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Controlled Stop

1. The examiner will ask you to pull over in a Safe, Convenient, And Legal Place (SCALP) and ask you to complete a controlled stop manoeuvre. 2. He will show you the signal he will use and ask you to bring the car to a controlled stop when he gives it. When permitted, move off using the Prepare, Observe and Move routine 3. He'll check over his shoulder a few times, then, when it's safe, he'll give you the signal. 4. You must not look in your mirrors. It wastes time. 5. You must move your right foot as quickly as possible, onto the brake pedal and apply firm pressure. He's watching for your speed of reaction and that you don't stamp down causing a skid. 6. Just before the car stops, you must put the clutch down, so the car does not stall. 7. Once at a complete stop, you must put the hand brake on and select neutral. 8. The examiner will then tell you he won't ask you to do that again and for you to proceed. 9. You must then check all around the car, both blind spots, and check it's safe before you move off. Prepare, Observe and Move.

Reasons for Failure Slow reactions; like a normal stop; footbrake/ clutch used in a manor likely to cause a skid; handbrake used before stopping; Both hands off the wheel.

With all of the next 4 manoeuvres it is important to: SET UP YOUR SAFETY ZONE!, If anything moves into it, STOP!, Are they happy to wait or are they in a hurry? Happy? Concentrate and finish off the job. In a Hurry? Sit still and let them go.

Keep calm! Other experienced drivers will appreciate that if you rush any manoeuvre you will end up taking longer and run the risk of hitting something or someone. Therefore, if traffic appears once you have started any manoeuvre, you will usually find that they give you priority. Under no circumstances allow yourself to be hurried when doing these exercises.

Turn in the road

This is the only manoeuvre where you can wave anyone past.
1. The examiner will ask you to pull over in a SCALP and ask you to complete a Turn in the Road manoeuvre. 2. Take up a position like you were parking the car (A), to allow as much room as possible for the manoeuvre.

3. Set up your safety zone. 4. Prepare. Observe. Move. 5. Get the car moving forward as slowly as you can and turn full R lock before you reach the centre line. 6. At the centre line, check to the left and right. Be careful of the camber. You may have to change feet from gas to brake. 7. Using your reference point at 1 metre before the kerb, turn full L lock and stop before you bump the kerb (B) using your next ref point 8. Hand brake on and into reverse. 9. Full 360 check starting on your right and ending by looking out of the rear window. 10.Hand brake off and move back until 1metre from the kerb using your reference point turn full R lock. Check your zone and look out rear passenger window. 11.Stop before you bump the kerb (C )by using your last reference point 12.Hand brake and neutral. 13.Full 360 check before moving off and taking up a normal driving position or parking at the kerb (D).

Reasons for Failure

Rushed; stalling; poor co-ordination of clutch and gas; not using the Handbrake; incorrect steering; mounting or bouncing off the Kerb; uncontrolled footbrake or gas; more moves than needed; lack of observation before and during the manoeuvre; danger or inconvenience to others; looking but not acting on what's seen.

Reverse into a Bay

Method 1. The Easy Way To the left:

1. The examiner will ask you to pick a bay and reverse into it. 2. Position your car about half a meter out from the end of the bay with your L door mirror just past the last line of the bay 3. Set up your safety zone. 4. Complete 360 observation. 5. Get the car moving as slowly as possible and turn full R lock. 6. Observe all round the car, and wait until you reach 45deg. Check your L door mirror. 7. Wait until the line comes into view and comes close to the side of the car then turn back to straight. 8. Stop. Hand brake. Reverse.

9. Observe all around the car as you move back, looking mostly out the rear window. 10.Move the car slowly back until you reach the line and turn 1 full turn L. Check to see if you are central in the bay and adjust. 11.Checking in the L door mirror and out the front window, wait until just before the car is on line with the bay. 12.Turn back to straight and look out of the L rear passenger window for how far back to go. 13.Stop. Hand brake. Neutral.

For a bay on the right, do opposite of the above. Reasons for failure
Rushed; poor co-ordination of controls; incorrect course; too wide or too close to parked car; lack of effective observations before and during; danger or inconvenience to others; not using the Handbrake; not finishing exercise correctly.

Method 2 1. The examiner will ask you to reverse into a bay 2. Position your car one and a half meters out from the end of the bay line 3. Make sure you stop far enough past the bay to be able to move onto your turning point when you reverse 4. Set up your safety zone 5. Complete 360 observation 6. Move slowly back until you reach your mark and briskly turn full Left lock. 7. Observe all round the car as you move back, looking mostly out of the rear window. 8. Checking in the L door mirror and out the front window, wait until just before straight. 9. Turn back to straight and look out of the L rear passenger window for how far back to go. 10.Stop. Hand brake. Neutral.

