strategy in badminton


Objective(s) SWBAT:

What is object of this challenge? After you make it what do you do? If you miss it, what do you do? If your team gets all the birdies into the hoop what do you do? Why would it be important to focus on accuracy when serving? How can we display championship attitude during the game?

be the first team to get all the birdies into the hoop. Pick it up, hand it to the next person Raise hands Accuracy is important for success in badminton Be encouraging, never give up, tell others nice try or good job, win with class, etc.

We Do Guided Practice: Check for Understanding: Teacher asks for help with demonstration of each activity and provides feedback while students demonstrate. Students demonstrate activities; practice activities with each other showing safe procedures and respect. Students respond to teacher feedback respectfully.

SWBAT use proper striking form while practicing badminton swing techniques.

Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: Grip Courage Birdie Badminton

You Do Independent Practice: Check for Understanding:

Teacher tells students to begin challenges (partner and group) Teacher provides feedback when needed, but allows students independent practice with bumping.

Students practice skills through partner activity and group activity. Students encourage each other and show commitment to the activity by following directions and staying on task.

Modifications/ Accommodations Distance adjustments Technique adjustments (if needed)

Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: Teacher discusses with students the word of the week. Teacher asks students to provide definition of word of the week and to use the word in a sentence. Courage Students respond to teachers Q/A by raising his/her hand with eyes on the speaker. I showed courage by making the right decision when I was tempted to do the wrong thing.

Materials & Technology Badminton

Closing/Preview for next lesson: Review lesson objectives and word of the week. Provide an example sentence You can show courage by doing what is the right thing to do, even when it may be hard not to choose the wrong way. Next class we will be focusing different badminton shots, including forehand, backhand, overhead and begin practicing returning shots.


PLAY 60 Minutes!

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