For a bay on the right, do opposite of the above. Reasons for failure Rushed; poor co-ordination of controls; incorrect course; too wide or too close to parked car; lack of effective observations before and during; danger or inconvenience to others; not using the Handbrake; not finishing exercise correctly.

Parallel Park
1. The examiner will ask you to pull over in a SCALP, and ask you to complete a parallel park manoeuvre behind the car up ahead. 2. Set up your safety zone. 3. Prepare, Observe, Move.

4. Move your car forward and stop about half a meter out from the object car, with L door mirror on line with the front of the object car. 5. Hand brake. Reverse. 6. Complete 360 observation R to L so you end up looking out of the rear window.

7. If clear, move the car back until the rear of the target car reaches the rear window reference point on your car. Stop or clutch down. 8. Check to your Right as the car will move outwards when you turn 1 full turn to the Left. 9. Looking out the back window, make the turn and while sweeping your head back and forward to check your R blind spot, watch for the triangle appearing in your L door mirror. 10.When that appears, 1 full turn to the Right. This means you are moving straight back towards the kerb. 11.While sitting up in your seat, wait until the door handle reaches the kerb. 12.When it touches, 1 full turn to the right watching your proximity to the kerb 13.and adjust to suit. 14.As your front wheel nears the kerb, look to your front and just before you 15.reach being straight, 1 full turn to the Left to allow you to run parallel to the 16.kerb. 17.Look out the rear window and stop where necessary. Hand brake. Neutral.

Reasons for failure Rushed; poor co-ordination of controls; incorrect course; too wide or too close to parked car; lack of effective observations before and during; danger or inconvenience to others; not using the Handbrake; not finishing exercise correctly; touching or mounting the kerb; more than 1ft out from the kerb.

Left Reverse
1. The examiner will ask you to pull over in a SCALP, and ask you to reverse into the road on the left ahead. 2. Set up your safety zone. 3. Prepare. Observe. Move. 4. Look into the road you are reversing into and assess for any problems (Camber etc.) as you pass.

5. Wait until you're past the junction if a signal is required. Pull up using your reference point, about half a meter m out from the kerb and stop with the full junction in view. 6. Set your ref point for straight reverse on back window ledge 7. 360 deg Observation R to L so you end up looking out the rear window. 8. Straight reverse until the spot in the rear window touches the GiveWay' line. 9. Observations all around then turn the steering just over half a turn L. 10.Check your progress in the L door mirror and adjust as neccessary. Remember to steer the way you want the car to go. 11.Observe all round every half car and keep checking progress in L door mirror. 12.Just before your straight reverse reference point arrives at its position on the back ledge, begin to turn R and line your reference point onto the kerb. 13.Straight reverse, observing all round as you go, until you pass the 4 line marker or to a SCALP. 14.Stop. Hand brake. Neutral. Reasons for failure Rushed; stalling; poor co-ordination of controls; incorrect course; touching or mounting the kerb; incorrect steering; too wide or too close (not realised); lack of effective observations before and during; danger or inconvenience to others; looking but not acting on what's seen.

Right Reverse
1. The examiner will ask you to pull over in a SCALP, and ask you to reverse into the road on the Right ahead. 2. Set up your safety zone. 3. Prepare. Observe. Move. 4. Stop about half a meter out from the kerb. Hand brake on. 5. 360 deg check. Left to Right. 6. Looking out of rear window, set your reverse reference point. Reverse until the kerb disappears.

7. Change view to L rear passenger window and hold distance from the kerb using your reference point. 8. As the corner straightens out, Look out of rear window, move the car to your reverse reference point. 9. Keep reversing until you are 6 to 7 car lengths back so you have room to cross back to the correct driving position. 10.Stop. Handbrake on. 11.Prepare. Observe. Move. 12.Pull over to left side of the road into the correct driving position. Reasons for failure Rushed; stalling; poor co-ordination of controls; incorrect course; touching or mounting the kerb; incorrect steering; too wide or too close (not realised); lack of effective observations before and during; danger or inconvenience to others; looking but not acting on what's seen. At the end of all the manoeuvres, examiner will tell you to move off when you're ready. Don't forget, YOU MUST, Prepare. Observe. Move.

Dave Phillipson Driving School

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